i 1 .1 i j;,rAl5LlSHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. i-vii. WKLDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, NOVKM11KH Hi, UWi. NO. 2; 1 Hib BHElWAMtl Beautiful Marriage Sol emnied at the M- E. Church in this Place, On November 8th, A wedding of much interest lo cally and i leading social event .hrmmut the State was solemn- zed Wednesday afternoon at Four o'clock at the Methodist Episcopal Church, when Miss Willie Sue Parker the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Parker, be came the bride of Mr. Herbert Lee Bizzell, the ring ceremony being impressively performed by Rev. L . D. Hayman. The church with its autumn set- nn2 presented a beautiful scene. The decorations were carried out m red leaves, pine, ferns, running cedar and yellow chrysanthemums, interspersed with gleaming yellow candles, The ceremony was witnessed by an overflowing throng of interest ed friends and well wishers. Kefnre the arrival of the bridal oany a musicm piusiam dered by Mrs. Charles E. William- son, organist, accompanied by Mr, Eli Bloom, violinist, and followed by a solo, "The Sweetest Story Ever Told,'' by Mrs. Raleigh Travers Daniel. The ushers were Messrs. Edwin Lee, Paul Borden and Graves Smnh, of Goldsboro, and J. Wes ley Parker, of Emporia, Va. The bridesmaids, MissesCarolyn White, of Elizabeth City, and Virginia Bishop of Wcldon, wore lovely dresses ot tuschia crepe and car ried arm bouquets of orchid chrysanthemums, lied with maline to match. The dames of honor, Mrs. Frank Saunders, of Pinetops, and Mrs. 1. W. Gower, of Ral eigh, were becomingly attired in soft shade of Copenhagen blue crepe and carried arm bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums, lied with yellow maline. The maid of hon or, Miss Rebecca Simpson, of Nor folk, Va., was ha ;dsomely gowned in wood brown brocaded chiffon georgette and carried an arm bou quet ol Russell roses, tied with malme to match. The flower girl, little Rebecca Juhnson, a niece of the bride, in a dainty dress of white crepe, carried a basket of Russell roses, Little Martha Hawkins, a niece ot the bride, in a fairy-like dress of white chiffon over satin, carried the ring in a yellow chry santhemum. The bride entered with her brother, Mr. Earl Parker, by whom she was given in mar nage. She wore a handsome suit of navy marleen, trimmed with grey squirrel and accessories to I match, and carried a shower bou quet of orchids, Bride's roses and valley lillies. Her only ornamen was a platinum pin, set with dia- monds. the eift of the sroom. The groom, attended by his best man, Mr, Edwin Borden. Ir nf fluids- horn mwrni f-nm ,1,. dnHau -, ...ivi.u nun, itit. juiiun; school room and awaited the bride at the altar. Mrs. Bizzell is a favorite in large coterie of friends, and her charming personality and winning manners make her popular in all circles. Mr. Bizzell is a nrominent business man of Goldsboro. being highly esteemed by his many Wjh ,he soft glow of yellow can friends. HIp SusDended from the chan- Immediately following the cere- mony Mr. and Mrs. Bizzell left for trio til roil ph ihp Nnrthprn and Central States, and will beat home I ' Wi lUkt in Goldsboro after December 1st. I lie out-of-town guests attend ing the wedding were Miss Kebec- ca Simpson, Norfolk, Va.; Miss I Urolyn White, Elizabeth City; Mrs. P. w. Gower, Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders, Pine- 'ops; Mrs. Grady Edwards. Sea board; Messrs. Edwin Borden, Jr , "win Lee, Paul Borden. D. B. L, G. J. Smith, J. 0. Bizzell, Lafayette Sosser and H. G. Jean- nene, of Goldsboro; Mr. J. Wes- icy marker, Mr. and Mrs. J. -W. frker, Emporia, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Peacock, Goldsboro Mrs. W. A. Peacock. Wilson: Mr and Mro A W A..,tl.., i:u.lh. ,, """ w . PlIIUICIUII, lilllltiu, Miss Mary Williams. Portsmouth. Va., and Miss Sallie Thome, of Kocky Mount. see J. Wade Powell about that monument you wish to buy. He can show you the most beautiful s"d exclusive designs, Prices right, too. we will accent anv series of Liberty Bonds at par value as cash Payment for furniture or as credit on account, Weuxui FuMNuruRE Co. MEITCCIUB, Baptist Church Organi zes Qood Fellowship Club and Rein forcement Campaign MUCH PROGRESS. Dr. I:. D. Poe, paster of the Baptist church, as he was leaving the city Monday morning to hold a revival meeting at Buie's Creek Academy stated that the Baptist Church was moving for ward in all the departments of its activities. Besides the completion of the handsome new parsonage which will be ready for occupancy this week, the pastor said that a Men's Club had been organized, consis ting of about fifty men, the main object of which is to promote fel lowship and religion among the men of the church and community. Already, he said, this club has plans for enlisting all of the unen- listed men of the church in some aehnite church activity as we as 0 eo u, . he rura co,ninunj,jes and interest them in all the under takings of the Baptist denomina tion. Mr. Chas. R. Daniel is pres ident of this club and Mr. O. P. Mohorn is secretary. The mem bership ot the club is divided into four groups with Messrs. Newton Shepherd, C. F. Gore, B. G. Rod- well and Dr. P. C. Carter as cap tain. The clubplansto hold month ly meetings for fellowship and for the consideration of any matters relevant to the progress of the church. Another matter of vital impor tance which is engaging the inter est of the church at this lime is the Souihside Re-enforcement Cam paign which was puton three years aeo. The new movement is an effort on the part of the denomina tion to enlist all the unenlisted members in the program launched three years ago. Nov, 26 to Dec 3 has been dcs'gnated as victory week during which time every member of every church . ,1 L .1t A m the 5ouin win oe cancu upon to make a subscription to the suppori of his church and its activ iiies. Locally, he said, the church is making splendid progress Owing to lite absence of Dr Poe his pulpit will be tilled Sunday morniiiH and evening by Dr. W R. Cullom, of Wake Forest. Dr. Poe will resume his series of sermons the following bunday evening as has been announced BANQUET. On Tuesday evening, Nov. m following the rehearsal at the Meth odist Church, there was a banquet oivn III the Parker Bizzell bnda party at the l erminai noict. The guests were greeted by Miss Parker and Mr. Bizzell ana Mrs. Y;iii. r.recn Cohen and Mr. Ld- I w iiiiv v -.. win Lee. The dining room was decorated for the occasion with pine, autumn leaves, and baskets of yellow chry sanihemums. The table was love y with its decorations of running pp.lar. haskeis ol yellow enrysan- th.mnms and chrystal candelabra delier was a large hoop covered wj,h white maline entwined with I ,..,;., r-.nar the maline extend I I N I E a,V" I - . . ..r ihj. luhtp In ing to tne coi net a ui . - Ihe center of the table was a iaijc wedding cake in me simpe oi -!..... uiiih a minidiure bride and eroom and ribbons. These rib hmtswere drawn oy eacn pci,. Mrs Havman drew the ui csbiii. ... - ' . 1 .U I... it. in -.v, Mr hfltvin Lee uic uuuuii, ""S . ..... M, Mr. Earl Parker tne com, aim mi prank Saunders the thimble Tuc. rnt were Miss Sue port.r Mr. Herbert Lee Bizzell Ca and Mrs. L. D. Hayman, Mr d'Mrs q q. Johnson, Mr. and M R t Daniel. Mr. and Mrs Ua,.maHuke Hawkins, Mrs. Chas. I I Williamson, Mrs. i-rnK aaunuc , u.., p W. (iower, Misses Vir- lna .. . ivti.:.. A . . n-.L.. 8""a Bls,10')., (.aroiyn wmie mw . . ii.iDrB r- ,i Keoeccti "-i m- qHwin Borden. Jr.. Edwin , r.M Smith. J. Wesley IXC, ui"' - - Parker and Paul Borden. DEATH OP MR. FENNEK. We regret to announce the death of Dixie C. Fenner, of Halifax, which occurred suddenly while on visit to relatives at Chapel Hill on Monday last. The remains were brought co Halifax Tuesday and there interred" A Spoonful of Purity One uses so little baking powder in comparison with the other materials used in baking that it al ways pays to use the best For making the finest and moit wholesome food there is no substitute for ROYAL Baking Powder. It is made from Cream of Tartar de rived from grapes and is ab solutely pure. Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Fj-TTk. nlvaMtatlan fr ths tnrmsll. Till WHICH torment tne worm toner. iwunu m .us " -. practical sppllcstlon of the teocliliiM of the : - ' ux.. - Mutir u tni sir lain ASA I. Trtl aiOkl OWHIAU UIRVICI. UN . O Section 3. Matthew 5:17-20. CENEHAL PRINCIPLES OH THE 1 ThinK not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to ful fil. 18 Fur verily 1 say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tinle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be ful filled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these commandments THI- JUKY LIST. The following is the jury for November term of the Superior court 1 1 r naiitax county, wiiiwi convenes on November 27th, .. . .. u:.L. Judge Honou presiding: Firsi week-Frank Fisher, W. r. Branch. A. Siansberry, Jim Stansberry, G. A. Hux, Geo. T. Thome, F. P. Waters, W. L. Cullom' L A. Dickens, M. L. Mor ris, Joe Cobb, Hoy D. Sykes, J. B. Davis W. T. Nevill, I: L. Bol- Innw On L Krantlv. F. (i Ay- w u Mi.,in l u I pis. U CULr, Y . II. mi.ui"! J- rrik Hunlv. K. C. Brav. L. C. n, .,".,.,. w a tVirv W. G. UUVtMJJUi li 1 ' I I w W r.nfield Bradley. W. T. I Asaue D. C Aycock, Lllis Long, John Best. Hampton Polk, T. A. smith H A r.lurv. T. A. Mar- shall, Matt. w Smith nhn. W a aJlltlllll L.I aJI "' 1 son, Second week-F. F. Ftheredge, I. G. Put, D. L. Finch, J. W. i : X'. Gooch. C. H. Als ton. H. H. Cullom, T. S. Hawkins, M, C. Crawly, J. W. Butts, Paul Jenkins, Surry Duun, J. K. Tay lor. W. T. Dickens, E. L. Lee, P. Edward, (i. W. Mynck, ts. Winn. W. H. I'wisdale, W. P. Deberry. C L. Turner, H. H, Harris, T. A. Boseman, L, A. Shpnrin. W. F. Taylor, J. R. Lyles, J. R- Jenkins, R. N. Ham- ill T R Kllen. W. M. Cullom, S. Lane. A- C. Nicholson, A. r. Srhlipipr. Ir.. I. B. Brill, W. G. Myriok, Frank Armstrong, Jr. WELL KNOWN AUTHOR, A correspondent writing from Kinsion to Sunday's News ana Observer, has ihe following 10 say of Dr. B. W. Spilman. Dr. Spil man was born and reared in el- don and it gives us great pleasure to note his success: Dr. Bernard Spilman s Baptist text books have been transiaieu into manv languages and are in general use in the churches and missions of the denomination me world over. One of Dr. Spilman's works has been printed in more than mo 000 cooies. He is tne c.nria., crhnnl secretary of the Southern Baptist convention.' YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Elsewhere you will find an ad .i.r.io.ntpni hv ihe Atlantic Coast Reahv Company offering for sale, to the highest bidder, some of the valuable land ever before placed on sale in this and North amnion county. Farming promises to be from now on more profitable than ever before and you will ao well to attend this sale and invest laraely in this property. The land in this county is on the highway between Weldon and Halifax and ihe land in Northampton is be iween Seaboard and Pleasant Hill. Spp advertisement and be sure and attend the sale. And W. of sriil onrHt and kindred in. nvu, - LAW 01- THE KINGDOM. and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For 1 say unto you, That ex cept your righteousness shall ex ceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. PHILLIPS BROOK'S DREAM Let me live the years of my stay upon earm way oui mine tuumiy, hwciuimiuh w.. . I warn to feel the touch of the sea U,.,. .,ni..r-.a .iikI ii'ilnr,. c (.nil sons as they come and go, making up tne years, t want to ica mc emu ot winter in my name, um severe, but enough to mane tne blood tingle. I want to feel the gentle warmth of spring as, with her gentle touch of magic, sh awakens new life in things dead. want to feel the heal of summer, the polden sunshine ripens the - harvest and matures fruit and flow ers. Lastly 1 want to catch the cold breath of autumn coming fan away the heat and lethargy of summer. 1 want to hear the cry of whippoorwills as ihe twilight pti ps n'er the 111 anu nonow. i ----- want to be near Bob White is call ing to his mate, when the fields of ripening wheat wave genily io the passing breeze. I want to hear the tinkle of bells on the distant hillside, as the sun is going down and the katydids commence their nieht-lone chatter. Then old Jack Frost passes by, with his touch of white. 1 want io wander down the old rail fence and on to where the muscadines hang in rich pro fusion; and there for a lime fast and forget. Yes, let me live out the years ot my stay upon tne earm in the fullness of the country, and then, dying, let me rest in the quiet churchvard near wnere tamer anu mother sleep where the sunbeams play in the summer, anu me snow drifts high in the winter. A NEW CHAPTER. A very interesting meeting of a new chapter D. A. R., was held in Elm City on Saiurday afternoon Nov. 4th, at which Miss Ursula Daniel, of Halifax, presented to the chapter a gavel made, the han dle from wood from the old Con stitution House and the mallet from wood from The Grove House, the home of Willey Jones. The gavel was beautifully made and the chap- ter(The Thos. Wadley Chapter.D A. R's ) voted unanimously to mal- e Miss Daniel an honorary member of this body. These ladies, most of them were members of The F.liMheih Ashe Chapter of Halifax hut have re cently organized this new chapter ot which Mrs. waiter Woodard, ot u llson, is Kegeni. STILL CAPTURED. Sheriff H. L. Joyner and Sher iff. I. A. House captured a large still in Northampton county, op posiie Thelina, last week. The still was a 100 gallon capacity and was running on full time when pannired. Onlv ten gallons of whiskey was found ai the si I at the time of capture. A cob red man by the name of Ned Mason was arrested and taken in charge h Sheriff Joyner. The still and fixtures were destroyed. PERSONALS Other Items Told In Brief Form Now you can go hunting. Cotton continues to climb. Spare thepariridges, they des try the boll weevil. Col. W. T. Shaw spent the last several days in New York. Mrs. E. G. Utley, of Norfolk, is visiting relatives in Weldon. And aren't some people ridicu lous when they ridicule others, Thanksgiving Day conies on the 30th the last day of the month. Mrs. J. S. Jennings, of Winston Salem, is visiting relatives in town All the banks in town closed last Saturday on account of Armistice Day. Mrs. C. J. Owen and Mrs. J Sledae visited Richmond this eek. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Littleton, visited Weldon last Friday. Dr. H. G. Lassiter took in ihe game of fool ball at Richmond last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Potter, of Dillwyn, Va., visited relatives here ast week, Mrs. W. E. Daniel and Miss Narcissa Daniel visited Richmond last week. Mr. James Johnson, of A. and College, visited relatives here last week. Rev. L. D. Hayman is attending the annual conference in Raleigh, this week. Mrs. Ruth Hunter has returned to weldon alter an ansence ot sev eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Purnell, of Philadelphia, are visiting relatives in Weldon. Mr. Farl Mountcasile, of A. and U. College, spent a few days at home last week. Mrs. .1. A. Johnston who has been visiting relatives at Clinton, has returned home. Mr. G. W. King, one of the best lax collectors in the county, paid us a visit last week. Mrs. Eva Bishop and Miss Vir ginia Bishop spent several days in Richmond last week. The annual Conference of the M. E. Church, South, convened in Raleigh, yesterday. Mr. William Johnston, of A. & E. College, spent a few days with relatives here last week. Messrs. C. R. and Eugene Dan iel took in the foot ball game at Richmond last Saturday. Now that the supply ot cotton seed has been cut in half, what are we going to do for olive oil? Messrs. Pierce Johnson and J. B. Sledge took in the foot ball game ai Richmond, last Saturday. A great number of our citizens attended the Armistice Day cele bration at Scotland Neck last Sat urday. Mr. II. O. Crawley and Mr. J. W. Powers, ot the Aurelian Springs section, paid this office a pleasant visit last Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Zollicofl'er, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Knight and Col. W. T. Shaw are amending the M. E. Conference at Raleigh. Some of the cotton fields are white and cotton is selling at 26 cents and over a pound. When the cold weather comes it will be hard to get pickers at any price Beiier get u out now. Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA nif ouicklv re neves Lolas anu ODD LaGrippe, Consiipation.Bil iousness and Headaches. lANO FOR SALK. I have for sale cheap, a Wellington Piano in first-class condition. Apply to Mrs. Virginia nketer, Weldon, N. C Sale of Land for Taxes. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Halifax, on Monday, December 4 1WJ, Ihe following described landB in Littleton and Butterwood Townships, for laxes aud costs for the year IHL'1: Ada Shaw, 22 acres, uear Little ton, , J. li. TukkIc, 'J shares of E. I. Dupont Co. S'&' Butterwood Township, J. U. Heptinstall, 2uO acres, home, 08 it M. Heutinstall. 400 acreB Kandra ." O. W. K1NU, Tax Collector Litttleton and Butter wood Towunipa. The packaire Your taste confirms it. The sales trove it. Over J billion GKr READY For the Big Shoe Sale at Kittner's Shoe Store, next door to Weldon Drug Co., next Friday, November 17 n:ps ITBe sure to attend. LKITTHER'S SHOE STORE NEXT DOSE CALOMEL MAY SALIVATE YOU It Is Mercury, Quicksilver. Shocks Liver and At tacks Bones. Calomel salivation is horrible, li SWeilS Hie Ulliglic, muncns uic teeth, and start rheumatism. There's no reason why a person should lake sickening, salivating calomel when a few cents buys a lurpe bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone a perfect substitute for cal omel. It is a pleasant vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and can not salivate. Calomel is a dangerous drug, besides it may make you feel weak sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up teel ine great. No salts necessary. Your druggist says il you don find Dodson's Liver Lone acts bet ter than treacherous calomel your money is wailing for you. 666 is a Prescription for Colds Fever and LaQrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know, preventing Pneumonia. succesti it. sold y vai ly " , hesterfleld CIGARETTES Our Shoes Please Every Member' y the Family-' NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. Sealed bids will be received until 111 o'clock a. ui., on December lstli, Hi'J'J, by tile Board ofSelioolTruslees of Wel don, Human county, ,u.,ai me omce ui V. IS Darnel, Chairman ol said noarn, for the purchase of $7ri,UOU school 1! inds lated ,lulv 1st 111".".', and maturing i.UtKI on the 1st day of ,1 uly in each of the years IIIIW to lil.rl! both in clusive, and bearing interest at six per cent, per annum, payable sonii-annuaily, denomination l,tHw each, ami Doin principal and interest payable at the Hanover National llaojk, in the City and state of New York, Said bonth hit i""iied un-ler the pro vision ol I'uiuiC'l.ocai ami rmaic Laws, North Carolina, Chapter 1 11', Ses sion l!l"l, and will be approved hy Messrs. Storey, I horudike, fuliuer &. Dodge, of Boston, Mass., whose approv ing opinion will be furnished to the purchaser without charge. All bids must be on blank forms which II be furnished bv the undersigned, and must be accompanied by a certified checU upon an incorporated bank or trust couiDanv. parable to the order oi the Treasurer of Weldon Uraded School District, for two per centum of the par value ot the hondB bid lor, to secure tne Hoard of School Trustees of Weldon against any loss resulting from the fail ure of the bidder to comply with the terms ol his bid. Said bonds w ill he delivered to the purchaser at the place of the purchaser's choice. The riuht it reserved to reject any all bids or to accept the hid deemed most advantageous to the School Dis trict. W. E. DANIK.L, Chairman J. A. MUSUKOVE, Secretaiy Weldon, N, C. U nELIABLE manufacturing cor II poration desires a permanent Io cal representative. Good refer ence and small investment required E. P. S.. Box 72. Raleigh, N. C 666 Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. Convenient packag gluaune-urapped. HF&RT ! MESSAGES -TO YOUNO AND OLD A SKKIEHOl'" 12 SUNDAY IW MMi SMONS BY E. D. POE, M. A., TH. D. Nov. "My Young Man." Nov. 1'-'. "My Young Woman." Nov. Ill, "Love, " Nov. !!. "OourUliip." Dee. II. "Marriagii." Dec. H), "Home, Sweet Ilouie.' Dec. 17.--"Father." Dec. 24. "Mother. " Dec. :il "Son." Jan. 7. ''Daughter." .Ian. H.-"Uld People." Jan. at. "Heaven at Last." THE I'l.At'E, First Baptist Church THE TIME is 7;3ll. THE WELCOME is for all. YOU are iuviled to hear these sermons Sale of Land for Taxes. 1 will Hell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Halifax, on Monday, December 4, 19'J'.', the following described lands in Halifax Township, lor taxes and costs for the year llfli: .1. I., liarklev. St acres.Cokren Ill.fiO V.ll.iiT.13.lemons,37 a.Vaughn SW.30 Damons & Norman; 33 Vaughn '23.47 Mrs. J. H. t'enuer, home :(7.ii7 W. H. l-'ishell, 4M a. l'owell 14.48 Kirsl National Uank, R. Rapids 7.M Mrs. Anna Hale, 1 town lot, 30.45 H. 1.. & Other Hale, 14 acres ao.82 Jewell, Bass 4 Jewell, 1818 8 F S33.S1 J. II, Norman, lttM a. Williams btiO 11 Mrs A. 1'. Norman, 4 a home 136.00 Norman & Norman and 8. S. Norman, 50 a. Cheeper 72.43 L. H. Suiter, ihj a. I'erroll 166.64 lee Vaughan aud S. A. Dunn l a. Head uO.ll Colored nancy Crowell Estate, 3o a. .lovner U.U4 1.1M 3 W 1.U3 a. .mi 67.41 '-B It 2.74 lU.O'i 3.8.rJ Fannie llamill, 1 town lot Noah .loues Est. '20 a Kichards Jones, 1 town lot, hue Josey, a a. Sugar Hill Kdwnl Pierce, HO a Williams Us T.IL-iy Est, l-'J i. home M, W. Williams, Jr. 1 town lot loe Wilkius, 3 a. Ilaymon Ponton . II. Whilaker, 33 a. Hale asper Kichards, i a Kichards D. J. MU.L1KIN. Tax Collector llalilax Township. Notice of Publication of Summons North Carolina, Halifax Conuty. In the Superior Court. Ilentv Brickell Vs. Susie Clanton Brickell. The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax County, in which ao- lion the l'lainlitt is demanding that he be granted an absolute divorce from the defendant, upon the ground that plain- tifl and delendant have lived separate and apart for Bve successive years, and the said deienaant win runner lane no tice that she is required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hahlax county, at the Court House in Hali ax county, on the 28th day of No vember, 1922 andauswer or demur to the complaint in said action, which will be tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Coujt of Halifax county on or before the return day hereof, or the plaintitf will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the alet day of October, 19S3. 8. M. GARY, Clerk of the Superior Court WADE H. DICKENS, Attorney for Plamtit 11 wit

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