k V V A b » 0 of 4>'riYiiIn unit l)« ..'V 1 v-:.v;. ^rmw, of liulb, .. ) . . ,...v _AHBtvAt^. ; v; ' * * Frpm Heart's dally except 3iui>'.vg at 11 p. to. “ W*na tfp.-uigs Ub, 4*v U». *i 9 p. iu. ** \VX*iWiViilrd Up. du. Sundays at u p. m. ' *4 U. peitvtlto, Ct> Uu, do, do. ai I p. m, ■ - d^rup; no. at s a. m. S *V Bunumlie fupsnays and Fridays at if p> m. -.■"^vBrevard Mondays and Fridays at a a. tin :'V. e*. LieCeater Mondays and- Thursdays at 1-2 unr PKPAKT7KK>. Henry’*, il a nj., dally,’ except Saturday a — W^t.h Hprnnfa.T a. m., daily except Sundays. <«tPeiivmCvB> C.,1 p.m., - *• Way.i'rsViliy.S u^iu.. •* u “ JtutV'rfo.ii.ti a. m... *• •* ** NVeavurvUle, lira, iuM .. ** 44 “ Brevard. I p. un, Moiela.va and Thunmays.' Libeeitter, *• ' _ - " *• Ail nniUa dose finally one hair hour before schedule ina« t-*t d^paitura. , POST OFF U3K "noCIUi. ( (General delivery will be open from 9 a. tn. to 7 p. in. Mouey Order and Register business • transacted from 9 a. iu. to « p. m„ auitt?ree1» <’:imp*Grouml ami . Asheville*. Seenoticc in another col . Miuti. ' XU4* iuo>t «»f oiir units are- re ceivinj; their fail £omls. The eohmius of the C lTIv.JiX will tell where the best and ci.eajHstcau.be obtained/ Gew. J. G. Martijji^Be iv^ret to sfalt, has been confined to his Imhisc for the last two weeks liotn seycie imli>jM.>i liuu. ' We Iiojh? he may somt be out Thhv^'tiou was favored with a good rain on Monday, and the cool Weather aituadaajilcaliscd unite a number of oiir ' mount ail i v isitoi s to icavc'-dtrrt »*?■ •+he ... .last two (lays.- ' The jrenuine French calfskins, pur * chased in Paris by Air. Fleck in person, * Hiakeiiiemust deli^hlful boot we have ever worn lioubters have only to test them lo know their value.( * Illness of Mks. Vance. — Mrs * ‘Vance. lln* mother. of Gen. Robert and Gov. Vauco. is lyin^ quite ill at the re> iiteiree «*fGenv-Vauee on the French — -Broad. Guv- Vatne arrived at tier bed; -aide 1 uesday morning. -TlIE IIKNOEKJsONVILLK TEUCO HAIM I T .INK.—The telegraph line trior this* place to Hctidersirtiville bus been pur chased by Messrs. Weldon & Merriiiioii, the operators at Lhe respective points, and will he mi I ter be. run in their in dividual interests We wishThese gen tlemen may coin money with telegraphic rapidity. m Gone to Texas.—Our young friend, « Charles* < hapman, soil of our townsmanv 1^. Chapman,- Esq., recently left for t idarrman, Texai, which place h« will make. ids. future Imuie, Ids brother, R. ~ G: Hliapmah. . bHrrg in the mrV *. ejintile business in that plaqe. .Sherman is ho enterprising place.of some lO.oOo 4 inhabitants. We Wish Charles much good hunt In iiisntetv homer / Personal M^xtios.—Jink* Merri moil, utit: of North Car»Riiii’< U. S, • Senator*, has beep spending the pa*t. tliH IiIhw, hut tat* retpriM'd t* the K^st to fill seveit!! appr.lnnmnrb* lasjH'ak in —r-iIff*• ft 1, 'lM,i Col• St«*«*le’s Distrh-t* The Jud^e u lookih* wellT G«*,U. Mali. lltiii*oiii and family relumed this *veek to tint eastern pnrt of tlie State- M ijor week in \Vil> tiesviIM*, have been sojottrti f iij» for ^rrrriti rhi vs *4 I lie Sw;u*aano:>r au.i k-il for inline yesterday. • JrixiK OciXlfcR — \ correspondent *f the liah-kh Ntirli. writing from Me bjteitt>au;.oiuU»>s. sf^kiusis ;Gmlj!er:— ; t _ . _ • being tbc third ®ollrt "Wth tllu “"IjiMr tfinfee Ivan IwM, nubile' opinion ry j(jm ci>,ii^ his incrita a-' fin* offlvei' finth-bit ami administrator til' the liiv ia made ill), ami tile verdict la In fayor uf Ilia aiiiliiy awl strict impartiality on' the ijrucli. III! will prove an ornament to, the new judiciary of Knrth Carolina, liis cluugcs to the grand jury leave the I impress of faiililarity with the law and a-eouscloua Integrity In Its admlnlstra Sdlmi as tint sale-guard to society and tlie pM*jrv.itiau of the public month) or tiie wMintry.V__ ....... , _;.. Wautbdi—l wiU puy ♦l.thh per him. droll, for' 1500 feet,, or lea-, of perfectly tlry inch pias plank, 10 to 13 inches yride, delivered in Aelwvllla. None but well. > seasoned imulier wanted, such as my oarpenter will neceptcs-sneh. •' it W. B. GWWI». ; VUrtin. tlM barber in. the Eagle llmel bunding, guarantees satisfaction. I , AND STILL A Notheh —C. A Moore, | Kmj., n member of the Asheville bur,! has purchased & lot in ti e -|jruve in i tl^rear of Mr. W. S. BaimettV. md\ W4ll at «*twy pioeeed to civet n neat ivs idetice 11 it-mm. Several other buildings wll soon be com(ueiiced in our midst. Pitop: Kekii rst^Ssts the C'liarforte'C^frrcr of Saturday: ► : **r°h ^ • Kerr, Stutc.gcologist, Will visit >'niiikHn.Muc.>n««*mitV.?hirifiirr»H* liext Meehi iMid wHl go thence to ' lay an«i Cherokee counties on a prospecting tour, Persons having minerals they d.->in» examined can' bring them in or leave them with the clerk of t he cortu.ty i court |leuding Prof. Kerris arrival. N K\V («o< »D&. —The'enterprising home i oT MblTTs^ii" Staples'vts ' ^ceivihg' a ^ .'urge, varied and elegant stock of fall ' M-l'-i l.'il ill the XiilIiierii.nittikeLs •>y Air. Aiorrhoh, to which they invite tlie attention of Hie piddle by means of an aitiactive advertisement elsewhere m Hie < itizkN. They are determined to pleaiM*, hoili in pride and quality of j stMaim only asking an examination of i their Hock. . G^v. Uobt. u Vaxck and His! Can VASjS. — Gen. Vance our Congre> Sionaj candidate afrr;vd home on Sat ii.nfay last, alter a canvass of tiic coun ties (d ^aeksiuu Haywood, KufhVrford, lUrrthlweil, Iturkep Mel»"owel!, Trail sy I- | Tania aloklYc11:lc.rs»m, and inta:hled this I we«-k canvassing, liiecounties.of Mitchell ;iml V.mevy. tint lias been prevented tiom doing so l».v the illness uf-his ninth i-r, who in seriously id at iris residence on tin- French Iffo.id, From life' Millie -cause Gen. V ha* as yet inade no fur thei iipiMuttmenis iu tl»e rein wring set - lion* of the district. •Tjik MKCKLKNJjrKU Pkksbytkky— 'rin* Presbytery ol‘ M« c Jenbiirg held its stall'd lull meeting in (his pla<;e, coin nn'iu:ini on Frit lay, tin* 2»Hh inst... The opening sermon was j>ren« lie*1 by Rev. Prof . l.aittiuiore, of Davidson (Jollege. _Tlie .l’n-jibyrtTy Was organized.hy elect •»J? R**v. S. H. C hester moderator and Kev W. E. McEN\»'m<*'tem|H»yu»y clerk. About t wenty of the twenty-jftx minis ters of_rho Presbytery were present dnring: its sessions. The regular routine busine-a of n stated meeting—of the l*iesb\ tery~w:is gone through with. Kev. J. !\<;ammon was installed pastor in the Asheville elunch. P-rof. Lattimnn* presided and eharged the. pastm; Mr. Chester charged the, people, and Hev. E- IK lluiding p readied the sermon. On Sunday, the pulpits of thrt different Churches offering the same, were tilled as follows: Presbyterian cliprol»—11 a. m.. Dr. Parks; 7} f». M., Rev. S. if Chester. >>lethpdist— \\ A M., Kev. Mr, *>«* ttexih. in a jubilant train* of niiml.- Tanners are proverbially suspicious of patent processes in tanning, anil although Mr. NVebh Inul satisfied himself of tin* value and' nt ih tv of Hwr= Ha rues Y ncrtiite patent, and had, In common with inanv others, given a professional testimonial iSf. *Vfe CtBflV BliiHiuk tnre ol feather, yet lie wns nervous when Ills leather, tanned by tlie process. was put to the test by the professionals «t the w.wkxtMqw vi the .North.. He .went, to see it tested. He did not tell Them hop It was tanned, but tolil them to try Ills leather. Alter a thorough examina tion, and severe anil scruiinuun^ tests, lie was offered a large atlvat cc on llie regular market price for'Ills stock, and it was admitted by all to be superior to any mi tlie uiarket. The tanned sheep skins, by the Barnes process. Were actu ally pnmoimeed Hrst-claSs goat and calf akin* by the- Xortlierii professionals wild, bis trip lias broken down tlie preju dice of Eastern hoiiwm. When It U con sldered ttiat by the Barnes process It only requires dayt to tail leather where It tequires moat*, by the old method, and that the- leather is more lasting and durable,.the value of this invention Is Incalculable.. It is a.fortune to tlie pat entees. and a blessing to, tlie people, a. It. will oetalnljr cheapen, feather and make shoes and other, pedal: appendage*, cheaper for. the million.” ITFM9 FROM 1 HEROKKE ■ .COVTRY — We ItaVu the following Uetps from Cher okee Court, held two weeka since, Judge Avery presiding: — ' • • • Palmer Was tried for JiBIttig Abe Johnson Ami acquitted, Fcrgu«>t), So Heitor for the State, being as.isteil hr Messrs. Uoh-11 * Cooper ra the prosecn tlBn, the deibiice being represented bv Me,are. DavideaiJt DaviiUoii, ..." , *,e t*i»l of Keith and tile aoVfor Killing Jenkins, cl. ia 'summer, was cow - wem-ed oft Friday ami hot included Until the (jjlmwlug Tuesday'; Holicit 1 j* r ergnsou and- K. Elias prosecuting, ami Mircrta Erwin, Cooper and Alley ap pearingfor the k H. II. Chapman.—Till* estlm uMe gentli-uuui mill Ills accomplished lady hare be.en summering it at Ilyau *4 Tiiey have gauein Gilds bo ro a il d pur|iose ojM-ninjj a first-class Female Seminary. These are experienced teach ers and efileietit and energetic, and we trust they may Imvw abundant success in their new field of otavaUoii. \Ve copy tliejollowing notice liana » recent number ot tlte Beaufort it/Ain/it:— * Or. It. li. Chapman, who has been sojourning at Hie Sea-Side House dmlntt tile entile Kinniner. will, we reirrrt to state, leave onr town to-day tor Gold* boro, iiLwiileli [mint l.e will reside In I he Cut ore. Had it not been lor Or. (;.• onr Methodist f iends would have been entirely without services lor gn>re than two months past, owluy to the ill liealtli of their beloved pastor. Key. J. W. Wheeler, and we ate reipiestod by the Stewards of the church to tints publicly return tlinnks to tile tloctor lor tile kindness rendered the members of Lite elinreli in holding weekly services tor VVe learn that Dr. Chapman and Ids estimable and talented lady purpose es tubildniig a first-class Female eiciuinarv at Goldsboro, in the building known pi .mat-seetioti as the « College;* - (loth tile ,k,svjtly .umviuI reputation as e\|s>riejita>il teachers m young ladies, and if they life properly raved by the people of Goldsbor Ic'lllil V’ will o.tal>li.l, .... i..,.sis..si... i»ml vivMntvwill t>tubli>li ail iiislUutioii '• wliifli tin mm* pi/opfe-muy welt b<* ihWt*. o proud, suit 1 wilt thus nil '* wuut'ttmt has samssiawjrs«e; Iuilu.*» of the highest gr;ule.” _^ ' . Knoxville is looking up. We spent a pleasant day there last week among l«T business men, whom we found to be prepared for alyl expecting :i large Tall tretcs'-Arnmeg -the -benling- firms - we“ anight mention Messrs. ahne, and others.' These gentlemen are all lire Imslnesa men. and to tlwm mostly 1* Knoxville due for her prominence as a wholesale trade center. ,. Col. Flemming and Maj. Paul of the 7V,tu,is were most agreeable and cour teous. Thb Wondkk op the Auk. —The Now American Sewing Machine. It Is uueqnuled for its simple construeISoitv light miming, durable, economical and effluent qualities. It baa tiles self, threading shuttle, which Is considered by all a im have used it to.ha one of. tlm most VHhiable Improvements that has ewer been introduced;- Also the‘ Stop Motion " for wlnillng Um bobbin,with out miming tlie 'machine o- removing the work, it Is the verdict of thousands wlw have used It, that It la Um best Ram lljfSewtag.Maohl train,tba woridi. *l»rowCoauMy Iteni*. futon om kxgulax coMKsroHDhrjrr.) Franklin, N> C:, Sept. 20^1 »T8. yUfstn* Editors : The demand f1 lectipn was taken up at the Methodist Church Sunday night, and. with' addi tions sluw made, amounts to about $30. Tlic Masonic Lodge at this plaee lias given $33. ltoth sum* have been for warded. Fora few days past smoke has been curling up froip every family room in tow ui Mornings and evenhigrarc very tout, wUUo~the. day* arowanm Ualn is greatly needed. Court next week. The State Docket is very lean. Civil docket ditto. One laud suit trom Graham. Yours truly, Tuhkb. Phof. Wm. Cain. —The Pioneer of last week pays tlui following compli ment lo this gentlemau, who has been spending the summer in our midst ‘‘Will. Cain, X*rofest*or of Mathemat ics in the Charlotte. Military Institute, has been sojoundng in these parts, with his relatives, during the vacation, hut left for his po*t of. duty on Monday lust. He is an aceoruplislted .gentleman and a ijp*j scholar, uiul ranks high in 11in spec ialty as a mathematician. We hear that in* frits mi mipirtritshed Oaicnhts-whtch will Iteyome, when printed; a standard ia»ok f »r the student, mid Van N«i§friin«Y the publisher, has already issued from hisj>ea a * Manual on Voiissoir Arches,’ which the' engineers engaged 'tmHtHtr 1 Eighth Wonder of the World ’ — tile Ka«t River Bridge between New York and Brooklyn — are using as u Yud*‘ Jiccuui. Besides these, we learn that he has other works of a scientific nature hi ^ ftljjpwrififtt' viw »w •• he i i* gSJvrsP | ui Va« NostraUd’sHagushu*. i . “ Uood habits, rt.ie talents and unWoii- j ted energy characterize the man, blend ed with a positive iiicHnation to uhtvfc \ notoriety. lie is an accomplished civil | engineer, and before accepting Iris pres- j f7ff Vr- Ifr-V/t? of our most important railroada; and it; is to be regretted that his -talents and' euergy are not now. employed, upon that 1 mountain of * engineering ingenuityT ; which bars the door to our trade and | cominem* at the Swunnauoa <>ap. lie ] Is a valuable and appreciated teuchur at i Vin# Mdkispy- iw^Uiule^-bui- » p»>*ifc*mi=' ou.uur public works would enJarge. Ins sphere' tiif usefulness* and Ills energy would advance the end of our mountain delitescence.,-Tt—.• i Foutz s HokhkIowduks. — llereaf tor the business ol inaiiutacliiring.Kootz's Horse and Cattle Powders and otlmr pa tent medicines will bo conducted by Mfs. Sarah i. Pouts, who will conduct the business of her lute husband, David K. Pouts, under the same name and stylo* as heretofore, assisted by Mr. Woi. L. Hitter as her attorney, and bushier man.. atfer. We wish the accomplished lady brilliant success in her management of. Iliis splendid business. - Noma to Dacouisra tsa Bros** bit. ■as.—I guarantee Shrioer’s Indian Vet outage U> destroy and expel worms from, the human body, where they, exist, if used according to directions. Youmre nntbor ised to sell it out the above conditions. IJortd. Pouts,, Proprietor,. Baltimore,. dV- -V{._. r , -rv:*;•. ^ •-/-V. ' •' S. A A. R. It. Stockholders* AIket INO.^- According to ttie proper call, a. meeting of stockholders of tlm SparUn *“"05 and Asheville Kailraml, was held tu Uenil«(SoiivilIe mi the l£iU Rut., uoarly the entire stock being represent ed- Tile report* pf tfreeidenr Duncan and (Jtil. liiake, Secretary ami Treat urer, were read. - u seems that the entire tesno of tint mortgage bondt have been hypothe cated, some for reasonable, racist tor my tow, rates. Some thousands of dab «r*.ol tli© indebted live* of the road 1* Ituprovided for, .and tile present sesouxv cwof the company will uot complete y*e roiul to Hendersonville. A Stockholder Introduced a resolution proKis!“* for iico’'protect km of those credtlofi of tlid road yet unseelired. auU alter oiseussloii, participated iu by &Ciwr*V?lc,MMl,1v R Vance, and K. Y. Me Aden, this matter Was ftnallv left to be settled at V meeting of ail this creditor* ot‘ **•« road and tire Hoard of Uiitehrre, to be held at Spartanburg ou ti|o 15th October, at which meeting it La hop«*d and expected such arrangements may be made as will not only Satisfy all outstanding eliding, but secure tire early cmapietkm of the road and equip ineut. A resohirloirras adopted iook iug to the lease of the roail for a term not exceeding oiie year. AH the old officers were re-elected, a strung exhibition of tlw confidence k ilwir integrity, and thel.* earnest and nnbring efforts in beltaff of the road. yor the present tlie terminus of the rrmd will be at Me Minn's, »U miles I rum Hendersonville. TIm* contract for the Hngraded part of the iu mu I, a distance of noiBe nine tniiet, Was not let, - We Miietjrelv hope Presklent Duncan may mioewd-fn push*mr the road right on through. ' • • - ** Worn Hawihi Association— I’M 22U annual session of the Webster Baptist Association of North Carolina, was h«lil with liouu Mountain Church, Mitchvll county, commencing Thursday, September 19th, and closing Sabbath tallowing. The Introductory sermon wits preached at II A. M., Thursday, by Flder F M. Jordan; text Phlt. 1:'0—11. Elected Elder N. Bowen, president, and Columbus M. Williams recording secre tury. The convention, whs composed of Hity idrie delegates, representing two life member*, three association*, three Sabbath schools, tiveiity-rpiir churches and Three Individuals, There were about thirty ordained ministers In at* tendance during the session. Elder X. B. Cobb was welcomed, to-a sdat its a corresponding messenger from the Bap list State Convention. Sermons, were pienelieil during the session by Elders J. K. ConoaHy, F. Alllsmir N\ B Cttbb, \V. J, Wilkie, John Mitchell, U..L),, J. w. Anderson, W. Wiley Wells, J. Am* minis and X. Bowen, The report on periodicals reeouunendeil the haptitt './kuna', _ and it. resolution was,, passed —. ilnaulmoii-ly retpiestlng the editor to publish tie- k/tauirr weekly and raise the subscription to $1 per anntnn, t he usual committees were appointed, at.uk' reports fad. .itaksed. feua ilk < , cash and pledges to assist hi building a Baptist church in Bakersvilie. I*as"tl a nuaniiiHius resolution Instructing the ihiiird of Missions to nteioordizo the' lAittshunre, asking, tiie passage ufa law k!Kl.,iVi‘y,!Ss.U'>; uWi.w%.iura...and.*i|t • tlltnViw.ai I l l , r It.r a * s.f.JWSf, \nrlli I ”a roll mi, The annual missionary , sermon was preneheil at I I a m , Sub- < bull, by Elder John Mkicludl-J-U.. 11 ; text M.tit. U: -i(i, llarunuiv amt good feeling prevailed during ttic' ejitlro ies aiy"- * VXk>' sXu-d. jssiiJwaiAfeJaa VSxbstes,;,, tain had made ample arrangements fur itui pntertalnineut ottwleit the number in attendance Tln-v have one of the bed. bouses of. "Oldmi. in this utmutiaUi, _ country, and. what is not often tltecsse, '' J liave it supplied tvitli good, eninhirtnble seats. The next meeting of the con JKH&Sl wilkbo liehi .at Henilersonyille on Thursday before tits aj Siibbathin. October. 1879. - . ETc^niTfig' c6'nirircJre^to"tl$ei:^tter' condition of the baby is Bure to attract ait**dbi»y ^Woci it it tbaVIh^;Bii»V‘L^'* lUby Syrup it beootuia* mote arxl more Appreciated, a* iil *roiuler»ul iniiueace in subduing the diseases of babybood, be- ■ comes recognized. Price 2TT centl... NEW ADVERTISEMENTS! MEDAL LOST. T 08T, either on Flat Creek Gamp. JLl Ground, or between that point end AeliotlHe, a OOI.L) UK1ML In the form •r e circle, bat with, three iqueree, her. in; on one eld* *• Utter digniort," ebd on. the rerere* eld* " fereoeeeet, ewer-led to Aj W, c" A eniteble reward, will be fire* for ite retern to either, it* owner or to the CiTltea office. A. W. CB ATI BEOS. GOOD Lot of (mmtle end Thread. , M A F A V J. CilUNM’8 .VUJ Tigwt,.* <#: