ASPIRIN Insist on Bayer Package SWEDEN PROUD OF WRITER ! EXAGGERATED IDEA OF HONOR . yH ; ; ; : : CP if 1 t "! to AfU t'nlpfls yon sec tlie natiu "Hayi'r'1 juLckage or on taMeta you ait- not tintf the genuine Haver jmuhirt scribed by physicians owr twenty years an! proved safe by millions on p re two fur Col.l llea.larlie Tuotliache l.uiiilnio Kamche H!icuinatim Neuralgia Pam, I'.un Accept only "Bayer" u. K.i which contains proper direet h'Im. i 1 m '. v Uii of twelve tablets cost few . m. hi ... gilU also Bell Kittle- "f ' I .;:..! l". Aapirin is the tral- t.i '.' u Manufacture of Muimavet.i u.-i.i. t i i Ktaiicy lu'arul. .WOrt:SSlU i .. , . k I'ANIKi. i H I M- I DANIEL & DANIEL. ttorneys-at-Law, , ra;tice in the emiris ut iii, i , , SO' 'empton D'l in tin- u'U!i, fr. eral courts, i ollectinin. ,n i ' ,. I p iH of North t'aftjliua ISi,:iu-i ti lil'x open every Min.lav. MRS. ANIE HAiVi AND, NOTARY PUBLIC, VCELDON, N. C. Oilii'e ul Daniel iV liuwel. UEOKOb C. OREEN, V 1 OkNEV-AT-LAW, Utfice iu Ureeu UuilJiUK Weldon. IN C Wm. L. KNIGHT, Alt 1 1 ney-at-Law, Suite 1, Daniel BuiMiuK, WELDON, S. C. 4 -".TTOWMtY AT LAW, VVeldoniaudiTillery, N. C. f itices iu the courts of Halifax and ,j iug counties aud il the -uprtuie eiui. j! the State, special atleutioa given to collections and prompt returns LLIOTT B. CLARK, Attorney-at-Uiw, WKLDo.N, N . V. Other inlireen Buildinif.; ASHLEY B. STAIN BACK j Attorney-at-Law, W ELDON, - - N. C. 1'raetieen in the courts ul' Halifax uul svijoiuing couutieB. 1'roinpt attteutiuu to all tiumnt'HM entrusted to me. OMu-e over M. C. i'atrn store. H B. HARRELL, Jr. Attorney-at'Law, WELDON, - - N. C. i'lactiees in the courts ol' Halifax aud adjoining counties. lJrompt attention to ail busmesx entrusted to me. Orhce over Kick b Jewelry More. S Jo 7iu 1'hone '24. D' K. M. A. CAK l tK, VETERINARIAN, UtHce aud Hospital '2nd stieet WELDON, X. C. I'houa: Rest Ou; Office It a J, Lour I'ibtance calU answered promptly DR PAISLEY FIELDS, DENTIST, Over Weldon Drug Company WELDON, N. C. W.J. W AilU, DENTIST, omCE IS DANIEL Ul'ILKIM-i WELDON. S.tJ xeDt'J It in the mmm U YEARS t?r-1-rex- - ' Have no canvassers and nu agems commissions are added to our prices. Write us your needs. We Pay Freight and (iuarantea Sale Arrival THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS,! 266 268 Bank St., - Nortolk. a. Metterheads Snvelopes Ml heads 1 GlvellsTfour Orders ioi Rintlng a E. L. HAYWARD, f BOND 1 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS.TORIA Famoua Academy Maki Somewhat New Departure, However, In Addl. tion to Itt Memberthlp. For the lir-t time in histon.- ths Sh filial nnnlfiny, fnuinleil by Km' tiustHVtis IU in 17st), a humurist aiKf umiic artist hus In'eii elected t" cxcUisne limly. This hunur llH4 lnU ln'to-ril "II All'l'l'l KlIL'- Ktruin, ine of thi' iu..."t jh piilor $- iiri'd in Sweilfii, eilitor uf Strix, a Swfilislt liumorist weekly, writer of ilitiiictiun and the creator uf um of the funniest ritrtociis aii'l char acter sketches that ever came out of Sciimlinavia. The Swedish academv. 1 1. . pit 1 1 r ! y know n as "The Mini en." f, r it I meiiilrhii is linittl t t!mt iimn ler. win molded h i r . fval foiind ; er on the pan. i n of the Ki n i h i llcildcmv, for tlh' TUal oldect of I'MNtn iii).', iuri'' ins; nd elewitinit the Sweih-li Ihhiim. It- motto i ' i.-Iil i.s and li I'rt-te," Kiit!-trom's pi.pul.ii it v i. I ,i-ed on Ins brilliant c-av, inin ipiillv on iniiriiie mihjects, m well u.- on 111' ynilllhetlc kketclle of the common poMtilo, -ailor-, ti-hermeii, lolit'-lloremeli tiltfl c.nitfN tpe-. HE DEFINED DREAD MALADY French Phyeician Who "Discovered" Diphtheria li to Be Honored by the Medical World. The medical world is preimrin? to commemorate uoii the eentcmirv of Bretuiiiienu's discover of diph theria. The dread malady is not really so modern, of coup, as the anni-vei-ary ui;i;ests. It was known to the ancient as the " KV pt inn evil." and aiijiearel in frequent epidemic both in the Hnti-h ih- .Hid on the Cohlinelit dlirilli; tile S,. ellteellt b and Miebteelith celitlirles. But it was Pierre Bretonneau of Toms who fir-t identified the symptom., in a collective diagnosis and defined the disease in the cflebrnted treati-e laid in lS'.'l-?? before the French Academy of Medicine. The famous Tours doctor also irave the di-ea-e the name, of Greek derivation, bv which it is now known in medical textbooks thi'iuirbout the world. The Bretonneau eentetiarv will be celebrated at Tours ui!er distin jruished medical au..pice. SMART MAIDEN LADY Before the sultan ato, hie cook aud prime minister tasted each di-h: that guarantee atraih-t poison comes back m prohibition. A maiden lad), living in a hiit hotel, requires a htlle whi.kv for her .tomacli's sake. trusted bell boy is her purveyor. VAanieJ that -be 111. e, t .walb.W Wood aicfdlol -oli.e .la.. .He -a,, I : -., nth when t ,- br,lLr. hu i . 1 1 1 r- I male Inn, take a l'oo, dnnk of It l.el'ole li eve., and before I iav ti I iii . I leu I put the lu.ttl,. aWaV and vvni. I, I ieoie for t tut- dav - If be d, e- le t die of blind, I knovi ,t'. -al, l,,r me to u-e it." d'bat's a 'rue -tiry and inav be of use to other .naideii ladles dependent on a bell boy. American woim-n Mr prac tical. Atlanta I leort'iali. PERIL IN SCRUBBERS Lr. Andrew U'xlie of the London Throat and Far hospital ,-alls at tention in the iicrt to a new do mestic danger. He has had several cases lately iu which pieces of wire irere found in the throat and larynx, owini? to cooks cleaning kitcbeji utensils with a steel scrubber. The scrubber consists of .tee shavings rolled itito a ball. In course of time pieces of steel get detached and, be ing yen' sniill and almost ivlorless, scape the cook's notice and are served with the food. DOUBLE DRIVE LOCOMOTIVE Very unusual iu desiau, at least as far as this country is concerned, is a locomotive built in Filmland for use in South Africa. The object of the design is to obtain the greatest possible power for any given weight allowance. A very even distribution of the weight on the axles is obtained by placing the Uiler between two driving systems, which are in con nection with a tender at each end. Popular Mechanics Mawine. KEEPING AHEAD OF THE CflCWO "Do you claim to be a leader of the pstKpU?" "Not fllawtlv," Ki.vd .Senatur Sorghum. "1 only try to be a good guenser as to which way the people are going unit" Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done Her a World of (lood "Chamberlain's Tablets have done me a world of good," writes Ella L Button, Kirkville, N. V. "I have recommended them to a number of my friends and all who have used them praise them high ly." When troubled with indigestion or constipation, (five them a trial and realize for yourself what an excellent medicine it is. Notice of Qualification As Administrator. The undersigned having qualified in the Superior Court of Halifax county, North Carolina, on Monday, October 2, 1U22, as administrator of the es tate of Mary Estelle Allsbrook, de ceased, hereby notifies all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to him at his odice in Weldon, N. C, duly Teritied, on or before one year from the date of this notice or the same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All per sons indebted to said estate are request, ed to make immediate payment. This the 4th day of October, 1922. W. E. DANIEL, Admr. of Mary Eatelle AUabrook, dec oet 12 t Vienna Studtnt Kill! Hn.iself Secauee Unable to Give Enemy Projver Satiafaction. The i-eieiit trucic dentil of a VUlitljr ellL'il'. 'eni: -tll'lellt in V.en- na siiows to what the exaiferated code of honor .-till upliebl :n t'oiitineiital countries i. liaMe to lend, remarks the Vieiiha coire .polnlelit of the d ime.. A few week, aeo the police raided the rooms of the Suxouia Students' association and prevented a duel which wffi. about to take (dace be tween two of it. member.. The duel was ti(i ordinary "nieii'iir" bout, but a serious encounter which was to settle an alfair of honor. The quar rel, it was -tated, had arisen over a lady, due of the balked duelists, a doctor's s, n, took the alfair ery much to heart. The fact that he was unable to cite his opponent sat isfaction pleVed oil his mind to such an extent that be de. id. d to take bis own life. He wrote letters to hi. father and Ins thince telluiir them of his intention, then locked himself iu Ins room and shot himself WELL EQUIPPED Bub Jim Sanders is thinking of becoming an acUjr. Be&tnee He hasn't any qualifl cations, has he? Bob Yes, indeed I A friend has just died and left him a fur-lined oyercoat. SOMETHING WRONO Mrs. G. has literary ambitions of the poetic order, and having bsen the pest of clubs for quite a time she began to annoy her neighbors by coming to their homes to pend the evening and reading to them the latest "inspirations." The other evening she went to the Lanes'. There she had to wait un til the half deaf grandfather had talked his rill before she had a chance at her reading. And she had just finished one on ".lade Flowers" and was half-way through "A Maid en's Dream" when grandfather' fretful voice came from the holt room, to which he had been ban ished, "I don't see why you've put that cracked record on the phono graph again, Mary Aun. You know it makes me nervous." Indianapo lis News. COSMOPOLITAN CROWD The total registration at Harvard this year is 6,073. Of this number 5,fiKI are from the United States and its possessions. The other coun tries represented are; Asia Minor, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Ber. inuda, Brazil, British We-t Indies, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rka, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Den mark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Germany, Gnat Britain, Greece, Holland, Honduras, India, Italy, Japan, Ko rea, Mexico, N'ew Zealand, Nica ragua, Xonvay, Valentine, Panama, Peru, Runiffnia, Russia, Siain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. LOCAL COLOR Visitor I giU up earlier at heme 'an any man in 'is heah town. Native --Yoh words don't mean noth'u', niggah. I gits up every luawuib' at one o'clock. What time does yuh git up? Visitor If'n I tol' yuh, yuh wouldn't ouderstan'. They dou't have no time in 'is heah town at early as whut I gits up. Life. BEST KINO OF FUEL To prevent smoke from house hold tires use fuel which cannot smoke even when no care is taken to prevent smoking. A fuel, with less than 10 or 'i per cent volatile iii<di iii it, aut II as nuililtti lie eoai containing only 3 to 4 per cent vol atile oiatter, and cuke are admirabli for this purpose. OF- UP-TO-THE MINUTE MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES, Butterick's Patterns R & Q. Corsets, Misses at 76c. Ladies 75c. to $1 M&.Prices will be made to suit the times. Hats and Bonnets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Ijiiq Display Weldon H. C ft m r T f 1 mi ? .. ! aikJi '.. i The Phaeton 3800 F.O.B. DETROIT Ten Body Types ,7 $ if f. ax A Bunjalow with Art-Craft Til Directlr on New ir T f 1 1 SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? IT'S ART-CRAFT! CEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity it gives to any building the charm of a high-priced roof at a remarkably low cost. V'cather-proof and spark-proof. Absolutely reliable. Also uud right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cost will be less than you think. BIRD & SON ir.c fEatabliahsd 1795) Et Wlpol, IvW OUR SLOGAN Good Material and Hieh Gradfi Wnrlrm Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and n lumber i warn mm Phone 235 1 1. -r BcyonJ'tioti Lincoln occupies first place m every consul, ration ot quality in automobile construction. It is easier riding, mootlicr running, stui Jier under hard service, more uadily handled, mote llexible under control than any other car, regardless of price or claims These outstanding elements ot" superiority are the result ot greatest mechanical accu racy ever realized in motor car construction AUTHORIZED LINCOLN and FORD DEALERS The World's Greatest Motor Car Values WELDON MOTOR COMPANY AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE WELDON, NORTH CAROLINA BIRD'S TILE DESIGN Design Laid HorUonUlly Roof Boards Dressed Lumber. 5 WELDON, II 0 UIa1 l c, i .fnr----' -.A - ' -- 41 IfiSpECJIOfl Of 0ui To You JijE Quality tfo jtjE Tews ie Suctj TqT Eveiy EvEfy HoflE ShfOULD Be fi1jDE fHoiE Cojm- Weldon Furniture Company. 'I'liiiNI: 71 arastutx !Hi:rji:iE!UKRatiiQct!u..)iui I N V 1 1 Al IUiN, You are invited to open an account with the j 3 i BWK Of EflFIELD, I. 0. 4 Pet Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. VOL) can iratairaiaMittnrsTiisira SH e carry j stock troin which you l il.iss, Silverw are, cic, siniulile uu ucuer, anu save you iiiniu y 0 i: H H l I C V. S WILL SATISFY. T 1 BSTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, 170,000. WK INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. I I I'Alt) ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W, K. I'AMKI., I'KKSIllKM. N 0 T Buggies, Harness And Wagons. WE carry a full line of the well known, both Hackney and Chase City Wagons at Rkh Square, N. C, and the Oxford and Knight Buggi" each of which aie noted for comfort and durability at Weldon, N. C AUo a full line of Horses and Mues at both places, during the winter and spring season. Thanks for past favors. Rich Square HQLOT.lAtJ BROS, ml hi the Pm UTLDUN, N.C. Kitti;ajB E flFI ELD, I I to K t mail can select anvihino vou wani in Cm lor weddinjt gifts. VCe will P' Inve me a trial. bc.NRICKSj II K 1 n s I. C DRAPER, t-ABHiai. 1 C K . Weldon IS. ft