1 -. I j t;l C;A MUNDI. J , . i,.tUitrurnen deer go weep. Scrims the worldaway. wmy. , . - r lkf m voth'H delightful drills; SOi"". .rnw1(lV! ! 1 in l v from ouf vision glide J"l" . 'tn at eventide : dewtl ;reft: VllOIii i ui" ---- - L. ' . r w of our peru-neu joy lhe left, lint II' Bi ..... . .mrab IPlf. " r.Tl i lie comrade left. Arv ,ain is broken link by link ; i, u miiinrui jav. n thivr's brink: f f r 1 .' world nWftV." ..ri .it mill inc T i . CHARMS J. DCSFHH4 ' i njubn I.W have, taken tallying "s. One dame . f"rther--stie -If " " ..... .f .i brilliant .... tr horses, urivin:; iuui-w ,-tl,,., I'wouM lmy nv .wile a new )f tars. Ah Engfoh thief waV. recently arrested kin-les-Haitis, itrland -who had ; MfliHlmOOO wurth of jew el - cis t.-Ti-mn that-i-ity had been (.;.-Mt nioiitl.s iii .search ut him He i . -.-.1 ii.iliMivi.iiiiL' to sefl liis ,vii oi-.v mo -c - , l.!r Hi .Nice, l""i'-,' '. til .1. lluLi li.Mnf1.-joO Inlanders h,iv( ! :im crs li.ivc iinuif'ia- ko Marnt"!- and iemeu- tin ismc a j iil.ue u hich they call mm... ..!. i.ImI f'liivnrimiriit. tln X lit; .,wiyui.ii - I, tLfiii land and helped lliem to get ,'r 'J'.mV arc very unlucky, however, 'v whiter, numbers vt tUen, et penally V.Mi, having died i.f sma'.'-4)ux. nn;5;ii ui'-au ' ancient Indian- village re- Ntn iH.-cuvtrid at 1 aragoonah, Tlie 1io'iie, nw '.covered with . ili. ItiisIi, were anainged in unifurm isai.d were ah.ut eight hy nine leetjin ;. Tliey Were all two story, built jof v.yunvt by pillars or' sandstone L llnUe a.nLi.nces"'fir'grindiiAg corn rc also foil ml. j . A Brooklyn luly,vh'o has jus' returned in along vi.Nit, to hiirope. conlcsruis that :,jiti' hi the attractions and novelties oi OM World, thre" was one thing she -sod. Q'j being urged to.be more e!x rif. l,c itt length .acknowledged tliat iiisr;! ljolding mi licr skirts.to avdid jnice. ' . .. ,i 'vniiii;: hi.iUinioi( n an told his wbe ill lie had embezzled several hundi'td' ihars of Ills un plover' money", and iihe iid that 1-1' cIok; economy tliey coild ,vi ciiocglj to refund tlie aiiiount, and iii.s.save. hi,s credit.. When tjiey had, by n :1 i:iichij;g, accumulated the required an, the husband nddwd that to the stolen ijiry and j'lojdnl width uirl, as "he, in uikil tod lioin thetir'st." 1 i i . - i ... ANNOUNCEMENT. t S orlx foretlieilrst'ofltreember, the Re- i I ui:i win ie issiuHi ai a tliirty-two col luu m4r,at a M;bcrinUon price 6f S2per kiiUln: Jfl." lori idx lnot'thtt : 7. eentst ftr hinonili!', invuriahy In advance, name will U j u teved on the Kubserpt li WmiIm until tli6 moxky is paIi, nor w ill IV '-oiiUtiiied Alter the time expires. mWu'UltM-M Met ly adhered to. Thcfe y Kui wriWr Will receive tlie Kecod imu imitex tires. . W pHjur AtiJl I. printed on a tjood tVash toii ires, whw-fi ui fly 'l tonil)i'tflv; Ml tliom Ai-tll 1 J nn r)iml;ihit U-eiuise ofbal printing. H Intention into Tii!i!ro tt ; liu rary iifwsjiijier. Something M ill be ET 1 V'k ' msiruct, please and Im veall c-Lism-h; nothing to injure any. Its ral to.li- vj ill u. guardi-d wltli very great il"ai.pul.lM?B Yha willlxjof it present , ' wla innniKsXble for it to be other- jlM". Ml hlllif H it ............ ...m I i t"vuk vuuor conirojs I'olli1 f" uud as iiiteresl 1 b'!"!???'!! the present iK ii idin in iii:uui i t Mia onnhl . hut tilhil id l i V lA t;l i,fU . t i l - man limn i llie ii'te.'if.tyrjS te ".' will he Foil i-l.i-. ' . . . iuor ana Proprietor. The XiAnrtmTlF Vke.!Mdm Neff'PP West- HiWJ1 Jomocratic Taper publwhed SSt4?UI?'r'n of UWt and CUn,t,es,in,I,e Stkte-.nd has.t frrr' ocal circulation than anv pa j r ttolgre published in the county. it.M-.Vu1 yf any two papers in the t comi.r Ti f W-two papers in the I the onlr r !- x-.i. 51 tK., . ft v vouiuui tu vltr , "11 eintilfn. r - r b T.nt pul0' Tegular S i n.d thkept conitant! i Regular Canvassing belore the s riLJ! tr thls Jtem a rapidly increaa ".v.4UOn -j -.if : it,. f?X'SA4SerttaB "m i dec 1J LANDMARK, Statesrille, N. C. GAUDY Fon aii HARRY BERNARD, the well kno rial . f. ' ." ", ' : i! itreTt. r;ctur"wrner Front ta'dCas W 1.? spared to manafactore Candv Wicitcdi . , VTirte fatnllliw. - Orders f00- BBLS NEW FWUE, ( BtrAla J TT to . ' . v. xi ii iiine i. 1 7 Aft T? f V SOUXD AND SWEET For solo by .- .,..' fillles.flcet as line, fri went Course is iun; iJJVKriftSo" the eglantine; 1. - ii .'A. but only H'cms; Lw;n J the world away! i iffiS uSS the Wllow- bright ; lJS "StnVKhMing silver Ughl .(!. f;l. . 1 - foki i wcio you about 7 h;: f i. .n'v dear n he aske! with considera- Heciu-c," she Uj toying .iimitelv witl. his watch dm.n, -bc- ill clvn the TatiHst. t Nrifr .utdjalthful markJt reports " " r,i """M1' u open to original con fciMitliw ami wmmunUttoiiH,. subject of tirs". t the nnumvni nfo.. 1 J 7 n. n. '",v terming extra. mi t??Hy KwvU that h lltw n 71' run the pnper its at nrpuni if.uR!i he lias donrtft uSft he eoSldlnd ' U Mire tlie oubllc and his frlmi--n'i Fliim. lb-did AXL ALPEARSALL. Hardware, &c. Sporting IVJaterial. CHUN'S A XD PISTOLS, Powder, Shot and J Ctp, Powder Flank j, Shot Pouches, Clair.e liage, Ac, at ' Jacobi's. MEAI Ili ILhS 1J SrlFFEUS: -o-- Boxing Axes V A'U GRINDSTONES, HovKfaold Hardw xl. ware of erery descripuon at i " , - - w ii A v Jacobi's. Builder's 8.1811- ilfliJRS Ml) :WM, PAINTS, OILS, YARXISnES, GLASS, LOWEST PRICES At J. Jacobis, ICTo- 10 South Front Dt. jan 3 r IF YOU WANT TO UUV P L Cheap the proper place . to purchase is from tlu manufacturers HAfiT, BAILEY & CO., Iron Founders and .Manufacturcrjof Steam Engine?, "Water and Horse Powers, f urpeh ine Stilla, Cotton Presses acd Gins. Machin ery of every description repaireU. 15 &. 17 South Front St., WZIiIUCI2MGTOZa: W. C( due u " . :o:- JAMES GORDON BENNETT, V It O P 11 I E T 0 II. o The Best and Cheapest - Newspaper Published. lv O S T A G E F It E E ONE DOLLAR : PEltj YEIt. 59 Ccnt for Six Xonths. lAn extra copy to'evcry club of ten,' . THE NEW YORK DAILY HERALD, Published-every day in the year. . I O ITAGE FREE. , SIO pays for one year, Sundays included. $8 pays for one year, without Sundays.": $5 pays for six months, Sundays included. S4 pays for six months, without Sundays. $2 p ys for one year for any specified day . of the week. ' SI p iVs for six months for any specified day of the week. . " ' ' $1 piys for one month, Sundays included. NEWSDEALERS SUITLIEI) . POSTAGE FREE. ; Dailv Edition. ..Two and a half cts. per copy Suniay Edition..i........Fou'r cents per cbpy Weekly Edition iwo cenia per cupj Address, NEW YORK HERALD, dec 27 Broodway and Ann st.,New. York. To the Public. GOOD BOARD oo MARKET Street, at MRS. PICKETT'S, over Shricr's Clothing- Store. Rooms neatlv fitted UP. . -'' Board from jBlG to Q20 Per Month. Call and examine. . , Mrs. Mary P. Pickett d'ec13 REMOVAL. -QRS. LOVE AND MURPHY HAVE RE- inorea their Office to the aUonal Rank build ing, corner Front and Princess streets. ; En trance on Princess street by outside stairway and Office on second floor of the building, first door on the right. ; , dec 17 vTIL L A H E A D ! -r - ( j i " Desirintr to place a wide awake, Uvq and progressive newspaper'Ia the hands of every qualined voter in uooecon ana aajoining counties we' will send the . - " . ; ROB ESONJ; To all new subscribers at the following rates : 1 copy 40c ; 2 copies, 75c; 3 copies, SI i 10 copies, 9 oo ; l copy 3 mcntns, ; s cj 6 months, $1 25; 1 copy 11 months, $2, . Send stamp for specimen copy. " I To the Public. THE OLD AND RELIABLE sTOABCCO HOUSE still lives and continues to keep all the leading brands of "fine Chewing and Smokincr Tobacco.amoog which will be found the Celebrated GrardY, Eldorado and Ueiresa Twist, ' Chewing and ITide or, uurnam SmoLia? ' Tobaccot also fino t Siagla and Double, Thick, Bright and Darsf Navies, aU the leadinc Brands of Snuff and -fine Began always on hand. I deal in nothing but To- ..J . t. - u.-. i ' oacco uoocs ana so aeep u wc , Give me a call before going elsewhere. Motto quick sales and small, profits. ' . : " 'i ' : . . i. . a.. 7wuumjeu. , Wholesale end Retail Dealer in the above goods. No. rnznau , 7 v A V; TDK j III! i "I'M Miscellaneous. THE A Wews Paper, Is published every evening, Sand.ty excepted P -AT Or 50 cents, a month, not strictly-in - advanc. The' Reading Public arc respectfully inform ed that it shall bb the constant aim of the pro- - . - prietor to furnfsh them with A LIVE NEWSPAPER, . . contaihing the latest news .of thv day, and sn deavoring to keep its readers fu'iy-informed in regard to events of interest and ia;por tance occurring in every quai ter of the woi Id, 4 OUR DAILY MARKET REfilfiTS- Will be full and correct, and will be kept open until the latest possible moment.- Jl-r- chante in the city co.untrv nay n.t .is- v 11 . , I sured that they will be thoroigh'y reliable. The News Cbiumhs Will contain tho reports, bot. of news and markets, received here each day at. noon,, and the ' .' - LOG A L D E V A It T M 10 N i' Has been placed in careful and experienced hands; Friends iu the section of count ry "on-nected-with this city, will '.-greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter est to these columns by forwarding any itms of sews that may occur in the'r respective localities-. ' ! i ' i ;. ; - j AIJi COnKKSrpXDINCK. 1 . : . .1 '" ' ! On matters of general interest will be gladly received, hat oar fiicnds must bear in mind that they 'must write ,only on one sido of the paper j that they must forbear useless verbi age, must correct their own manuscript and must avoU abusirc personalities. ; J23 A re liable name must be furtished with each com municalion, as the Editor will not be held ac countable for the views or language of cor-- respondents. i . v - -a- ' OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, 4 . Even before a typo vaa set for the first usue, was an cxwedingly' flattering one, asd is probably tLo largest bona fida list with which any xtewspaper in North Carolina' ever before began publication, and is now ripidly oa the 0' V .- .;- .' ' j "' ., . Increase, especial - oo i the vanous railroad lines. JOSH. C ; Eoiroa axu Pkopristok,! '"v office on Second street, between Prin ' cess and Chcsnut, near the Poitoffice. C2 $5 A Year. Miscellaneous. PLAI'N AND FANCY - . - f Accurately and Expeditiously Executed, At Reasonable Rates. A (In the "Journal"-Building,) Pa:xccss Stheet, TVilmiiiglon, X. V-9 Is prepared to do all kinds of Jlercantile, Law and Miscellaneous Printing at prices, to compete with work done elsewhere, in ny city North or South, such as Bill Heads, Letter Heads, ' Note Heads, Business Cards, Postal Cards, Fnvelopes, Tags, Note Circulars, Letter Circulars, Cotton Statemenis, Monthly Statements, Account Sales, Kail Road Receipts, " Catalogues, Receipt Books, Bank Checks, Notes, Deposit Slips, j Drafts,; " Bills Lading, 1 - Ac. Way Bills, Wood Tickets, Milk Tickets, Hand Bills, Posters, WcirherV Certi fi cates Inspector's Certificates Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Dance Cards, Ball Tickets, Dodgers, Wedding Invitations, Party Invitations, ; Society Summons,' Prescription Blanks, Druggist Labels, Date Lines, Lawyers Briefs, Programmes, Ac. . ; Specimens and prices furnished parties de siring Lithographic work, Chromatic Print ing or Engraving done. " Blank Books made and ruled to order at lowest rates Manifests, Returns. Repof ts, Schedules, Pay Rolls,. Ac, ruled to order at fair and reason-? able prices. : Orders from the country for printing will jeceive prcmpt attention. . Address all orders or communications to MERCANTILE PRINTING CO., Wilmington, N. C Ciias. A. Price,! Ar II. H. S it it ii j J " lanasrcrs. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. An Unrivaled Illustrated Magazine! VThen Scribner Issued its famous Midsum mer Holiday Number in 'July, a friendly critic said of it : (,We are not sure but that Scribner haj touched high-water mark. We do not see what worlds are left to. it 'to con quer." But the publishers do'- not censider that they have readied the ultima thule of excellence they believe "there are other worlds to conquer, and they propose to conquer them' : . The prospectus for the new volume gives the titles of more than fifty papers (mostly illustrated), by writers of the highest roerjt. Under the head of Foreign Travel, 99: we have "A winter on the Nile," by Gen.'Mc Clellan ; "Saunterings About Constantino ple,'.' by Charles Dudley Warner ; "Out of My Window at Moscow," by Eugene Schuy ler ; "An American in Turkistan," etc Three seiial stories arc announced: icholas lUlinturn, By Dr. Holland the Editor, whose story of "Sevenoaks" gave the highest satisfaction to the readers of the Monthly. The scene of this latest novel is laid oh the banks of the Hudson. The hero is a young man who has been always "tied to a woman's apron strings," but who, by the death of his motheiy is left alone in the world, to drift on. the current of life, witn fortune, but with out a purpose. " 'Another serial, "His Inheritance," by Miss Trafton, will begin on the completion of "That Lass o' Lowi ie's," by Mrs. Hodgson Burnett. Mrs. Burhett's storyi begun in August, has a pathos and dramatic power which have been a surprise to the public. There is to be a series of original and ex quisitely illustrated papers of "Popular Science," by Mrs. Herrick, each paper com plete in itself, j There are to be, from various pens, papers on ( ' ' v '. . "Homo Life and Travel." Also, practical suggestions as to town and country life, village improvements, etc, by weli-kiiown specialists: 1 . w , Mr. Barnard's articles on various indns .trks of Great Britain include the history of 'Some Exprimcnts in Co-operation," ''A Scottish Loaf Factory" in the November numbsr, and "Toad Lane, Rochdale,' in De cember. Other papers are, "The British Workingman's Home," "A Nation of Shop keepers," "Ha'penny a Week for the Child ,' etc - - J '" A richly illustrated series will be giiea on "American Sports by : Flood and Field," by rarious writers, and each on a difl'erent theme. Theeubjectof I . ' Household anil Home Decoration" will have a prominent place, whilst the . latest productions of American bumoiuts will ap pear from month to month. The list of short er stories, biographical and other sketches etc., is a long one - ; j The editmal department will continae 7to employ the ablest pens both at home and abroad. There will be a series of letter oo literary matters, from London, by Mr. Wel ford. . : f The pages of the magazine will be openjsj heretofore, so far as limited space will; ter m it, to the discussion of all theme affecting the social and religious life of the world, and specially to the freshest thought of tb Christ ian thinkers and scholars of this eeuntrj. ' We mean to make the magazine sweeter and purer, higher and noblerr more genial and generous in all its utterances and influ-. encc, and a more welcomVvUitor than ever before in home of refinement and culture. . FIFTEEN MONTHS for j 04. Scribner for December, "now ready, and which contains the opening chapters of "Nicholas Win turn," will b read with, eager curiositr and - interest. Perha no more readable number-f this magazine ; has yet been issued. The three numbers of Scribaer for AugustSyfpUnJwr, and October een Uining theonening chapters of "Thai Lasa o'Lowrie's," will be given to every ew sub scriber (who requests it), and wbode subscrip tion begins with the November number. , ? Subscription price, ?4 a year 3o tents a number. Special terms on bound volumes. Subscribe with the nearest bookseller, or send a check or P. O. money order to SCRIBNER A CO.. ' dec?S 745 Broadwar. N. Y. SURSCIRBE TO TriK -DAILY REVIEW, Tlie Mercantile Printing Go - Miscellaneous. f eMer's UuaMugefl Dictionary, FOK THE SCHOOL; HOOM. 3,000 Epgravings ; 1,840 Pages Quarto. - Price $12. ; A NEW TE ATURB. To the 3,03 Illustrations heretofore . in Web stera Unabridged, we have added four pages o: Colored Zllustrations, ' " s engraved expressly for the work at large expense. . -j ; Nearly '"' every State Superintendent t)f Public Instruction in the Union, or corres ponding ofl&cer, where such aU one exists, has recommended Webster's Dictionary in the strongest terms. Among them are those of Eastern, Northern, Middle, Southern, and Western States TWENT V-EIGHT:in all. . STATE PTJHCHASES. -" , r The State of NEW YORK has placed 10,000 copies of Webster's Unabridged in as many of her Public Schools. f The State cT WISCONSIN! about 5,000 nearly every school. 4 The SUte of NEW JERSEY 1,500 nearly every school. v j 1 The State of MICHIGAN made provision for all her schools. J . -- The State of MASSACHUTETTS has sup piied her schools nearly all. I The State of IOWA has supplied her schools. ul. The SUte of CONNECTICUT jias made provision for her schools. ii" &S" Over 3,000 schools in 1X1)1 A S A were supplied during the year 1872, and many more in 1873 and 1874. 1 . '. .' . In otheiStates many copies have been pur chased for supplying schools ofs cities, coun ties and towns, x . j What better investment can be made fox schools? . More than ten times as many are sold 'of Webster's Dictionaries as of any other series in this country. . At least FOUR-KiFTHS,of all the school-books published in' this country own .Webster as their standard, and of the remainder few ac knowledge any standard. :' Putihhedby G.AC. MERRIAM, " def i? Springfield Mass. . Keystone Printing Ink Co., manufacturers of PRIMTIWC IWKS. BOOK AND Xi:WS IJLACK A 17 Worth Tifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa . - OUR INKS ARE OF 1 SUPERIOR quality, being made from the best ingre dients and under the personal supervision, of a practical printer and prefcsman, therefore we will guarantee every pound of Ink sold to be .of a Superior 'Jet Black, ?Quick Drying, and entirely free from setting4otl? v Our prices are from 30 to 50 per cent, low er than any other Inks manufactured in the United States. , j ; A trial of a sample keg will convince ajiy printer that he has been paying nearly double what he should for bis Inks jin times past. Put up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. Address, , KEYSTONE rjUXTING xK CO., ' 17 North Fifth Street, den 13 .Philadelphia, Pa . t . Patd. Jcir 55, 1ST1. , ij . WE CLAIM FORTHE IMrEOVKD WH1TMEY SEWINQ - !' '- The following specific points of superiority: 1 Great .Simplicity in. Construction. 2 Durability. ' f '- 3 Exceedingly Light Running. 4 Stili Running. Noiseless. .5 Performs all Varieties of Work. G Beauty of Finish and Workman ship. ... . .; 7 GREAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines sent on trial before payment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in order for five years given with each ma chine. . Wht Pat Old Pcices ? For circulars and particulars, "Address, THE -WHITNEY MF'G CO., dec 29 Paterson. N.J. She Philadelphia Times, A FIRST-CLASS IXDEPEXDEXT MOI1XIKG X i :VSl'A I'K 1 1, ALE THAT capital and enterprise can ac complish will be freely cinploved to maintain the high reputation universally accorded to it, of being the Ablest and Best Paper Ever Published in Philadelphia. It. contains all the latest news, including the Associated Press Telegrams, Special Telegrams and cor respondence from all points of interest, full ana accurate Local Report, and Fearless Ed itorial Discussions of all Current Topics. It is a first-class Live Newspaper in every re spect, fully equal to the best published any where.. - : The daily circulation of the Times exceeds that of all the Philadelphia morning papers combined, with one exception.! - "Decidedly tbo best newspaper erer pub lished in Piifladelpbia'N. Y. Tribune. The ablest and best paper la Philadel phia." N. Y; Sun. j The best paper in 1 'ennsy 1 t an La." Springfield Bepublican. i TERMS, including postage, $6 a rear, or &0 cenU a month. Adaress, : v THE TIMES, dee 9 713 CbestnutSL. PhUadelpbia. SUBSCRIBE FOR 'TOE REVIEW IT is worth Ui moner asked for it Vr.. bedcrsr" are it. JSL ' Sevring--lCarJuite7 I Miscellaneous. I - Xiistatlislica 1863. -ii M0u5 AtTorneys at Law, . . fhlnnivn. IfiMm. -t- tfA k : Washington D. C. C D F r?L ". .Norusiv w ' ... ' the patent ts . AJicncan and ' w "binary yut- P .. jiU ror:tn-t iuallcou " V "nlnf a. v N chare -tiniest " ::u.v.v o f.- for making prfi.w ' ..,a;u;i:i.m'. .No .mMiiional (OT . -. i-;.1 Cva ' u a rehearing. Special attentw. m lrf.r.mice Cases. before ihe latent tM.i . l.x.,n.KMis tieforeCOnrresj., Infrlncemeut i. s iu ih&Mvnt Slate, nnd all litigation np r:.i!m: f...u volitions or Pa tents. SkxdStamt Uuitel Statss Court and Department. t i.;i.uv pr.t-eout'ed in the Supreme Court of the on ! Si:iie.-.(;o.irt of Claims, CVjurt of Com-!.:- :.Hier- i f Ahibama Claims, Southern Claims S 'i-:;,',V'n- :, ,ul a.M cIa"s of war claims b i.-iviii. Lxh'Uui lhiarimrau. Arrears of Pay and Bounty- w:ir. or il..r.lirirs. are in many ca$e entithit to im.iH v t.oni :li(toeruinent,of which tbey liavo. n knvl.tl-i AVrile full history of service, and ia :i:iH.un t of par iut Doiinry received. En-" kUv M:imp, aud a full reply, after examioslioa, will, I$;ivMi )u tree. - . , Fentioss. All orKU'KiiS, KOi.niKits and "Atuous wounded, lupTiiritU or injured in the late -war, however slightly. c:m obtain a pension, mr.ny now rvceiv- in iH-Hiwn are entitled lo nn'trreni. Send Maui; ami in formation will le furnUbed free. United States General Land Office. . Contested I.nn.d Cases, Private Land Claint!, Mining. Pre-empt ion aud Homestead Case, pro ecutel In-fore the (Ieiier.il Earn! Ofllce ami le-. partinent jof the Interior. t. ' Old Bounty Land Warrants. The l t Report of the Commissioner of the General Laud ufficeohows 2.Sa7,600 acres of lloiiir ly Land Warrants oiiitaiuiiufc. These were is stied under act of .1S.W, ami prior . acts. We pay cash for lliem. Send hy rejjUtereil letter. Where assignments are impel -fevt we give instructions to'iierW i tlu'in. ", Eaclr'deparimeiit tf our UMfiiiej1 Is conducted in a tepaiaie tureari, muler tlie charge of expe- r rienced lawyers and clerks. By -reason of error or fraud many ntlorueys are."upended from practice before the pensioii . and other ortices each year. Claimants, whoso 1 attorneys have been thus . snspended, 'will b pratuitously furnished wiih full information aud proper pajwrs on ?plicaiioii to ns. .- As we charge no fee onless snccessnl, stampc for return jKtajre should be sent us. Liberal arrangements made with attorneys in all classes of business. . Address GILMORE & CO.. 1. O. Box At. WA'siltxcTOV. 1. C, Xaremberlt. 1S7C. 1 fake pleasure in expiestinc my entire eon 11-, rienee in the Tifipnnsihtlitij and Jidtlitu tf the Law, Patent and Collection- lloue of Gii.Mouk & Co., oj this city. ' . nV.O. II. B. WHITE. ((ifi-iirr tUt XutiOnaL JJttropolitau Ittk ) PROSPECTUS. THE RALEIGH OBSERVER . . - - Ox THE 10TH DAY OF NOVEMBER,' 1ST0, and in the city of RALEIGH, the un dersigned wil lcomuieiice the piiblicatloii of TIIH OliSEltVER, . ,' i 1A1LY and W EEICY Democratic' news paper. ..''", Of long experlcncein their profession as editors, lviK-ctively of the Euyettevillo Obsekveu and tlieWilmlugton Journal, they do not affectto doubt the soundnesN of the general judgment which assigns them ability to furnish newspaper suited to the neels and adapted to the tastes of the people of North Carolina, Differing In polit ics In tho olden titne, tliere was never a difference . iKtween -the Obsekveu and tho Joukxal in zeal for the interests and honor of North Carolina, To promote the one, and to up hold and add- to the other will be tho object of tlie Ubskkveu. now. ' - Of very decided opinions on questions ol public" interests, and apt to give those opin ions plain expression, they deem It the rirht duty of a newspaper to furnish Its render with the information necessary to the for mation of their opinions, to publish all tho rfr jinrl tlirlr nnrmsn la it tnatro Tnr I Obsekvkk now, as of old, a truthful, n'ecu- I r;i f r rviif lorKvi lilxf orv of tliA t IntAa In vhirli we live. It M as thus that the old Obsekveu .won its hold upon tho neopleof North Caro lina,' enjoying" the aflcctlons of its- party friends, receiving the respect and confident o ' of its bitterest fxjlitical foet. and command ing in Its coiuiwratlvely Liolated location a Circulation larger than was ever attained by ' any other Nortli Carolina newspaper, and it is thus, by like dignity and fairness that the editors or Tu e Obsekvek. transferred to t ho .State Capital, hope- It will deserve, and kooh equal, and then Kiirpasss, Its former circula tion and prosperity. It will l their high aim to deserve tho public confidence by earnest eflorts to pro mote the public welfare, flrt and foremost of North Carolina, next of all the Southern States, nnd nnallv. and though these of tho whole Union. They think that till .cau ' only be ereeted by the prcvalanc of Demo cratic principles and thedlmmlssal of tho Ratlical iuty from the places and power which they have so greatly abused, ami under whose baleful ru4e the South hav Ixvn outraged and the whole country has been lnpjverhihed and disgraced. PETEIt M. HA EE. ' : W. L. SAUNDERS. hL BSCUIPTION BATES. Daily Olwervcr, onft 'year, f8 00; ih'y Oliserver, tlx months, $1 0U: Weekly C server, one year, S2 00 ; Weekly ObMn cr, six mouUiH, 1 00. . .. . '. PROSTECTUS, 07 TUE SUNNY SOUTH. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED COMPANY WILL A commence the publication, in this citj', of a Boy's and Girl's semi-monthly paper, to be known as The Sunnv South- The paper will contain Stories, Selections and General News Matter interesting to the young-people, and it will be the endeavor of the Company to please Boys and Girls of all ages. ,-. ... . The paper will be devoted particularly to the interests of the youth of the South, and more particularly to the young of this State. Noting the success? juvenile papers meet with at tne North, and it being the Company belief that a paper of such character would be interesting and instructive to the youth of this State, we will begin publication on or about the . ' 15th instant expecting a full share of public patronsage. . The eubscription price for the, SUNNY . SOUTH is as follows: . 1 One Six months . f 0 Three moiJths........:..........;...... AdrertisemenU inserted atreasonable rates. Wiuiixcxox AxAixca Tcausaixq CoarT WilmiBgnVXCi 4cc 13 ' ' A PPLI CATION wUl be cade to thj pre- ri. VM. ----- est session of the Legislature, to aaend the charter cf the Wilmington Mutual Insurance Company. dee:o- SAM'L N. CANNON, . "Sect'y, dee 13 , - i -.l.-4' ?'V'J ' I -

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