ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, APUIL 6, 1922. NO. 40 PERSONALS A SAD DEATH. OLD WELDON. Things That Happened 33 Years Ago In Town and Vicinity. April 4, 1 889. -The Rev. Gil bert Higgs, of Warrenion, held di vine service at Grace church Sun day morning and night, ti Mr. T. L. Emry has sold a half interest in his store at Halifax to Mr. J. J. Daniel. On the farm of Mr. W. E. Bow ers In Buiterwood township on Thursday afternoon last a negro girl or seven years old was so bad ly burned that she died the next day. Mr. W. T. McMarks has pur chased a seine one hundred and fifty yards long which he intends putting into the river at Halifax. On Monday last a white man by the name of J. H. Grant, was run over and killed by the northbound through freight train of the Sea board and Roanoke Railroad, near Seaboard. Engineer Latimore saw him, blew for breaks and did all he could to stop the train, but before he could do so it had run over Grant and killed him. He was a hard working man, about 27 years old. a A private letter from Capt. J. T. Scott says he is well and has buck led down to business. He says the failure of the canal company . has paralyzed business on the Isth mus. It has not rained since Jan uary 1st and the rainy season, which is the unhealthy season, is looked forward to with dread. Here is an extract which tells the condition of the poor: "The same coffins serve several times. The guard go the rounds several times f'aily in the cities. Convicts guard t I by soldiers carry a coffin, put the body in and take the body off for burial. A hole is dug about a foot deep, and the body dumped in and covered over with sand and the coffin retained for the next. It 8 fellow is not quite dead they will call again a little later. There is nothing but wreckless living -and debauchery in every shape. No body seems to care for anything. The whole is simply a conglomera tion of plant life, filth, wreck, ruin and waste of hundreds of millions of France's money all consolida ted in one immense picture." WOMAN The diary of Man, Should at All Timet Retain Her Many Oraces and Charms. The stylish millinery will be contributing force this season irr adding these essentials, and to the ladies of distinctive taste and ideas. The line should appeal strongly to all our lady friends. The stock embraces all you could desire, and in workmanship, artistic designs, reasonable prices and thoroughly preparedness and willingness to serve the ladies of Halifax and Northampton counties beckons ,you to come and investigate the entire showing. A cordial welcome awaits you I he gran a sprmg opening at Mrs. P. A. Lewis' takes place to day, the 6th. And Other Items Told In Brief Form. THEY KNOW. The express, business is a good barometer of trade, according to G L. Cash well, agent in charge of the local express office, who declares it is significant, that the American Railway Express Com pany, is preparing for a heavy movement of express traffic during the remainder of this month. Fluctuation in the express bust ness, according to Mr. Cashwell, usually precedes like changes in general business by several weeks. The express people are confident that business resumption is near at hand. At their New York office it is stated that in unusual number of buyers have visited New York City recently and that many con cerns have a full corps of traveling salesmen on the road. The express company is getting ready for 8 return of the small package business, and the first two months of the year showed a no- ticeable increase in this traffic. At the first steps in the prepara lions made for business increase, the express company is experi menting with steel collapsible packing trunks, which are expec ted to give ; even greater pro tection trom crushing, soiling, damage by moisture and pilfering of all small shipments. April is here. Apple blossom time. Clean up and paint up. Gardeners are getting busy. The new dwellings are going up rapidly. Miss Florence Allen visited Rich mond last week. Mrs. W. L. Scott spent last Fri day in Richmond. One thing nobody believes is a 'fresh paint" sign. March came in like a lamb and went out like a lion. -The way to a man's heart is through your pocket book. Love in a cottage isn't so bad if you have enough groceries. Mrs. Lee Johnson spent several days in Richmond last week. Mrs. J. B. Zollicoffer and linle daughter, visited Richmond last week. Mr. J. E. Branch is erecting two beautiful cottages on west Third street. About time to be getting the gar dens ready for planting early veg etables. . An old man wants to know if the tax on bachelors is not a luxu ry tax. Mr; Jack West, of Richmond, spent the week end with friends in Weldon. Mrs. C. J. Owen and daughter, Miss Virginia, spent last Friday in Richmond. "What keeps bootleggers in business?" asks an exchange. Customers. If we can have seasonable weath er during this month, the fruit crop will be safe. Every now and then officers capture a still where corn liquor is being made. Mrs. L. C. Draper and liule daughter, May Bell, visited Rich mond last week. Mr. Eugene Daniel has returned from Richmond very much im proved in health. Shad are on the market but the price is more than a man of ordi nary wealth can stand. Fish as well as human beings often get into trouble by not keep ing their mouths closed. Miss Mary Pierce, of Greens boro College for Women, is spend ing a few days at home. Miss Anna Shaw, of Greensbo ro College for Women, is spend ing her spring vacation at home. Dr. Donald Daniel, of Rich mond Medical College spent the week end with relatives in town. When a man thinks he is sigh ing for the good old days he is merely sighing for his vanished youth. Mrs. Pierce Johnson and liule daughter, who have been visiting relatives in Oxford, have returned home. Mr. W. R. Swingle has been ap pointed ticket agent at the Union station, succeeding Mr. D. L. Hon naday. Remember the time when a fel low was thought to be highly ao complished if he could play on the guitar? Now that conferences ruve be come all the rage, why not have one on the iimiiaiion of automobile accidents? A few shad and rock fish have been caught. Let the weather siay warm ten days and you will see some fish. When a girl's eyes are down- east, mat means moaesty; wnen a man's eyes are downcast, that means ankles. WELDON AGAIN VICTORIOUS. On Monday of last week the lo cal high school basket ball team went to Rich Square and defeated her to the tune of 24 to 16. Last Wednesday, March 28trT, Rich Square came to our court and attempted to snatch victory from defeat but failed to do so, for our boys gave her a worse licking than before and emerged from the con test on the top end of a 52 to 20 score. Summary of the games and a very successful season follows : Weldon 71 Jackson 8 " 21 Jackson 8 " 19 Littleton 13 26 Scot. Neck 6 21 Enfield -26 36 Enfield 18 24 Rick Square 16 52 " " 20 Toials 270 Totals 115 In the spring a young man s fancy turns to thoughts of how he may be able to get another 10,000 miles out of last summer s suit, The world seems to be getting shorter and shorter oj time. At least half the girls you see on the magazine covers have scarcely had time to dress. A woman is well dressed, says Mary Roberts Rinehart, when she can stand the sharpest scrutiny but when no one turns to look. Nicely put, but don't the ladies like to be looked at? From a Bride: "As a young housewife of only two and one-half years' ex perience I am glad to find that even we amateurs can cook successfully if we use Royal Baking Powder." Mrs. J.LM, ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for New Royal Cook Book FREE Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 William St, New York The Beautiful and Accomplished Young Daughter of Conf rest man Claude Kitchin Dies in Washington. The only game we lost being the first one to Fntield on an indoor conn where nur boys had never pbyed before and practiced only once while linfield had played one matched gume on ihis court and had been accustomed to indoor practice before. SILVKH ANNIVERSARY. Rev. Albert New, a former rec tor of Grace Episcopal Church in Weldon recently celebrated his sil ver anniversary, as an episcopal minister. The Waynesville Cou rier in speaking of tjie celebration says: "Weldon Parish in Halifax coun ty, where Mr. New was Kectortor three years before coming to Waynesville has just presented him a fine linen Priest's surplice in comniemoraiion of the "Anni versary" service held recenily. This beautiful gifi is sent from the members of the Woman's Auxili ary in Mr. New's former Parish. The Rector is very much gratified at being so kindly remembered af ter seven vears away from Wel don." FACTS ABOUT FLIES. Flies produce very rapidly, a new generation Deing proaucea every 10 days, at a summer tempera ture. A female tiy lays t eggs an average of 10 days. Thus we may have countless millions com ing from a single fly during a season. Allowing 2,880 flies to the ouce, it has been estimated that the total product of a single fly in 40 days, will be 810 pounds of Hies, provi ded one half of them live, Hence the logical lime to swut the My early spring. Let's co operate in the clean up week mid tkiiroy as many breeding places as possible The fly is the spreader of disease and an e iciiiy of man. Lei's gei in a few swais early and preven millions more this summer. KILLED AT A CROSSING. On last Thursday night whilt Moses Bell, colored, was attempt ing to cross the A C. L. track jusi the other side of the bridge, he was struck by a Coast Line freight en gine and instantly killed. The en gineer did not know of the acci dent until he arrived at Weldon, and got down to oil his engine, he found the man on the pilot, dead. Bell had been living up north for the past ten years and had only been home about two weeks. He remarked to some friend a short while before the accident, that he had returned home to die. Buy flowers for Easter of Weldon Furniture Co. MUSIC CLUB RECITAL. A public musical recital will be given by Mr. Thomas Hamilton in Graded School building Tuesday evening, April 18th, beginning at eight o'clock. This recital will be given under the auspices of the Music Club of Weldon. Mr. Ham ilton fiomes highly recommended, being connected with the Univer sity of North Carolina. This re cital promises to be a great treat for all the music lovers in this and nearby towns. The public is cordially invited by the local music club to attend this recital. A silver offering will be taken. Prooceeds to be used in providing medals as prizes in our music mem ory contest. ELECTION CALLED. Mr. W. E. Daniel, Chairman of the School Board, appeared before the town Board of Commissioners last Monday night, and asked that the Board order an election to be held on May 30th, for the purpose of issuing bonds for school purpo ses. The Board promptly issued the call. The registration books will be opened on May 13th, and Mr. J. W. Pierce was appointee- registrar. The act was passed by the Legislature during the 1921 session authorizing this election. The school board proposes to erect a high school building for the white children at a cost of $50,000 and a building for the colored children at a cost of $25,000. SPEAKINO FIQURATIVELY. A negro couple stood once again before the probation officer. "Now, this," the officer said to Dotn, seems to me to be a case where there is nothing very much the matter except that your tastes are different. You, Sam, are much older than your wife. It is a case of May married to Decem ber." A slight pause, and then Eva, the wife, was heard to remark in a tired voice: "I I really doan' know what you means by yer saying May married to December. If yer goin' to talk that way, it seems to me to be a case of Labor day married to de day of rest." m WELDON TO ENTER. Friday night, March 31, in the school auditorium six girls from the high school met in forensic battle debating the query, "Re solved, that all school children should be provided with free text books." This preliminary debate was held for the purpose of select ing two first debaters and two al ternate debaters to represent us at Emporia in May. The judges, Mrs. C. S. Vinson Miss Benson, and Hon. C. R Daniel, selected Bernice Dixon and Frances Scott as first debaters, The alternates will be announced later. All six of these debaters did splendidly, and showed that they were mastering the query. Miss lone Kitchin, daughter of Representative Claude Kitchin, died at the family home in Wash- ngton, D. C, on Wednesday of last week after a prolonged illness. She was 21 years old. Miss Kitchin had been confined to her bed for the past nine months, Prior to her illness she was a stu dent at George Washington Uni versity, where she would have been graduated in June. The remains were brought to Scotland Neck and there in terred in the beautiful cemetery at that place. Miss Kitchin had many warm, personal friends in Weldon who are sorely grieved at her untimely death. We desire to extend to our dear friend, Mr. Kitchin, and his family our sincere sympathy. Why should bereavement come to mortals in such agonizing form as that of the death of a beloved daughter, just reaching woman hood, is among the inscrutable mysteries. It is like receiving a stone when we have prayed only for bread, yet such things come under the permissive providence of Him who doeth all things well. We may not murmur, because we do not understand. We have no conception of the part played by such heart-rending afflictions in the process of working out an eter nal weight of glory in the unseen world. While this bereavement in its freshness, with all the sense of irreparable loss which it brings, shadows the home of one to whom we would gladly speak the magic word of comfort, if it were given us to do so, we trust that the sup porting strength of the everlasting arm beneath will be a conscious experience of the members of that stricken household. MARRIED LIFE. Don't forget the senior play 'Married Life" to be given at the opera house on Thursday evening, April 6. Good choruses between acts. Don't forget the date and place'. The proceeds are to go for a new encyclopedia and dictionary for our school library. Admission 25 and 50 cents. wCandy on sale at door CARD OF THANKS. I wish to thank the good people of Weldon for their kindness during the sickness and death of my hus band. Also for the beautiful flow ers. Mrs. R. L. Parker. mm uimmmmi &mkmmmmm, Wft'.-.i. m mi in ninn Juan ii ni i (OPENING APRIL 6TH I I And will continue for 10 days. The season is at i ! the Urn si I nana lor Meadwear and you will find all Latest Style HATS at my store. j I AMCC ! ,n announcing the arrival of my new stock it is the desire to imoress unnn vnu thai I o irtUILU i you will find in our beautiful arrav the verv laiest ami nifii fit Hfmianc in K timr-n thic season, and it is my purpose to measure up to every requirement of the ladies of Weldon and other Z lowns and vicinities. I Mir... Ca..1.a -A ka: CJ I. -n. - . 0 hum ruitiinnu aim miss tugcworni, our milliners, are artists in ineir line; possesing a wonderful! 1 knowledge of the business and are in every way qualified to give you that same service heretofore only ? I obtainable in the larger cities, They come to you with highest endorsements, and their skill are at your I f service. I j Miss Allie Kelley is also connected with our millinery department and will take pleasure in showing! special designs, remodeling and otherwise assisting you in securing the design most suited to you. INVESTIGATE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES z- I i MRS. P.A.LEWIS, i V 5 There will always be men to ex press honest opinions without fear of consequences. The poor we have with us always. OR SALE One Oak China Cabinet. A-1 condition. Apply to White Star Laundry, Weldon. PHICKENS AND EGGS WAIN l- U ED We will pay highest cash prices wire us or write for prices. Owens hruit X rroauce -o., 4 6 4t Tampa, Fla. Sweet notato plants from Gov ernment inspected seed beds. Por to Rico, Nancy Hall, Triumph, prepaid mail 500. $1.50, 1,000, $2.50. Exnress 2.000. $4.25. 5.000 $10: 10.000, $17.50. Ear- iana. Stone. June nnn, uiooe, Redheld Beauty tomato plants same rAKrvfcK rAKMS, Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE WELDON, N. C. i DON'T FORGET THE A r2 1 A and lasting i j PLACE AND TIME ripi u u 10 days. I RESIGNED. Mr. Emry Green, who has held a position as clerk in the Weldon postoffice, has tendered his resig nation, and left for Greensboro, where he has gone in the insu rance business. He is succeeded by Mr. C. F. Rhem, who is a very polite and capable young man. Corsages and all kinds of Cut flow ers sold at lowest prices. ' Weldon Furniture Co. 3 cans Early June Peas for 25c. while they last. W. T, Parker. 01 New Registration of the Qual llled ''oteri for an Election to be Held May 30th, 1922 by Vlr. tH. ot an Act Pntltled An Act to Authorize the Board ol School Trustees ol Weldon to Issue Bonds" Chapter 119 Public, Lo cal and Private Laws, North Carolina, Session 1921. Notice it hereby given lint there will be new registration of the qualified Toter of the Weldon Graded School District for an election wtiioh hat been called by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Weldon to be held on TUESDAY, MAY 30TH, 1SW, id said Town of Weldon at the usual place lor holding election! in said town. The Kegistrar appointed ii J. W. fierce, and the pliice of registration is in Hi office of II. O. Kowe, on Wash, inirton Avenue in aaid town, and the registration hooks will be open at aaid Dlace. The time of registration will be be- tuaen the hours of nine o'clock A. M .ml tw o'clock i'. M.. on eeeh day (Sunday excepted) lioin ana including rrlnay, may izia, i, aim w mu l,.,lm Haturdav. May 211th. 192. All qualified voters are requested to Mirister. This notice is published by order of the Hoard ol Commissioners 01 tne Town of Weldon, N.C , at its meeting Monday, April 3rd, IVfi. This the 4th day of April, 1922. E. L. UAYWARD, Clerk of the Board of Commissioner!, NOTICE OF SALE. Under the Dowers and authority con ferred unon the undersigned by a cur tain deed of trust executed by J. T. I'ope and Alma V. Pope which is re corded in book 317, at page :i3u, otlice oftlie Register of Deeds for Halifax county, default having been made in the payment of certain part of the in debtedness therein secured, and being duly requested thereto by the legal holder thereof, the undersigned Trus tee will, on Saturday, April 8th, 1922, between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock P M., in frout of the Post Otlice door in the Town of Weldon, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash, a certain tract or paicel of land with all improvements now thereou situate, lying ana Being in Weldon Township, Halifax county, N. described, denned ana Dounaea as follows: Beginning at a stone corner on the n edge ol the public road leading Ironi Weldon to Halifax, corner L. T. tlarner said road, and running inence in deg. 46 min. w 850 feet to a sweet gum tree, thence thence 50 deg W 26 feet to a stake, thence S S deg W 143 feet to a stake, thence S 61 deg a zji leei vo a stake, thence S 2 deg 30 mm K ana feet to a stake, thence S 13 deg 45 niin W 4(K1 feet to a stake, thence S lii deg W 370 feet to a stake, thence N 81 deg W 5.W feet along the line of L. X. Uarner to a stake in the corner of said Uarner and M. W. Hansom line, thence S 1(1 deg 4.-i min W along the line of M. W. Ransom liuu feel to a stake in the cor ner of Haid Ransom, and the land of J. A Johnston, a pine tree, thence 8 "B deg :M min E. U3U feetfo a stonc.thence 8 lti deg 3U min W Ii75 feet to a stone, thence N 7!i deg W 172 feet to a stone in the cor. .lohnsl u line, thence S 11 deg. jr. n.,n w :l"2 feet all aloug the Johu- ton line to a stone in the corner of Johnston and A. J. Joyner, thence N 70 deg SO mm E 1624 feet along the A. J Joyner line to a stone on the west edge of Ihe aforesaid public road.thence along said public road N 12 deg N 2442 feet to a coiner on the W edge of aaid road at a curve, thence continuing along the said load 24 leet W 34ti feet M 31 deg W 473 feet to the beginning, the same containing B2J acres ol laud by survey of K. II. Barrow made January 1920, and being that identical tract ol land which was conveyed unto Mrs. iu. v Mnna hv Robert Ransom on the 3oth day of December, 1915, by deed which is duly recorded in the ol Ho. nf the keirister of Deeds for Halifax oountv. in book of deeds 2(H, at page the eth day of March, 1922. WILLIAM L. KNlllHT. Trustee, D PIC NIC HAMS. Pound. D. P. COFFEE, pound We guarantee this to be equal to any coffee grown, a pound it could not be better. ELL-O, All flavors, Package BACON, 3-lb Strips, pound P. BUTTER, Fresh from the best dairies of ihe United Slates unusually delicious FOR SALE At Camp Lee Office. Ituiltliua Material and Equipment of ..... .leu-riution needed ui erect auu equip a home. Sash. Doors, Framing, Shcetlni, Siding, Wall Board and Builders' Hardware. Hot Water Boilers, Storage Tanks, Mule I and Family Ranges. Toilets and Slop Sinks Send me your specifications. I will build you a home anywhere at a lower cost than you will ever be able to have it done again, 1 aiso nave tor nam Benches, Wood Fencing, Stand ard Chestnut Poles, Wire, X Arms Insulators. An.l a eomnlete lire alarm system large enough to serve a city me sue ui w Tn Mr N. ror further information write me at The Liberty Theatre, Camp Lee or tele phone No. 2472. C. R. SANDERSON, Camp Lee Salvage. nun hi I LI 11 V U 1 WELDON, N. C. Eoonomy Prices at Pender's Yellow Front Store .17 .31 At $1 .10 .16 .41 SPHAGHETT1 Franco-American, can- 12 Usual Price 19c. MAPLE PEARS, in rich heavy syrup, can- .15 Former price 25c. MILK, Rogers Condensed, can - 14 Milk, Rogers Fresh Evaporated, Large Can.- .10 Rogers' Milk are sold on our guarantee to be equal io any other brand on the market. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS. All varieties, can CAMPBELL'S BEANS, can BAKER'S CHOCOLATE, half pound cake,... BAKER'S COCOA, half pound can.. Fox River Butter, pound print Prunes, large and meaty, pound Salmon, tall can, fancy grade... .10 .10 .18 .20 .51 .15 .15 .29 .30 .25 .35 .08 .05 .10 .13 .18 These are a few of the many prices. Come in and look our stock over, tvery article marKea. uet a printed receipt with all purchasig for your convenience. Asparagus, Eagle Brand, Large Square Can Asparagus Tips, Hillsdale Brand, can JAM, Robin Hood Brand, Lar Jar... PRESERVES, Royal Scarlet Brand, Large Jar- Macaroni and Spaghetti, package Sardines, American, can SYRUP, KARO, can. Naiional Biscuit Company's Newest Biscuit CHOCOLATE FINGERS, package N. B. L. Rabbits, pound Improved Porto Rico and Nancy Hall potato plants, $1.65 per thou sand; over 1 0,000 at $1.45. April, May, June delivery. Cash with orders. B. J. Head, Alma, Ca. Trustee's Sale of Land. Under and bv virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me by a oer- lam Ueed o! irust eiecuieu 10 me uy L. W. Uupton and Bessie 1. Mupton, nis k', on the 1st day of March, lttlu, which deed of trust is registered in tlie otlice of the Register of Deeds of the nnuntT of Halifax. State of North Car- ntuifc in book ZMU. Dlire tot. ueiauu having been made in the payment of the bonds described in, and secured Of. said deed of UusJ, 1 will, at the regueat of the owners add holders of said bonds sell at 12 o'clock at., on tne 10th Day of April, 1922 in front oi the Bank of Holliater, io the Town of Hollister, ilalilax county, sn.t of North Carolina, at public auo tion to the highest bidder for cash, that .rtm tract or naroel of land in said town of Hollister, bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron stake (formerly corner with Nick KichardBon and the Fosburg Lumber Lonjpanyj ana run niug thence N 8(J W 2134-1U feet.thence N 0 E 666 feet, thence 8 87 E fci3 and 4-1U feet, thence y 5 W 686 feet to the place of beginning, and being the same land which was conveyed by Luth r E. Wiliams and Arline Williams to J.J. Odom by deed dated June l!H, 114, which deed is registered in the office oi the Register of Heeds for said Halifax county, in book 'ol, pageoi Thie the Stb day of March, 192). XAUfcEK POL, Ti NOTTCR, Service by Publication. North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Mrs. Emma Harrison and her husband, Edward Harrison; Mrs. Margaret tiay nor and her husband, Lloyd Gayaor; Mrs Annie I'atton and her huaband, J. D. Patton: W. E. Daniel and bis wife, Ethel Daniel; Marshall Daniel (1 alt) and airs. Susie Ban as, Petitioner, va. Mrs. Daisy Smith and bar husband, Marcellua Hmith; George B. Daniel and Thomas Daniel, Respondent The respondents above named will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced m the Superior Court ot Halifax coun ty, N. C, for the sale of certain lands for partition; and the said respondents will further take notice that they are required to appear before the undersign ed clerk of the Superior Court, at his of hoe in the court house, at Hal, fax, Hal ifax county, on the UTH DAY Oil MAY, W22, and answer or demur to the peti tion hied in said proceeding, or the pe titioners will apply to the eouit lor tus relief demanded in said petition. This March 8lh, lttal. a M. OAKY, Clerk Buperior Court of Ualiiax County. ttt