?! M v. ; WT" -'''' '.. - ......... O-S v. M. M A.THE3,. Proprietor. FR2SS AND INDEPENDENT. $1.50 per Tear in Advane VOL. XXYL WINSTON N. C., THURSDAY MAY 25, 1882., NO. 23 -.HP GEOa. M. M ATHES. Editor. CASH IN ADVANCE Qae epy; -oae year, i " ait month, .- ..- - three months; . . jMgU.1!!-! 11 'Ml l i-i v- . $1.50 . .75 . .5? 9 MT. DURHAM,- PBACTICAI. 1B SMLI1 1M " W15ST0H,' B. 0. Write for Fries List ni Deabjua. My 9 187$ m i - A.L L. El, - THE JEWELER, North Side G IT. Square. Fractfcal f atchnmto1 jiif Jeweler. KEEPS en fend fine stock of Watch -w, (locks nd- Jewelry. V All wwk dona iu tha best manner and warranted. Marsh lata, 1 . vMnt S.tf ; Dr. Jr G ECTOR,; WIJfSTOT, it. c: 0tfci it Resideatfis oa Depot Street.. HAVING LOcil'ED IN WINSTON, ffare bis prefrssionol services to the citi ana of Winston, Satan and the surrounding oeaatry. Jane 30. Voi.a5 no 30 3m. Dr. Preston Roan, offffferts his PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO the citizens of Winston and suiv roauding country. VT' OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. Ml' h-ny message lft a either lrug Store will r aeive prompt attention- Dr. S J. MONTAGUS. .(o . FKtCE and resilience on Church itraet, betvtau First and ;'-ecnd Streets. o Winston, Hf, ?raspt Mt&atioa Paid to all CaHs. Ian. tad, 1BJ. iaaS. Bi ROB AH F. GRAY, OFFICE : OPPOSITE MERXHIMIS' HOTEL, WINSTON, N. C. Jnas 19. 181. Vol. 26-no. 39. If- BEST TRUSS IB THE CIUHTRY ! CCVfT' UAN RVHH TKUtK. mf mam" Dr. V. O. TtfOMgS.ON, Agen JJ. CELEBRATED STOMACH ' Among the medicinal' means of arresting: disease, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters stands pre-eminent. It checks the- further progress' of all disorders of the stomach, liver and" bowels revive the vital stamina, pi-events and., remedies chills and fever, increases the activity of the kidneys, counteracts a tendency to rheu matism, and is a genuine stay and solace to aged, infirm and nervous persons. for sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. CLOCKS, WATCHES AND Jewelry Irtepaired. BY TRAD, M. BDTNER. Next door to Pfohl Stock tort s.) ear-PKICES MODEKATE and SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED, vol ?t no 13 3in.. ; Mahone and the Pago. Dp. Mott's Music. Philadelphia Record, Independent. Greenaboro North Slate. Tli dsbasing eflsct of p?irty s&lr- Dr. Mott?n Formed the repreaona it nover betrayed itself so shame-l tive of the Greensboro . News that Lessiv at in tbe rote of Gn. Ma-j he had "om propositions and 8ii- hone with tbe Republican maioritr gsstions to suggest to the coramit- of the Senato to refer thp bill for tee,- which if acted aarourably upon remoyintf- the disabiht es of Dr. will 'stir up the animals' all over Tebbs to the Judiciary Committee. which disposes f the 6nbiect for the present session at least. By Uie vote of Mahone the question was decided against the ex-paa of the Uontederate benate. A. news paper cur respondent in Washington remarks. Ttrajt this vote was "odd. It was indescribably iniimons. This the State. 41 Ad then,' with a tomahavck smUojvooifwill hsjar.th.e music- Beinjj thn3 assured of the will be orchestral plans it wilt be proper tor tho liepubheans ot lorth Caro lina to prepare themselves far the treat he is about to get np for T?"i tios Tejnarl. o toll n ex-major general of Hie Conteder- State conveutioI at Rateigh, and acy uau iaipt-u iruupa iu ijvicu war against his countrj. Under Ins orders thousands of men were hewn down in battle. It is true enough that he has sought ta en hance his military glory at the ex pense of better men ; but what rep utation he owns was acquired iu the war tor the destruction of the Union, Ho entered into this re- Mott Surrenders. THR B0LLY OF THE REPUBLICAN' RISO LAID LOW BY THE BALL OVKKPCE; LIC AN .PROHIBITION we have also a, call for a county convention m the JNorth btate of the 27th ult., and the proper place to arrange for this musical euter' tainment will, bc.in the township meetings. W.hen the Republicans of tlie Piedmont region tlius meet in con vention: we need, not say to them, beliion in the fulness of his man-r guard." We care net how ! hood and the ripeness ef his iude- thev. have been w.ith us,, but let ment. When the war was over he them be true men of tried princN enriched himself by entering into pies and not spoil "prospectors" nor r'amhinations of suecuiators. who tho creatures ot demagogues, lnese robbed the impoverished State ot will elect the right kind ot men to Virginia of its railroads MGSIESi AND CAR AGES FOR SALE. I IAVE, EIGHTY BUGGIES AP CARRIAGES which caw be examined by callinf at tl-e late Storehouse of H. A. Sidtlall, in Sa lem, audi at Cicero Tise's. hi Bfinston. I will aeJl at low prices, ALSO BUGGY and: WAGON IIAP NKSS at aU; PltlCES, Come and examine mjr stock, J. TV TATIS, tICKHO TISE. March lCth.3;r iHEALY I W Ml DEALERS IN FAsMCY GBOGEBiES, CKO.CKERY, Glass, Tin, Wood and Willow Ware Will pay tho Highest Market Prices for a".l kind, of Country Produce. We defy competition, and invite an inspection of our stock and, prices. Store next to Reed Bros , near Depot.. March 29th, 1881. T2Snol5. the State-convention, both, to make and hear tho music. T)r. Mott, with characteristic con sistency as an office-seeker, but with an inconsistency out of char act3r with the phico of the cliJtir- I iirm rf tha Ttpnnblican. exftcutivp. ex-uon- -r r;r ii.r it : otate comnaiiiee, hiso. iri.ei ms hand as aeeei" and we have, this as to the future, of the party he at tempts to.- sell: 'The man who doesn't see. the signs of party disintegration is a tool- It is coming with a bewilder ing force, and will upset many nice- Reli-ived of LJs disabilities, Sta llone enters the Senate of the Uni ted States and holds the balance between parties in tho Government against which he had waged war for four rears. Jfct this federate major general is seen giv ing bis casting vote in the. Senate against'removing tho disabijiiiei of a yonn man who. desires to. enter the army as. a surgeon, and. whese only crime against his country wap Itis infantile service as a page in the Uontederate benate. W ben 1 ebbs, haij plans.'' the little pago, was carrying harm- nere doubtless is where Th: Mott less messages in the Confederate intends the music shall come ' in Scaate. the reoel msrror general wl,en the convention under Ins waft sending deadly missives in.to man ipulation shall have sold the the ranks ot bis countrymen ;. yet grand o 1 the ex-major general., who sits in the Senate, tho arbitt-r between Republican party to orBeo-teekcrs without political or moral principals and to the anti- partiex , with his own offonces par p ohibitton association. No doubt doned, refuses to pardon the of- the sorrow ana wailing ot fence of the ex-page in the same Republicans in, such, an event SALE AN Q UVERY STABLE ! CllOTJHFIKLD &' He ARTHUR, B,mesiisra te F CI. GvfttbfieM KEEP CONSTANTLY v . . ...... y. , PsLsTOa,BuooiK4 and HoKSKa. for hire. e also buy and sell TTnra.a .nn Rucrfrios 3Cwsh patal for feed Jam. 38. 1S7 Atf - - - - - Robert D. Johnston, lASHIONARLB MEB CHANT TAIL Qlt, If XPf CqNSTAKTLT i 9AND A LIIE f Aae lajporM . ' A tear raetical axvsriance in the art o f CUT TllfO, t NmXork and thi atats, jntines ht asartism that 1 cn gTv a pfrfect fit, and I guar antee that all "foods qiade up in my eatablishmsnC s. mUUHVW., wri( dana on r.aionable terms. vMysatabltaaaMmi la next door to Hat Hocu IAS A- CRAY, FIRE ISURANCE. WINSTON, N. C. flret Class Cempaiei Repre- LOW RATES GIVES QJf DWBLUMtJS TO TERMS OF 3 ASJD 5 IB AK3. Whits Sulphur Springs, 3VIt. Airy, 1ST. O. cause. What will the grizzly vet eranaen both sides who faced each other in battle say ot suclv, an act ? Wliat will decent men think ot it The conduct of the Republicans of the Senate in raising such a tyiestiosi was exceedingly" puerils,, hut the vote of Mahone w.th them was unspeakably mean. The Re publicans had at least a partisan motive, though an extremely email one, in making an issue aver such a case ot disability as that ot a poor page. Senator Edmunds wanted to erect a "monument" that there was a right and, a wrong side true will who rob b music to him, and those with him have conspired to Republicans of their heritage. These, worst enemies of the Repub lican p&rty who sacrifice its prin ciples and honor fur selfi-h aggran dizement will no doubt "stir tip the animals all over the State," to use Dr. Mott's chaste classic words, and lie will find that tho men who stood under fire from 1805 to 1870 for their principles, with martyr de votion, are not tho men who can be sold, nor will they give their voice to disintegrate the Republican party. Such plana for the betrayl ot the party they love can only be to the rebellion, and he pounced upon. Tebbs for the purpose ; but carried out over piostratc Republi Mahene could have had no rcotive principles- and Republican but his innate basoD.ess and, servil-f men. in this matter we only speak ity. Fealty to his new party ties the sentiment ot all true and honest T?n nleTJr3. nllE Ifun-und required no such act of degrada-4 Republicans. The Rejpvhlican lor a desirable summer resort, at which to spend tiotl blithe performed It With party tntCSt III tts principles the heated term.. So we would call their special at . i . i. ..-7 Ti. "t tention to the MT. AIRY WHITE 8UI.P-H.UK Keeu saiibiaciiuo, uccaubu it wauiuwwye jj rimer ycxA. and because it was aims be preserved. The true men The, spr .re situated in the j ongeniai to hj8 treacherous nature, yill only fight under the old Q.A Desirstbla ana Hsalthy IrfOCauty ,15y voting against removing the aa ior uie principles in the State, possessing every advantage In tho disabilities ot the eX Page he way of climate and natural resources. Its waters I ,,, r m superior to any White Sulphur in Virginia or I enaOlfiU tO oratlIY 111 H Small . k. I -.1... T 1...- i n .. t. SPRINGS, most on which was based the Republican party. When Way I 11 uecomes umj u inuagisi Boautm- ixorth (Jarobna. Its curative proper ies cannot be , ... , , . , ' . . il,nf om.nmKlf trr cnnili surpassed. Hundreds of invalids who have used niS UatreQ OI tllOSO WUOSe COnietUPl -'"y r"- and this water are ready to testify to this fact. The t aro..A- DamoA M uhnno, Iiea3 HO principles and n'Qpatl10tlC wjafar Is ia1 anrl AMoalii tra thA takt IhA Hn. 1 w MaaiwvA.i . wv a w a w I , i tel at these SDrintTS Will be " I XAa fAi'triAno a-.. rant. Kaa Tii-af Anl I aims. tlJ8V il'6 i ilk liio tut Lu.ua sct .. a i un kiwu win i i ' Seapeaedfartas Heceptiaasf YW- kt.j t- oa.:.. have no part With th.OE.e wile have tars am Jaselit issa, i udrcu I'vuiiotn A9ovi.i.ivu9 1 . , with better accommodations than ever before giv-1 hut he has raised an 1SSUC Which, it f m nwitiff tn fh. rant that 1 tin natal raw re. I I . . " . . . . 1 , 1" 1 t r J. u u centiy been enlarged, sua otner improvements I bucueosi 111, tutibk caok nu iiiutiiiui': QAde that wiu sau greatly to tue pleasure anal . - e j; t Aeheville Gitissn. Dr. Mott?s star is not in tho as cend, nt any more. Having to "step down and out" from the of fice he has .disgraced, and having his mal-auministration shown up. just as he was preparing to... enter upon a grander race for. otuce, ought to have been enough for one mortal to submit to: but still fur ther humilitation awaited him. - He lias been. for some time denouncing Mr. Ball, and Mr. Keogh and Mr. Dnglas6, and Judge Dick, and the thousands of other Republicans who refuse te be his henchmen and ypte on. a nou political an.d non partisan question to suit his inter est?, and has been laying down the law that these gcutleiuau cither hadtto,su.bnyt to ha dictation in the management ot the Itepublican. party, or they could leave it. He told them they were insignificant in nnrobers and influence, and he could, well afford to swap them for the "Liberal Democrats," Nat Atkinson, Col. Jjohnson, and two er three others, each of wheirij as a Republican said to us this week, has a scab upon him because the Democrats wouldn't give them offices, an.d: a; great deal more of such pojite. literature and harmon izing English. Indeed, the Doctor has, set him self up as the "boss dog of tho bone-yard," and none must dare molest hiuj or question his authori ty lie w,as weak, enough Jto assume that the 11&,000 majority against prohibition last summer were all the sheep of his pasture and wern carried in tho hollow ef his lvand, and those oy.eii.oj: h' own politico) household) of faith who chose-to: differ with him on that particular question must satisfy themselves with the crumbs, which he. might choose to pitch, to them, but to have a voice or a seat at the table would be a sacrilege, not to bo borne. . A caucus of, tlie elem,ent3 was onl'iedr to meet in Asbevillo Thurs-" day nigkt. A number were pres ent, from Geensboro to Cherokee. Dr. Alett was there, he was. lhe ruling in and ruling out programme was cussed and discassed, pro and con, np ar.a uown, ana so iar as Mtt and his wing are concerned it was more v-up ' than "down, ic.ora "ajo.n" than ''pr,o." t was evident before the speaker ceased tiiat the Doctor's cornet, usually well-laced, was loosening. It was necessnrv. Bull and those "few" erohibitiouists for whom he spoke laid the law down to the great go lier of the revenue ring, and some thing had to gie wav or b.nst. The corpct gave way, Mott followed. Ball and the prohibs are the bosses of the Republican camp. Exit Mott. None so poor now as to do him reverence. Ball, the Bantam slew the Dunghill and steps forth the cock of the wra'.k. Mott is wal loped on his own ground, ne has surrendered to the enemy he de spises most Ball, D(onglas, Kcogh and others, Ancient Uses of Sicins and Leather. Jn these days, of steal pens and n.ote.!paptr but littje thought is given .to the fact thai oup trade was among the first to provide man with an article whereon ho could inscribe the. history of his time?, and hand it down intact and well preserved for the enlightenment of future generations. Many have forgotten, or, perhaps, never knew, that the skin of animals ad leather in its innufctured state, with awls and thorns for pens, comprised about the entire stock in trade ofJ thaiiciet stationary store. The skins most generally tvd for this pmrpose were those of the sheep, the goat, and the ass. The Persians of old employe them for writrng'their records, as did also the ancient Ionians. . Buchariau found in India a copy of a.' law written on a roll of leather fi t teen feet long; and many similar, rotys are known to exist, some extending t:o the extraordinary length of oue hundred, feet. Even ' fish skins were not despised. The Mexicans employed them also. Pergament, or parc'iment, as we now call it, takes its name from its being first used by Eumenes, K'ng of Per gamus, about three hundred years before. tlo Christian era, It is. said that the imjr.ediate cause of the introduction..' of parch" ment was a decision on the part of Ptolemy, King of Egypt, to prohibit the exportation of parchment from that "country. This caused Eu menes to incite his subjects, to, dis cover, a substitute. Many 'writers hold, that Enmenea. wjis not the cause ct the' origination of parch ment, out of the improvement of the old viembrana, or parchment of the inferior kind. At any rate, it is from the introduction of parch ment or veliiim, that we date the first step toward the modern form of books. Membrana, an inferior kiud of parchment, was also used. Iu or- der to prepare tins, tlio slim wf a separated between the hide and the flesh, and by working and; rubbing wjth quicklime was tortcad into leaves fit for the purppses. of the wr.ter. jins torm ot writing ma terial was extensively employed by the Hebrews, and Greeks. 92,653 United, Victor Hugo on Im.mpraMy. I greatly to me pieaaure ana i . - e j; ; i o . . comfort of guasts. So parti's wishing to visit Biaill OI reptiaiaUOH OH 1113 OiaiC, ;neVr1u, 00,00 tbo tMl nac tn" Und he has found. ap.ologUts and The South Struggling by Herself.- Ftrat-CIataa AccaUBSOilstlaa. I thank the public for past patronaire. and earn estly aonc-t a coutinuation or the same, - J .1 iturvs KOBBRTS, April 3Tth lSli, nol9 4ta. Frepxistor. defenders. But for this last act of petty meanness .there can bo no tbe AUKiING. -SMv'onen policy in Vvaaat yma .'opAnx in the United Sfe'r- tiacataa.ox inauranco liiMUed at small coat for one relay m more ou inyestuKnts, ta produce, Tobacco, The "t. C. State Life IiMmance Coiupany tSopre.cjted. jcvery aun should hava a Life Policy and this" I r: t J - uchtid. or taa patron age. Pays all I JSIELK?"1"' aud " Uberal ia Us rates and Wlao .O.Oe,aa,l7.1. i . I . CO -1 f g H Of IS- O J 1 u rr n a Kerosene and Salt for Diptharia. Mobil. Ala. Register. It would nq be. well to, break: up apoiegy or eicuse. 4. pari-aiuy j-v of 1882 a better thin2 lhan th! A 1 k " 1 A. J a I 01 inouusnip inusr. turn irom us divided South of 1872 1 Walt street author with disgust. -sn 8av so. Haves said so in 1877 when he removed the last military Since 1879 an enormous amount of force and built up, the "olid South. Northern capital, estimated at $200,- Grant said when he made his tonx of 000,000, has been invested io South.- the South a few year ago and when era lauu,Soutuern orangeries, South- Rex dubbed him Duke of Galena. ern fertilizing manufactories, South- Ji the solid South had done any ern cotton factories and Southern wronsr it iniiiht be proper to lament railroads, which earn their dividends that our political power is not divi- lu transporting lue prouucis 01 tue jecl anq IQUS uestroyea, jjui, yf e country. The railroads alone, it has have done no wrong. We have giy been calculated, haye absorbed $125,- en the whites and blacks alike good uuUjUUU 01 money, arawn trom Jrenn-1 laws and etncient. aaanoistration. sylvania,New York and Massachu-I We have elevated the credit of States setts. Other millions of dollars are and municipalities, and have steadily being put in roads now building in increased the value of products and A corrcspo.nrent of the New York S.un says ; in 1862, on a plantation ia South Alabama, where there was great diticulty in securing good med ical advice, I saw a whole planata tion of blacks, as well as the whits members of a large family, success fully treated for diptheria with kero sene oil and salt ; used thus ; Bvei y patient was given a lump, of rock salt about tlie si&e of a boy' marble, and instructed to keep it in his or her mouth, swallowing the salty saliva. At tbe same time the throat was rub bed with kerosene oil, and a flannel saturated with kerosene kept around the neck until the symptoms were. abated or entirely gone. If necessa ry mild cathartics were given. Not a case was lost, and tuere were tally 10 in all on the plantation, I feel in myself the future life. am like a torest which has been more than once cut down. Tho new slioo,ts sre strongsr and liveli er than ever. I am. rising., I; know toward tlie sky. I lie snnsliina is on my head. The earth gives me generous sap. but heaven lights me with tlie reflection of unknown worlds. You say the 6oul is noth ing but tlie resultant of bodily powers. Why then, is my soul the more luminous when my bodily powers, begin to tail. Winter is on my head and eternal' spring, is in my heart. Then I breathe, at this honr, the fragrance of the lilacs, the violets and the roses, as at twejity rail ' t ' years, lue nearer 1 approacu tno end tjho plainer 1 hear around me tne immortal symphonies ot ttie worlds which invite me. It is mar- yeloiis. yet simple. It is a fairy tale, an. it is a histpiy. For hall a century I have, been writing my thoughts in prose, verses, history, philosophy, drama, romance, tradi tion, satire, ode, song 1 have tried all. But I feel that I hae njt said one tiiousanum part 01 wnat is in mo' crave I ers, "I have mushed my dav s have My day's work He tbat.-svrplja ia .p-xspefiir sure to Bhritik in adveriit. North Carolina hae, over fifty cotton TWt.crcs, w;,h capital of $2,775,-000, pring $,000,000.., The naw census show Protestant churches in the States, wiijh 7l,G2 minisUrs aod,- uuJ,uog , members. The best victr:es 0 tLoaj.that, are least bhQ(lyrj-ioaoUiat, th.ongb, . achieved by tlni.liaiid arft.ianag- epby tho,hed. Thero is nothing so eajya to bqm wise for others ; a specie of, prod gHtyf by the way forr au,cjl wituj imjs vjiplly waited. The m,an, w.ho at forjiy, is still dependent on his weekly wages, liayicg.sHvod nothing is. heavily' har.dioHpj;ed fDj the Iyi,n1e-trttch.4 of litii. A, word that. has bpn said ir.y be unsaid ; it U but irt But when a deed is done it cannot be undone, nor can our thoughts reaqh out iqt all the mischieff tht may follow. In 188i there wre 720,045 for-, cign imuiigrant: arrivals in the Uni ted States. Thus far this year the iacreaso is.f.per cenf. oyer last yea;-. in the.Spnhe7i Methodist U copal Church there are a.6Q,6$7 ministers, anil-members. The travr- eliing preachers number 3,704 ti-T peraunuated 307, and local 5,865. A Raleigh (N. C.) dispatch, saya tjiat four United States prison ra'ta jail at Asheville, for terras of0 six aqd three 'years, Lave made their, es-, (jape and gone to parts uuknewn. The Terminal Company, whbh, ip the controlling pp?T,err in lhe Rich,-. rabn.dand Dauv.ijle Railroad system, has bought the ltoad from Spartan-' burg to Asheville. It ia to be.fipish- en 10 vsueviut atonce, An exchange ta,x that a bee--, keeper in LpsAngelo, (aliparnia, h"as received an order from. Aus tralia for several coIomqs. of bum-, ble bees. Thej vjanted to dis tribute tho p.oJici of U)e clover fields, so ns, to, fertilize the seeds. The National Debt on Maj 1 was $ 1,945 ,526,809.03 the interest; due $11,898,370 05, ttal $1,95.7, 425,179.08. To ofi.-t this thero, was at the same time iu the Na tional Treasury $245,574,580.47, leaving, the liability unprovided for $1,711,850,598.. American Fences. Thero are, six million miles of fencing ia the, United States, the total cost of, which has been more than two, thousand millions. The census re ports show that during the census year, there were expended $78, G29000, al-oneV Qf ths amount Jhe largest contribution wai from Illinois ; the eecond from Pennsylvania. When I go down to the can say, like so many oth- tkI have finished my work, but I ca finished my life.1 will begin again the next mor-timg. The tomb is not a blind alley: it is a .. - 1- .' . 1 W--V-. .a . n . . Virginia, in tne cotton states, in Texas, and, in fact, throughout the Southwest. Twenty-six United States Sena tors are tq be chosen for the term beginning next March. : They are from the States of Colorado, Iowa, JbLansas, JLouisiaua, Maine, Massa chusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Ne braska, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, ' OregqiV, Siouth : Carolina, Texas, Yirginia and IVcsi Virginia. ; t exports Atlanta Constitution : Bishop P-aine's service to his church al most unprecedented, lior sixty-- five years he has been a preacher, He has, attended every coherence, for fifty-eight vcare, and has bec a bishop for eleven years longe than Saint Peter. It ever a man has gained a right to rest it is character Noeth Carolina Holid.ats. Chapter 294, Sec. 1, laws of 1881, authorized the following as public holidays in this State, viz: Janu ary 1, New Year ; February 22, Washington 8 Birthday ; May 10, Memorial Day : May 20, Mecklco burg Declaration ; July 4 Nation al Declaration; and also aday ap nointed by the Govrrnor ot Nerth Carolina as a Thanksgiving Day, and tbe 25th of December, Christ- naa. Whonever any eush holiday shall tall upon Sunday, the Mon- yenerahle bishop, whose and influence Ins always .been of I day succeeding liaU be deemed the best, pablic holiday. punched and Mutilated Cinj., A-hvilleCiti-ien-, Z I have a bill R. o. 1,2,01) to punish and to prevent the muti lating and, punching of coins of the United. States. The bill also pro-j vides for the redemption of such coins at the treasury and sub treas uries of the U. S. The objection, urged against the redciniLg sec tion by Col. Snovrdon, superinten dent of the min, was that if the. money wa redeoinoG at par it would not cu,ra the evil, but roet would punch the c,oin for -rain. The, bill withoutlthe section alln- L, , . 1 1 I 1 1 -r. 1 .1. 1 n i.ri ri. wi iin avnxii rci. m no a thcrouguiare. it ciose in uie - ",-,,--0--- i - . twilight "to open with the da ivn. I remedy at, presen t to urevent lose improve every hour, hecaiiso I Toye to our people who thready hold, this, world as my fatherland, be- mutilated coin. I sent the amount; cause the truth compels me, as it of $48-8,0. in silver coins to the compalled Voltaire, the human d,- mint tor our countryman, Mr. John, vinity. My work only a begin- lnrasn, ana uiey Benr me oacir. ning. My monument is uaruiy 1 oo. -o, cuargum axr. xiihbu it--. aboye its' foundation. I would be the stamp on the draft. This, with glad to sec it mounting and mount about $1.50 express charges, made . e mi t 1 a a-l - t ' m 1 f 1 a v e ing torever. xne uiirsi iur uie iu- a loss to ar. luraau, 01 aoout 911. finite proves infinity. ' " j 52. m-.-m My suggestion now is that pnnca- In North Carolina in 1880 there ed coins be takeri by the people at were 157,609 farms. In 1870 there R discount of 25 per cent., which ia, were 93,565. In 1830, 59,693. Of "ear what it will cost te send it to those in 1880, 104,88 were 'occu- the mint. Thus a dollar of the pied by the ewners ; 8,644 were punched com worM be worth 75 rented for fixed money ; 44,087 cents. were rented on shares. Of the to- 1 regard it as n,et very credita tal 277 were under 3 acres ; 7,273 ble to oqr government that it iaW under 10, and over 3 ; 13,314 over sues $1 subsidiary coin and if it 10 and under 20 ; 34,148. over 20 happens to be pnqched tjo npne4 and under 50 ; 34,007 over 50 and around a child's neck it refuse tt under 100 ; 61,806. over 100 and take it even for postage stampe. nnder 1500 : 5.063 over 50Q and cent as above. ' . under 1,0.00 j and '731 f 'er l,C($ onra trul jr. l! R. B. Vakoi, j . . . . . ,