Ik. mm mm& pP Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel lWj AKE the old buiiJings just as comfortable as the A v A new ones, and just as good looking, by putting on handsome, fire-safe, weatherproof, and long-lasting BIRD'S ROOFS Whether it is a dwelling, barn, garage or factory that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the right Bird's Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely re'urn one hundred cents .in satisfaction as honest value is built into every square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's Paroid, Bird's Art-Craft, Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bird's Granitized Roofings, or B rdV Twin Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to select for your building won't cost you a nickel. We know from experience that Bird's Roofs make good, and that is the reaio.; e yj.l them. BIRD & SOW. iac. 'EiubilsV V'. - . h. t ' V --k Mm, OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings nad Dressed Lumber. ' "THE PRHI-HCT DY." i ('. ' M v mind i:h-re came li i - l m kI' m.i pl.ivVJ me Here, j u ii ii i.' 111 1 i:i ilit-. niv.il world Jn? vX'Ikimi l')uk id, and whoip tear? And when I saw, I'd liule done In tliis great busy hive, I'd set about some good to do, Make things around me thrive. Would ask myself, if my own life Was such as God approved, Jj Did no accusing thought reproachl Fur ill, toward Him, 1 loved ? Some day we pas beyond the vale X'lien records must he shown, 'Tis then we lose for good and all Or "come into our own." A "Perfect Day" awaits the just But oh! who'll stand the test? A time of trial near at hand The pure will find sweet rest. As gently falls the dew of night (Jn rose-buds, lovely, fair ! So holiness will lead aloft Dispel thoughts of despair. Acquaint yourself, if still unknown NX' i tli I Inn who rules o'er all, He who alone can light the way Or bring the darkest pall, To poise itself in shadowy deep Forever shade the way, But when he clears all mists from view We find "the Perfect Day." -J. B. T. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine ...jj.. WnrmiiL! I nN's vm, mn On- name "Iiaum" m pfickiiLff or on t-nMrU you arc not p'ttuitf p-niiinc Aspirin pr BmlxHi hy ph iri;iiH fur Uvimty-oii year.- urnl proved wife liy iniliioiirt. T;ik Aspirin only n i"bl in'llic ll;ivrr p:uk-Ji-r' frr t'.-I.Is, llMl;icln N.-iiriilLfia, lili.iimalitii, K-irailM-. Ttli.irln. Lnm I111.M iiii-l f r I'.nii. Hiiinlv tin 1m.x- of twr( ',:irr TiM.-N .,f A-pirin . frw (viits. ItniL-i-tH :,! well l;irL'"r p.i.'k-iip-. snrin h tln ftM'lr mini of H;iyiT 1 ri n 11 f 1 . f u r- uf M.iiui .-tn ariii t'tiUT of NiliijIiciiWd. :W V"ik. JT1 . ' l . ft. :-M as: v ,.y - j-r,:w L OfiESOfllE ? Men, Women, Girls, Bachelors, Widows, Etc. .loin our Corn-potnli'nee Club and make many i utere tint: friends (Jet aeijuainli'tl tlnoiitrliout the world thru our medium. Many Wealth, Happi ness. Hundred rich, attractive and willing to vu'it. 1'hotos l-'ree. SSend oil cents fur four months subscription. $1 for one vcar. r'LoKKM'K r.KIJ.AlKK ,ihi Muiitairue Street, Hiooklyn, N. Y. 1 J 'Jm Special I?, ?! II nivniT iiimdpd a inn tunny mmhw Phone 235 1 WELDON, N. C Miles of Comfort when we Fit You PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN It pays to buy the best especially when you get such prices as we have on our merchandise Exclusive Agent for Florsheim Shoes. LKITWR'S SHOE STORE Next Door to Weldon Drug Co. WELDON, N. C W ft FflM gtLltf, 1UM TM VIOtWO OFFER ' it. yJIi cliff "X. hen 1 feel like this dizzy, bhidt spots before my eyes, bad taste in my mouth, stupid and lazy I know what's the matter. I'm bilious, I just take a couple of DR. MILES' LIVER PILLS They fix nic up in short order. Why don't YOU try theve little wonder workers? You'll find them easy to take and mild but effective in opera tion. Your Druggist sells Dr. Miles Preparations. Within .Reach Of All . . No longer need you put off getting a (ireat Majes r tic kange. The price is right T is simply economy to get a Gre;il Miii- Mic R.inge in the present price ami avoid the waste and inconvenience ,i using i tie old range through another winter. Any slight reduction in price next year will not make up for wasted fuel, repairs and baking failures you are sure to have with an old worn-out range. VC'hy wait? U'ith a Great Majestic you will do better baking. You will save fuel. The beauty and comfort ot your kitchen will be in creased greatly. No more uneven baking-no more fussing with daniper' and grates -no more inconvenience. A (ireat Majestic is a modern kitchen ne cessity time saving and labor saving Don't be without one any longer. Gall at our store or call us up we at e ready to serve you. Weldon Furniture Company. THON1S 71 VCIiLDON, N. C. liil MM MM, OKGANIZFD IHOtii Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked its success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Oue- tin Gregory S. M. Gary, Vtco-PrRsiripnt. F. H. Gregory Oinhter, EAGII4MIKADO"PencaNo.l74 Po Sab M jronr Dealer Mad in fin crwln ASK FOR THl YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND " ' ' EAGLE MIKADO AGLE PENCIL COMPANY. NEW YORK The HIb-Fhi'IIiih (Jink ia lHyiK ilown the Law at'nln. Every ltptiiarlc li tftatf-ment; evry Step a Strut; every Pose a Pli-ture. He takes Himself Seriously and pretends to be the Bralu Trust, but personally We think he's Full of Prunes. PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN Tiiea!ilrevt Loafer who Parks on a Prominent Corner and Makes Re marks about the Glrla as tlioy Puss By should he (.'ailed to the Attention of the Street Cleaning department which will Confer a Great Favor bj Removing Him to tha City Dump. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORJA For a limited time we will give a year's sub scription to the SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST without charge to any subscriber, new or old. who asks for it when paying a year's subscrip tion to The Roanoke News The popularity of the Southern Agriculturist Is shown by its circulation, which now exceeds 375, 000. We have only a number of subscriptions which we can give -free in this way First come,first served. "Free Hootch" A Sparkling stimulant, Full of Wit ami and Humor, l-'ree copy will be sent upon receipt of your name with address complete. Write to (I. MITVIIKLI,, 31)7 Pear Street, Brooklyn, N. V. 1-1 2m TYPEWRITERS! All mckoa ami all mylr, tit up. 8ime that wert llxcd and rt- eased hv lh IT H flnv'f. Hnina State your n-(Hlsntnl we will deBCribo and quute. The LINOWRITCR, a printing offion nkcbmittI Ribbona anv rolor 75 liclivprnl nivo nnmn model. Carbon paper 8il3 loo aheetsll.ti deliv'd. Empire Type Foundry, Mfrt. Wood Typt, MRS. JANIE HAYVt'ARD, NOTARY PUBLIC, WELDON, N. C. Oflicus of Iianiel & Daniel. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS, Expert Dyers and Chaoers. Clt-anini.' of Portiets. Curtains. I'.lai kets, Niks, Laces, Velvets, I'IukIi, Ladies Drt-Mst-s and (lentli-men's Clotliintf. Carpets, i:ti- All orders will receive prompt at tention if left at TH!S0I-T1CL:. Notice Qualification of Administrator. The undersitrned havinir qualilied in the Superior Court of llahfav counlv on the isth day of .lanuarv, Iii-jl', as" ad ministrator of the estate of Itosa J. liatehelor, deceased, hereby nolilies all persons holdiuu claims against his said intestate to present them to him or his attorneys, l'auiel ,v. haniel, at their of lice in Weldon, X. C, on or before twelve months from the date of this notice, or the same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All pereous indebted to his said in testate are hereby requested to make immediate payment. This the L'-Mh .lav of .lanuarv, lifj-.' K. W. BATCH KLOIt. Admr. of liosa J. liatehelor, dee d. DAMKL .1- 1IAN1KI., Attorneys. 2 2 ipiiiiawiitj!rjtMira IiWITATiON. a You are invited to open an account with the BMK OF EflflELD, 8 WIELD, fl. c. f a 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-8 ment Compounded Quarterly. I gjjy YOU can bank by mail 5 Mwiowtauitioiiofatt v w m . a i tr m .- W'h.,.,,.. :.,u i """"-'v-' ! nign grade, ;ir ;,Mlc jctt-cry jn rhamnnH new nicLINf I ni'r i-i'i v CHIGHESTEIS FILLS DIAMOND BRAND Mi LAPTfffl I A,V jonr UraKrht for Cltl-CHES-TBR S A LI AM UN' I) m.AN'I) PIU.S ill Run rAj Goi.o niclfillic l.i.xe. flc;ilcd with filucw Ribhrrn. lAKB No fTUrn. liny ot j nnr T rru.rlil .d k for II i ( II K. Tf H V I)FAM(IM Hit Nl IM IT.H, lor twentr-flvo SOLD HY A.L DRUGGISTS tVERY WHERE STK TI-l H PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. K. I'ANIMI. ('. H. DANIKL DANIIiL & DANIEL, Attorneys-at-Law, UTOI.DON, N. :. Practice in the courts of Halifax and Northampton and in the Supreme and Federal courts. ( ollcctions made in all parts of North Carolina. Branch ollice at Halifax open every Monday OROKOEC. OREEN, A TTOkNBY-AT-LA W , Ollice ill (ireeu ItuildiuK Weldon, N. C. Wm, L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WE1,IH)N, N. C. Ollice in the Daniel Building, , Business promptly and faithfully at tended to. LLIOTT B. CLARK, Attorney-at-Law, WEMKiN, N. ('. Ollice in tireen I'.uiKlinjr. ASHLEY B STAIN BACK Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public, WELDON, - - N. C. l'ractices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties. Prompt atttention to all business entrusted to me. Ottice over M. C. Pair's store. H, B. HARRELL, Jr. Attorney-at'Law, WELDON, - - N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to uie. Ottice over Hick's Jewelry Store. 8 5 7ui Phone -M. T. CLARK OUR P R 1 C li S WILL SATISFY. I C.RICKsd. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. l'ractices in the courts of Halifax and djoininir counties and it the Supreme court of the State. Special attention iriven to collections and prompt returns DR PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST, Over Weldon Drug Company W.J. WARD, DUNTIST, OKHt'E IN DANIEL lil'ILDIMif WELDON, N.C senl'J ly DR. U'M. A. CARTliR, VP.THKINAKY SURGEON, WEI. DON, N. t'. I.miir I'istance calls answered promptly etterheads Snvelopes IBM Heads GiveUsbur Orders for Printing E. L. HAYWARD, Weldon. N. C. Millions of fine stocky frost-proof caDoage plants, Larly Jersey and Charleston Wakerields.Succession, Flat Dutch. Prepaid mail : 200, 60c; 400, $1; 1000, $2. Fxpress: 2000, $3; 5000, $6.25; 10,000, $10. Get price list Sweet Pota loes, Tomatoes and all other plants Parker Farms, Atlanta, Ga. atf laajuHwraMwy am lamwraaiam-aamjmia t ii i: 1 uuv ESTABLISHED B-Hrrr-r r T - -"j ygj 1 1 1 Capital an Surplus, S68f000. WE INVITE YOUR CtOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W, E. DANIEL, PRKSIORNT. L. V, DRAPER, CASIIISg. i 0 T I ( OnUBklDailDDDEgH g Accept BO g No Substitutes g D :or D a Thedford's g BLACK-DRAUGHT a a Purely Vegetable a n a Q JLtlVCl 1I1CUIUUC Q no p. nn aaancanannsi AI11A Buggies, Harness And Wagons. WEfccarry a full line ofjlthe well known, both Hackney and Chase City Wagons at Rich Square, N. C, and the Oxford and Knight Buggies each of which are noted for comfort and durability at Weldon, N. C. Also a full line of Horses and Mules at both places, during the winter and sprin season. Thanks for past favors. An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants It. Everybody likes It. Everybody's looking lor It. BUT You can't get it unless you have the right kind o groceries Oet "em HERE I Phone 280. R. M. PURNELL, Weldon, N. C. Largest Sfoct in He , When in Norfolk call on u Eri-Si Ycu '" ,lnd wl,, yu nt JJJ'1 and (ret it quickly. ""'A Having no canvaK8eri), o ; airent's couinmBionB are ad. iled to our priceB. Thia o L ' allien u to ue tlratclaBBDia terial anil tin ml i it properly We Pay Freight and Guarantee Sale Arrival' THE COUPER WARBLE WORKS. (ti3iyeTB in buaiue.a.) WtRankrtl NORFOLK, VA IIH-TO-THE MINUTE MILLINERY. VASCX (iO(ll)Sand NOVELTIE8. llutterick'Bl'atlerna R fi G. Corsets, Misses al ,0o. Ladies 76c. to fl. Prices will he made to auit the times. HatB and Bonnets made and trimmed to order, " ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY . FILLED, MRS. P. A. LfiWlH, Rich Square, N. C HOlGIMi BROS. Weldon. IV. C