i i h m 73 EKiUH Wff i;S I ABLISIIHD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriotion--$2 00 I'er Aiimim VOL. LVH. WELDON, N. (, TIIIIUSDAY, .JULY 2(), l)22. NO. J f I 7 . WEALTHY NORTHAMPTON FARMER CHARGED WITH MOONSHININO. Warrants For Jesse Bailey Follows Discovery of Six Hundred Uallcn Capacity Still and Four Hundred (jallon Rye Whiskey Near His House, A warrnt for Jesse Bradley, a wealthy Norihampton Couniy Fanner was Saiurday issued by Uniied States Commission W. P. Batchelor following a raid by fed eral prohition agents which re suited in one of the biggest seizures ever made in North Carolina, in eluding 400 gallons of rye whiskey and a copper still with a capacity of 600 gallons. The monster plant, said lo be the biggest with one exception ever found in North Carolina, was cap lured last Thursday about one mile from Bradley's home. Officers finding in addition to the still, which had been hastily abandoned while in operation, 172 ferment ers, 1,800 pounds of sugar and 4,000 gallons of mash. Contrary to the usual custom, rye meal rath er than corn was used at the still. Subsequent search of Bradley's NOW IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, Many New and Handsome Residences Being Built and Others Being Remodeled. Besides the two beautiful brick bungalows built recently on the corner of Third and Sycamore streets and one of them now occu pied by Dr. R. P. Morehead, and the other one by Mr. G. L, Cash well, there are four other substan tial residences being erected on this street at this lime. Two ol these between 4 th and 5th and two others between 5th and 6th streets. One of these; a commodious dwell ing built of concrete and hollow tile Mr, M. S. Mountcastle is erect ing. Just across from this on part of the original M. L;. Church lot Mrs. Ida Wilkins and Miss Laura Powefs are having built a ten room' frame dwelling which will soon bS ready for occupancy. On the next square Mr. R. T. Daniel is building a beautiful nine room bungalow for Mr. Pierce Johnson, the.. new and handsome parsonage for the Baptist Church, and is ai work on the completion of the ground floor of the M. l Church. On Cedar, corner of Sixth street, Mr. Arthur House is building a very handsome frame dwelling with sun parlor, sleeping porches DELIBERATE MURDER. On Wednesday night of last week, about 8:50 o'clock. George Fenner, colored, was celiberately murdered at his place of business, on west Second street. A little colored girl was the only eye wit ness to the awful deed. She said two colored men came in the store and asked to buy some candy and George, who was sitting in from ol store, got up to wait on them, and without a word, one man caught him by the throat, while the other man shot him through the head, causing his death in stantly. The alarm was at once given and diligent search was made for the men, but they made good their escape. On Saturday night a negro by the name of Willie Davis was ar rested and brought to town. He was seey dodging about on Chock ayotte creek and the officers at once suspected that he might be the man wanted. He was at once taken lo Halifax jail, pending an investigation. It he is not the one wanted fur this crime, he is doubt less wanted somewhere for some crime. George Fenner was a very worthy colored man and his death is very much regretted. A FORMER WELDON OIRL. The following announcement has been received by friends in Wel don: Mrs. Cleopatria Ware Darden announces the marriage of her daughter Hester Louise and Mr. Charles Edward Davis on Monday, June the twenty-sixth nineteen hundred twenty-two Baltimore, Maryland. Miss Darden is well and favor ably known in Weldon, having lived here quite a while and her many frienus will wish for her a long life of happiness. premises revealed a veritable grave yard of whiskey in close ptoximi lo the residence, six barrels and a number of jugs, containing in all 400 gallons being dug up. The raid was made by prohibi tion agents J. B. Rosser, Ernest Riddick, and T. C. Babb, assisted by police officers of the towns of Littleton and Warrenton. Three barrels of whiskey were destroyed on the spot and the remainder taken to Littleton where it was on Friday poured out by B. C. Sharpe, head of the prohibition raiding forces in the Slate, who had been summoned to the scene. Bradley is snll at liberty but he is repuied to be wonh $100,000, much of which is invested in real estate and it is not anticipated that he will stay out of the Siate. Six barrels of whiskey were dug up in Bradley's garden several years ago. and all modern conveniences and on Seventh street between Wash ington avenue and Elm street Capt. C. R. Chittenden is having his home built almost entirely new with many additions and all mod ern improvements. Dr. W. J. Ward will in a short time begin the alteration and improvement of his home on Washingion 'avenue and on lower Sycamore Mr. H.G. Rowe is improving his office build ing and Mr. C. M. Harrison is ap plying fresh paint and other im provements to his home. All this shows that while money is scarce the Weldon people are awake to the fact that to increase business and bring prosperiiy each one must "do his bit" and help in the im provement of local surroundings. Houses are in demand in Weldon. When the fall season opens, work is to begin on the high school build ing and when die teachers return to their posts we trust such envir onment and accommodation will be given them that there will be no complaint ol housing conditions bui ilicy will all be willing to de clare that Weldon is the best town ever in many ways. FANS SlIPPOHT BALL TEAM. The Weldon b:ill team won 5 straight games last week. Taking the game from the girls Monday the scoie being 7 to 0. The game Tuesday with Boy kins going to Weldon 8 to 4; Hobgood was a victim 4 to 2 Wednesday; but the greatest game of the week was that of Thursday, when the fast Kelford team fell a victim 5 to 4, due to the good pitching of Shields and Edward and the fast pi lying of the Weldon infield. Ao easy vic tory was scored Friday when the ebony team from Lawrence ville, Va , lost io Weldon 1 1 to 0. The Weldon fans met in mass meeting Friday iiilu and sub scribed $300 extra per month to finance the ball team for July and August. A resolution was adopted asking the management to raise the price of admission to 35 cents, grand stand 10 cents, automobiles. 25c. In view of the fact that the man agement is going to provide us with a belter brand of base ball it is not considered that this is too high. The following are the games, for Wednesday, Boykins at Weldon; Thursday, Norlina at Norlina Friday, Littleton at Littleton, and if it can be arranged Kelford or Aulander at the Rosemary park Saiurday. THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY The ladies Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, are holding meetings on each Monday evening at which the exercises are varied to suit the occasion. On two even ings the regular Bible study class meets. These are engaged in the study of "the marks of a Chris tian" which is presented in an at tractive form and is very interest ing. Mrs. Spiers will lead this meeting on Monday and all the ladies of the church are invited and urged to be present. AGAIN TO THE FRONT. Halifax County at State College Summer School. Again good old Halifax comes to the front. At the 4th of July celebration at Slate College Sum mer School, Raleigh, representa tives from the couniy won three first prizes. Two were won in the forenoon on the athletic field by Miss Nannie Johnson, of Halifax, and were for the fifty yard dash, and broad jump respectively for women. These prizes given by local firms were a choice of a ten dollar hat and a handsome corsage bouquet. In the evening when stunts were pulled off by different counties on the stage built for this purpose on the lawn in front of Holliday Hall, Halifax county's performance was declared by the judges to be the best, and later the first prize, a ten dollar bill given by Mr. W. M. Harper, former superintendent of Raleigh schools, was presented them This by unanimous con sent of the county members was turned over to the College to be used for the Alumni Memorial Fund. Representing the various prod ucts or activities were the following persons: Mabel Vincent, Corn; Nannie Lamb, Peanuts; . Nannie Over- street, Tobacco: Mary Stuart Rid dick, Cotton; Dorothy Pike, Pine; Nannie Johnson, Oak; Madeline Riddick, Grapes; V. C. Matthews, Fish; Lucy Petway and two small children, Schools; Mrs. Daisy C. Whitehead, Factories; L. M. Knob- lock, Good Roads; Mary Braswell, the Rose (womanhood). This rendering was followed by the singing of "Halifax, My Hali fax," by the group. An original toast concluded the program. Each of the thirteen lines of this began with one of the letters in the words "Halifax Couniy " As the first of the group raised her hand, palm outward, the audience could see the letter H, hitherto concealed, and so on, as each representative contributed her or his appropriate ine, thus completing the patriotic toast. A TOAST KROM HALIFAX COUNTY. H-ere's to the red, white and blue! A-llegiance thus we pledge anew, L-oyalty and love untold I-nspired by every starry fold; F-ree from soil, without stain, A-lways pure it shall remain; X-ultant, ever unafraid. C-olors red and blue will fade ! O-ne of many.the Old North State! U-niformly strong and great. N ext the College that you see T-he teachers' friend, the A. & E. Y ours and mine, all honor be! Daisy Crump Whitehead. A GHOST SCARE. Hundreds of People Uather at the Cemetery In Search lor the "Mysterious Woman.' One night last' week, it was re ported that a lady living near the cemetery, had seen a "mysterious looking woman," dressed in pure white, standing on the driveway, between her house and the ceme tery. Her little girl saw the same object and became very much frightened, and at once the woman disappeared, going toward the cemetery. It did not take long for the news to spead over the entire town, and at night about two hundred people, or more, marched to the "City of the Dead" in search lor something they knew not what. Some saw a light floating over the tops of the trees, and others saw different ob jectsor thought they saw them, each one taking it lor the real ghost. The next night the crowd was larger, but no one saw the "Woman in White." CORDON-POWELL. The following announcement has been received by friends here: "Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Powell announce the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Mr. Robert Windley Cordon on Friday, the fourteenth of July, one thous and nine hundred and twenty-two, Wilmington, North Carolina. At home after the first of August, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Mr. Cordon is well and favora bly known in Weldon, having lived here for quite a while. He is a brother of Mrs. C. F. Gore, of this place. His many friends in this commu nity wish for him and his beautiful bride long and happy life. PERSONALS And Other Items Told In Uriel Form. Play ball! , July is slipping away rapidly. Now for watermelons and cante loupes. It is all right to swat the Hies, if you just keep it up. If nature never made a mistake, why is a mosquito? Dr. Paisley Fields spent the week end in Durham. Lots of people would be poor if all their debts were paid. The crops are good, notwiih standingthe wet weather. Mr. Allen Pierce has returned from a visit to Washington. Mrs. P. G. Boswell, of Emporia, is visiting Mrs. B. H. Wear. Now the prohibition people are trying to make the ocean dry. You never know how much tem per a man has until he loses it. Miss Elizabeth Chittenden is visiting friends at Franklin, Va. We have had some warm weath er lately and don't you forget it. This is the season when every body is taking a lively interest in base ball. Rev. L. D. Hayman has re turned home after a ten days visit to Manteo Miss Seless Southall left Tues day to visit relatives and friends in Petersburg. Mrs. A. C. Sledge returned from a visit to relatives at Old Church, Va. Cheer up. We won't have so much warm weather during the coming winter. The real test of loyalty is to keep on boosting when the home team has a losing streak. Mr. E. G. Garlick attended the Furniture Dealers Association at High Point last week. Miss Virginia Beck, of Louis burg, is visiting her cousin, Miss Grace Moseley Green. When a man starts out to pay political debts he generally winds up by playing the dickens. We wouldn't put the confidence in our brother, that the ordinary woman does in a safety-pin. Now they are talking about hav ing a national Father's Day. Some fathers would prefer a night. We don't care what you do to the chap who comes around and asks if it is hot enough for you. Mr. and Mrs. H. D, Allen have returned home from a delightful visit to relatives in Philadelphia You have noticed, of course, that the less a preacher has to say the longer it takes him to say it. Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Mohorn, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Mohorn and Miss Lucile Neat spent Sunday at Ocean View. Miss Louise Hayward was suc cessfully operated on for appendi citis at the Roanoke Rapids hospi tal on Friday last. To be perfectly frank don't you think the world has been growing worse since the ministers quit preaching about hell? Capt. and Mrs. C. R.Chittenden were called to Richmond last Sat urday on accountof the illness of Capt. Chittenden s sister. Dr. S. B. Pierce who is spend- iit if the summer m Greeiihriar White Sulphur Springs, spent a few days in town this week. Some party or parties stole a truck belonging to Mr. Ben Col lins in South Weldon on Wednes day night of last week. They were doubtless ihe parties wanted for murdering George Fenner. MARRIED. Married in THE News office on Friday, July I4ih, by Justice J W. Sledge, Mr. William R. Lanier and Miss Lillian R. Bryant. Both of Warrenton. WELDON VICTORIOUS. Weldon defeated Littleton here on Tuesday, the score being 3 to I. The features of the game was the pitching of Shields who struck out 12 men and allowed 3 hits, Lit tleton was able to get but 2 balls past the fast playing Weldon in field, both going for hits. 1 Batteries Littleton Collins & Gay. Weldon-Shield & Falkner. BEGINS ACTION The Chamber of Commerce be gan its real work at the meeting held last Tuesday night, at the town hall. The subscription committee re ported that over $14,000 had al ready been subscribed and more being received every day. The construction of the ware house was thoroughly discussed and a representative from the Di vision of Markets will be here this week to prepare the plans. A committee was appointed to select a site and secure the char ter. As soon as this is done the con tract will be let for the construction of the warehouse. , ELECTED CASHIER. Mr. R. S. Travis, Jr., has been elected cashier of the Merchants and Farmers Bank of Scotland Neck and will leave for his new home about July 25th. He is a most estimable young man and we commend him to the good people of Scotland Neck. Originating from the well known banking institution, the Weldon Bank and Trust Company, we should say he is well fitted to fill the position. EXCEEDING THE LIMIT. Not a day passes that automobile drivers do not exceed the speed limit in town. We know only one way to put a stop to this reckless driving and that way is to fine every one the full limit of the law. If our ever alert officers will visit Elm street, they will have no trou ble in pulling at least ten every day. When some one is run over and killed crossing the street, it will be too late to call a halt. POVERTY PARTY. . The ladies the Young Woman's Missionary Society of the Weldon M. E. Church, will have a "Pov erty Party," on Friday evening, July 21, at Farber's Hall. Those in attendance will be taxed a very .small fee lor the wearing of su.ch luxuries as jewelry, silk dresses, etc. Relreshnients will be served free. Everybody invited lo come and enjoy the fun. YOUR DUI Y. If you arc a business or proles sioual man in the town of Weldon, it is your duty to join the the Chamber of Commerce and give it your support. The Cham ber of Commerce is a chamber of citizenship and every citizen who is a true citizen should be a member. We can do nothing unless we pull together. THE VINCENT ARRIVES. The little boat built by Rev. L. D. Hayman last year, and used for taking the Boy Scouts to Ocean View, last summer, has been tied up at Manteo since that time, ar rived safely in Weldon last Satur day night. The little boat is in first-clast condition, having been given a brand new engine. PLAYING BALL. In the beginning of the season the Weldon club lacked "pep'' and won very few games, but late ly they have put on their "war paint" am! are now mopping the earth with every club they go up against. Under the splendid man agement ol Ma E. H. Smith, they are playing wonderful ball. MAT IN THE RING. Mrs. J. W. Bowers, of Littleton, announces her candidacy for treas urer of Halifax couniy. She is the first of her sex to run for an office in die couniy. If elected, we have no doubt, would make a most excellent official. N'H'ICK OF I HANKS. Mr. R. A Rawlingsand children wish to thank the people for their kindness during (he sickness and death of wife and mother. Also for the beautiful Mowers. R. A. Rawlings And Children. Hor County Treasurer This is io inform the voters of Halifax couniy that I am a candi date for County Treasurer and that I earnestly solicit the support of all voters, men and women, who may participate in the next Democraiic Primary election. Respectfully, Mrs. J. W. Bowers. COR SALE CHEAP Haynes I Five-Dasseneer, 1 91 fa model. eood condition, tires new. Cash or terms to responsible party. Mrs. Annie B. Jennings, Halifax, N. G Long Term Government Farm Loans. We can make you a lie-fifth of the vnliie nf - - - ...... - '--'..' L ' term, repayable in small semi-annual installments. Not necessary to take stock. No red tape. No charged. Loans may be naid or may run twenty years. ITnleee vnii iirp ripn1 rtri nin ..or, mwt tha payments on your mortgage without any trouble, it a Comnlete infnrmntimi r - - ..... .......... j moii i vvfiiw-Ti., i ' T II '- IJUIItV of Weldon orW. E, Daniel, Attorney; Weldon Hank & Trust Compan , or George C. (ireen, Attorney; The Hank of Halifax; or Clark & Clark, Atl u neys THE VIRGINIA-CAROLINA JOINT STOCK LAND BAM ELIZABETH CITY, N. 0. $400,000.00 Immediately Available For Long: Time Loans We have completed arrangements whereby there is now available to the farmers of Hali fax County FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. If you desire money on long time at reasonable interest advise us and we; will take pleasure in submitting you details. The Scotland Neck Bank SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Thirsty People on busy streets, out at sports, and in the home, they drink Bottled Delicious and Refreshing Telephone your grocer for a case S$ ft?? Weldon Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc., WEl.DON. N. C. Tl:.Li;PiiOm:2r BOTTLED UNOfH AN Exclusive LII'CHSt FROM THE COCA-COLA COMPANY ATLANTA OA I B.r---rr-rr--.-.-. - -. - - - - - - -- -- r-f Trustee's Sale of Land, Uuderaudby virtue of the power couterred od the undersigned trustee m a certain deed of trust tinted the lllh Hnu nt s.,iileml,r l4-'tl liptwnen di'tl. Fenner and lltttlie teiiuer, his wile, to lieoiyeC. (.ireeu, trustee, which said deed nt trust la recorded id Hunt .tIM at pa(e ra, Register's Otiice for Halifax county, default hav UK made id Ihe payment of the indebtedness therein Hecured and at the requestul the Hold er of said indebtedness the uuder- ngned trustee will, ou Ihe 19th davof Ausrutt. 1922. at the Post Ollice door In the Town of Weldon, Halifax couniy, N. snll lor Maul, tn the ItnrhaMt hldilnr IIih fnllnw- in described property, towit. "kuuwuaud designated as l.ols u and I.I, I'lot A, limit mif ou I'erHlniiir street, as shown ou map recorded in Map Hook No. 2, pair's 87 and Hri, inter Olllce for Halifax comity, N. ('. This the lMh day of July, ivii. UKO.V tiltKKN, Trustee, FOR SALE. One piano in lirst class condition For sale chrup. For terms apply to J. A. Harvell, Weldon, N. C. loan on your farm up to one-half of its vain;, plus the Inkiirahlt hiiilili n.r j l.,, -it..,l I li,.ru..,. I...,,, back anv time after one vear bv snedal arrane nent will hp furnilipd Villi 1 1 It. Sale for Taxes. 1 will sell at public auction, in front of the postortice iu Weldou, N. -' on Monday, August 14, lit-J, the following real estate, etc., to satisfy taxes aud costs for the year lM-l: ( hero Cola Bottling Co., bot tling machinery UKi its Mrs Nelhe Keeter, 1 lot Is M Hepsi t ola Bot Works, hot tli K machinery .1, li, ( W W Numiuerell, 1 lovn lot w kt White Star l.auudiy, lot laun dry machinery fli ll;l i) B Zollicoli'er, 1 towu lot 4"ill HI Mm. R A Cheek estate, town lot III (10 U P Anthony, 1 town lot 10 ml J H Boyd, 1 town lot 4.', 87 lioyd & l.outr, 1 town lot II isi N V Davis, I town lot In in H I, Kdwards, 1 town lot If, II? W. (iatluiR- est.,1 towu lot K IK) C 0 Hannon, 1 town lot Vi S: Charles Komegay, 1 town lot !!4 as .luuius Long, Jr., I town lot It Ml John I'urnell, 1 town lot, 12 IK) Heury Keid, I town lot lb 7r Frank Kichards, 1 town lot 'M 00 T H Singleton, 1 town lot ' 111 1)3 W H Willey, 1 town lot lo 47 J. W. PIERCE, Tax Collector Towl of Weldon. illVIVI.,, 11,1 I I I I I Maximum loan $.17,500. delays. No com Missions nuvt ....I oil ..u.. t better communicate .vith II frlllrt Ku I'lii Mont Trustee's Sale of Land, tinder and by virtue of the power conferred on the ur.deisnrued trustee 111 a certain deed ul trust dated the 10th day of Keimiary, UiLlI, between Willie Williams and Mariali Williams, his wile, to (ieo. V. (Ireen. trustee, which sunt deed ol tiust is recorded in Book 817 at page 'JH7, Register's Olliee tor Halifax county, default having been oiade in the payment ol the indebted ness therein secured and ul the request of the holder of the said indeliteduess, the undersigned trustee will, on the 19th day of August, 1922, at the Postortice door Id tbe Town of Weldon, llalilax county, N. C., sell for cash to the highest bidder, the follow ing described property towit: l'he two lots iiiiinlieis 10 and 11, on uia' duly recorded in Map Book No. 2, at page 07, l'lal A, Kegistnr's OUice for Halifax couutv. This tbe IHth day of July, 1H22. tiKO.f.URKEN, Trustee. FOR SALE. Small refrigerator good as new at a bargain. Also want to huy some sectional book cases. Call Rev. E. D. Poe, phone 208, or come and see. -??f If n, J I 1

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