Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been m use iui uv umiy years, nas Dome the signature of n uc ucLcivea. All Counterfeits, Imitation and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric lirups and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphiie nor other narcotic substance. Its nut' is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has ken in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM C NTAUB COMPANY. NiW YORK CtTV. v wtEsI Get a Goo; NW.t's Rest OTVil 'ft.Kr money back if the first Miles of Comfort When we Fit you. It pays to buy the best, espec ially whenryou get such pi ices as we have on our merchandise .Exclusive Agent for Rorshelm Shoes. LKITTtWS SHOE STORE Jext Door to Weldon Drug, Co. j WULDON, N. C as ime FREE OF CHARGE. L. E. HULL, Near Ratchelnr'a Opera Home. Cotton Storage. vnicn ineludes storage, insurance nu CAROLINA BAGGING CO., Henderson, N. C. , u me wrapper an these years . . 1 r '"we veals tffltrfc,, JU8t V Protec the coming Bears the Signature of Sleep is just L- jry to health as food The ability to sleep depend on the condition of the nerves. 3f;, Dr. Miles' Nervine good night's rest help any nervous i3tt V con'','on 'rom sleepless Mar ' tiess to epilepsy. Your WW "" "cnefit you. Yc.n"l LV. Miles' Med mini's . t l!1 drug storei "tl, T IB We are noi boasting. We are only stating a Faci and what hundreds f smisfied pairons say aboui us. Besides excellence ot goods, we also ' i i.,.co in tha Hilino of all orders. j violin tu pTUIllulllCS'i aim tin tiuniv - - ll,ill Hlior I sell groceries as cheap For cash as any one in (own, and'will deliver t HON. N f iprinklered Warehouses. Storage room for every ale of cotton rafsed In Warren. Franklin and 'ance Counties. 35 cents per bale per month, IMPROVED UNIFORM INTtRNATONAl SiindayMool ? Lesson T in UKV. P. B. FITZWATIili, I). , li';'ihiT of KnKllBh Hi,,. , Ul, M(J0d, miile Inntilute f clil. uiio ) ' lyri(hl. 1922. New,p, ,, I I LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 19 j JESUS THE FRIEND OF SINNERS l.KSSON TEXT Luke 7:3T-8. OOUJBN TEXT Thin I. a faithful .ay. His. and worthy of all acceptation, that Uirlat Sttnt came Into the world to save iniier.l Tim. 1:16. KEKKREM'B MATERIAL-Luk. U l- I'KIMAHY TOPlC-J.aus Lovta Kv.ry. bofly JUNJOR the mend of Blnnera. INTKRMBDIATB ANll SBNIOK TOPIC -The Hympmliy of Jraua Yol'Nll IKul'I.K ANH AKI'I.T TOPIC - Jitani llrllm Hi. Sinful and Hm rueful. 1. A Penitent Woman's Act of Lovo (vv. .'17, 4S). 1 I'luie nf (v, :i7). It wim In the tii-nie if Sliuuii 1 1 it- I'liurUee wlillo J emii i Ml 1 1 .K ut mem. The trust iiiiwt have hern pulillc, else she i'iiTiIiI nut have so remllly gained se fen. 2. The Aet of (v. SK. She washed Jesus' feet with her team and wiped them with her linlr. Through 8. mm menu she liud heard of Jesus' pardon- lux gram, and liud hud upenrd her heart tu reeelve Hliu us her Ravluur. Hut of a heart of gratitude she kissed His feet and anointed llieiu with pre cious ointment. S. Who She Was (v. .'17). Her nfins la nut mentioned. She was of a notoriously bad eliuriioter, Thuugh kniiwn to the public as a had woman, something had happened which trans formed her. She waa now saved sinner, because she believed on Jesus Phrlst. II. The Pharisee's Displeasure (v. 89). Simon felt scandalized by such a happening at his table. He was a re spectable luau. For Jesus to tolerate such familiarity on the part of a woiuan of such evil repute greatly perplexed him. He reasoned that If Jesus were a prophet He would have known the character of this woman and would have either withdrawn Ilia feet from her or thrue her back with them, or If He knew her charac ter His tolerance of such familiarity proved Unit He whs not a good man. Simon's righteousness was of that sort which gathers up Its skirts and gives the sinner a backward push Into his filth. III. Josus Teaches the Pharisee tt. 40-48). He taught him by means ef a par able of a creditor and two debtors. Observe that Jesus made It very clear that He not only knew the woman, hut knew Simon also. 1. The Common Debt (v. 41). The unman was a sinner, so was Simon, though he was not the same kind of a sinner that she was. There were two debtors, though the one owed ten limes as much as the other. This Is representative of itl sinners still. The lllble declares nil lo he sinners, yet recngnltea degrees of guilt. cred it ought lo be given to the man who Is hunest. vlrtiiuus. generous and kind. Yet such a life will not secure entrance Into heuven. The Savior's words are a severe rebuke to the re spectable Pharisees who are sitting In juilguieut agalust the sinners of a courser type. 2. The Common Insolvency (v. 42). And when they had nothing to pay" Jesus freely grunted the difference In the degree of the woman s sins and those of the Pharisee, but drove home to him the fact that they were both debtors and had notlili with which to pay (Horn. 3 :'j:rl. Therefore all have need of a Saviour. As sinners we may quit our sinning and hate our deeds, hut thilt ches not make satis faction for the sins of the past. What we have done Is Irrevocable tt has passed from our reach. Every trans gression shull receive a Just recom pense of reward (Heb. 2:2). We must come to our Creditor, God Almighty, and acknowledge our Insolvency and accept the kindness of Jesus Christ who bore our sins In His own body on the tree (I Pet. 2:24). We are all puupers, and Instead of Judging each other as lo relative guilt, we should ome lo flod and sue for pardon. 8. The Relutlon of Forgiveness and Love (vv. 44-48. Simon's reluctant answer to Jesus' question shows that he got the point of Jesua teuchlng. In order to make Ills teaching con crete He turned to the woman, call ing Simon's attention to what she had done In contrast to what he had done. Simon hud neglected to eiteud to Jesus the common courtesies of a re speciiihle guest, but this forgiven woman bad lavished upon Him her affection and glfls. The meusiire ot one's love Is determined hy the meas ure of the apprehension ef sins for given. The one who Is forgiven most will love most. Vlrtua and Vice. If he doea really think that there Is no distinction between virtue and vice, when he leaves our houses let us count our spoons. Johnson. Women and Men. A hundred men may make an en- cmnmiient. hut It takes a woman ta make a home Chinese Proverti. I.. .ad Art They. HLiaail are llirv which do hunger and thirst after righteousness. fo they shsll he filed. nannew 0:0. A Timely Suggestion Tin. In the season of the yeat when the nrurlent and careful housewife re plenishes her supply of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, it ie almost certain to be needed before the winter is over and results are much mo'e prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the first indication of a cold appears and belore it biconie settled in the system, There is no danger in giving it to cn'iuren as it contains no opium or other harmful dtug ALL SET. Wniier- "9,n vou're to be mar aied next week. Got the house all fined ud." Cuyler: "I guess so. I've got a radio ouifii, a still, a cocktail shaker, a corKscrew anu a tnanug dish. No, I haven't forgotten a thing. Ha A blithe heart makes blooming VtWeT COMMUNICATE Wl I H J0NES,50N k NORFOLK, BtroRfr DISPOSING Of YOUR EXCELLENT STORAGE FACILITIES. Latest market information furnished on request rRirr: op- charge, by telephone or telegraph roitur M'ONDENCF: INVITFD-HOUSE PSTAB1 ISIIFD 1870 scpUl Mill. Every Thursday 52 Timei a Year THE YOUTH'S COMPANION For Boys, for Girls, for Parents, for the Young in Heart of all Ages. Ptekod full ef nUrtatnlm and loformlnf rswl Inf. Huodrodt ef Short Storieif Sertel Stori. Than lh Boys' Paga, lh Girls' Pwefat, th Fctnilr Pim. Th Currant Events, Editorials, Humorous Miacallanr. Altogether the bast infeattnent in "Good Reading:." Costs LESS THAN Check your ehoica and aend this coupon with your remittance to the PUBLISHERS OF THIS PAPER, 01 to THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS 1. The Youth's Companion 52 Issues for 1923 I all for 2. All the Remaining Weekly Issues of 1 922 f $0,50 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1 923 J 1. The Youth's Companion 2. McCall's Magazine, 12 Fashion Numbers 1.00 3 00 CHMHIKG, PERMANENT BUNGALOW THE TAH0KA l. KliicU(rl:i-l,r lin(l, fainiius anhllt'i'l. miry Scrrt'Inry nf the Anifiiiiiii ln-iiUH' a( Arcliiit'i'ls. niJ r'-nr l !( uii w.uit imsiir r tlllt'ti lllill 4 1 1 r lilillir Will IMI Im lniill 111 a Hii'ivK imine nutn m I m i riililliK'Uil Ml til itul, nl(J fllshi.ilH'tl. llMlll'Sl . iillilllMll lll'll'k, 11 l always In irmtil i-.v niut ivprc-st-hls Ilia I -Mii.iiii v tunl Iknily I twit 1 Hvssiv ul llu- Iti'sl Ihal Mir I'dlrllllluTS iitlllil 'lll IlllO Ituiluliis. As It was uitiul Nil. liumlrMl cars uiro ami twt hitialivil yi'ars :il'm and Is itimiiI tnit, -m Ii will he (Hit1 liuiulr.'il ami iwn Inni iliftl -,v ir.'iu new. Th t'sl known t'Miiiiplf of t'iiily lnii ll vn L In Aii.ri'ii ii i llu linvi-rtiui 1 'nut il.icL liviisc, luil( i'i llu IT1I1 ri-uitiry unit u I'tipifd in Hh ircsai (lay. SucL liri'Ks it'im-si'iii, un 1 in t tt'i'lor. 1I1.' saint1 i'luinn-iiTisikii mid st'iillnii'Mls whirli nuikf llu well known mluiilul fiinilture nl.:iys In ilftnuml i'r iiiii'iiurs. Nu inultt'i' what uihi'i' kimls nr (mmIihIs may cwino itiul s-t, Ih.'i ttit ulwu wt'l- 'Itic rii.n.ul. i'n. k MetMiiV mu'n' cemplf'e - f.if llu. k-i h. THE YEARS J"- y rrn j AAfTt- "When I'm a woman you'll see what I'll do; I'll be great and good and noble and true; I'll visit the sick and relieve ihe poor No one shall be turned from my door But I'm only a linle girl now;" And so the years roll on. "When I'm older I'll have more time To think of Heaven nnd things sublime: My time now is full of studies and play, But I really mean to begin some day; I'm only a liule girl now." And so the years roll uii. "When I'm a woman," a gay maiden said, "I'll try to do right and not be afraid; I'll be a Christian and give up the joys Of the world with all iis dazzling toys; But I'm only a young girl now." And so the years pass on. "Ah, me!" sighed a woman gray wilh years, Her heart full of cares and doubts and fears, "I've kept pulling off the time to be good, Instead of beginning to do as I should; But I'm an old woman now," And so the years roll on. Now is the time to begin to do right-To-day, whether skies be dark or bright. Make others happy by good deeds of love Looking to Jesus for help from above, And then you'll be happy now, And as the years pass on. CASTOR l A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always ban lb iIKCL VIRGINIA Five Cents a Week ("i'i!i",.'D'u,1.") $2.50 BOTH FOR DESIGN A707 cotii' hi'i-Map'H from out' p-ntratina hi iiiiothiT." The TalmkH, u tyiinlly apiiruprt lilc hrlrk ilrslKM, tn of (tu xtnry and a hull' tM ImMwi'i'Ii a tnnijjuluw nnil a 1 wo Htory housi', nnd haw a MTV ruiniiitiithiM pliiti Two Inru't) hediiHtnm, It will he nolt'd, art pluccd dowiirtiali'H loK.'ther with hi hathrouni. Tin layoul Is, In ftH't very hihiIous throiiKhoul, the living room hflnu twtMily liv fvvl Ion, hy Kixteen fit't In width, It l en-' tt'ivd froni thf front thruiiKh ti vi-s-rlhule with Hit' rout elnst't oofnlmc from wflhin thi- house. Thi dlninv rooin Ih sixteen feet hy fourteen ft-i't, i'mIiisIvi of a hay window which Is inleivsllnt; hoth In exterior and tniciinf There are two more hnlrooinn wilh halh upslairs an Ideal ur raiii'inenl when cnlertnllilnn quests. With its vid and roomy front jhii-iIi. lis Kent-nil jdra-slni' exl?rlir and well arranged interior the Tahoka Is a home of which any family tulht Well ho proud. Amoriatlon, OkvcIhiiiI. Ohio, i'hii furnln PASS ON, Prayers of thanks benefit the pray-er. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 1 r XSe'' I 1 I mmmmm m i I I ' I 1 , jnrutMiic GROW TALL IN COUNTRY According tn Ihr irivi-t-tixulioii.- nf Df-niker, well kimwn fur hi- iinlhni polojfie stwlirs, fit- lull ih-ik eh nf iMty life tend tmviirfl a I a .reuse nf human stature. It is hmhv frmii Hie larpe cities that the henelii rut olTeds of tile general amelii.riilii.n of Horial conilitions anil iniprmR inents in hygiene of modem times most elearly muiiifi'nt themselves hy di-stinct increase ul .stature. This increase has heen marked awing kevcral of the Kuroptau races dur ing the last liflv years. Where the people are subjected to urban influ ences the gain is less notable. HIS RECORD "Horace Snapp is dead," routed old Hiley Hezidew. "He was rail way station a(?cnt here in Petunia. He left no friends and no inf. my worth mentioning, but instead nu enviable rei-urd of thirty-nine yeura of faithful attention to his duties of lelliii),' Hie traveling juiHic and all other anxious inquirers, ' i J n ' t know !' in a surly tone of voice." Kansas City Star, SYMBOLIC Customer Wha' fo' yer gut dat rubbah plant in dc show window? Barber Dat am to infoaiu da public dat we gibs massage treat ment. J udge. DOBBIN CLIMBS AN ALP One iluv my sister, Babe, and I went to town in the old buggy, hitched up with our aneient horse. In due time we jogged into town. The street had curbs that were at least two feet high. As I drove up to the leading store I let Dobbin take his course, thinking he would know eaough to stop whero he should. Imagine my surprise when ha raised his bewhiskered front hoofs and laid them on the curb. Babe imiiiedial 'ly brought forth more spectators by yelling, aud waving her anus excitedly. By the time old Dobbin, with the aid of a by stander, had gingerly removed his hoofs from the shrine, the drowsy little town was thoroughly aroused and highly amused. Chicago Trib une. HARD KNOCKS Charles M. Schwab said in a suc cess talk in his native Loretto: "We all begin at the bottom of the ladder, and it's 110 use having false pride, for that only makes the hard knocks hurt the more. "I.yltou, the famous actor, was so sior and unsuccessful in his youth that he actually asked for a job one day at an old showman's booth at a fair. " 'Wot do ye want to iki, young feller!''' the showman asked. " 'I want to ai t,' said lrttou, tnd I'll play anything from broad melo drama up to high tragedy and down to low comedy.' fc'AII right,' said the old show man, 'doou'i' there and wash that cart.' " THE CANDIDATE'S JOKE "Kor years you have been criti cising Huw who held otlice." "I'erhaps 1 haie." "Now you are to be governor your self." "Yes." "It is de-tiny." "I'm. I rather think destiny ia playing a little juke nu me" Lou isville Courier-.lournal. MAKING A DATE "What did the secrcss tell you?" "She gazed into her crystal aud said I'd be rich some day." "1 suppose that satislied you." "Xo, I told her to polish up her crystal and see if she couldn't read the exact dale." Boston Transcript. COMPETITION "How is your new radio set?" "Fine, hut my wile is kind of jealous of it ! Icive a loud speaker." J 11 5 Frequent Headaches "I suffered with chronic constipation mat woulu ui ins u" very severe headaches," uyi Mrs. Stephen H. Klncer, ol R. F. D. I. Cripple Creek, Va. "I tried different medlclnrs and did not gel relief. The head aches became very trequetiL I heard of m Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT and took It tor a headache, and the relief was very quick, and it was so long before I hid another headache. Now 1 Just keep the Black-Draught, and doiTt let myself get Ut that condition." Thedford's Black-Draught (purely vegetable) has been found to relieve constipation, and by stimulating the action of the liver, when it is torpid, helps to drive many poisons out ol your system. Biliousness, indigestion, headache, and similar troubles are often relieved in this way. it is the natural way. Be natursil Try Black-Draught. Sold everywhere. MM Save th RED LABELS v. s y IHE M OF HALIFAX, UktiANlL:D 19001 Capital aud Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked iis success in ihe pasi. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Quentin (irenory r..-ri.lel.l EAGLE "MIK AD0" Fur Sale at your Dealer Made in fin grade AsK FOB THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAUD EAGLE MIKADO AGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK h Solicit Tour Patronagt mm mm mm mm u& mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm The W e have cbcose from, and OURg Prices are mu mm 4. l. swubuck, Busy Store, WELDON, NCW mm ? mmmmmmu mm mm mm n mmmmm mm mm Mmmmmmmmmtii mmmmmmMmmmm-mmm mm .. "rr-rr THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. NX'hen an opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnltivaied him properly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? Bargains for you IF YOU GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON N. C- brsfbrefs SELF-HAiSING BREAD PREPARATION makes better self-raising flour. Yen knmv it's pure and whole soii:e nu rcix it yourself with .vine own hYnr. More econuiiiiuu, beea'.i e it makes better breads, ciikcs, pantry more easy to digest. Use one package with a 20-lb, sack. FREE PREMIUMS-Ask ur Grocer for free Prize List; or write: Rumt'ord Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. S. M. Oary ''I. -.Pre-liler 11 (iretc.ij ''RShipT. t&Penca No. 174 H WW mm urn urn urn mm m tm mm a good line to Kight. BUY ALL YOUR tvALMoar ' AVBJI0W (ArTlUiAv I will 5oom )-' I

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