mstan Bmtmtl. GEO. H. RIGHTS, Local Editor. Capt. Tlourhot has returned from hi visit to the Springs for health' sake.'muoh itiiprovecT we trust, aud re sumed Ins duties as conductor a the Kail Koad. , Thursday , September 9r 1880. tOOAIilTEMS. tAVTE court next week. " Campaign Senttnel. 25ct. Davidson Court this week. Ice houses have about played . .3 . i.' - Gciltoeo court week. i in session tins Married, In Winstonm TJinrs day it, Mr. Jiio. A. Lkwis to Miss ANM LLODFKLTCR. KeV. &, D. PraukHu tiod tbe nuptial knot. ' The npper floor of R. D. John son's new tailoring establishment has been titled up in tip-top style as a lotljra room-tor one anil perhaps more of ur secret orders. . TrarLETON's Saturday better. night. None Snakes are looking out for win ter quarters. See notice property for tale. of valuable town Chinquapins have in the market. been offerod THfe Salem Philharmonic Society began their winter reason of practicing Tuesday night, under direction of their former and efficient instructor, I'rof. D'Auna. When reading the Sbntinsc this week do not fail to peruse the new ad vertisement of J. E. Gilmer and see what a large and varied stock of goods he U receiving for the 6 trade. Wholesale akretitl buyers will find it to their in terest to patronizes this popular estab- mnnjent. uooJs are purchased in large quantities at lowest rates and can be sold on terms that will, astouisb ou, CaJl aud examine. A wngron, f reacted vrth "block ade spirituous" and two line mules, were captured in Gilmer's wagon lot Saturday night, by the revenue officials. The owners, we hear, made good their escape. The fall session of Salem male Academy opens to-day. Fe- ,. The Jewish Naw Year com menced Monday, with the year 5642. Rain with regular fall weather accompaniment set in Tuesday night. Travel and freight on our rail road is constantly on the increase. A large portion of the ciibns bill boards on depot street succumbed to the severe wind and rain Wednesday. It makes no difference, Old John Robinson and his show will be here all the same. More CrnzKNS. Mr. J. V. Shepherd, the polite and accommodatinsr clerk at J. b. Gilmer's, has removed his family from Mt. Airy to Winston. We bid them a cordial welcome, aud wish them a pleasant and lite long stay in our midst. - The Salem Fire Company were : out on their quarterly parade Saturday. . Oue city fat hers are doing a 'jPobIe work on street, McAdamizing. Tobacco curing and fodder pulling1 go hand in ban J with the farmers. Astronomical Prediction. It is predicted by astronomers that some time during September the earth will be in a direct line between the sun and Ju piter, and that intense heat, destructive cyclones, thunder storms, etc., may be expected. Our new Hall will be graced o Saturday night by the well known Ten- pleton Star Alliance- Company. The great success of the past at this place is an ample recommendation, notwith standing trie glowing newspaper ac counts that come to us in pro4osu. Flw lempletoii and Alice Yaits are talented and beautiful artists,, ami we know of 1:0 more pleasant way to soend a t even ing than to attend an eutert&jiirnettf of such a rare and pleasant nature; Pur further intoruatiun se advrt.eraeiit and bills. Correction. In last week's Sen Tinel. we inadvertently made a previous error, lor tt limft we tender tfttw amend. The notice of D. A. Sp&ugh's case before the Magistrate was the article and with the parties concerned laid our error. It should have read Wm. Brown and Bo- deiihamuier, not Lumly. Mr. Liimly has ueeu in air. bpaugtrs employ tor some time, and it attention to duty, honesty, and good character are commendable traits we bespeak for Mr. L continuous employment, and the possessor of such qualities that tend to nuk au houorabie and upright citUeu. Good time to lay in your winter's upply of wood, ii you have liie money. Mit. Chas. Bkfitz, Sr., has opened a grocery establishment in Salem Hancock and Jarvia Tonrnament to-day at 11 o'clock, A. M. Processioiv will form at .lie Court-House. The Ball takes lace to-nisrht. Grand preparations have been made and it the weather fa vors, the occasion will be a most enjoya ble one. The Fete-CKamqttre at the Male Academy Grove, 'I hursday eveni ng last, was a complete success, both in a pleasnrable sense and finaii cialy, too, we am pleased to learn. Much credit is due to the ladies, whose artistic touch and good taste added such beauty and attraction tt the arrangemont ot the grounds, and many other enjoyable features er the evening. November election- The fir" eh n a m a. 1 in each township, is the registrar, the remaining, four are the Judges. Abbott Creek. a. Bits, Wil liam Tucker, M. E. Teague, Wes ley Raper, Dtavid Smith. Belew's Creek Pool Fulton, lu 8. C. otehfieU, W. V. Fulpv W. M. Medaris, Wro. Sf Lancaster. Utliarjia. John N. A,tAr0. f n i - r . uwj , OOI. AUIIe.. II. V. IT Irtvnt K r Bitting, Ejjwin Speas. j0 Broadbay Charles Rotbrrck, W. B. Sbeonerd. Mat tin Ph.U Augastu Tucker, Lewi Smith. Ijewii-villH. J P. Binklej, J. H. Stipe, M. V. Warner, L. C. LaUi,h- euoor, Tuomns Warner. Middle Fork. P. A. n,., Joseph B. Bodeuhamer, Jos. Oavis S. Morris. H. Gouiler. ' Kerueraville. W. G. Kernr n B. Kerner. G. W. E liott. X V.' Keroer.N. W.Sapp. yjia lutioiuoad. tL s. Ra.i t B. Vest, U. Ii. Long, W. Pave", Benjamin Sprinkle. Old To wo J C. H. IIansr R K McGee, J. C. Cicws, J. 1J. Cox, J. Ii. JrU. Salem Chanel. T. M. Ml,al G. W.Leak, B. Crews"; J. D. Wad' dill, Jrn Jease Grnbbs. bouth Foik -John Boter. Frant Bieudle, E. W. Mollican. Wm. Tj. bwaioa, Sam. AUpaugi. Vienna. . i. lhivia, Jacob aiOCK, 5Ol. lise. Aler. Tranonn f.i r - . omib iiuenacir. ITT ... vvinstoD. Wm. Barrow, E. A. toiu, W. Johnson. E. A fcbert, II. L. Shore. COMING ON 50 SPECIAL TRAINS OI CARS 501 One of onr sixteen tobacco fac tories has closed operations lor the season. New tobacco lias put in an ap pearance upon our market. Good prices obiaiiied. A fine lot of Scarfs and Pins, Worsted Suits, etc.. Oof bing House. at the Baltimore Bishop Wightman will dedicate the new Methodist church at Mooresvilie, the foiirt.ii Sunday in September. The oyster season opened with September, the first month of -r." With a few 'exceptions, the majority of our citizens will not have the pleasure of en joying this luxury until cooler weather sets iu. Surprise parlies are a source of much pleasure. and passtime among our 3 oung people at present, Freight cars were rnn for the first time Sunday, in connection with the reu'ar Sunday train, The September moon fulls on the 18th, and is the loveliest moon of all the year the glorious harvest moon. Naval Cadet, Will Gray, home on a short leave of absence, friends are always glad to see his face. is at Will's genial We were pleased to see in our town this week that genial ind courteous, Kobt. T. Gray, Esq.. of Ral eigh. Mr. Gray was 011 a visit to rela tives and friends, in tiiis, his native city. The Hancock and Jarvia Clnb will meet at their Club room on Friday night nkxt. instead ot Saturday night. A full attendance is requested. By order of the President. M. W. NORFLEET. When you come to town to sell your fruit. Go. right to Stein's and buy a suit Of bran new Clothes, which will please your wife. , ..4 And you'll be hahpy all your life. Thief Caught. Deptv Sheriff Bahtison returned from Statesville Sunday eveiing, whither h had gone to convey a prisoner, Jnlins Lambeth, by name, charged with entering and stealing propertv from the houce of Geo. Beatty, near Olin, Iredell county. Lam beth was arretted in Winston on tlio 28th, and taken to Statesville for trial. John Watterson, living near Mt. Airy, has deserted his wife and tour small children aud eloped with another woman. His family is lefc iu a strange neighborhood in a destitute condition. Pass him around. Surry Visitor. The Netobernian is now publish ed as a daily. We hope Bro. Carpenter will meet with abundant success iu this enterprise. The schedule on our railroad has been changed slightly, the train being tue now at 10 :30, twenty minutes earlier. The ancient and time honored "Widow's House building in Salem, is being greatly improved by application of paint and brush. Excellent Buckingham apples, Irora the Blue Ridge section, sold readi ly at 50 cts'per bushel ou our streets the past week. Rev. Me. Gii.breath has been conducting a flourishing singing school at theM.'T. Church, the term ot which ended last Tuesday night. " The eireti8 bills are posted, much to the Oelight of the little folks, tbn colored folks, and a very fair average of the old folks. wMB. W. II. Hall, of Salem, has in his possession a rare sight, consisting of 3 pumpkins grown last summer, and as sound as a dollar. Mrs. J. M. Link and Mrs. W; A3ilmerr of Purhani,.ae visiting Win stn, We wish both the ladies a pleasant Br close attention to business, we find out what is most desirable. For a number of years' practice S. E. Allkn has learned about what is wanted. Give him a call for what II aril ware you may need. Sign of the Circular Saw. The Dejarnctte trial commenced before the corporation Court of Danville, Monday, Judge Aiken presiding. The trial promises to be a tedious one and no doubt the most interesting that ever came up befoie a Virginia, court. De iamette wi:i be defended by some of the best counsel in the .-state. On the 9th inst we ire to have a tournament.. On the 11th Fay Templeton will entertain us. On the 18; h John Robinson will insist on the chi'drcn seeing the animals " And for a num ber of years to come Allen proposes to supplj ail that call on him with Hard ware. The Republican Connty Con vention met here Saturday, and nominated Edgar Lineback for the House, A. Fogle for Sheriff, Jno. II. Masten tor Register of Oeeds, Phillip Mock for Treasurer, Lev trie Grabbs tor Cornner, J. W. Jones for Surveyor. A. H. Joyce, of Stokes, was recommended for the Senate. Frank MoeKLEr, col., hailing from Charlotte. N, C. and for some time past, employed as a sober-boy in this office, was detected Saturday appropri ating articles for his own use and good from the editorial Sanctum. The pro prietor had set a trap by drugging some wnisKey wmcn lea to ni detection, bur no steps wer taken until Suaday night when Mosely was cnught in the in the editor's room by Charles I.evister and 'Mre local" informed. In company wiih officer Wooters a search was insti tuted but nothing perceptible was miss ing. The darkey then upon close ques tioning acknoweledged tl e theft of the whisHey, an I officer Wooters proceeded to discbarge his duty. Ere this could be accomplished, the negro, who was stand ing at the back window in the office, leaped to the ground, a distance of some IS or 20 feet, in his night dress, and made good his escape. Local Notices ! All of the leading daily papers m fivturuus are Kept at CUUTla' BOOK STOSE. at JpeT received, a Car Load Stoves Brown, Rogers & Co. Wk Do Say that wo now have the best 5 cent cigar in town, try it at Smith's Drug Store. A full line of Guitar, Violin and Banjo Strings at Montague fc Gray's Di ng Store. Lathe's Dress Goods. R. Gray has just received a nice lot of Ladie's Uress Goods. Red C. Oil gives satisfaction. Sold at Smith's Drug Store, also Al- laddin. Security Oil, 1.5Q- test. Joan noDinson 3 Great World's Exposition! NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT SHOW ! ANIMAL COXSERVATORi AQUARIUM and Stricihj Mo at CIRCUS t ltflllN win ?ntxixzt jt WINSTON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH. -eofM,:o,d-4 c.r&rc'i Sertut ". 2. .iM but aurpanmngly brilliant liaiit. f-niwUiiu iu iiitltv .!,.. ,"" i . "" .. ","" ''". i i ... i ' ' ' . .iui,a raujua OI 1 1 FOR THE UofSepteiklQ, J. E. GILMER Is receivivg a large and veUatlocta) stock of FALL GOODS, Coaslstiug of-.a Urge and varied stock of PRINTS, CASHMERES, V A IMKS, CHAFE Lu-TBES, JkiyACA, JUfUNS, Ac, tc. c. Brown and Rleachml Mnnllnn l-i11lnra Rm IMcaclii tt aud Colored. Wool ai.d Uutnn Flui. Dvla white colored, &c, 4o. FLA ID UNSETiS COTTON DAMASK3. lOWELLlNO. TlfVlNasi Ac, A a.. .Tit KIN(S For You. A certain cure Smith's Scrofula Syrup a perfect specific for all impu.itiesof the blood. Sold only at Smith's Drug Store. The Orange Presbytery met " in Reidsvillc Sunday. Rev. Mr, Johnson, of t he Presbyterian Church of this plactc, was in at tendance. ; The session was of an interesting nature aud largely at tended. Messrs!. 'Vtolil & Stockton are erecting a large nua-ber of stalls and liavirrg other noticaole iuipro'vemeuts underway at their new tobacco warehouse. Lewis Stein, of the popnlar clothing house of f. Stein & Son, re turned Irom his trip to Baltimore the past week. ' LtwV return was fuliewed by an immense stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods, which will be tully described by calling on the firm or watching our columns for a mammoth advertisement soon to appear. V We invite the special attention of our farmer friends to the article '-Ex-hfbition of Tobacco at our State Fair," to be found on the editorial page. TTk are pleased to rotice that JBererol Uttle Misses are engaged in pre paring needle and fancy work- for exhi bition at the approaching State Fair. ' T " The well-known firm of Miller Bros., Carpenters aud Builders, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The busi- i ness will in future be carried on by G L. . mc ir IT .1 . . v . ti. aimer, unuer tue oiu nrm name. We know the geullcmcn, and recommend them from past experience to the patron age of our public. See advertisement. Raiw ! Rain I IStill it rains, and to prevent Pneumonia and Consump tion o tq the Baltimore Clothing House and buy one of those flue Gossamer Bobber Coats and keep dry. . Thefts are becoming xpute com monVaifdwerdttlcf advise oureltizens to keep on hand an abundant supply of bull I"308J hot-guaojr derringer, lor ready application, '- i- -'- -- . ?Th Jewish portion of onr eorn- ' miinity observed Monday as a holiday in . commemoration -r ot v- their T New " ear's Dajor Rosh Uasbana, as it is called in tfacrfiebrew tongue. The residence of Mrs. Mock, a widow lady, living a few miles be low Salem was entered last Mon day aud $7 in money and a quanti ty ot clothing stolen therefrom. The family' were at church at the time of the robberv. : Hinshaw Bros. r have received the past tew .days, and are receiving 910 Sacks Salt, 43 Bags Coffee, 15 Bbls. Sngar, 20 Hoxcs Meat, 15 Bales Plaids and Sheeting, and- a large lot of -Dry Goods, Notions and Medicines. Also five Car loads' Star Brand Wheat' Manure. The Star'Brand manures are the most popular fertilizers ' ever sold iu North Carolina. , John Robinson's Bio Show is Coming. Wonder upon wonders! John Robinson's mammoth Circus and Me nagerie will exhibit in Winston on Sep tembei 18tb. Our people can expect one of the grandest and most magnificent sights that has ever visited the 'twin- towns." Everything is new, and every wagon Is a tableax cage or den. occu pied by ore of the largest collections ol beasts aud fowls now travelling upor. tho American continent. Ojt people are huh in their expectations and well they might be. From what we nave heard and Seen, the most vivid imagination, pictures truth beyond a doubt. He has the best clowns, the largest collection of rare atii raals. the best bare-back riders, gym leasts, "and everything that constitutes a first-cla's show. S e mammoth posters, hand-bills and our advertisement for further particulars, and also an extract from the Lynchburg Virginian : Old John Robinson's show yesterday was a grand success not only in point ot the attendance, which was immense, out iu the excellence, the variety and j and completeness of the exhibition. To. tell of the many wonderful animals, the nne horses and sprightly dogs, the mar- veuous teats or Horsemanship aud uvm nasties, the witticisms ot Lowlow, that pnuce oi ciowns, auu countless other features would lead us far beyond the limits of our space. Sufficient to say that the exhibition was one of the best, that our people have vet seen, and that Obi John's sreat show wi I be weienm. a to Lynchburg whenever it shall come.' Why shark when you can buy a come ot feruvian (Jhiil Cure a Smith's Drug Store and oure yourself we can recommend it. Dox't forget that Montague & Gray s Drug Store is Headquarters lor an kinds ol Tobacco. Smoking and Chewing lobaccos, Cigars, Ci garetts, &c. The best BUSINESS SCHOOL in tne Mate, tlak Kuige Institute. Special renumansnip anu liook-keeping Depart men I- loung men wisiiiug to prepare tor commercial pursuits leaching or College, will do well to address Prof's. J. A. & M. U. HOLT, 31-8w Oak Ridge, N. C Ice, Ice Ice. More Ice at the Central Hotel. Put vour orders in the boxes and let us supoiy you. PFOHL & STOCKTON. July 21, 80-lni. Mineral Waters AT THOMPSON'S DRtTG STORE I Kissengen, llunyadi, Vichy, Buttalo Lilaia, Apollinaris, Congress, Ac. MONTAGUE & GRAFS DRUG STORE! Commissioner's Coct. W e cull only the most important proceedings. ur. J. Keruer was annonted R. R. Tax Collector with a salary of $300. A bond of $45,000 was reoutrvd. double the amount of tax laid. The bond waa given on Tuesdav. John W Gentry and B Y Hen dricks were appointed School Com mittee for Dtst. No. 18. in nlace of J. b.' Hartman and B. J. s nn resigned. A petition was presented for a new polling place, signet! by a number of tht. citizens of Salem and other por tions or the Township. Petition filed and the Clerk ordered to have Jdue potiee given in the papers for lour The following persons were ap pointed Registrars and Judge of the N"URAi.GrNE. This specific f o N iralgia and Headache is offered to t public not as a King Curb All, out as only good for Neuralgia aud Headache, tor these troubles it is nn failing. Every bottle, guaranteed if taken according to directions. Sold by Dr. V. O. Thompson, Winston, N-C. 7 tf. A neat fit, good poods, and well made is what you are sure to get if you haveyoui clothes made oy it. l. John stou, the merchant tailor, lie lias just received a tresn lot oi r-ngiun, t rench and American caslmeres and suitings, ...... .. .. r 7 suitaoie tor aress or uusmnss suits. It will be noticed that the names of all "Visiting Cards. A fresh sup ply of plain, fancy and mourning cards reciyed at the sentinel Job Office. 10,000 pounds Sheet (or Fine) Iron to arrive within the next few days at Allen's. Old papers for sale at this office at fifty cents per hundred . Wedding. Invitation and Visit ing Cards handsomely printed at the Sentinel Job Office. Fresh Arrival the hi test 6tyle at Clothing House. of Clothing of the Baltimore Make from arr wtk selling goods for E. a Kli.tOUm in Barclay Sireet. Mew York. Send for their Oatalavue and terms, ang. tt, slr, a Jeanne Tha. rtk.rtpunMise.hv tti4v fc'kckkiiviii aaeembled iu the univerae, introdaci.g uw but .U.o.w.Vno'v"," toffia'tfttr enHine used, iu connection with tbia lii.t c-ntrnctr.I wKeLCii , Steam t at(t ompany, of Fitcbbiirgli, VI.iks. The ingt-A aud AND CA6HS 50 GREAT DENS ?XZrJZ? '-"!1 aeain. olextxuct Animate, Uixda and KepUleaoa the c4i wi 1 lvriuT-al emi.' un,l.8 lOO STAR ARTISTS! Male and FVniile from the bst I ticrtrian and Oymic stabU-hrecnts the worll tag T-ortaced 'nrM, and Kare Lioja of he. ea naoieMSe B..nV,trB Khjuu r, livj, s HiWKpirtai7 TreSfed I SmJ -1", liv.iifcj Kytitjau 1 rocoUile 2u f e t iotte. A : ' . . j ' . ". Keapte. Birds and KeutilV. , 'Z "ears- aua "u euJ,us collect..,, oi a 1 the n..e a rmhracing every kuowu A herd of MoBeter EleDhanta. trained ti r f-. aiciegjfrom the tjny yearling lo the most stupendous ma toy m existence mate. The jaoat coolulete and eihaustTve a Z 1 ." ? S ..f-"1'"1"' 'V"e edm,vd ani. - j vluvc ovvuaiu cer csiaullMJCu. A Magnificent Novelty Parade ! Thifl ffTflTtai flnMfjlinlf hnl.Hair atixuit r. 111 1.. o. " 2 J ' poHrnu, will ue uwn iwBucKUl tU DkriL All ICH aniiineifl uo Pleasl..g surprise, the extended le.iune of Tag.V, Ian. and ruario re maiT " " f""' ""! elaborate wcukmaiiBhi., win i.,., . ..1....' ..'u ' UJ,l. R'" e "wt. r,K.t.eH o tbe ,,st etreatg. Eveo t'a is. .tudv n i .V.: " V..? ' " ,'uau ".Jlr P-. 'ho of an attractioi a. the myriad 'cnrioaitfcilErt our Zi cJ , he tminue pYlv'i L'h B,,, .uc m-w auu cusiiy ueua ana i.airs : the r.lei Urns 'ruTiflu nmi lr,,,. , , ' , y caparisoned ; ih the splendid reliuue of Kiuir HorJ H, . i M, I 'i-. .?t.f.!l"",i."11 e 'u' ' an aocntablfi innvaMnn u i.t nMwsorivB ud HMuiiutmeuU art- niiickpau niw. all ili.'itiw A comDlet and henvv mtn k of .It A V KEiiiiS, SATIN fcTTS, he. A HH MERETTi Klicn. Salfcin and BetkauiA nianufactorr of Jiana ftud -NOTIONS,- embrciiig all tbje arid article of that brsnclk of trade, AN)i QU h&sxl a large Bto& q HECS a&4 buys WookPaxouyfc aud ir. A heavy st'ock of ieu Bojs', Ladiet.' M '.43U ad CLtldreub' SHOES, of dirforcut grades and minufactorits. MENS' AD BOYS' BOOTSL KsndulpbandIbuBou A A Sheetings. Holts Plaids, GteghamSj Ac, drugs & meiucixes; a futl tiae to selewt frviia. COFFES, S( IDA, SVOARS, SYHUl-i. Oil, SPIO$ runted ; with Hanfer. waving. KIurs nd Emhles flying :7Vh.g toeotUer ' a at ean ? 9 Tutl, poamg in its mn.titudinotu, v ..riet of ..tractions tLn, famo'uViatta p'nJsoL'nt "J?, V"c l,tlce' aamua to veryming here artverlited, ike udnn-ion Icing the same and no more than ta charged by minor Shows with only one or two tents. Two Performances Daily. Doors opsn at 2 and 6 P. M. A.d-m i ssion; 75 c1:s The Sreat iarpm Ilemloek Leather, Salt., -1 Cotton Yarns, Iieady-made Clothing, Umbrellas, Qil Cloths. Nails, Carpetinpr, rutty, &c &c. Powder, Hooks and Lead, Stationery, and Shot. GENTS ITURNISHIKG G03ES. Western ani Country Bacon r STONE WAKE, CROCKERY and GLASS Y ARK. By the crate, special inducements. Sept , 8, 4u-,t r.eniiriru, v m.. noonn, 01Dvii oa.i y, f Mokes CiUUlJ. Of ti.kes County. SPRING- AIB SUMMER, 0Xa New Goods, Spring Prints, Ladies' Dress Goods! Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Notions, etc. Gentlemen's Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Fertilizers. CEIN FACT AgQ Com jpl&b& St;ooIls:I Of everything which we offer LOW DOWN, at WHOLESALE and RETAIL! tyUall and examine our Stock before buying: you will find itl FULL and FIRST-CLASS. :. may 13 23 tf CQMl Now arriving at the new Store of GRIFFITH, MOORS and Co, on the OCJBTTRN' CORNER, we 11-tte looted stock of a large, new am) x 3vt sr ca- o o x GROCERIES, :n otions,- HAT3, E0jT3 a-d SHOES, f 3 H VJ & Si 3a ITIBlBrjaS WAIBIB, Ooio Xioatlier. B.iCO., JAL.T, Vc. Io faot everything kept in a Fl HST.CI, ASS Store, WE ARE NOW OPEN nd earnestly solicit our naany friends and forme rtiHtoiutjn tu be Mure and not bMy goods Lfpra they GIVE US A LOOK as we are BatiBflod we are fully prepared to giva; ESTIUE SATISFACTION, All Qmiw Ouabajitrkp as Reppesinted. We are jtiBt startino aud iutcud to build ud is boueBt trade by luir oealiug. Griffith. Moor & Co. Dec. II, v, not. Montagus U Sray, Winston, JY. C.

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