W1ESTB'RN"':SBKTINBL. YOL. VIV., KO. 30. THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1864. Deserters Killed, &c. We learn that a deserter by the name of Ballard, was killed near Kernersville, in this County, - the latter par; of last-week; and that another, Wm. Knott by name, also from' this county, was killed near the same place in Guilford, the day after Ballard's death. Ballard was shor by a portion of the Senoir Keserve Guard force. Since last Saturday, under orders of. Gov. Vance, the Home Guard have been engaged in " We" refer the readp.r elsewhere for brief ac- count, of the news of the week. Nothing of active duty in apprehending deserters, &c.. t . . . oeverui nuvu ueeu urou;in. m. uiipuriaijup ur cnange in me situation is re ported from Petersburg. The enemy made a fierce attack upon our lines on the north side of the James river simultaneously with their movement neir Petersburg. They were re pulsed with heavy loss. 600 prisoners were captured by us here. Matters in the Valley are stated to be satisfactory to us. JggF We see it stated that Brig. Gen. 3. G. Martin has been appointed to the command of the Department of Western North Carolina, with his headquarters at Morgantoiy Gen. Martin has issued a General Order offering a full pardon to all deserters- and absentees from the army, who will surrender themselves be In Georgia raiding partios from both sides j fore the 16th day of September next. .This is appear to be unusually active. We confident- a generous proposition and one which it is hop ly look for the occurrence of events of great ed will induce ail absentees and deserters to importance very soon, in (his section. (See ar return to their commands forthwith. tide elsewhere.) 1 rr, i .1. .j. c L ' i Among the new an vertiseraents we direct at- : Jhe telegraph brings tidings of an attack up . , D . , crr . . - ,T , i tention to that of Fres'dt. Gauawav,4of Trinity Col on iuempnis oy our troops ana me oenei oi us capture. At Mobile all was quiet. A terrible riot was progressing in New Orleans. Ov'er 400 persons were killed, and it was still rag- From Ietersibrirsr TTIovibment Against .The WeltSoii Iluilroad. An official dispatch, received yesterday, states that about noon On Thursday the enemy in front of Petersburg moved his- Fifth corps towards the Weldon railroad, when he was met by General Heth, who drove him- a mile, capturing one hundred and fifty prisoners. lhis would convey the - impression that the railroad had been cleared ; but it appears from unofficial accounts that our forcep, alter driving the. enemy back, retired to a more eligible position near the town, and that the enemy yesterday morning was in strong force on the railroad, holding his front, with one line of battle extending on both sida of the track, and was engaged in fortifying. The fight on Thurs day evening was quite severe, the enemy loos ing heavily, and leaving many of his dead and wounded in our hands. Our casualties, con sidering the magnitude of the engagement, were very light. Our entire loss in the fight of Thursday is estimated at three hundred and fifty, while that of the enemy is much greater. i lege ; from wh ich it will be seen that that well known Institution still continues to dfoid its sup erior advantages to the youth of the country who desire a good education. ing. It resulted from the Yankees attempting to enforce their draft. The Yankee negro troops were engaged in trying to stop it by force. A Battalion of Reserves was organized at Statesville last week for the 9th District. Capt. G. C. Stowe. of Yadkin county, was elect ed Lieut. Colonel, and Lt. J. K. Burke of Rowan, Major. -o- From the Augusta Constitutionalist 17th inst. The Front. At no time since the cotnmencment of the present campaign in Northern Georgia, have we felt more sanguine and satisfied with the as pect of the situation. The news from the front is cheering, and of such a character as to make us feel perfectly safe and fully assured of final success. The General commanding is now con tident of his ability to hold Atlanta against ev ery attempt to dislodge him from his strong hold. It is not often that we indulge in speculations especially of an over sanguine character?, but the aspect ot attairs is now so promising mat we look forward without fear or distrust to a vice) is construed to mean that the parties emuuer- successful termination of the present campn gn. ated aru exempt from drill, apprehending deserters I Thus far we have acted on the defensive, but and the ordinary duty of the Guard tor home tie- we believe that the time is near at hand when IlTilitast Rule. Under the pressure of military authority our press is now suspended Our entire force liable to the service are now in camp, and have been in the field since Saturday lost. This accounts, for the email slip instead of our usual size,which we issue this week. We know not how long tntil it may please our authorities to permit u? to resume the publication of the Senti nel. "We regard the move suspending the press in thia section of the State for the purpose of arrest iag deserters, while it In? not been done in an other, as inconsistent with law, averse to General i Orders No. 6, and unnecessary. We say averse to ienWal Orders o. 6, because that order pointed ly says so, and reads as follows ; III. The 8d section ot the foregoing act (haying t ruisrfiiw w uie jaw exempting printers irora set r I1EAE QUARTER A ; IV. T.; , . .August 10th, 1664. General Orders, No. 54. ( . All persons connected with this army who ar absent, without, proper aulhority, are enjoined to return to their respective commands without delay. This order U intended to embrace those who haxe remained abseni beyond the time limited for their return, or alter The ean?e of their absence has. ceased. All such persons are admonished that every clay they remain away from their posts, adds to the dangers and . labors of their comrades, while. they are violating. . ' The Commanding General deems it only necess ary to remind those who have erred tjhrough thoughtlessness or negligence, of the shame and disgrace they will "'bring' upon themselues and their families, if they shrink from the manful discharge of duty, in the hour of their conntryTs need," and leave their homes to be defended, and their hide peridoure to be achieved by the unaided courage of 'l oel's. T those whosa absence has been prolonged un til they have incurred the guilt of desertion, he can " uut , Liiiiu . uiiij i. ifiuiii uj uiuy aioiie can paliato their offence, and entitle' them to expect any cleinency. . . If' arrested aod brought back, justice to the faithful and true, a well as the interests and safe ty of the country requires that they shall suffer the extreme penalty of the law. (Signed) R. E. T.EE, General. Official, J. C. McRae, A .A. Ger. To District Agents and Mag istrates of Forsyth County LATER. Vbout three o'lock on Friday af ternoon onr forces made an attack upon .War ren's fitth corpse 'on the Weldon railroad, driv ing them back upwards of two miles, and cap turing over two tnousand prisoners, including Brig Gen. Hayes. aud a number of stand of coJors. Ilich Dtspaich. The Petersburg Express of Saturday says the battle for the possession of the railroad would orobablv be resumed that mo'rnimz and thft e.nemv not. onlv dislodged, but disastrous! v district agents will please send to me a state- . z . 1 J t. , . , ;l . rnenr. ot the number of bdid ers wives and child ren defeated. It also states that the numoer of r , . . i t . , j r. ! who have been receiving assistance in their dis prisoned captured was upwards of three, m-j tric and also the number of others not soldiers, stead of two thousand, and that Gen. Clingman ) famijes. was among the severely wounded on our bide, j The Board of Sustenance will meet at the Court. : j House on Saturday before September Court beirg r Maj. Gen. Buell, who ws mustered out of; the Sd of "September at 10 o'clock, a. m. service as a Federal Major General of vol On Monday of September Court, I Will srdtmit unteers, being reduced to 'his original rank as I to Court a statement regarding our County affairs Colonel in the regular arm v, resigned. j at-'d hope a majority ofahe magistrates ot the Conn- tt u i " t f ' T2 ac a tv will be present as matters ot importance relative He has late v written a letter from Bedford i - , 1 , ,,T n f . r . , . , r ,, . , to the sustenunee of those dependent upon the Springs, m which he gives the following reason ; County hliVe to be Cou.sidered aud determined tor nis resisniHj;. fence, but are not exempt from duty when the Guard for. home, defence is called into service to repeWnivraib n suppress insurrection or to execute the laws of the State. s It is'clear, and no one pretends to the contrary, that thre is no invasion Iiere, no insurrection liere zna no rebellion against the laws of the State, lt is trne, however, that h ere, as in other sections, there are some deserters, and that a barn has been Immed, and e man shot at ; also in an adjoining onnty a barn has been burned. Theso nets have Wea donb by deserters or parties unknown, and vwjasejneutly ncarrested by civil authority. A Wa,f ay unhecossarj-, because there are net less than .200 Militia and Home Guard officers, and oth r persons in the county whose especial duty it i h perform thiaWyfce,' that is they are held by the -3ta from -Confederate service for this duty. These are uite sufficient for emergencies. Indeed had "rtliey beett dilligent as they ought to have been, we liave no idea thatthfere now would be a necessity for this call at all. More than this we think it -HS.P?ptfaMe.that there is not more than ten deser ters to be found in the county, and possibly not five. Immediately upon calling out the Home Guard, it there were many in the county at all, they left for parte unknown most likely escaped through Yad , Jcin and Wilkes across the Tennessee line. But so -it is, w are now under orders, and on service an - ihdifmifo period of time. v r, . We have taid . thus much In justice to our conn t ty as iWell the defence of the legal rights of our army will assume an offensive policy. It is now no longer a matter .of consequeuce to suppress a. welcome piece of intelligence which came into our possession several days since, the facts of which, from prudential motive, we did not deem proper to place before our readers at an earlier day ; but now that the expedition has been operating for some days in .the enemys rear, no injury can result to the cause from publishing the information communicated to us. -Gen. Wheeler with three bddies ot cavalry. numbering in all thousand men, crossed the Chattahoochee river last Thursday night for Sherman's rear, with a view to cut his commu nications and destroy his supplies tt Marietta and other depots along the line of the railroad. Gen. Roddy started on lest Saturday from Opel'ka with a picked force to oo operate with Gen. Wheeler. It is stated that still another tody of picked mounted men started on another expedition on Friday last. With these gratifying facts before us, we hope in a few days to give our readers a glo rious record of their exploits." The enemy's cavalry has been materially lessened from re cent captures and the severe castigation admin, istered in the recent raids must certainly have had a. very demoralizing effect. , Our force on the contrary, is composed of picked men, well mounted and equipped, and with such material and a fine field to operate on, we confidently expect that the result of the raid will be pro- upon E. A. YOGLER, C'tv. Coin. Salem, Aug. 16th, J864. 8v "I believe that the policy and means with which the war was being prosecuted were dis creditable to the nation and a stain upon civil- ization, and -that they would not only tail to GRAIN AND GRASS SCYTHES. . . , , , . ' . ... "it - 1 have received a supply ot Gram and frrastt r . . j tc;fttie,z lor Ihi!- that their tendency was to subvert the insti-. tuJ. mm uru .j, tutions under which tne . country hud ur.exampled prosperity and happiness ; and to such a work I could not lend my hand. jis county. 1 will dispose ot thtm irnun ana m inac v'jiv inev wm noi cost- ujo realized i.nn'K'Kiir morp than rId rale;-. pros- iiange or PkisoNERs. There is a Dect of the change of prisoners of war resumed. ' VvTe hpe nothing may interpose to orevent the consummation of an object iuch the Confederate authorities have labored to ac complish. Tii e number of prisoners held. by the two Governments is said to be about equal. The Tallahassee. 'The, new Confederate steamer, which, according to the Yankee ac counts, is playing havoc with their commerce on Sandy Hook, is under the cm m and of the brave Capt. J- Taylor Wood, who made, the m, Aug. E. A 1SC4. VOOLER, Cv. Com. JOTICE, GeNEUAL HosT'ITAI., -So, 12. Greensboro', K. C, August 7i'u 1SC1. The Exarning Board J"'r grunting furloughs .ind executions meet 'at this Hospital on Tueniiiy's ami Friday's at 11 o'clock. W. II. MOORK. 8.1m Sen. Surgeon Kx. Hoard. , S0JJTHER1T. CITISEH, HE -SOUTHERN CITIZEN will be issued eve rv morning and mailed to ' subscriter& l'r i . r u. ...... ; ..u T FIKl'KEN :or bix mourns. gai-nuu uuptuie oi iwu guuuoui . "or-- .-; w;tur -Uhnr or ex- pahannock last year.. The ..T.U-hB.ee lately 3 'Sible ,ned sailed from a SouLhern Dort. and is one of the . ' .. - i..,;'.;, Hde tor .... . vr ..i. . ... ui itwc " - r .. swittest vessels anoat, tnougn me, loruieru papers say she is. slow. Whenever tner is a necessity for it, Captain' Wood will show the Federal cruisers that she can run as wsll as fight. IIExVDQTvS RESERV E, N. C, ) ' lialeighy Aug. VJth, 1S64. j GENERAL OHDERS ( , No. (5. " , ' ( . I. General Orders No 3, paragraphs III.-1 IV. and V., Headquarters Reserve N. C , curreut se ries, are hereby .revoked. in making the Citizen an acceptable inet.ium arrrungeinents havinu maoi- r a. rmLT tt Trr i?fiTf a Pit from all securaii; tne uiir l i i ir.uww. points., Uoiresponoenis uave niyt wtmse letters wm ee oi inu.irsi. u -- -readei-B while in. point ot Miscellaneous and . Uen eral Heading, we hope to keej) up a greater variety than is usual witli dailies of the present time. All letters. should be addressed to - A. W. ING OLD & CO , Greensborough. In. t.', Sytlie Blade There has been received, at Wilmington, a lot o ducfivfl of the moat sesrious conseauenees in ef- th printicg establishments in this community. -r-'j ectuall v destrovina the enemv'a line of com- Wirmake no attack uton the Commandant of ! mnnieAtion 1 ; !' 1 f4.01 ard n the Conn ty. We believe . he is feting strictly '"under "orders. .. ': -v;.iil? roay here add that we have on our table for v publication two or three very important orders, immediately eSectmg the people of this part of the 3P, oiwit this week the tabular vote joi Governor, but will insert it again as aoon as the full and official vote is announced. The Raleigh Conservative sav that ten Counties are to hear from, and that Gov. Vances - majority is now 38.450. "I'he Conservative .r eat i m at . that when all the counties ore" heard from Vwce'a majorityvwill be 45.00GV ; jifS&k ?rMrV8Vay s bat the 'TJeposi tarjr in lialoigh is paying interest on coupon 0nfferiU;Bt5nd'35nd alao upon 2 per cent, a ' In addition, to this movement, others are re ported on the military chess board, which if in augurated, will undoubtedly free Georgia soil from the presence xf the enemy. .Eor purself we see no cause for despondency ; and our ad vice to all is to keep up a stout heart, as there is imthe present aspect of affairs nothing to fear but much to be thankful for The future is full of promise, and we. bid the timid arid weak-kneed cheer up, go to work with a hearty good -wi.il, aad do your duty to the Stiite and the vandals will soob show their backs. to At- the lUtllt? ii-'lli. iiiuu.-iaiiu j ' , , ..,a II. All Exemption of persons within ? the Re - i crass blades. They will at once be.brouglit u.,o' j serve ages, will be granted under general instruc- : nlaoe for distribution. The Courts of, tho tious from the Bureau of Conscription, without ret-: counties are requested to appointed vi.mu. erence to the Lieutenant General 'Commanding Ke-i to receive the quota tor their" respective c-w- serve. ' ''"' ' III. Applications for Detail of persons "within the Reserve ages will not be. received by the Local jburolling Umcers, until alter .the organization ot tribution. the company from the county in which the apph- will HE HEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN ON on Monday 7 th of 8ept'r. neit. " Tuition from $8 to $10 a month, in adcance. Board $100, per mouth, payable monthly or about $8 per niontli, if paid in provisions' at peace prices.' " wm .There. are small extra, charges for ' washinfse of room &c. Stddents aire ifequested to bring all the Text, Books that they may be able to procure. , - - v . .T. GANAWAY; EfustM Angst, 22d 18C1-, , - lc 4w cant resides shall' have been effected." They hen be carefully investigated, and acted upon in conformity with Circulars Ho.'S, 8 and 29, Burean of Conscription, current series, .except as hereihat ter prescribed : Pirstf In cases of appro val by the -District Enrolling Officer, a 'furlough for ia;y clays will not be granted, when the party would, within 'that time, become eighteen years old , Secondly. In cases of disapproval by; the District ,Eni oiling Officer, if the party be between forty :five and iafty years old, he will be forthwith assigned by the En rolling Officer to the company 01 Senior Reserves from the county in which he resides ; if "between the agos of seventeen and eighteen , years, he. ,wi 11 bo gent to Camp pt Instruction for assignment by the.Cjmmandant of Conscripts, according -to-county and congressional district. ir Thirdly; AU appli cations herein referred to, required by the Circulars from the Bureau of Conscri ntion.to be forwarded. will he trahsrpUted, through the "f Ccmimandant; bf of Oonseri pts4' to this' office for:-fi n al action, instead ; of to the bupenntendent of .the Bureau at:;Kich- a: By command of.Lieut.. Gen; Holmes, ,. , . JOUN W. H1N3DALE, , 10 Tw ' ' -A. A, Gen.- Western counties has not yet been harvested a p feri'iice will bo civen to these counties in the u-a r - . . w - . J, DEVFROUX, A. Q. J- tfftfpitrri .Tnlv 18th. 18G4:. 7 4t. TiToriU Carolina, Surry Connty. V in Equity'. - , tv In the matter oif James Snow and otliors.- . PETITION TO SELL.LAND. ' It appearing to the satisfaction ot onrt HBray and wife Polly vgan fcnow Wmbn Clarisa Snow, Louisa ertow. -.Salhe-BatcbW Syntha Butcher, are non-fesidentond tue J diction Of the Court. It is therefore dered ' X I. , u wtrn -Sentinel .residents to; ap- s&fenccessive weeks .- nonWents r f pear at the next term of said Court t ooj e the County of Surry at the OofFVyiii son on the 2d. Monday a tet the 4th 3lonoy 'August nex then and there; to pl demur, or j udgeraent pro eonfmo w,ll and the case heard exyartt as totbern. Q cnr Witness, J. E, Graves, Clerk and,1 C.V0 '4iu said Con rt at. ofiice, . the 2d. Monday tter Monday in Feb. 180 1. " lfc " J. P. GRAVES, C.