-7 ! J Tho33)aily 'Review. JOSIJ. T. JAMES, Ed and Prop. UtTOXlJIIf GTOIf , W. C. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1S77. A REVIEWAIi. i WiUiaiir II. Evarl8 has now upon lii8 "faTm athlland, Vt:, consisting of nearly 8004aCTCS2bb sheep, 16 horses miA colts, 20iicadx)f. cattle, iacludiDg 20 cov., 25 . calves a rcry : yaluaUq, llircc-ycar-o'.d I)urhanl)fiU 'an4 25 swine. lie averages 200 teas pf hay yearly from! one batch, and last year raised 2,200 bushels of corn on another. - I, The University of Oxfovd -sent, an cx rcrt to examine the collection of Hebrew manuscripts collected from Karaite syna . gogucs in Egypt ahd Mesopotamia for the Imperial Library of St. Petersburg, and be reports that the manuscripts are r.the greatest valued and contain older Texts of the ilebrew Uiblo than any hcrc tofore known. 'Baron on Manudorf,' the respohsib'o editor of the Ultramontane Austrian jour nal the Vatcrland, has been sentenced to four months' imprisonment and a fine of COO florins for publishing an article abu sive of tho Jews of Austria, and declaring them the cause of all the misfortunes of the country' and asking why they were allow ed the right of suffrage. 'I - H Hi ' :?. ; . J'The points in a Saratoga coin-ty. K. V., loye "story ari that Frank was discarded by Lisa in obedience to the dying iniunc i turn of )ier mother; that they parted at tlie. gate of the cemetery; that she gradually J pined until at tho point of death; that she sent qr, Frank, but hc was on his death lx$ With fever ; and that they died. on .the same day, and their bodies were simulta neously' carried through the ccmetcry-gate wbefe'they had parted. . Gun cotton is about to be utilised for nslgnaling purposes by ths Trinity House in Ebgland. On a point at the northwest of England ! 1G5 feet above the level of high vatcr, aJ jgliarhas bccn established. yhen the weather is foggy an explosiiyi . Sjfl CoJtonvUl take' place every fifteen imnuicvmaklng a report similar to tint oa cun. If this cxpcrimcnt.answcrs1, gun Tcottoh Avil! no doubt be lipnccforlh exten- ei vely used for coast warnings. It has long heen supposed that volumin ous and veTyntercstingcorresputHlenee of Chopin, (he composer, was lost or destroy ed; but it has now been jdisctfvered that Cliopin's sister; whd in his last illness liastcnod from ."Warsaw to l'aris to nurse Limhas ever sinco had in her possession, circfull j preserved, nearly 30Q of her broth- in the cou Of cod r so. of coal that there is not a rozue in the country who has ever stolen anything, from a pcst-lradcrship down to a postal stamp, Lut w "Inmost heartily i .-agree ,with him. -liutUlh is a questioWfor honest men to 'decide, and Gen. Belknap : will please stand aside fdfa moment. j OF COURSE. I fore, strongly opposed to any further in- The Snrinsfield Republican savs: - ferference of tbjnilitary in purely :State WaS I rJlu.'t1 j gA, j I j 1 l?erU"Km a icnarge comes over tlie i i W aslimcrtoa . fciaturda v. I that liaT JS elected, andtliat Grant hxks going o" him inauguratcimf it tookall the troop l!Tirlc areams ana f iveiiogg, nfiV? - V '. I f 13 ri vj J- iitiarui .iikuj auu nntuoacKare snui . dnd -c 11 agct,a sokLlumpf Th!iri6x micaK but it is correct I 9 1 f r s letters. A music .publisher, of Dres flcni iai obtained tlib correspondence and will soon issuo ai German translation of it. ' lA' notahlo result of the recent judica r ture acts .iu England is tl.own : in the recognition of Arabic numerals In aflida its taken in the courts of common law. .Xtntit lateiy figures were not allowed in euck (documents; but in November last a 'Judge, reading an affidavit in which the flTifasnrritten out at length, exclaimed, " VV hy uo you not write figures ? You can do so now; They arc so much easier to J read.'' .; And the precedent was estab . ' iished. "Numerals are not j'ct alloweil in ilecds,'on accbunt of the case with wluch it is supposed that they can be falsified Tho an ti- vaccination movement in . Knglanil has already produced its martyrs j.Tho town of Kcighley is one of the strong holds of tho Anti-Vaccination Societ vi am ?K)lnO,timJ:ago the inhabitants elected a . Board of Guardidns, seven in number, on -HUejCxp'ress understanding that they were . to take advantage of their ofticiai position to hinder tho operation of ; the act True . i . to their promise they persistently refused toisrotho nxaaLorders . forv. prosecuting ..pcrswiswho neglected to have tljotr chil- urea vaccinaiea, ana alter uciying tuc ' earnings of the local board and disregard lt jl'Jatgainjaii sucdfroiai tho t Queen's Ikuch. they were arrested for contehipt, . 'and lcomrnitte2l to piison for a month. When tbo lirno was up, in December last; SJX?5 ail DCggcu lor mercy, ana gave bond . t i a S5,000 ,aach Tor tho ; proper. , ier fvr m Uanco 6i-llicir Uaty. il 6 u ; . tn-i .it: I The civll engineers 'of i'GbicagoJiiftcr discussing tho Ashtabulajdisaster, became convinced that the bridge .was . as strong '. aslts btalders expected it jto bo. They think that the-! train ran off the track. I cinS andlhus tip)cd , theni ovcir the trusses instead of breaking them. The confiidencc of travelers will not be strengthened by this sratement by ,4 a competent engineer : "Ye can calculate the Strength of a bridgo to a nicely ; wo 1 kno,r .exactly, yvhat will hostile strain and vreighi lipbn: ,H"at' a given ratVof speeil of ( jevtd the heaviest train made up. Know- ing ail ims,wc ouuu wiin an ample mar ginj.8o great .that .-we feci perfectly ,safe. liut it an axle should break, for instance. IN LOUISIANA. Vh' , We lircsutne tjiat Cameron's order to Gen. Airier will have the effect of lifting the blockade on the belcagttcd Revotution iMs in their etr'onghold behind the forti fied gales of the State House in! New Orleans aud will alfow the distinguished patriots confined therein tofc go outside and get a fed or have something , to eat 'and something to: drink conveyed jto them. 1 1 .can matter but little now o Xicholls and his tax-payers. They have accomplished the most important jirt of their object and plans in 'the steps they have already been enabled to I tako' to-; wards a thorough organization of the various depart mcnts of' government. ? -A good point gained by them; is the ousting of Kellpgg's Ixjgus Supreme Court -and the imj6stors who claimed to be itS'ofiS cials, aud the opportunities . they have had for the reconstructing the various other departments -.of justice. - There is another, item, too, of great value' to -them and this lies in the fact that tha tax-payers aver, most persistently, that they will not pay any levies ordered by the Revo lutionists, and to feliow their faith by their words, have already, colloctcd and placed 'to the credit of the Democratic government -'upwards of one hundred hoiioand dollars. -, . The future will prove it so. I thy not know whether the scheme will be carried out ; indeed, I rather doubt it, aud cer tainly know of no Democrat of promi "ne'noj'inflepjCeySvho is pilling Wac depttljc bargain. But that Ir. Casey has gone down for this purpose, and that Titan? radian irrloe to this pnrposc,-yon: may rely. lf,pe scneme( falls through, it will not be Mr, Caseys "fault , who has certainly already given an earnest of Ins power to turn the bayonets and Grant about lor the lotty purposes ot the family IV ONE OF HIS- BUSINESS. No matter 'what the result of this Presidentiabconlcst may be, people can set their minds at rest as, to one point, and that is that thero will not bo a new elccLiou if'iJr rant and Capicron can prevent 1 1. This act has already been . forp-shad-bwed and so plainly that all whorfin.may read. Gen. Grant says: The - North Carolina Debt Coui t.miUee of Bondholders En Route Yesterday's Petersburg Index & Appeal. ' "The committee appointed at the meet ing of North, Carolina bondholders, which was recently held . in ' New York, passed uirougn reiersourg yesieray morning on their way to Raleigh, to lay their propo sition beforo ' the Igislaturo t of North Carolina. 1 The r committee, consists of ;William J. Best; (chairman) Thos, Foulkc, William Chittick," "William ; Lummis and George T. IJouhbrr' " The committee stopped in Philadelxhia, .Baltimore and iiienmond and neid con ferences with-bondholders' in those cities. At the meeting in Hichmond on Wednes day, the bondholders in Petersburg were represented in person and by proxy by Mr. Andrew Kevan, who was present and took part in the proceedings. Mr.KeVan yes terday acconfpa'nied the above committee tcKaleigh. i ; ' tThe committee, through; Mr. Lummis,, presented a statement of the propositions in relation. to the subject of comproihise of the .North Caroli ha debt, which were adopted by the bondholders participa ting in the New Vol k meeting. , ' The basis of the proposed compromise is that a new six. per cent, bjml shall Le given (the coupons to be receivable for taxes) for fifty per cent, of the 'principal and interest of the recognized State debt. The specialtax bonds are not foci uded in this proposition, the committee represent ing only the undisputed or acknowledged obligations of the State. L A pamphlet, containing an exposition of ine equity oi sucn a compromise, aim ar guing the ability of tjie State to adjust the debt upoi such a basis, was read, and upon rnotion, endorsed by the uuaniinoUs vote of the meeting. The committees were then authorized - to j represent the bondholders, present at the meeting in their nejjotiations at Raleigh. ' "Whoever is declared; to be. my cohstitutibrial successor, 1,'im .ii'ill T ii rrriinlil' tilf rfinR if f(lV- . . , . ., - i bis compromise, if accepted by IS ortti eruinent. xm ib as. iuuLu v . CaroUua, will -reduce- the debt- of that the man now !n tho White House pro-1 State to somewhere in the neighborhood - . - ,L' . '1 ' poses to stay, there as long a he can and ot U,uuy,UUU, lnuependent ot tne spe i..f : w..oM,;,' lJ vill ?..nsiilt. iin,l cial tax'bdnds, -which are not recognized ,',.,. . . i -'j It i endorsed by all the bondliolders out- body's whes. and nobody s nterests but side J at? fHC as they, lume been his own, 'JAe brazen impudence, of 'the consulted including1 those rcsidmg in man would be refreshing even in hese Petersburg, where, it is' Understood, be fast times, were it !not for t.je; Serious t ween . $100,000 and' $150,000 of the noinoro to do with the - qucstiou of whd is to be his success orthau any " other voter Hardware, CgC All hc-.has.to do is to pack up andfave - il-y V tlflnffU'lAJ ou the -fifth-day of-March next and make - "r. . -."O ' " P B : room for his successor, and if there is mUNS AND PISTOLS, Powder, Shot and nvwu) " Game Bag?, fa, it tnonzcu. lo.iuiie postessiou, mat is uo.nuui Mr. Grant's busmen ' His term ' expires and his time is. up and .the Congress and the people will see that; he yields immc- cuaio possession CiTccts. VJ Paps, Powder Flasks, I Shot Pouches, f Jacobi's- 0- of his oflicc ahd its -o SiliFFEliS, vfiw lououiouTc or car sua jcniyjumping on ia'tho edges of tho bridge, or. worse ill, centre roadway- at a point perhaps not strenshtcrictl by the panel Arcr-i down the train would go, and would ."fhole bridge nth her. Boxing Axes ND- GRIXDSTOXES, Household llard warc 'of every description at I Jacobi's. Builcler IrOairdwaire ANOTHER VIEW. The" rclusal of President Grant to sup1- ply Packard with troops for the purpose of sustaining his revolutionary govern ment in Louisiana, lias been a matter of sunrise and comment. to the many ; not that any reasonable man doubts for a mo ment that Nijholls was legally elected and thai the Kellogg crowd are seeking to foist a frcah fraud on the people, but that it is the first instance known in thdhis tory of the n resent, administration where j such help lukilecn refused by tlie Prpsi- dent to his friends and supporters, Du-.J ring the past few days the most t frantic appeals have-been made to Grant ; by the Packard crew ; the wires have been load-1 TDAINT8, OILS, .TARNISHES; GLASS cd doAn with messages TmdtdcgTMnr by. . " "c:' ' . J A,: tho bu,h,ii.olWA LOWEST PRICES coi'uteuance ana auppori, out inus wr, VCt f pfo4acia tha.fleiuffd effect. OjuniouS have nTuedmatiailyas to the origin of tlris little piece of Virtiious eif- uemal. en the part of tho President and many theories have been advanced to, ac count for it, among them one by an intel Tgen t correspondent of the Xc w York Sun, who lays it all to the effect of faihi Watchmakers &c. WATC3I XI AKERS AD JEWELLERS. f'1 tNo. 37fMare6 street, ll !'i WilniiostonX. C; w 1 . 2 (EstablKlred 1823.): GiUARAXTEE THE MONEY'S WORTH I" for every article purchased of them. An elegant stock of fine Watches, Clock?, Jewelry, Silverware, Fancy Goods, &c, kept ; constantly on hand for pale at Jk reryt Kght advance on New York eoet. . f , t f t Agents for the Diamond Spectacles. Oar country JTricnds are invited to call and see us. "T""" ' " ' ' " 1 "' JcffiS " L' - 1 t oa i I5KAUTIFUL GOODS, FOR THE HOht DAYS AT Tonsorial. NEW BABBLE SHOP. LtaONg and; hJ public generally opened a h HHectfuJlyJixforinedabt I have ii i NETvV "IjXRBER SHOP, x-' .5K-liiPstrec:;wher9 the fol- ai. u. "V- - . ' , . i . lowing lovr prices aare Deen auopiw . Xhfrincr 10! cents: Hair Cutting 2o cents ; Shampoo 25 centi. Open on Sunday morning. Te. Aims, lASHIONALE"BARBERr" T; " ..4. rrumpufFi, 1V-V" ""v'p ' ; - T ' iVl I rrt mnrtnn N I ; 4 "Hair ' CutUnWy-: Sbaving and Shampooing hirhotwtirle of the art. " " '' ' ; Attentive and pohte Birbers always rea ,dy EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL and inspect the elesrant stock of "roods' of fered for sale bv me. Fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHES. SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS and LADIES! and QENTE 31 EN'S CHAINS. . ' : ":Work left with me will ba neatly exe cuted. All 1 ask ot the Fubac is to give e a trial. J. II. ALLEN, North Front street,, two doors North of. Mar ket. i de c 13 i PROSPECTUS FOR ' 1877. LSPPINGOTT'S MAGAZINE, a:; ili 'oTkatld moxtiil't of ; " Popnlar Literature, Science aM Art. Announc Dia-eiit for 1877: SASH, 5 DOORS AS!) BllfflS, At jan 3 N. Jacobis, no 10 South Front St. ly muueuce. brouiCMu-law-uasey, the classes of business men in the count corponacut allesc',, Want's to to fte dfcSSS ffi&SSlSA1 Senate and is fool enoush to look - to the I which it circulates, being- She Camden JTonrnaL PUBLISHED eferjrThttrsdayi at Camden; S. C, is the oldest-established paper in Kershaw county! and lias an extensive circu lation among the Merchants, Farmers and all mmton a he conntrr connected urito tnat city Dr steamer: m the Wateree rirer. J A. I HT'l A . " . . . V VoiumDia and Aousta TJiu number for January begins the nine teenth volume of this Magazine, and while its past record will it is hoped ; bo deemed a sullicent guarantee ' of future excellenco no "elfort '..will bo spared to diversify it3 attract ions and to provide an increased supply of . - . . . ; FOWL All BEADING IN THE BEST AND MOST EiiPHATIC SENSE: The great object and constant ainiof the conductors will be to furnish the public with Literary Entertainment - of a Refined and Varied Chapter, as well as to ; present in a graphic aud stiikingmannei' the most recent' information and soundest view on Subjects of General Jntrest'j- in a word io render ; Lippin cott's Mag.iziaestrikinjrly 4istiiictire in TJIOSK FEATURES TftAT AHK MOST ATTRACTIVE IN MAGAZINE. LITERATURE. ! 1 " The contributions now on hand, or specially engaged, embrace a higbly. attractive list of Tales, Short Stories, .Descriptive Sketches, Narratives) Papers on 'Science and 4" Art, Poems, Popular Essays, Lit-. . erary Criticisms,' Etc.,' Etc.;''' HY tali:nted andavell known ' WJilTEKS. - ' . ,e .: A large proportion of the articles,esj)colally those descriptive of travel, wilt" b,e t PROFUSE LY AND BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The pictorial enjbelisbmeqts of the Magazine constitute one pf its attractive features. ', In addition to the General Attractions of Lippincott s Magazine, the Publishers '.'would invite attention to the following . SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877. J - r' A new serial story, - . " "The Blarquis of Lassie, T by George MacDonald, author of "Malcolm,, "Alec Forbcb,"' 'Robert Faloher,"etc. ' Tp those oi our readers who are -familiar with "Mafoojm," this new, story from the pen of this distinguished j rjter yil need no, re commendation, and Iiii reputation Is 'a gua'ran teo to others of a deeply Interesting : and powerful story,'. It began in the November number, which Issue, with the December part, will be f urnished graita to all ne w subscribers for li77. '' 2 of si..') 11 f?t 4 I 1 mm 'S mil iJ TjEViSEEX EDITION. A prof; ' llustrated series 'of sketches Democratic lecture for. his 'election. S WlEl- C But we will give it in his .ovyr. "words. He BUroad. ' M ' ' ' ."' - : Liberal terms will be made with those tde siring to advertise. Subscription price f 2 50 The only possiblo chance for Mr. Casev I Pr annum." Address liein elected is through the Democratic dd ft Vfirr a . . . . . . . Editon "and Proprietorg. Legislature. This ii startling, but j pcrlectly true. fPHE CENTRAL PROTESTANT. ...u..,! rV-r-!. . A Weekly Religious and Familr Newspaper auuueaiu K.r iuV lw?.o V1 aua w oe and the Organ of the Hethodit Protestant reiieveu oi me rcat ruuucr ruie. xney 1 C&vrcb n Aortli Carolina, i ; published at are uesponueut, uespainng, anu reauy lor I ureensooro, xi. v. almost Elect me mat mo ua ouuu uair - uo wuuurawu, I increasing demund for it amm fS il!! that Grant will not interfere in your fight, J classes of readers in rations section, gire the that you shall hareM rcstofea self-go vefu-1 C3!T,Ai' Pcnliar claims pon the patronage plunderers. Kurthermore, I promise you I Uinit lite eSlor. T7.-iT. w acfc as a do u a tor ia -your 'lateres. m a i s i j. 1 lIICnAUlI.- perfectly .liberal and eonsctrativo spirit J 7 i f f . ?J ilreenboro. C - j 11 ' ii . -r at i 1 . ' auu iu iiirw Mu;rs, jura. ouuriw: rmi anything. , ilr. litsey simply says: I 4"?? Jir P6! onm, in a4Tnce. to the Senate, and I te. i - Z T it T "trrmnB DAILY.EEYIEr is farnhed to Mrs. Casey; and Mrs. Grant, .arey there- -1 city Subscribers 94 .4 centa a-uonth. Swedish Scenery and Smiley 1 by l?r0f.' Willard Frislfi' author ' of ' Cornell University, who i3 throughly familar lith Siveden and its people from personal obserya- tlon. j .- I,-' ;i ' 1 . "3. A series of popular papers on '...' : : Art and Art Mattery, ' by Edward Strahan (Eirl Shlnn), author f "The New Hyperion," ietc. ' . ; t 4. Illustrated Sketches of Travel, entitled Pictures, from Spain,; . by Edward King, author of the "Great South -.-.'. Hr Lccy II. IIoopQr's Intercssing'ad Piquant ' .,-' :' -; "'f-f-'r-.fii.f 1" Papers and Iictters from afis will be continued through they ear.J ' "" The Beauties of the Zlhino will be described in a richly illustrated aeries j'of papers. , . l ,? Vrltoff theyea'r will appear number 01 nanosomely illustrated short vtkiSr I de scriptiTeofl4ife, Travel, and Ad venture in the Urn ted Ss tales, England, South America7 iau, diyu-.uia, ana otner xrountrics. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOK AND NEWS DEALERS. : PRICE; 35 CENTS; ' : TSJrYe?r Sobscriplion Si;. "ttvb'eop. ics, .$7; Three copies, $10; Fire'copjeaf $16 : Ten copies, $30; with, a copy gratis t the person procuring the club; Single number 35 cents. vi?'; ..-'i T p AoTicE-The orembarand D"ecember JTum bcrs containing the earlier chapters of The Marquis of Lossie.fwill benrmnhxi .itA. 1 r 1 v, Kiitirely oewritten by tha ablest' writers on .every subject. Printed from new type, V Onid illustrated with Several ( Thousand H . Engravings ttfid Maps v v i s 1 11 , Tlie work originally published under the title of THK NE VV AMERICAN CYLCOPE 1)1 A -was completed in lS7o. since which timei tba iwido circulation which it has at tained in all parts of tlie ifnited B totes and tne signal aeveiopmenxs wmca.uave xiuveu place in every branco' of science, literattre, una art, nave lmmcaa tne , oaiior ana iul lisher to submit it to an'exact and thorough revision; and to issue a new edition entitled THE AMKKIUAN. CYCLOIKDIA. . ' AVithin the last ten years tho progress of aiscovery in every department piKnowieage has made a new worli of reference an 'im perative want. -' ' . . - The movement of political affairs have kept 'pace with the discoveries of science and their fruitful application to the industrial ana useful arts and the convenience ana re flnement of social life.: Great wars, and eon sequent revolutions have occurred, involv ing national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of oar country, which was at its height when the last volume of Jthe- old work appeared, has happily ended, and a new course of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Large1 accessions to bnr .' geographical knowledge have heen made by the indefati- ga Die explorer 01 Ainca. 1 The great political revolutions of the decade, with; the, natural lesnlt of the lapse oi . time, nave orougnt into pudiic view a multitude of hew men, whose namesare in every one's mouth, and of whose lives' everyone is curious to know the particulars, Great battles have been fought and impor tant sieges maintained: of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the trasient publications of the clay, and which ought now to take their place in permanent and authentic history. !f Tn preparing the present edition for the press, it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to bring dgwn the information to the lowest possible rates, and to furnish. an. ac curate account of the most recent discoveries in science, or every irehs production in literatrre,-; and of the newest inventions' in the practical arts.as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress political an& nisioricai events, ii ; t The. work has beeri begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with t he most ampie resources lor carrying it on to a sue cessful temination. 1 . None of the original stereot vne nlatps havo been used, but every page lias been printed uimew type, loruung, miact, anew uycio rxedia, with the same plan . and compass as 14; jueu?buptor, vvlx, whu a iar greater pecun iary expenditure, and with such improve ment in its composition as have been suggest edby ; longer experiencea,nd enlarged know ledge. .. ; , : . ,.!.-: The Illustrations which are introduced for the first time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of nictorjal ef fect, but to give greater lucidity Und force to the explanations in the text. Thev embrace all branches of science and nat ural history, and depict the most famous and remarkable features of jscenery, ; architecture ahd art;! as well as the various processes of mecluvnics and'manufactures". Although intended for instruction- ratner tban embelllshment.'no pains have heen spared io insure; their artistic ex cellence;the cost of their execution is enormous, and it is telieved thev will lihd a welcome reception as an admirable feature o$the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its high character. f ' i This work is sold to subscribers only, pay ablaon delivery of each volume. It will be coAjleted in sixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, fully illus trated with several thousand Wmri ings, and with numerous colored Lithogran- .nicMaps, i 'i . , .-: - . , , ,...i: ..-;t !,.:; 'j - Price and Stylo of Binding. ' in extra Cloth. rer vol. s. nn Tn T.n ir.irv roco. per gilti per vol gilt edges. 1 per vol, 10- 00. .Thirteen volumes now ready. Succeeding .yviuujro, until completion, win oe issued uiiw m iwu moniUS.- ' ' i Specimen pages of the American Cr cOFlA. lowing typo, illustrations, etc. will be sent gratis, on application. . First-Clasa Canvassing Agents Wanted Auuress Mi AJuqijsners, x ; if.Vr,;;:'; 549, & 55 Broadway, N:VT. per yoi, ?tf w in nan 4. uriie y mi VOl., S7 00 i In Half 'liri&rin.. ZTrt , $5 00; In PullMoroco, antioue, tier VoL S10 00 in KiiH IMimkLi BaU Rbad Iines. 7. WIT.MTVfiTOV nnrrr,.. -----vviju JliJIl '. GUSTA RAILHOAD. ; Wilmington, X. C., On and after Wednesdar Jan , DAY EXPRESS A JfD MAILTRit, Leave Wilmington;......, Leave Florence.........3"""v"""13 Arrive at Columbia... " Leave Colambia.;;...;7" "--- i Leave Florence............",""""" U Arrive at Wilmington l' This Train will run liaK ; IGlfT EXPRESS TRA Leave Wilmington.... T Tt i It! 'I 1 Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta. " Leave Augusta.....:..::-;: "- Leave ColumbiaV. ! Leave r. lorence.. - -' i Arrive at Wamington.!! J I THROUGH FREIGHT' TRAlx ih V ccpt SffEdaj-s.) 1 t- Leave Wilmington......... Leave Florence..............:::"" Arrive at Columbia..-........."' Leave Columbia.,.........::::'' "h Leave Florence....,.;....'..::::'" N Arrive at Wilmington....... ""' ';' T i " 1 x ttssengers ior UiarlestpS. and beyond should take ni"-ht Fl: from Wilmington. , : Threugh Sleeping Gard PBu for Charleston and Augusta. " JAMES AXnrPc- 5 General Supery! 2 -1 WILMINGTON & we? OffICEO1 Ges'i, Strr-EBISTEJiDEXT ; Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 1, ja On and after-Wednesday, Janwn' the passenger trains on the weiaon itaiiroard will., fun as folJoi J DAY MAIL AD EXPRESS r Leave Wilmingtou, Front St. Depot : at........... Arrive at Golddboro at.......... Arrive at uocsy Mount at j Arrive at Weldcn at....;.l..'....3! 3 .- -TT-1 .11., . ' ' ijeave ureiaon aauv at...... . i .1-.-. .1 "M i-i Arrive at hockv. iiouiit at......... Arrive at Goldsboro at Arrive at Wilmington, Front"St . uepot ai.i. 1 ?3 NIGnT JIAtL. AND EXPliES DAIL5l EXCEPT SUXDil Leave Wilmington - at..:. jj Arrive, at Goldsboro at............ j. Arrive at Rocky Mount at....:; d Arrive at Weldon at jjj Leave Weldon, daily, at.'. 11 Arrive at Rocky Mount at......... C Arrive at Goldsboro at.............. St Arrive at Wilmington at.... I!f Tlie Day Train mates close cetKf Weldon lor-all points Xortarut' daily, (except bunday) and dsul;,n mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close coiwrt Weldon for all points north via KiciiK l'uiiman s I'aiaccfcilecpiDsliraiai.: ail Niffht Trains, and ruriV throngb&R mihgton to Milford Station 00 Frcdericfeeburg & Potomac Kailnai I s Freight Trains will leave lFiiss$ weekly at 5 30 AM, ahdarrrfitH - JVIVs k. uu, jan 3-tf 1 ;. General Sujetinte- CAHQLIM IMl J Office General StPKEiHran - Wilmington, If. C, SeptK Change of Schednl. OX AND AFTER SUNDAY, inst., trains wil run ov;r thu as foliov.'i ' . ' Passenger and Mail EST. j Leave Wilminirtoh at. . .t-" Arrive in Chailotte at'........'....- Leave Charlotte at-........;..-....'-; Arrive at Wilmington at 1 dec-U ' Daily except Sunday . Y. Q: Gencftl SvTti ddrees on receipt of 20 ceBtaT'nrl be allowed. Address . ' - 1 )J. 15. LTTPrXdotT, & GO. ! . '".' "'; . ' -U--!r J-:JJi7. '".,'. vt) 1 t i nulubers, 1 f kt., bila4lc!phLi t 1 QT" T H ET ' ' ---' lUDE-APPEAL, (, (Daily and Weekly,) - . ,n torBbore. Va.V Is devoted to f$&l'-fpteni disenssion i-JC? v i wiai topics, ana a free and fearless advocacy- of the rights and Interests vt the people, r Its commercial report are tefeitnsactW aSKhl M. CTAAt-t 11 I H 111 "I n T"Vk ' A. m wT;tiat t Journal giltot ahdTeliaWe fcorpy of oorrospondei'it n-tlJe Jatst new andip from The Index-Appeal has a laSrcitvknd ln any othefrSp?ra j5 tion hxXorth Carolinaofiny VfiSiSSSST ajjxilix tone year) ;Mwnon;h, , r . S5K) 3 OQf 150 WEEKLY (one year) i ; I v : j ,4 kit s ior Rii rx . panted bv thn mth All orders rfi,n v. -"-L w accom Snd for gpirnen copy. - ,"r j Petersbnrg. Vaf 7 1 0, and 1 1 7 ilarkel Jt jan 5 -M democratic. - Printed VrVe Wr uu in-netiijatjlind 5. ' Address,? Editor and Propritor, SaJaburj, K. a Fo the Public. TH,E,S?:5 'P RELIABLE TOATlnnn fu f 1 ooacco,amon " which n iiZfr lebrated GrkvelydondS DouUerThict.T,rrrJB'ogIe and ffooda. er. !n tho above . r decl 7;;;; 0'e'i : l-'A !T)YTriTTi3 . i im w -..wu . i - ' ;, IN Til E: THE 1877 Hew "STork The di erent editionft of Th3 $?) uie nexi year win Be tne same ( year that has just passed. The te., will on week days be a sheet vl fcr, and dri Sundays a sheet of eight broad columns; "while the wcerij , be a eheet of tight pages of the f . sions and character that are alreaj to our riendi. r -; i'.-:;. : 1 1 'J TaB Sun will continue to be P " advocate of reform and retrcDcha the enbsttntinn nf 'tatpm'ansblpi integrity for hollow pretence, i" fraud inthe administration of p It will contend for the goTenUBe, pie bv the peCpb nd or the ???3, posed to government by frauds ifl f box and in the counting of rotes, military violence. ; It will endear its readers a body now not .far lion of ouh iU the mcst caref and trustworthy accounts of C. and will employ for this porno; and carefullyi selected staff of rP; correspondents. Its reports tn ton, especially-, will be fall, fearless; and it will doubtless eonts serve an enjoy the hatred of thr 'f by plundaring the Treasury or iL what tho law does not give tbes : by defendincr the riehts of toe PP the encroachiiienLS of unstLSe,r:; ..i u. The nrirv? nf tl.Vi aailv SCS W1" a month or $6 60 a .year, postP4 the Sunday edition $7 70 a etr .j The . Susoiy ediU'on alone $arP08tlai(V w The Wsiaatr Sux. eiht pa? V columns will le furnbhed doriCe , rate of $1 a year, post paid, s-- ; previous date for Tbi VfitxtJ vt by indi vidua! lubscribers w'.CTp' sitv of mikinrr ud clubs. At k if any of our friends chooss to inar our circulation, we shall them, and everv such peraoo , or vt,Ms . .iwiUPiiuiM from ore t , , entitled to one capy of the PfF r without charger At one a ere naid. tLe exnenses of P8?. ! are barely repaid; and, cooeje are'eonfident the peopia lished in the world, and ure the very b-st ' 5 , ,r .new v- dec 13 - IX TIIB "LY IlEVIliw.' frSaiiT1