c .0" TIIIS TAPER llblUd eery afternoon, Sunday, ex- joSH. T. J ABIES, . AMD rKOrBlETOR. 00 : Six months, $2 50 ; Three T .-n mnnih. BO cents. months l v ti AaMrnrixi hr carriers. i i .-it nta rer week. iterate, or-- , ... i onll ilvrI. I .. Ml n1...nrnrtllir ind rsdcriDers wi yv . w Presto receive their papers regularly. t f r L- ir. 'wrs SCWjS SUMMARY. ! . lj' f : ' ' ..( the IUstana Returning Hoard itodyjat Wellington and. the lvc been Ecnt for. The Ho 4 L l)eu'-ratic electors have petitioned t tutir vg1 Ikj counted. - It is i tiiit the luie is about to, fill up all .nit, CardinalatMJ "Turkey and vi.i willcx changerisot'iers. It is Hit that the Turksvill not yield aid it' f i 1 v.ir will U resumed .iu the VSpring.. - A fira:JI niusiia3Bspinucu.cmply 1 2.0 h link, is trembling iu the bul- 1,000,000 or 2,000,000 Tur- i i.ctiiids paper money will be issued. L Piiuceta Marie, n'stcr of the "Era- uiul wife of Prince Charles, of Frus ta do id. - Another ineffectual ; yu.tcrd.iyj for a Misa:h iW)lts Sju ; knit-well 64; Hoar 104; crsary let, - United States Cir- ijii.l While has decided in favor of 'I.lrid.1 Democratic Electors and the will ffi lo the Supreme-Court. rumr agiin iiu.tli that Sitting Hull I i ri 1 1 f will Mieceeil lerry as rrcsiuciuoi Vc-ti:to. Longstrcct has written VcsiuYut Grant urging that "Nichols lcJ"niztd. The Western Union ,isrreiilcr tinder; protest, their tele Jii they have'ut destroyed them. 0u2ressman , McDougall, of Jsew f, iifliues the appointment of Com- Ucr of Patents. Moody and M bhuUip shop iu Chicago on Wed- Nlit. 4 The Poles are nrcpar- t' light Cot independence should Kus p jo war. ; j- Five tons of powder Wwlin- Iroy m, Wednesday nigjt. Tin; Governors ot Texas, Ajjssissippi 4 . . , I, ' I i 1 it Goor irnlnent I f rccoguiz the Nioholls The AnieiYno has moved 200, feet and will pruWblv Ualeih News. j Gonbral Assembly. "'in ; f SlwVATK. . ilS Wednesday, Jan. id. L'Ui!s p; own ted a memorial from ''Craven". President of Trinity (Jol- iil relation to the educational iiitcr- f the State, in the common schools 011026?. wh ca : was rca 1, oruered to iuttd and referred to the committee ication." I ' Try presented a petition from farmers of lioekfish Township. rland county, in reference to the aw. Trojositions and Grievances. Folk : A 1 ill to be 'eatitlcd an act uet tit!c3 1 land sold under decrees oi equity. Ilefrrrcd to the Judici amittee. . , .; ' IHtuJi : An act m relation to the charitable institutions of "the I Jndiciary-conimittec. nc, col.: An act in reference to fmt-Q mechanics. Judiciary com- re, co!., of New Hanover: A bill J JTytectiou of bujizards. Proposi ud Grievances. Uo make the embezzlement oftiust a (frlony, with eugrossetl House mcnts, in the form of a substitute, p and the amendments were con JSK OF IffiPRESENTATI VES. StajJes: resolution in regard to laws. Placed on the caleudar. I Wilson, of llurkc, moved that the y wmcu the House, vesterday, U the rr.sn!nfi j member from Hertford county i mm aiunonzing the Uovcrnor to new election, be rcconsidereil. jcas and uay8 were called and the mi rcconsicler wa. carried by a 3eas68:ma-s41. tiod action of the House in tfic 5 to adopt the resolution of the . yi me committeo on Privileges i r 1 " . ' ' I :- ''' '.'" ' ' 7' VOL IV WILMINGTON, N. C.,: FRIDAY JANUARY 19, 1877. NO.1 304. the Newborn Grays will celebrate the birthday. of Gcn.-IL E. Lee to-iay by a parade. : . And now Goldsboro wants to be a city of 3,500 inhabitants. .Better stay where you arc ; some people are rnore liable to take cold than o hers, Wayne; Superior Court convenes next Monday with the Judge from that dis trict, Seymour, on the bench.. The Legis lature will please pass another bill. - :' John Connor,' of Newbern, 12 yeard old, stnt himself in the shoulder accidentally. The doctors are now busy looking for the bird shot through the medium of double distilled diamond spectacles. , Col. S. H. Wiley, of Salisbury, and Col.T. ,A,Keogh, of Greensboro, have gone to W ashmgton where they go to prosecute a Claim bos tUo government o'r tax wbicbVhad been paid ot the North Caroli na Railroad, and which it is ' alleged was erroneously assessed. The original assess ment was 90,000 which was paid and which the railroad company is tiow seek ing to recover. The State cf North Caro lina owns a three-fourths interest in the road which is untaxable, and it is on this interest the reclamation is; sought to be made. . The Charlotte Observer says; We were shown yesterday some very tine specimens of gold taken, from a recently discovered vein oh the farm of Mr. John Newman, about two! miles South of the city on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta' railroad, the extent of which is not fulFy kndwn. The owner has been working up some of the ore on a small scale diiring .the last few; week sy and has met .with remarkable success, in nine days three laborers work ing with the crudest sort of machinery, took out over a hundred dollars worth of tlie pure article. 1 , ; LOCAL NEWS. Hew Advertisements. A. Shuieh Rare Bargains. , Giles & Murchisos Hardware. J. A. Spbisqkb Particular Attention. See ad. Ilaverly's Minstrels. ' .Blessed is the man who minds hie busiviefs. i , ovyn liOBEhT E. Lee was born 09 years ago to-day. . -.,1 xtitnf as covered and changed I Parish.! I. . rrLr. . ouusHiiilC. AMIS acilOQ heretofore sitting member, Mr. llCP-, 'and scate llr. Maddry, ho coutesunt.. Mr! Maddrv came h vu qualified and took the bis CAROLINA. . Vance w;u ill on Wednesday with ic rheumatism.' Palcigh Amateur Club will present My in a short time. . I TJ T T r i.. t . t has again located in that -olle army of camlidates for office abated, People living East of uoi apply, Kurthcrners hunted in Pamlico bagged 133 ducks and any ' J of bird iu three days. L. Hay oca and Miss I sad ore "vre nianlod in Raleigh on Wed gbtind the church was crowded ,c : 1 : ;'"-, ' - -aut Geaeral Jonivi rniii;. the ' Ordaanco ' D jpartme nt at a- i w opnogaeia nncs lor vbem Grays. . .. , XcVbcra Silver Comet Ban 1 and v . -r. . . . - r t : A tea that , should never le watered, adulterated, or milkedCharity. ' (Swedish barque Israel, Tallin, from this port, arrived at Hay-re. on. the. 16th. . Lent comes in on Valcatine's Day, and 'Easter on April Fool's Day this year. The boys arc laying up nickels to se cure admission to Ilaverly's Minstrels; Nor. brig Gazellan, Andersen, arrived at London, on the 17th, from this port. There is considerable . -change in the weather if not in the pockets of the pecn pie. - . To paint the character of woman you must use the 1 feat h ir of a butterfly s wing Fall is the. best time to start a whistling school. Quinces and persimmons are iu the market. . . T4C recent, freshet in -the river, after having risen 10 or 18 feet at Fayette ville, is now falling off. Steamship Benefactor. Jones, for this port and Morche'ad City, cleared from New York on Wednesday. The Emperor Heliogrbalus took every morning for his breakfast 400 oysters, 100 ortolans and 100 peaches. - Th,e female sex,' like transcendental philosophy, cannot be understood by ordinary mortals of the other sex. - The Persians say, ten tirCasures of talk were sent down upon the fearth, and the woman took nine leaving only one to the men. ' , , . i 1 1 . ,. . . The sun is now working but a fraction over nine hours a day, but newspaper men work 24 and borrow a few hours from the next day to finish the Job. Sometimes a poor man, cannot be honest, unless he steals the money to be honest with. Thisr is the ; sentiment of an undeveloped philosopher. The best way to discourage a boil is to sock a right slippcryf place on the pavement, and then, when the boil ainH looking, come do won on it rfiop. i ' Hyacinth leaves cut .off ' close to the bulb, and covered by leaf mould in a saucer placed close to the glass, will in ten weeks develop bulbs of their own, . There were two robberies oF stores over in Brooklyn last Dight; small articles only having been taken in each instanced They thiuk they will catch the rascals. , t j J It is estimated that there arc" 2,400 disorders to, which the human . frame is liable. When a man is haulcjd the rheumatism he is a3 t to tl UP with uk that' the- entire number has struck in cjrn-ert. ' Why 'don't yuii. trade witl'i 0e': asKeil a close-fisted tradesman of aftrnvr yester day. i';Becaue," was the .a:svcr, "you have never asked me, sir. I V.ao; locked all through ths papers for an inyViration in the shape of an advertisement, but in vain ; I never ge wliere I am not invited.' Chlorate ..of potassium- a'4t';iodi.!c ol potassium arc,s6para"tely, lnrhiless medi cal dose&; but the Journal of, Piianiianj warns ' physicians not to ndriitter '.them together; because in the stomach they combine to make iodatc of potassium a poisoil. Mixed-iu any other way they do not thus act. Light 'Him Ul The gas damps at thu: , Northwestern section of Tfiird and ChestuutFoiu lh and Chestnut ami Filth and Chstiint streets were, not burning last night. It. isoiiie body's business to s2e that lhcso lamps are burning every night and thaj!somebody, itappearSjis not attending to b-asiness. . - 'r ' Fix It. 1 '! Wo regret to learn tint the tjlyep guliy at the intcsection of Front ntid Wooster streets, has never been filled up,. except by. a few- grape vines. 1 1 is a verjflangcr u.s place for persons to pas iu a vehicle from the fact that tha gully, cxteijids. nearly across Front street and the! roadway between the gully and ravine is verv narrow. Dr. Dcccif. '' J :, . " Rev. Dr. Deems, in a sermon recently delivered iu New York, complained that Lis house was . ovcrruu with ipeTsons soli citing him to give them money or to pro cure situations fur them. So great had he evil become of late, that the Doctor thought if. the importunities" continued he will he compelled to . remove from" the. city. . ' ; ' ' ' ; ' ' City Lamps. We have heard many com plaints against the city lamp lighter.'. One of our friends told us this morning that the gas lamp :neaf his place of business is burning some evenings before the sun goes down, and at . other times it is not lighted until he constitutes himself lamp lighter for the neighborhood. The matter should be looked into and if the lamp lighter is unreliable, some reliable person should be appointed in his stead. . i : ; Last Night's entertainment. It is'nt often that the young folks have a "better" time than they had last night at the City Hall at the entertainmfent given by the yoitng ladies of St. Thomas' Church. There was a large number of them pre sent, notwithstanding the gloomy skies overhead, and' the floor was filled with dancers whenever the' music was called. IThe refreshment tables was liberally pa tronized, and we .are informed that a handsome - sunt was realized. It was 3 o'clock before the last good night had been said. , ' " Superior Court. This tribunal was engaged to-ilay with both the criminal and civil dockets,, some seutences having been recorded on the former. ' To-morrow will probably- be de voted to civil cases and the criminal dock et will be taken up again next week. All Right Again! : The Dutch brig Gmsiaiicc, dipt, llollis, from St. Martins, W. I., for this port, with a cargo pf molasses andjsalt, which went ashore near Bald Head last Sunday, an account of which disaster w as published by us on Monday, is reported fas having cleared the shoals and floated! and that. (AA .ntiV.'... " .1. f '1 wo, iviiuoub asiMiiucc. i portion oi ne cargo was thrbwn overboard the vessel, the weather being for lighters to go alongside. to lighten too heavy . PLEASE NOTICE.- We will be glad to reeeirt cbsam&lcatioas from our friends on any ' and all subjects, of general interest bnt : ' -iiv-iv The name of the writer. xbw alirays b furnished to the Editor. Communications most b written d1j on one side of the piper. M l f :. , i , - .; '. Personalities most be avoided, t .And it is especially and particularly under stood hat uie editor does not altraja eadtrse the views of cor respondents, unless so stated in the editorial columns. . New Advertisemonta PMK&TSOffi WE II AYE IN STORK FROM THE A BO YE IMPORTERS , ISOIlEKEil "(ME BlilSfHB" Pli'Eil HEIDS1CK fHAMPAGNB In Baskcti and Cases, Quarts and Pints. il Oil lh Giles and Murchison. ! We doubt if there is a m ie com'dvtc stock of hardware in the Stall than that offered for sale by Messrs. ( Jiles ir Mur- chison, on North Fro:t street.. Everv- , -. i- " the Inrd- ihd tliose . t" satisfied as repre- still this eit" thing that may be called for in ware line will be. foiind there who buy from them may re.; that eyery article will be found sen ted. Berry Gloayes, Fs with them,.. ' . , Death of Mr. Lak . ' i . j A telegram was reeeiveTl in' yesterday, sajs the Charhittc Qbserccr of yesterday's date, ai mounding the sudden death of Mr. J ames P. Leak , of Rocking-' ham Richmond county, an 1;1 tut h;gh!( esteemed citizen. The deeenseil ? was re garded as oiie of the most substantial and best men in the county. At 'tub tiiric of his death, he was about Go years 'old. He is the father of Gd. T.-JJ Li-ak, -well known in -'Charlotte ami an I mule cf the Congressman, Col. Walter L. Steele.- if The Daily Journal.! . The Daily Journal, after a .suspension of about three months, appears : again this morniug, edited and-control led )? Mr C. W. Harris.who'has purchased thej material, good will, &c. the Cape Fear, j recently published by Mr,. Harris, havjing been merged in the Journal. Mr. Harris' new first issue. presents a beautiful tyjjograghi cal appearance and gives reasod o believe that the old paper has neveiyeti seen its palmiest days!' Our best -ujshes arc tendered our neighbor iu his ne.w enter prise,. '-- : The. Mlaistrels. For" the first time this seas".i We are to i have a genuine performance at the.. Opera House.; Uaverly"s New Orleans jMinstrcls are booked for next Monday, 'evening ; their advertisement is in this issie and their hngc bills are jostetl throughout the city. We have every reason , to believe that the performance Avilf le a Jfinc. one and in proof of this facjj cite hj.rc what the Jiichmond Enqurer s.ay s of them-: IHaverly's New Orleans ,Minifrels filled the Theatre last night. Tle eii tire , com pany tully sustained the reputation which had proceeded them. The entertainment, judging from the applause, gavb perfect satisfaction. .Boyd and Goodman on the ehds ;' Sheppard, the tenor, andj Wart, the nterlocuter. aud banjo player ; and lirowa , the, iig-dancer,1 being especially.) worthy of mention. The house was the befst one of the season. j Office at JTlie Thermometer. From the XDited States Signa ..... . .i this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, &s taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, B; Charleston, Ciatdn- nati, 83 j Jacksonville, C2 ; Key VcC 70; Knoxville, 48 ; Lynchburg, SO Memphis, 42 ; Mobile, 53 ; Montgomen 61 ; Nash ville, 33 ; yew Orleans, 43 ; New York, 30 ; Norfolk, 41 ; FitUburg, aivan nah, fi3 jSt Lou, 40 AYashingtin, 31 ; VilminsV, 4. ; -f - . . ' Mr. J. A. SnriQ22Tsnew adverUsemciit -.. - 1 appears in Ibis Lsue. Everybody knows If 'your teeth are pretty, bbow Vthcm. wjiat he sells ; coal for cold weather and Smile continually, for some one may be wool for those who would keep Traroi.'? looking z you when yo;i do. not knjw it, Give Your Child a Paper, An exchange very appropriately Siiys that a child beainninir to read becomes dr- lighted with a newspaper, because it reads of names and things which, are familiar, and it will progress accord ingly, AT newspaper in ono year is 'worth a quarter's schooling to a child. Every fafh'er ;rnu(st; consider ;;that in formation is connected with 1 advance ment. The mother of a family, being one of its head, aud x having more im mediate charge of children should her 'self be instructed. A mind occupied becomes fortified against the ills of life and 3i braced for ""any emergency. Children amused by ' reading or; study are, of course, more ' considerate and more easily governed. The Fire in Pittsboro. Special Cor. livening Review. Mri. Editob : As tyour . sprightly liEvi.EW is so energetic in obtaining items .f. public interest, thus furnishing to yonr many readers accounts of events almost as soon as they transpire, I send to you an account. of the burning of - the jail of this (Chatham) county. About 4 o'clock this morning tho usual quiet of our village was suddenly broken by the alarming cry of "fire !" . At once the Court House and Church lells rang out the alarm, and in a moment the streets were alive with little and big, old and voung, white and black. a'l rushing in various styles of dress (cr rather undress) to the public - square, which was 1 urid with ! the glare of the llames issuing from the jail. Upon tne.Jirst alarm a messenger hurried to arouse the J.trlor, who resides a square distant, and w Im soon appeared and rushing into the jail, unlocked the doors of the cell, .which hid already begun to burn, and dragging out three prisonerconfined therein safely conducted thm ' unhurt to the Court House. The walls of the building ; being of brick two feet thick confined the flames to the wo xl-wbrk. . of the .interior, and none of the adjoining 'buildings were in jured, though , showers of .sparks were poured up4a the hdghboring"roof,, but were promptly extinguished by the active efforts of the bucket brigade, composed principally 'of negroes who did faithful and efficient e y"1-' iThe bare -walls are all that remains. as the flames had inade too great headway to be checked ..""From the statements n.n.d Confessions of the: prisoners, it was set on fire by one of them so as to t escape, I Thsy Twex j kfl confined in a room on the second floor through which the pipe parsed from the stove in the room below, placed there to warm the jail. By knocking the pipe out of j-jjnt a string was let down in it until it caught from the stove, nod being drawn up was carefully nursed and applied to such ma terial as they could4 find to burn, until after serenaefTortst&ej ?&oci$&i -in starting a fire After tegan "to "bum freely, onei of the prisonerJecan afraid of being J burn tland gave t fojU zrJM soon aroused the neighborhood. The jail was one of the best in the State, being a two story brick building, erected, ata cost of aboat. $a400w fejail on the same lite was burnt" 3ownin 1843 by prisoners attctnptin' to cscape? one of whom was burnt to death. v n J.", ; ' The County Commissionen.will ttccl to-day, and will take feteps at once to erect another ' buildmj; i Th cowty fi nances are id ' a lea.Ulgr oonditioo, al though the last boanl apeaded $0,000 in 47 Sot baiWing bridges, and an addi tional U toboiia 4 Jul n caiVf be bornej Our county Veems afHictell,, for the terrible tornado of the 20th f -'i J whj 1S7&, tore ofif the rcof of the Qbun 11 case, xhk& cost $1,000 to replace,-' Blcswooai J a i.tduw v vj.ju, flit,, it yi , . 9 , '. . i ..... . ,-. . . I : Painful Humor. A very painful rumor is all streets this morning to the effect that Mr. Francis M. James, au old and very worthy resident of this city, has been cruelly mur dered. Tho only inbrmationreIative to the matter comes through a colored man., whose name is uuknown, who called last night at the residence of a son-in-law of Mr. James, and informed the. lady of the houso'that his body had becu '"found in a swamp.on' the sound, rUdlcd; with shot. Beyond this, nothing w hatever is known. Mr. James left hero about i t wo weeks since 0:1 a visit ' to Topsail Sdmid, to re main away only five 'days, - ;:id ,lhe Tact that nothing has been heard froiii; him i.-iuce he left, seems to confirm, iu ; 'measure,' the distressing news, at though it is hoped' that the report jnay prove untitle. In this age of education arid-general., in telligence the household is hardly complete without a Cornish & Co. Piano or" Organ, Read the advextisment in i anotUcr column.. and then send for illustrated cat;i! t'Mte and SWEETS MSI W h i s hey, ( PERFECT IN QUALITY AND iM L O W I W P R I O if : : ' ONLY 1 ' Used all over this State and South (Carolina.' It U always np to Standard and needs i. o i m p ro y e ment price list. ; jan 8. New Advertisements. OPERA ONE NIGH!2 0?1I"Z I Monday Svening-. Jan. 22. 3 J. II. IIAYERLY..... WTM. FOOTE, Jii....... ......Proprietor. . . . . Manager .1 The Largest and most refined Minstrel Or ganization travelling. I ft 1 6 Star Artists I i Q Ererything Ner,NovelandJlerincd ! Admission.... .......75 ceaN. Gallery..; ..5Q cents. Reserved Sat? can be secured, vitliout ex tra charjre at IIEtNSIiERGIi'S ILive Book Store. ) f janlll PARTICULAR I good tabiiXi annnar At S1.50 and 02.00. , New Panned YefietaWes and Fruit AT REDUCED PRICES. ' Family Supplies, . -" Imported and Domcitic at , GEO. RflYERSV ll-:i13 South Front Street. ' jaa 18 , . . mm mmwm m 'tSPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE USE Cotton Shippe.-B. , , ; : - m-J3T- Neatly printed At LOWEST PRICES b-v S. G. HALL . .... . . r ' i . ' jan In. Sole Agent for Wiunlngtoo. , Mortgagee's Saile of Real Estates a -J Y YIRTUE OFTHEPOWEBOFSALB con'tainel in a certain Indentvre of ifortc-are -made by JoLn T. ViLkinrs and llary QW il kings, fib wife, to Luhr VolIera.iearin date ' the 17th day of December. A.' D.. Ifi7i.f,rl- recorded in the Ilegbter' office of Newllan- over county, JJook "JI. il. XL" at pages 31 35 and 36, 1 will, aa the Attorney of. the $ aid Lulir Vollcre, expose to cale br nablie aaction. TS HEREBY REQUESTED. OF, PARTIES who enjoy a good fire this cold weather. The best of . ' - i Coal and Wood can be had" at the lowest market prices, at J. A. SPRINGER'S jan 19 Coal and Wood Yard, Front at, Hardw aire HARDWARE ! ! "yiyE IXVITE ATTENTIOXjTO'OUU Retail Stock of Hard ware. Prices to'snit the time, GILES & MURCiHSO.VS, jan 19 . New Hardware S tort-. Dentistry! 56a OT pvR. W. JL HUSTON, Grad- mate of Pennsylvania Den- Ul College, trill practice fcii professioa m umin?ton. "Charr? rprr moderate and satisfaction (niar an teed in eTerj Inatance Teeth extracted without pain. Room, S24 Market street, up tair8, rear of Dr. Kea'a office. jan 13 THE Live Book, Store HAS ALWAYS IX STORE A FULL and eomplet aasortraent of Standard and lliscellaneonj Works, with a J-je stuck ;BLANK BOOKS, - "..-. . . Earelope and Papof crerv kind and etrle. '''.- '. ." -'" -s Alao, Pianos, Organ, Guitars, ViUa, v Fl etc, Baa jo , Acordeons, and a FH atoefc of Snt Mnais iat jnl3 Keinsberger's, for cash, on Tuesday the Cth day of February, A. D, 177, at 12 11., at the Court Uotn door in the' raid City of Wilmington, the following: lot.piece or parcel of land situated and being in the said City of Wilmington, county of New Hanover and State of Aorth Carolina, and bounded and described as follows i -. Beginning eighty-two and one-half (82) feet East of the Western intersection of Queen and Ninth streets, and running thence alon fie line of Queen street, Eact eighty-two tuA one-half (62) feet, thence Kctb, . pasallct with Ninth street, sixty-six feet, thence West; parallel with- Queen street eightxlwo .and! one-half feet, thence South, parallel witl Ninth street sixty-six feet to the beginning the same being a part of the westers half of Lot No. C. in R!tcl; No. 81, according to the olfici : 1 plan of the raid City of Wilmington. - jan 1 MARS DEN BELLAlir;! 4 ., . Attorney, SPIRITTJALISLI AI2D TEST HEDIUIX , I ADY ALICE, ClairroyanUVtli daughter -J of the 7th daughter, just from Europe, ttllsof lorers' oAiaes, tchu rom will zaarrr, brings together the separated, recovers stolen property, gives lottery numberi, cause speedy marriage,1 locates diseases'. - A ? : -; . She has taken rooms at Southwest corner Second and Dock sts. Hours from 8 A II., till 10 P. IL . Letter answered by eacloiin $1 and stamp. Fee $1. jan 10 s-sare iargainc.; FAY EE HAD IN GENT'S and ToutL'j t Shricr'8 Clothing House, South tile ef Market street. 1 1 isUiif ('jUr3is Gtttisg ready for Spring' stodf and all heavy goods must bo soKL - " ' . -r-i . Oar specialty is the all-maia Liam Eosota Shirtfor 90 cents. ; , -"c v ! jaalC ,,;, c.v A-- ITcs. a? and 41 Market tt. PBK IT CASKS. XEW YORKS and Countries. DeROSSET & co. Mszi, bo sold soon, jan 4- milE ANSONIA A WEEaLLY .' NE78- J- rpcr, PubUshed at Polkton, X.. d, a D. if xix, Editor. It is patronized Urgey by the Fanners and Badness i Ilea cf Anion, ' Union, Stanley, and other counties alos j tha Carolina Central Rail Road, and the lies chants and other Basinets Hen of V.'Ezugtscit if they would secure the trade cf th?t proa, percu section, wiH find no better "cf-lra fcs. adTfTiiiing. . - : d;s 9-tf fpHE DAILY HEVIEW- is furnuhed to. X City Subscribers at 50 cents a raonth. i ., t t

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