~ f From ne WIlmlnjdoD Star. f -tniM •rtn>*Uf .!' , We find in one of our exchanges * an -article that appeared two or three year* ago in a journal called the Science of Health. It contains a inoat alarming prophecy. in re gard to the raging of famine, and Y pestilence in many portions of the -world. Read in the light furnish ed by tile sad events of the last two years, and it is well calculated to make thoughtful men pon'ter what is said. The famines that have ravaged so feat fully in China, l India, arid other portions of the world, and the pestilence now de vouring so many victims in onrdear South, give a decided color of plaus Utility to. what was said three years ■ ago. ; . n« will copy a few paragraph* from the article referred to, and wise men may reflect and draw their , own conclusions. The Science of , Htii'th Hu id, and, mark yon moi e than two yearn agoi “If tlicre is anything in the science of -Astrological ' trciology,’ I we are approaching one of the ’ most pestilential periods in the earth's history. Since the com mencement of the (Jhnstain era the perihelia oi the four great planets of the Solar System—Jupiter, Sat urn, Uranus and Neptune—have not been coincident. Hut this is about to occur, and, in. the lan guage of Ur. Knapp, who has traced the history of the epidemics that ever aUl.cUd the human rape, -to the pe. elia of these planets, there will soon be ‘a lively time among Inc doctors.’ The the ry is that when o .e or more of the largo planets is near the sun, the temperaliife and couditiun of our atmospiuo.i are so disturbed as to came injurious . vieissitndea of weather, extreme heat, excesaivc ' fhld,' If ruble - rain* anil storiis, prolonged droughts, etc., resulting a in the destruction of crops anil fruits, famine in many places and pestilence among human- beings . and aniu als," — “Dr. Knapp has collected a mass of statistical da:a, alJ going to show that perihelion periods have always been marked by a-i usual mortality, and tliat sickness and deatl| have iuvariably correspon ded with llie number of pianola in perihelion at the same .time. ‘•The revolution of Jupiter around the sun is accomplished in a. little less than twelve years; of Saturn, in a little less than thir. ty years ; of Uranus, iu about "eigh ty four years; and Neptune,’ in about one hundred and sixty-four years, If it is true, therefore, that the perihelia of these planets oc casion atmospheric conditions un favorable to life pestilential peri -j Oils should occur once in a dozen years, and aggravated anil still more wide spread epidemics at longer intervals. In ’gracing the j history of epidemics for more than two thousand years, Dr. Knapp finds the facts in all cases to validate this theory. Thua, iiifbe sixth, and again in the sixteenth century, three- of these platels were c<-incideiuly In perihelion,! and-these wero- the roast pesti lential times of the Christum era." According to this publication, for the tit sV time iii two thousand years irfl four of the planeis named will.be against the earth. It pays : approach to, the sun m or soon &f ter 18«0, so that for a few years, way from ISBi) to t68S, tire -wttd-i r Of every living thing op earth, will be put to a severe, and trying ordc we no noL Know now muon Telit ance is to he placed in prog uot tics-., tion based upon scientific, so-called, theories. There may be a great ileal in ahem or nothing. But eer Ui there bare beta signs to., indi eate something unusual 'b the world around us, and the pestilence and ■tiie.liuiLinea -And Uie floods, ofthe last year., or two prpve only too ijstakably ,tha| 4 tit a Hags from the fatlOry, and win tell Cheaper than Beer Before. Can furnish any FARMING IMl” E IK5.T as well as all grades of EUHNI .'UUE and SASH ready filled and naiut I * isetpsne ** vi 3 As I atleud personally to nay own bnsi •eSS, have no clerks to pay, and bay for m«- ‘i'Io w^" * AiCCEajM****T-GfflWU-WSM,"of Asheville, Augodt 20, 2878. *ug22 if READING-ROOM MBkiARY OFV t|?e .Asheville “'Reading Club* In -Mr. ».’SiodkV& Building, up slabs _(front), opposite Hotel, Main St. AJfcaCn.jcaMfcilMIK. exoept Sunday. So CiiAUo* ro» > fttfinjjera in . ii'HPu^m mi Ashprijle an'requeitfd to ▼TMt the room and recdrd tbei/ nimea in $1 00 the register. Subscription Feel* one month, •* *v • v,‘ * - --v “ -. lwo months. , 1 60 Us-V . , »-i- v vw - " “ tiz “ 3 00 '.iti <#*'«.?• R*? twair* .» V>J£ 18^00 —' DontltoM 1b Bid of Library of book* 4»ow »r ol4).an.... Krulik & Bach PIan** The Eitf Organs s--^=v.. « mpun Organs Hew Enflud Or(»u •w *7 T«T Mt«»iire boeineti in PIANOS and ORGANS on.blee m. to offer lo customers-the ____ GREATEST INDUCEMENTS, Not only la PRICE8 »»d TERMS, ket nl.o in thb Large Line of Standard Instruments I offered for selection. Every Instrument Guaranteed and constructed to last 25 years. who chltlaK of tHeesriaiLuijisHLlj. exsf uted. i*S stock.. arms Flailing Ttu-UIe, Powder, Shot; Cap*, Wade, Wad Cutterax Ccuiyutyes, Powder-Fh* let, Shot Boyt, * And everything perUiuinjr'to ys&p y a umg« 2b * SrJ 3aU i»l ..iJihT iiaddOJi A. FRECK, MAIN STREET, A.hevllle, X. C., Boot & Shoe Maker. rPHE llenl .Witter fill always »t A hand, just imported from Paris, and WORK GUARANTEED. y STOCK AND FINDINGS For nianufattnrjng on hand'in quantities ' and will be sold to slut purchasers on moat —_ . Betuouable Term«.. Cheap for ea&h. aagS em , ■®U Gi^e him a call. ^■A T lONAL IIPTTJU Nuli*l»urv, It. The NATIONAL is sitmten »i tho centre of busimw, and i* fiiir.Mhcd throughout in the most, modern mm* uer, and the traveling piddle stopping ut his house eun he u*.suml-of ever* comfort’, while the table is always *»n*. [died with every delfency the inrtrkel can aIIoiuL _ . XLULUKH^. n,h *2it-rt __ . Proprietor TT',;ui '»“&■ atVo, k lor uMhiji { } Ui JfcM>4 &:>*£.iw* -rmpsjtrA : l»r ^ Will .(lilt win lia .... .> i. . ■ . W1tl t loti, fit |h* tiny M tiimw ituid. I>y lilt* IfiiJuti i i*»Ur4. Men, wouun, t*..>i. *iu| ifirls wautinl »vt i> AluMt to work for u.«. Now '« M»n tune.- an.I trim* free. Ad tr.eas *rT|l> * <*>» Augusta;.Maine. a|> l«-iy ' pRY-ourthdd i>o;w, I ...f AF.tcJCIirXX’S. . Cents' cit'jr made Hoots mid is hoe a, all warranted, at S VanCiltler’s. • •fATERS’ “ohiw^0* ORBARJ are tKe neat bcanttfal] which, to perfect harnoaf with (Acreeda»ani- ILCUKftkXB LON CUUUtSJ IIAPlJ- FA?, VOH1TK, HOtVEMH* pVUCMT ud UOU IIOIKV URdANS. la Unique Irreck Cum camtliio PLHITY tf VOICING VrA (ml volvain rt' t»a«( suitable fir PAIttOft «r* CUi'RCH. / HAI B,KD. .Superb Mirror Top ( Souvenir Organs The riura qf (Vti. beautiful Onrane «n» It1C IIL.VFIMrilrtSU | in HOLIll Kl.At'K. 1 WAU\i;f* aod. tpm, 1 markable alike Jor parity af lone and P*rf«rt KATKKWfeJLy l-OvVa JliTIH #«*H * b«tscr ImurnlaefiC JU M ' Uwer pHrfllhu Uy tihef ho mm in Ih PtK WATERS’ PIANOS “'.“t&SST or* UrBBNT MAPS,!* Too*. Tow*. Woriw ommMp anO lloroMHtr COiorpooord. Win ' “?*** i" »1X YJCAR8. PRICtH Eitmn Irf iw/kir Cook. Mootkly InMolinroto r*. rrlveA. A Itborol Alocooot to TWirlr-r,Itiuuttn. Ckurcka.SdiuoU.Laltn, Ki.AUKNTS WANTKU. ■peoUl lidononu toll* TroAe. lllootratoA Citilocin MoIleA. OrrooMuil PIoom A 'BHgESjHM= DmIcn, 40 Si«t I4ih MrNl, No*r Y«rk BAWMN * CO,