fcl' in mm fir 1 II 1 ' ' ' . t ' ' - '---'" " .. n r0L';VIIL-NO 14. WINSTON; NORTH G AROIJNj THlJKSD A,' SEPTEMBER 1 1S63. 5 - ,$1.00 PER, WlM S - J V PUBLISHED ' ' k '' BY WEEKLY . TERMS OF SUBSOPwIPTIO. ' 1 CO ...... 8 oa 12 00 ?of 1 copy, per annum . . . rgr 9 eopies - kr iScopies The paper icill ieforivarded only lolien the MH has e6rt received in advance. HATES OF A DYEPwTISIXG. wnnnre. (14: lines or les.sHirst inert 'on SI 00 material strength has been' to some extent ex hausted, she is to day, relatively, nlore pOwe. fiii for the defence of the integrity of her .terri tory, and of h?r rights.and honor,, than when., the' coiiUst began. , .Distraction, ..apondeocj and de-pair reign in the councils of the North eni Governrnerii. The hopes ''"affirst entertain ed of oiir speedy cohqussl, have: sunk; in the hearts of our enemies, and ns a direct ; conse-. quince, we,fmd;suuli resistance to tho adminta tration rtS'.W.ashii'gtou, and mob violence . so riftj in the towns 'find cittes that a . measure of that go vornment rno'st 'eastr-hti;).! to the further prostration of the war, i-pnlv reited and Si tt. nought. Popular. asrnbiies have and v,r(as square thre iiiontlis,". . or six uionthf-,: ; far twelve months, 3 o0 1 of i h e - 'm os in G i e; t i h ' ' Vj i en , . s r t-a k iiov; o :y ;ir'eu '!u ana boh mo oren some ; We are pkin f uHy5 conscious of making an un dignifisd d&scebt ia ndticing this last topic of complaint and the only rapiV we shalbmake is that the soldiers of North Carolina do nof feol so poor lrt fame aa to find it necessary to' rely upon ephemeral puffs of ignorant, newspaoer corresponds tj-for, tho maiienance' of .their claims to a juk share of reputation,. They, are content to abide the criticism of tho GsneruU who command' them, and the imoartial iudge nint of hist.ry. Th com phi at' of injustice to North irohnV o.Tiv-.er, we 'are uot iuchned to; d tc-i.3, J est-Ave-"r ud c r ourselves -obnoxious to the ijviiire of biinjg .woi-s; Un- t!.jii,.th;m. . $ tj chanys in the pub tic- r.?c!in:r t.uon tUe nil which oka: u;ma am b- en ;' in turn to pass under "a cloud when popular clamor called for ther dismissal. Happily for the country, he didtiofe irj.itite, in this ra spect, the expmple of his blundering cotempora ry at Washington ' ' : ,,. i ; .. But beyond thse demonstrations of f hostile ty to the present administration, . Vtha faotioa''f declare that more is demanded of 'ISf.' Caroliua than any other of. her sister States, and r;tba6 some oi 'them, have not been called' ' upon, ; or htiva not furnished as many s soidieiV' for the iU 'i l in proport'nn !o noniLtiifi! North Car ' :'' : .oUua, a'nei that. fXr "this I f.d othr i e.MisctisV' theV resoivu thtit North Carolina will send no mor? i troci.s ti the hVid.; - ' -: ;;!.? : :.;Ai X;iat;N.' Carolina has ben called unoh- for? !,3.,-',rSsf auota H3L troop ti.tazh th , othsr States, -;iy v.-'i'-.hoat u:;datiuc. 1132 topic. The veer re have c-ase to prostate her-.u. acco :ii o i i ?!:cd uoi tho od 4 ! ' a i iLdflre3 of the Army. 3fb Ptople of North Carolina : (renewal convention of delegates ftom each Pafiim-.Mit or ioo:3 iioin rorin uicuima in Annv or i.?morn V iiLnnia neid at vjranne with :t5cnii is ocaiiui' its bljv? n ccuaast'ed 'C!irrpi and rcA fai:.alxal blindness. Ine despot wno would ens?ave u.-. li'as ;-und a iion'in his ratli in tne, sline of :- -5tate, vviisch v-; v j no; e meat, m.tv ba. tvd! Assured " is untraet Calls " i, Vint for no certain TvkmvhI :s for aJi be ;itcs : and this is noi ! have be'n made for troo- of our own ' uuiub-ur from eacu Stale. .irontly. within the power j tv een '.cftain cs in I out ivc m quei.tioviah'le, ! is suuieieut t-. s:nw i)d reckless mea upc;u ihi point we do not profess to become, w h-u thtv it Id t'.n'ui.ot ves' to thf P osithi'.i to dp-r!it: "O V j hi;o and his n 1 C. ii. Va. on th? 12th iust., d:d us, the under, j Voltmtes.rii' A,r t! hr.s b -n . b a committee, address. to armies or iwnt-d. tim lionur to aopomt us " O ' . ... wrvi-"u - 5 . - ' 7",. , ! tle Qouzcnvu ci raited can re TUMlii Jl uLwai.iiTu.uon ; , ; . f fc. .tt r . -.J -...4 C. ... i feU 1 - . c . t ct i kill" ihtfv cesire tliat 'nio irre Uen do cur enemv i v. n . O f Lit k ' 5 oti i; c 5njK'J:nt k'.:ow to oj -cu.-h it, '. I?die ot the "situation or iso'iru d factio if wc li i ho pooi. : : :mv other of arropated to . i bl ates hve f ilo-J to rtso.md in the callt ui -sviive3 the militnrv.. skill to make a just criti j then they cannot (-.scape lite charge ot dhdoval ism. Bat there cannot th-j least doubt that ! ty. and i violation oi their pledges, made" a at This is the accu- loreea thz j tia upon the soil of Virjiinia fur our own defence ilion made ny lth- iacuun" in North Carolina J has entirely ceased. Only a small number of j in concentrating the troops from North Caroli-j tlio beintiio of the cuidest. iuui;n. os istid woktiiiess in tae i tun: y oo o.-cjiiient uie irue mmtarv nr 1 i I i IT- ! T --. I i . .. .. j-ouium'S. ins . i'.ti'j ir is io i?o nooea t nut w eti tne fact is once i os ov .-u cuui e .eiple, h:s been adops cdt I ar.d ti puanu 10 iue.u. xarv u Mr, vu.u.v ,uc ni iuimiliated and dispirited by repeated i:3tble ndlueuca of tne public opmnm of d :U;d &u thor lrUoUd leaders dr.v'cri ' i 6y,JU ul u f --"J 'linJ . diraco Irom comrmuid. XJvcn tiro ourtiai dis- invoKtfu mj out, uowu aim u4.i vt . i's.u oi iitty piuuijse Lijcirieves tt aouuL ma sama 4 , i . held iiive bsen nerveteu -bv de- oc in ted out, that twice in the history of this i timents icad to this. leuce torever tae voice d a taction, v;n.2u ' lieved to exist in no mconsidsra'ufo .streSri'' 1 ! li vim r mi ii sr. wnirvi i: n.tuv amwnif r.' be in couiuluroin ttie attempt to. mvatie his territory X I . and stronii hv 1 ;OS on the Hill 11 A t O.ss. rr o c.!).iTi--rt m nnv in:iiri! rl!ll fi viv; .i- . - i i-! i . t.: ... t " J v " "w" mine expression oj , ireaouttuio ana mucv ( this disC0ltlu aspect of his aff;lirs. His ar. ottS senumeuts, and whose machinations have cauuot reoi uited so as to add to lheit. ben and still are directed toward poisoning th ; m:lHn,ia; strenglh durins; tbis campni.n. He ls minds ana hearts of our soldiers and people, jdt . gendin to tbe rear,dotachments-in some ana orcaJtinii aovvn tne courajre ana. connaencv? i o vou and ot us, who are sustaining the caus of our country, in the great struggle for inde pendence, m which vve are engaged. it was esteemed a most fortunate circum stance for the honor and welfare of North Car olina, that such perfect unanimity prevailed in bar councils when she resolved c to break the bonds which had bound her to a government whiL'a had ceased to be the representative, of Mhe true interest of her people, and which she c; .-OS whole Resriments and Brigades, ciiofoy to withdraw - ( . . i , o. . 5 4 " t r . ;: v . r benseiess civiii; torc-.' li'nni our Alt men must be held. war, this plui of operations has compelled tr.e ; uri;-u:ly aiu ieg-tllj , to rtard tu-c natural, and c. -:t iuc, i!c-ce.s;ir-v coacOi.oieuc.j-s oi their acts: and conoiiHion is irreaistible, '.ha be forever hushed , wiaui : hesf men arc; culled upon tj renJert Bnrnsidu n a withdrawn in consequence ' ie sup,. t to tne cause of tbe ctMiuTy and they Clellau's. dife.it before lllchmond, and JbVsrer reuise to'do so but threaten 1 violent resistance was withdrawn in co'i ?que;ice ot Hooker's do- j to the law, thev are prepared for sumission. for a. v r -y i - ... main invading army, t!us d tn nj iso, taj will (doubt- o his best troops,) to keep down by terror of aims a spirit of discontent among his own sub- iects, which stops little short of actual rebel-f mr w lion. Add to this, the rapid exhaustion of vhis material resources, and you cannot fail to see very powerful causes at work to bring about the separation for which we are contending upon terms which will secure to us indepen dence and the blessings of peace. VY nose saennces nave teudea more to pro- ler sister-States of the South. lr-n j yVaen u,e hopes of our enemies were sought to hr great and honored, names v re ! btJ iaspirad by stories, of Union feeling amonu cuuld no lon-er respect, and to make common ! luc8 these rcsuits thaQ thoae 0f North Carolina ? cause with h " - i . i it was ir.ac nr great ana nonorea. names v -e ? DtJ iaspiraj rounc umiea in tee glorious purpose, n io. j hei. people, the ready answer ever among them ger, her K.iyner, her Miller, her Grahara, iicr j v, .Lt 1S irip0ssiUle : look to the number of iauieneau auu ner earner, ner jLuwai.us, ut-r btU. lroops jn rie field and how liercely they oauaw ner omiin, ner vv msJow,ner onepneru, i frrhi !" Thiy ans Davis, her Ellis and her Vance, her states Qieo and men of power, were found to have quit for a tme the arena of administrative and par tpolitics, and united in the work ot laying a ncw the foundation of, a government of our choice. Her quiet farmers, her honest trades tflvn and artizans, her- civil magistrates, her lawyers and men of learning, nr, all her plain tlber, thoughtfubpeoplo,who have always been slow to give their pledge to a cause, yet know well how to honorr it with true loyalty when in,,were in happy accord. There was at tet, no Carlisle, nor , (Jrittendcn nor Andy. Juohsbn , io head a roll ofjrdamy,. within the ho!esodier widely extended borders. There was, no vote against the ordinance, of secfission The r e wasnc press .to inveigh;, a gainst it. - There was no voice of faction rajs fed io opposition to it. -fairest of hands 'made appropriate banners and wove rich garlands tor expectant heres,ahd privati contributibSs from rich, and poor, were bestowed without stint or mit in furtherance of the common cause. The sons of our; noble old State supposed to pos ess very few of the elements of martial charac ter, came forward with astonishing alacrity, and in very, astonishing numbers. Tipose who had mocked, her before, beheld with scaring eyes her "plendicl Kegimeuts with;full. ranks, substan tially clad and equiped, and governed ba rigid isci pline, whfoh ; betokened the d read with vhichHhe enemy Hha always b3en inspired, hen theyv,we e known to bz iipon the fi'ddi- Siuce -then 'out ofthe vast store house of her health: jittle knbvvn-before or appreciated by ! ven her ciwn people, she has poured forth into the lapof tha Con fed eraoy resources coinmeu-surate-With b?r other sacrifices. 'And whether measure-these sacrifices by the amount of ' the materials of war and means of subsistence furnished, the s pin t "and 3 etermi riattoii bf her peoplej the number of her 'men ivenr to the eauieth? talents, courage and fortitude of those ho have fought sr the number and virtue ;of W noble dead, we aro; Obliged to recognize her tisterf leaning on er,' for support in OVerr Uiergencfdf the eventful struggle. : Nor .have; these sacrifices been made in vain. Tbey tave ntiched her history-, 'exhalted her fanje and increased her reaownV and though her '...".. ; answer was then complete. Can tlie same be said of it now , t Tiiat there is an Union feeling proper among her people we cannot believe; on the contrary there is, we believe, a very unanimous senti ment of hostility to any settlement of our diffi culties, except upon ternis that shall secure to us independence and peace upon a lasting basis. But while this is our belief, we cannot shutouv eyes to the conviction that there are parties in our Stated who are endeavoring to combine cer tain elements of discontent and party ieeling into a faction, to make war for an unholy pur pose upon the authorities, to bring the right eous cause in ?whieh , we are engaged into; disre pute.apiongjOur people, and to thwart the de signs of patriotic men in their laboi s ,rfqr; x the public good. The sentiments of the, parties re ferred to find utterance principally through the colu mris of the, Raleigh Standard. ., , , . , "Mo vernen ts for peace' have been proposed in North Carol m a taking the shape . generally ot a proposition io noia a convention oi ine people of the South,' inviting similar conven tions of the people of the North, to meet them for an adjustment of our difficulties. - In "none of thes? propbsitmhs are the terms upon which tht-jr authors propose to agree upon a peace ev en dimly shaddwed forth. In some it' is tru the term "hor.brable peace"" is 'employed, bui their; views upon other points are so plainly the promptings -o'a 'discontented - and "desponding, spirit, if not of actual treason ; anti difo"va1ty , that we cannot withhold bar minds from ; tha cotvviction,1 that if their ideas t v an 'honorable peace weie made" kiiowu,; they wuold J fall ' tar fchort of the dictates' of a manly s'pint, aid - of the wishes and' exnectatio its of patriots. ; ; In fortherarica of their conimon design - these parties take- hold of every 'apparent caus? to es cite a feeling of discohtent among our people an d . so 1 d i e rs, to ward s: the ' a u t ho r i ti es; of b e Co o federate States. 'They representUhat 'tifor de fence of our State has b'eeit willfully negl ected, and bur coait nnd a portion of " our territory, willfully- abandoned to the enemy. They' eay bur Voldioi s do; not' ovocure a dair; share "of niii- jtarV; hoiibrs via 'thIiiipe?-.. bY f'rdmo'Uo'a's abd ' e Ven! tfia t . ne wsoaber ' corVesDondeuta of admin. itrative orgbs fail ito award lo.Nbrth 1 Caroli- feat at Chraicellorsviile, and the operation which followed. And thad our people have experienced few ol the horrors of war compar ed wlv -. the people of large districts of Virgin ia, is ttttributable-to the adoption" of this prin ciple in our defences, and God forbid that it should be abaudoned, except upon the most imperative necessity. if it shali be said that the enemy ought nev er to have been allowed to gain a toot hold up on our Soil, it may be answered, we had not the lioie and means to enable us to place Hat teras in a proper state of defence before it v.s attacked. After this disaster, the fall of New hern became, inevitable, unless more troops could have' been spared from points of more importance. And it may well be doubted whether the meaus at the command of the Gen era! of the Department of Norfolk were surfi cient to have saved Roanoke . Island. Certain it. is that he was then regarded as a general of skill, and all the available means of the Gov eminent were placed at bis disposal, j With the lights which experience has .oSbrded and with even the scant means then at command, these places might, possiblyj : have all been held but it is human to err, and we nave no reason to suppose JVorth Carolinians ! (certainly not the parties whose sentiments we are. combat it are exempt from the common frailty. A large and productive region of our State by those disasters has fallen intd the hands of the enemy, and been occupied by hirrij but to show conclusively how factious and unworthy of North QoroUoians Js this complaint, we have only to point to tbe fact that the largest and most bpuienVcily of the South has fallen ' into the hands of the enemy, and the fortified towns' of the Mississippi bad; to be yielded, to. him, opening the whole, o that State to his ravage. Is there any : faction in Louistaha'or Mississip pi that complains that New Orleans oF ' Vicks burg or Port Hudson were willfully ' neglected or surrendered'? And can it be supposed-that the President of the Coufederaoy has . deliber ately chosen to inflict, by his neglect, greater injurieVupon his ovv;n State and people, than upon eveti t!ii poor cast off people of North Car olina ? No! ' Our Countrymen, we are' pur--suaded will yild.to:the voice of, Vjharity and reason, and say .with us, , "The President is not infalliblefrio'may, in somelnslarices, have erred in the chbioebf men anb of -meahsV - he 'fniay have been Unduly influenced by.the judgement of others,' but surely ... hecoul- not, hayebeen sOdnscnsiblo,to;theVpresrvatiw inaqence (if it were pussibie io deny to hiny higher , and, -nobler mofJves ot Wu.duntj'asYo willfwliy neg lect the defence of any; portion-cf the- ebbntry;. Certain it 'is; that rerme1l-'hve, had more ' general yoice.oihis country mea, of dis. ghemies iind of th 3 world, to ascribe do , them greater political wisdom," fimvss, integrity- and .dignj ty than President' Bavi'inthe- stances; , ..-. - j-..-v?.;-: ' An;h.ere.e may -take; occasion Jo remark, that it is to.iu tion "of teenera'fs Lee Johnston rA Rrt nT-xXn t IW'VfiSid Aahi n--'bf :--.bur arm'es4 I and Brauir for thet leadership ot our rm'esT; since disaster sdn f he career pf each U of I --tb&a naVaior and merit, the just meed of praise. "Jreat military chief iains,baV'compelkd them T - reui'.K.'H ! A r does it matter whether tney 1 avow these st-ntiments or deny them, if they are prepared for resistance to a law of the land most essential to the defence of the country," does not their conduci lead directly to this re . suit? It would be unwise as it would bo unjt, to attempt to magnify the importance of heso manifestations of disloyalty, but they cannot' be without-evil tendency in encnin-npmg our . soldiers to desert their colors and abaudon their,., cvmrades, ir, reprfissmg .their ardur, in sowing thejsetds of ditiust ar.d dt-sporideiicy among the people oi our sister States, and in encour-" aging th-i enemy to persist in his-desijjns&f con,, quest, prolonging thereby the horrors aud dis-. f tresses ot the war.. Beyond this, it is possible . that the conduct uf these men may bring on us a calamity to be deplored even by themselves. It is not impossible that these men should sue' ceed in lighting. the blaze of intestine civil .war , in our State. The fate of Mary land, Kentuckjr, and Missouri is before us for solemn t warn injr. Be assured, the North Carolina troopt ! will not turn back in the course which thjr have pursued hitherto, lruir honor is too deep ly pledged. in blood to admit of this. Hard-, . ships and dangers we knpw Iies in car , onward. 'path, but a ruin, worse than ignominious deaths we knew to be involved in turning back, and . such must be the fate ot all patriotic men.---Those who refuse to aid us aud -invito trte' ena my to our conquest, would not escape in the ,. ganeral wreck of our political fortunes., . But there is yet a consideration to which. your attention has not been invited. The' ys tematic violation of all thou laws ; of h'MzM'W? warfare by the enemyj nas not been without its H n a tu ral in fluen ce in ipflamiog U our .resen t men t ; :.i ; i and .exciting towards him extreme hatred Hoij , 4 has paid no respect to the inyiolability' of pri vate - property, or : the ; persona! dibfy.of non. ,y combatants 5 He his made war u pba ihbbcent "'. and defenceless old m en women andchild renby ; lJ driving them as refugees -from thefr homes,1 ; ' r;; 'burning their dwellings and taking frOm' them' : i:i their means of subsistence. He has employed ; in his ssrvice---in command of his afmies;beasta 7rJ in human shape, who have not hesitated to ' in .: ai fliet upon 1 ad ies of the greats t reuuem en t, . ,t ho v trtt most cruel insults. - Hia cruelties to our.; peo y J have been limited only :by, his, power. ij Surely :,. ;1 there cannot be a man of honorable impulses rf ;f xi or generous natu re in . our, whole State, Jwio ha , not 'felt his bf-art swell with indignatiqn at Vthp, , recital oi the inhuman, bar Parities orour "But -it muslocsiuVW yoil'aspVaU tbjo greatest astnishenthaf. the efiipioy raen oPthe sla vW'of tfcfe South and 'the free nbgroea;;; bf the North,-4o inurdeVur citizens - and . op pose us in hbnorble combat as soldiers, should not have fired the soul of every mnn jrf the;;; ; South; and raised e very is rocg fu iri in hef d -fenced Heho beara tMseiiormUy .with pa tfv tience, ii a, ;cowa?d;0r abrute, .'r.hQW would J r be base 4ittery,.tq -aU a man,, .;.u.tf whotcouneiU.ubmlo 0J7L coJiducFunds ta this result, cctpJ.;;;, ths C4rjs-, ? dWatiou i f ,And nder uch .cltcmis ,DC53i feaiUeXairtc, hemie and, the; main ttithora.of our ; t atIiucs (Concluded on JPour(I ' v . -- SI page.); : 1' X ; 5: !;.'. ' I -' t V t v: t V,

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