s s ,.:Si 'ABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVII. WELDON, N. C, THUHSDAY, J ) I X KM 1 iKli 2, l22. NO. IJ2 mi f'Sa,J S 11 IMTIOYED URlfOkM INTEt-N.TIvl, SimdaySchool Lesson T ,r), I1KV. P. MTZWATKH, D. D., .her of Knll Hi Rlblo In tlie Mooar Idle inetltute of Chlcoio.l i-e,.w'lit W..t.rn N.w.p.p.r Union. LESSON FOR DECEMBER 31 REVIEW lul.UMN TEXT-Tlie Ulilrtt of Iho , j la jpen mo. because h litli auutntea u':. to Yr.ach f'o foepel to the lr.- ' I'tVuTIONAI- HEADl.NO-f'suIni VI ,-KlMAtlY TUPlC-l avurej titurles of J I N 1011 TOl'IC-jMUi Went About Do- '"iVirKMKPIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC . liuw Jeii Ministered to tho People. MM.) PEOPLE ANU ADULT TOPIC . Lme chaiscierlatics of Je'i' Ministry. - , -e all Ibe lessons of the quarter ,. one ure from Luke, una the cen and unlfyliiK tlieiue Is Jesus ii profitable way to conduct ,,, ieUew, ii h suwsted In Peloubet's .V.ti- CouruK find How He Missionary and an the out tenrhlnif of each following fUKKeatlODl , would he to assign tue iouow- . . ....I....- ,.f tl,A ,t t....'H 10 IIIC lll. ll.u. .o - , ,- io lniike ft brli'f report upon: 1 Christ'" Mission to the World. U. Christ's Helpers ami How Hb i,.,i Them. :i Christ'" Divine Power nnd How He i'ven-lsed It. 4. cuist's Methods of Teaching ,'i Oirlsi s Love In Its Many Muni- tVe'atlons, ii Christ's Kh.'el It. 7 Christ'" Koes and His Dealings Wl'li Them. t. Christ's Pity for Sluners. fi Christ's PassliiK Through Human Kxi'i'rlrni'e. m Christ as a Orv'iinlzer. 11. Christ's Relation to the Father. Vi. Christ's Preparntlon for tin ( 'Iinuix of Ills Life. Aiiother way wouiu oe oj "iui111 lilrw each lesson, stating HtHi.illnir topic and lesson. The mi' offered: Ltioon 1. The birth ef John the Ikptnl, which from the human stand point wus Impossible, was announced to his father, Zaiharlas. For his un i.e'.lef hH was smitten with dumbness, i.o.l expects of his servant unques tioned belief In what He protulsea. Leoion 2. Jesus was born In Bethle hem Just as the prophet hod foretold some 700 yenrs before, and at the a(te ,.f twelve years he consciously en tered Into the services of God's bouse. Uoufh conscious of His divine being .lij mission. He lived a life of filial Leon 3. John the Baptist's min istry whs a preparntlon fur Iho com ing of Christ. He fearlessly preached repentance and pronounced Judgment upon the Impenitent. Though u mighty umi.ter, ha humbly declared that Christ wal Immeasurably g renter than himself. Le.ion 4. Jesus Christ after His I'sptlsm was led by the Spirit Into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. The nurDOse was to test the realltv of the Incarnation. The re suit was complete victory a deuion airutlou of His ability to save to the i.tu-in.xjt all who trust lllm. leoson 5. Isaiah foretold the gold en age upon the earth when Christ mil reign. Leoaon 8. While Jesus was here He healed all kinds of diseases and cast o;.t devils. He authenticated His mission and proved His power to for giw sing by miraculous deeds. Leoaon 7. Jesus taught the dls ilples the principles which should govern In His kingdom. Only those who have been born from above can loie their enemies. Louon 8. While In Simon's house t iliuner, a woman who had been a notorious sinner anointed Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hnlr. The sinner's gratitude to Jesus for for giveness Is measured by the appre hension of sins forgiven. Letoon . Jesos went forth through out every city preaching the glad tid ings of the Kingdom of Uod. The fact of salvation for alns through a cruci fied Redeemer is truly glad tldli gs. Looaon 10. Jesus sent forth rSIs lonnrles with the reulliation of the big task before them. and with power to perform supernatural deeds to au thenticate their mission. Those who realize the bigness of their task will earnestlv nrav that the Lord will send forth laborers Into His harvest. Looton 11. Jesus' reply to the ques tlon of a certain lawyer, "Who la my neighbor" shows that the all-Important consideration Is not "Who Is my r.r'.ihbnr?" but "How can I sl.o'.v that I am a netthborT' Leuon 12. A c-ertaln rich man In Ills perplexity over his prosperity de- elded to provide larger stores and set He down to a life of sensuous lndul gen.-e The one who laya up treas ures on earth and la not rich toward i-iod la a fool. IN "BY-CONE" DAYS. Things That Happened 33 Years Ago in Town i and Vicinity. December 1 2, ISK9 Mr. W. H. Capcll walked across ihe Sen board budce hi tour iiiiniiies a disiunce ul six hundred yards. ID The Hi. Rtv. Bishop Lyman will preach ai Grace lipiscopal church nexi Sunday morning and night. Ai ihe morning service die kev. W. 1.. Mellichanipi; will he ordain ed priesi. iiii Mr. Harding, represeniaiive of the Southern Building and Loan Association, of Hunisville, Ala , organized a branch association in this place Monday night. The fol lowing olhcers wi-re elected for ihe ensuing year: President X'. R. Smiih. Secretary and Treasurer NX'.T. Shaw. Aiiorney T li Daniel. Board of Directors J, A. Mus grove, U'. R. Smith, J. T. Lvans, J. T. (iooch, W. M. Cohen. it a In compliance wiih tie procla mation of ihe Governor and in ac cordance wiih iheir own desires (he ciiizetu of Weldon held memo rial services in honor of Jefferson Davis yesterday ai ihe Methodist church. On Monday night a meet ing of citizens was held, Dr. A. B. Pierce, in ihe cluir, ihe following were appointed a committee to ar range a programme for the ser vices: Mayor J. T. Gooch, T. L. Limy, J. W. Sled-e and J. C. Simmons. The programme was as follows: Music, Insirumenial Miss Lau ra Powers. Prayer Rev. VC'. B. Morton. Resolutions -W. W. Hall. Lulogy Roben Kansom. Solo-Mrs. W. H. Daniel. Sermon Rev. L. J. Holden. Prayer Rev. W. I. Melli champe Ihnm - "A-l:.-p in Je-.us," (Jongregjiniii. Benediciion Rev. L.J. Holden. The ushers were: Messrs. W. M. Cohen, A. S. Allen, Vi'. B. Til lory. 0. V. Pierce. THE CHRISTMAS TIDE Beautiful Music Rendered at Both Morning and Kvening Service. The services at ihe M. L. Church in X'cldon on Sunday, Dec. 24th, were especially enjoyable in many ways. At (1:30 o'clock there was special music appropriate to Christ mas. Ai ihe eleven o'clock ser vice the music, ihe Scripture les son, a fervent prayer by Rev, F. M. Shainhurger and sermon by ihe pastor, all bore reference to ihe happy Christmas tide. One feature of this service was the pre sentation by Mr. A. B. Stainback on behalf of the church and the choir, a silver card case to Mrs L. D. Dayman, a handsome leaiher. fully equipped, toilet case, io Mr. lili Bloom and a Morocco bound Hymnal to Mrs. Alice B. Hudson. Mrs Hayman has served the church as org inisi faithfully, pa tiently and for a long time, Mr. Bloom, un expert violinist, has added much to the music at every service and Mrs. Hudson has served as choir leader for quite a while. It was entirely fitting and appropriate that these services should be acknowledged as they were in this most happy manner. The evening service was beaui ful and impressive. The altar was elaborately decoraied in while and green with many candles and just above a beautiful eleciric star point ing io the Slur of Bethlehem. The Chrisimas carols and anthems sung by ihe choir, assisted by the juni or choir of ihe church composed of young girls, was enjoyed in the highest degree. These were ac companied by Mrs. W. A. Pierce at the organ, Mr. Bloom violinist, Messrs. Grainger and William Pietce, with cornel and clarionet and the harmony was entire and complete, li is seldom that the Weldon people have listened to a i .11 .1 . more enioyutiic program an rcu- ung io ihe coming of the infant Saviour and the insirumenial num ber "A Perleci Day" expressed the feeling of the congregaiiJii in regard to the entire service. Ask Anyone Ask anyone you know which is the highest quality baking powder and almost invariably they will tell you ROYAL. "My cakes are 100 belt :r since I bought that can of Royal," writes one delisted user, and everywhere among your friends, neigh bors, relatives you will hear similarconimendations. Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Hl;;tfS PERSONALS And Other Items Told In Brief Form The flu is prevalent. All is quiel once again. Did old Santa remember you? Write ii 1923 after next Monday. How did you enjoy the Christ mas? The next job is to learn io wriie it 1923. m wmm mSDelivci,d bv: CHRIST. Annebemini i CHRIST . fnno I r'? . Ihe only tolntlon for the turmoil, noclsl unret end kindred F"-''i". orllo which tormn-t the world todiy. It foond In the it'"-.- -n.-o, practical appli.-atlo'i at the teihlns; ot the -'.l. Ma.lrrlnth. "Se -.ion on the Mount" -o- J. ' M -1. - 1 ,is bIMk I (Arrand fur frutiUtuMn in 1 mIwiu) Section 7. Matthew 5:43-48. December 19, lhS9.-Mr. Llhs Bryant and Miss Fannie Baker wete married ai Turkey Branch church lasi Wednesday, R. Wil- kins, Lsq., olhciuting. Mr Joe Aycock and Miss Buford Siiinh were married ai Aniiocn church on ihe same day by Rev. G. Willcox. Mrs. Henry Howurd is visiting relatives in Raleigh. 41 J Mrs. R. 0. X Tiitaker left Mon day for a usit io l-.nheld, alter which she will go to Greenville io live. ilLt Mrs. H. C. Spiers who has been visiting relatives in Washington and Wilson, redo ocd h e I iies- day. Consolation, Leva, Faith, Hops, Life May Consolation smile on every pain, and Love out her balm on avery wound tliat life bears I Muy Faith treu.tben you all In your unavoidable trials and Hope whisper through all sorrows that this terrestrial life ol ours Is a mere shadow of the Life thai finer dies. Maszlnl. Charity Among Yoursolvea. But before all things have a eon sunt mutual charily among yourselves 1 'or charity coverfth a multitude ol lus I Peter 4 :8 SISTKRS TO MKN. Any man is made better by -sister's love. It isn't always nec lary; though, that II should his own sister. We will accept any series of Liberty Bonds at par value as cash payment for furniture or as a credit on account. TRADITION SUPERSEDED BY CHRIST'S LAW. eih rain on the just and on the un just. 46 For if ye love them which love vou. what reward have ye' do not even ihe publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your breth ren only, what do ye more than others? do not even ihe publicans 43 r Ye have heard that it haih been said, Thou shall love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless (hem that curse you, do good lo them that hale you, and pray for them which despite fully use you, and persecute you. 45 That ye may be the children of vour Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and send- so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. HYMENEAL. Lovely Wdding at Yule-tide. Hammond &Ogle's Next Big Auction The Rev. J iding Llder, morning ana congregations, A. t uninggim. Pre pi t idied Sunday evening, to good i a ,. most excellent sermons, un .umiuay niuiiiin a business meeiint was held. The following ure the stewards for the ensuing year: J. L. Judkms. J. L. Pair, J. W. Sledge, X . A. Pierce, A. L. Siumback and H. C Spiers. Married ai ihe residence of her father, Mr. S. M. Dickens, iMasn ville, on Friday, December 22nd, Mr. Frbin C. McLennon, ot Dur ham, to Miss Ruih Mayo Dickens. The bride was born and raised in Weldon and graduated from tne Weldon High School and has many relatives and friends living here and this immediate vicinity who will join with us tor oesi wiso for a long lite of happiness. SMOOTIINU AFFRAY. Ghent Harding, colored, was tried here last Monday morning More lusuce Pierce, charged wiih carrying a deadly weapon and shoot io at several of his lainiiy, sngm i l U,..,..r y injuring one. ne was uou,. .i. npvi term o the Supe rior court under a bond of $200 and failing to give oonu wn w... milted to jail by Chief Crew. WILL MEET. We are requested to announce .h.t ihe lunius Daniel Lnapter, U. D. C, will meet Wednesday, i t.-,i with Mrs. J. W. jaiiuawj " -I Willi a quiet impressive ceremo ny ai ihe home of ihe bride's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sledge, on Llm street, Saturday, Dec. 23rd, at 4 o'clock, P. M., Mr. Fmry Green, of Greensboro, and Miss Ida Sledge, of Weldon, were married, Rev. L. D. Hayman ofn cianng, using the ring service. The marriage was a very quiet one, there being no attendants ex cept Miss Natcissa Daniel, who entered with ihe I ride as maid of honor, gowneo in a creation of King's blue I'june velvet with accessories to maich. The bride wore a going away gown of navy mflrleen wiih arev tox tur trim ming, hat to maich, carrying bouquet of roses and valley lillies. The groom came in from the din ing room which with the parlors, was decorated with pine, cedar, large bowls of blooming narcissus and candles with while tapers which gave a lovely glow and car ried out ihe color scheme of green and white. Mr. and Mrs. Green left imme- Hinmlv after the ceremony for Washington and New York and after January 1st. will be at home m Greensboro, where Mr. Green is connected wiih the Jefferson M.n.iiird Insurance Company of Jiu" '- P.rppnshoro. - , u . The voiino courjie are mucu c- ,rMiNi m Weldon and the good wishes ot many tnenos go wuu them to their future nome. When Vou Are Constipated m- healthy action ot the howela and correct disorders of the liv- i take Chamberlain's Tablets imme diately after supper, lliey win not ou- k- -une a Kentle movement ol me uow- elo, but banish that dull, stup'd feeling that often aoeouipauiei constipation. NOBLE PURPOSES COUNT. r.ut out the long string of New Year resolutions and substitute for them a few strong, noDie pui pus. OF Horses And Mules AT WELDON, N. C. triL, v sva a va January j oxn Sale Starts 1 P. M. Rain or Shine I Saddlers, Drivers and Mules Single an Workers I Pairs. Buy Now and Save Money! Mrs Laura M. Moyt Recommends Chamberlain s laoieia "1 have.frequently used Chamberlain s Tablet, during the pant three years.and hive found jhem splendid for headache and bilious attacks. 1 am only too pleased, at any time, to speak a word in uniM of them, winoomi.. A. S. ALLEN'S STABLES "C3 Hammond & Ogle. Stock Arrive 2 Days Before Sale. A sorehead never gets ahead in the world. We had beautiful weather for Christmas. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all. Opportunity passes the man who wails for it. Mrs. W. b Hall spent the holi days in Richmond. Neither can vou bluff all the people all the time. One little lie often requires many big ones to cover it up. Mr. Alex Johnson is spending the holidays in Weldon. It is heiier to do your duty than to explain why you didn't. He is a wise rich man's son who isn't ashamed of his father. Matrimony also proves that two can live as foolishly as one. Mrs. Hennie Simpson, of Ral eigh, was in town last week. Mr. Roy Owen is spending ihe holidays wiih relatives here. Mrs. N. M. Austin, of Norfolk, spent Christmas in Weldon, May 1923 bring happiness and prosperity to all our patrons. Mrs. Belle Suiter is visiting rel atives in Jacksonville, Florida. Mr. Harry Pope is spending the Christmas holidays in Weldon. A close-fisted is otien quite lib eral in giving pieces ul Ins mind. And speaking of bachelors, the older they get the harder ihey fall. Last Monday Christmas day had ihe appearance of being Sunday. Mr. Larl Mountcasile, of A. and F:. College, is here for the Christ mas. Mr. T. H. Peacock, of Ssranac Lake, N. Y., is visiting friends in town. Miss Lilhe Siainback, of Green ville, S. C, is home for the holidays. Another good thing about Christ mas is that it comes but once year. Mr lumes lohnson, of A. & F. College, is home days. Mr. A. S. Hudssm, of Roddy, Tenn., is visiting relatives in Weldon. If you are going to kick a man, kick him to his face, not behind his back. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jones, of Bunn, spent the holidays in Wel don. Mr. F. C. Clark spent ihe Chrisi mas holidays with relatives in Enfield. Mr. A. B. Siainback visited rel- auves at soum nin, va., una week. Mr. David Cochran, of Rocky Mount, spent Christmas day in town. Mr. C. F. Rhem, of Graysione, spent ihe Chrisimas hohuuys in town. Mrs. J. A. Harris and daughter, of Enfield, spent the Chrisimas in town. , Ii is hard to havea family quar rel unless both sides are willing for it. Mr. Walter Allen, of the Univer sity, is spending the holidays in Weldon. Mrs. R. B. Brickell and Mrs. I. E. Green are visiting relatives in Florida. Miss Katrine Wiggins, of Empo ria, is spending the holidays Weldoj. Mr. Browne Holoman, of Wake Forest College, is home for the holidays. These flappers might have known that bobbed hair wouldn't be stylish or long- Miss Virginia Inge, of the Ma con High School, is home for ihe holidays. Mr. C. W. Cook, one of our best farmers paid this office visit last week. i Your best friends are not always the ones with whom you are most intimate. Mr. W. W. SleJge, of Durham, spent ihe Christmas with relatives in Weldon. vt oman was made Iroin a man s rib, and she has been roasting him ever since. The small boy's main objection to a bath is that it has to be repeal ed too ofien. for the holl- Miss Margaret Anthony, of b. C. Training School, is home for (he holidays. You are never jealous of those whom you regard as your inferiors. Remember that. Co-operation is necessary in near ly everything. You can't even make love without it. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jennings, of Winston-Salem, are visiting rela tives in lown. It is all right to gaze at the stars, but you had better keep your feet on the ground. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Musgrove, of Raleigh, spent ihe holidays with relatives here, Mr. T. E. Browne, of Raleigh, visited his sisier, Mrs. J. P. Holo man last week. If an old maid is sent to buy fur niiure she is sure to select a chair with arms io it. Large congregations attended the Chrisimas services at all the churches in (own. Dr. Donald Daniel, of Richmond Medical College, is spending the holidays at home. A man who never turns to look at a pretty woman is a fit subject for ihe undertaker. Miss Julia Mountcasile, of Nor folk, is spending the holidays with relative in Weldon. It mav be that nobody loves a fat man, but he is generally at peace wiih the world. Miss Louise Pierce, of Rich mond College, is spending the holidays in Weldon. One reason why most homes are happy is ihat most men prefer peace to independence. Misses Mary Pierce and Anna Shaw, of Greensboro College, are home for the holidays. Those who say prohibition does not prohibit are merely talking to keep up their courage. And yet some of these people who are called cranks cannot be turned from their ways. ' Messrs. Winfield and Ellis Crew are spending ihe holidays with rel atives near Pleasant Hill. Many a man has called a girl a dresm, only to find after marriage that she is a stern reality. Moral support is a fine thing but some people make the mistake of thinking it will pay bills. Miss Bessie Browne, who has been snendine some time in Rich mond, has returned home. Miss Elsie Mae Crew is spend ing tho Christmas holidsys wiih relatives near Pleasant Hill. Few of us know how io pro nounce the word Fasciti, but all of us have great respect for it. Miss Sadie Sylvester, of Rich mond Business College, is spend ing the holidays in Weldon. Mr. and Mrs. Exum Rives, of Enfield, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Neville. Miss Imogene Pusey, of Rich mond, spent the week end with her sisier, Mrs. C. P. Vincent. Mr. William Johnston, of A. & E. College, is spending the holi days with relatives in Weldon. Dr. Robert Clark, of the Balti more Denial College, is spending the holidays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. James Tyree and children, of Rocky Meunt, are vis iling Mr. and Mrs C. J. Owen. Miss Margaret Pierce, of Wo man's College, Lynchburg, is spending the holidays in Weldon Capt. Philip Moore left last week for Mobile, Ala., where he takes charge of the steamship Tulsagas. Mrs. Claude Paul and Miss Virginia Day, of Rich Square, spent a few days in town last week, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Jones and children, of Wilson, spent Cn .1 -it-mas day with relatives in Weldon. Mr. Early Neville, one of our best friends in the Aurehan Springs section, paid this office a visit last week. The music of the tin horn may not be up to the Italian opera, but ihe majority of us understand it belter. Mrs. J. I!. Vaughan and son, J. U. Jr., who have been visiting relatives ai Littleton, have returned home. Mr. Jack Vaughan, ot Fork Union Milliiary Institute, is spend ing the holidays with relatives in Weldon. Mr. and Mrs Frank Hawks and daughter, Miss Kamerine, are vis iting Capt. and Mrs. George D. Hawks. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Poole, of warrenion, who have been visit ing relatives in town, have re turned home, Miss Cora Ferabee and Mrs. Blanche Sawyer, of Washington, D. C, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mead Mitchell. Messrs. John B. Sledge, Pierce Johnson and Black Pierce are spending a few days in New York City ihis week. You have noticed, of course, that those fellows who claim 10 take a cold bath every morning do not live any longer than the rest of us. Some people contend that the world is round, and others con tend that ii is flat but all agree that the people who inhabit it ought to be square. We bet Adam and Eve didn't dream, that day in the garden, that the day would ever come when a geeat country would celebrate Na tional Apple Week. Misses Verna Eddins, Lucie For law, Josephine Weaver, Maud Harris, Annie Futrell, Sue Wai kins, Erma Caude, are spending the holidays at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Daniel, Miss Narcissa Daniel, Mr. E. A. Daniel and Mrs. A. S. Allen left Tuesday for Fork Union, Va., where they go to attend the marriage of Miss Marian Bruce Daniel. Misses Louise Farber, Margaret Hudson, Ethel Crew, Louise Hay ward, Virginia House and Bessie Jones, of N. C. Staie College for Women, Greensboro, are spend ing the holidays at iheir respec tive homes. Dr. H. R. Humphrey, formerly of Rockingham, has located at Rosemary, for the practice of his profession. The doctor is an op tometrist and those in need of his services will do well to call on him. The doctor is spending this week at hiW home, Rockingham, but will be in his office at Rosemary, after January 1st. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friends lor their many expressions of kindness to us in our recent be reavement, and to assure them of our sincere appreciation, Mrs. C. P. Rod ell, Miss Orie Shoulars. LA ROB MOOS. Mr. W. J. Stokes, who farms in Mush Island, killed two lare hogs last week. One hog. 19 months old, weighed 441 pounds and one 17 months old weighed 240 pounds This shows w hat can be done if our farmers will half try. in WB ThAlNk VOL). Kind words are so few and far between, that we cannot refrain from copying the following para graph from a letier received from one of our most valued subscribers in the Brinkleyville section. In remitting his subscription, says: "Let the paper come on, I would hate to be wirhout it. Long live ihe Roanoke News and its noble Editor. 1 wish him the best Christ mas ever. A PAINFUL. ACCIDENT. Mrs. W. W. Wiggins met with with quite painful accident list Sunday. While returning home from Cedarwood cemetery.attempt ed to cross a ditch on a plank bridge. The sleeper supporting the bridge broke throwing her heavily 10 the ground. In falling she struck a sharp siump inflicting a very severe wound. ,Dr. W. G. Suiter rendered medical aid and she is now doing as well as could be expected. I KoA Koctfv' s- VCLDON fVJtNITJKCO. "tV"

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