ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI. WELDON, N. C, TIIUMSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1021. NO. 1 1) :4 ' V Bwcaa L-o? 1 1'.'"' ir.iWT imiliiliniiuieroou uj "t'-.l Thereby iromoiin4Di4e5H Cheerfulness MarKS!.""'"-. ncltherOplum.MorpiuiM-i UiierM.NoTA'"v t" " : h 'orm W i. - . . Unr . rTTJV ,.,(( A hPlui KCmcu; ConMipalionandDi' iwr shncss ana ....,,S"fn.lWB "vm.t facsimile m NEW For Infants and Children. rfrt Contents 15FIuidPrai)hi I . 1 Jii riUHul 1111 Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of m sVflir (V 0 Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMI OIMTAliU WKWKti NtW VORN ClTT, IF IT HADN'T BEEN SUNDAY.' mm mm mm mm mm mm We Are Closing Out All Our m Garments At Extreme Bargain Prices 3 mm urn mm mm mu mm mm mm A good time to replenish the summer wardrobe with the garments needed to finish uut the balance of the hot weath er season. mm mm mm mm m m urn mm mm mm mm A L STAINBA CK. mm 1 i-.-.-- mm mm The Busy Store, WELDON, N C g &m - mm .T T .. ........ .... ,. ,it. .... ,u, ,u. ii. ts tJ).Js lUi tJi tWi. . v mm? 'rw Choice Hams There Is nothing; more appetizing than'a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. GOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Nar Batcbelor' Opera House. WELDON, N.C THE B1E of balifax ORGANIZED 1906 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked its success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Quentln Qrcgory , President S. M. Uary, Vice-President. P. H. Gregory Cashier, Cook Certainly Would Not Have Overlooked the Use of That In sulting Pronoun. The ritual of society, as women make it, is very exacting the world over, even in almhouses. In this relation there is told a story show ing the serious difficulty that arose among a set of workhouse officials in a western town. The infirmary nurses, three in number, had demanded a separate sitting room and the delight of Sunday dinner therein, and the matron had sought to humble them by sending the cook to en joy her Sunday dinner in their company. The brawny cook de scribed what occurred as follows: "Well, Nurse Jones, she comes down and gets inside the door. "Four plates?' she says. 'Four? Who's the fourth?' 'Me,' says I. 'You!' she says, and with that she losses her head and walks away." Here the cook drew a long breath, and then continued: "If it hadn't been Sunday, gentlemen, I should have let her have it for call ing me 'you!" Ex. DISAOREED. Church The learned judge on the bench looks sick. I guess some thing has disagreed with him. Gotham You're right. It was the jury. The Citizens Bank HALIFAX, N. C. WR invite the Deonle ul Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Bank. Why not have a checking account? It is ntfceuuirv In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re. .int ...init fi.vm.nia in vnur creditors. Besides it gives you atandlna- In vour community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attentionas the .argest wltb us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings."" . Cum la aad talk it ovtr with us. We aaed you, you aeed us, CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Was Sick For Tarts Years, Sufieria Pain, Narrow ud Depressed Retd Her Owb Story oi Recover. Paint Roek, All. Mrs. 0. If. Bteimll, Of nsar hers, recently related the fol lowing interesting account of her r eovsryt "I was In a weakened con dition. I was alck three years la bed, suffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I wu so weak, I couldn't walk across the floor; lust had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and slumber of doctors. Stilt I didn't get any relief. couldn t eat. and slept poorly. I hellers If I hadn't heard of and takes Cardul I would hare died. 1 bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me what It did for her. "I began to sat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and strong. I haven't had any trou ble since ... I surs can testify to the good that Cardul did me. I don't think there is a better tonic mads and I believe It saved my life." For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardul successfully, In the treatment of many womanly attaients. If you suffer as these women did, taktt Cardul. It mar help you, too. At all druggists, E 85 ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuinf Wavm i no I I'nlfaja voil lira the "Bayer" on package or on tablet you ra nsit mitt iner crnnliino Aniritl ur oribed by phyaiciwiH for twenty-oat years ana proveu wiie uy nnmoiiB. .1., ... i. tl... Ti.. n.nlr. age fur Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Kurache, Toothache, Lum bago and for 1'nin. Hamly tin boxes o twelve Bayer TuMett f Axpirin eoet few ot'ttte. Ini(;iritt alno u'll larger pauk' Bayer Manufucturo of Monoaoetioacid iwtor ui MiiuyiKiainu. sstsMsawnid ioflJsX ICtUTV imm nl ) siBiel wall I layvnr elaUUml us w will amSMUMtjfortritl. Pootet prapald. (WMO MViilKMt FA9niO INSTITUTE BM.ll 4 lnria tUc Haw Itifk Turn Waste Grease Into Real Money! Red Devil Lye Does It!! Save kitchen scraps, bones, bacon-rinds, plate-scrapinja and pan-grease. They are worth real inoiuy. Malto soap from them. It is easy with Red Devil Lye. Simple, eaiy direction., plainly printed on each ran, trll Iww to make oap wurth id cent, tu dollar from every ranlul of Rrd Devil The cunful com only trifir but tlie snap i, hciter than yuu can ou1 Your liuujthold vmtc-fat, are worth bit- inoiity, Uk theinl One Can Makes Twenty Big Bars of Soap cm of Red Devil Lye ii continued fivivrr that will convert the greaie you lave into ten or more pound, nf p,iret map lit fur all kind, of wadiing anil cleaiiiinR. Red Devil l.ic lu. mh Ii enur- moui itrengtn that it u hy far the hireest value fur tlie money. Make loap with it once, and you will he (;lad you li annd of uch an economy! llome-maile .oap contain, the natural glycerin and it free from the adulterant, and filler, so common in factury made loaps, Handiest sifter-toD can keerii the finrlu. r., I Lye at iti full strenph, rea!ly for me without any wane. Your proccr .ells Red Devil Lye. Look for the itriking Red Devil', head on the label. tUda Br Win. Schield Manufacturing Co, St. Loul., Mo. ft mm RED DEVI LYE Does Countless Everyday Tasks As to some far-off region of the West The sun now journeys with his golden light, And from our view the face of mother earth Is lost amid the shadows of the night; While darkness, softly falling, from our gaze Blots out the world around, so would we pray, That from the Book of Thy Remembrance Thou Will blot the wrong which we have done today. Blot out the hasty speech, the unkind word, Which sorrow brought to those we hold most dear; Forgive us, that on selfish things intent, We failed to speak a word of hope and cheer. Thy pardon gram, that as we hurried on To gain whatever we today have won, We did not pause to smile and lend a hand, As even in our haste, we might have done. Blot out the evil thoughts, the base desires, Which we had thought to hide from even Thee; Blot from our souls the scars of wrong and base The hidden scars which Thou alone canst see. Biol from those lives whose paths crossed ours today As sailing ships may cross each other's track Remembrance of the things we did and said Which we cannot undo cannot bring back! Blot from our record in Thy book today The evil which is scarlet Thou didst write, Forgive, in Thy great mercy we would ask, So that as snow, the page be pure and white, And may Thy love, surpassing knowledge all, Enfold us like the ocean, wide and deep, So that in thankfulness we sink to rest, And trust ourselves to Thee again, in sleep. BEYOND, BY ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. It seemeth such a little way to me Across to that strange country the Beyond; And yet, not strange, for it has grown to be The home of those of whom I am so fond, They make it seem familiar and most dear, As journeying friends, bring distant regions near. So close it lies, that when my sight is clear I think I almost see the gleaming strand. I know I feel those who have gone from here Come near enough sometimes to touch my hand. 1 often think, but for our veiled eyes, We should find Heaven right round about us lies, I cannoi make it seem a day to dread, When from the dear earth I shall journey out To that still dearer country of the dead, And join the lost onr. so long dreamed about. I love this world, yet shall I love to go And meet the friends who wail for me, I know. 1 never stand above a bier and see The seal of death set on some well-loved face But that I think: One more to welcome me When 1 shall cross the intervening space Between this land and that one "over there." One more to make the strange Beyond seem fair. And so for me there is no sting to death, And so the grave has lost its victory. It is but crossing with a bated breath And white, set face a little strip of sea To find the loved ones waiting on the shore, More beautiful, more precious than belore. PROPERLY RANKED AS HERO. Deserved Tribute to Collie Who Oave Master the "Last Full Measure of Devotion.' AN EVENING PETITION, Clyde Scott, four years old, lies dying on his father's farm near Beckley, W. Va. His pet collie is dead. A vicious sow, bearing the scars of battle to the finish, is so badly mangled that she must be killed, too. It is one of those simple stories of a dog to which all human sym pathy responds, remarks the Bal timore Sun. The boy, playing in the yard, was attacked by the sow, which had escaped its pen. Hear ing the child's screams the collie rushed to the rescue and engaged the sow in fight. It needs no as-: surance of the telegraphed item to j tell him who knows his dog the j details. The child's mother came into ; the picture, bearing her torn baby j to safety. But the dog remained, j His was a supreme duty, that knew no compromise. The infuria ted sow was a menace to those he loved. Ii was his business to re move that menace, and into the job he put his concern. It was his concern only to remove the men ace, and at any cost. His own life mattered not at all, and in the end he lost it, in as noble a struggle for what he believed to be righteous as any that ever brightened the annals i c ! ui man ui iianun. We do not know the little collie's name. It we did we should like to print it in honorable memory of his gallant conduct. He was a sol dier and a gentleman; he was a devoted comrade and playmate; he was all that a dog is and that a man should be. We hope he had Christian burial, for he was a Christian, if to be Christian implies sacrifice of self and love for others. He was all of that and he was a hero a hero on four legs. EXPLICIT. Lest You Forget IK Tra rj3 I A Let us remind you tliat Chamberlain's l -, I tablets not only cause a gentle move- petite aud strengthen the digestion. For Infant and Childrerj In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears, ttva Signature of Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A Southern family had a coal- black cook named Sarah, and when her husband was killed in an acci dent Sarah appeared on the day of ' the funeral dressed in sable outfit j except in one respect. "Why, Sarah," said her mis tress, "what made you get white gloves!" Sarah'drew herself and said in tones of dignity: Don t you s'poso I wants dem people to see dat i'se got on gloves?" Boston Transcript. DOIN' FINE AT COLLEQE. "John writes that he is doin' fine at college this year," said the old man. 'You don't say!" 'Yes; writes just as easy in Lat in as he swears in English. Other day he gave a Greek dinner in my honor." "Wuz you thar?" "Oh, no!" "Well, whar did you come in?" "Paid for it in English !" At lanta Constitution. TYPEWRITERS! AH malt's and all style $16 up. Borne that were uwd mill relpu-tfti hy the U. S. Gov't. baricaiD, The LINOWRITER, a printing office NEciaaiTTt Kibliotis aiiv color tat tlrlivn-u. viv name ana modul. Carbon pHier8xl3 11K) ttheeUll.W tleliv'd. Empire Type Foundry, Mfgs. Wood 7W, Metal Type, LIGHTENS EVERY WOMANS WORKkn tfZy LIGHTENS EVERY WOMANS WORK&ji ''''' ' """ Make 10 lbs. of Soap and Save $1.00 THE cleansing power in any soap or cleanser you buy is lye. Soap is tallow (grease) mixed with lye and water. You can make it yourself and save a great deal of money. It will suit your needs better, too, for you can make just the kind of soap you want, either hard or soft. Simply take Syt pounds of clean grease (lard or tallow) free from salt. Melt it down. Then set aside to cool. Take a large can of Red Seal Lye and dissolve it in V-i pints of cold water. Bring this to about Summer heat and pour it slowly into the melted grease. Stir until the mixture becomes uniformly thick and pour into a mould. Cover up and set in a warm place until next day. Then you can cut it into pieces and you''l have 10 lbs. of th? finest cleansing soap you ever usee' and will have saved about $1.00. Isn't that well wcrth while? You bet it is! And then just remember these other fine uses for Red Seal Lye: It is a water softener, saving a great deal of soap. It kills all disagreeable odors, purifies and dis infects at the same time. Dissolve a spuonful of it tn a quart of water and you have a wonderful cleaning solution for helping lighten your work in washing dishes, doors, floors, woodwork everything about the house. A little of it sifted into the sink cleans out the pipes and prevents them from becoming stopped up. But make sure the lye you buy is Red Seal Lye. This pure lye is granulated and packed in cans that are easy and convenient to use. Always ask your storekeeper for, and be sure to get, the old reliable Red Seal Granulated Lye. 1?. C. TOMSON & COMPANY, Philadelphia, Penaa. EXTRA ' Elf HIGH TESTig GRANULATED ' 5irriiKjiOPCriy Wsf Tha Very Best Lye Your Money Can Buy Always follow direclions when you use Red Seal Lye a full printed set is turmshed with each can. They tell you how to use Red Seal Lye safely and savingly in many helpful ways, jCetterlieads Envelopes Will Heads GiveUsbur Orders far H-lnting t 1 19 1 1 Li 1 1 v " w. - II E. L. HAYWARD. WeUon, N. C. Dod son's Liver Tone Instead of Calomel we Calomel is quicksilver. It attacks the bones and paralyses the liver. Your dealer sells each . bottle of pleasant, harmless "Dodaon's Liver Tone" under an Ironclad, money-back guarantee that It will regulate the liver, stomach and trowels better than oalomel, without sickening or salivating you IS mililaa buttles sold. THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book, in case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnltivated him properly. Why not start thai account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? Msg?' y ....M r 1 ft i f '

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