t '9 J r i i Ii f ! I. r Miles of Comfort When we Fit You DO YOLR TOES SPREAD OUT? THE TUKhMD ZONE ASPIRIN Mary E Hay'ey. U s Telli What, in an rixoeM's Opinion, the leet houlJ lie I. ike i. IT . ! b-. sprea J exists y ing says who te'.! You r. North 1 five be nere i from thirty- Nsme ''Br.cr'' on Genuim -as p. ihen is warms up to that Mir ; :. It the be It pays to buy the best -especially when you get such prices as we have on our merchandise l-.xJusive Aent for Hopsheim Shoes. L.KITTfiER'S SHOE SrOltf Next Door to Weldon Dru;j Co. W 'ELDON', N. C tat MI OF MLIfiil ORGAN!.!. b 'rn Capital and Surplus $65,000, (. .rt'Jtnon ",;j:or v, hat ! Her article: rproveJ ty Dr. Tirgil P. i crust or tne :f of the Rup- NV York, (h.S liST.p of ftet should has tee Gibney. surgeon n Hospital !,r the -.':. tured and Crrr-lei and thsrt'ori teats authority. Too much care of the feet, V,:-,s as they a'e the ke.v body F !': a'.d 1 do with ooe's hi j! attention ,h'u: d re fitting beu'een trie and fourteen, s:-.? riod of growth j 1 Stockings, too, com vjmwn, as tight h;t press the toes and he circulation. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STO R I A !. ..- t sr.- r. t Within Reach Of All . . No longer need you put off getting a Great Majes tic Range, The price is right GHIGHESTESS PILLS DIAMOND BRAN 6" IS" ff Cold ,.!lic '" " '-VW ...... H- I baff t. Billable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVEnT WrltKt WOUTH ILiSIKO AMJ ABOL'V! .-! r- tmen ti'.uei, ' . : ; ;'rs;t : T.j.h to' i'i-iiu!sr i!d shoe of nine j the pe i.vpns;on. 'or J;a ones c m jr rtrs vutn i broke n:i y'r , (.narlie smct he r.2:'. Oh, he Worth Considering. ..'oritr'irt a o A :A i.'j to nJ of it .;!. t;,. 'v "f f.'ne aJ iiicon- :. if y.-i.i: C Ai-: It t.'.f Ct !,. r '.f 'jt... : ir. '.. f T. lircircurn- -.a:.-"-- i. vi.- !.;) u...t nifctn ti n :. r f-ol i. .u ti.tr br- fir. v j'. 'A .i f t jrt.. & tyjttlc of ii 1 I'.'-ii.'-'i;' mtlionl !'-!av. a:. 1 .1 fi '...'"iiiy. Tiiere are ':.4Dy fa:u i.e urst'l th.aprep. ara'uon -at--.- fully a yirars an-1 l.oll ;t id t v!. -trc. it i txcellent. y-.-i Ue i; -. .r you c Kr. Aep.r.n pr .... f-ff twtn.yo -! t. mtllidM. 'Tk t- 1'i in t),i Hayw jafkie . : N'iri(r.a, Kiy-Jjr.a- T- ll.vii", LJT:bAif. Mvi y T . fj f T. -if tTlvfr lifcy.-r f r. .t (' c nu. ritt m tr tri!" rtiirk of ISAwr MwifA-nure ( MA-AJ'tKaci(iitr of SsJkjUomj i A.;-. if .r ' t." f..r I 1 T is simply economy to get a Great Majesti pri Range at the present e and avoid the waste and inconvenience ot using tne i.iu . . . i -u. ,.;,n m nnrp nn ihrnnoti anninpr won r. rtnv siiHin isuuliioh i f. on due niar.agenier.i mess is rt ,p; ur. :t -.'nu Banking prtrxiples and the san.e eff '.:em i;h ha, marked it, success in the past. Your bus uily ,o;:ctted, which will have our careful attention. Quentin (lregory Hrem 'lf n t S. M. Oary, Virp-t'ri!lti-Dt. F. H . dregory Cawhier, IrtPl.'I.i'V?! SiV; - -1 Have vou lost your ipp beginning todfiy. rrite? , Do you rtt so tires wnn tni ilay'n duties that you re unaui to enjoy an evening with frien'!, or at the movies once in a while? Are you Icing your rosy cheeks and your .pringy step? Dr. Miles' Tonic in your condition. It has been. r.an.ii who were afflicted just as you are. i.-.ti'f ' Ot in line lor Better r.4iu Miles' "was made to restore health to peci'ii of permanent benefit to tlii f u.j.. " ir..i:,. . .tvery Drug st'jre carries ui. muv. .w.. Fords ill .-v-m . m Plow With tlx Fonbon DUk Wilb the ForeUon Harrow With th FertUon Harvest WHh tlx Fordaon Threah With Ike FonUsn Bale Hay With th Ford.oa Saw Wood With the Forrlaon Pump Water With th Fordaoa Grade With the Fordsoa Pull Stumps With the ForJeon Fill the Silo With the FortlKm Grind Feed With the Fordaon In tne Day's Work yf Whether in the field, around f the farm, or on the road, the Ford-Kin Tractor is tloin won ders in saving time, reduong cost and increasing profits for thousands of farmers every where. No matter what the farm task, if it can be done by motive power the Fordson can do it, and do it well. 170,000 now m use in all parti of the country and in every kind of field and belt work prove tha efficiency, stability, and relia bility of the Fordson Tractor. Call, write or phone for the facts. Learn now just what the Fordson means to you to the day's work. WeLdq! ojoi Co. Illl "fJKOSSI.N 1 THE HAR " I've leen sweet Jays of childhood Found hours of youth a dream, Seen joys, and sorrows blended My life a blest one's been. Thile joyous days of sunshine And sweets from near and far, Have crowded in my lite to bless Yet soon I'll "cross the bar." You ask if age has softened That silly stock of pride. Wbxh clings so in the youthful life, With agt: does not abide. Yes, I've lived to see the folly Of following ways that mar. Now revel more in righteousness l:ur soon I'll "cross the bar." Does the question ever startle And cause a pang of fear, When you think that your departure Is possibly ctune near? Yes, doubts do sometimes enter As with our boys in war, Today's strife, may end my life And thus I'll "cross the bar." Now friend and comrade lister! You, who value with your life. That future home in Heaven, Always with pleasure rife; Accept no half way meagre Your life must be above par, Or, you'll fail the Heavenly tide to stem When at last yon "cro., the bar." Jli. T. "Cold In The Head" it. an acuti- altai'k of NumiI t atari h. TiiO!i- -uhj'-C't to fll 'jjillt Col'li 111 the head" '.mII liiid thai the of 1IA1.I. - A t HI.H Ml. till INK mil hill!'! Ill) the -v-telll, eieurw till- lll'ilel I 4.1.1 M ilder them leiK huMe to Uul.ls. I ! i i .. te.l illaek-of Aeule I alanh may i lead to 1 hnmii' i atunh. I llull'i I'lltailll Medll'Uie Is tukeii inter. nallv aetm din etlv uiiiin tin- hlond ami I ri,ili.i,ii- Miifuei M ill tilt- wy-teiii. thu- re ilu'Miiir the iiillammatiou and restouug not mat c ilidltuiii. i All : t uikrintH. ircularr- free. ' . '. i III.MIV .V t o t'oledo, Ohio I w rr --a f BOND 1 Metterheads Envelopes Will Heads Givellsbur Orders for Printing L. HAYWARD, VeUon. N. C. -fvjlrv . Mot.i y t,. k v. . ,,v,(iCM if HUNT'S CUAKANTEta SKIN DISK ASK RhMKUIfcS Hint' Slvtirj s:-,i.r',fi.il in 11 irrittrner t f f! . l-.c.v..i, Pirii''.rrri.T. ' t. t -h. I tlcn .H .:r. tliv r ny trite Foh Sale By M. C. Pair. Special Nothing v..:i turn amm- tion into iil-tumpered A,' ;. ;F. laziness quitKer than constipation.NrJjf i And nothing will ren- s3 .ca rder the body mere liable to dangerous diseases than this tame poisonous condition. Don't b constipated! it isn't safe! It isn't sensible! It isn't necessary! &J well but d ,n't rely on ordinary laxatives to help you. Try instead the newest tcier.t.fic trtatrr.er.t (or constipation RICH-LAX 7i.:s treparatk-n not only overcomes con-::;-it:.vn, but it dres away with all the nausea, crair.oing a.-.d deranged digesUoa cau.i by ordinary laxauves. Tuinten) ! Our Store. W ireMtandia. it !. Lai ill :les TOU thit wt wnl y to c.-e our ai.a net boisle ar.d try it tv. .... . . .... Ii it dcir.'t tuit you. ll It ito't t:! ' lui'M ire'mr.c jm iver atft. iwll u. vj ar.a we ',ul brblsfitlr reiuA. UK 111 i -iKUac briu. For SalebyM.C. PAIR Notice. Service By Publication. ; North Carolina, ! Halifax County. , In superior Court . January Term, i'Jii. ' J AM E- ALSTON ! Vs. JO-KI'llINK ALSTON. . The defendant above-named will talte n-'tiee that an aeli-.n entitled an above; ha been commenced in the Superior' court of Halifax county, wherein the I plaintill in cei-kini! a divorce absolute from defendant: and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re iimreil ir. aniiear at theiiext term of the Superior tuit of naid county to be held on the -.th .Monday before the lt .Mon day in March, 1!CC, at the court houne in said county in North Carolina, and an-ni-r or demur to the complaint in aid action, or the plamtili' will apply to the court for the relief demanded in Maid complaint. Tin- Jotd day of November, !!:!. next year will not make up for wasted fuel, repairs and baking failures you are sure to have with an old worn-out range. il! rtn better baking. You Vll WJIIT Willi BUIBl i'IBkJi'V ''- " ' will save fuel. The beauty and comfort of your kitchen will be in-: creased greatly. j j No more uneven baking no more fussing w iih damper' and grates j no more inconvenience. A Great .Majestic is a modern miuich -cessity time saving and labor saving. Don't be without one any longer. Call at our store or call us up we are ready to serve you. t:mp. TitlkD PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K IMS1I.I. -' HA.S1BL DANIL.L & DANIEL, Attorneys-at-Law, H'l-XDOS. N.C. practice in tne courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supreme snu Federal courts. ' olleclions made in all paitx of N6ith Caioliua. i'.ranch ofliee ,1 Halifax open every Monday Weldon hmw Company. 'PHONE 71 WELDON, N. C. rim S 1 (lliOKOB C. (JHEEN. ATTORN HY AT-LAW, Olhre in (iieen Building Weldon. N. C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. WtXIKlN, N. C (Jlhee in the l'aniel lluilding. HuBiuesK promptly and faithfully at tended to. ; LLIOTT B. CLARK, b Attorney-ot-Law, WKLHON', N'. C Ollice in (ireen liuildinif. il A11U1N You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF ENFIELD, EjlflELD, II. 0. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail M. (iAKY, Clerk of Superior Court. sMarjoiuatarraKannar 9 WHITE MEAT. I'm sorry, madam, said the gro cer, but I haven't any while tur ' kevs. Won't any other kind dor Decidedly not, was (he weary i answer of Mrs. Newmarne, who had been hunting ihe whole niorn- ingfyra satisfactory holiday bird, i Neither my husband nor myself can eat anything except while i meal. Bilioustieadache j When you have a severe headache, a ; disordered stomach and i-oiistipation, i take three of haillherlan's Tablet's. ! They will corteet the disorders of the I liver and bowels, effectually curinir the i headache. OFFKR ism- i Tflf Yi I lit wfli, Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate for Division North Caiohna. Halifax County, In -uperior Court He fore the Clerk. I'ursuant to an order of the Clerk of the supeiior I ourt of Halifax county, N . ('.. made in that certain pecial pro ceeding wherein Willie E -Motley et al are plaiutill's and James Sanders et al are the defendants, Ix-anng date De cemher the lmli, lli-l. wliicb is of rec Old in ti e OM'ice of the Clerk of the Su perior Cort of Halifax county State aforesaid, 1 will 4 commissioner ap pointed by the court, "i-li on tlie JOlh Day of January. 1022, at public auction at the court house door in the tins n of Halifax, N. C, for division, that certain ttact or parcel of land situate, lyinu ao.J neing 10 itrinu levville townsliip, Halifax county and State of Noith Carolina, adjoininir the lands ot Temperance rowers and others and hounded as follows: Heiiiiininii at a stake at l'ine pointers, the "aid '1 em p'.-rance Cow ers corner and runcuy N 1; learees K HI poles to a black jack; lliunv ? ui'Krees r. ni-i poles to a pint stump; thcrue S is poles to a doKwuo'l: thence N Mt degrees vY lie' poles to the heKinuinif, containing about twentv-seven i CTT ) acres. Tor a more minute description reference is ma le to that certain deed which is of reconl in the Ollice of the Keirister of 1 weds of Halifax countv, N. C, in book 34 paife l. This the loth dav of lieccmher; lftil. W. K. I1AKVKY, Commissioner. Timeofale: IC o'clock .M Terms of Sale: Cash. j.i .l iimuiiiii ij " - '"JilAil".. ASHLEY B STA1NBACK Attorneyat-Law, INotary Public. WELDON, - - N. C. practices in the courtB of Halifax and adjoinmi! counties, l'rompt atttention to all business entrusted to me. Office over M. C. Pair's store. H B. HARRELL, Jr. Attorney-afLaw, WELDON, - - N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to me. Pffici over hick's Jewelrv Store. 6 26 7jb I'lione el. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, S. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and .djoiniuir counties and iL the Sup'emt court of the Mate. Special attention Kiven to collections and prompt returns DR PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST. Over Weldon Drug Company W ELDON, N. C. Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly W. J. WARD, DENTIST, Ol-UCE IN DANIEL liL'lLPlNll'' WELDON, N.C OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY. JUST TOR ONCE. My goodness, Henry, ejaculated the wife of a man who always had decided opinions and was not ad verse to expressing them. I don't know what would hap pen if you'd agree with me about anything. Well, said Henry, I guess I'd hnv- to admit beinz wrong fur once. NOT DEAD, BUT SLELPETH. So the saloons are dead, mourn ed the overseas veteran, returning io the land of the tree fur the first lime since 1917. Yes, answered his friend cheer fully, but you can communicate spirits. sepf.' ly p C R RICKS d, I Ti i it tt An TiTiit iAH I rirrftMl II Of 1M II ESTABLISHED 1892; II u m. A. CARTER, 'ETP.KINAKY SURGEON, W EI. DON, N. d. Lung I istunce culls answered promptly f BONO and Our Good PRINTING Will SaveYou Money F-or a limited time we will jfive a year's sub scription to the SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST without charge to any subscriber, new or old who asks for it when paying a year's subscrip tion to The Roanoke News The popularity of the Southern Agriculturist Is shown by its circulation, which now exceeds 375, 000. We have only a number of subscriptions which we can give free in this way I First come, first served. MRS. ANIE HAfARD, NOTARY PUBLIC, W ELDON, N. C. Oilices of Daniel & Daniel. FOOTER'S ME WORKS, Capital and Surplus, I 6000 WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Wj E. DANIEL, rs. (SHUNT. U PfUPEfl, PsSHina, An Appetizing" Meal Everybody want It, Everybody likes It, Everybody's looking: tor It, BUT You can't get It unless you have the right kind of groceries. Oct 'em HERE I Phone 280. R. M. PURNELL, Weldon, N. C. ricaniiitf of Portieis, Curtains. Blan kets, Silks, Laces, Velvets, plush, Ladies Dresses and (ientlemen's Clothing, 'arpets, Eti:. All ordttis will receive pro,hpt at tention if left at THIS OFFICE. 3E N 0 T I. U li MMMMiiuaflBDaBO DO Arronf DO a a g To Substitutes p g Thedtord's g BLACK-DRAUGHT D Purely O g Vegetable g S Liver Medicine oo t no anonDBOoanaUii TYPEWHSTlRS. All mnkr-s tM nil ntytrn lift up. Home that were um1 mid relet! by tli U. 8. Gov't. HnrRkims. Btt4? your nU nntl we will dcvnle kuJ iuul. The LINOWRITEf1iirintii.it offirit it kr mitt I Riitorw ny color 75 l.'livri-d. fiivc nrtrnf tud model. CrUn pnptrSilH IU0 aheeUlLBS dcliT'd. EmplraTyiM Foundry, Mfv. Wood Type, Metal TyptSnmliri Umpfiiti liV. Larnest Stock ii tig South.' When in Norfolk call on us You will lind what you want and ni t it quickly. Having no canvassers, to agent's commissions are ad ded to our prices. This en ables us to use firstclassma terial slid tinish it properly Ws Pay Freight and Ouarantea Safe Arrival'. IHE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (UUiyearsin business,) Hans NOHKOLK. VA Buggies, Harness And Wagons. WE carry a full line oflJthe well known, both Hackney and Chase City Wagons at Rich Square, N. C, and the Oxford and Knight Buggies each of which are noted for comfort and durability at Weldon, N. C. Also a full line of Horses and Yliiles at both places, during the winter and spring season. Thanks for past favors. IIOLOHAII BROS. Sid HiMiiii)' OF Rich Square, N. C Weldon. IN. C II F-TO-TH E M J N V TF MILLINERY, FANCY l.OOHSand NOVELTIES. Itutterick'B Patterns R & G. Corsets, Missel at 75c. Ladies 76c. to H. ajftPrices will be made to suit (he times. Hats and Houueta made apd: , trimmed to order. ' " ALL MAIL ORg PROMPTLY MK3. P. A. LEWIS, W eidm H.Q f ' ii- 1 i .It I I