the wilmihgton AND .CAROLINA fVEEKLT ADVERTISER. annum 20, 1795. OPEN TO all parties, BUT INFL [No. 8. triiMINGTON: PRIN FED BY JAMES CARET, AT HIS PRINriNG- UENCED BY NONE. OFFICE, CORNER OF MARKET AND SFXOND f streets. iS boston, j-iy *»• , .. Moov to have It iti our a large part of which have Ibucd that ^ ^ inifert had failed into the "'*■* Skipwiih, Ineral of ti»e United States th« pcac« 1 tod AlgWrt,, ii dated S arrived here from fcft «''*»''• I' i^atGibtatar, confiftingof 7 ^i„(biirof»bicliwereron- ‘'Imihecniife to prevent thofe j'jUfiiliogmttxhfA''*""?,- a fufpicion of fuch an iriftter from Peterfburg, Ruflia, 1, ‘,7o4, infonns, « We have had icin, 40 American veflels in our jtf jnHiad ill general, much cle- ijawonriiroduAs. All our manu- ! rstoffrtber have f rnilhcd about i usKes of fail cfoth, 6f which iv^ 'ces our admiralty has taken , ! t .a pieces have been exported, y s we ftoold not be furprized ;m;o,CM pieces in our markets; vaiity, however, would furpafs ..-•me year. Holland, this laft I C IS only imported 8,oco pieces, I r£ii hardly the half as has been in ; rrytars. Cut political affairs have I ':rr ilkrii a dilFcrent turn there ; I Eorerrsfrom thence for our arti- I iw be looked for. America has IKen iDC greater fharer of this has ul'.cu of us this laft jr” ibout 15,eoc pieces of fail cloth. !^i\ii'dtylsinuch larger than ever is'ueenWott. .^s in the year 1795, ivaib-nuLOM pieces.” oyeffebintbe port of London, 'by iid, 23 were from Maflachu* t), 7 32—At Hifpaniola the yellow “ fages, particularly at St. Marks, , ^^01*50 were buried each day ; 9^3 troops, not 200 were in *.5 V'^elnow lies at Hofpital- |^>!i^^agtwomcn fick with this jf'r • obliged to ]>., ; that ifland is cn- French, who to their country ^1”*"'^ party : . ' 0 live as brothers. July.r. of if proceedings of ’ ^ rn**^*^ >nceiing of the ,r.^ commerce is called this 'hat the "'th trahing :v ''®‘«l'urrcnH that havln/® lummdus ;C?2oomin a- redoubt that *diey f fu much ter*' ‘.."P'kti,7iJbyij ,0 'hat good [Cl,-’ "*y in a*"*’ y' i. ky 12 r *'*t"ated '•hU ,'o the ''C'"'’‘Jit of a’' ; SgoCX"»gh.,,he I S'h* round, and finding nobody in ^)ie redoubt, thought that the French had (iorined and flaogh- tered all; he rati to make this report to the governor, who was fo frigl^teiied that on the very fame night, he with the garrifbn embarked on board of the Ihips of war which were in the port, and gave up the unfortunate inhabitants to tlie diferetSon of the French, who next morning took pofleflion of the town. The !ame paflenger fays, that the French are entirely mafters of Domi nica, except the Grand Aiife, and that every thing in that illand, as well as in Grenada and St. Vincents, has become the very prey of the flames. There is a report in this city, that the Englifh have evacuated Port-au- Prince; but we arc allured by a captain that arrived here, that they have it only in contemplation, on account of the epidemic fever which rages there violently. PHILADELPHIA, July 21. One of the letters from mx*. Jay to lord Grenville in the famous corref** jjoudence between them relative to the treaty, fuflicienily fliews to whom the exclufivc merit of this extraordinary in- ftrument belongs. In that letter mr. Jay informs lord Grenville, that after returning from the interview of the evening before with his lordlhip, it had occurred to him, that he (mr. Jay), would have more Icifure than his lord- fliip, whofe time was too much occupied by the other momentous concerns of a great nation, and tbercfbre he had let down and prepared the heads of fuch a treaty between Great Britain and the United States, as he conceived ^wouhf be mutually advantageous to both coun tries, and had taken the liberty to en** dole the fame for his lordfhip’s conli'^ deration. This letter was aniw’cred by lord Grenville a day or tvvo after wards, when apologiftng to in;. Jay for unavoidable lclay, occafioned by other important engagements, and com plimenting him for his diplomatic ta lents, he returned the lieads of the treaty with a fingle alteratibn or addi**- tion to the 12th article, containing the prohibition which now appears in that article on the export trade of the U - nited States, afliiring mr. Jay that with that finale niodiiication the (ketch or heads of the treaty propofed by mr. Jay met bis (lord Grenville’s), entire approbation. Querc. Is it not prefumable from the foregoing fatft, that mr. Jay car' ried a treaty with him ready prepared from oUr government, and does not the treaty itlelf evidence the ftile, the- language, the feelings and the politics of the late fecreiary of the treafury, who, it is well known, expetfted himftlf to have been the envoy extraordinary ? July 22.—Mr. Howell, fome time flnee editor of the Argus, in Bolbon, now relides at Owyhcci in the Pacific Ocean. He is much refpeLfted by the natives, and has aflumed their urels, manners, and mode of living. Captain Gardener, of the brig Hope, from Surinam, informs, that three days after leaving the above place, he fpoke three 74s, who, when hailed, anfwered, from Holland ; they, however, hoifted Englifh colours, but had the cap of li berty upon their mails, and were filled with Frenchmen wearing the national cockade. They refufed to tell where they were bound, but captain Gardener is pretty certain that they were on their way to Surinam, from the courfe they fleered, and from their being daily expcdled by the inhabitants. The port was filled with Dutch merchantmen, that had been lying ther^ many months lhaded, filing to fee to w'hom the colony would finally belong. ^ ^..^''^^^^'—Yefterday arrived here'die mip Old Toni, captain , after a nncpaflagcof 35 days from London- 375 paflengers, who, when came near the wharf, gave joyful cheers Upon their fafe arrival in'this happy land of rrcedoni, which was echoed by a great number of fpedlators on fhore. July 2).—In the ftiip Columbus, cap tain Dillon, arrived here, in 70 days, from Havre de Grace, came paflenger that diftinguiflied and pcriccuicd liifh pan lot, Ai cliibald HaiinLon Rowan, efq. ’ BALTIMORE, July 28. Saturday arrived at the fort, brig PariTou, captain George Storv, from Jeremie, 18 days. Captain Story informs, that on tlie 4*h of July, an officer from the Har''^ moinc frigate, at Jeremie, came on board the Paragon, and prefled three of her men, American horn,—and from other American veflcls, he prefled two, three, and four from each. The next day the American matters went on board the frigate to demand their men ; but inftead of obtaining their releafe, the captain of the frigate treated them with great contempt, and told them, that he had received hew orders to prefs whatever number of meii he fliould want; that one of the matters afkcd the Britifh captain, if thofe or ders were not from mr. Jay ? he an- fwered, they W'cre. Captain Story obtained one of his men ; bui all tf.e refl; were detained on board the frigate to tbi^number of 55. ALEXANDRIA, July 25. Extra!fl: of a letter from Norfolk, dated July i7j 179s. Yefterday evening mr. Jay’s effigy wasburned in this place. They paraded it through thfc ftreets In a cart—the image bore in one hand a purfe, in the 6ther a paper, on which, was written, —** More money, and I will fell iny country.” q Extratit of a letter from the Delaware ftace, dated 20th inftant. People here ar^ much divided on the fnhjetft of mr. Jay's treaty; fonic are for burning him and the 20 approv ing fenators in effigy, others arc of opinion, that they buglu to be burned in j>erfon.” PETERSBURG, July 31. Accounts from Barbadoes of the 2oth ultimo mention, that the ifland of Gre nada prtfents one continued feene of the mod dreadful dcftruction—and fuch is the general calamity, that the colony is reduced tb little fliort of total tuiil. NORFOLK, Anguft "We arc happy to find, that notwith- flanding the fevei ity of the hurricane on Sunday laft, in and about this town, the accounts from different parts of the ^oiuitry are more favourable than could be expeded ; and w^at is aftonifhing, although a number of trees have been blown down and fome torn up by the roots, there has been but very little damage done among our fliipping in the river and bay. EDENTON, Auguft 6. On Sunday laft we experienced as fevere a gale of wind, accompanied with rain, as we recolletft to have hap pened here for many years. It began at E. N. E. about two o’clock in the morning, and continued iii that dircc- non until near evening, when it fliifccd vio P Southward, encreafing in lolencc. The water in the found rofe nearly four feet higher than what is generally coiifidcred a high tide, and done confiderabfe damage to the wharves,' and ftores, &c. near the wa-, ter. ..everal old buildings, and a mint- ber or trees and chimnies were blown ^ belonging to Bofton, the Sally, captain Matchett, went aftorc in the marfh, but has foriunatelv fincc got off, by taking out her cargo. From every account yet received, an alinoll entire dcttruCiion of the crops of corn has taken place. From th; Nr.'j.-HampJhlre Oracle. Pravers are rcquefled in all tl:e con- gr.“gatioiis throughout this ttate, for the recovery of Independence, under threatening fyinprom? cf a decay. Ma ny who feel themfelves interefted in her health and profperity, are greatly afraid, milcfs effectual remcdiesifimulcl be fpeedily applied, that they fhall foon have the mournful occafion of attend ing her funeral oration ! RealEJlate Office, &c. T he fubfcfiber having been frequently ap plied to for the purpofc of difpofing of plantations, houfes, flaves, and various other fpccies of real and pcrfonal property, has, at the inftance of hit friends, opened an cfbcc for the above purpofc, where the intcreft of the BUYER AND SELLER will be equally attcr.itd to; and where every pcifon defirous of difpoling of their prenertv, may have the greatefl probability of meeting s ready piirehaftr.—Thofe, on the contrary, w ho arc inclined to Iny out their money to advan tage, will inftantaneoufly become acquainted with the quantity and quality of laftd-, heufes, negroes, .finds, &c. Avhich are ciTtred h r falc, by which means they will be enabled to accommodate themfelves to their fatisfairiicn, w ithout lofs of time. An exadl regifter will be kept not only of the property to be difpofed cf, but a\fo cf thofe w.ANTS which it is intended diall bo fupplied through the medium of this ofTicc.-r- 1 his regifter will be open for the infpeclion of all perfons inte rcfled therein. The utility of this plan being fo obvinu», the fubfciiber takes the liberty to afTurc thofe w ho m^y patrouife him, that the meft affiduou* attention and exertion lliali be cnnOantly ufed ob his part, to render general fatisfaiflion. THO^. FITZ GERALD. ^ N. B. VENDUE and COMMISSION BUSINESS continued as ufual. Wilmington, Augufl 15, 1795- BILLS ON NEW-YORK For fale. Apply to THOMAS MURPHY. Auguft 14, 1795. N 0 T I C E. T he partncrHiip of DUNCAN & REAR DON is, by mutual confent, dilToIvcd.—• All perfons indebted to faid concern, are dc- fired to make immediate payment to Geo. Dun can; and thofe having claims, will pleafe pre- fent them for fettlemcnt, GEO. DUNCAN, Auguft 9, 1795* ADVER TISEMENT. PETER WISS, MERCHANT-TAILOR, FROM PARIS, w ISHES to inform the public in general, V V that he has commenced billincfs in the honfe formerly occupied by dodlor James Fer gus. Thofe who will favour him with their orders, may depend upon his exertions to gain a continuance of cuftom in the line he pro- feftet* ■Wilmington, Auguft 13, 1795-

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