- - -t H1 . ,- . - , -. - - i- - "-. V teg ir- " V L- ''.-T A- ' 1 1 . J.J 1 1 - POSTSCRIPT;, TEST J. ZD JT TRNCOXS BOSTON, June 23. -5 Cap: sin Ilicc, arrived at Port (month, left Lb.,? t,he 24dt of April, atyyhicli time Mtiley So! imairs cruize w had not been oii: ; ancl by the belt information Ijc c til J ol.tau i ro:n -the "Straights, of ::i Gibi-abar, there was not. any pi'o(p(Ct of tl.eir Uinw iei.it out. bris Abr .; "NEW:. 0;RKvuXune,29 Captain FJ.lii.lsie, of the-hr.ig. pair, fi 6m Qiert c'tirg, which place he - Kitine 1 7uv0r.jvs.ay, ir.iqrrr, in a: inc eta y- before lie fai led aceo u 11 t's ha' t been iiatl an i ved ac-Paris 4i or.i t h con it .of' L'-iaivjii, for the purppie of negotiating'-. 3-peace AvitliiAerepi&ric of France. his, account-, was. continued by Itni i Jar 1 toriiiaciivfro m u board of an -Lng-- ILhidge a few hours after ; he left Cherbourg. : . j . .: ' ' ;. ,: . Captain Eld ridge, f urther informs lb at abo n't th e -i 2ih of . IS lay a fifial 1 nyoyft about ten 'fail, ..now Cherbourg, bound to Les-d-ous dc 1 Ilomrne 74 74 74 -1- ' Ami for.is fi igares. - . ;.-.; The fqviudi ou for St Donungo will cor.Hft ct" four fail pf the line and fouie 1 fri cares.- ".;; . '--:'rt:.:' 7 'Ju!''4Ye may judge, of ihr proff; pe: ity of the cduuneice of the United ' States, byits-iwde: wilh the Hngle city' of ILunl.ujh ; a Qeimnu Ppe fays, : that in the year 179 4, tliere entered tlic; rurt of thatcity 200 iail of American ; "yeflij, of which 5;"S oVily.ave iraported about twelve miiliohs of. pounds of coffee, '452 5 b6uhcld 4o;o boxes, 'and k$So knrfcisof Juhav.' ' !ts':': : S N AT OR S of tk:V KITE D STATES: '".':: v i-cted forth Treaty". ; .;, Samuel Ltvernioe, George Cabot, Caleb Strong, V m. Bradford, Theo 1 OH eTIOiTyeTTE thSnTmpibulUEbjab Paine, ft fifbs K in i, IrVederi ck Ftelin pIi u y fen Tolm J'reft, was captured by three 'Erigli Ha lcaccs,; after, havun been, out owiy tmee j;otus. ;' ;- ''.;;-' A gciieraf peace is much talked of in. Fraiue. . . '.' ,- : . : '-HlLADEt-PtllA Trupjhted from tht'lCoitrkr Fru$'At N 'i'o the Ed 11 o r. -.1. 'nzninz2alumr!fjHn e 1 qh, 1 7$) 5. ' in fpnn I now .-in form Von, that I have re- t celled a leyeif Ota 111 v brother, a mer- c'lint at S.t.LM4o, "which" informs me vf the demands inatie by the conm.ittee ; of. fafety oV the t'nalilli. envoys, .wit'p v . . - i B nrherfnrd, Win, PiiihanjiVinc; abflracl of that irselaiieboly occtrrrence, being tbe hile of w bat ve ca'n fup--pofe to be generally interclling to qur Teadersl . ;- '';, ' r -;" ' ' CrTjie ' fire troke-.ottt' 'sHT rafter two in the afrt ri'.oon, anil in 'a few , hours confum ed one ln3iidred,"and .tei.t4 of the beft'boufri iu'the town,' in the piiicillc?myof buhnefs, chit fly the; itortS of merchants and confiderable fliopkeepers, . together irii a mini -' ber of wharfs, outbuildings, ana a gft ' va 1 ie t y o f pf oil uce-a t:d m eicbitKl ize, 1 0 the amount, in the w hoi e, of three or four liundred thoufaiicl pounds.--On a -.lr.rJ.....:...r .i. r.r c.'.A iiuic iii Ulillj , 1 11c in t ii4iiuim iu jiiercly accidciitaU'haviiig arifen fronr d fpark which flew from a gtihfinithV fui'ge, and lodged amongft the packing ftraw of fonie crates of earthen ware. We hear horn Sa m pi on county, that a premeditatedndiiprovoked mur der was committ eiTtlierelaflt week, by .two men, who lent one of their neighs; bburs to that " honrne. from whence no .-V iio'.s, Henry Latimer, jogii .vining, rjpTiOeitryW-Rich Mar fliall, Jacob Read, jauies Guiin. ;' ., v- ":",": Voted Cga'wjt it. : :?- :, ". 1 Jbhii Laiigdon Mores Robinfon, Aa ron Burr, Stevens Thomas Mafcn, Hen. fc ry Ta ze w ell , J ol i.n. Brown, Al exandea Martin, Timbthv Blo6dwortlu Pierce cutler, James jacKlon. . ; . iOn. Saturday -cveniniiV-the 2thnlt.T oiTNofili CaroIina !. which vacccm-.-: - V paiuedwuh thicc cneers. 'yj.. , p fV WILMINGTON I'RICIS CURRrKTv. Tobacco a dol!.'rVoo ceut per loc -lt'. . a .... - t w :- . - . RTce; I'luur, 9 Vink, . - iz :lti,..: .8 .'Thi-.- 7 Turpentine, I Pitch, I Detrfkins, '"2 5 SO. 16 per. i ti. per buflicl. . " I ;i ' I j 'V - Z 1 I per lb. ber M. rarcHeri e tut lis. J:rhe oiienders were .1'efimie to treat of pra?r.-Yoa tnaj'y it you think proper.' put liih in yo u j':iper the fub'lance of tl.efs demnJs, vhich l enclofe. Ib.'al:h and fiater- ' " , PFRENlEPv. - The letter isdated 23d Kloreai May 12. On the demM(lfcmade by the envbys of the court of ;lomlon, iiownt Paris, uo::;inc of peace ; Prance coMents to ye pT.cc to England on the ftllowi:ig totditions: ' Ti.e evacumion firiV-cf xbc iflar.Js of. Jcrf y and Guernfey. ' i l. Our poilVllioiiS oftthe Ar?rst!e5, tV,ife taken in the prefent ami pi cccil' nvi war, 3d. The ifland of C01 fica. 4th. Our pufiilHuii in the.Eaft-In-tlies. ' ;th. Oar ancient ponelliona In North America, Canada,. Newfoundland and Acadic, Nova Scotja. , To pay th? ihmajie done at Toulon; according to ellimauon. To 1 ell ore in kind," all the vcflels' taken during the prefent war, and an tqthil 1.u:nb:r of Ihipi ot the EuliHi 'navy to thole burnt at Toubin. Tfp.ty the cxjenrc of the w.tr, Riuoutitiug to 103 million in fpet u : l-avin-it, boweverroptional to Eng-" l iud, to pay part iufpecie, part in corn, il.xir, and oilier anides of the Hid lie cefity. . . Toa!n!i'!bn fcr cvertotb? dlfrre tiftn "of Vrtr.ce," the elecloratr rf Hinover, an I the brlhpric cf Ofi'nH-irs. To rcilore all tiie vcHlU taken at St. , D.r.n'.iign.Gu id:iloupe,M.irtinitpic,a!id 'Iobij?i or to pav their 5.1! tr; To 'i!jlieriip "'all the ensipr.in!i in rnr,'anl, at e'l ni tu K.un p and other pi-t of the wol I ant to tlircCi the Ibitifh rrtnnnndeM to prevent the . cffjpe of ihofe vabor.di. And in infiite the trr.iy Eigla?nl fliall deliver t- Frai'e one f brr nc 1-. ! Ilrotgbold, in wlwrVthc f ril Itr fnall put a carrifon, whi li fliall not rv.icttif? it till alter an cnt'ue execution : of the ti cn: v. .' . V. S. Tjr pl.rei taken by tbe?F.ngi lifli in the frmrr wa-a-e iirtvd;-, tuul-the (Irci ailinc. St. Kilt. St. Via cent, iiointiuq-ip, anu j!ori'rirar. Jvrf-f.citrr Iro.nlbcfl (l,itc, thtV their are making the trcateil cxpdi;ton in fiitiof out Ihf l iidou tnr lil.li.i and S. Douiirgo. Tlinls!tIl:rril.Jr. ftulia i connniMifrd by reir r,.lmmil 9 Kcf'tclen, ;i;mI i' lor. ptlnl of he iVJlowinj; lbjp t a.ljrge coiicouife: of people afiembled at the Long Wharf, Botton, in confe queVfee of a jianiibill ifllied the preced ing alrcruoon, purporting that a New Provic'ence or ljefnitKliah privateer was then Ivinjt at, (ai4 whar f--The enraged multitude, having afcertained the facl, defired the. capjtain and crew to leave the . floop,. . w hiclr v as fcon complied - wi th ; t hey tl fen pro t ee ledxoexa inlTie, "and found fevcral carriage guns, (hot,, fmall arms, ciitlanes, .zu ' other Avar like implements, which they threw o-. verboard. This nicove'V exafnerated i them to fuch a degfee that they KPi Union, they enjoyed that farisl I -mautien ami unmairen tier ttiey men. 4QAs eLthe huUi'roin the wharf and fee- fire tn it. The tide caiaied it as far as;. C harleljown, where it " burned to' th Lumber (afioricd), 6 dollars per Xl. PORT OF AVILMINGTOK. NTf.RED. jScliooner &tfey, M'llhenhyi Cbarlefton -,..: by recent account from Ireland, we l5j'irtli I1!1 a French-itjvafioii is feri v oi.ly appi"elicnded there ; to prevent xr KptWliUh. great niVtary pi cpa ra tion are now making in that ifland.- " , WILMINGTON, July 17. treaty, of .amitu navhtthn rct'jecn C. Th lencth t.f the c('inttnet una - Briton and th:r ctur.tt jf as "acll uslh hour at which it am: to hand, (reeled. '- the P,f,w.hi of chin? it tn ih;i ! apprehended and committed to gaol, 1 nere are reporrs in town, mat cap tain Hervieaux, of the pVjvateer Ca Ira, has been hanged at Sp. Auguftine, in conft quence of Jiis having laid, a plan, in concert with fonie.of his fellow pri ''fbnirre,toY'er caltle and make their, efcape. v JZx'tfnfl cf a letter ft bvi Smithville 7ty "r ' TTtY e "6 fi ccrs Tbn ftation,, t?d 1 1 1 e gentlemen refident during the jfnmjn.er. leafonrat this ptacev joined tlieir exer tions yetterday to celebrate, with be'-' coming feftivity ami gratitiidej the an 11 i v ei far y o f ou r. ol i t ical i n d e pede he e.f 'j-ifu-j-hmerwas ptepafedj and to it were Tuviled as well "-ji.be? ie 1 pe a hi e iul 1 abi ( ai 1 ts.of th e n ei gh bo u r , hood, as thofe of:KeJcraUPoinfrand;j the captains of the vellels lying in the harbour, ' -. ' j',' . ': u A commodious awning had been erecled on the fcite of the old lort and there, - under-the enlign of the vhich the day, the company, the dood rbeerand the peculiar 'charms of the inuatiOn tended to infpire. : Alter dinner, the foldiers being un der arms, the following toalls were drahk7 captain M4R r. 1 in the'ehaitv- - 1. The fovereiaty of the United States, and the day that gave it birth.. - 3; cheers, 3 vollies from the troops, ami ?, gnus. 2. The wifdom that. planned, the fpirit which Upheld, and the bravery thatatcbieved the American revolution. A gun. ; .1 . 3. The memory of thofe patriot fol- dit rs whole l1o.d fcalcd. t lie indepen: ilence their arms lought o lecure. -A 4. General Waflnngton ! May the uu- CLEARED. 1 -' S'lmySufinML 'Schooner Betiy and Hannah," Croft, St., Croir ,,, J ''... Mark Anthony, '11US;P For NEW YORK1, - The" SCHOONER FRIENDSHIP, 101 IN lvll .CORN, Mrftr. a.,.- J '. . - - ' -gWilV.n on.ThurlJay nest ' i'or paflae 'only, app'y tot . , . Blnkclcy & Vance 'A WilQi'iugton, July. 16, ' .'.: ..,- 1 ; F O R S'A L E, . - ro.vr, ;- '.--1 ,y kg$q .avtncil- iK.nt' 2 1 '; of acc, '.-'-If dif jvkA if 'rd n'ilvJa Ul'V a credit iiuv lt .LaJ for nrr .f . an.nmt ; if not,. -flwill hcrfolJ ToFrafii, ut public audion,' on Sstn'rday, at T2 o'clock. f J. R. GAUTTER. -rr-r NV i 1 1 ui ntyn , j tl W T J JAl'WKW. 1: yc;irij paper, "t art thmjere cl'lged to ftj:- evening of his life be Icrene and pviit, 1. .. ;jr r.i.M, I'l tl il win phut entire.--In the inter btt. have - tii'n(iviirg at.j if the fro tint cot, fitfnadver(it,hS vhrth have already a j-CJtud on this f.tjefl.Thfe, ij 'tit all, "fcefttiry, rvV be better timed n-ben the treaty it in the hands of all tnr redden.. ' I Ul ThyJe eft he prist (lib T since Wilt mvt ltcnry adscraled in thc lirfs pau yj 11.11 vjcrf tan. ptJir iris aju-r- clouded, as its tnercdian has Lcen bril liant and ufefui ! 2 cheers, a nun- 5. uur ittJoNY .enuens, me teople ol the United States ! A pun. iuy Dcpartfncuit. ' Hem f rue Of,-e, Al,rl IO, iro!. The folWmp alurt from aVunu'iiM on fi!e in iniyoiiKC, is pnniiiiiiM mr fiic mlonn.ttion of .the cumin ami rr of vilTtU in the trade il fchc United States. ' . . .. .... .-DorcrSwiEKr, ftim!;: .'. CAPE; I FAR , LIGHT HOUSE- i f.fa3M ne?f B'M Head, a noted blutfon Cape Fer.r lllaml, at the month of CajM? IVr Rivtr, on which river Is built the town of Wihuincten. iii North Carolina. s Thp iron lantern is ten feet nine inched iu diameter, and alx.ut fifteen fcit :..- tv.,1,-. r.. ,1.- ... .1... .i.v ...nil 111 iil..., tiiw unn iitu 0F of the roof. It was firft liwhttd cn the nicht of rh: l.td Dercmber 1794. . f Tiie lirlit houfe bear w. N. w,-rmm tie fioint oftheCiipefour mileidiflnt; andN. W. y N. from the extremity of the Frying Tan . aluMls cilunt ciiMU tcapucs , . j ; t 6. Our'allics, the republic bfFrr.nc; ! j hi fillip from the F.if.tti.nd, bring tle licit May time, as it lengthens the chain that ,0..Vrar N-A- v-",x tlcn 0rrr " Knti, wliiVli coniifds tis, tighten the lii.kn of ami;y witho'tt wcakcnicg thofe ot gratitude. A run. 7. The public laith inxir.luLly kept 5 will tarry a vcffil clrsr r 11" the ll o d. and brin her fliort diftanT to the wrftward .f the bar. tilfemr, hxvntrt ij it it in tit "itl, t !. r hi I'll ibt-n iren fa hm i.7,r. if thcte il a rCi I ilii v in MiiifC over IliC oar, HiUltwl a A ;,C(;, at, ix frV.'frt; iu b'.atdjaid wjftl. July Errata in fai "aid advert! but not wjnlSKly fledged checis, a I b'',:S tu.lioiife to bc?r r'orth, or.N. 'l-Ji K-tl,. 1 liiiiuiT 111 (if tun 11 in vi til I H ilfJc jn 3vHUiixiu;atir'mi iimr-tnrtr.f foil, tifement. - Since our liift,ti'TTriorrc.rtlie out 1awfl negroes, nan tlv, AuguUuiaml jAorcu iKior.ging to t iiuam-i jivr, pun. n f . jA2ricuiturc. nianu:.vmrc;r-ami n free trade with all the world, A nun 9.' The political light? of the people, without licMUioutncP ; and the couth J-Uiional power ol lUcir agent"1, without tiicro'jcbwcnis.-A TTnC"r "r ro. 'J'he inaniiinnlc laFavrtte! bUv the gratitude of Amciica gihl hisliopcs,- and mav her mlluencc uulork hn let e cj.)f were Wlfrd in our pr. -. Thus lets ami pto'trc't his fame Agtui. 4 ln-i ibis knot of defpeiadces been li.ip- 1 r. May the tree of liberty take roo I ily rh1 limcly broken up, asNjbete in the centre cf the earth, . and ii now lema'.n one on I v of their leaders :.t Jarpe and fmni the vigilance tifed, therr ii ecry rca'biv'to Ibnimfc that thii rl.it i ni'i hit few drltfrlnl f..1Uiv. r n ni'.l f.torily be -Atihin thrpoAcr of the 1. in. (iu Wcdncfdav nnived the fihooner Fricndjlitp, c:piaiii Kil'oorn, iu S tlav fti fit Mcutrgo b.iy, Jan'aira j -during root branches Ipread fioin pole to pole. A nun. 12. TheUniiedStateRl true rolhein. felve and without urtd or fear ol' fo I s reign power. A gun. I J. 1 he lorrei nl the Union J May their b.ivonets tuifli home the ni imiiiw tit when rrmoiiftinnfc fail, and make iheni fe'tl wlio wonbl treat ! ai if c Hi i-rllige le fpeke onlv ore vrflcl-a did not ? checn, a gun. r iet.chTm?!rrr h ht-enee ri h gum,. I ja iieJUigj)! Jhe,UJMoni-Ili(Li.- Mhith he net m Hie t,jp:. Sle did 1 live brancu lor our IrientU. thcatrow iwt loaril the Fricndflii;, and feetnrd I for our foef, and the filed look of.the oiuv defiroi o mrorin-ticn tclative 10 I cade at theannroach ol danger. A the Jin'aica IWt. ' t " I CUIL mpmniN. 1 ouiigtrgiy i.innuifii t$,, nc tirogrcu r,t ineiui Know- nvttith the Motnepo Hi) pier rliich ledge! May the aril and fciencet gitcs nanicidar nanatie of the dc" 'cultivated with fucrcfi, r.nd thcir'grcar llruclive fire whith tjrl there the full end I directed to the4 Improvement of id, t.rom this p;iper wr. ptelrtit n.f I locial hnppiticn. A gun, readers with the following fumnury The meeting adjyuiiihl. whn-li lrar from thmre noout N;rth. ai.dn L inly in Pht. I he clianticl over the L 11 mrcti, and r f a lt- hf'n.:i rtfi I ra; "v- enf n-rf .1 fir nn, 1 1 in p-it'fJ th? t! ;', rfpnilif macule m;rit, it 1 n.i.ll pu. ( ni to f,c,t w, (, in 1..t .t., to, r.r J5 at mo.1. until th. y iVo.tl in tlcir wie r- to fevrn or ri;;ht f.ittinn , I'y doipj tin, thry he furc of lin to the wiftwald uf the tr. 4 BY THE MONTH OR V R, AS' ACTIVE AH IK .V 'fi 1 1. X fit T 1 0) . Kmpiire ff t!ie r.-iaur. ' li L a sJl Tl) SALE tV J. CARtV, .. i T k . .... ul lading oilT nl l k .t;ptcMiCc dtutorct. in AIeot ftty tlioufanj THIN HEAUT LUMBt-H, Anl one liutidrrd tlitA'fi.iid GOOD SHINGLES. Applr let . JA. lockwood. Wilaiip;icii, July 9, i9j ...i - f '.. A . . - 1 i il 1 r 4 - IK if . t : I-

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