g a i J "sk ' Sl ESTABLISHED IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. remit of Subscription -$2 00 Per Aniiuni VOL. LVLI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AHJl-ST 24, l!)22. NO. 14 We'll match "the other fellow" on Quality and Prices and beat him on Service Goodrich SILVER. TOWN CORDS in every size, including 30x3. GOODRICH FAB RICS including the f a m o u s new low priced Good rich 'SS" 30 x iyz clincher. Come to us and you'll get fair prices on Good rich Silvertowns or Goodrich fabrics fresh, new stock with a lot of life and long wear in every tire. Better yet you'll go away feeling that .you've been treated right tint everyone here is anxious to please you and th.it you'll want to come bark, when you need another tiro or tube. Come in soon. WELDON MOTOR COMPANY AUTHORIZE Vijf.O SM.E3 AND ShUMCE WELDON', NOk'I H CAROLINA OLD WELDON. Things That Happened 33 Years Ago in Town and Vicinity. August 15, 1889. David Lew is, white, was arrested here Tues day on a warrant issued by Justice E. E. Milliard, of Scotland Neck, charging him with forgery and ob taining money on false pretense. is alleged that lie presented Fu- trell & Speed, of Scotland Neck, check on the bank of Oxford for 150, signed by R. S. Turner.and that they advanced him $50, the balance to be paid on August 2nd. Lewis claims that the check was given by a third person for debt. There were no funds in the bank to the credit of Turner. Died, in Littleton, on Wednes day, the 7th instant, Mrs. Sallie ones, wife of W. W. Jones. Mrs. ones was about 32 years of age; the daughter of our townsman, Mr. F. J. Cheek. Miss Nannie Long, who has been visiting relatives in Ports mouth, Va., for the past three weeks, returned home last Friday, and left Monday for a visit to Jackson. Mr. M. L. Stover, one of the ef ficient train dispatchers of the Coast Line at Wilmington, was in town Monday. Mrs. Aaron Prescott left Mon day for a visit to relatives in War ren county. Washington Avenue, WELDON, N. C. 11 II r FLOUR PALACE PATENT, or SAVE TROUBLE SELF-RISINQ I i 1 I t I I r 12-Lb. Bag 24-Lb. Bag 48-Lb. Bag - 50c. - 95c. $1.90. I You will find these two brands of Flour I rryTOPERIOR IN QUALITY. They will to be please tile most exacting i THE WORLD'S BEST DHNK Trustee's Sale of Land. North Carolina, Halifax County, fader the power conferred on the undersigned Trustee, in a certain leed ol Trust itatuil Hid 1'itl) day ol .luly, l'.illi, frum 1. V. Uarihaldi to (ieo. V Creen, and recorded in Hook 'J.i at page Ml, Ki-gistcr s Olhce tor Halifax coun ty, X. I'., delault having been made in tliu paviueiit of the iudt-htrdticsB there- n st-eun-d, and at the request of the holder of said indebtedness, the under signed will, on the 23rd day of September, 1922, at I- o'clock M , at the I'ost Ollicedoor n the Town of Weldon. N. C , sell for cash to the highest bidder the following described tracu ol laud, town, 1 tiat tract ol laud on winch Augelo (lanhaldi resided at the tune of his death called the home or the .Moore Tract, Iving ou both aided of the public road leading from Ciowell's X ttoads to Hanson X Koads, bounded by the lauds formerly belonging to .1. U 1'ope, and the heirs of Mrs. Nancy Lewis on the south the lands of Mrs. I. V. Clari batdi on the west and north, and also by tliu .Mvuning tract nu the north, by the lauds ol J. I!, rulrell on the nortl east, the Allsbrook and Kynum tracts on the east and the lands belonging to West king's widow on the south and containing four hundred acres, more or less aud being ttie lauds conveyed to A. (ianbaldi by .1. (;. Kaudnhdi and wile by deed lu Hook 4- page li7 also see Hook 17 page 3iM. XI) Tit ACT. That tract of laud known as the Bynuu) lauds containing about sixty-three acres bouuded by the Allsbrook tract on the north, .1. 1., Bark ley (the Milhkin land) on theeast the lands of West Kiug's widow, aud hy the North l arohi a Lumber I oiupa uy on the south, aud the public road leading from t'towell's X Koads to Dawson's X Koads on the west 3K1) TRACT. That liact of laud known as the .Manning laud adjoiuiug the lands ol John II. I'ope hounded hy the Moore tract and the Lewis tract aud lying on the public road leading from Crow ell s X Koads to Scotland Neck contaimug two hundred acres more or less, aud beiug the same laud: conveyed to A. l.arihaldi by lieu. M Mauniug by deed in book ttu page oil dated April 21st, Imku, and liook 71 II pageHl dated Dec. IS, 183. 4T1I TRACT. That tract or parcel of laud known as the Tillery tract, adjoin lug the lands ol John tl. rope, tb Moore tract, the Tillery land 'and ll Alex Bradley tract and containing tw hundred aud tilty acres, more or less. OFFEE, D. P. BLEND. 1-Ub Sealed Package 31c I I In buying this coffee you pay only for coffee and rot for tin cans and National advertising, ( n possible to produce v better drink. It is . yAi Best Granulated, Pound ' ACON, in 3-lb Strips, Pound ::Okk, Salt, Fancy Rib Bellies, Pound OkK, Salt Plates. Pound fbRNED BEEF HASH, Klngan's, 2-lb Can "ORNED BEEF HASH, Wilson's. 2 lb Can MORNED BEEF HASH, VVilsou's, 6 lb Can f f ' 8c 18c 18c 124c 14c 21c 55c WILL PAY YOU TO IN 7ESTIGATE PRICES AT THE aud beiug the lauds conveyed to I Oarihaldi by Y. 11. Tillery et al deeds iu Hook 7i It page -Ul dated Jan !Si, lHH.ri, and in book lit page lui date feb. 15, IS ui. 1 In the IHth day ot August, l!ii. tiKO. U (IKKKN, Trustee. MUSOROVE-ROBBINS. A Beautiful Marriage brated In Raleigh. Cele- Masters Norwood Hill and Ed win Gregory, of Halifax, left this week to enter the Horner School at Oxford. Master George Green left for Warrenton Monday to attend school, accompanied by little Miss Bessie. Mr. W. D. Cochran, of Oxford, is in town visiting relatives and old friends. Mr. W. S. Wilkins, who has been enjoying a week's holiday, returned to his duties with the Southern Express Company Mon day. Mr. E. M. Borst, a former resi dent of this place but now tele graph operator at Blackstone, Va. was in town Monday. SCHOOLS TO OPEN SEPT. II. Owing to the diphtheria that has been prevalent in our town for few weeks, we have decided to open school on Monday, Sept. 1 1 I he book lists are out and can be had from Mrs. Wilkins' home in the front hall. The books will all be here please provide your selves with books and be ready for work on the opening day. After consultation with the health officer and another physician, we have decided that every person connected with the school from the superintendent down and from the janitor up must have a thro;. culture made in order to locate and segregate the carriers of diph Iheria if there are any. Dr. Car ter will be in his office on Satur day afternoon, Sept. 2nd, Monday afternoon, Sept. 4th and Tuesday all day, Sept. 5th, to take ihrou cultures of the white children, and on Wednesday, Sept, 6th all day to take throat cultures of the coi ored children. Don't fail to come Harems please help us to protect your child. W. B. Edwards, yaw V i-r fytfklr fn" J U 15 4t (mcl Co) An Old Line Legal Reserve Stock Company has a vacancy in Halifax county for A-No. I Health and Accident Insurance Salesman. Income from $300 to $500 per month. For further information write P. P. McGARl TY, Manager, 310 Trust Building, Charlotte, N. C. 8 24 2t BASE BALL. weldon lost to Auiander iiere, Thursday, 4 to 2, in a slow game This is the 5th game lost by W don this season, having won 20 and tied 2. Weldon beat a team from Port mouth at Roanoke Rapids Friday II to 2, in 13 innings. The score was tied at two all in the sixth in nine when Parker for Portsmouth parked the ball. The game was pitcher' battle between Shields an Gallille. The Portsmouth defense went to pieces in the 1 3ih an Weldon scored 9 runs. Weldon secured 13 hits to 5 for Ports mouth. On Saturday Weldon again play ed Portsmouth at Roanoke Rapids and were defeated by a score of 6 and 2, Weldon played Fremont here, Monday and were victorious by a score of 1 2 to 5. The following is taken from the News and Observer of Sunday: The marriage of Miss Roe Ella Robbins, of this city to Mr. Robert Alexander Musgrove, of Weldon, took place yesterday morning at 1 1 o'clock at Edunton Street Meth odist church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. K. Proctor of Central Methodist church, in the absence of the pastor, Dr. W. W. Peele, Mrs. Kate Hays Fleming played the wedding music. The bride who was escorted and given in marriage by her father, Mr. W. H. Robbins, wore a suit of sorrento blue, trimmed in flying squirrel with a hat of henna duve- tine and silver cloth. She carried shower bouquet of lillies of the valley and orchids. Miss Susie May Robbins, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a frock of changeable green taffeta and carried a basket of pink roses. Little Barbara Har ris, cousin of the bride, was ring bearer. She wore a dainty white ruffled frock and carried the ring in a white rose. The groom was attended by his best man, Mr. James Johnson, of Weldon, The ushers were Messrs. Holleman Robbins, Edwin Rob bins and Lynn Robbins, brothers of the bride and Jeffrey Stanback. cousin. Mrs. Musgrove is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robbins, of this city. She was ed ucated at Salem College and St. Mary's School. Mr. Musgrove is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Musgrove, of Wel- on. He was educated at the North Carolina State College. After a wedding n ip to northern cities Mr.and Mrs. Musgrove will be t home in Raleigh at the home ol the bride's parents, 1115 Hillsboro street. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Robbins entertained informally Friday even ng following the rehearsal at their home on Hillsboro street, he out ot town guests here to attend the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Musgrove, of Wel don; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rob bins, Jr., Lake Landing, N. C; Mrs. S. E. Jeannette, of Hender son; Mrs. F. A. Woodard, of Wil son; Mr. and Mrs. Howard V. dounds, Mrs. Grady Lassiter, Miss Mary Pierce, Mr. James Johnson, of Weldon; Mrs. Gra ham Woodard and Miss Frances Woodard, of Wilson; Mrs. C. W. Howard, Jr., of Kinston. NEAR EAST RELIEF. THE SUPERIOR COURT. Cases Disposed of At Halifax Last Week. The Following criminal cases were disposed ol l ist week : Russel Clary ,md Mary George, f. and a. Judgment suspended. Robert Taylor, I. and r. Thirty days on coumy nuds. Ed. Jones, as-,ault. 9 months on roads. Garland Mayten, I. and r. 12 months in Slate's Prison. Ernest Stone, I andr. ( months in btate s prison. Ras Lynch, liquor. 9 months on county roads. Walter Lynch, liquor, 9 months on county roads. Gilliam Lynch, liquor. 9 months on county roads. Arthur Carter, liquor. 4 months on county roads. W. I). Johnston, driving auto while drunk. $25 fine and costs, Morris & Woodard, t. and a. $50 fine and costs. Zeb Harris, c. c w. $50 fine and costs. Geda Ray, c. c. w. $30 fine and costs. Charles Ashe, liquor. II months on county roads. Sherman Croom, murder. 12 year's State's Prison. Porter and Hargrove, aH'ray. $40 fine and costs. Percy Parker, I. and r. 18 mos. county roads. Ramsey and Colley, f. and a. Judgment suspended. Will Davis, a. and b., c. c. w. Judgment suspended. Rias Vincent, c. c. w. $50 fine and costs. David Johnson, a. and b. $75 fine and costs. Frank Fisher, liquor, 4 months on roads Lewis Phelps, a. and b. Judg ment suspended. Percy Jones, et als , assault. $50 fine and costs. Wm. Spear, c. c. w. $50 fine and costs. Walter Evans, liquor. 7 months on county roads. Jack Sterling, indecent expos ure. Juugmentsusnended. Willcox & Vincent, f. and a. 30 days on county roads. Halifax County Raised 46 Per Cent, ol Its Quota. PERSONALS Announcement. I hereby announce that 1 w he a And Other Items Told In Brief candidaie for County Coiriinis .Mri- Form. er of Halifax comity, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held August Jbtli, 1922. 1 will appreciaic the support of the people of tln couniy and if elected will give my best eltorts to their service. R. J. Si-ULLUS. Announcement. hereby announce mvsclf a can didate for the otrice ot Highway Commissioner toril.iliijx county, subject-to the action of the Demo cratic Primary to be held on the 2tith day of August. 1922. A. B. bCHl.lCHTKK. Announcement. I hereby announce mvsclta can didate tor the office of Hiytiwav Commissioner for Halifax county, subject to the action ot the Demo cratic Primary i be held on the 2bth day ot August, 1922. J. T. Chask. Announcement. To the Democratic Voters ot Hali fax County : I hereby announce niv candidacy as Sheriff', subject to the Demo cratic Primary to be held on Aug. 26th. If nominated and elected I promise to faiihlully discharge the duties of the office. ' Next Saturday is the primary. Mr. Emry Green, of Greensbo ro, is in town. Miss Louise Hayward is visaing friends in Warrenton. Mrs. W.L. Knight has rcitirned from Virginia Beach. Miss Virginia House is visiting relatives in Warrenton. Miss Ida Sledge has returned from a visit to Norlolk. Mr. A. B. Stainback spent the week end at South Hill, Va. Mr. George Hunt, of Oxford, spent the week end in Weldon. Mrs. R. S. Travis has returned home from a visit to Smitlifieid. Mrs. Alice Hudson and children have returned from Ocean View. Capt. and Mrs. Geo. D. Hawks have returned from Ocean View. Mr. W. W. Sledge, of Durham, spent several days in town last week. Come out next Saturday and vote your choice for the different officers. Mr. Julian Trueblood, of Wash ington, D. C, is visiting relatives in Weldon. There are many candidates this year. Pay your money and take your choice. Miss Lucile Kodwell has turned home from a visit to lives in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hull, of Whit akers, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hull. N. W. Warken. Announcement. I hereby announce mvself as a candidate for county commission er of Halifax county subject to the Democratic Primary on Aue. 26th. J. W. PlKKCE. Announcement. I hereby announce mvcandidacv for nomination by the Democratic party as a member of the House of Representatives of the General re- Assembly from Halifax county, t ela- suDject to the action of the Demo cratic Primaries to be held August otn, iy. L. W. LEGGETT. For County Treasurer. This is to inform the voters nf Halifax county that 1 am a candi- Mrs. T. F. Anderson and little date for County Treasurer and daughter have returned from a l"a' earnestly solicit the support visit to Belhaven. ot an voters, men and women, whu may participate in tne next Mrs. Frank Hawks and litile Democratic Primary election. FOR SALii -One good milchcow For prices and particulars ap ply to Mrs. Virginia Holdeord. ANTED Tomatoes delivered our cannery in South Wel don on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until Aug. 3 1. We pay 35c. per bushel tor ripe tomatoes. Roanoke Canning Co. Halifax couniy raised $2, 1 00.34 for Near East Relief this year, or 46 per cent, of its quota, accord ing to announcement from Raleigh by Col. Geo. II. Bellamy, Slate Chairman. Halifax stood fifty seventh in the list of "counties in North Carolina in amounts raised Rev. L. D. Hayman.of Weldon was chairman for Halifax county and his work was highly commend ed by Col. Bellamy in his annua report which has just been issued Halttax sent in 5l,joJ.59 ill cash up to the close of the fisca year on June 30. On that dai there were $67 in unpaid pledges not yet due. Clothing to the value of $669.79 was sent in from the county. In thanking his chairmen and workers and the people who con tributed this money, Col. Bellamy called attention to the fact that it will be necessary to put on a simi lar campaign this fiscal year, be cause the Great Powers of the world are allowing the Turks to continue iheir massacres in Arme nia and desiruction of crops.homes and indusiries. "There have been twenty-two separate massacres since the Ar mistice," declared Col. Bellamy, "which makes it impossible for these people to be self-supporting until France, England and Italy relinquish their protectorate over Turkey in their mad scramble for the Mohammedan calico trade. I he recent Britisn refusal to allow the Greek army to stop mas sacres of its people was one of the most astounding and sordid chap ters in history, and until such con ditions as this disappear and Eng land becomes a Christian nation, the American people are ihe only thing that stand between Armenia and the entire starvation of its out- standing population." OH MOKEHKAD'S FUNEKAL. The funeral of ihe late Dr R. P. Morehead took place from the Baptist church, in this place, last Thursday afternoon and was one of the largest funerals ever held in Weldon. People came fruit far snd near io show their great love andtespect for their friend. All the stores and business places in town closed during the funeral services. This entire community mingles itseympathy with the be reft ones, and shares their grief over his departure. He was a man of strong will power, correct in his busittess dealings, and was a great factor in Weldon's progress. He seemed to be the very expres sion ot excellent health, not long ago, and bore all the appearances of living to a good and green old age, dui tne race is not always to the swift or the strong. At the very hour of life, when his career seemed most useful, he was called away. He who doeth all things wiih justice, in unerring wisdom and with a father's love, has called nun to the great beyond, and io His decre-: we are compelled to give obedience, however we may pause anu wonder. may tne great i.omtorier give the consolation to those who most deeply leel his loss. daughter, Miss Katherine, are vis iting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. K. !. I ravis are spending a few days in Washing ton, D. C, this week. Mrs. N. M. Austin and Miss Lillie Stainback are visiting rela tives at South Hill, Va. Misses Nellie Wright Vincent, Alma and Mary VI yche are visit g relatives in Capron, Va. Mr. C. R. Chittenden and chil ren have returned from a visit to relatives at Cumberland, Va. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Kodwell ho have been visiting relatives in Macon, returned home Sunday miss Kutn Mayo Dickens has re turned after attending the summer session at Wake Forest College Mr. and Mrs. C A. Canady, of Franklin, Va., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Vaughan. Rev. L. D. Hayman and his Boy Scouts have returned from a most elightful trip down the Roanoke Mr. aud Mrs. Joe Butts Dickens and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dickens are spending the week at Ocean View. Miss Dorothy and Master ohn Douglas Dickens, of Nash- WE HOPE SO I lie l.iininrrmn K"rrs'ni!in quotes a weather prophet as as serting that the rainy spell is over This prophet says "dogdays"end ed bunuay last, tnat tne tnree ca days" of Monday, Wednesday and Thursday finished the season dampness and that now we shall have the clear, sparkling days of late summer. His predictions are encouraging. Having an optimist around is a present heip in the time of trouble. SOME WATELMELONS. - Mr. Whit Neville, who lives in the Airlie neighborhood, has be tween 800 and a 1,000 watermel ons that will average 50 pounds in weight a piece. We do not believe there is a farmer in the whole State that can match Mr. Neville's crop ot melons, tie said mere was really no sale for them and it would not be many days before they would be too ripe. Many a political boom has ended in a dull thud. Respectfully. Mrs, J. W. Bovi'EKS. Announcement. I hereby announce mvself a can didate for the office ot Highway Commissioner lor Halifax county. subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary to held on die 26th day of August, 1922. S. P. Johnston. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Commission er ot Halifax county subject to the Democratic primary Aug.2ti, 1 922. J. E. PEPPER. : Announcement. I submit my name as a candidate for the Legislature in the Demo cratic Primary Aug. 26. IXSL MOSS. Announcement, Subject to the Democratic Pri mary August 26th, I hereby otter my services to the voters of Hali fax county for the office of couniy commissioner. W. T. Shaw. Announcement. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of county com missioner tor Halifax county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary, to be held on the 26th day of August, 1922. J. WALDO HITAKER. Announcement. This is to announce mvself a ville, have relumed after spending candidate for the office of Highway Commissioner lor Halifax county, subiect to the action ot the Demo- anu sons, of Wake funeral of some time with Mrs. L. E. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Luther Holoman and daughter, Miss Winifred, of Franklin, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Holo man. Mrs. Annie Whims Clarence and Harold, Forest, attended the Dr. R. P. Morehead, Mrs. Whim's brother. After spending several days with Mrs, Morehead, returned to their home Monday. REMARKABLE FOR HIS AQE George Pointer, who lives near town, brougnt to our olhce last week a perfect picture of a woman drawn by himself. George is 87 years of age, having served 31 years as a slave. The draw ing shows that his eye-sight is good and his nerves steady. He is one of the old-time darkies. laices nis nat on wnen talking to you. He says he hasn't forgotten how to cook the best barbecue man ever lasted. The picture can be seen at our otnee. May many more years be added to his life, There are few of the old darkies, like George, left. cratic Primary to be held on Au gust 26th, 1922. J. K. DICKENS. Announcement. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Couniy 1 reasurer subiect to the action of the Democratic primary August 26th, 1922. Nohh i-i- r S Smith. Announcement, I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination by the Democratic party as a member of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly from Halifax county. suDiect to tne action ot tne Demo cratic Primaries to be held August 26th, 1922. R. II Parker. NOTICE. I hereby announce my candida cy for nomination by the Demo cratic party as member of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly from Halifax county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held August 26, 1922. Chas. R. Daniel. Weldon, N. C, Aug. 8, 1922. w ANTED One first-class hard- Announcement I hereby announce myself as candidate for County Commission er of Halifax county subject to the Democratic primary Aug. 2b, 1922. U. C. HOWELL. knows how to buy goods right and who knows Gasoline Engine and Implement business. Permanent position and good salary to right man. Emporia Machine Co. 8 10 5t YELLOW FRONT STORES. I i