r i v v. Li THE ONE WHO QUITS. The one who quits has a brain and hand As good as ihe nexi; but they lack the sand That would make them stick, with courage stout, To whatever they tackle, and fight it out. They start with a rush and a solemn vow That they soon will be showing the other how; Then something new strikes their roving eye And their task is left for the bye and bye. It's up to each one what becomes of them They must find in themselves the grit and vim That brings success; they can get the skill If they bring to the task a steadfast will. No one is beaten 'tHI they give in; Hard luck can't stand for a scattered grin; The one who fails needs a better excuse Than the emitter's whinning "what's the use?" For the one that quits lets their chances slip, Just because they're tuolay to keep their grip. The one who sticks goes ahead with a shout, While the one who quits joins the "down and out." Bargains for you IF YOU BUY Al I Y! V. CROC 'I KITS I KCiM W. T. PAKKiCR &CO, Wholesale 0 a s 3 t.o v c W!.)() N. 0 WMWKWwrTlbhlV 1 ' C 'Trv- Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel Within Reach Of All . . No longer need you put off getting a Great Majes tic Range, The price is right j T T is simply economy to get a Creat Majestic Uanee at the present I i price and avoid the waste and inconvenience of using the old Ji range through another winter. Any slight t eduction in price : next year will not make up for wasted fuel, repairs and baking failures you are sure to have with an old worn-out range. Why wait? With a Great Majestic you will do better baking. You will save fuel. The beauty and comfort of your kitchen will be 111 ! creased greatly. j No more uneven baking no more fussing with damper and grates : -no more inconvenience. A Great Majestic is a modern kitchen ne cessity time saving and labor saving. Don t be without one any longer. Calr at our store or call us up we are ready to serve you, Weldon Furnitura Company. CHIGHESTF.iSS PILLS DIAMOND STv nAN 0' .1 e as me putting on weatherproof, and long-lasting MAKE the old buildings just as comfortabl new ones, and just as good looking, by pul handsome, fire-safe, BIRD'S ROOFS Put it to any er Task Jrower While the Fordson Tractor has power in plenty to drag views ttnd harrows through the heaviest soil, il is light enough, small enough and so easily controlled that it can handily Jjs put to ( many tasks about ihe farni, that will save you time, money and work. In fact the Fordson will do every power job, both draw-bar and belt, more quick ly and at less cost than it enn bs done with any other form of power. So every month the whole yei;r 'round the ulway s dependable Fordson will prove itself a paying investment, because of its capa bilities, its economy an d efticie icy. We will gladly explain and demonstrate to you the many F-rdsun money-making, time-saving features. Call, write or phone. i'WeLdo fJlojori Co., $625 t. o. h. Drtrott Whether it is a dwelling, barn, garage or factory that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the right Bird's Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely return one hundred cents in satisfaction as honest value is built into every square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's Paroid, Bird's Art-Craft, Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bird's Granitized Roofings, or Bird' Twin Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to select for your building won't cost you a nickel. We know from experience that Bird's Roofs make good, and that is the reason we sell them. BlD & SON. inc. (Established 1795) East WJpole, Maw. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber, dk lib i wm mm Phone 235 WELDON, N. C. Ends Bad Smells! Stop foul odors where they start with Red Devil L y e . Use plenty of it in privies, toilets and cham bers, garlvaje pailsand swill tub s. .. i t de stroys jrerms, dries up tilth, kills bad smells. Al ways keep a can handy. Use it often. Kill flic. in the egg Purifies and dtiinfecU ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genqinp 1 your grocr MBMnnnBiiaauMmMnniiunuuoi raVITATOA You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF EflFIELD, EfiflElD, ft, C. A Pet Cent, allowed in the havings uepart merit Compounded Quarterly. edDevilIye Sure is Stronif , Maaufaclurad bp j Wm. SCH1ELD MFO. CO. IT. LOUIS, MO.. II. S. A. Executrix's Notice. The underlined havtnir nimhl'ied a Kiecutrix of the estate of Trim Newell, dreaseil, late of Halifax eounty, tins is to notify all persona litivinir eluirns against the estate of the Haiti iltxoaHed to present tliem on or before the lirut day of November, 111'-':.', or thin notice will he plead in har of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate Wlii come ioifttud and make ceUleuieul. IDA W NEWELL, Administratrix ofTr'mi Newell, dec. H. I, l.lttletun, N C. 11 :t lit gy YOU can bank by mail Notice. Service By Publication. North Carolina, Halifax County. In Superior Court January Term, l9;J JAMES ALSTON Vs. JOSEPHINE ALSTON, The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled aa above haN been commenced in the Superior court of Halifax county, wherein the plainttll' is seekinir a divorce absolute from defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the next term of the Superior court of said county to be held on the fith Monday before the 1st Mon day in March, III--', at the court house in said county in North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in aid complaint. This 23rd day of November, 1921. S. M. CiARY, Clerk of Hupprior Court, III t wft. Tlt'wiut'! T'lilewn yoi it th "Rm-i" ii mk:itf, oi on UliVU you ni iMrt tfi"Uuij '-miinf Annn prt (ril.nl Ity inns for twenty-one ywirn mil I rn vnl -U iv iitilhonii. Take Ami in Mitly 4 t"ll in tfie Uytr twtitft fur CiJ'Im, IIv:iIi'Iii', NfiirHlit, HtHnm tiwtn, Kuntrlh', T.Mrilmrln', Luml, uul for I 'in ii. Itiiinly lin Ihivcm if twelve lUynr 'lithtfl i.f .-UpiVin rt Uw cmU. Inic pitH nUt mil liirT nwkm', A(rn m tl trmlt m irk f ivT M&mifiu?tifr of kxhHiLHtK-ai'itlL-eUjr of SiicyLuuttL Mfttbtnn wilt hir amfti. tion into ill-tempered Av.4vij laziness quicker than constipation.rv" And nothing will ren- Cp der the body more liable to dangerous diseases than this same poisonous condition. Don't be constipated! It iin't lift! It isn't sensible It isn't necessary) Da well but don't rely on ordinary laxitlvea to help you. Try instead the newest scientific treatment lor constipation T) iru.T AY This preparation not only overcome con t i pat ion. but it duel away with ill the itauHta, cramping and deranged digettiuq Cdubd by oidinaiy laxaiivea. Ciiir.tted it Our Stor. We tie w rare that fur. la will pltMc vcu that we wtot vou tt) come to our Mure ond set botikainl tnr tl ttv liitiy al cur ink. It u auen't tuit vou, if a iio t It.t beu IsUilive mf1i4-ine you er uted, eunulf -.ell oa o nui ni wuli iwttvUv icliuul U lull Tor Sale by M.C. PAll. Notice of Consolidation. On and after the 10th day of Novem ber, l!i-l, The Citiiena Bank of Halifax K. C will be consolidated with The Hank of Tillery, at Tillery, N. C. Please hamlle all items drawn on the Cititens Bank of Halifax N. V. throuiihTlie Hank of Tillery, as after November luth, bus iness at Halifax will be discontinued. We thank you for your past business and hope that we may be of service to you iu the future at our new location in Tillery, N. (!. Very truly yours, THE CITIZENH HANK Or' HALIFAX Hy MILTON NORMAN, Cashier. This Movembe III, ltfcil II !i4 4t MRS. ANIE HAYWARD, NOTARY PUBLIC, WELDON, N. C. Offices of Daniel & Daniel. FOOTER'S ME WORKS, Expert Dyers and Cleaners. ('Iran in if of I'ortieis, CurtaiuH, Hlan ketH, Hiiks, I.aees, VelvetH, 1'IuhIi, l.adieH lrtHtieH and (ientlemen'it ClolhiiiK, Carpets, Ktc. All orderM will receive prompt at tention if li ft at THISOFFICE. FHU SALF. Two small and one Ijrge lot for sale at end of 2nd street; also one diamond Brooch. Apply to Mrs. Annie Evans, Weldon, N. C. Money buck without question il HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISK ASS RKMKDISS (Hunl'i Silvt and Soap), fail in the treatment of Itch, Rcttmo, Rlnf worm.Tetter c other itch ing akin dieeaaaa. Try thia traatwent at our risk. For Sale By M. C. Pair. mm RE-SALE OF LAND Bl TRUSTEE. Whereas on Saturday, November 2ii, l!IJl,at 12 o'clock M., by virtue of tiie power contained in a deed of trust exe cuted by N. M. Haines, recorded in book .Hl)7 page 4tiU to secure payment of the balance of purchase price of hereinafter denvilhed iftutl itud aflul iliiti adiurliBd- ment of the time, place and terms of sale under the term contained in said deed of trust and in accordance with the statute in such eases provided the uudersiifned trustee offered for sale for cabit the heieiuafler described tract ol land: whereas W. J. Hoseman became the last and highest bidder in ttie auui of tlHflO.Wi. anil whereas a raise of five per cent has beeu made on said bid and tiled with the clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax county, N. (',, and whereas said clerk has ordered Klliott B. Clark, trustee, to re-sell said herein alter described laud after advertising same fortifteuD days and make title to purchaser under the terms of said deed of trust. Now therefore, the undersigned trus tee will otl'er for sale to the lushest bid der for cash on the 15th Day of December, 1921. at li! o'clock M ., the following described tract of land lying and being in the town of Weldon, Halifax county, N. V , being known as lot No. 1U, according to map recorded in book ot maps No 2 at page Ml, said lot lying on tile north east corner of Fifth and Hycamore Streets, fronting N feet on Sycamore street and running back between paral lel lines MM feet to line of lot of Mrs. A. to. Inge. Tina the 2Kth day of November, 1931. .l.L!OTT li. CLAliK, Trustee. 'PHONE 71 WELDON, N. C. D U 0 A T L. KITINER'S SHOE :itil OPECIAL PRICES from now until FALL on O all Shoes, Boots and Rubbers of every de scription. Come and let us fit you from our care, fully selected stock. REAL SHOES at Real BARGAINS Shoes, Boots and Rubbers for Men, Women and Children. Do your Shopping at KITTNER'S, and you'll save money. Exclusive Agent for Florsheim Shoes. L. KITTfJEff'S SHOE STORE Next Door to Weldon Drug Co. WELDON, N. C- t 4TMTT5 I JUV ,.nr llrwht for CT1! CIIK'l TBR 9 lllAMUNO UllANl) I'll.l.'i iu 1' u nnJ Cold luclalllc limn. s-.-Jleu Willi mw 1HKI..H in r.Trtri. Rt, of Tm BIAMOMI IHIANU PIMM, Icir twrnly Br .rilrilllUr I K.iU'i l. Vliy Ht liable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffilS, E V ERYW i! E R EjlSuu PROFESSIONAL CARDS K HXli:l. ' I'ANIKI. DANIEL & DANIEL, Attorneys-at-Law, WKLDON, N. C. rraetiie in the courts of Halifax ana NortliaiiipUiu and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Collections made in ail paitu ol North Carolina. Itranch other al llalifan open every Monday (lEOKCiIi C. UHEliN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. (Illiee iu (ini'u Ituildiiig Weldon. N. C. Wm. L, KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-l.w, whi.iion, n. t: Ollice in the Paniel Ituildiug. liusiness promptly and faithfully at tended to. E .LLIOTT B. CLARK, Attorney-at-l.aw, WKI.lHiN, N.C. tlllice in (lieen liuilding. ASHLEY B STAINBACK Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public. WELDON, - - N. C. practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties. I'tompt atttention to all business entrusted to me. Oltice over M. C. l'air's store. H, B. HARRELL, Jr. Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, - - N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax aud adjoining couuties. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to me. Office over Kick's Jewelry Store. 8 2fi 7m Phone i-i. T. CL.A.IWEC ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and iu the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns DR PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST, Over Weldon Drug Company WULDON, N. C. Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jew elry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly OUR PRICKS WILL SATISFY. itC.N. RICKS C asayaygMfMg 1 T II K A ESTABLISHED 182 Capital and Surplus, MM. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W," E. DANIEL, raistoiNT. I,. (! DRAPER, I'AHHUH. on iNOTICK, Buggies, Harness And Wagons. WE carry a full line of the well known, both Hackney and Chase City Wagons at Riih Square, N C, and the Oxford and Knight Buggies each of which are noted for comfort and durability at Weldon, N. C. Also a full line of Horses and Mules at both place, during the winter and spring season. Thanks for past favors. R,chNfrre. holoMAII BROS. wrc" W. J. WAM, HUNT 1ST, OKl'K'E IN DANIEL lilULI'lMlf WELDON, N.C sepl2 ly OR. Wm. A. CARTER, VKTKR1NARY SURGEON, WEI. DON, N. C. Long I'istunce culls ansvtered profiiptly An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants It. Everybody likes It. Everybody's looking for It. BUT You can't get it unless you have the right kind of groceries. Get 'em HERE 1 Phone 280. R. M. PURNELL, Weldpn, N, C. Largest Stock in k Sooth. When in Norfolk call on us You will Hud what you want Kud get it quickly. 1 1 u v i n )f no canvassers, i o aeent's cuninissions are m J ded to our prices. This en ables us to use liiHlclam n a teriul Slid timid, it ri 1 eily We Pay Freight and Guarantee Sule Arrival' THECOUPEnmBltVUm (USiyoarK in business,) aWBank rt MUU'OI.K, A OP -UP-TOTHEM1NLTE ILLINERY. FANCY ttOODHuml NOVELTlPt liultenck's Patterns R & G. Corsets, Misses at 76c. LadieB 70c. to ( 1 B4.Prices will be made to auit tl.e times. Hats and Honneta made tLd trimmed to order, ALL MAIL ORDERH PROMPTLY FILLED, MRH. P. A. LEWIP, -WeJdm.f . o