rv .-V v ' ' . ' i,1 t ! i A", j a rdtb myI jimtee 58 !- JtKJtr ill Imib . 1i twVfccfci, iJt? i r.wj&rnmj r '. a. 7" r I I i IV 1. 1 ! Li 4.-1:1. I I l L... t I . A Mf 1 -fv iciK 1 ty:?;:I I '"rl. ,LA IJ 1 l. .J. I t OLrVmmH THURSDAY FEBEU AP Y ' 2 Sis'a.1 j?-'1 ' 'u .f.6(t"IERANNUM Vir ft-, s '2 -. Htuo .. ...u 'tfuVu and ; 4.Ui P)A7m4.8Ale.vfagricqn-al Tlirt np'oirn! service of tw no- - - TERISstF blTBs6niPTrdN?3M ' Vlijfy tbf4nc neW?itjirj ,a to i i- Ttro X "t li a. ir, it n iisft fiI 9 pe i 'Jl -iyl.'J'ji "-V ' tlf''-' " ? ' m5 IM Jt 18t3uvi3ai 1st UbGSfeii I r ivssmen' Hie - ivier;tilialP hfttlie it jct.w. l'he mt: r.r clubs r&Mm 'gfinttttfC" blV;; tfte ;f C i raf o all d'.S are u f l ig iei; ceift, iu atlilinon -..r tiie, tac , uuur - the: '8auie'iihjectli-Um cTaiiu oi theCo(ifecU ut.-iimiimtiou nvvilu?? iH Wl4': I u ihlii r e?2; 'aft liriwyT0n:itrti fe irt-q- ar A l V? I ; 4, 1 &C3:i .:? v-u 1 - erateStatWaud iiall be Entitle'! oiiat ' Jffip 4 I 71 tijl her-; andif fWesfiity 4lar- ; One tmllaj i '(!i4retif fourteen lines or 1esJ jiij Tall5etTcoHUnl,. 1ufne8s;tJt-a!iyr.ltiud-itiHiva,itv; p'ropertv-iiutiuchid? Aiifl hyt lie ibi nreiit'otiicei4 fb be'ufifjiit, : ru..j sB;-tf-!Wu.nttatlmrn On the amount of Vrofitgexceeduip v ...jnfJWy vi''-'-'' nr.tblnlht It rjiu t wnnr v-ti VH rftr,.f ,.v b;U,k, . banking. j 'lfalUgive a ;-rH:eiprilibrtbr; as urovded ... 1 s f W a,TVt? "R W5 u fcHklWr& of c)li(V kadeinieB 'antl cmipaiiy, or joint stek:coinjjiny o!" any lb the ixth Beciiui of t his act.i ' 1rjV ' 5SyaopSiS ot taa julilitary iJUl. , clioois, ' Wlio !mve net less rlian 20 jiipijjf ; de8criptiini incorporated or tiot,? Uwenty)i iSec. 5. -Tliat tor the' ascertain nient' of ' Thu tirst section pro vitjeii that aP ,wh!re suju-rrnrendeiim 'f piitIie hospiials estah- tive 'pe'ceut bii feacb ecess.1,v,'v'-,!-V!V "the quanlityvof ineat Stable to- inipre8 :ii uh; residents of the Coyifederat.;,S.atf?8 hslted Hy law, and neb jihyfticians and bee 5. The hillbwiiigare exeinptedfrouvj niei'n under this act, an:l a!& for just' clra beHveen riier ajW of.17 nnd 50 ball. beA in futnbtTiwTtiiUv bV ihdi&peh&itbie for "tlieir taxation-: h ? v . - r j:jn.jiation'' fot the 8aiiuv-vuIierd- 'the-'dwfier the military' ervi6 for tlie tfar. '" cM'cfe itHiiYtliaeiiieiit. ;;.'v"""' ' ' Fiver tniudred doHars wrrh of property rand the itnpresiiiji fiicc' -catniot; agee, ' The"- Becbiiil sec r toil provided tlfaj all be-1! One agriciiluralist oil reach farm where for 'each headof ttMaunlyai)d?a bttiier1 hliail Hjpbi!itu'one tweerr IS arid '45 iibvv in service 8!talVJ be "there is li whtre tb'ale adult not'Iiatde' to dolbi'rs additi' nab'fnr each1 minor" child; i ioyal and disinterested c.i t i'zeii.'of tlie -COW II ininrbattalioiian(l companies to which between "lB 'iid 50 year f age upoii the who hus.faiieum) tlie-service; antt "a iiieiii they ielonjr a' 1 1 he r passage ot; this? act, tollbwing cimlitious : ? y -u ! V ber f 'he famdy when lie? ett I iteTed t the'1 ii r i m pressed bha lb he aftlu tiibe of iin jri ess m e n t a i i d . i i i e t w n e r o ft- the' m eat so i m - with the organization,; officer,- osc.; pr , TbeYiarvV'-exeiiipted-ghll-ive--boid -1 ther aum ot ove. Hundred tioHars:- J 2 ' : -M pres&ed,- hiS 'HgentfJ or- other1' bailee- shall vided that coiupauies from ne;-;8?ate. or deliver ro the - OoVeniiiietit in ili next, v One !tbncai:d dollars of 'the property of appoint anotf er, who shall, Upon arhV'aa- &;ainzed agaiiist their consent, rex pressed' twelve inotit ha i'-ltt!pcMibs"'if'-bacoVi,br. irs the widow nc minor cliildren.of any otiioer certain the quant ity iiableJtii-itiipre8Smetit at ttie Hmel with regrets, obe , from allot h- etittivaleht in satr pork, nr" GoVeniihent skldieiv,8aiior, :or marine Avhodiasdied hi aud. the value of tlie satne'at Uib dateof er'Sjate,' tihall hav e the privilege ot' being election and "lot pbundl of netr lieet r for, the ;&ei:virev'- .vVWi i ihe tiotice served uptn 4 he party VJ"hich transferred to th saiVie aViii ib a employed on 3A like amonnt of property ot any officer, oath may be adminiarered ly & impress tnuu their own: State, and 'tneti j?ati :Jhe- said fi.rm5, at coutiiii8i iierV rates. soldier, 'ai !or.'r marine, engaged' hi tia ing ottioivaud wiuctf acrtabirrteiitjt transtei red to a couipany from tiieir ; bwnr Ju certain 'cases this- may be cfonirnuted service; mwho'has beea disabled tln;reinji the,piaibi:y and lvalue shaif be coiiclu- J in grain or Other provisions. - ? ' provided sa d juoperry exclusive ot turni-fsive nvidehc; thereof; and'tt the assessors of - x'ue person shall turther bind himself to ture, does noc exceed in value one thous cannot, agreed they hiay'aiJsieiate' wuh State. '. ' - f Sec. o H'ovuie8 inai aiuoe x iraunu oi - rhe ti 6ix uiouth trom April l, iS6i, ftv bounty seij all surplus povfsioiis';now on baud, a. id dollars. i4i' ; : - r i; : them a third person, of like qualifications, of one huiidred dtulars jn , KJXrper jcent. or Which he niav raise, to the Cxovei n- . VV ieu prpertvjias beeti injurdiuvds- to make said assessment. n'easment be ah of sxjuahtity ; tkfc- or p-Mvernment bonds thal ,le issuelt to eye tniiuu .r the fauiilies t s.hiieis, at com troyed iy the enem or the owoer unable Sec. 0. lhat wfhene ver,att: unii ry' non cohrniissi(nei tiicer and privaie missiohers ia.es, the person to be 'allowed tempor-iri ly-to use oroeeopv it hy rea ! sh.Ul be tuade, i nder tids act, it .aliall; who is f heii iii iervice or to perilous ehtift a credit of i wen i v. live per' centiou au v r soil of ' tlie preseiree or 'proxi;uitv ';t'it- ihejthe duty ot impressing etiicerd U give ed to arrears Vf pVyVil ileao iios' one ' whoam,,iiiU: be. inay- deliver in three nnuiihs eile, 'UV;4 1 lie 'fisvs&'nieti 'iiiav'-beredirced in ? filial cert iti cafe, howiMu th has beeir aoetii ieav wiumu t urn thejasage 01 mis act : I n;vjieu mat oiopomou n uie uamage susiaiueu iy t en, uie couipaoy, oauanou, regimen six nifMiths shall reci tve the uounry ; ,ii(,eiir llment since, rebruary 1st, , Ibbi, the ovvneiyainrriie: tax in the same ratio other couimand,, tor vviMwe viseit is it 5 - iY 1 Sec. A: provide that mo person shail be shall deprive tli 'terson enr died trom the by. the' 0f riiii- Collector.' ' elieved from the. operations .tuhis iicf, ';'beii'tii of this exemption; rhereiofon?v .discharged,; to:rdiabiUty ;iiorT- 1"V-.JUiViotr to 'the abo've :'-v - 1 re requir ed; the compensation, to be paxj,- the .ctr- , shall, "MM JwMwh ubsuuire bfVar ' Va'ntli'bilzt-tlb' i ' exe pled, where no disabiliiy Jny'fixisr ai lie piibtic 'secVfriry1 re ' but exemf ts religi-ms jkrsoVis win .have v - tie officer aiYd einpld paid aii exemption fax. . ;Couipaiiies,eiigageO: ' Sec: 5 provided tor the'enrounig ot all la wu oec. o. ine axes on firoper r lor looi OvcuiiisTauces oi y m-cessuy : 1 -tna exisieu. i lie Secretary be as sed as ;t theduy t Yne p:issae bf which certificate shall be evidence 'of a mike feucli deiailst h is act, aftd eoHecie next,; ciatitranist tlie vjourederare oiates, anu quires H Uit with 'ninety days- exteiitirp vestr:'of4?tfife shal) be proinply,paidf fytiiev disbuttng y'ees-bff railroad Missfe'sippi. Ttie addiribnal v 'ax on Iii- ofiicer of tlie comimmd tir which the meat in '''-military transpor- coine tfr prn.s tor usoa, to ne pitiu tortn-r was iaKefi, iiroy.me cniei or iue " oureau ui.b' ond.ouo for .eachjjuile used 1 wiilrr'the tax bu iucornerf &c.,' f f 1804, ... . i ...i.- itr m I. -.(l 1.:;.. vi . ' . i Aviiite male requiems oi iur uhrwui.u such .rauspor.au;m.auid.vmmer:;lcerciiJi o ue couecieu accorum.io iue acis oi p S?att8 berween'l7 and 18, and AS'Ht.d'o J, jeluictions. V Also,, exenipts maiLcoiitrau ?63.'A , '' f ; 1y.'' -'t ' V .'.'f .T'r 4"'" at such time and uhier such guiatiouspMaibl earners ' '""' , t, , ,; j ;SecV T' k biri p t f rimi iilji 0 i i . i li & b'li' e'tor ua the President -ntay- prescribe; timo aU f - The I Itirsectibir autt)oVizes " the Preei- lSrj-ilall pnijietMy heieiniaxed ad'vuh'finK lowed east-t theMi.ssiwsjppi 3d. aid vest-'--denf'ioi derail eit her trot nv bet veeii4o at id The w tax on CVmfederate bonds iii.i( case 60 days; any person tailiug, to,enrolvyith- i$y br'frV:ii. tbe at'.ny iii the lield when" dec- to exceed the hberesrpayabl Out tro ul excuse, l i al i . jdaced in the, CeWsity requires if,r and miay,' wiieu ' he aud'satd b iiids ;txeihpt VtVoui tax' vviiii field for tne war as it he w jrtjween ip ?tinnks proper, rev. ike sucu itetair trtr- - held by niiuoiv orMuuaricK it tlie interest ahdS. Persoiis; iiaiiied "n t his eciibu f v.ided, that., he ahaibiiot-.exempt- or ? derail dbnbt eAcdlbne thiWisai shall constitute. 'si reerVe?tbrbtate titeh'ce, sanv,coiitractoribrdurhishiiii supp,ies.ifec,, : ?f? '' 'f' atid detail d litj form service out reside. - yaiitl ifoV leqiiired4 XV q9- ty reason -bf ,sueh, coitrnct,, except;, the lUt of the Siatetrwhich they vmV r of adeparUnent shall certiiy that u nf' v nUiK I st i c I e x e 1 1 1 p f i on is iifipeus"able : the ex- ?' The Inipr68Bie!nt bf fiteat The d'oilow in tr ia t lie bilLpassed; lyQpn gross .tor.A lita i inpressiiieut of meat for . the jrfOeu. O L' vcb tiv iiiipoi'.t vfC.cM i ivoii ,, CiUOilou in t'twe il nic o'liuatiui iiiua iu .......... . ' . : ,1 . .. mentioned ,,:,,t!,e 5cj secjion.;tp): yob.nteer comply with bis Cbhhact: s BitoUOed Unto aot, .as imiuite niepor rnce ii ,jheirf iwn, TheMHi ecm vlraresUha-tlie boat d - ze illpmrd of medtfofi thme State, within thirtvlayK tam Vtf dMya vvest of the .Mississippi; and wjien ileu.tini v oid;ti let to which hey are " 1 V , . ... actual service to fece v suuio pay tte the ,vqm .timake-airiiiiatioiis. v ;;syctb, UTfie fiongr of ihGiinf&l s;. 7 nniviiiMthar finv nerson w no sliaH fail to atteiid at the place of reutlez VOU8 aptoiritedb3'4hePresident, and tmt excused by; hiin, shall be ..liable ti be plau ed y the, HeJtUevic , Sec4HVP!are8'thatdiejaO tion as clerks, ruaid. agents, euipUiyee or laborers on Piovstv Hsp:ialr Ordi nance duty or "in .the Quartermaster .or inimissar' DepartmenfB, and all Imlr dltisllal 1'ullrd 1 hucI,1 pr.M,, be t w een 1 1 he ages ' f 1 8 ? and t5' may h& tip ctared hyb xard H eXahimibsUrgeiit:' be unlit for active titdd service, audcwhe these iiy exhatistedvahe4 trmiHtinse:ibe ed, that tiieaunt herein named. ec provides tliH tJ iiiiy iflat 5 rH4flite bftreaitshdrallinldyie persmuv XMlatibn ot4 hr f ilieeotnin isnai e be cashiered, utmn conviction liVl iOmrr? Start i al4 mi itmiia i.MS-.4n tjt. h yM lo; . ri.tntliiutil1 - vh I '1 : . . . I J. '..iiiiulifiui'' ItfWltt 1 4 W , ly isy o A ,;aic4i nwr, tfn tvoit v; .yjiopsis of Jihe Tax Bill. whenever Uie Presideu't- ill ail declare vt(mr ... TIieiVxBJl JevieJii j athlit to ., the tlie ,p' tU'c xip.cie vrehdr . iCHjiecessary, tuttr thrwh a .-very ,p(br 4tidi:i8parcQljr taxes levied byjhe.act of. AprU rh.lr fiupresimf id of m'eat tor.tWWrptVih'4 settled regioti; nrterlyincnpHbl of'sub- 3, as .follows:' T . ,1 anayVmaytVin atinii army; 'lieeuen .bec'U Upoh the yaiue of real, erftonal thai may exist injhe country, ..mide the dfe5t!oiUab u,8 alld m'iked,t.proerty, v firMver fciftdafi'd ikjsi coiidnim ar-tUlery desert t h n'itiV exceb't t.hfebxellii1tilfliere- snail lie ailrdetf it the owner of Ihe'mea Gem Polkas cothniatid isJil theiffrbn fraud having charge of disbursements' fur!" slm- lar, objects. K:u :v;, .-..w-t.K Operations in Mississippi;' ' 'The Hi clpn oiid Sentinel says it js undcr- 1 stod . hatSin rniau's aruiyiaf ter "occupy- iut jacKsou, uie capnai u lUississippi, au vanced east ward ly ; tj wards M r ti u, a ' dis tance of 35 iniles. At rhdlatter point iHey di ver;e(l.';fr uri t he raj hoad y h ich Jeadrf on to JUertdiaii aiuj Jboc4 "t)A'; dreCr tiuXotJSnbr prise, a pouttjon tl(y iHpliile and OJi io railroad.. Entferpiise is 120 miles north of Mobile and the . wliole niarch from lortoii, via;En tea prise 'toff Mobile is a distance bl boht! 200 'iliifes- ''pUrcav. afryhiiiderGenV'JLee, ar'eJnbtlersBodto :iave regained possession ot Jackson, thus cutting otf Shei uiait f rbin his base of siip ;plieU- :Tite Vite.tb-Mofnl )lefbrj)mUtjh t f j after to be named, five per cent4; the tax taketih-' uiipK lMilki: levied on properly eniployed dii agweulf foilo ! jn t(i be cred ted by ithoivalue of the tax See." 21 Tlie, i)wer vto'du-uut ;sHclt m? in kiiiii. yq:4 & pressment shall be conterro I iip)iilheoej' Oji.gojdajtstier rerary .t WacbutislhkU not" r'fiVce i cPT'iW v ' tl,a' bppi ie otiuy person Jebi Alt; Ihe tax to be levied on the value ot otViitkuUutity dually mHu,rediJ'tiir th: ptmertV in 1860, except m the, casj ot support of himself, hii tamity minl deena hilid; iia vel, cbttim aird Tbbacet, iurchas; . dantsdor thcyear: HeiBiiaH eitjreis ab d ncejHiiuaj lsrV I862t1;ftj 'b vyhmb said-po Uylbtnlers diricd if,tUeAotiiuj vibe -t ohitilt leVI eti oii' tlieiprice.;'pahii cers or agents he may euipLy, whmiam Sec.AittixHjf ,liv;e per iceiiiNW 'iiave explicit tnstnrCiifit8a't tiie mote jyaUtotalWiareand tlfrfcWtiodfHn'dnj ofU4inci,,wUieri The share trr be yaluedji Sec. 'S. That tliese orders shall diiteet1 lierarVi !alMriiiT8anretiimm price! teredvtiio:iiteivce iran, nnw excugw" urvM nii3M . . anor wueuier-'i ssess?Qn is ;u .:o: ( o t r . r . -. r a u. a . n i . . - n&'MM .... . r .... . . mm A. w ' . ... a . . mm u mj a a a a. aaai . akav - h- - - . . ajaa. . w r (ieii; LeeVicavaliy bnheir"Eabk atidrcri GeVL MlW he-retires lietoire0 She'rmatt an o , a pp paei es? xi ooi m? " ? su pp rt ,cen .Matiry , ;w Ivq,- ,c?uiiuand8 at that Viio'nt. r'The-Sentinel ?tidd8 1 ? Sherman ha r eln barked f(m:v4drar iseem tf be 'ST vVif rhbld m fezafdoiye taking. ' Cut off;from supplieSj'Vihd.fediio. , ed tithe hecegbft o$ tVrtiiii inf ITFttn ii ecefcbi ty (H toraina prod f tet i veq cmn 1 r y VSf i t hi hj Ir eh en: iesf hihdtbinf itTid fihii'iibftiila !tHilto ihflicrd Lie lias undertaketrWtfarKeetns more like ?rtayeiiient We do trtfst Aliatnifnef jilitrtimt qtirterifwiH :0e'f tibiBcMtP , ittic-thnmhfii.imoM Wiiitbtitfr?fv&' "au itM mWAflimt n 'Hi , i. r't i 'iV ; u i ifV f n ? Mil i H ' ST :.. i n 4 4 r-'A . i i: I' ' .' 1 .1 . ' S'-i! ) l c" tVYV: as vioiaieu, 4"V7Vf;7 U- iAtUx;bf five wertnt4n aHloHrentf the satnaTinlhedUltelyV Hiei anwmo .mnara : scces8, onr: ayen ine a : , '- " iiiiii "i " ' iww-w-""JI1 h-. .,1 ! i, " ..V.4 '. .ii uli Km i tlrf Jul l;f . j