■.^«NGTON: ratNTED BT JOHN BELLEXV, AT HIS OFFICE, CORNER OF MARKET AND SECOND STREETS. “ the abstract and brief chronicle of the times.’ Dollars per annum.] THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 9f [Vol. il. No. 3. A T I C Ec .«frf,hUln.rMARfAND r, Vi fas advcrtifcd to be foM oit the ^ ‘ is poftponed oQtH Saturday the ■tfty, *79^* ' iTicatoB, Tifldlc, & Co. ajilS ibeir coftomera and the public, ^ have remoted their ftorc to the p^y joccupied by Mr. James Lock- at tbc S. E. comer of the lihet.-^They have on hand, at the jtr cafii, an afibrtmenc of Dry ,n4Wine» of different kinds, by al, ifbt ittail, which they warrant illib, &. bbe*, and Turks liland the bogfli^. janutry 20, 179^* IUND FOR SALE. „.Jh«dfc3 and twenty acres in Bla- ient#ntty,on the North Well River ; ooehdfiftbe trad formerly called ' ikrp-Fw terms apply to the fab- r, ffksfitfhorded ta fidl. ' * F. BRICE, hifl^ Jmotry 20/ KtOUCE k hereby given* to aU perfons jj\ ann»], That Sarah E. M‘Calillcr ■ alRklad jun, have obtained nef idBiiiuftntiofi on the ^ood^ chat* ^krfjaw MCaliftcr, late of Brunf- * ®*y> sfceaifed.—^All perfbos iii- id n kd efiatt arc hereby required to I parnott-^.. »And thole who liave ' ^ eftatc arc hereby re-' ittpufist dxm to &id adinliiiftrau>rs, tektiBelimited by an ad of aflemhly Mje year 1780, entitled, « An ad j"** S«“t'ng I V HBiniiuation ; and tp jweveni I«» »tlK mmgement of .ime^ws ^.^M'CAUSTER, I Admx. , ®^?ULNCE, Jon, J Admr. 15th January, 1796. ^JOItiii hnvhv fnl^Tcriber has qua- loirf ’'ill perfon. req..lr;dtp !wcatdr, witTiin if \ Aa.a^ concern-' 'SowiitEf - “J"*’«‘'ffraodi I ■ntrftWCT.iftatef.’' ^^LLS, Ejer. » point of kfij^^PORCHASE, twenty ' I*naii ■^Enquire I79f. For Private Sale. EIGHT PIPES MADEIRA WINE; Cheap for Cafli. •Apply 10 • , T. FITZ GERALD. 20th January, 1796. State ot N. Carolina. 7 In Equity—- ■■Noycm« Wilmington. y berterm, 179J. Henry Toomer, p TTappearing to the court, wn- ^**Y>i Ctormcr order William Blounto jof May term, laft paft, of publication in this caufe has been complied with, ordered that tlie bill be taken pro con- I r * months* notice be given to the emfendaut, by three weeks'fuccemve'pubUia- ti^s in tbc Wilmington Chronicle, that the */^**”°*iy Jsne Duboice, Allice Heron, Stuckey, and others, will be taken before the matter in equity, for the difirid of Wil mington, at bis b&e, ou the firft Monday in March next. Certified to be a true copy from the mi nutes. THO>L\S DAVIS, C. M. E. of faid diftrid. State of N. Carolina. 7 In Equity Novem- Wilmingtoo diitrid. 5 ber term, 1795. Exors. Biihop Dudley, p TT appearing to tbc ^ X court, that former Matthew Green, ^ordcr of publication at May term latt paft, has been complied with, it is again ordered to be publiflied three weeks in the Wilmin^on Chronicle, that defendant file his anfwer in this office, at or before next t«Tn, which will be on the 13th May, 1796, or complainant's bill will be taken, pro cou- feflb. ^Vitnefs, THOMAS DAVIS, C. M. E. Wilmington (NiC.), 15th Dec. 1795. A S the fubferiber intends leaving this flate a* fbon as poftible, he requeits all thofe who have demands againft him to render in their accounts for fettlement. Thoft who are indebted to him (who arc not already fhed), may take this as a poftfciipt to the .final no- tice, f . \ J. JOHNSTON. At the ftime fime he wifhes to inform Ills friends, that he will ftli his remaining flock' of goods' (whblefale Or retail^,' low for cafh, or produce—confifting of dry goods, “wniw, purtef^ lumber, fhingles, -WCw' . ' j,john$ton. Wnmington'j[N.'Cl) Jan.^is, 17^.' C ASH, or G90D$ given for AUDITORS SP£ClE-rC£RTiriCATES.l,-.Apply to - JOHN JOHNSTON- Wilmington (N.C.) Jan..13, 1796. LANDS FOR SALE. T WO trads, patented in the ^^r 1758 ; one of 4C0, the other of 500 ades, lying ^ the White Marfh on W^ggaipaw Swamp, in Bladen comity; In a healthy fituation, well timbered, fit for the culcrvatibn pf Indigo, Indian Corn, and (rnall grain ; a cTearuig and fome improvements bn each. They wifl be Ibid ^parate or together, on teafonable terms. One thiiti of tbe 'money to Jx paid down, for the other tviti fMrds a credit of 5 years urill hq ijiyen, bearing intereft, and beintr (atisfac- tonlylccnred. A^ly to Edward Jones, ar* WAiey at lad^, -Stno nas tlie original patents in hit hands. . • MR. FAUCHETT’S LETTER. Jr (Concluded from our laft.) r?. As Toon as it was decided that the r rench republic purchafed no men to do their duty, there were to be feen individuals about whofe condiuft the government could at lealt form un'eafy conjeeftures, giving them- felves up with a fcandalous oftemation to its views, and even fcconding its declarations. lUe popular focieties foon emitted refolutions ftarap^ with the fame fpirit, and wlio, al though they may have been advifed by love ot order, might neverthelcfs have omitted or uttered them with Icfs Iblemnity. Then were ^n coming from the very men whom accuftomed to regard as having fittle fhendflup for the fyftem of the trea- lurcr, harangues without end, in order to give a new dircdion to the public mind. The militia, however, manifeft fomc repugnance, particularly in Pennfylvania, for the fervice to which they were called. Several officers relign; at laft, by excut fions or harangues, incomplete requifiiions are obtained, and fcat- tcred volunteer corps from difierent parts make up tlie deficiency. How much more micreftiog than the changeable men whom l have painted above, were thofe plain citi zens who anfwered the felicitations which were made to them to join the volunreers— « If we arc required we will march: becaufc we dp not wifli not to have a government put to arm ourfclvcs as volunteers would be in appearance fubferibing implicitly to the excife fyftem which reprobate.” 18. W’^hat I have faid above, authonfes then our refting on the opinion become ini con^ftable, that in the crifis which has burft, and in the means employed for reftoring or der, the true quettion was the deftnufeion or the triumph of the treafurer's p1a‘ns.' This ^mg once cftablittied, let us pafs over the factx related in the common difpatches, and lee how the government or the treafurer will ftrokc which tlireatened his fyftem, the fafe opportunity of hnmbling Che adverfe party, and of filencing their ene mies whether open or concealed. The army marched ; the prefident made known that he was going to command it; he fet out for Carlifle; Hamilton, as I have underftood, rc- quefted to follow him ; the prefident dared not to 'refnfe him. It does not require much peneemtion to divine the ofcjeift of the jour-*" ^ the prefident it uras wife, it might alfi) be his doty.—But in mr. Hamilton it was a conleqnence of the profound 'policy which diredls aU his fteps ; a mealnre dkftared by a perfect knowledge of the human heart. Was it not snterefting for him, for his party, ton tering. under the weight of events without, and aecufations within, to proclaim an inti-* macy more perfect than ever with the prefi- dent, whofe very name is a Efficient Ihield againft the moft formidable attacks* Now what more evident mark couM the prefident give of his intimany than by faftering mr. Hamilton, whofe name even is underfto^ in the weft as that of a public enemy, to go and place himfelf at the head of the army which went, if I may ufe the expreffion, to caufe his lyftem to triumph againft the oppofitibn of the people ? The prefence of inr. Hamilton with dm jarmy mnft attach it p*orc than ever ; to his party: we fee what ideas thefe circuni. ftances-give birth to on both fides, all, faow- ! ever to the advantage of the fecretary. If. Three weeks had they encamps in the weft v^hobt a finj^e arm^ man appearing.’ Hovreyer, the|>fefidenf,' or thofe who wifiied to make the snoft of this new. manoeuvre.

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