this paper ' ; ' 'published every afternoon, Sundays ex- . Li ceptcd by- '''.':' "" ' jOSU; T. JAMES, ! EDITOR AND PROPKIETOK. 9 h '"'if " ....L,r,..irrrrseu pnsTAfiP. fAT! fiUiwii xivi.-'t!, v.j.., year, $5 00 ; Six months, $2 50 ; Three - months, f 1 "25 j One month, 50 cent. Se paper will be delirered. by carriers, of charge, in an" part of the city, at the e rates, or 13 cents per week. Ivertising rates low and libera!. J-Sabscribers will pleaso report any and tiforcs to receive their pajers regularly. n . ' i , . i -) . j i : !:iwTerate estimate, says the. N. S im, tl3 attempt to count in vs h already cost the country,.- in nae f business, in the enforced paii ,D of laboring people, and the decline ttliu tf, sit' least one thousand' millions Hats VOL. 1. WILMINGTON, N. ; Reyiiw.; T I ' .- - '' ;v- U1 . ' ,;;,. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1877. 292. NEWS SUMMARY.. tip K) men hi: on the Clyde employs Gen. Crook says that lis nutue me ucm, cinii j j. i-i A sixty-ycar-ol 1 woman in urg, Ohio, 'dressed herself in a man's s and committed a cLu in g burglary, lint little drunkenness in New York, 5v j Years. r-.Journal, AViitterson, of the intimates ' that Murat d has been promised a place in cabinet when he gets one. raid lias news that it is the in-teu- the Kritifcb government to arrest iinoii 1is return from Africa - for Jition y carrying the British flag. if the ,Nc w York merchants, 3 to auj amicable and non-partisan icut of the 'residential question, evented yesterday to the Senate by nkliiig;, with his own endorsement. '1)3 llouse'coniniittee du Privileges xtions will to-day examine Gov. Miv Wheeler,' telegraphic Salem, Oregon. The nee oi'i the Eastern question will ly. be Wutn'cd to-day; the talk is t.cace. ' Commodore Van- died yi'stcrdny morning. The A-May 'marriage did not come 'oft duesday as per programme; it was and rs at i off by mutual consent and at the t of the: bride' papa. Fred- '.I ay, brother, to J. G. B.'s recent ee, I attem jted to cowhide Dennett lav in front -(f the Union Club but frieads interfered after' .a, few bad been; given. Vqsc, Dins- Co., ; dealers' in railroad supplies, 3adc anj asiigjimcntj liabilities over )00. ' -Samuel Bigler, late ;nt of the City Bank of Harrisburg, i two suns, one the ex-cashier, .have -rested on charges of conspiracy to I, &c ; the bank failed with liabili regating 350,000, while 4he as I not reach jnoro than $70,000. je loss by the niine fiic, near Potfs a., istthus far $100 000. 100 business men in New Orleans ned a 'card agreeing to give pecu apport to the Nichols governmentl Wo freight trains smashed and p on Veh,esday not far from ati; the loss of life was fearful, COO hngs'.havpig been kUled hti Senate is busy receiving memo ajust the proposed amendnieats to pingAact. A fire at Corning, destroyed the Erie Railroad depot W stores on Market street; loss )0. ; u theSpnate yesterday igktVUll, establishing a court to he electoral vote, was discussed rred to! the j select committee on' j the electoral vote.! Vandcr ) be burietl on S'unday morning. jv.1 Coiiner of Maine, was iuaugu fsitefdayj his iuaugural jops ,to.a ,1 solutiou of the vexed rrcsidential n.' U. Crook's command arrived .; Fettermaii ou the 29th ultimo, l organizing the rutfrtyf- iL-hj-CgisUtdre', a majority of the Inde ts voted wfth the pemocrats,. giy n two majority; the, House organ- Republican officers the vote J o4 to j -The examiua- tlie case of the horrible catastrophe Lake Shore Railroad develops Jhe at fully 200 persons were on board ated train, t-r 7Q moro than tiie or t Stated, The best field xmmaud only $G 50 a month at tsvillc, S. C. The Harvey .i splendid new ship lying at Bcau-C-, ready fosca, with 7,000 bales i ou board, took fire last week and limped full of water; the damages robably bp largo. Tho tai l in South Cjxrolina arc holding igs and i pledging themselves to ton. Ou the ill-fated ship wrecked; last week, off Sag ian, L.'I., 28 Uvea, were lost. PTQ.ys IJ PINTLES TO THE PHILISTINES. 10 of the self-righteous cusses ef the ve tikca it upon theaiselves pi i Criticise and condemn Gov. Uamp au8e of the letter be wrote recently yc. A precisely siinilar letter was ;iiteveach of the men who claimed ive been elected President of . the nl ptates and who stanpl at this time 2cwoly th3 saurt iboting" liuil' will W stand until the electoral vote shall , have been opened and counted, yet no one seems to find any fiult with him for having written a letter to Tilden ; it is the Hayes letter, the exact counterpart of the other, which excites their ire. And what does Hampton Way to "eaclr of, these possible Presidents ? Does he double on them expressing to each repipient of his letter that it is his confident belief that he (Hayes or Tilden as the case may bej has been legally elected and that the people of South Carolina are prepared to expend lwf h monnv and treasure in 6UDDOrt of " . t ; . bis peculiar claims' to' the Presidency? Nothing of the kind and there is not a word in it that might not havo been wri ten by the etr'ongest Democrat and the: most fervid States Rights man to Gen . Grant one day or one week or one month before or after his election in '68 and '72. ' But here is wliat Hampton did say and he will be endorsed by every sesible man in the country:. Executive Mansion, : Columbia, Dec. 23, 1870. , - My Deak Sib: 1 have the honor to enclose a copy of my inaugural, as the duly elected Governor of &outh Carolina. In view of the" present "events and- the official sanction given to gross misrepre sentations of the acts and purposes of the majority of the good people of this com monwealth, 1 deem it proper xo declare that profound peace prevails thoughout the State ; that the course of judicial proceed ings is obstruted by no combination of citizens thereof, and that the laws tor the protection "of the inhabitants in 'all their right? of person, property and citizenship are. being eul'orced-iii our courts. While thcpeople of this State are not . wanting either in the spirit or means to maintain the rights of citizeushjpjagainst the. usurp etlg power which new defies the supreme judicial authority of the State, they have such faith in the justice of their caiise (hat they propose to leave its vindication to the proper legal tribunals, appealing at the same time'to the patriotism and public sentiment of the whole country'. The inflammatory utterances of a por tion of the public press render it perhaps . not inopportune far mp to state : tnat, . al though tne people ot boutii Carolina v-iew with grave concern the present critical con juncture in the . affairs of our country, which threatens to subject to an extreme test the Republican system- of goverment itself, it is.their firm and deliberate pur pesa to condemn any solution of existing political problems tatiqyojves tne exhibi tion of armed fqrcQ,or tjaat rnoves through any other channel than the ' prescribed form of the Constitution, or the peaceful agencies of the law, ,1 rusting thjt a 'olntjon may pp hap; which, while maintaining the peace of the country, shall do no violence to the con stitutio'nai safeguards oHjpular rights, and will teud still more firmly to unite the people of. all the States in an earnest effort to i resc ve thi pcac Jmd sustain the laws and the Constitution, l ain, very re spectfully; your obodicnt 'sjryat, ' ', , ' Wade Hampton,; Governor of South Carolina. ' His Excellency li. B. Hayes, Governor of Ohio. . '. ' . . P. S. As the settlement of' the vexed fiilif ir-nl nnotinTTa whir.h ' miw nntotn t'hft public mipd mulit. nltimateiy depend on yourself or your distinguished competitor. lor the iTcsideccy. l nave addressed a letter similar to! this to his Excellency Governor Tilden. Wade Aampton. . :?1 Bth committee on heating tac cipi placed on the calendar. : ; ! Upon motion of Senator L tli.u;, -4 he r rules were suspended, and the ;emue took up the bill to 'relievo jfrom tha judgments against them the fclin'uent sheriffs and tax-collecfors; who hailjsettle with the State Treasurer on fr before th first Monday in February next, provided that they shall not be re liuved from the cost, of such jndguient The bill .passed itp several readings. t "i ! Senator Robinson moved to t rc jhsid- the .mo- er and Iay updn the table, and tion was adopted. By Senator Mebane, of Bei to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors on the Sabbath day; .calendar.! Bill to provide for the relief of rtie, a mil or U):nt r.! i the woiklng sheriT and tax collector of IJiuiisfwicU, was, upon motion of Senator Bingliam; laid' upon the table. , j j Bill to prevent the sale of liqUoion the Sabbath day, was taken up, ?ndf; ii lfto- tirin hf Senator Sandd-T. rekrred ton-lie judiciary committee. ' Resolutions in tavor ol in people, introduced by Senator . Idoorej of New Hanover, came up and was lead jthe second time. The resolutions were tlienj upon motion of Seuatir Bmlilie, referred to thejudiciary committee. tiOlISE OF REPRESKN TATIVES By Jarvis: A bill for the relief of le- .linqxent sheriffs. Placeil on calendar.'! ' : T By the same: I A bill to moiiity ano change article 7 tf the ' constitution-of North Carolina. Committee on; comity government, s . On motion of JV.rvis, tin rules were susjiended and his bill for the relief of de linquent sheriffs, was taken up and 'passed its second reading. Under a suspension of the rules the bill" came, up -again and passed its third reading. - j L On motion of Hendersontho rules were suspended and the resolution of Mr.- I)il lard to let out a con tract for the heat in 2 as of the two legislative-halU with stoves recommended in the report of tlje seljpct committee, was taken up and adopted. . On motion" of Cooper, tiie bill to re quire the Secretary of State to insert the number in; each grant of tracts of land, and to empower thes Register of D.;eds to do the same in certain cases, -was taken up. ' ;. ; .... !- ' -'.- , - . Todd, of Ashe,-moved t refer to :he committee tri judiciary ; carried. I I On motion of, Swain, the rules wpre suspendedand his resolution in regard! to the relations of the two races in this State, wa3 taken up. , -' The resolutions, repudiate ail such things as civil right., lot assure theeolT bred people, of the S'-ate that their past rightsvwill be fully protected. teachings that the 'colored' race ceived' from Vld white, u'imu is Src.J v : . Baaley ! m ved to strike 'out-- . desirous that he should be an element of power with us." " I uliamson, col., had no objection to the spirit of the' resolutions and his only oojection to tne letter 01 tfiem was tne word 'erroneous.' If Mr. Bagley?s amend ment had been adopted he would not have had the slightest objection to them. V aughandid not see the necessity of this debate, or any good likely to arise from it. He moved to lav the whole matter ou the table. ' The yeas and nays were called, and the motion to table was rejected by a vote of j-cas 80, nays 51. "1 The question recurred upon the' amend ment of Bagley, which was lost. ' v The question recurred on the . passage of the resolutions. The yeas and nays were called, and tho resolutions were adopted by a vote of yeas, GO ; nays 24. : ' - . m . - : j, ' " i CAROLINA. i I (Til streets are still slippery The talse lrivo re depiorctl, 1 -i ' tho . wtird "erroneously" in that portion InchspeaiKs of the false teachings reee:ved i-y the ored race in this State. j S.vaim said that; no matter wiso 1 lail done the false teaching, the fact that the Raleigb News. -: J - :- General Assembly. ' SENATE- j .r- ; Wednesday, Jan. 3. Jy Seuator Robins : Aj. mfimori4l from certain citizens of IJandqlph, asking for the repeal of the usury law, ' Referred to the committee on banks and currency. By Senator Moore, of New Hanover 1 A resolution in favor of the working people. Calendar. ; ' Ry Senator Stanford KV bill to. be "entitlctl an act io puflish assaul with deadly weapons.-' JudiciaryX Committee. The bill fo amend chap. 3?, Batt's Revisal, making desertipu on the part of the husband a sufficient cause for di vorce, reported un fa vorably from x the jndiciary committee, wa upon motion of Senator Graham recommitted.: A message was received from the House announcing that it bad passed a bill to settle the ridings o: the several judicial districts of the ta,tCj and aklQg coac'ur rencc. ' 'v v ' ' -:' ' . Upon motiou of Senator Graham it was laid on the table. Bill to repeal sec. 44, chap. C, in re gard to trials In magistrates courts, passed its scnd reading, and after, some little debate, passed also its third reading ayes 38, nays t '" , A message was reived from the House, annQquqng h passage ot f H. B. 134, allowing mechanics 60 da,ys in wh,ich to file their liens; Judiciary committee. Bill to be entitled an kct for tho re clamation and improvement, of certain swamp lands in, Duplin county, was 'ta ken up, and upon motion of. Senator Stanford, referred to the committee on Education- -. .V ,,4'. ' ' I A message was revcdfrom theHouse, announcing that it had passed a bill ftfr tho relief s dehnquent , snerifis, and It .resolntfoa -xif instnnction ' to ' the joint colored, peoi i ; had ' been taught remained , and h erroneously L Viiv- t woo nt-.nit."!, the. amendmeufc-of Bagley. m nnnix was aiso opposed to tne i.iueiyi mentj .' fie wanted the resolution to speak the facts, &c- h-- ,' . ..I '-j: Vaughn did not think that the,effect !ol r these resolutions.-either oito way ; or other, wouli benefit the State in a ncr commensurato with the expense nowjdisciissing them.. . I . fcGehee was a little surprised j at excessive sensitiveness on ths 'subject, ex hibited on the Republican side of tjie House He heartily concurre.1 i;it 4iie tone and temper c-f the rrH'!!''0?- T.e gentleman (rdrii' Gail lord wain. ) f in in troducing them jhad rightly interpreted the policy of the Democratic party of the State in this, matter. He wisheitthc reso lutions td passfur. they, gave jo tiie co4or eil man an indisputable assurance ui ihe protection that Jus tights yould receive at the hands of tlje "Democratic party uf the State. . : ...-' "'j 1,' 1 - Bledsoe denounced the rosolutions as; a partisan dodge and would not siippirt them. ..' ..i . '.(.' 'j' . Swaini saitVthat he had introduced the resolution in good faith.- .He'-'did so be cause ' he thqught jfhat the 0emocratic- party shouiil give! a public pledge; of its obd faith in carrying out hnoraUIv all constitutional requirements, as to the righ,ts of citieng. Ho was not res ponsible for the iutrodnction of politics in this debate The Republican party on this flborsaw fit tq-lug them in. lu ref erence to the course which sh40uld be con-; adopted toward the, colored racy. U curred wiih th5. wc.'pf lon. Benjamin lili, of Georgia, when he said "the people of'the North,"t-K, shoald know thai the negro will' receive from the Southern peo ple absolute protection in H his civil and political lighU. The Suth has no pre judices against the negro ; we charge none of our wrongs to tna negro it is our interest not only to protect the nero bnt to do all we ca,r to ednjCatfi and improve him j he is a citizen, aqd it is, our interest to make him an intelligent citizen ; he is a freeman, and it is. our interest to make hira a worthy fecnian j'he is a voter, and it is our Interest to make. him' a wise voter. This is especially t mo because the fourteenth amendment increases the; pow er of the South in tha Electoral College and m Corress; . We would not, there fore, if we could; Use the right of suffrage away from the negro. Ti Scita U not efrad c percr: when' sinur :infiu eWdes 'are removed irom him no s docile and easily Hrn'edand- "bein? a neces sary element in our society, wc are also The Governor, has appointed J. B.J Bell commissioner of aflfidayits for the State of Massachusetts. Little white girls "beg in " the streets of Raleigfi. -, Some members of the New York Olympic Pantomime troupe seceded from the com pany in Raleigh. ; The Raleigh papers record a sad acci dent to Mr. Geo. W. Wynne, the well k no Vv n livery stable proprietor in that city. He was driving the four-horse Yar borough omnibus from his stables when his body was caught in the narrow space between the top of the bus and the "arch of the doorway and severely crushed. 'His situation is critical,, but there are some hopes of his recovery. I The Raleigh News wants Judge Watts impeached and removed. .1 Hon. R. F. Armfield sends an able let ter to the Raleigh News on county gov inent. - "-.' ., . -. ; Judge Scheuck is to hold a special .term of Wake court, the obioct being to clear off the dockets. The Ralci with ice. lhc liaieigli Observer says: lue por trait of Gov. Hayes,' placed in the S.taie Treasurer's office by Mr; Jenkins ' during In's drninistratlQn, now hangs : with the face to tho . wall, awaiting the action of the returning boards. . ! The thermometer was down to 10 de grees in Fayetteville on Tuesday night. ! Th.e Fayetteville Gazette says: An aged and respected citiefi of this county, "Sion liornc, Ejq., ..'died at his homo, near lllockersville, on the morning .of January 1, 1877, at about 3 o'clock the sands of .his life running out with the bb-ticle of I the closicg year. Mr. Home was 8G yenrs ot age, was a soldier of the war of 1812, and was in receipt of a pension from the government in recognition of his services to his country, . The Goldsboro Messenger gets out Gov, Vance's inaugural address in an etra, Tournament and ccranfttlon at La Grange qn the lath. . U-he snow in the Goldsboro section was 'from 14 to 18 inches thick, i 1 1 The Fayetteville Gazette says: The Lit tle River cotton factory at- Manchester, jW. R. R., was burned yesterday morning about o'clock, the wholo property being eutiiely consumed with the exception of iinih- ! a h0013 .gotten, out from the- lower iioor. The fare Was first observed on the third floor, and is yet nhexplained.though wh believe there is so far no, suspicion of ineendiarisni. , The mills' -were new and ha. idsomely piuipped, ' and the loss is i.v The propery was partially in 'uivVl. We learn that the President, .Mr. Jno. I). Williams, has generously issued instructions that the operatives shall be fed -at the expense of the company for the present, until' they can pVocur employ ?. raciR eisewnere. - I The U'h-sb)io Messenger says: Mr. vfosiah Sgg died at his residence, in Greene county, last week. Mr. Sugg had long been iu very feeble health and was forced to decline the senatorial nomina tion ou that account, which ha.d been so' unanimously'-tt:Mler- him by the Denao cra,t of Qrwue and Lenoiy, He' was a most ecellen c!izen4 highly esteemed by all who knew .him. Jtn 1874 be was electeil to the senate frorai tho 11th Dis trict, ovorcomiug a large Republican ma jority. j Frank Wonible, a Raleigh' youth, was accidentally shot with his own pistol laa Wednesday. The ball is iq j ficshy pa of his leg;. ; v , ' 1 ihcr:ff Stchwll, of Beaufort, and IiavU of Cartartt, settled with the State Treasurer on Welnefiday. The former paid in ,T75.C8and the latter $1,893.11. j Our American Coosin was to haTe been repeated last night by the Raleigh ama teurs... -.-;.''-!.; -; co;- to POSTAL. IlOUItS. The tatlU will close at the City Fust Office uuui luriaer nouce as iouowb : 1 Northern through mails : 5:30 P M Northern through and way miil, daily. .J; 7:00 A M Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and I routes supplied tbrefrom, at...... 5:30 I' M Southern mails for all points South, iily.... J... 7:00 P M Western mails (C C Railway) daily 6:C0 A M Fayetteville, and offices on Cape. Fear River. Tuesdavs and Fridars. 1:00 P M FayetteTille bv Carolina Central Railway, dailr fexnpnt SnnHv fi-00 A 1 Onslow Cf. H. and intermediated of- . Sees every Friday.. ; 6:00 AM Northern throueh mails...... :.'.. 12:4S P'M Northern way and through mails, 8,00 P 11 uo ouuuiTiuc mauK, oy sieamooat, close at 2 P M, daily, except Sundays, f Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Supply and Shallotte eYery Friday at 6 A. M. Mails delivered from 7:00 A M to 7:00 P M, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 AM, Stamp Office open from 8 A M to 12 M. and from 2 to 5:30 P M. Money Order and Regis ter Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. . j Key Boxes accessible'at all hours, dar and night. . " r , , j Mails collected from street boxes everv dav at 4:30 P1L 11 LOCAL! NEWS. fc New Adrertisenients. A. Suriee All Made JLinen Bosom Shirts for 00 cents, worth $2 50. : !l . j . The woods are litsrally full of sports men" but birds seen scarce. I The wind comes from the 'East again. Look out for more bad weather. 'There was a large party of skaters at Mosquito Hall this morning, g ' Ger. barque Ceres and a Ger. barque and a schooner, name unknown, are in below il The atmosnhere at noon to-day feels at least ten degrees warmer than; it did yes terday. ; - 1 1 V -7f A little attention to the s. himir foot of Princess street might save somebody a little profanity. ' - r . ' ' f The work of paving Pront street North of Chestnut, seems to have been tempo rarily abandoned, j ' . . i - i The ice has broken up in the mill pond at Greenfield and there were ; no skaters hereabouts yesterday 1 Somebody please hold the lamp, light corner of Mulberry and. Thirds streets, to keep it from going out. 1 Send in your New River oysters: They are scarce now in this market, both in the siiell and in the bucket. u . . - j; . Only .21 of an inch of rain water re ported in all these United States for the eight hours ending at 7:31 this morninsr. . - - - ji , . There ana but five days left in which to settle schedule B and C taxes. debtcd wiH note that the time short. There is good boating water ii the river yet and more is expected soon from thetlwwing of the snow and ice in the interior sections. I: : 11 j Those in is getting Schedule B and C Notice. LL PERSONS subject to the payment of Schedule B and C Tax are hereby notified to .1 . '...'- come forward and pay the same within the 1 .- , - - .- - .- - . first ten days in January, for the past six monlh5,as required by law. Tht(ial e on the 1 fa Ja uatt, I87T. - J. E. SAMPSQX. Bcgker of eed ; D A1LY REVIEW ONLY 60 CENTS A U OXTH. Some of. the tax payers arc wofully behind in their settlements, Mr; Scrvoss, the City Treasurer, haying sontjout' COOO duns in the past days.; "We understand that the committee to whom the-matter was left have succeeded in making arrangements for the-care here after of the convicted prisoners without expense to the.county, j " Tle Charleston News . & Com ier ap peared in a .new dress on New Years. This excellent paper is fast rivaling the New York dailies, arid it deserves every particle 'Of the patronage so freely be stowed upon it. h - Getting Along. The New Year has thus far opened very gratifying &r ns. We having made many friends and taken in many new subscrip tions for the Review this week. S We have no free lists and those who recti ve our paper must take an interest in reading it as they all seem willing to pay for. what they get. j Daughters of Re be tab. The following were installed last even ing by D. D.G. M., W. L. Smith, assisted by P. GVG M.Altaffer and J. L Keen; as officers of Oriana Lodge,. No. 3, Daugh ters of Rebekah, for the ensuing term . G.M. Altaffer, N. G. Mrs. E. A. Keen, V. G. li ' . Jonn H. Pugh, Secretary ! V ro. Mary Altafltr, Treasurer. Y, B. Yopp, Warden. I Mrs. A. A. Pugb, Conductor, 1 Mrs, I. J. Yopp.R. S, to N. G. Mrs. &, T. Potts, lu S. to N. G. W,M, Hays, R. Sr to V. G. 4 ' Ifenjamin Bell, L. S. to V. G. j fy. T, Totts, T. G. PLEASE NOTICE. ' - . We will be glad to receive communicationt from cur friends on any and all sabjecU of general interest but : The same of the writer must aliravs be furnished to the Editor. V . Communications must be written only jou one side Qf the paper. v Personalities most be avoided. . '' And it is especially and particularly unocr stod that So editor does not alwayenderse the views of correspondents, unless so sUted in the editorial columns. A New Enterprise. - - U' 1 ii . - - . -' e iearu mat a company has been formed in Boston for the purpose of run-' ninga papef manufactory; in this city. . They have leased, for ten years, the works of the Cape Fear Fibre Company and are -now haying new and improved machinery .i...i..auui lor-inc purpose-ot makin" up the stock without the use of tiie guns. They will also put in ' machinery for the manufacture of the stock into paper. It is expected that they will begin opera tions here as soon as the miserable PresU dential muddle is settle. -, , The Atmosnnere. J-It was five degrees warmer here, this mornmg at 7 o'clock than it was Tester- day at the same time, as we learc from" the report form the Signal office. The ! ' . . . lueuuomcter stooa at 'Zo degrees in Wil- mintion, at 24 m Augusta, 33 in Charles ton ir. in rSnflnniC A Q . n , -w ... .uiikiuiiuu, -avj ux viai vcaiUU, OO in Jacksonville, 58 in Key West, 0 in Knoxville, 3 degrees below zero in Lynch- bu-c. 40 in Mobile. 47 in 11 in New York, 21 in Norfolk;. 82 in Savanuah, Shereport, St. Louis, Memphis and Montgomery, 34 in St. Marks, 38 in Vicksburg and one degree below zer in . Washington City; . ' vcn. pulsion. '-.'. ; Wejindcrstand that this gentleman, af ter six months spent in Paris, has return ed to his post in Egypt and we are glad to lp.'irn wit.Vi ln'n VionllVi niimVi imA ' - .MV.N... . Ul 1 IUII. V. . He was to have arrived at Cairo abont Christmas; "Ilia intention to crow tho ocean and visit his friends here was neces sarily abandoned because of the fact that the phy&icians he consulted required him to spend his entire leave in Paris , under their care. His contract for fivo years yith the Egyptian government expires this year and although he may renew if, he will at t he same time probably" obtain - a furlough of sufficient length of time to enable him to visit his family and friends . in Wilmington. Gents' and Youlh's There is said to be a whiskey distil kry in full blast a short distance below tho city. Never heard of such a thing herea bouts before. . ;. - New Advertisements FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. rjMIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE declared a Dividend of Four Per Cent) paya ble ou the 10th inst. J I 1 jan 377 AL K. WALKER, Cash'r. : SEE OUR STOCtv LATEST FALL AND WINTER . FAS II - ' ions in' ;-r';" v CloftiiiiE aiij GOODS. For cash we soli as cheap , as New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore dealers. Our epecialty is our All-Made, Linen Bosom, WAMSUTTA SHIRTS at - Call and see tbem for yourself; dec 30 a. annus n. Tobacco Goods. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED mj at n0. 34 ZZarket Ot., Soutiw side, a very carefully selected stock of Tobacco, Cigaxs, Pipes, &c, &!1 of them Choice Brands, which' are offered at the lowest living prices. J2r- My FIVE CENT CIGAR a Specialty: . dec 21 J. T. VAXN. . SPIRIT CASKS. NEW YORKS and Countries. - - FURNISHING Must be sldeoon. jan 4 DcROSSET & CO. GET YODR t . . a FROM ; Leave .yoar orders fir printing with him. dec 30 -. , ' , ItS. T. ' FKTTEWAT. c. k. tcavixts mmmi eouoissioo AND .-: . . Brokerage Houce. Receive regularly and ha on exhibition, camples of Coffee, Flour, Rice, Molasses, Sugar, Hrraps, Tobacco, Ac., Ac Take orders for Meat, Lard Salt, Candler, Butter, Cheese, Soap, Lye, Potash, Ac. ; Wire promptly all orders. Orders and con signments solicited. - : We are agents for the sale of WILCOX GIBBS A CO'S MANIPULATED GUANO, and the Bea&ly Cotton Ties. PETTEWAY & SCflULKEi;..