^r-nf May / „,.Y forniJinnc ii'l''^': , lk«t troin : i ’"''^''‘yjonorifca'r- t, ske «>'0 •'"'!'■ "''' ‘ ! 'i*-;«ifeinaealure. as >“■''• '•, Tl.ere was i.ot a P^ourofit. A CO..; • ^„,.re choitn to ilratc I -;-=^ o:^ the lul^ect, ! :iah.ool ofNew Guniea. ..il^poir-liiononntheuame America. ivrnON^ON, KV9. i ;jShcinel'J arrived herryef. davs from Turk’s lUiiic!, %*vfrbillvthe following in- • Vj.^Capcaia Anthony, in a riri.,-no Newp^’-t, arrive 1 at ■ --itVom Sr. Tnornas’s, the •/a'liitl^mica him that twelve 4 •lujlinesiul U7,cco troops had f ;-Gaa.laloupe, aiul that four j •■•iineli3''l arrived at St. Tho- ^ 4 ■ *3 "orciisfe prov.fOi.s. T'w o arrival of the French ; ,:Thcni3i*s, ilonr was offered i. Captains of two veflels t- rri ^iia at nine dollars per Ir- spuin of a veflel belonging ' ^'^irrived likewife the day riinSbeflieKl failed, ar.d in- .rtlieBritilhcr-iifing frigates avta it’.to Barbadocs by the •'Tracey, arrived from S’:, Tcfs, likewife in'crnis, th.at -’flijence was at that idaml, rinntkenricated. ac.intm miration to tlie nati- fof france, iroin one of in Savin, itislfated, that French, defeated, and dnrf^cnlailes, four col uni ns j A..TCi^cic’a coiilifliiig of ei'v’ic Cv-U,.' " ^ ( I July 14. i “ Siinlm to a gentleman j 'ddij!,-" The recal of earl i ’ -J®.ff!i:i:nDght to have blalled i^^ sfinepejpig l.-dand ; j -'Wnemoreto unite them in !.;^'f'fe,thanallthe retnrni : kingloni. Scarcely a i has not been a iC catholics and '-'Vagreeing to bani fh •Iijolky, and to (land or ’• p'-irfiiit of their leading charac** ! property and -V’"’ nioll deter- K ^ .^amuthe meafin cs of lo ^ f'^Ptifed if yon ; next of a reform y 1!'’ peruaps—fbine- i ::-i 4“'^ I”'"ate le-ters '««da|. to France, *T(.: :.r^0:i5 ■• '■I'l.fv"’*)'. of Ke«. iie-v tile ' '"•^^bPHU T 1 '‘-Tj |ulv T4 of MUity to Mount ' 7“''s lucceeded tirely exjdodeJ. We do not know the^ e,\ ict piocefs, but aie alllued, that il.e clay it. piepared, and i3,ooo bricks nude 111 a day, with the afliitance of only one man and a lew boys to carry oif the bricks. A gentleman in Hartl ford (ConneOticiit) lias purthafekl of nil*. Kiiifley a right of ufing this iiiveu- tioii in that ciiv, and is now carrying on the buftiiefs to great extent. Capiain Bowers left Bourdeanx the 271 h of May ; a few days before he lailed, baiulbills were fnioliflietl, con taining ail acconiu of the captuie of L'llboa ; it was alfo reported that Bar*' celona was in the hands of the French. All forts of ])rovi{ion3 were cheap and plenty at Bourdeanx, except flour and rice—flour had been at iweiuy crowns a I arrcl, but was felling at ciglitcen beef hat! tern fold for fexen dollars a barrel, but was lill ig again, and wlien cap aiii Bowers failed, was at ten dol” lars. AJligiiais had almoll done circu" luring. Crowns from no to 120 livrcs paper. —V BALTIMORE, July i:?. The fchboiier B.arbara, captain White, 21 days from Mariniiqiie, brings an ac count, that the fort on Figeon Hill, at Fk. Lncia, was (iirpriled and taken by a’ooiu 20 Frencliiiien on the 4tii ultimo, w hile the ^arriPan were cclebratir.g his inajefly’s bmtli day ; that ;v nfulerahle foue w’as iininediarely fer.^f^-tnn Mai~ tinrqnewitli an expecTation of llarvino- the French, as tlie Itrcngth of chat for” trefs is confiJered far fiipcvior to any force that could he fpared to effect its caprine by any other means. That on their arrival at the ifland, the French cominencel fi heavy a bombardment that the Britifli force thongliC prudent to retreat very precipitately, and had retired 10 liiartinique with feme da-^ ma',1! He alfo dates that Romin!]Me was cntirtly taken by the Frencn on the ibih ultimo, except oi’e fortification, tliat tlie inhabitants, who had fought llielter on 1 ourd the vellels in tl.e liai^* hour, were leaving the ifland witii pre cipitation ; and iliat numbers of them had arrived at l^larrinique. Floor was fe’ding at Mavtiniqne at 16 dollars per barrel. The Ihip Srdly arrived on Saturday ^roni Limeilck, with about 150 p vflbn. gers. She failcvl on the fii ft of Ajird, but w'as carried back, and had 50 paf** fengers, who were inecliaiiics, taken fi*o:n on board. i tiif I r'^y =">■' • J uai'd 'ir- 1 ‘“•udiceii- riTTSBURG, July 4. Our lateft accounts from general Wayne’s quarters at Greenville, inform ns, that the Indians were coming in from all quarters to the treaty, and that at a nioilerate computation it is fup- pofed 5000 will attend. The comtniflioners have proceeded on from Fort Franklin tow'arils Frefqu’ Ifle. All is peace and quietnef. in that quarter. KNOXVILLE, June 10. We learn, that on or about the 4tli inflanr, a large party of Creeks, laid to confifl of batw'eeii 8co and icjdc, bad furrounded the Chickafaw towns, and confined tbc inhabitants to their forts. Fiior to our informant’s leaving the Chickufaw'S, a fkirmifn had taken place between them and the Creeks, and fe* veral w'erc killetl on both fides. A dif- tinguiPiedCliickaravv chief, of the name of Cndcrwood, is Paid to be among the killed. It is faid that the Spaniards areeretfl- ing a fort at the Chickafaw Bluff, upon the eaft bank of the MiHifippi, in lat. 35 (leg. North, within the limits oftlds ^ the 24tb of May governor Guyolb, that place. If this be true, it is fb rapid a ft/idc of encroacliment, that the United States cannot behold it with indifference. Sunday lad left this place for New Orleans, Raw leigh Hogan, in a boat of twenty tons burden, laden vviili wliifky, bar and call iron, bacon, lime, and many other articles, the produce of this country. Tlie fame day left here four boats of fifteen tons each, commanded by Alex ander Moor.—They were laden with bar and cad iron, and a variety of arti cles belonging to the inhabitants of Mero didric't, which, from their bulk or weight, could not be tranfported tliicui^h the wilderiiefs. 35 North, within tl tevpiory ; anci that on t 1.^, his excellency go^ of the Natches, w'as at ST. Cr4C]X, June 9. Flr.r * floop ditetft from Sr. htfmri’ we learn, that jud ri *^epai iure from thence, edf- r akc.uswcre received from tl.e general '"'-■H.n.g general MeyAr, „i.,; 12.0 troops, had taken poiltflicn cf vemaraia. 1 hele difpaichcs the Daiiifli Cep am law. About Ihe beginning of June, off St. I hon^a^ s, an abiioii rook place between le Aia.m Biiufli frigate of 52 gun-, the La Liberie French corvette 01 *0 guns. It was obdiiiate and bloods 7 It lalled tlirough tliree glafies, anci 1^011 alter the Fieiichmaii druck fhe 'unk; chief of the people however wcj c laved, ' ^ It is allo leported, that a battle took place about tlie fame time between the I liorii Britifli floop of war of 16 guns, and an armed 20 gun fhip, going from America for St. Domingo, for a com- luiflion. The acdioii was lengthy, but etided in favour of the Thorn.’ T he pi ifbners, laid to be inodly Aiiiericaiis, were lent up to St. Kitt’s. Cap.ain de Young, jud arrived, fpokc a b reiich fleet of one 50 gun fliip, a fri- gai e an d a brig, c r u i fi n g off St. T11 oin as’s, 1 ortola, ii:c. The fame fleet that vilited the coad of Africa Captain Calwell, in a few days from Martinique, informs, that the Kreiicli f roin Guadalonpe liad efiedted the land- ing of 400 nicii on Dominica, who had marched to the back of the ifl.ind ami fortified iheinfclves, and who were re ceiving continual reinforcements by the revolting of the negroes*, in a Ihoit time they were cxpeCfed to begin ope rations againd the Englifh, ami would Toon poflefs the ifland. Many attempts had heeii made lo land on Martinique, but they had all failed. WILMINGTON, August 7. •,* Such fubfcribcrs to tbc Wilmington CuKoMCLE as have not complied with the terms, by paying halt a year’s fuhfcription in advance, will, it is hoped, be kind cncugh to order iinmcdiaic paynieut. On Saturday and Sunday lad, w’e had as violent a gale of wind as can lie lecclletfted in the memory of the oldeft iuhabiianr ; it began about noon on Saturday, wiih the wind at N. E. and continued twenty-four hours, during vvliicii time it veered tp all the inter mediate points between tlintand N. \V. —I>s various fliU'tings, however, abated nothing of its violence; as it feemed to rage with equal force, from wliatever c]uaner the wind came. (Jur accounts from the adjacent coun try, as far as they have yet come to hand, are of the mod Jovibre complexion —we hear from various quarters of the general pi ofl ration of the corn, as well as of great numbers of limber and fruit trees; and even wliere the latter^ from f'upeiior advantages of flielier or foil, have been enabled towithdantl the rude fl) itk, they have, for this year, been almod totally deprived of their pro duce, which until then proniifed to be Jiighly abundant. Some cf the vefiels in the harbour broke from their moorings, drifted down the i iver, and took the ground ; others, at anclior, parted their cables and drove on fhore—anti indeed few or none efcaped without receiving more or lefs damage. Tiie floop Polly, captain Holmes, from New York, for this port, b d her mad and fails in the gale, and had an almod miraculous efcape from being totally lodon the Frying Pan flioals.— By tbe aflidance of a jury mad, flie was yedertlay enabled to come up the river. The floop Sukey, captain Cudis, of Yarmouth, from Befton, for this port, was driven afhore on Bald Head, fiom whence it is conjeiflurcd fhe will be got off, without coiifidcrable damage.^ Although we w'ifli not to anticipate bao news, w’e cannot avoid mentioning, tlrat judicious feamen, well acquainted with this coad, are app» ehenfive that many fatal catadrophes mud inevitably have happened on it in the above gale. Agreeably to notice, the Whist ling Society met on the 4tb ind. when after performing tlielr wbidling exer- cife, according to their rules, they fepa- rated in that harmony tind good-fellow- fhip which their meetings hnvealwavs been remarkable for.—Amongd their toads, The profperity andhappwep oj this countryy was not omitted. friday morning, 7 A. H.---The northern tjiail has w/ yet arrived. PORT OF WILMINGTON. ENTERED. SLtp Mary, Rice, Norfoli Stocp Sully, Barilctt, Jcmalca Roily, Holihei, R'eio Xorh CLEARED. Mary, Tf'yer, Netv To»k ^‘Ocy Maria, Rrunt.s, Kir.gjltn WILMINGTON PRICES CURRENT. merchar.’Table produce. Tobacco, 4 dollars cents per icc lb. 4 25 per ditto. " 85 per bufbtl. i,T’ ’ Enrk, ij ^ reef,/ g __ Tar, I 2^ 'I'lirpentine, z 00 Pitch, I ro D.-crfklns, - ^6 per Ib. I 33 M. Lumber (afibrted), % dollars per M. FOR SALE, Br THE SUBSCRIBER, Miifcovado fugar, in hhds. andbarrtU. Jamaica rum, in puncheons. And, A LIKELY NEGRO FELLOW. geo. DUNCAN. IRON. Cf the bep quality (by the ton), And A few hhds. HAVANNA MOLASSES, For falcj by JOHN SHUTER. *4* The molajfLS may be lad at a very moderate price. Augud 6. FINAL NOTICE, N OTV.TTHSTANDING tbc former notice of fuing all thofe wbofc bonds, notes, or book account* have beeu long Handing, both of the r >rccrn of John Jobi^on and Co. and the fubferiber’s, many Hill Remain unpaid ; and finding tifat their pronifes prove abortive, I am compelled, in juHice to myfelf, to inform thofe indebted, that every debt not paid or fettled to rr.y fatisfa^ion, previous to the firH dav of OiHober enfuins, will be placed in the hands of certain artornics at law, for reco very, without diferimination ; as 1 am anxious to ciofe the wliolc of my buGnefa in this Hate, as fpeedily as poluble. I liopc thofe who have got long indulgence, will make immediate exertions, and recolledl how chearfidly I gave them credit, relying oa their puntTuality. « Jiio* Johnfton. Wilmington (N. C.), Aug. 6, 1795. / JOURNETMAN PRINTER, W HO can w’ork at prefs and cafe, may have immediate and conHant employ ment at the Wilmington printing-oflice. WANTED TO HIRE, BY THE MONTH OR YE.AR, AN ACTIVE AND INTELLIGENT EOT* Enquire of the Printer. Trcafuiy Department. I Revenue OJJlce, April 10, 1/95. The following abHracH from documents on Gle in this ofiice, is publiHied for the inforniatiom of the commanders of vcfitls in the trade of the United Ftates. Dotle Sweent, principal clerk. C APE TEAR LIGHT’ HOU.^E is fituatcd near Bald Head, a noted blulTon Cape Fear Ifland, at the moutli of Cape Fear River, oa which river is built the town of Wilmington, in North Carolina. The iron lantern is ten feet i.lne inches in diameter, and al out fifteen feet '*nlne inches in height, from the floor to the top of the roof. It was GrH lighted on the night of the 23d December 1794* The light houfc bears W. N. W.—From the point of the Cape four miles diHar.t; and N. WL by N. from the extremity of the Frying Paa Shoals, diHant eight leagues, In failing from the Eajt-ivcrd, bring the light to bear N. N. E. and then fleer in North, which will carry a veflel clear off the flioal, and bring her a fliort diHance to the weftward of the bar. Olferve, hc^vever, if it is in tbe night, art to come into lefs than feven fa.bsm wrtfr.—If there is a neceffity of failing over the bar, ivitlout a pilot, bring the houfe lo bear North, or N. half Eaft, and fleer diredly in for it, until the vefi'cl is cloft in sv th the’ beach, and then for the fort, which bears from thence about North, and is 'plainly in fight. T he channel over the bar is dlrctSk, and of a good width. It may be farther necelTary to obferve to Hrangers, that in palling the flioal, efpecially in a dark night, it is raoH prudent to fleer wefl, in lat. 33, 20, or 25 at moft, until they flioa' in their water to feven or tight fathoms. By doing »hls, they may be fure of being to th« weflwara of the bar.

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