ASPIRIN Insist on Bayer Package AHEAD OF OLD FATHER TIME But Small Boy Had Quite Oe'inte Idea of Njme Which He (Son aidered Pretty for Girl. Lnlt'M you fo t lie ruinr- "Ruvit' package or on taMt-t mi nn- nut ting Vw grnuiitt Haver punliii t seribfd by phyfticiariH o cr tmit Tars anil proved safe bv imltiuiis fur f'oliln M.a.Ia-!,.- Toothache i.mnSat) Karache li ht uTnat ini Neuralgia 1'nin. Pain Accept only ''Bayer" park;.:;.- v.1! it'll contains proppr dirttt h.hh. Ihtu u of twelve tabM cot fVu i-'-nt-. Iul' gista also sfll bottle r lM u; i htn. Aspirin is the tnilr iuik t I'.r.i-r Manufacture of Muiioui t m ik-i U -t i f rmlicylicacni. PROFESSIONAL CAKDv w. B. laniki. i i, mmk: DANIEL & DANIEL, 'Attorneys-at-Law, WKLI'HN, N C ' Practice iu the cow (-oi llnliim iiu ! Northamptou aud m the u m-rt, t- 111.1 Federal court. Collection ma h- 1.. ill ' partii of North Carolina. Himn'li iiher at Hal 1 fa 1 open every Monday j MKS. JANIR IIAYX'AKI, NOTARY PUBLIC, WELDON, IN. C. Uttices of Imuiel .t I iuii 11 1. UEOkUfc C. UKLKN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Otlice in (ireeu Buildm Wetdon. N. C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor at l aw, WELDON, N. C. Uttice iu the Daniel P.uilding. Business promptly and faithfully al tended to. LLIOTT B. CLAKK, Attorney-at-Law, WEI. DON, N. C. Otfice iu Ureen liuildiug. ASHLEY B. STAIN BACK Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, - . N. C. Practices iu the courts of Halifax aud adjoining counties, t'rouipt attteutiou to all business entrusted to uie. Illhee over M. C. Fair'H store. H. B. HARRELL, Jr. Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, - - N. C. Practices iu the courts of Hahlax aud adjoining couuties. Prompt atteuliou to all husiness eutruslt-d to nie. Olliee over Kick's Jewelrv tore. K si ,w Phone 'J4. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifai and adjoining couuties aud 11. the uprerue oourt of the Male. Special attention given to collections aud prompt return- D iR. Wm. A. CAKTL-K, VETF.KINAKIAN, Otlioe aud Hospital '.'ud Mieet El. HON, Nr. Hh.iuo Kesi ,11. uiticf :n 1. Loug Distance calls auaneted promptly DR PAISLEY FIELDS I DENTIST. I Over Weldon Drug Company CELDO.N, N. C. J Just Installed au Kuv. 1 W. J. WARD, DKNTIST, Or Ht E IN DAMhL hi ll.HIM.r WELDON, N . ( , enl2 Iv Largest Stack' in M Soaih. When 111 Norfolk call on in You will tiud liat vou want tud get it quickly. Having uo ciui va'stTH, no agent's cou'iiihsiouk uru ad ded to our prior This en ables us to ue lirstelassma terial and finish it properly We Pay Freight and Guarantee Safe Arrival f HE COUPER NIARBLE WORKS. (Whys, ri, in business.) '2S Bank Fit. NOKFOI.K, VA DvNII J jOetterheads Snvelopes Wl heads TT.V! I TlVfi I s tout m Printing eVl. "haywarTT TYPEWRITERS! All mi.ket and all )'! 116 up. Some that win UKd and rclal by tba U. 8. Oov',1. Bargain, Bute your oeeui ind wa will detcrioa and quoUI. The LINOWRITER, a pnrthig offict stcmuil Rilibonn ony color 7W rfeliyprcd. Oive name and oiodel. t rhon pftperBxU 1UU itims ll.vo duliv a CmnlrsTwnaFnundrv. U hi. Wood Tvtt. Jlital Tym. PHnttn tw,Butll0.N.Y. V.'illir was j,i).t four years i.M tt n .1 ! lived in Prtrxnt !ifjt un-tliei .lor- est friori'l, aL-u a y-mii 1n.11 n.-tl i.-tui!1, ciu:ie fur a :.-1. AYlllie loved lirr t lir-t nitdit and : eutli-uvurtd to j?i.-liU' lunlu' l;i-!' ii,- ! quaiiitalue. The fullou ill ii.ii.i-r-! eatioli brtwrell tiu-lli tui.'a pUiV .-.oil after her arriial : "llatvii't you trot ti.j l.ttle hir! i or buys?" I "Xo, I havt-u't any little trirls or boys," was the nMily "Don't ymi inieinl to buy nrv i little girls and U '!" iiilert-t.-illy. j "Yes, I iiih-s -"Hie ilay e'U buy a little tfirl Hil l ,1 litt-.- ! "What are y-m -,i:.j t. imtne una ; little girl and 1 - ':" "Well, the lit : i.- l-i.y will he litis. erll. hilt 1 ilnll't ki:u what We lll ; call the little till." the w-itur i-v- j pla:ii-d. "1 think Ciiriiline is a nvlty inune ; for a girl." Ui.'l'. -t.-.l tl.r little fi-U low, helifullv.-- I lelroit V l'l.-si. j MIXING PRESCRIPTIONS -r - CXI The 1 Nil tor -If you inJulge in j ome clieerful rnreatiou you'll live ; lciigtr. Go ami eee the new 'Moon- j ehliie uoiiifdy ut the PliaMtle pitl ace.. The Patient 1b it funny ? The I'oetor You'll die laughing at it. HOW SHE CONTROLS HIM Souie light is thrown on the popu lar question, "How to handle a hus band," by the ailk of one old wom an kiioau to a "Listening Post" cor respondent. The venerable woman in question ia extremely thin. Her equally Ven erable husband is utreinely stout. The ti(l gentleman's feet are com pletely out of his sight anil reach beneath his south-obliterating equa tor. By dmt of extended mattice iu locating tl.em by touch he ian step into his shoes, but, of course, ;s un able to hue them, for hiJt service he has to depend upon his domestic partner. And if at any tune he gets obstreperous, a lilubniij.s sometimes Jo, the lady e:?ectually correct him by refusing to la. e his shoes. Purt laiid Orrgonian. HEADING HIM OFF "That was a fine tribute you paid to the ilag." "Thanks," fair! the orator of the evening "It wM pine of emer geiicv work." "Eh?" "I noticed a fellow in a front feat who is aluavs heckling me about the taiuf. When he thrust his Adam's apple out of his collar and cleared his throat l knew he was getting ready to say something, so I jumped right on thp Star .Spangled Bwiuer." -Birmingham Age-Herald. HOHELES3LY OBJECTIONABLE "I understand vou have n.nnmii. toes on your pluce a.s big as spar rows. 'It's untrue," replied Partner Corntoesel. "They're just ordinary little skeeters. Thev don't set bin fccuh to be inUTestiijg a3 curiubi- RIGHT "How long do you think I should wear my dressos?" asked the flapper of her fathtfr. "About thn-e vears " snapped the Old Mn. ENDURANCE "How did that expert swimmei gecure those uieduls;?" ''T don't know," replied Miss Cay enne; "but I suspect it was by her marvelous display of endurance in posing before one camera after an other." TOO BUSY "That fellow needs a hair cut" "Certainly does, hut lie'g one ol those golfers who ran't afford U spti.J an. liuie in a harbor slion." Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTQ R I A VAiN HOPE. Wife-1 spent the afternoon shopping. Hub Not much else, I hope. "Cold In The Head" it an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds in the head" will rind that the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood aud render them lcsa liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken inter oally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thus re ducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, Ohio : TILE DESIGN j ' fV.M f A !. They are ' ! - . - j'. h&iMl h i good' '&J-$3t 1 1 ! : liW 1 Butthi$GgarttteiutdSavtMonty j ai ' I SHOULD BE OUTDOOR WORK S !f ' j t.fn f.i': hi life under it ai.i con- ! i'P! Jl i -iitie'iH 1 he diilv sale plae in T 1 J ! w'-if,,! ' d" 1 e r,l'Ain'-r 1itM- : A Bungalow with Art-Craft Til Detign Laid Horuontallf Atf -JTi I ft . .; : 7t v tn.iti v aw nan nun f. . . ' . v u uuii 1 uiiiibuiD uumudiiu. li Ul'lfliai I'm m-i lIuNt' I -4 1 . Hil.llM.h- Mi li,. .itt i mill o Iht 1 o v l j nl t-l.luli S. i ' Hi' it HiJaiN.'.l ' till) mi- -i-.jlh-l tl Ui' 1 urt U N i . l4il..rt- ..,.t. tuiici iuIi hull Ik- a- Jollun ifoU-t' I, lUUttl- UU-1 11(1 !'( vu I'.titti tud. itiiale, halli tu). public li.tUi I Kuoh al.l U'.hu! lull .i in' I W Ut. . I'll, -et jill dr i I Kui'h U'ltiitimial .'!n-ft, 'J.tN V:Ufi i-ii.-t-t, iHiiihr : i K ) ! t.Ut'll U'l'lltli'liul flt!-fl .(.I'll j I'uvr- vah tn M,niir.h-i t) mi vtalilf, piivuii-. t-a u I i-iJ I Kai-h atitSitiiatuI hi'iM Stall,'. h -i v, each -lull l.t-u Lavatui v i ll I'-Ukf IV, '0 Hal I ' I hlj(i, 11 fhaii . :'i !UJ Kai'lt U'l'lttioijal t'haii : t . fc Mwth shop, flii'li Illr ."i.lKi I'iLHf Muiv, 1 -HlJlLUt no Hottlmtr IvtaMt-iimr-iit. Maukflitt'i liou-c. I L.iL'ut Kciiauiant, I hpit'ut Oitice. 1 xpiiut lifiital uilicc, 1 spiirot, Store uri'liUU'h, 1 puut I.auiiilry, W ash 1 1 ami tasm, public I... Hi . iK ., UJ ."t.OO I'-' IM li.OO Stt-ain fiiifiiit's. ptT hoi.' -owar, Hi hours per ilay 00 team i-ufcriui'x, uer hi huurs jut day, Hpt'Ptal rati- i er vt-ai, W atec by nu'ter mi '11111 fine ut per l,ihtti rallun-1 :.'.u 'ht nt'veial Jt'parttntrnt ut the town nhali pay for all waner cou-uniftl iu Hm; n pi'iMive di'pirtnii'iits at moter talc- wht'ie m tfi have lit'fu plaecd aiil if uu meters have heeu plaeeit iu any -ueli ilepmlineut tlie ijuantity ul' wah-r eon suined !y any Mich ilejiaitiut-ut thall he hy said MipeiititeuJi-ut aud rhe eharye-i theieol hall he in ac cord nee vith aul meter rate, The accuuiilr- of all Mich department loi nait i -u eou-uiiud ihall he earned on tin- Imuk: ul aiil uptrintt inlfiit 01 ToAti ( leik a all other aepnutit" are now kept. I oriMiinei ul watel uutMile of the coiporate limit of t lie Tun n of W eldon, N. u-iutf watt-r supplied hy saul towuhall immetliately install meters at llien 'ovvu expense and shall pay for atd ivulei ut Mich late at uiay he pie Hcnhftl hy the Water t'onimiUee pro itie.i that miuiimim late hall tiol he lesi thau leeulai meter rate. li V Older of the lioaol Of ('oI)lllilhHlOU- et of the Tow 11 of U eliUiii, N. t'. I In oidiuanee elh etive Julv 1, PC".'. . W. WUiiil.Ns.'Mavor. K I.. H.WU AHU, rieik. Th dav of .1 Why suffer from nerv ousness, insomnia, hy steria, nervou3 dyspep sia, nervous prostration or any ailment due to a disordered condition of the nerves? DR.MILES NERVINE will give you prompt and lasting relief. It produces refreshing sleep, builds up the shat tered nerves and pro motes a normal distri bution of nerve force. Yea -jS;jt S:Ui It, A.V Klua, or UP-TOTHE MINUTE MILLINERY. FANCY UOODband NOVELTIES, Butteriek't Patterns R & Q. Corsets, MiBoes at 7 Be. Ladies 75c. to f 1, t SO, meets win dp mane 10 huh ttie times. Hats nod Bonnets madeandf w im au cu w uTunr. ALL MAIL ORDKKS PROMPTLY . FILLED, MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. K. I . . r , r , tJNk. a If F n nri.i.. . ..t..H..- i...t. axy ni rx i i cut SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? IT'S ART-CRAFT! CEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity -it gives to any building the charm of a high-priced roc f at a remarkably low cost. V , ather-proof and spark-proof. Absolutely reliable. Also i.ud right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cor.t will he less than you think. UlkU & SON lt lEitabllihed 1795) Ea.t Walpole Mis OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. MM LUMBER Si Ml Phone 235 $2 SUBSCRIBE A Newspaper for the People An A nroiriyT Meal Everybody wants It. Everybody likes It. Everybody's looking; for it. BUT You can't get it unless you have the right kind of groceries (Jet 'cm HERE I Phone 280. R. M, PURNELL, Weldon, N, C. FOOTER'S DYl WORKS, Cleaninir nFPnrfiAM, r,,rfalna !4ln. ' keta, Hilka, Laces, Velvets, Plush, i. amen ureases auu ueoiiemen a Clothing, Carpets, Etc. I All orders will receive prompt at I tention if left at THIS OFFICE. INFimmni 1 III k y?SU '-'W II TO THE ROANOKE NEWS $2 v Let Us Be Your Business Partner Your partner has a knowledge of your business and you look to him for advice and counsel on important matters. You are en titled to all the help he can give you. Do you get a partner's help on your printed matter? Do you get the most from the special ized knowledge which we have regarding printing and paper, and above all the service which a combination of the two can render? Our job department has every modern equip ment for doing work on rush orders. For letterheads, billheads, and all kinds of forms, we carry in stock, recommend and use Th Vxility tet Us Servo You as a Partner E. L. HAYWARD, Weldon. N. 0. WORK COMFAN I WELDON, N. C m wsv AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOBj S.i tuinii d or spoiled foods. The health of'the fuinily is aafe euanled, if n use the modem Automatic, " I he Perfect Kefnerator." L'sea less ice thin tX' o Id tnctlioil kind. Saves ice bills as well as food bills-aud doctor s bills, mioni: 71 1 ; V ll AHUiVj i : Vihi are invited to open an account with t lie j BfJK OF EfJFIf LU, j EflflELB, It. 0. ;i 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-!, ment Compounded Quarterly. VOU can tank liy mail j MnwKKMimii(mQtmian(iaia Whatever you wish in high grudc-, uriisiic jewelry, in charminE"'1 designs, our assoriniem will please you perfectly. OUR P K I C H S WILL SATISFY. T II 0! 1 ESTABLISHED 18V2k Capital and Surplus, S70.000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W, V.. DANIEL, eHKIIIRNI. OE N 0 T Buggies, Harness And Wagons. w E carry a full line of the well known, bo Hacknev and Chase City Wavrons at Ki Square, N C , and the Oxford and Knight Buggi each of which are noted fur comfort and durabili at Weldon, N C Also a full line of Horses ai Mules at both places, during the winter and spri season. Thanks for past favors. "W UOLOLUII BROS. Vt'IiLDON, N C. 1L K I LilJ I,, C DRAPEK, CAHH1IB. I 0 l! . IWeldo W.6 A A Y J j x I