V' r r. 9 ' ... 5";jil wofi ttt tt2.v hn3 ,:! lit.? U ierfi lrnit f J o rj. Afe 1 I l i ! I 1, . f, I. N il ! M . .1m i.. u Tx t VJ S- - ' . . . . . . . 'I... j ....... t ... ..: -.Jl ti.j.i.nJ 4t !HI- S:'3.'Vf i 4.C 4iii t .. . : I .. .,-1" ff 1 ' 1 in' vo " 'r4. , ; t. n, TP.u. are reuchr. to .i)urchtt8a,4ishpnQi;ahle 1 Lfjrislature betL Decern tmr a:f:,w UV,1i4ik LOiLAiwV1' v v. " - , i r - - - - - . - ;ittr w rf exTfudi n rr an imiaainn .1 I ti6. J .1.1. 1 I Fboldierdl Tlie cqmiu spring campaign, , dressed, iu fine clothes. oAinnnh (av.p thM ices well calciihued uir alia'dirlv carfia ttiv am ntn, 1 Tm mr r 1 w-t - w vw -r - at k m V Vft H .TERMS QESUBS9lifSBlP ti h.- ,;.vr,u r, r.ta, f.,r lubs nr-vvihe, SAined and- f WllPof.fetr Oflder aUSjl Dt UlUililUtlOn irum Hloaw 1 aico tth w& iiav. .vtwi w 01191 am "yuui v imuco. J. u 1 ccwuu uni ireeded aiotlaing6 to fortify ict Witlirariks replenished tiuder the iriflnencel'ytrr'ex-J ample, mid -by ttia aid it.ynirHn$pru&eftUK, BATES OF A OVERTISTNO: vOnttoamk-BJi square-: (of. dwjrtcen liu of les) aertutri. K ing t( contrnct 40 " , . i yoix tii ay welcome the -invader with 9- cmu - ' . , , . . . , fidenee jiVstified by the nieinory ot, past Address of tlie President to the Ar;. victoned. ' pn'tlie other : lianddetjttaxa . T . i d ' " 1 tiohY repetiticrirof heavy "'drafts? tHadeiieion' fnbt,cM'bfcMrrimated iiPlaHlfrcaira .GonVetitrojia :d carr? thf. Star Xf lsr'rfh V i ... - .... for the firr.r and 5 J cz?j for$?r? M.4itioil in s ttha iye earnest, pii thejcvarpoae To j gamUija outt ot'HlicirOaiiteileracyi mmilitnia on bjiturclav iu called to further h at deein. VTO a I that Guilford vsIl .Js selected The followiugi3 the address, ot the Pres- N occas: ort ed'by the str i fe tor tf Hve. ' b V the f Oon ident tothe army : -.. ; .ii - pursuit ofttheBpoils of -office by the thirst Soldiers of the Armies of the Confederate for the plunder of the public treasury . States J .... - - ; ? - .v vand ab(y;e.all, Vbe.conscionsiiebs of a badi . : . 1 1 j.t. 1 iv - In the long and bloody war in hich iik. w.ivi. arMUp iqi cepQn yourcountrfia n&&Sjon iw' ed man tioble triumphs.' You have won l,"V5? u1if; , . J - . ...1 1. ..A-..' hnuHtion ot Ills 'recoil tCfR hot h ir giorioua vicrones over vasuy. nnr "mer- - - -..- ?r''i oils hosts." You ha vclieeitu Upborne pn- ."V' i,e" less formidable, vationsand't)ilo wlnciry cd. You have readily ..subu uted strain's upon your individual will the citizen mTkbt better perform his to the State as a soldier. -,To all these have lately, added another .ti iumpb no aT ft a ti, ti,n rw.nMr whon tmn trim S;ldiers 1, Assured success awail4tis-an first entered the service mtVht wellhaVe-ai:H! strug-le.tohbertyrand idtpeii been expected. to claim relief trom jn.n ioi,,u.fl o,id rtrtri;A,v ;Vtf, ii- genders hfe desirable to honorable men. or the turtherance ot any . such desigu, North CaVoIiha," by a soleim'act ot' tlie Jon ventin of 1 her"petTeTias foir Weal or wjieew rcracKed that,, flie, ,.engriTeer.,twaj jCrazy and the Qonquctor drnukrwouLd y-oas IfnbLfM'hfeMwi.! WU.l!1nl S-li f J.j ' A:!:' V. ' trie control of iober 1 and competexit 401a,-! cets, les ar couisipnt or ruuning n lhe- track, cr a break doww, may endjii brokfi boiies-aid;U)anri yd linibV atdlos of se t i ' in. any who t hough tr 1 1 jey w re. , bulj on a. pleasure "trip, n . ' , r 1 . ' -i : f Bo certain tyou o;oj:ot 'Jjumpout of the, trying pan into the fire. , Liucola, says 1 .w. -t-ww x.v ..v.. nun mcr jicwpio we.nhv no yoiiieaerate uoTeruineni' 110 the Souiherii Confederacy ,ud lias sohunh-l NaHoiialityi-bvit: th at..I we, 'Sk' al tale. iy,.piei?ea iiieixtaith,tohve or diesmk iNnV by holding a Convention to treat?,, switu,,siirviyeor nperish'I hwth filietm with Lincoln as a, St ate. df vuu.uot ignore H,ld Narj. i;ake iiO-sreps Jmckvyard with thereii2feuceil our 0niderateoyefn- i I ormg iii .si ara.S uptiit.yier carep ana nidtit and play d rectlymQ hiaJiaudSiaud v..,-.., . r " "v" t .uwtMvuvrev m at n m iu nis irreai a 01 . our BUiiiuiiUv -, tliairfthjjBe I.alMys been briglii," aa jVaine''iin-1 Tiou ? f l ' '8.5r' l ' V.'1 ; o-" ,uuim;au-eu sullieU p t-Mho pr'eht hour. ' It'isl be to rp- u ea 8 wcrB wim, miiiHuieeb iruuiui- j,ixj)ea uocinzfcn'ot -miti'a will lend his I " - . , ; , , . , , that j ilwiUi-reSiilu' wbicirare. M.ted (. na,ue;'htriflMencc;W riiW-fetic ioput j ! Spasmodic .Luic.oj 18 "calir fot.W.OOp''" .a.;0m ai anu rrrvv,,18, a ro t M Wpie t m ColivMji ca lea apil, vankecdou. is airaiti redubed bv tlie" valor ' . rli ,' Cliiciiamiind a.iu-tlia' ClKckalioiniM we' wit lidnUr Witi t ie CoiileUunicv.: what. :.t , iA,rS W- l.;t tt.i. otlest ot humafl conquests-a victory 0v. "v?i and Ma r you Selves. J - ;n Mncenorsville.-, Urn deannenta of home; yon'have heeded on) v ' VY "e" the callot vwdf'irifferin SmntlT: ' Ajgafn ,n'w?.r country a '"pe and - pride, nn; vou come -to- tender' flr ervlee'-fi.r tir.ve Prov.denee; wi it be due. :?ieV4."9 iv itipm qlVwill jmake rieaf Ho mlllhvns WuieirballtU - T,anni IsMJWKgitie conqiier 'at)ut7our' 1 JW '.MV Pt..bac.kjjourp.vr;affiiiriinto--0id-v- in rtiie!Obideracy: In youown.haiis, what; then HRecali mxr nHHi-'Hic janpWld ii troops, L.suppose,. ould behe nVxt srepi quito asmcH:Hteir'antyofafee But.wouid.they come whertyou call then? rtlielwomeW!ai is the next question.MSupppse thoyl would netr of'the OonfederabvVJ M llie milUon l not de8ert7tlioseglorroua ? leader ; nncferwdafhHltnra failed iv Vttcli patriotism as yours could make- a :oy ?V?mrVV J,UI cmiarenx'a,ia .- -.! t-'iM. ' . von i fill mmn cin.iirHii 111 irtr. rirft ioj a-. a triunrpu-woruiy oi you auUiOi.Te cause . " r..- ' . VV . to viHcirvou are devoted,; , - ;i .JB"; 7 kenjpj blessing denied. r-uidlu.vHiir,aeinilt.adequately.ao ever livmsr m their hearts. . ed the testbnouiaU ot contidence and - re- - Vluze" "f ,m ..ue i ce, ine noj Rpd-e,'lle8 anu tne altars oi me vjiteaeracyri express tlie euiotiiUisiwith wfiich Lreceiv gard wh'ch yoiu have recently addressed would then stand exposed to the rflndi We ate satisfied that thev can;t stand'this v derision" of all the world. "Suppose tliev H rlhimr, hut ?iH ftvrtn -hw'nk-J Hri'Tih'ae to iiifN,iTo,soineoof .these tirst received, -"W1 V""" ' i " ?' cQtne,-wiiat tnerrs-wny yon make iOrtn , iu v- ' 1 'rV vi separate acknowledgements were return: shlPa! A at,l ,Carolina?the battle elddf tbewal and ' TlVEtaiimond8 Enquirer.reardsvthis ,ai edU Hut it is now 'apparent thata like' cr, 6H?JW$ rirjj to yyu;wilicseen nlca'U; for 'troops. as an indifcation-of tho generous enthusiasmrvad tneuds i;-widcver her ftldt? w&w bf'rtHni faUT." diBperate embarrassments ofnlieVahkeo 1 armvand that theohlv caption to ;suclr a,,Ma .ofurteirdwitizens ? wKo govefti merit in pmcitiuhg men. "Xfcjari:: maianimous tender wilHe.f those; w to JNorthern audEasrernc Vir.Mdrafr !fe having originally etitereftr thewr, bari-(V" ' - 4TTprn 7 -Ur?. . iiiia,.,to descrbjtrpresein;.cu ru- .fargpiiouiiilesou .theSQldier8o.t not dibliiy anew "their zeal .;' in .the" public , 4 x . J4'p i - q itind was) e auU.ces)ariou9(-au44 now ail ihe -ariny n:to'jre-enli8t andithia j serviced t is, 'therefore, dMnedf appro-, f-Kchmpud, t?ebry; athisbi. fore 'vou take 't'fio HVststep'toward .inflict- draft ishows-that they have geiierallv're fU Tin to. and. it is honed. vilLbe eonallv ac ; . . . miy awmilar rttin nhon voilr hl.ved Stit ; tutted tYdfiTftn':iiThwar has become .nti..t 1 J v 1 r': ILi i J' i ,i ---i 4- Fram the -reentbarvP;ttfiot; f copfnble tojnjike a general, acknowledge- -J' Z' .'I, TT T-"i - fnenrinsteadoY successive" sw.-Would that it wereipusbible o rena5 the name of our common, counti-y;ar wcll-eV; H -U1 $ as iu.my own, whilepressiug the hand bf V.V1? l vYiH',aUfe wiwini.tfiriin.Mi'rWom,i-r.-!ilft '-head pt IJZS lu'wverv b)dy sjnouth WIj V W ' title to nr tiou. dove; iittfdeYai?admira , vet Fias bee,n ibund. vviiif ca,) answer.jlies SnMierei BvvurlwtiYfor von ud tlm t,(lu,rilY fMUV-SaHac4i.u ao, the pwupie are nm oue.v. i njtye. oen piaceu i nq a i raigf, piibi ie.fiis i-ue, oi ice appears in a posiiiiuVwinch debars ihe fioiu-sh'ar-P a ioiUMifgueiSpawrjiiy.or tnaieniicy ii,. VdnrdanV'e .anil?,(. vll,cii uobidy is waiting f acknowledge yHir .rivatioliritrtlieuia.. ofGuiltlrd and afectioii:iViyheat iias aecompkuiefl, who lelieyefWmt't he eope-4iv1fe rfgh vou i.V everv marclii.with soliciiiide ut haRxtasoible together oonStiltOr tbeir i aoiuriit to adminiartuvtn vmsr -ervAwantr .K)i4mfmrgWd,t I with xuluwioi. it. haa. markedsyoiir . every Wwia-to jppiy.TO-ine B I heroic achie.venient.',-Yet-, 5 never in ( the" r'H.V -J-ii1??.?. iy.l?.- :i in CJoiirr.' Housti o r haiurdav . noxt. v n. whoin'thebaveotVfren-ttm(rne aaudon;thatW consecrated by The bl.od ,pf somanV he Bes roes and martyrs, HUdYweT ajV knoW tliev :doliatS;a eafive hundred" fbousahd would not,) what wqu.d4we would add. five hundi'ed' 'cnillions our own . katfamj ni u own hands ? We ;0fli!la to the-yankebpenses. J us aip tuppy "bPnies 1 But-yonsaVeldd Dr,Jias8uppjan bpuntjes, It is a peace measure-If is' all; for eaco'and' as bountis 4 40;stop Jhe: war wfi5eNfiot ! deceived. It is rpatriotisuH; nexi money ; ard liSttytoTce J1 .a--nieas.reJ aggrvatei iptehsify ami inagnl-Thbse aie the 1 1 free 1 f ea.fta fes thf ! . cTia fe lym 'mWwW i.titO.Qur.diri jize tlMVarratftm arid hearth 6oiies, psanymau, jrhia.j Jsiii r.tJ fmt "biUf sif iPre;j;er,,atid .expireds 41 reafton believetit;'if jartb. Oaj-olituvse-1 with HcVUat, tad uteim. Another .year "ceded trotn tffe Cordederacv she could i-e iwas aetjfever bv jbPUnt!e3; f 5 ; v ' ' ' : J , ' .f hiamlhethraflvb-foa Bount ies 'afe'm'iaVaiiti'.to1 yei-jo;; He occrfjeditmniediarelV as" a after ITis yearPdiffi liecetisicvaof elf-pisKeeiioh br Uonted1! and .will either expire, with ji i : , n. . : in ri-mttt r it'- rvr ix ,. i i V?n 4Lhe4jiririihiirfaw,;ii list fifiurlibor- tVn ; n in tr hoiiJ to.b.elpeiit.Ur '.,tu.JciivV!tockii-ri..,vi,1aiaiAl ..;!. A"n T?.l.,Wt ts's....? I'fift' -!i;?flfrtih Zlra rrn' It' t hn ( ton Udfirflto1 :;ci j i '"j- 7 7 i iiv uvtuutyH vn. wo" , . - - , icaiiedto Jl-iid Asrlflwfir'i Aah a; t mV(L l:L LIS : -I :Af.;.. T ;,,in illiK-tffikMft i j i. i w u m - i - -j am a wi w v n x.' m m - i t. i i rill . v mr. a a t i m m m iin-. a u a - u iT i r "v, ran ehfte arj.M ps, sand Hhee trops -would tieXT-pt'he jJ'i-esii'fentiaLelection or.orertlirow the1 be hos"iert7qpsaudwWoiildj .burn ?with re-' P part y.i i bar is dnigging the theil trotn their r eptuie'tit fcagat.usijiiis tprpuripertufy, : homeiHb cotitirtue a war pt wiiicniue peo:,.. ?fi Cut why Talk alioat neutrality aud its pie ajiearf ily 4l'redi;i 'Pvirt'atftO ho ieohseq uences INoiiaense The cbiect is rips tins ', SiiVlnj? will end die n war tSpirit; fox Jtp, carry t)ietJtare bck4fito4be old U fiitmf ibid fully ',Paisdcnpieteiyddevldpe:th0 .- ttrpi .wldch 4wjseceeded it in 861 What f pnivpecrsof m eUrty fHace; ery W, Zc would ibei;.ueiCi4U8eqnetK; man shonld'be aevotea Tor inis I. ..I.I 1 7 7 4..- K .i ...i li . .1 rri 4.-jv4 ir..i rT-i P r in the desperate assanlt, have fcf ,oaV .'Vi ? JMiPhe kMik to eshiJLrUitJriamp.igotfc tl aibi the, people', the VivaltoftlieTwHrof ri a a ri. i ; ;rt,5hffo"V,. eren;- vv uai ate lie imooriauc Questions ciu ::.;r,i r.v.v-ir-'.K'..:. " u '-I " J.tr j A .Lar k w this last diSpht devoiiou and self the character 1 ju " Vi beatsW& l or a oiio.tii spasifiirxiiiLaiiUii -wijf iVUidii4ej:iartP partt ot .tioiuftijjif ijgrtgeti uiitneigeueraipuiiueHs wiarele.te4teP,amcouLwjituecr .fiituuitJieMvats Wc6hjUSB'if ulsrtieafif j . bounty iifiitjieHwk m mmi WuC, a. vtU war. Animated by tiiiOtif&tHh,'i seek foJce0 fir a const it utumiiH add lgal. fZ b1r- Libit ciieertiieoidetrcef.d 6rM "A vMmH SFgareTgoferfnl O $f f't lute bearing.E f he&rn1erl tfufh ftf W fti ke Rif 8Bgl? 5h ' tt. BfeU Gphbr4eriy f,d weak SftdMitrtittftorlrt -LSDXaU,- nqw trials IdctimaMroljeVtm SrW JP3Vf your rit .eftsej3essiorid bKHtrtUPfemfeipi mm tnifr lence Oirtne srctad ehfcl vtvi. YourbWfc dear thronfrhriliVa and vheii.thevell.;iti vmUktheeuyuFoLthwa 1 fv ' ' O' ; - : '. v j 1 'i . . , 1 1 n it i -A r mi lilt i 1 .i i . '.- :. '! " Ii i M t . 4 . r i ' ' 5r