Sf.AlJLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$2 00 Per Annum WKLDOX, X. ('., TIIUKSDAY, DKCKMIJKI. 11. NO. .') CRIMINAL CASES hiptiseil of at I he Last Term of Halitax Superi or Court. I I,.. Mlowine cases were dis c! a itic November term of ffilriv superior uoun. K ,! Cole, house breaking, y fcoiiili- ,m inuiiiy roiius. C,,irli...l Mi'DJtiiel, hi) days on SiJikv Vt'illiams, I. and r. 30 ,y, mi mads. i;j ivile'ay, a. and b. 6 months 'i couniy roads. j I:. Wilson, 9 months on coun ty rudJv Willie W huaker, a. ana D. b liuiiilis on roads. Kelley Jones, a. and b. 1 welve fcomhs mi couniy roaas. Daniel Purvis, I. and r. Four fiomlis mi couniy roads. Jjmes Alston, liquor. 6 months hi rujils. Rdiid'ilph W ilkinson, f. and a. ) Jj.s on rouds. Charlie I'litman, liquor, Four fionihs o:i roads. Charlie Wilson, I. and r. Two ears Mate s r nson. John Wlme, second decree mur- cr. .Not over or less man o tears in Mate s Prison. R. Spi uill, I. and r. 12 months lo he hired out. Frank I' I'.enslsy, bigamy. Not fcvs tha i 7 or more than 9 years Siaie's prison. Luiher Cowey, I. and r. Four lioiiihs mi roads. H. I:. Thonids, 5. days in jail. Frank Thomas, 5 " " X'aJe Bryant, disturbing relig- lus worship. 90 days on county Lds. Goodman Scott, c. C. w. Six lionihs on roads. homns Ivey, liquor 6 months -io be hired out. Thus. Harris, liquor. 1 8 months in couniy rouds. I'uhe Johnson, secret assault. 3 ears on county roads. Red hshengaiM. secret assault. 3 ni1!'- r. ads I J . u, veil ci assauli V years J n..i iur U! years in State's 'i mi. B-.n M:. Is, murder 2nd degree. 0 years and not over 17 years in lijie's prison. lillie Clifton, I. and r. Light 'jnilis on roads. RieluiJ. Hoyd, house breaking years Slate's Prison. Komie Harding, c. c. w. $50 fe and coms. Jesse Arlington, c. c. w. $50 fie and cosis. Allen Bryan, disturbing religious wship. $50 tine and costs. Jno. Soloinan, c. c. w. $75.00 fie and cosis. Matthew Alston, I. and r. Judg ent suspended. Hoy I., hdwards. driving auto Me urunk. Judgment suspend- j L. h Coppedge, driving auto i'llc drunk. $35 Hne and costs B. Harris, a. and b. d. w 00 tine and costs. Brown and Mills, prostitution iu tine and costs. A- 1-. l'ruden, ooeratini! auto f We drunk, Judgment suspend Id. Cbas. Menchew. ooeraiini? auto ftiile drunk. $5 fine and costs. Howard Boon, c. c. w. $50 ne and cosis. Thus. Patterson, oneraiinu auto f'liile drunk. $25 fine ami costs. Nen Lane, piii'ch,isiiii Distol iniiiin Permit. $25 fine and sis. lit "Kciie Moore, orjcraiini? auto lnlc Jt unk. $50 fine and cosis. I -ll I'll' .,lM,,,,,,t.,, ... I,, Impended. H' J I'rice, liquor. 4 monihs jn tail. J- G. Hart, liquor. Judgment upended. lrrhal Deatness Can't be Cured y local auiiiic.t...... .u .!,...,.. "I'll tlw diseased portion of the ear. ""''I l Oulv out. W11V In i.r.. . I ..a f ...a i'"',tlmt IN hy eonstiD tioual remedies Je f u '" i caused liy an inflamed con ,.: ""iiau ulic. U'lu.n tl.i. !... "ul yUU IUVM a 1.0.... ..I r -- - ......unua niuuu . ",tiii1 and when it iseutire, u,'!,"' ll'l'fH, anduut "" th,. liiMutii matiou can lie taken out """"tut,,, restore,! to its norma ""'". licKiiuiryiill hedestroyed for "H'f cases out ol t.-n are caused by "Inch IB uolhiuir Imt mi ill I'ouditiou of the mucoua ur- AM 'kumriaia. (JlreuUuai awe. V. J.l'HJSNEY A CO., lokio, Oluu C. P. ROOWELL Death of a Much Beloved Citizen of VVeldon. Died at his residence iii this place on Tuesday morning, December 12th, after a protracted illness, Mr. C. I Rod well, in the 54th year ol his age. He was born at Church ill, Warren couniy and came to Weldon in August, IS9I in the service of the Seaboard Air Line railroad. In January, .1892, he was married to Miss Blanche Allen, one of our Weldon girls and immediately became identified with Weldon and all its interest. About fifteen years ago he was appointed agent for the road and coniinued in this service until a few months ago, on account of failing health, he offered his resignation. This was not accepted, however, and he was given leave of absence and finally retired on full pay for the remainJcr of his life. For some months Mr. Kodwell has been a great sufferer. Lveryihing possi ble was done for his relief, but without effect, and he knew thai his going was only a question ot lime. These sufferings lie bore with great cheerfulness, without murmur of complaint, quietly wait ing the end. "He knew in whom he believed" and trusted himself in His dear hands. He is survived by his wife, a brother and sisier in Weldon and a numerous family ot relatives and friends in Warren couniy, who will, as well as Ins many triends here, regret the affliction winch led to his death and .sympathi.e as only true friends can. He was buried in the lamily square in Cedarwood cemetery, ihe services being conducted by Kev. Dr. li. L). Poe trom the tiapnst Church ol which he had long been a taiihtul and consistent member. In all private, as well as public, relations ot lite. Mr. Rodwell made a record which any man might desire to emulate. He leaves to Ins family and triends as an im perishable heritage, a life in which honor, liuiicMV, tnnli and jus I dealing was evet Uie guiding stars. "There ! no d.-.uli the thing thai we Call tle.illl Is but another, sadder name f;ir lite, Which is itself an insufficient name, T'uiul recognition ot that unknown Lite Tti.ii Power whose shadow is the Universe. " DliAI'M OH J. H. HAKMHK. The following is taken from a paper published at Sarah, Miss. Only a tew oj our readers remem ber Mr. Tanner. He lived here many years ago and was in busi ness Willi our townsman, Capt. J. A. Mu.sgrove. He was a most ex cellent man and was very popular at that time wuh ihe people ot Weldon: "J. H. Farmer, who died in the Baptist Memorial Hospital at Mem phis, Term., Nov. 29, was one ol the leading merchants ol this place. Mr. Farmer, woo was 11 years old, was a native of ihis ( I ate) county and spew practically his en tire lite in the m.ieauiile business in this and lYnoia couniy. He was married in ISM to Miss Llla Paierson, ot Como, Miss, Early in hie he joined me Baptist church and lived a consistent Christian hie. He could always be counted on to promote every move thai was lor the upbuilding ot the com tnuuiiy in w Inch he lived. For the last several mouths he had been in bad health and real ized that Ins lime in ihis world was short, yet he was resigned to tin will ot the Kultr ol me universi and tcjdy to answer the suimiit'i" when it came. Besides Ins wife, he is survived by one son, J. A. Farmer, of Mem phis; and one brother, Malt. Far mer, of Como, Miss., and a host ol triends, all of whom realize ihu the community has lost one ot iu best citizens. . Mr. Farmer had been in busi ness at this place tor the last 1 5 years, and was considered one ot the best businessmen in ihis pari of the county. Among his cus tomers were some ot Ins best friends. He was a man who al ways made friends of those with whom he came in contact, and he will be missed in the lite of the community from which he has been called." Chamberlain Cough Kemedy the Mother's Favorite. The soothiuif ami hralnir propertiea ofChainlM-rlain'K I'oiikIi K"ily, lU pleawmltaxt.- ami K"'11 wlJ i''l'"1 euri-H havu ma.lo it favorite with p o plr everywhere. It ia unpi-cially pru.d by mothers of youutf children for oohl .roup and whoopiug eou,-u,aa italwayn arlorJ. quick relief ud ftoul oriu tad r har-ruitag. PERSONALS And Other Items Told In Brief Form Now for cold weather. The year is growing old. The cotton fields are bare. Only 1 1 days to Christmas. The holiday season approaches. The days and nights are about equal. The corn has nearly all been housed. Save your money, Chris'tinas is coming. Mrs. H. D. -Allen spent last Fri day in Richmond. Mrs. Willie G. Cohen visited Richmond last week. Mrs. H. C. Spiers is visiting friends in Richmond. It will soon be time to hang up up ihe baby's slocking. Mr. C. W . Howard, of Kinston, spent the week end in Weldon. II love is me birth of an illusion marriage must be the deaffi of it. The children are looking for ward to a visit from Santa Clans. If a girl uses enough paint she may resemble the picture of health. Mrs. C. A. Snckari, of Norfolk, visited Mrs Li. L. Williams last week. Mr. l-'rank Shaw, of Fntield, spent Sunday in town with rela tives. The Misses Wright, of Durham, are visiting their sisier, Mrs. S. H. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Poole, of Warrenion, are visiting relatives n town. Mrs J Y Moure, of Vicioii.i, V'a , is isiiing ha In oilier, Mr. P.. C. i iarlk'k. I he s'.'.im 1 1 1 is here tor a marvel ous ivgul.n ny in ihe Sunday school ailendar.ee. Mrs. C. W Howard .and chil dren, ot Kuisioii, arc visiting tela lives in town. Mrs. Ceo C. Green and daugh ter, Miss Virginia, visited Rich mond last week. Mrs. II. 15- Hancll, Jr., has re turned home Iroin a visit to rela tives in Petersburg. Miss Mary Anderson, of the l'ast Carolina Training School, spent the week end in town. This is the tune of year when father can do just about as he pleases and it is all right. Mrs. W. A. Pierce and Misses Martha and Kaihcnoe Pierce spent the week end in Richmond. Mrs. R. 15. Brickell. Mrs I li. Green and Master Shepherd Green spent a few days in Richmond last week. Mrs. V.. 1.. Wihiams and brother, Mr. Frank Shaw, of tinficld, spent several days in Washington and Baltimore: last week. Mr, Daniel I' Knight announces ihe marriage ol lus daughter, Lucy Flyihe to Mr.Murty Baxter Craven on Tuesday, the 12th ot Decem ber 1922, at Jackson, N. C Don't raise heck with your hus band for lelhng another woman that slie is beautiful. Perhaps the oilier woman's husband will say as much for you some day. The young women of the M. 1:. Church will conduct) a "Gift Shop" Thursday, Dec. I4ih, in ihe Fmry building. Good things to cat, polled plants, Sc. livery one wel come! l-'roiu the niiintH r ot Fur J cars standing on the street last Sunday afternoon one would ai once imagine that Ford had moved his headquarters lo Weldon There were ihirty cars standing, one after another. Mr. Geo. C. Green who is now at the Johnston Willis Hospital, in Richmond, was successfully oper ated on last week and his many friends will be glad to learn that he is gelling along nicely and ere long will be home. See Wade Powell about that monument NOW. His prices are the best. His designs the most beautiful the material, the famous Georgia marble and Blue lilberton Granite, "the stone eternal" can not be surpassed. He will be glad to serve you. We will accept any series of Liberty Bonds at par value as cash payment for furniture or as a credit on account. Weldon FukmitukeCo.1 Wffm - Tbt only solution for tlio tormoll, - ) ., LI.Ll... . . I. . 1 J f!.. -Jo. prortleol application uf the tcochlnro of tho &-T ' Mooter in tho "Sermon on tho Mount" '-- lu THf 010,1 OUOtAU Ol.HVlcr. CiH . O (Arranged jur pulilicutiun in lj tectums) Section 7. Matthew 5:38-42. TRADITION St!lKRSi:i)t:L BY CHRIST'S LAW. 38 Ye have heard that it hath I at the law, and take away ihy coat, been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: 39 But 1 say unto you, That ye resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him ihe other also. 40 And if any man will sue thee CHHISTIWAS l-DITION. Our Christmas edition will ap pear on December 21st and will be 8 pages instead of -1 our usual size. I ins euinon win contain beautiful Christmas stories, poems and illustrations, besides the local and editorial matter. Those wish ing special advertisements lor ihis number will please let us have copy not later than the I8ih of De cember. In addition to our regu lar list, we will issue several hun dred which will circulate in Hal ifax and Northampton counties. You will do well to place your or der at once, should you desire to read this special edition. l)LAll.ni) AT F.NFIIiLI). Atlantic Coast Line train No. 80 split a switch one hundred yards south of ttie station at linfield Wednesday of last week, derailing three express cars, two day coach es and a dining car. F.ngmeand tender, and pullman cars did not leave the track. The engine pro ceeded north to pass track, return ing on south bound track, taking off Pulhran cars. Two day coach es were received from Rocky Mount. Transfer of passengers were effected, and the improvised train proceeded north. Traffic on the southbound track was delayed until noon. DEATH OF AN OLD MAN. Ben Daniel, a very worthy col ored man, died at his home in South Weldon on last Friday morn ing; aged 93 years. He had been in feeble health lot many years and was totally blind The old "landmarks" among both races are rapidly passing away. Let us hope that their descendants will try 10 cultivate that kind feel ing and good will that Ben Daniel always cultivated. A self-respect ing ami rcspecietl colored man of ihe old school has gone. W e do noi doubt he has heard his Mas ter say " Well done, good and tanli ful servant, enter into the joys ol thy Lord," for he served Him and his fellowman hiiihfully on earth. ONLY A WHALF.. Dr. Collier t'obb. head of ihe departnienf of Geology at the Uni versity was in linfield last week investigating the finding of pre his toric bones by workmen while ex cavating for the cess tank for Lin Reld's sewerage system. When shown some of the bones, IV Cobb said they were not the bones of a plesiosaurus as first thought, but those of a whale and were about two hundred and fifty thou sand years old. Dr. Cobb has re cently returned from Asia where he has been digging bones of pre historic animal all the way from Ihe Arctic Circle to the Indian Ocean. The Surety of Purity There are no miracles in cook irK. What goes into the food must inevitably come out Fven the baking perfection that result from the use of Royal Baking Powder ia no miracle. It is simply the result of ab aulute purity entering the food and emerging again. Royal is madefrom Cream of TarU.r derived from grape. It Contains No Alum Leutv No Bitter Taste oootol anroot and klndrod ft- '- , . .1 I. ,..J l - - V - let him have thy cloak also. 41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. 42 Give to him that askeih thee, and from him ihai would borrow of thee turn not thou away. MEETING U. D. C. The Junius Daniel Chapter U. D. C, met on Wednesday, Dec. Gib, wiih Mrs. O.W. Pierce as hos less. A lener was read from Mrs. R. P. Holt, Division President, outlining her policy and work for the new year. Mrs. C. F". Gore reported a barrel sent to the Con lederair Woman's Home, Fayette ville. valued at $22 50. This con I lined many dainties and good things which was thankfully re ceived and much appreciated by the dear old ladies in the Home. Resolutions of respect to Mr. Alex H. Green were adopted and a committee appointed to provide a Christmas gitt tor the veterans in the Soldier's Home in Raleigh. There being no special program for the day, the President called atiennon to the recent death ol Thomas Nelson Page and spoke ol the qualities in the hie of this fine Virginia gentleman and some ot , writings. Mrs. Pierce John son, to the Uehglit ot the Chapter inosi charmingly read "Mars Chan," which is thoughi by many to be Page's master piece in his short story writing. This was fol lowed by My Uid Kentucky Home on the victrola. The meeting closed with the motto to meet in January with Mrs. J. W. Pierce. 1 he hostess served hot tea and sandwiches with many oilier good things. The guests present were Mrs. F. M. Shainbtirger, Mrs Pierce Johnson, Mrs. G. H. Nash and Miss Kale Garrett. SPECIAL SERMON. On next Sunday evening at the M. li. Church, 7:30, Rev. L. D I layman will preach a special ser n n to ihe Pyihians of Weldon. 1 ' e public generally is invited to attend. The from seals in the church will be reserved for mem bers ot the order. f Big Stock of Christmas Toys for all the Children and Grown Polks as well. Come and select beiore the rush, MRS. P. A, LEWIS, Santa Clans' Headquarters, WBLDON, N. C. HOLD FISH. For sale at 10 cents a piece. Apply to CHARLlli JONES, Weldon, N. C. CCCCures Malaria, Chills and UUU Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. Ogletree's lew 5-10-25c. Store Next to Lewiers on I Dili St. ROSliMARY, N. C. Doll Toys & Tree Decorations Now on Display! Do your buying with me and SAVE MONEY Special Discount 10 Churches and Sunday Schools. Notice of Publication of Summons. North ( uiohiiu, Halifax County. In tin SutTiCH Court, Cluihotne I.une vh. Suan Lane. The tlcfcthlant, Sukuh I.anc, above named will take notice that huni mucin in the above entitled action hum iswuetl ttiraiiHt tthl defendant on the !ith day of lieeeiiiher, 1 !:.''' from the Superior Court of Halilux county, which U'liu moiiK is returnable on the -'th day ol DrcmhtT. I'J:, comrnuiiilntaf the Haiti defendant to be and appear before the said Clerk of the upei lor c nut of Hali fax count y in Halifax, N. , and an nuel' or demur to the complaint which has been deposited in the ofliee of the ( 'leek of the Superior Court of said coun ty, that aid action in for ahu .lute di vorceaiid in brought underaction iti'iU, Sub-section I. Chapb-r :io, Consolidated Statute of North Carolina, vol. 1, l!i!i, the tfroundc hetnt: that there has been a Nepaiatiou of husband and wife and that they have lived separate and apart for live sueeestjjve yeais, and that the plaiutiH'in tin action ha redded in this Stale I'm! that pet Hid; and the said dr feu liiiil in retutred to appear and an swi t or demur to the complaint or the rein T therein demundtd will he (f ran let I. This Nth duv ol Iiecemher, IH,". S, M. i AK V, ( It1 1 k Supeiioi Court. I 'ami I .V !auiel Mtoi icys tnr I'laini tf Notice of Publication of Summons Nortli Carolina, Halifax County. I n the Superior Court, I,ucv I iurv Vs. Sterling iary. The defendant, Sterling (iary, above named will take notice that summon in the above ent tied action was issurd air unst said defendant on I lie !tth day ol Ueceinher, lit'J, from the Superior Court ol Halifax county, which Bum mum is returnable on the 'Mh day of December, commauduiif the said defendant to be and appear before the said (Jerk of the SupeiiorCourt of Hali fax county in Halifax, N. C, aud an swer or demur to the complaint which has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior 1 ourt of said coun ty; that said action ih for absolute di vorce ami in brought underSection InV.M, Suit-eetum -1, Chaptei ;,i), Consolidated Slatules id' Noith Carolina, vol. 1, lull), the L'louudK being that there ban been a sepaiation ol husband wile aud that they have lived separate and apart for live successive yeatN. and that the plain lit)' in lhi aeiion lias reHided in the State for that period; and the said de fendant is required to appear and an swer or demur to the aomplaint or the relief therein demanded will he granted. This 11th dav of December, Itc'-. s M. ;.W(Y, Clerk of the Superior Court Hauiel laniel Altys. lor I'laiutilf. Trustee's Sale of Land. I nder and by virtue of the powm and authuiity eonleried on me by L. tiiiptuu and l'.issie 1 (.uptou, hie wife, uuieofsaid I'et dsui I'r list beating date May ""ill., If, and registered in the tiilici) td the h'egiNter id I ueds of Hall ux ci'UUly, Ninth Caiuhna, in in Hunk 1-1, page -H", and the other bearing date Match 1st, ltd;., and registered iu the ottiee of the liegister of lemis of said county in Hook L'tut, pagf de fault having been made m the payment of the bonds described in, and necured by naid Heed ot Trusl, I will, at the re uueM of the owners ol said bonds, sell in hunt ol the I '-auk ol llolhstur in the Imau ol llollislet. N C , at IL' o'clock, M.. ou the Itllh dav ol Manual v. Wd, at public ail'Mton Hi ihe it itmtt! huftler lr cash, two certain tiacis or parcels ul laud in naid town ol Holltster desenbed and bounded as follows, viz; Tract No. 1. Located ouliihbs avenue iu block. A., Lot No. 1, fronting feet on t.ihbs avenue and running back along Wdhama t reel 1,'iU feet, being; a coiner lot, uu which was receully loca ted a frame store buildtug and being tne same lot or parcel of laud which whs conveyed to said II. W (iupton bv K. U Uawls by Heed dated May iflst.YllU. Tract No. Hounded ou the Nortli by a street, on theSouth by Main street; oil the Kant by the lands of the I'osburg Lumhei Co , ou the est by the lands of L. W. Cuplun, and more particular ly bounded as IoIIowh: beginning at an lrou Stake (formealy corner with Nick Uicbartlson and I osburg Lumber Co.,) and running thence North NTJo West '.WIM feet, thence North ft" KastaaL feet, thence South 0 Hast lir.'l.-! feet, thence South i West ."ifi feet to the place of beginning. This 7th dav of December, liCi. TASKK.K roLK, Trustee.. PPf quickly relieves Colds and ODD LaGrippe, Ctmstipation.nil iousness and Headaches. . - . mi - Uf II shoe and dry goods salesman sinale man preFerrnd. Address P. O. Box 67, Weldon, N. C. IF SICK, BILIOUS! START YOUR LIVER Don't Take Calomel! "Dodson's Liver Tone" Acts Better and Doesn't Gripe, Salivate or Make You Sick Don't Lose a Day's Work Read Guarantee T'(.'''! 1 iltiiIH I n.;il.i'- lull it . lmml.li-: Tal.i' ul tin. .Iihil'.t- im iIim t..i.:. .m.! i-m.. i ..u nui.i I ;. . i'- t ':ll"M. : ' rl or jtl ,.1. -ih . r whWi n..i .-i. ,.f ,. I,ii,.. 111. .11... I . . ;l ,..... int., c..,t.i. itli m. i ' '.- r.ii. - ihl.i il . In. Mi. inr it iii-. i ii,- i- uh.-ri urn i .-. -1 l ni a.'.l'ul i - :..l . i.irii.iiiL.. It .ni uri- -!iil:l'i-,i ;t r j -1 'nil l.in,, I ,, ,,nt'' ,f i - l..ri.; I iiii.l U,v. U 1 1 1 :( t J ..r Mill l.utl' ln-iL.t.l. 111-. ii- iii-.-, iiialiil ti.liis'iiu. if linatli i, Lul I MOTHER! MOVE CHILD'S BOWELS "California Fig Syrup" is Child's Best Laxative Hurry Mother! A ti-apuotiful of "California Kig Syrup" now will thor oughly clean Hie little bowels am! in a few hours you have a well, playful rhthl aain. Kven if ens, feverish, bilious, etdistipat'd or full f cold, ehililren love it "fruity" taste, and mothers can rest easy liecause it never fails to work all the souring food and naty bdti An Ordinance. UK IT KNAI TKIi l.y the Hoar.l of I 'ommiHiiouerH and Mayor ol' the Town of Weltlou: It has lie. ti di'ti'i iiiiiii .l by the Mayui and the I'.iiai'il of ( niiiniiSMonern of the Town of Wei. Inn that the. IT T TYl'K ot I'nvy in last suiteil to the needs and eomiitions of the iii niise of the Town of Wehluu cumuli; under the requite ineiitn of the Male I'nvy Law. The 1'it lyiie ol I'rivy is therefore adopted as liie type requin d iu the Towu of Wel don All uidiiianees or paits ul oiiliniiiiees preMoui-ly emu'ted which an- inciinlhct with this ordinauce are hereliy repealed. Thin ordinance shall lie iu ioice sixty davs after its tnis-atcc. Violations ol this ordiuunce shallcou stilute a misdemeanor and shall lie punished hy a line of five dollars. Passed aud adopted this the lith day of November, 111'-"-'. W. V Willi. INS, Mayor. K I.. IIAVWAliU, Clerk. Notice Sale Personal Property Under Mechanics Lien for Repairs Hv viitue of Mechanics l.ieu for n )ians made thereun, the owner theieol havniir failed to call for and redeem within ninety davs as require.! by law, ne will on NAT! KIIAY, DKl'KMHEIi Hi, lil'!'-'. in fiont of Hounds Motor Co. ollicn, Weldon, N. I'., oiler al public auction to the highest bidder for easli, at 11 o'clock A. M., the followiui! ile scribed personal prupelty. towlt: tine Five l'asseni;ei' -ipecial Six Stude baker Automobile, IHlD Model. This ihe 1st dav of liecetuher, 111'.'-'. not niis Murcm company, fu ; ot Leinors. An Ordinance. All dealers in atiplcs, oranifesand oth Uf funis who shin into town and otl'er same for sale .shall be required to riHv nnvi Wirt' lax 0 vio. Passed bv llual d of Com missionci s of the Town of Weldon, at their nieetiun, November ti. P'J'-'. V XV. XX KdilNS, Mayor K. I.. II AY XX' A It l, Clerk. HEART -TO- ! YOUNtl AND OLD i asi:kii:sok 12 I NDW IVIMNt. SI'KMUNS -itv - li. I). HUh, M. , IH. Li. Nov. 'i. "My Younir Man." Nov II'. "My You nil Woman." Nov. 111. "I.ove." Nov. 'Iti. "Courtship." lce. a. "Marriage." lec. 10, "Home. Sweet Home." Dec. 17.--"Father." Dec. 24. "Mother." Dec. Ill "Son." Jan. 7. -'Dana-liter." Jan. 14. "Old l'eople." Jan 21. "Heaven at Last " THEl'l.ACK, First Baptist church TI IK TIME is 7;3n. THE XVKIA'OME is for all. Y'OU are invited to hear these sermons. 666 is a Prescription for Colds Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know, preventing Pneumonia. "V -lull ;iri miI. .-t try a -.pooiiful i.i !i;iimr- il...! , l.i'tiT T..:i to- liii.l.t. It'Tc'- n: r ;i i inii.- i In to uny ilnr.' -l.in. iiinl . : a liut.tl,. i if Dud - ii - I.i .. r 'I in- I.,! .i f.-u ivnN. Take a - ml .-H.-I ,i -I -1 i n t .trciiphtrti ..ti i .-j' l ii;. ,i; I ' .ikn ..u l.-t-l lint' all. I lj. .l.in- I i l i.ii til 'i ti:M.'k t'l t'l.- -I'll." ;il: i '.I i iu i liiini.y. Iii.'!-..n'- l,i.-i- I., i- i- 'l.-f -..vinir the -all- i.f fain in. 1 ! . ail-i- it t'.'ul lier iitir..lv virt-tai'!... tlii-refore it tan ii..t -alivati' or iiiai.i' uu aick. ntrlit out of thp ntomarh and bowela "itlnnit u"V"'g upspttinj; thi child. Ti'll yuiir ilniKirist vou want only the iMiiinii' "California t'ltf Syrtlii" which Iihh ilin-i'tions fur lialiicw amj i-hildren of all ugi'a printed on buttle. Mother, you muMt bay "California." IL-fuae any nuitation. NOTICE OF SALt OF BONDS. Sealed hids will be received until 10 o'clock a. iu., on hecurubei lSth, hy the Koatd oleiiool TrunteeB of Wel don, Hallux couniy, N t.,at theuttice uf V. h lauiel, Chan uuu ot itaid board, lor the purchase ol $7 .j.OttU Nitiool iionds dated July 11 l'L1, and malurinir j-.i,ihhj on the 1st day ol .July m each ol the yearn l'j'jn to. 19uJ both iu cliiHive, and bearing interest at nix per :eut. per annum, payable Meuii-aunually, U'uominaliou H.ihni each, and both principal aud intereai payable al the Hanover .National haul, iu thecityaud Slate of New Voik. Said bonds are lemed under the pro vtbiouM o) rublic-Local and rrivate Laws, North Carolina, Chapter Utt, Jien- Hion C'l'l, and will he approved by MesniH. Storey, Uiorndike, Palmer & 1'oiUe, of loHtoD, Mann., whowe approv ing upimou will be furnished to the puichuHei without charge. All bids must be on blauL IcruiH which will he luruiNhed bv the uuderHiinied, uud uiUMt beaucompauied by a certified checu upon au incorporated bauk ur trust company, payable lo the order of the Treasuier ot Weldon Graded (school iMstint, tor two per oeulum ol the par value of the bonds bid lor, to secure the lioard ol School Trusteed of Weldou utfusuht any loss nsu.tiuK fioin the fail ure ol the bidder to comply with the terms ol his bid. Said bonds will be delivered to the purchaser at the place of the purchaser's choice. The nnht is leserved to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to the School Dis trict. W. K. DANllX, Chairman. J. A. Ml st.KOVK, Secretary. Weldon, N. C. U 16 4t Foreclosure Sale. I;y viitue of the pow.r contained in a Deed ol Trust executed by K D Kabil, November 1, 19"il, recorded id the oltie-e of the Ht'tcister of Deeds of Halitax couniy. North Carolina, iu Book 324, Deeds ol Trust, at pave, 54H, default havtiiif been made iu the payment ol lhe the therein secured, on request of the holder of the same, 1 shall sell for cash by public auction, at ttie premnes .n lioanoke Kapidq, N. C, to the highest bidder on the )th day of December, l!W? the following described property: t hat lot or parcel ol laud lying aud be ing in the town of lioanoke Kapidi, Koauoke Rapids luwuship. Ilalilax county, Nortli Caiotma, being lot No. on tbe ensi side ot Knitnoke Avenu. (routing twenty-five l.el thereon, aud running back the same width between paralel lines one hundred and forty feet lo an alley. For further description ref erence is made to the Hoanoke Rapid. l'ower Company's plal of said town of Koauoke Kapids, registered in tne omce of the Register ol Deeds of Halifax countv, and to deed Iroin F. T. Toeple- man and wife to li. D i abil. Tim '.'7th dav of November IMii. THOMAS M. PITT MAN, Trustee. 11 So 4t (tmp) FOOTER'S DYE WORKS, Expert Dyers and Cleaners. Cleaning of Portiera, Curtains, lilan kcta, Kiiks, Faces, Velvets, Plush, Ladies Dresses and UeDtlemeo'e Clothing, Carpets, F.tc. All orders w ill receive prompt at tention if left at THIS OFFICE. pOR SALE.-l desire 10 sell my I property in and around Weldon. Apply to E. T. Clark, Weldon, N. C.

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