111 3f iiSIAIiUSIIU) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum vol. mi. WKLDON, N. C, TIIUliSDAY, .Jl Xi: 22, NO. t PERSONALS And Other Items Told Form. In Brief ; The picnic season is here. Watermelons have made iheir . appearance. ' Yes; these styles are conducive io calf love , Buildings ailing tip in utmost every Uircciinii. ; The trees are loaded down with t apples this year. I ; If you want to make a man smile, i tickle his vanity. Mr. Allison Travis has returned I home from Chapel Hill. ; Miss Laura Powers is visiting I friends in Richmond. I Mr B. H. Wear is attending the re-union at Richmond. The entrance to Easy Street is -often filled with self denials. i Mr. L. B. Suiter, of Scotland Neck, was in town Saturday. i , A man thinks he hasn t been i'treated right when he gets left. The modern rule seems to be to 'do others before they do you. f Life often goes hard with the 'fellow who tukes things easy. 4 The cost of living will always be high to those who live that wuy. Mr. C. P. Rodwell visited rela tives in Warren county, last week. J Chewing gum is bad enough, but it is better than chewing the tag. i Knock before you enter, but don't keep it up after you get in- : Side. S The surest wuy to beat the rent hog is to build a home of your pwn. , Some may lose their tempers, others are just thai way all the lime. Dull limes begun to disappear us Soon as people quit talking about them. i Mr. S. Trueblood is attending ihe re-union at Richmond, this week. ,.! Mr. W. W. Sledge, of Durham, 'Spent the week end in town with - relatives. J Some people say they don'i like Onions, and others are truthlul Sbout it. It is always easy for those who know nothing about it to settle u problem. Envy, when you come to think Of it, is praise disguised in its mean s fst form. S i Tbe world may noi be growing fcetter. but it certainly can't grow - any worse. Sometimes a man is a victim ol circumstances, and again he is just born goat. 4 The prospective candidates are now ousy urging themselves to run for office. Misses Ida Sledge air Virginia Inge are attending summer school at Chapel Hill. Many a man has thought he was jhe whole cheese when he was pnly the hole. f The young people enjoyed a dance at the Legion Hall last . Thursday night. I Hope springs eternul in the reasi of every man who reads a Seed catalogue. A v.. I ics, we usually nave some Weather ol this kind slong about .JSfiis tune of year. I Miss Eunice Clard who has been leaching school in Wilmington, Has returned home. ! An exchange says the only thing Miai is ever fair to both capital and wbor is the weather. . People who eat in the kitchen may not be stylish but they know ; What real comfort is. f When a man Begins to think he is indispensable, he is not far from learning that he isn't. ; Men may have as much courage as ever, but few of them wear whiskers these days. v.... J-. ; iuu uon i always see the pret tlest things in stockings in the show Windows these days. A i The Superior Court adjourned . last Thursday, having been in ses sion nearly two weeks. J TU ... .. - . ; i iiere are some as Dig fish in the streams this season as those (hat cot away last year. Mr. L. C. Draper visited Rich mond this week. You can never tell. Some con tributions to charity may, after all, be but conscience money. A pessimist remembers that a bee slings. An optimist remem bers that it makes honey. Some of the healthiest men a round here never took a drink of bootleg liquor in their lives. A correspondent usks, "What is artistic temperament?" Oh, mere ly a stage name for a bad temper, You may say what you like, but the girls are going to wear short skirts just as long as they please. One good thing about taking ad vice is that you have somebody to biame when things turn out badly. Money isn't everything, of course, but if you have it you don't worry so much about other things. Now that we have prohibition, the presumption is that when they go fishing they do nothing but fish. Still, some these folks who are criticising ilia young peopJe are too old to have a good time, any way. Misses Maud Harris, Lillie Bounds and Theresa Dickens are attending summer school ut Ashe ville. Cheer up. An inventor has promised the country a radio-controlled lawn mower by next sum mer. At times we wish the construc tion of Eve had taken some of the bone out of man's head instead of rib. Miss Helen Rowell was among those who attended the B. Y. P. U. Convention ut New Bern last week. We sometimes suspect that the good old days" were good be cause of the people who lived in them. There is no mistake about it. The man who thinks well of his neighbors is thought well of by them. It may be that nobody loves a fat man, but usually they are so good natured that they don't seem to care. We ure admonished to love our neighbor, bin that doesn't neces- irily mean going on his note at the bank. Some of our grave problems are solved and some defy solution and in the course of time we forget about tbein. When a woman says she likes to keep her eye on her husband, she means that she likes to keep her thumb on him. Ear rings are coining in," we read. But every lime we see a girl wiih a pair they look as if they are coming out. Here is a rule that doesn't al ways work both ways. When fellow bousts of his kin folks they seldom boast of him. The fellow who married 15 wives has been scut to the peni tentiary. Some of us thought he was headed, for the asylum. Capt. C. R. Chittenden is having his residence on 7th street remod eled and when completed will be one of the handsomest dwellings on that street. We are said to be creatures of habit, but in a truer sense we are creatures of thought. We relied our thoughts in our daily actions, in our condition in life. Prof, und Mrs. W. B. Edwards left for Wake Forest College last Monday. Prof. Edwards will be one of the teachers in that institu tion for the summer school. We are glad to see on our streets again our highly esteemed friend Dr. A. R. Zollicoffer, who has been on the sick list lor the past several weeks. May he Continue to improve in health is our sincere wish. QRADUATED WITH HONOR Mr. John Dinos who returned home last week from the Bliss Electrical School, Washington, D C, we learn, graduated with high honors Irom that institution. We received a letter from Mr. E. W. Bond, Secretary and Treasurer, which says: "He graduated with honors in this school on June 2nd, and it was a great pleasure to have him with us the past term. We wish him much success in his chosen profession. C'tAMKER OF COMMERCE. The most inreresting thing that has happened to the community lately is the organization of a Cham ber of Commerce. There has been a long-felt need and desire for just such an organization, and we feel sure that it will prove io be a most valuable asset to Weldon. With Mr. I I. V. Bounds as pres ident and a strong Board of Direc tors, the Chamber of Commerce will confer over matters of com mon interest, and the conferences will be u medium of information for the public. The citizenry of Weldon is invited to assisi, make suggestions and furnish informa tion that comes of town wide famil iarity with conditions and prob lems. With the great building activities now going on, Weldon' is taking a new lease on life. New people are coming to live in our midst. The business of providing for a bigger and better town and one of con stant advance can be handled to belter results in and through the Chamber of Commerce No one individual knows it all. Obviously by getting together and by making available for ull whatever each in dividual may know or think the general cause is advanced. The value of such an organiza tion will depend, of course, largely upon the spirit developed at the meetings. Let this spirit be one of good will ull around and a sim ple desire to get and give useful information and ideas by means of promising efficiency and progress. May the Chamber of Commerce live long and accomplish great good ! LIST OP TEACHERS. The tollowing is a list of teach ers lur the Weldon Graded schools, sessions 1922-1923 : WHITE SCHOOL. High School -Miss Annie Fu- trell. Miss Vernie Eddins. . Miss Lucy Forluw. tirades Miss Josephine Weaver. Miss Sue X aikins. Miss Erma Claude. Miss Nurcissa Daniel. Miss Theresa Dickens. Miss Lillian Bounds. Mrs. J. R. Crew. Miss Maud Harris. Miss Ida Sledge. Mrs. Anne Wear Smith, Music. COl.OKI-l) SCHOOL. A. R. Phillips, Principal. Mrs. J. W. Wood. Miss Lucy Jones. Miss Beatrice Davis. Miss Lucille Edwards. W. B. Edwards, Supt. MEETINll CLOSED. The revival meeting at the Bap tist church which began on the first Sunday in June under the di rection of the pastor, Dr. E. D, Poe, closed Wednesday evening, June 14, with u baptismal service, at which time twenty new members ware baptised into the fellowship of the church. There were about a dozer) other members added to the church by letter, coming from other Baptist churches, I he members ol the church say this was a really greut meeting, not only in regard to new converts but also in thai the church was greatly revived and strengthened. The new pastor did the preaching und seemed to get a firm grip upon all his people. m . "WILLINO 10 PAY." Two colored ball teams were as sembled and were about to start their game, but discovered one ol Iheir fielders missing. I'licircip tain asked for someone from the Ci'owJ to fill the fielder's place. tall gent said ne naJ some expe rieuce, so they put lum io ih game L-vcry tiling went all right till it came his turn at the but Aher-lhe newcomer had svotng at two pitched balls he connected with the next one and it went soaring over the fence, ihe crowd all began to yell "Run ! Run !'' But h didn't get it, and turning to the crowd he shouted: ' "Run nothing I'll buy them another bull I" DELI IH I I UL OCCASION. On last Friday night the Weldon Cornet Band gave an open air con cert at the park, where the church folks had on sale delicious ice cream, cake and cold drinks. The weather was delightful, the girls looked prettier, and the music sounded sweeter than ever before The uuiomobiles were lined up quite two blocks and a tremendous crowd was in aiiendannce. All left about 1 1 o'clock after having spent a most enjoyable and delight' ful evening. NEW MOUTHPIECE. A telephone mouthpiece has been invented which gives to the ordi nary desk phone all the privacy of a booth phone. It not only trans mits whispering sounds, but effect ually screens the voice so that a person standing near the speaker is unable to distinguish the words spoken, healing only an indistinct murmur, says un illustrated article in the Popular Mechanics Maga zine. I'UI.L TOOETHER, Are you taking an active interest the Chamber of Commerce? If not, you should do so. Great things can be accomplish ed through an active organization of this kind. There is really no standing still. A town will either go forward or backward, Put your shoulder to the wheel and let every one PULL tor a Greater Weldon. One enterprise will bring another. We stand ready to do our uttermost toward this end. PAINFULLY HURT. Charlie Bishop, the ten year old son of Mrs. Cookie Stainback was very painfully hurt on Mon day last by being accidentally struck in the mouth with a rock in the hands of another boy, His front teeth were knocked into the roof of his mouth and his gums badly split. The physicians thought best to take him to Richmond for special treatment which they did. THE TIN, An old lady was crossing the street.the other day. A dog ran into her with such force that it knocked her down. A gentleman witnessing the accident came to her assistance. He said : "Lady, did that dog hurt you?" She looked at him a little dazed and replied: "No, the dog didn't hurt me. It was the tin can lied to its tail." MINK KILLS KITTENS. One night last week little ( marles Chappell had the misfortune to lose all his beautiful little kittens, Upon investigation, it was found that a large mink had entered the building where the kitten were and had cut the throats-! all four. A mink will sometimes enter a hen house cut the throats of all the chickens, but we never before heard of their attacking kittens. IMPORTANT MEETINU. On Thursday evening, June 22. at 7:45 o'clock, in the Sunday School room of the Weldon Meth odist Church, the Woman's Club will hold its regular quarterly meet ing The new president, Mrs. Willie Green Cohen, will be in the chair. Much business of interest will be transacted and a full attend ance is dtsired. OFFICERS ELECTED. At the regular communication of Roanoke Lodge No. 203 A. F. & M., the following officers were elecied for the ensuing year : D. W. Seifert W. M. L. A. W. Shearin-S. W. N. M. Shearhi-J. W. J. T. D. Ruwlings Secretary. L, C. Draper Treasurer. WILL MAKE HER REPORT. Mrs. W. A. Pierce will make her report on ihe recent meeting of the Slate Federation of Women's Clubs at the meeting of the Wo man's Club of Weldon Thursday, June 22, in ihe Sunday School room of the Methodist church, at 7:45 P. M. 'I'll 12 KADIO. This new radio invention is a great thjng, but it may put some mm preacners out oi nusmess. Some will not want to go to church and listen to a tiresome windjammer when they can stay at home and adjust the machine and hear one of the greaiest preachers in the country. DEATH OH AN OLD LADY. Died at her home in Jackson, on Thursday of last week, Mrs. Mary Ii. Hardee, aged 91 years, 4 months and 23 days. The re mains were tenderly laid to rest Friday, Rev. Dr. E. D. Poe, of Weldon, conducting the funeral services. . t-TNE PEACHES. We desire to return thanks to our friend, Mr. A. W. Garner for a basket full of delicious peaches, grown on his farm, near town. They were sweet and juicy. . A wig deceives nobody the person who wears it. except REFLECTIONS HY J. H. T. "Man wants but little here be low" is indeed is a misnomor, for in all ages he has striven for as cendency, and aggrandizement, seems to have been one of his chief aims, prompted by a laudable de sire 'tis true, to attain that degree of eminence which characterizes those who go to the "fore" in this life, but many of whom apparently disregard the inevitable that awaits them. Why did Jehovah endow man with intellect, did He not wish him wisely to profit there? One of the brightest minds that has adorned the Senatorial halls of our great Naiion, when asksd by a friend, what his idea was "concern ing a future slate of existence." "I do not know." Now, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?'.' Oh, thoughtless man! to absolutely disregard God's law, and God's existence, when untold evidence on every hand attests Him "Lord of Creation," and since creations morn has sent judgements upon those individuals and nations who ignored His au thority and power. What does the Psalmist say, 9th chapter and 17th verse in book of Psalms? "Tbe w'eked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." How long will offenders continue to display their ignorance and remain candidates for hell? SIMPLE REMEDY. "1 am getting better every day." Repeat these words as soon as you awake in the morning. Repeat them ut intervals throughout the day, and again as you go to bed at night. Keep the thought constant ly in mind. With this formula a London man is curing hundreds ol persons of disease. People are Mocking io him from all over Europe. He has created a real sensation by his cures. His remedy is a simple one, and he says any one can use it. We have no doubt he is effecting the cures that are claimed lor him He has gone to the root of most diseases, and, as he says, the rem edy is simple that any one can ap ply it. You can not only cure most dis eases, but you can increase your 'efficiency and promote your suc cess in life by the same simple remedy. This isn't Christian Science, nor faith cure, or any oilier unortho dox theory or theology. Ii is just applied common sense, and has been used by successful people for ages. The London man has not discov ered any new thing, but he is do ing the world a service by applying it and making it public. Seventy per cent of the soldiers enlisted during the world war by the United Slates had been earn ing less than $15 per week. SUFFER PAIN? Heed Thii Woman's Advice Ppriiiuilule, Ky. "I was in a run down eoiiilition and every month suffered l:un. 1 had taken treatments for femi nine trouble, hut seemed to net no results from the treatments. II was through my daunhtcr-in-law that I heard of Dr. l'iene's Favorite Prescription and de cided 1 would try it. I took n few doses when at her home in Illinois, and when I mint; iioilie I took it resularly. It surely jielped me very niueh. t eau say that '1 avorite Prescription' is a very Rood remedy for women in a fun-down con dition or if trouliled willi feminine troul) lu." Mrs. Henry Howard, lionte 1. If you have the ahove-mentioned tivmptoms, you should prolil hy Mrs. Niw aid's advice, anil lid Ihe "l'rescri tioti" from voiir dniRiiit at once. To he he I in lal'lels or liiiiid; in write Dr. Pierce's Invalid.-' Hotel m llulTalo, N. V. (ol free medical idvice. WANTED. Hepresentaiive for Old Line Lite Insurance Company. One man in Eastern Carolina lias been con nected with us for 1 5 years, and notwithstanding the conditions in his section has paid for $J()t),()t)() in last two years. (Name furnish ed upon request ) We have open ing for a live wire insurance man for Halifax couniy. Can give a nonforfeitable contract wiih good commissions and renewals running nine years. Address GEORGE T. COCHRANE, General Agent, Greensboro, N. C. P"iJRhr PORTO RICO yam potato plants from government inspect ed seed beds. Special prices for shipment this month. Prepaid mail 500 $1; 1000 $1.75. Ex press: 2000 $2.50; 5000 $6.00; 10000, $10. Summer cabbage and Georgia Whitehead collards same price. Parki-h Farms, Atlanta, Ga FOR SALE. Small refngeruior good as new at a bargain. Also vant to buy some sectional book cases. Call Rev. E. D. POE, phone 208, or come and see. IK At meals, between f- !j Is meals, at picnics and " . , V':' ' ill home parties, drink i'fe- I'! j a.uwii,.. .,. A VaVNwV Tt'k phone ill1 ! 1 L' " - H 0f vein- grocer I Weldon CocaOdalirig Works, lac I1 J ! X FLDON, N. C. TLLI-PHONI: 2lH 1 mmaammjsmmimBmmaimimmiiumm bihuwii mi umihihiiiihiiihi mfii ii AN ORDINANCE, i r, . An Onlinaiu't1: I'resi'i'ibini; rates anl ri'iniliitions lur the W ater Works l'or Ihe Town of Weldon, N. ('.: lie itonlaine.l hy tlie 1 ominisMioneiH ol' tlie Town ol U'eMiui, S. I' , as follows tow t: The water uten -hall lie as follows. House, (i rooms ami umler.year $W.on ', .mi INI : no I'.IMI ii mi In Until tub. private, Each additional ttdi Hath tub. public Ivieh additional tub :,.iki Water closet, private :i on Much additional closet, L'.uo Water closet, public li no Kach additional closet .Yon I'avc w ash or splint, ler li no 'table, prnalc, each horse l oo Kach additional horse ,".o Stable, liwoy, each stall l.on I.avatorv ' -.i llakcrv,' bat her shop. 1st chair, .".oo lOaeh additional chair ;!.on Smith shop, each lire li.oo Hunt Store, I spigot s on I'.oUhiiL' Kstablisbmenl. 1,'i.on Slaughter bouse, 1 spiyot o.tlo Kestauraul, 1 spiol .Vim Ollice. 1 spurot Vilo Dental ollice, 1 spurot, ,'i.tKl Store oi church, I spitrot 4.0a Laundry, t'-'.Ou Wash band basin, public n oil Steam engines, per horse pow.ir, 111 hours per day " on leam emrines, over til hours pet day, special rates eer year. atei by meter measurements per 1 ,1'nO tfallous. .-U The several departments of the town shall pay for all water consumed iu the respective depigments al meter lales wheie meteis have been placed and ll no meters have been placed in any such department the iuanlity of water con sumed by any such depailiueut shall be estimated' by said Supermt lent and rlo' eliaiires'lhereof shall be in ac cordam'e with said meter rales. The accounts of all such departments I'm waler so consumed shall be cirned on the books of said --upel intcudeul ol Town Clerk as a" other accounts are now kept. Consumers of waler outside of the eoiporale limits ol the lown ol n enion, N. C., usiiitf water supplied by said town shall immediately install meters at then own expense and shall pay for said water at such rale as may be pre scribed by the Water Committee pro vided that minimum rate shall not he less limn regular meter rate. My order of the Itoaid of Commissiou- eis ol the Town of Wet !on, N. C. This oidinanee ell'eclive July 1, In'-'!. W. W. WtciilNS. Mayor. K. I.. W A till, Clerk. This the oth day of June, lti."i. An Ordinance. It shall he unlawful for any person, linn or coipoiaUoti or eoiporation who owns, opeiales oi uiaiii Un lis a stable hi tliecolpoiuteltmils ot cblon. ill which lioises, mules and cows aie kept lokeep such stable man unclean or uusanilaiy condition, there shall be provided a tun oi pit, which shall be water Hiiht and so arranged that it is Ity proof, or a wa ter turtil barrel with a close tiuinp lid. Manure aecutnulatiiii,' in such stable or yard around ll shall he placed ill tbe Inn, pit or barrel each day, and the same shall he removed Irom such sta ble al inteivals nut longer than live days hen-inning March l"ith aud ctiunn uiuir until :eiiember loth of each year and al mterva's ol oue month from September loth to March l-tlh. Hy onler of Hoard of Commissioners, Towu of NVeldou: W. W. WKUIlNS, Mayor. K. 1.. IUYWAKII, Clerk. .luueo, 111-.'. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS All town taxes of 1921 not paid by July I, 1922 will be advertised and sold with costs utlueil. By order of Board of Commissioii- Cr!" J. W. PIERCE, Tax Collector. ONEY TO LOAN In large amounts on good farm lands for five, seven and ten years. A. C. ZOLLICOKFER, Attorney, Rosemary, N. C. b isot Washington Avenue, LIlll.Y'S WKKK I Tall can ol Libby's Evaporated Milk EREE with every purchase of five articles, assorted, from the list below. Libby's Onaliiy is supreme LIBBY'S Apple Buiter, No. 2 can,... " Medium Green Asparagus Larye Corned Beef No. I can .. .1 - .i Roasi Sliced Beef, 3 1 j oz. can Rosedale Dried Beef, 7 o. Chili Con Carne, No. I can Corned Beef Hash, No. ' . 1 1 Peaches, special extra Lemon Cling, No. Dill Pickles, No. 2', can.... ' Sweet Relish, 8 oz can ' Vienna Sausage, No. I 1 i can 1 " ' Spinach, can ' Lunch Tongue, No ' j can ' " " " I can 1 Tripe, No. 1 can Veal Loaf, can BUTTER, Cut from the original tub, pound D. P. D. P. BLEND COIT'EE, l ib Package 31c Golden Blend Colfee, I -lb package 23c D. P. TWIN LOAF BREAD, Hi oz loaf (Save 3c.) 07c Marshall's Kippered 1 lerring, Plain or in Tomato Sauce 20c can 1 5c 35c large can for 25c l-'ancy Breakfast Bacon, 12-ib Tin $2; By the piece, pound 18c Kingan's Corned Beef Hash, 2 lb. can 15C Wilson's Cooked Corned Beef, () lb. can 55c " 2 lb can 21c tarWIicii in Norfolk visit Pender's Restaurant. Tj tjtmt Mm -iimr-i n r" . li l.'i It Unci CO) Notice of Summons. Noith Carolina. Halifax County lu superior Court MLN.I lilLI.ll.AM s. MAKTll.V Cil.l.ll.AMl. The above named defendant will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the Supcnoi Court of Halifax county lo have the bonds of matrimony heretofore cxistiuir between the plaintiff the defendant dis solved. 'I he said defendant will further take notice thaCshe in required to he and appear lielore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax county nt the court House door in Halifax, N, C, on the 7th day of July. H-, and answer orde nnir to the complaint ol tbe plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the huh day ol .tunc, IM'J-J. S. M. ItAKY, Clerk Superior Court, I)AMi:I.& DANIEL, Altys I Nancy Hall and liarly Triumph potato plants 75c. per 1000 FOB Valdosta, Ga. Dorris Plant Co,, Valdosta, Ga. WliLUON, N. C. 28c 35c .We 21c 25c 25c 50c 22c 29c Nc 20c 34c Tips.. can.. 2 lb. can 1 9c 2', 37c 25c 15c 14c 25c 21c 28c 50c 23c 25c 40c Notice of Sale of Valuable Real Kstate, P.y virtue ol an order of sale made m the special proeeediiniii entitled Mis. Kuinia Harrison t al vs. Mis. Iiaisy r-ioiui o ui oy loe , leik Ol Lilt- Mlprllol ouli ol naiilax l ounlv, N. I .. the un dersiirned commissioner hems lawfully appointed w ill, on the 24th Day of June, lu22, at the oiirt house ihioi iii lluliius. Hal Has county. N. C, at r.' o'clock M., sell to tbe Inchest bidder lot one-Hind cash one third in six mouths, aud one Hunt 111 twelve mouths lioui .lav ol wiih. lollowuit! tiaels ol land, towit: 1 iUSI Tit MT. Item lot No. 1 in the division of the W. I-.. Iianiel estate in Halifax county, N. C., bouu.lcd as follows. Heiiininriir at the center of path opposite stone, corner of division m W. C. Daniel'a estate hue, ten feet Koiith of briilne, thence with division of No. -J, i -i 1-20 K nam I'eet to slake with poinlers, corner of division No. 1 in division No, '' line, thence with divis ion No. S. S ?-.'ii feet Io Miry Hraudi at slake corner with division No ;t in T. I. . airen s hue; tueuee up said branch with Wan-en's to side line holly ;) feet noith of branch run; theuce M fit i.jjn W loll". I'eet to T. I.. W arren's center, eeulti oi llablas Koad; theuce aloug said road, bin, feet to center of path aud roud W. C. tlauiel estate corner thence along said path N H I 'Ju K kkii'i feet to hetrinniuif contaiinuK IH acreN more ur less .NKCON I) TK.-UT. Item lot No. 7 in thedivision of W. C. Uauiel estate in Halifax county, N. C. and hounded as follows: Itetfinuinif at a stake small pine pointer, corner of lot N'o. 1 id 3. II. Uedircpeth'a line: theuce with lledirrpeth S Hu K mi teet to ,T. H. Ilcdnepelli's corner on Marsh Swamp; theuce up said swamp Ion I'eet to Har Huif Itranch; thence up liarhuif Branou to a stake, (mm I'omter, corner of lot No. 1; theuce lot No. S ;8(l feet to the beainniuK containing llii acres, more or leas, I his valuable real estate is being sold for partition amoug the heirs at law the title is perfect and will be Mts horn incumbrance. This May Ml, lltJU. W. H. CAKKOIX, Commissioner, t s I