(STgai Tjjjfi .1 ifTM laSl ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AIC.UST 2."), l!)2l. ;no. 17 NO RELIEF EVEN IN DEATH. T'"m iiiHiW'"- "www Wll'im mi n Net Contents ISFluid Pfaohnffl .it ISff li r.nllll.-a PKH UENI. AVe4etbtefrcpretlon6fAi t)n4theStomsirfBwJ'' Thereby rromoMDiW" ijiernuinirsjiuivn'-- neither Oplam,Mprplwl,i llneral.NoTNAHCOTW Norm .lW Ituttrifi 1 L.l..f.,IPrmdvlbf ConMipalionandDUiT Ircsuttinfroni!!1' fac Simile Si4n2i NEW TUWi GiilORIi For Infanta find" Children. Mothers Know Thai Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of Exact Copy of Wrapper. CiY- I WW V,r l For Over Thirty Years cASToma We Are Closing Out All Our Summer fw art T e mm At Extreme Bargain Prices A good time to replenish the summer wardrobe with the garments needed to finish out the balance of the hot weath er season. A. L. SWtmCK, The Busy Store. WELDON, N C mm mm mm mm mm KM mm mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. GOOD GROCERIES build up thesysiem, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re rults. Our prices make you think, Call in to see us. L. E.HULL, Near Bttchelor'i Opera Houss, WELDON, N.C THE Ml OF H4LIF4X, ORGANIZED 1906 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management ntcn nas marKea us success in me past. iour Bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. quentln OregoryV rresiaeat S. M. Uary, Vloe-Prasldent. P. H. Ureter? Cashier. Profiteering; Claimed to Have Spread to the Undertaker and the Cemetery Manager. Exploitation even at the side of the grave! Birth has long been regarded as a cosily occasion, sometimes the occasion of profiteer ing. Diseases during infancy af ford further opportunities for tak ing advantage of people's igno rance. Child labor and other ills seizes upon the youth almost be fore he enters adolescence, and fraudulent schemes of education nuy carry him into maturity. Adult lite, of course, is a long stretch of abuses. Our food, our shelter, our clothes, our leisure some where we are almost certain to pay the penalty of living; many of us regard ourselves as underpaid. If we attempt to fly from these de mands of exorbitancy the loan shark grins outside the door. Old age creeps upon us with leering malevolence. From the cradle on ward we are harried. And now comes death to add its finishing touch of trickery, writes Winthrop D. Lane in the Literary Review of Quincy L. Dowd's "Funeral Man agement and Costs." St. Paul's question has been answered. The sling of death lies in its cost; the victory of the grave belongs to the undertaker aud the cemetery man ager. "We bargain for the graves we lie in." PLENTY FOR A STARTER. "Where is Jimmy?" asked the head of the house, coming home from work. "He was very naughty," re plied his wife. "1 sent him to bed for swearing." "Swearing?" roared the indig nant father. "I'll teach him to swear!" and he rushed upstairs. For some minutes the indignant parental voice resounded through the house and Jimmy's mother called: "John, dear. I'm sure Jimmy has heard enough for the first lesson." The Citizens Bank HAI ifax. n. c. W E Invite the people ol Halifax and surrounding; country to pat roniie tbll But. I.. V hy not have a checking account ? It r necessaiy In these times. It saves yi u n oney, and you have a re celot aiainat payments to your crtdltors. Besides It gives you a atandlnt- In your community. V e have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention. a the .argest wltb us. We pay 4 per cant. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Come Jn mo4 taUc it over wit us. We need you, yon need . WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered Until Sot Tried Ctrdui. Saji "Rtiuh Wu Surpminf," Get Aloif Fine, Becuu) Norms ud Healthy. nrlnaflsld Me. "Mr back wis ea wtk I could hardly stand up, and I would hare bearing-down palm and was not vail at any teas," eajra Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife ot a well-known larmar on Route t, this place. "I ktpt getting btadachM and, baring ty to bad." contlnuea Mra. Williams describing I ha troubles from which aha obtained relief through the uae of Cardul. "Mr huaband, having heard of Cardut, propoaad catting It (or me. 1 aaw art.ir taking some inraui , that I wild lmprorlng. The remit wai aurprlalng. I (elt Ilka a different parion. 'Later I auffaraa from weagneee and weak bark, and talt all run-down. I did not rest well at ntgnt, I waa ao narroua and cross. My huaband aald, ha would gat ma some Cardut, which he did. It atrengthened ma ... My doctor said I got along fine, I was tq good health? condition, ) euto( ear too much for It" Thousands of women hare autferad aa Mrs. Wllllama deacrlbea, until they found relief from the use of Cardul. Since It has helped ao many, gov should not hesitate to try Cardul UJ troubled with womanly allmenta. for aala everywhere. 11 Make Your Own Soap! f Saves Dollars! Ljj J Keep the kitchen greaie you nor? wsitt and initke soap of it with IM Devil Lv.l Better and purer tot thin you can buy J to ineipeiuive. Dollar1! Worth From a Canf ul For the men price of i canf ul of Lye you get pure soap worth front 10 cent, to a dollar I Howe Melt to contains gfl f la: itstrwrtl glycfi anal ta frc (root. tk adulKrantd m nSUsHM la IftCtOfy eMtto aeMp. Follow Plain DLrectMMit On Each Can t ctowf Rei Drrtl L. lkt valic rotir noner cu buy. Hiadr tittcr-tof RCCDt mMCMi tUII MfCngUI aar.4 ready M ue without trait. Clru dtrfdlofli lot ajgjr-DUkuif rally itrca cvtryaa. Um It K4ar. !edDevil1ye Sure is Strong M..iIMfer. fer WM. SCHIKLD Mf'O. CO. r. Laoit, mu, a. a a. KIALWI TiandTUDE THERE is no reason why there should be one standard for tires and another standard for lubes. When the makers of Hartford Tires put their name on a tube it stands for 100 Hartford quality and must carry out the Hartford service reputation. To say that Hartford Tubes are as good as Hartford Tires means a great deal to many motorists in this town. BOUNDS MOTOR CO. 2 ittsnrj zitei tin (f?vcrJL aAoucL omithdeal Business College Richmond Vrqinia A DREAMER, BY FRANK L. STANTON. I keep a-sayin' to myself when summer's sizzin' so,: "I'd like to be down yonder, where the loneyauckles grow ! I'd like to find the meadows, with the daisies cool an' deep; And have the winds an whippoorwill to sing me to sleep An' yet, when I was with 'em in the s'ladows of the pines, Where iheJiummin' bird was browsin' n the mornin' glory vines, I was evermore a-sayin,' in the lonesome day an' night: "I'd like to be up yonder, where the city shines so bright !" It's still the same old feelin' the restlessness that seems To keep the soul a-movin' for to realize its dreams ! An' when we realize 'em. an' reach the highest hill. We're longin' lor the valley, an' we're old-time dreamers still. ABSENCE In lonely hunger, lo; my soul cries out Where strange, hushed silence tills die long night through, My heart is wearied with old hurt and doubt, Longing for what it only finds in you. Dreams haunt my sleep; and waking there I find The empty pillow, where another head should rest Then sleep again, through midnight mystery. Seeking the lotus in my lonely quest. There are no cures for hunger such as mine That seeks release, the mystic darkness through. Hence I refuse to drink love's storied wine Unless I drink it from a cup with you. Go on sad years and lei me live in dreams; Break fresh new dawns, like eastern sorcerer. Leave me in the sunshine, with its golden beams; Though kept apart, leave me this love of her. Far down the West the sun goes out to rest While through yon portals cloud-craft slowly stir. These quickly pass, then hurry on their quest, While 1 await the passioned lips of her. RETIREMENT. "What is your occupation?" asked the ju dge, sternly. "I haven't any," replied the man. "1 just circulate around, so to speak." "Please note," said the judge, turning to the clerk, "thai ihis gentleman is retired from circula tion for thirty days." BIRD'S TILE DESIGN A Bungalow with Art-Craft Tile Design Laid Horiaontally liTj Directly on New Roof Boards 1 BBtfj 0J I SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF IT'S ART-CRAFT! CEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity it gives to any building the charm of a high-priced roof at a remarkably low cost. Weather-proof and spark-proof . Absolutely reliable. Also laid right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cost will be less than you think. BIRD & SON, inc. (Established 1795) East Walpole, Visa. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. Dill LUMBER MLLWQRK ft in 1 1 mm T Phone 235 WELDON, N. C. aV. ailU Eft aj. . PRINTED Booklets and Circulars will Sell Your Goods Come to Us IMPOSSIBLE. John, John! whispered Mrs. Congressman Squibbs. Wake up I'm sure there are robbers in the house. Robbers in the house? he mut tered sleepily. Absolately prepos terous! There may be robbers in the Senate, Mary, but not in the House. Absurd! Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom These l'nmenl May Coine (irtietiug: Wtierpas, It appears to uir satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary disso lution thereof by the unanimous cou sentofalithe stockholders, drpositrd id my oliee, that the Koanule Kaii- way Company, a corporation of this State, whose priucipat othc is situated in the towu ol Weldon, County of Halites, State of North Carolina, (W. E. Daniel being the agent therriu and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the require uieutB of Chapter til, K sal of 1D05, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing oi turn leriincaie oi Disso lution. Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Recri'tary of State of the State of Norh Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the ?7tlulayof June, I'M I. tile in mv otlice a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, execu ted by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record ol ttie proceediuga aforesaid are now on Hie in mv aaid office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereto aet my band and affixed my official seal at rUlaigti, this Z.IU oay ot June, lu-'i ,,. Xbltt AN GRIMES. Beet etaty of 3eA . 41 RAM Duu' 1 I 1 THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When ati opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and ynu need some money quickly, Hli won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnltivated him properly. Why not start thai account today and be prepared to laugh ai adversity? ) WELDON. NC. Vi - ISM Tfcs Ban yog smoke them - The belter you'll like then Write far our PremUea Catilog No 4 I.UWISC!GARMKG.CO.,NKWARK.N. J. Larcest InOptndrnt C 'sr Factory l World. Si X "i 3,1 I

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