-u 1 i : ,Mv- 131,.. AH ,1 i Kv.;. " .-' ' vk:.,4 , ' Vr -,--1 , . .. i . . . . i -' y 4""" ' ' '" 11 ' Mi' ' " ' . . """ " . """ i- . :. . . . V'7 " a ' .: ' ' .- .?' . "V Ttt" " - .-ijjuA-L-. ,',;::.:.-rt. ; 1 . t VOL X.-N0 28:j Wils'STON, NORTII OAllOLINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, -IS 6 B.; f:o0 PER ANyUM vu WESTERN SEHTT NEt: : ferms of Snbicrfptlon. uThb Wbstekn jiiiiii,"b Pbliebed 'every Friday mormog, sri ailed U t nbscribw At Two Dollaes a year, i a. "jvftBce ; two ioli-ab and a half- after six months TflR DtLIAB91 ftr cleso , of the eabscrip -tear. To acy on procuring six anbscribers. "ti cftb in ad an ce, tht J paper wi 11 be fawned one year, gratis. - ferrJt of Advertising In the Sentinel. Oar regnUr rates of advertising are as' follows : '.tT 0d square three months '" - - six months, : - rr twelve months, - 0- Liberal deduclions in favor of regular ad icrueers. ... . 1 .. .. . professional or Hns'mess Cards, not exceeding jjva line in length, fivb dollaub a yoarlouger eue'f in proportion. " ! ; V ; : PoBtmastera are reqniretl bylaw to notify nubliahers when papers are not taken from their 'o!gees-and those failimc to do eo becorae respon sible for the subscription money.. , ' y Office on West Street, lelow the M. E. Church Trior.- . 25 3 60 - .6 50 8 '50 ADJOURNED SESSION. Mr. Thursday, May 31st, 1S06. Wilson made a report from the committee on tlie etay law rccommendiD Tlio conimitteeon eaianes ana lees rc-1 " v" :? 1; committee. ? i -. . , . The ConrentioB resumod the xjufiniehed The qnoetion recurring 6" the amend-, meaX,i offered by , Mr; Moore, of Wftko,to Hie amendment before pending, onm otion of Mr! 'Logan, 'the Convention adjourned 1 t Fkiday: Jnno 1st.- 1830. A petition from Davidson county, pre: een ted by Mr. Jones, in relation ' to pros ecutions tor violations of civil laws during the rebellion. . ..' Itef erred to- the committee on State .amnesty- , : " ' , ; M r .'TVf.Vftry' from the eel ectvcommittcc an ordinxince to authorize the salvs of the State JhtVrest; in 'the1 Western N.' C. Tlail: road company, recommehding its pass ago. . ' ". v. -. , ;.;r;. Mr. Jonea ot Davidson a resolution to carry into effect an ordinance to pay the just dobtB of the State and to prohibit the payment of all debts in aid of the rebel: lion." ; "''' ' ": 4 " Mr. Jones ofllenderson an ordinance le galizing certain acts of the Courts of Pleas and Quarter ' Sessions of certain couu ties. Keferred to finance committee ' ; '. Mr; ;Moore, of Wake an ordinance con cerning the iharriago qf persons of color repealing that provision tA the law in rela tibrr to marriages requiring a bond of $1, 000 and goooBecurity. ' '' :; ' .Mr. Moore moved to; bus pen a the rules amendrnenr-was adopted. . V V ' Debate. arising on,the action oi the Con vention in eubVtituting shall" tor "enght On motion of Mr. Moore, the Convene tion reconsidered its action in tliat matter, arid "ought to,n was.auin ineerled, , , The Declaratlbn of ; Rights being Tead an d passed , the 'Convention adjourned, after postponinar the consideration ofi,tho ' balance of the Constitution until Monday, ported an ordinance recdnitrjending. its Mr. Moore, from the conetitutional com mittce, reported an ordinance as a substi tute tor an ordinance concerning debti of the State to be hereafter contracted, to bo entitled an oniiuunce concerning, debts to iionsiderable discussion ' ensuing, Mr. A- Fere bee moved to lay on the table greed to. J v M r. Jones, of ' Rowan', an 'ordinance to provide for a better government ot tho IneaTiev Asvluni. ; vv : ;? Mr. :W right from committee on finance k.. i.-tror ..nniror.i nnrl rftVniiA- InvV recoiumeiidiiiff the . rejection of an or iud, .m iking the provisions of the brdi-) dinauce to pay certain provisional; judg- untir.n fl Oil (I I 11 ll Ml 1(1 I' V I I1 U 1 vyv.. Mr. Mclvei introduced 4an . ordinance to - A Mr. Warren an ordinance " authorizing Wiii ; B. Campbui 1 to collect ai re ar ages ot tajte.KeierrediV Mr. Wright, from same committee re- ovk'ing thaf when persaa were :;nai;iej ported, recommending that ordinance sns: oive bail, they sliould be seiit to a woik! pending the co lectHn xt y taxes to Jau.-1, , and not to close confinement. ;i-ooi,aibim iwiuuuu uu camu ouu,. Air. liribsom introqucea an ordinance nuthorizintr an excliancre ot trezisteid State bonds for bonds now being issued, by Public! i Treasurer,; aiVd extendirfg the privilege' only',-to'citizens of the State, Mr. MebaUe introdu'eed an ordinance to incorporate the co-operation Asociatioir j ; THE UNFINISHED BUSINESS. - i Boiui: the consideration of -the amend- ine n tfl uro'osed to section 1) of the Declara- 1 t . s ' . I - . 1 - t . . . . - , - . . . Mr. Faulkner, introduced ah ordinance uarlVI i?lu " 'V 'n ' til r; jueore t; j vr Ke, ;pi oposeii u . su n e?titute for -his amendment to the proposed i providing against obstruction to V the pass-" is of fish through the streams of the JSiate. ' v' '.. '"' ' '. ' '. ' ' Mr. Simmons introduced a resfdntioii that no business of a legislative character fliall bo entertained by the con vention al ter the second day of June, uul ess recom ineuded' by the Governor. ' f ; . The unfinished business of yesterday wits rcgumel; being5 tho Cori&ieratioTi of Mr. 'Caldwell's aciendiiient tqectioii';of tle bill -of right a, 'dupnsihg '.with', t riaV.'bV jury for m isi ui e an t rn g i ing's u c 1 i ' t ria If t' magistrates5 bn t iec ii ri bg th6 r ightof uppflal Mr. Mebanc moved a substitute to Mr. Caldwelle amendnieat f 'eeetidn 9 as fol lows: "The: TisaturTmay4iowevery Ko?itto''otKer'.modei;of'tnal'wiili right of appeal for misdemeanors," which was ac copted; - : f'c' -'V. ;)' Mr. Moore of Wake, in an able "argu? tnent re Viewed the whole mattery fered n'e"' folidwing "amnmeiifc .mva 'Qupz ameudiiients . to; the rDth. section. ! au fol -vv ButtboGenfera.V.'Aescm lisli" courts oif record foji be rheld, publicly and at etated'ti iu.es ahd places by one 4 or mora judges or .'justicos of the peace vwho 'may ' iiear and y determine: t without s any jtirygraiulcjpr petite, all ; m.isd,Qiieariprsr tlie iWiiush incut whqreot is poticqrporal, otiierwiee than his iiuprisphnient, whenev er the accused 'shall consent to be tried., - The XluP,mtMmi uu.9t lainendment ;Vf M r. : Mou-e, fie y cas and, iay s , were demanded 'a'ri'd thef aiiiendmeiit. was lost, yeas v'8;"viiayijp. JV--'-v'.Lvt . Mr. tSintth, of Johnston, an.amendment 10' ujo auicu u ui : e i pro y iu 1 n g , j u us fine 'Legialiiftrfef 6b al V: pro V ide'thaV' snoh. niag- - ' Saturday,' June 2nd, 1866., 1 ; The r Con vention wai called to ' order at ten" o'clock, -M--'r 'v -: 1 1 ' . Mr.:Caldwell, of Guilford, from the8 Fi nances .Committee, reported back a resolu tion to pay the commissioners appointed to prepare a code tor the govern meut of Freedmen, rcommerjdihg'-it8 passage: - J Mr. Moore, of Wake, from the commit tee on Revision of the Constitution, : re porled a substitute; tor 'the' ordinance-to create the onite'otV Lieu ton ant ' Governor recommending its 'incorporation in thi amended Coflstitutioni.'vfrhQ' substitute retains tire substantial provisions of the original ordinance.) r v Mr. Satterthwaite intrdilucecl a resolu tion in f dvor of the Principal' Secretary, of the Convention. 'At . rxsp.& Mr. Brooks, an- ordinance concerning widowsj who have qualified as Executrix of the; last wills and testaments of their hu8band8.: :" -f:" - y Zr : -r jy-Lt; , Air Faircloth, a resolution relative to the binding; of Convention docii merits.- (Authorizes the Secretary of State to have such binding. done at tho Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind.) Adopt ed, under a suspOnsioOof the rules. , " On motion of Mr. McKay, of Harnett, the ordinanco to pay Provisional Judges for their, services in holding Courts of Uy -. er and Terminer was re-committed to the Finance; Committee r;--.fn;:- ;v ' Mr. Moore, of Wake, introduced an or dinance to amend the charter of the Union Miuing Company, in the County of How an, and tho charter of the; Rudesill; Gold Mining Company, in the County ot Meck-loilburg.f- ;'":..v ' ' ; ' .-': i-'- i- : Tho rules 'were suspended and5 tbe ordi nance passed its second reading. -f V; . ,f , MrMebane moved, on its : third ready ing, to amend the payment of the usual Revenue tax, on acts cf incorporation Kor amendmeut oi charter.: K-; i ; I , Mr:, tMoore,' of stVVake, opposed tho 'a-, mendmeut, ahd Mr. jMebaneV withdrew W ' ' 'f ' v . ; : ' :"..v Mr. "Wright saw. no; reason -why these Companies. should be exempted from the tax.: Ho therefore renewed-- the amend meut. , ; if :?-";..--iVl.?fv-'Yi..Vc '.:;.' ? Mr.vBrowii of -Caswell, moyed ,to : lay the ordinance on tho tablo. .lie was op sedtpabo;.,Conyonti6iis .-entering a'upon i ! geieral courso, of legislation. i Nlhe Con vention - ret used? to lay on tho table. I :--:.vv;.7;Vv f :'.., .--n vr-.-U. , Tho, amendment was then adopted, and the .ordinance passed its third, readings ; A Resolution in v relation to privies and yater closets,-: abating a nuisance iq. : the Capitol,) was adopted under a "suspension ot tfio ruics. ' . : lie dehta created or incurred in aia of ths' rebellion ; which fiaid ordinances have i r become a part of tha organic law of the ; State: And whereas, Telationsf tlie ' ' f . State ,fb; the genWal Government have not f yet been fully; recognized aad where'asiV . ? . tho po6ple of the State do ardently desire, i tbat kS?Tac!ea: vare, itilf , in; the ' V way,jnay..bc.Teoy)ed;:;,fX'.J-;!' 4..;- v-Vi- '. - AtUfi licaolved, That n Committee of seyene. appointed 7 byvthe'-rmident: of i a this Convention tofproceedno Washingtort w tiL . and conieriiwith' the authorities of the tjen-' vfnAi eralorernment aiid report the results of thci r; conicrenceto this ? Con vention at an 4 - ' cany .day; 1 ' V ;f- -v:.'''1 . ' . iir.5 Ward uritrodnceS ; an ordinance tV r v M incofporato the North Carolina Petroleum1 r ' " and;,Mn'!ng;:;Cobpahy to '" : ;" standing committee of five, to be 6tyled .. ',;; the commiitee on ; Corporations. .. . - V" " MriCaldwelU. of Guilford, .an or4inanceu:'"; ' lor exchanging the stocks of the State foi I bonds issited before the year 1861, Mr. McRae, an ordinance to onable tiro: i Fayctteville and Florence ' Railroad Com- - ; -: - . jyanv: to establish National Bank iri the town of Fayetteville. 'Referred tb" -tho--ri -cT committee on Curreney." ' " . - -5i :: ? . Mr. Gnssam, a resolution1 to hold eve A ? , ning sessions frovm and after, to day. Lieir':'V: y ' oveJvunder"rnle.;':;: ;;;V;f . l , -Mr. Wright !frqm, tbe i .committee; ' vliich wy referred "the petition 'of Rev. C., - Thps: D. Fleury, for relief trom pedlars VSi :? tax .iorvtthe;yearyi$il5;Bubinitted,- an ordi-; , nance to grant such f relief, accompanied -;r; v by a lcngthy;and humorous report, setting : A ; .x ; iprth the, reasons ; why the committee, - , : '? while recommending relief in this partie-C ' ular instance, were opposed to- its further extension. .: ' ' '. ' Mr. Pearsall moved to lay the renort , aud ordinance on the table, which was' 1 ' 'i ' . not agreed: to. , r i - ;;fi r,i;ri r-i!:& .. - The Convention t proceeded to , consider, 4 tx(iv ' ' the nmeiHltHf CoustiUition. ", , . . 1' ' i. Mr. Piiillips'mbved to amend the Dei laration of Rights by" adding the'iblbW ' ing; u Provided, Nevertheless, Jh at Courts a? be establisbed ancl held. iri ciiies and incorporated tpyrns, tirjtlieiCpiirt UoGses, in vffich .m te iutefveritioa of grand and?V)juVie &a shall :b prerjbedlaw lljise eanore except aucli f -wliereb f th e tiU uisut q.menmayibecorppral,- i s t r at es as ah al 14 try! , t h e 4 cases , pf ' , m isde meanor shall be", elected 'bv tho people. amdndment accepted : by Mr Oald wel 1 , the "veaand 4riays;w restated ciri 'the adop mental-- r-.rvL :he; Ireading of cBiU;f of: 'Rights was re?r su m ed,l wKe n slii K"ktci on'l ; Mfe CalS wel 1 of ;'Burte. nnovedUc? mebd bfatntlSg S. 8; out tneioros . cucne, anu - insert "snaa hoUv thus pr.tt?idin2r tharthe; rernedyj cf 'uuient, wnenover .tnoxaccuseu buk eeci f-o -n iri o 4- i o. eo tried. Provided, That in. ll.';!?dtor.17? 1,1 aur ':t ?C8 where the: party may beiriipnsonad-,oif pi.t- - , 4, . , v - , , j , v , v;s fined above fifty doDan, holnay-apeaftg ! Bynum hrcd.tommcnd.gon.jral finviiiinriRd ' rciidinff : tliia aiiilndnibhtV VGOibmVnK! C&timi trim oamai .l iArvi tlQ' .1f'?fllrlff V". Sec. 27. jAll courts shall be open, and every person ior an iijurr douo j him in his ..lands,, goods,' person or lenutation shall have remedy "Iby ,due cburso of , law "'T; 1 aifd right and justice administered without fcale, denial or delayr fAdopted4:f "'i,;44'; 7Sec. i2$.No soldier shall in' time i of peace be quartered in any house without "consent1'?1"'' of the, owner ;"nor,in time- otwaiV but hi: t a niannerto Ue prescribed, by daw. ; ; I'ti , -Luc, consitieratio!) or tnose, sections ot u-. Article 2nd .'fthe. Constitutiin, wiiich ie-' late 4 to the basis of ' representation, was : postponed for the present. " 4 4 v On motion;6f Mr. Moore, of Wake,3 the foil owing section was interpolated in Af V tide III between sections 13 and 14; viz r 'V ''Tbp 8tye of the acts and laws shall bei l-f Bo it enacted by the General Assemblr of thQ $tate of North Carolina, as followsr zS. M.n :Moore, of Wake, moved to amend fit 4 ; by adding the following section1: -')y x 4h Xz '? VEaeh member of; the General ABsembl ' H before his taking liis ' scat sbalf Hoke van-4 &--:if-oath or aftirmatibnrUliat' He1ia.icbn;stttW-l tionaliy qualified ftnke his, seat;,if!? miX. , In mtirr -t -AT .. !" ' (Kn nm Ai.il .i-.., . '44 V nau inf ali eH liis nal' Josecutioiis "cb'ti hse f r1ifeoencc4: 4.;- i - -Mr . 1 Ph i 1 1 i pB in pv'ed vJ o' strtlibp ntMri' The Convention was called to order at ton o'clock vA. M. v .. 'X 4 Praybr by Rev. J. . M. A tkinson, of .tire IPi,e4bytorian;Church. - x " ; j. Tneo onrnal.pt baturday mas read apprpveai x!i-i K'f1 :; T- liy4 ' v : " Mr MGehee, Cor ' tho select Commit! wu vqu crvy B4, rei erruu ju r. iu c xo resol u it ions; dielar i hg -w bat has'.? be0rf ana appointing- a .uom mittee , to ascertain t b?at? isvnecessary, to, bo, d one.v toiijrestore r tic fctaiqi xp iner eqera! immonCri feponca 4WheyeVihj&i people:3, the Stated-of NoHKCarolinarliaye -maui fested4tbeir4oy nltVtb tbe general government bpprpnibt iy, an p 1 1 g aucn 1 1 j t?as u res as w eru p eeiu cu vpu motionvbf-Mr, BuxtoaJfhe lamiidf 4X4 ipetttrYfas amended by addjrit lief."'- r. P'V sr V, . .'i.j.r-,-,. w--vw siVWt;4- .c5c u lhe amendment as am'endftd wna ,.v.thftn M -tt ' adoltedyeas'88;uays 11. '-r ,litA u MK.S in i i th, oF;; Johiislon' moved ''to vaV ;r mend ectioni9.:bo atrikinom't.'th(vwnrdaw - ubX 'indl-by-onedifth' of Una -members present.V"' 1 Nv -4 ftUdritbn yeas' and nay a in the 'General Asr;f;r " ' l isemniv to fto-RURtainrri Hv Yr.tm 1 th ' . 1 ?Mr;jtimibrqv pstpn, Asaidthat-tbis 1 i c mmdmnt 'oehri.proposed 4ta restorer s . t :4 j A. j ' 'A il. 1 4. j , . 1 . ...1 J a , n ecessary Or restore,; 31 o.nst lQ.ia 6fSVbMnnebtiMo-wit ; AntoiidinnceVdOi elaringf mdf and yx thp JftjHPTOWS!; 90etyj,proposea restorer , i J-13WHWf"Jf'wieViy 8tod ::Tbe r,v :.T. t asfereiutipgtjaTjtnotiom fori tkeiVisas &'t'z '&r, 'v H andi:ne;ta be snstaiebdlUiy onefiftlif bt, 4 r thevU2embcrs, presrnt was marietby.MhcH ; r I :Cipfonibfa6Gi;MeslBr8. TtjfiTer'and' YV' 4jl paehv nVpp uy't iu;h0Seatc 6eir6Sw$o'lir;u,4:r-cij I : wtenyGJthe-EfeceiontBto.Vr iieat4l s. . iii Caroli Uvore, of rvey, State Wake,- yras -referred ta. &oleV;: it; 4 ' I . i.-Jv .- U-:., i v ; m;'.:,;:,,'. - y -.- - . -:X- .; k.-4 .,;? vy . " . -i! ' i'- 4 :. V : ' m". v w . , :i!.lLJ vuia-i '

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