i i,1 ' if f . .... - r " ,. - . -Til ,'' ' tl ? 4 kS "I .! til,,, Hi 1 r. k-f ' 4 1 1 r w i 1! 11 t ? I V u -t .1 J.-';' Ivt I'M. ' it --J J ' . v - JY-':.J - if TfiP IP M Q. EWrf.f ilJI? F Par " lf thi order was an afterUbouiht ff. Prv' ' - .. ' ' . 7 J. Adjutan t General' Office, . TOI. VSYVi rlf jl J0. 11 ; g lln Wpiy to your eu J of n the 18tf -i .... K ' i 1 i 4 01 4 1 " !' 1 THtmSD AYvSEP 1, 1864 f -: 1 if fa M "I t' r 1 ? .1 TJic ITj&ilitary and' tlio I'rr's. We learn th&tlmuch cavil is prevailing in certain quarters, because in our last .issuer ive gave .mani festal ions of dissatisfaction wtb ih V 4 Ci order, ..reQUi ring.. oi tnc pnuting traiermty ser vice m the held to hunt deserters: in Ihis noun- ty when such service, as yet, had not been ex acted elsewhere. In doing so we particularly seated tnat 4 "we mado no attacs upon the coinrriand:nt of Home Guards4i3re bejievin-that hs was acting trictlv urider orders." ,Bjt ve took i-sue w ith the authority empowering liim to suspend the PrfcMes'ol thi jcommunitjj believin that it. yr.es IJ iUotfal and inccasi it with General .(Orders No 6. It now-, devolves -upon us 'more fuijv to' give ouf leasoii. for lima; stating, which we Ttpuja nave oone last weeK, xr we could nave jvq had more force; in the fiice an j f-pa'ce y The first section of the, amended law in rela- tin to the Militia and Guard for IL.tno defence read;thu : uThat Deuh'eV tbe Goverr.or ofthts ? Stateqor th ofiioers acting undr an act rat- inedvon the 7h.day of Jutv, 1863,' erititrtd An act in relation, to the Muit.ia, and a GaaVd for Home defence," shall call out for drill or mus ter Ihe persoris'enrolled titofjter 8ai0 act. oftener than ones a month in convpany drill; or oftener than twice a year in battalion drill which bat talioQ drill shall take thV.pface of trie company drill for the month in which thy . are appoint d, ihfess when called into actual, service to' re pelloiisioD, or suppress ihsuirectiori, 6r to e, ; ecute the laws of the Stste.'' t if , ; iy.'-t.-r-u iff ..,-! 4 4? j i i ,F - i T-'i i ' ill. i. . - s t - - ' ' 4 t it! fi 3 f ft ' ?; t 1 I a. - ! ; t : . . hi f i I i J M t i- ! f f i . if 2ft ; ii! 3 If 4J!7 r vi.-:-: v: i t r t i 'ft' ; i f 1 4 1; 4 i - 1 . . i' I'-JfJ Sw I 4 iil- 09 Iti clear from-the foregoing, section that tb1 Legislature intended to say that .ithe.' Home Guards should po be s used as to beconsid ered 'jeaHed Vr.to iha tjeVd," except i'actu(ly'. to tyqpel invasion, or svjppress insurrection or execute the laws of the State.' , ? '''' JJuVthe 2it section rescli thus and evidently givesthe GWerr.or power in on ordinary sense to iise the iIo;ne Guards" for the ' purpose of ar resting deserter, &c. ",'r1 ' ' '-: v JTbat the Cjruvcrnorrshall have power to , use the Guard lor Home defence, !ir the purpose of arresting cc3nscrpts"rjd deserters ; provided they ha!! ro fee ord reel fipon this 'duty be jop'd'the lice iff? of tb eonntiest Tn r wh'u-h they reside, or ucbuniesf?.!jacrit-thereto''. j.Ilie section now ives exemption, to cer tain persons' therein rinie, from,. all service oio pre bended jn the law, exeept.that.of Tepeil iiTjluvasiorijijppressing insurrection, or in ex ecuting the laws of thfe S'tate. Mafk it. Tnat in addition to the xmptions csntairi. d in theactjto which tfii is an :' amend hientt t her b ; h a 1 1 be jex emp t Cou n t y c'o m n t i $ si o ne r s , regular miliars, blaoksmitrjs who have estab lished shops; fieces?ry oprdtiveQ inVfactroies i nave V state that ov trie 3d mmttiat? nt "an ijct to 'nierd an act in relatibn'tVi the'-': ":S i litia apdG'.Mard"for.'n.iVine -defence,1' Physicians ct 5 jears siandinjf, one editor to each nevs iaper and their tiJKjfsry fnpljrw,"&c, &c.. are exempted from drill, apprehending 3eser tprs and other ordinary duty of the Guard tvr Home defence, but are not exempt ffoni duty when the Guard for llJtnc defence is called in to service to repel invasion. If, therefore, you are one of the eiass of persons named in the act, you're exempted from the ordinary coun j ly cuiy oi tne fjruarcJ. ' - - 5 ' Very Kespectfullv II. C. GATLIN, Adjt. Gen. But It is argued that the fbject is to enforce the execution of the laws of the State. This . -r- - cannot be so. , lf it were it would be illegal, because U would not be done -in ecorcance withlttW. .The law requires first the civj! au thorities to act, and when that fails the Sher iffs pi3e is to be brought in, and when that fails only can" th" military be evoked. 'But the ditis ba nitAoeen sstined by Horn Guird oiouia or aoy other sort ot calls. Char. -Times. 1 j'The 'abqy e; ifr orrr' our neighbors; is a? correct statelriient of the 'case j A ive 4i haveValready remarked in. aqother articre,1 we verv rwil iing to suspend Ipur paper lJ Vryltie ktix horitie tonstrue the Home Guard law 'so as torecVuire iti It .is lrue;; that in ;lbe yarioustoVns "and ?'tes of the Confederacy, even where, asaled by the e'neniy, the Press has notf been interfer ud ith by any sort of calls for men,' tut here 4 f 3 t T f ft -E A feet anything foarnhe enemy will be abl to hold ihetr groundr a while yet near At A Omfedeiate wessel, tbe'T.lUhae lately random pt Wilmington and Dlav1 i havoc amorg the YbnEeeSlrtppti ff tht rn of (He Northern tae;.She Mrent a. ft. Mrtiliax. D,, nd tnin returned to WiWu HOTICE io or tii Carolina it seeiiis necessary tossus-.;.-, T"'". j - Witt'' nc whi do at- pend for the purpose ;of catching deserters ! inston. s ' on the ;h and 7th of SeptV gi C6nores ha s declared that the Press Vshall be XVt.?.n theth " of (J0? free and untramelUd, but oor XfgislaUire mu-t: f?? " ' dod" Stale has no law againfl deertion. That is .n C i i . . - r '''' a anvexnougnt otncrwise when pa8ing,.iM... Dili KertfersvOie ph tl,e l2th " - Fir our own nftrt uri !hrf-it? nnn - t, aim thp Woovil- rill " V i l. - - - - - J -" ' " " - - - " , - w - - , . ' . f -' 1 tllO i till field us to remain 'cooped op in a Printing : Oi" N GnrieV's, "on the 15th fice. w here we have besn sitice we were thir-' '.h's ' on the 16th teen years old ; Vut we protest against the exr rc't of any- power thai tr?ctthe freedom ot th- P. ess, un!e: i it bo uiliy of ;rens ri or trea sonHiti j and inci x hary iauguave. It is an es tabl;jhed maxim that the Pres in Republican governments shall be fre and uutra'.nmt u:dt aud.the Legislature of North Carolina unlit ! amend ter the with do ooject o it on the gnvmd;ltiat Jt; tii5ts inn j q j freedom of the Press. .Ap rt frnn ,iat we fore delivery, care nothing abl'iit it. Western Democrat, ' ' Let no one mtsconstrue our meaning upon j the subject, of arresting deserters, VVre retract Oid Tiiwn,"- bn tfe?17th Bvt'tauia,1 on the lath 8v6ideV; ' ; on the 20th :. Brookstown, - on the 21st BlfeckbfrVn's s h,o& 4he 22d Adair.s,'1 'on the 2Sd ' S Wsgoner's;" ; on tlie 24th Setlge Garden, on the 26th of, do do do of do $ & da of: doir f do of,, dow do oft Cq,. do - ofi do s -do '" do do of , do ; .-.do-of do ti?do f do :- do Of do dn 1 the Hone Guard l:w onlesi it is de - Ui assess the Jitlie's Urop of .1864,. conUt'in, mined 4orv totaU p ino pte -iud shiickle fyred Hay and ;W-ooL , AeJei i.. that Oats will in all ..... . Uq 9uviien te ' Augnst, 29th -1864. - R-BRTETZ'i; Assess. leral Order) - ' ' ' Geiier ' - Xso. 3; to perform this iinpor-l . D'.att ,ctK;n 01 theYar vUeparj meat the.hnder. 5.' . .' ' . : ::' i signed taken -coitiuianU of .the WesrV-Wi'Tli ,tler in P"lt' ut jof N. CM embracing all the '-ciuatiiswest ofKockl Cor, federate law. The arresting of deserters therefore is not executing the laws of the State, hut simply carrying out in good faith a law of the Confederacy,' which every State ought. in a If gal way to do. With these views ai:d reason; ing we thought it conclusive that it-was not the intention of our law makers to ' suppress ; not one -single word, wejiaye evr utted up n the ncwspapers'of i be 'State for the purpose of this ubjct. It is the-imperativetdutyAoi tve ; arresting deserters.'. Our oomion of the w hle ; rv mtl,, I'able to the service to, act, piomptly ; matter therefore, i, that there are 'but three f whenever called upon krnds of service comprehended in the law : lst, llint serv,Ctr e may drilling, 2d, arres ing deserters, 3d, calling in- WU;lt tS the-m,vst PO'-J tnode. but certain. : mghaiii, j (xuih'ord, Kundoli h, .KoiitgoinerJ- and to the fild to "reoell invisioii" nnd .,,.! ly not as to the duty . - - .' ' ! KichiiiOt.d. , ; 10 tne neio ro re pen invasion c., and from J . , ' , ; '? . . : " in uuin command- of thi -District for t'.t these kinds of service, li except the latter, a ' 0t? great, thing to be deprecated, and w hat purpose of prtecUng the citizens fro.ru vprewtou, certain class of individuals was intended by the ' We ' nae ' XMiiipUiiieU of mst, isf ihiU .certatri wis-dpredationon their property, "awf raidi Legi8ltture .to be tempted. But our .u.horl Uuncti.W,i. or thel have ,,t .p6' ties decided differently, and perhaps fthey know J lnt,r duly. Some, fiaye been s "disposed rathe rj- It Is- believed .that a large-iiurnhe'r of spiders are more about the law than we do. Vv 'hat we ! )?M.courage thaU' suppress- and airrst ' deser; t JJj ViV rlew i 0i" .K,tttk!.,l have as id '.is merely an opinion of our own and j tions- These;. jD cVnneclion with uulaithlul cit j towardi Itevenir it is given for what it is worth. Of course ! i,9n mainly the cause of our present f bey'lm been; inducvd to, bIitye, tbutl North now that the business of: the country is JUh ' trouble? and Vol rr militarv anth-.riM.e. Jf"1'oliila 'utt'mli'tl W'tii'iw ie'Upjifdo 18 a Personally we had no sort of oljection eith- vy c.v it, olHcer andagi me nsg.or iiieir:cioiiitf.y. . ji, . i,a it-cent ..... . . r . . - ,.,wv..a,7 L ... . . . I V. Ill , 1. Ill,, Ill'.tl111l-akf 111,. Iiumi.N, ed promptly to the call and was assigned to duty, until by the ctmr tey of the Command ant we were relieved for a few dav to atteud i the bed side of a sick friend. ; But the suppression of. the Press as a orinr ciple wras an unprecedented thing in this coun try, even ii) these days off military rule, and wc felt bound, as. every other pre-s in ibe State, where the order has been issued, has donet'to prdtest against, it. . ' ,, . ,.)V e append ,the views of the pf.pers publUb ed in Mecklrn burg county : . ; " . '''..' , j pended everyight-mind4d man wil exert bim!evry citizen in th count) would .-perform- bis ! bfat' tor here)r..; Under .'this faUe inpreferi.n, it'i I self and do what he'ean, to make clean work. !ul nc" deserter could live in s6urS voods; thought, rnauy iidve.ubaBloed their .aocUiin j: and if, every civ it, officer and irgist.rat" woud perform Ins duty, no necess ity woold -exist' fr ol this 5rate orotvluiioed to the woTld. lust s.icd o- calliPir out the niiiitar v. and susnendin" thn pl"hs are false, livarfrer people are Hue. and ia i ir. por tan t -busi ne-s of th c uutrv, .to VenlraiH f in the unpieasiint woi k of arresUng deser ters. :v' J:::: : ft . rThe war ne,ws 'this ; wet k i cheering. Petersburg, or" ratfier jusithis sloe d that city on the VVeidou railroad, a considerable battle was fnuht on jat. Wednesday ,J a week ago; 1 rj tt$ a; -l b r i 1 1 i an t victory for ut aii d , was w V h by Norh Carolina troops. GeiiL"?rf-'ocfal disnatch srivea th insult so ,-it w'-w.f. ii-.- - i no 1 ii )ki in. ri Tl. i -1 . - . " W ' x specmi ! pjmy ihat it is ll we need appei d to uive a order of Coh'Brem-Mf to.dt?V ..rrippsw, ; 1 r ... , K v -vr . J .W' n .- ?..,-. . ' .-r idea of our success -I i7 himiip vinaiu i'jr mxiv nay a service ' ' - - ; wiij nnieei a special exemption is granted t4 the printers, eflnctually KuspVnd the publica 1 tion of, the papers in this town. The law, construed by the officials, makes no exceptions, and the presi, as well as evervtbing. else.: "will nave to stop. sita'iounaries, in Attorney jjnerai, Svdieitorg Hhician8f 5 ve,ars taningr'cQiitractor8 t!tb tb? Suite and Con fed crate, pevernment. " fTT 1 --y oi)e editor o;.each newspaper and iheJnecesHary , & compositeurs mail carriers and ' Pifessor In collect aiiHrteuchers in academies Jpj ovided. . Mm thatahese exemptions .shad only applV to 'the rills specifted mthist biit and not to service when the Uuard for Home defence is called in to the field." .-ii 'Sl Gurtf Be'-'calTH' muVin tha sense of ivfrrt'tsmSlSkm Wf 5K,(i!" bolyrwhehthe service i ) upon ,i i.'. t wiinojevk. . xuw vT'.JvernoMir uis oa ana lasr j f ; w , n;rura to meanrtlm thepaiTties jB0jmprate4-Are , I - I j i ef cJ-eint frTotti' drtlli a.bnrbfendm drr.t;1r t - - - -p 'm T- --- w . m . otherfditikrys4utyi3Ci( i-rr;;Io'tife efrnw vjt are not exempt from'dy f hen the Guard for Ilonie defence, t c.tjJedimto serv to rebt'mvsi.n, suppress insnrrepuohr" cVto execute tHetlaws of the btste." iIt(..,f. li x Br oi-rGoy.nge ..;ro -rif (Signed) C GVTLIJN, Adit. Oenkffth Bat stiirf-rther, we happened to have :r. cur rjorsesfcron. letter of recent date from theN Aiiw f..llt --V'.l. - W'if - - :-'.''Z. . jQt&u vtenerai oiraseii, ca;iug, as we suppose U,,B o( ivicomona, i eiersnuiff. ... i -m . . origade of" vyjfeoxsx division undr Cmrei 1 ii h iPeg rdiu ar 1 1 1 1 ery ,oom posed . 4 he assa u 1 1 iug been left to keep up the regufHr; issue of pa per; although the . enemy was 'knocking at the door.? -v-- . . . ( - TT..J.. ik. . - - . uuuer m present construction oi tne law. ;f ).. i,xAr wi;1- i j North" Daroliria whose bns itd ih. i ''V:?.; -breastworks wai earned. i)eclaration::bf;Jndepder.ce, il ' have tbe t .!?"?. IPW Diivileae of beio IliW fiff StutV iii tk Y.fri. I wul,7"w tend the tale of the other. Elates of .this OWleder- aey hail de'e. iuinc the. !ei ctiny.' tt Koith Can-liM. ' In response to tlis. patriotic, and iJo'tlo srenninent of her people, and, w i;h the hope that. tJiowj who li tve beed thus - deiuded. innv be rtcliirced uml saved from- the extreme pepAUies t, 'the 'law, lull if.irdon is h?ro;by. offered, tv-rUl deserters, VIjo will f Mirrencer tiiemelvt;. yu or.letore tlie ltith day ol Our. brilliariL ucoeses during the pfesVpt earn pat giii have greatly incVeaicl the chalices of an em iy pea and, I bis is prohably r lie last pjJuritniit.v 'de.er ere. -will- 1iav.e, o j e'dteui their chaVtl-rs, aiil bj'futore.gotid conduct .'eare to ieir childreu ie--pectuble names. , ',.-. ..v ".'.'"'' ''"'" "J- Orelnsbor.i,pap-rs.p.leae:pb'hiib)fir uM month and-enclose. Bills tor Maj. 0ordcn A. Q. ii., Morg.tntoa, S . QV ; , , -f j.4w Atj li taut k spec tor Chest's Office, General e Orders, ) o. 071 5 Head Quarters Army Northern .'.Virginia, - ? - August tttjthj -l 84, lion. Jas. A.:. Seddon :' ; 5 .' 5 ; . A. P. Hill attacked the enern'v:. in thik n- trenchiitents at Ream's Statnin yesterday iiion In.t no.-, o Iti "to r . . . i . -6' : - wu.u vtnea :Ulire. Tr oA'Dnn riV-' ? -.i .4. vn - V .rfvf;A JUrJINi ILiViVL. JlV&B ... 63 (crirreht series) is thh:meiidr d': Ail detailed men, (ineludingtj os betvre.o 1 ??M&.veart. of-ae.);vvjiJ eporf"to; and be cow nninded by thejGeneral cf Reserves irAhe StsW tW hi ch ti;y have)een, aligned r detailed, wiinirga:rii;t:ethin It is "otatiiici;)ated that they will be called out, i . ' . :.;o , i ' k -L. i. in uiiiorrronAiu-! r. . mv . w nr,i rni no coutnbuteaiarue y to our suc-l" v A fe . , yvvw I'S-ijlvj-'v fl ouv I COUllties ot t.hir rcjiw ana n, ; wilt rTICO l I "---- - -.- w -l W M Jt J W WW - - - - m acted ,ot rhem beyond those counties and couh" cchtjguoqf fheifeept that crnpanie3 lerer p.. iter. formed bpiv be reqnired to petfiirft-'wvice rVnHA. ' it i - -.-. - v cuciMjf "'Mii.u ijU i f aio:g a nne or raififav . vr u iitiNi , rMniiri f 1 t it; . t,iir0 I ...k .... I ,,,., ' ' - ' J 1 eracy to mienere, oy ,law, with the liberty of i'iVVJ i u . f .d thepress. y.- '!in - Seven. stand of colors, two thousand ,pjrisfi7 ; Printers, hoireverUhough exempt by thd iT1; l1:8 l"! law or the Ctmfederate ' .7.""-' mi4 prnorm tneir' ouiy Wa f4i to tfte State, it the authorities deem - it iieces-l s '. -: -i--,-. V" . ' . : . v Uut, w,m;,.in;. .c. in de- vn iiKiu n uiB neio nt tile acnnce Af .. ., - . . . . - -7, V(.u JIVIUUCB. ' U liUf LllJiUli!! 'MrH IllIM 111 t of.stoppin the press? Charlotte Bu,lleti win withdraw for field servicehe f-ditors Prit)ters,of thpapers ia 'Charlotte;- who. in consequence of tna call, will oe (breed to sus- Iley of Virginia; appears -r Pcia-rJiio. .W HirtsHale,Av!A,'. gui drivn tne fnmy out of thiportfoi! 'off r: r f 4 . ,.,i ' ' TAi:iriV 186. r ..uiiWViriHn:BF armies tjyitltrp - ii-he oiyTboa ite now idaks in ibis sectioi.ti perai Jjrdersv,; , , i ,i -6 wilbcut pm ,,.?. , ; tbap aU, the W ofVihWvntoinkc ire;Velf ; V?M-'7i ?' nt -A Kl'-i .rn7r4ntt Tbe.; Confederate OojrernrriViiv: by' special guaae to? eveVtrUfc3Vtt IcglsirtbmeinpM.itor teI.MrHaod; W VlMDNrgrdieatt-ie exaroole. aciin'di i .tfU chi4nfo in the.t.tiin ' Wlil.L ioto AlthoiigH Ailar.ta.Hobi4f RichmoW;Pe netir'Atlliritst,'itti whether tKi nj9v$int -Ik !as 80on q We're 'wfihdrawiitti tentY. I -.ly r Kr--- t . . ii ,4..,f JT: reorganized, torine defence mAi the oompanies afort-med. .. -.'.," Mti..9l light WPon tk. ...bje,t; whivh ?: 1 rounded by , Meroy, the . Pre. . i. . tbo. ' Uloed. Wha.Wr sCul? U bf. "o lf - . JWE VSiSaiutB ihrougii their respectiVe cubhttes. All exetnp are Klhwed,; and invited to enroll tben.eslves Wlw .AltlV lonuing tneir hCLa?3:wijeh tueiiaced wine ev . J 4i r:vt ?n ff .-i.Vr ica t. A:A.iarjd I. G no in the situfttinn . Whal'jii-i obrtosrteiui 'the D6iivoiirfe,,a .v,v-.. k ..n.ti.r. iVKk:-'. iv-ti.GT.ii iir 'rr'.r. tr 'i:5.i-'imes m ..... . . , - a t e J t- . -ft t-.l -X.,..lki. I. . 4 . . . . . ' - T Known ns nnr ic a or nftn'..v uni . i rMtJiwirtAmtiift .mira urflrt i. j jne eiierpy iiiereoy.- 4tljf SkidHtfathe. .eiiam v M aiwhui-w r iujwww ?4 ..t, 7 ?-- . -. . ji l : ... J ; - ... . - t -T..--r -tA'-.- ..... tl . .. . - . icireak wi Mteir vriioits iurcfl. nr mocaix i .t . - terfebttrt rihrlo :--.u L..-.u;'M, '"t .iJAWTr V1 ti . .wx MiKjiiiu. wo mi - h puibuu, uoeif hoi appear to tie .uil ifat4" i I " i.lVr - ... t ll-7t 1' if.