s-k: u mat Better Breads make better homes With your own self-raising flour made by mixing Horaford's with your regular flour your hot breads, biscuits, pastry will be more de licious and wholesome than if you used ready-mixed flour. Hora ford's raises dough or hatter just right its phosphates build strength. Horaford's FREE PREMIUMS are first class, guaranteed. For free Prize List, write Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. ' ' " " I llll J.HtlM WMitMlll III I ll ill Miles of Comfort when we Fit You It pays to buy the best especially when you get such prices as we have on our merchandise Exclusive Agent for Florsheim Shoes. LKITTfJEQ'S SHOE STORE Next Door to Weldon Drug Co. WELDON, N. C' HE EM OF HALIFAX. .ORGANIZED 1906 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked its success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Quentln Oregory President S. M. Vice - JUST K 0 II EYI . UJLL JLUU1 I li $445 J Delivered Farm We furnish'a man to teach you to work with a FORDSON To Plow, Harrow. Grist Mill. Wood Saw, Thresher. Shredder, Cotton Gin, Saw Mill and many other things mention here. Henry Ford has $230 on the FORDSON to help the farmer. You should certainly help yourself by letting, us show you v ii Fot dson will do for you. i . S. BARNES t Weldon Motor Co. Phone 328 Val.mil, X. Prtmium 4b& v-s v0 Ct ''o&t the thi. ' RED FREEBooh LABELS sjj Oary, President, F. H. Uregorjr Cashier. LOOK! K PRIDE on your Haul, Run your too numerous to just cutjthe price WELDON, N. 0. Betsy Ann Hide j ! J Sir Betty Ann Hlslt has the alstlnetlt f being the best Cupid In the "mevlM" In Is usually im In pictures with little pair ef wings tn hsr bsek. In Mils plsture shs It werklng In ent of Ins kl( ereo'iietlone belna shewn an the screen. 0 THE RIGHT THING ml kht RIGHT TIME JrMAAY MARSHALL DUFFEB WHEN TO READ. What ds you rsaaT aaaksapeara. A YOUNG bride writes .with the following complaint: "My kus- Dinai oiatr orotner, wno is making his home with us, Uelati oa reading his morning piper at the breakfast table. This Is tnnovlng ta me and I feel that It It an act of dis courtesy to me. Although my hus band himself does not do It he says It It quits ill right far bit brother to da to. What do yon say about Itf It ll to usual for our busy husbands tad fathers and brothers to read the paper over their brealcfast, often be cause they feel that Is the only time they have to do so, that It would be unfair to say that they are thereby doing us an act of discourtesy. How tier, I do agree with you that It 1 not very good mannert. Where one does not have the excuse of reading the paper because It la the only op. portunlty to do to it breakfast then It Is less pardomble thsn otherwise. If tt Is quite clear that the reading It limply actuated by curiosity md Im patience then there ll even leu es cuse for It. The fact Is that wttfc many families mealtime ti the only opportunity for friendly leisurely In tercourse md where one person chooses to put a damper on that spirit ke tt acting la a decidedly unsocial manner. If a persvu breakfasts lions thit la another matter. Then he may read the piper for companionship, go to I hotel restiurtnt when you occupy i table by yourself you are not show Ing bad msnnert; to do to though II yon mult eat at a table with other persons even If they are strangers ta you. you are not showing very much politeness If you prop the paper up before you. The practice of paper reading has become to general at breakfast time that there ire Uttle) metal piper props In the stores for which there Is considerable demand, making It possible for one to eat un disturbed and hare one'l paper held at a convenient ingle before him. There ll really no renon why on should not read a paper Is the car at train though, of course, tbt courteous Din or woman will contrive to hot! the paper or magatlne or book se that It dees not innoy hli neighbor! or 10 that bis elbows In holding It da not prod them. It It extremely die courteous to read paper or msgaslne at a lecture, or any performance. If this floes not ictually embarrm the performers It Is the kind of thing thst detract! from tht enjoy ment of the other member! ef tht indlence. And never, new reef wbeg some one ll talking to yon, Te be sure, you miy be able to attend te whit ti being said to yon and tan whit yon ire raiding at tht same time, but It Is tht tort of dis courtesy that It slmost never ex eat able. (CopyrliM.) A LINE 0' CHEER y John Kondrlofc Banfe. ALL AIOAROI OIOU Reader ef tale lUyme Are you running wall ea timet Da you keep yew rails all elear Fee the Special trains of CheerT Are your tralna of dympathy ftuaaiat throuak Irem A te Z With no side-tracks te delay PreeTMe e'er the rifht et wart Are the iwttchee wlealy eet Lest you l.uur te Refrett Do your sshsdulss (Ive I see heed Te the shadowed Land ef Need Ant vour Terminals today Tell me, Brotlier, what are theyt ropyrt(t.) tnl Take 'Im Away. Daughter Willie Papa, do yea cart) If 1 takt tluglng lessons! Papa Willie-Not If yea take Llf. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In UMForOvr30Yar Always bean the Blauatuii of Notice Qualification of Administrator. The undersigned having qualified in the Superior Court of Halifax county on tne ztn aay or January, jure, at ad ministrator of the estate of Rosa J. Batehelor, deceased, hereby notifies all persons holding claims against his said wiesiate to present wem 10 aim or ill. attorneys, Daniel ft Daniel, at their of fice In Weldon, N. C, on or before twelve months from the date of thit notice, or the same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All pereoni indebted to hit laid in testate are hereby requested to make immediate payment. Thit the 28th day of January, 1922. E. W. BATCHELOR. a ear. of Rosa J. Batehelor, dea'd. DANIEL A DANIEL, Attorneys. 9 ft waSi Get a Good Night's Rest nrntnurl n sjWs- ,,,, J Letterheads Envelopes Hi ll Heads GiveVsYoat Orders tor Hinting E. L. HAYWAKD, Weldon. N. C. TorlilbW? Men, Women, Girls, Bachelors, Widows, Etc. Joiu our Correspondence Club and make manv interesting friends (let acquainfed throughout the world thru our medium. Marry Wealth, Happi ness. Hundreds rich, attractive and williofc to wed. Photos Free. Bend 50 cents for four months' subscription, fl for one year. FLORENCE BELLAIRE 200 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. a 2 2m Special OFFER For a limited time we will five a year's sub scription to the SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST without charge to any subscriber, new or old, who asks for It when paying a year's subscrip tlon to The Roanoke News The popularity of the Southern Agriculturist is shown by its circulation, which now exceeds 375, 000. We have only a number of subscriptions which we can give free in this way First come, first served. "Free Hootch" A Sparkling atimulant. Full of Wit and and Humor. Free copy will be lent upon receipt of your name with address complete. Write to O. MITCHELL, 397 Fear Street, Brooklyn, N. If. z x an TYPEWRITERS! All mtkei and all atylea 118 up. 8omt that we it uned a ud releanod bv tha U. ti. Gov't. Barnina. Bute your nrwdi and w will deaerib aa4 quota. Tht LINOWftlTER, a printing offlea Mac mitt I Ribbons snv rolor 7W delivered. Give name and model. Csen paper Bail lMabeeU 11.14 delivU Em!! TyM Foundry, Mftt. Wood Tyut 13 J Sleep is just a? n. to health as food. The ability to sleep depends on the condition of the nerves. Dr. Miles' Nervine insures a good night's rest It will help any nervous condition from sleepless ness to epilepsy. Your money back if the first bottle fails to benefit you. You'll find Dr. Miles' Medicines in all drug store ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine A Bewaret T ' n Lm, w.i . ,k "Barer" in nadtiuK- nr mi uhu. wi are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scrflicd by physicians for twentjxxne years and pnived safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheuma tism, Karache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Dnr- tints also sell larger packages. Aspirin i the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture If afasKao?ticacidetr of Sahoyiioaari. Nothing will turn ambi tion into ill-tempered laziness Quicker than constipation. And nothine will .ren der the body more liable to dangerous diseases than this same poisonous condition. Don't be conatipatedl It lint ssfel It isn't senslblel It isn't necessary! Be well but don't rely on ordinary laxative to help you. Try instead the newest scientific treatment for constipation RICH-LAX This preparation not only overcomes con. ttipation, but it does away with all the nausea, cramping and deranged digestion caused by ordinary laxatives. Giurant.d at Our Store, We sts so ear that Rich'L.x will plcu. you tku w. want yon te com. to our elor. .nd set bottl sad tir It B tircly .t our ilak. If it doMn'l suit you, if a iso't the bett li.tive tnerlicin. you ever uMd. .imply u. m .nd ws will iHomailr refund, the fuA For Sale by M.C. PAIR. Notice of Qualification of Executor, The undersigned having qualified in the Superior Court of Halifax county on the 10th day of January, 1U22, as ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Indiana V. Garibaldi, deceased, hereby notifies all persons holdinit claims against his said testatrix to pre sent tnem to htm duly vended at his office in Weldon, N. C, on or belore twelve months from the date of this notice, or the same will pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to his said testa trix are required to make immediate payment to him. This the 14th day of January, 1W2. W. E. DANIEL, Executor of last Will and Testament of Mrs. Indiana V. Uaribaldi, deceased. DANIEL & DANIEL, Attorneys. 1-19-dt Sale of Land by Trustee. By virtue of the powess contained in a certain deed of trust dated January 20, 1920, executed by R. U. Vincent to W. E. Daniel, Trustee, and duly record ed in book 317 at page 378, office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax coun ter, to secure a certain indebtedness therein described, the same being for the balance of the purchase money of certain real estate, default haying been made in the payment of said indebted ness and the said trustee haying been requested by the holder of the same to execute the power of sale, the under signed. W. E. Daniel trustee, will sell at public auction for cash on Monday, the 6th day of March, 1922, at the Court Houbc door in Bali fax. N. C, at 12 o'clock M., a certain tract or parcel of land in Halifax county State of North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: Beginning at a stone oa the south side of Weldon-Raleigh H ighway. Run thence with center ot laid road N 84 de gree! W 185.5 feet, thence still with the said road N 699 degrees 30 minutes W 600 feet, thence stil! with the said road N 79 degree! and thirty minutes W 218.7 feet to a stake, thence still with the laid road N 88 degrees no minutes W 400 feet, thence still with the said road N 72 degrees no minutes W 179.6 feet to a stone in Grind Stone Branch, thence down said Branch as it meanders to a Beech tree, thence S 73 degrees 46 min ute! E 789 feet to a gum, thence S 86 degree! 60 minutes E 1000 feet to take, thence 8 85 degree! 66 minutes E 618 feet, thenee N 8 degrees 35 minutes E S58 feet to tbeBeaboard Air Line right of way, thence with the Seaboard Air Line right of way 808.6 feet to a stake in a branch, thenee up said branch as it meanders about 1000 feet to a stake near the head of said branch, thenee S 10 degree! 00 mintuei E 451 feet to a dead pioe, thence S 7 degree! 46 min ute! W 842.6 feet to a Sweet Gum, thenee S 8 dea-reei HO minutes K 4a feet to a stone, the point of beginning, being loU Nos. 1 and 2 as shown by a map and sutvey made by W. H. Pe terson, Engr., in January, 11)20. Said map being recorded in Book of maps 2 at page 89 at the Register of Deeds of fice for Halifax county, reference to which ii hereby made for a more com plete description. Said tract of land oontains 109 acres, more or lets. Terms of Sale: CASH. This the 30th day of January, 1922. W. . DANIEL, Trustee. MRS. JANIE HAYVARD, NOTARY PUBLIC, WELDON, ti. C. Offices of Daniel A Daniel. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS, Eipert Dyers and Cleaoen Cleaning of Portiere, Curtains, Blan ket, Bilks, Laeet, Velvets, Plush, Lediet Dresses and Gentlemen 't Clothing, Carpets, Etc All orders will receive prompt at tention if left at THIS OFFICE. IT is simply economy to get a Great Majestic Ranee at the present price and avoid the waste and inconvenience of using the old range through another winter. Any slight reduction in price next year will not make up for wasted fuel, repairs and baking failures you are sure to have with an old worn out range. Why wait? With a Great Majestic you will do better baking. You will save fuel. The beauty and comfort of your kitchen will be in creased greatly. No more uneven baking no more fussing wiih damperlland grates no more inconvenience, A Great Majestic is a modern kitchen ne cessity time saving and labor saving. Don't be without one any longer. . Call at our store or call us up we are ready to serve you. Weldon Furniture Company. PHONE 71 aTjanrairawiTiMM noaiorarauorarasra I INVITATION.! You are invited to open an accot nl with the BANK OF ENFIELD. S f EfiflELDf fi. 0. A Per Cent, allowed In the Savings Depart r ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can IPE1 Whatever you wish In high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assoriment will please you perfectly. OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY. OI T IS I 1 ESTABLISHED 1892; WWW.. Ml WIIM NHipMI WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W, E. DANIEL, ramiDBNT. OE NOTICE. Buggies, Harness s And Wagons. WEvcarry a full line ofjthe well known, both Hackney and Chase City Wagons at Rich Square, N. C, and the Oxford and Knight Buggies each of which are noted for comfort and durability at Weldon, N. C. Also a full line of Horses and Mules at both -places, during the winter and spring season. Thanks for past favors. Rich Square iioionAfi cms. M. Cft Within Reach Of All . . No longer need you put off getting a Great Majes tic Range, The price is right WELDON, N. C. bank by mail II K s 1 VWVfl L, C DRAPER, oasBiia. Weldon. D CHICHESTERS FILLS DIAMOND t.ADT9 I Ask yr DnnM for CHI-CHH TKt S A DIAMOND BRAND PIUA in Rho Gold metallic boits, aealed vtib BlutKOl Dr.tilil a.a ask tor CiiLOHii.Ti R V DIAMOND BKAHI FIM,, fur twentr-fli yeart recanlrtl at hr-l Safest, ayt Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS xilUu EVERYWHERE JBKS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. X. HAN I El, C. B. DANIEL DANIEL & DANIEL, Attorneys-at-Law, WELDON, N.C. Practice in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Collections made in ill parts of North Carolina, llrancb office at Halifax open every Monday UEORUE C. OREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ollice in (Ireenlluilding Weldon, N. C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WELDON, N. C. Ollice in the Daniel Building. Business promptly and faithfully at tended to. fiLLIOTT B. CLARK, Attorncy-at-Law, WELDON, N.C. Ollice in (ireen Building. ASHLEY B. STAINBACK Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public. WELDON, - N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties. Prompt atttention to all business entrusted to me. Office over M, C. Pair's store. H. B. HARRELL, Jr, Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, - - N. C. Prictiees in the court! of Halifax and adjoining eountiea. Prompt attention to ail business entrusted to me. Office over Kick's Jewelrv Store. o 26 7m Phone 24. T. OLABK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N, C, Practice! in the courts of Halifax and adjoining countiei and it. the Supreme court of the Htate. Special attention given to collection! and prompt return! DR PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST, Over Weldon Drug Company WELDON, N. C. W. J.WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDlNUf WELDON, N.C epl2 ly DR. Wm. A. CARTER, VETERINARY SURGEON, WELDON, N. C. Long Distance calls answered promptly An Appetizing Meal Everybody want It. Everybody likes It. Everybody' looking for It. BUT You can't get It unlet you have the right kind of grocerlc Oct 'era HERE I Phone 280. R. M. PURNELL, Weldon, N, C. Lamest Stoct ii lie When in Norfolk call on ui You will And what you want nd get it quickly. Havine na unvuun nn I agent'i eommaiioni are id. i ilea to our pricei. Thu en. allies ui to use Hrstclase ma terial and finish it properly W Pay Freight and Ouarantt Safe Arrival' f HE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (S3,years In business.) Mi Hank - NORFOLK, V OF tP-TOTHE MINUTE MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVFLTIEB. Butterick'tFatUrnt R & Q. Corsets, Misses at 76e. Ladies 76. to $1. IBJ. Prices will be made to tuit tht times. Hits and Bonnets made tail trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A.