I this paper i T. JAMES. H.fr'K'ANnrKOKHXKTO., .iT-- " HV. Jk. $2 CO: Tbre F- . f One month, 50 be 'aPtTl U1 cent. ldelivcrcd by carriers, r ln ritir. at tl - Mtr Tai l tit . re rr T . onA liberal. will please report sny and gj.eth-eirpapcr.reguUrly. IINGS LOOKING UP. lUtiouth column of the'orfolk liU'C following encouraging mt'gencc. -M .-..Mifiroiiiise bill Hi rf7tato the effect of 5 4P! traffic and making cyery-i't-Ei Wurc in coing on with i(f i -- ::i,,.vr nature. nl ;.',5t,rr n account of the Sl Vofour political prospects. u. ,:nfr. Henry karns, of .it.U' VVUO Iiaw vmv --r-- v s t mucu laitr iu" 51 VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY J, 1877. NO. 5. - j Our mer- ivi.hr M Hltimoro and toe orth 1 S'lii. -,.iit in behalf of the .1M.ui r. .. i.nr li drance, vi uiu viiic 1 .1 ...,vt 111 lllUll HCIiiiwio f f'-r r $ EWS SU31BIARY. ! .' 1(.,1, vi;V.i.'.ikiiIs nuule by tbcconimif- re-aril 6 I-obwiw. will not help .L uVIls. Vitkwi and Maddox, 1 " 1 ' 1 .' r isiina uu:i-if:i, rausl ly committee investiga i U j'ustwcJJMdley is the fifth il cuthi CVinnii.ssion. Barnes, fNc- Orleans tclograpn operator, nut. c Clifl'"rl has been sworn .Wt ( f the ('omnussion. aud he iivv ---- - ,ychterdy Mini,- the in n in rpialified the others. j new Senator from West inii wts' seated Yesterday. t.Tdi:ivnLidw.inced in Great ltritain h Is. oa itlie cwt. - Montenegro s'ltvU will both probably make ieacc Tnrkpy 1 i The Counters Howe .v herself froin the window .of her Jier's rqj-iJcnce in Berkley square, klon, jcijtirijlay, and has died from the jus: giitff from her husband's death titled Ltr uiiud: The Louisiana 'uniir.-jLard arc kept in c1jsc confiuc ii at the Capital. r Visitors tu the a.c wiu of the Capitol are to be ad- Ao I only j byj cards from the President y.c Senalo or Sioakcr vf the Hoiioe ti- the count in''' of thy votis. lV.nct : Messrs. Scales, Latbam. and Green. ' ' - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Hill, (col'd): A bill to incorporate the Mechanics' Protective Association; .Wil- nnnjston.- Committee oa corporatioDs. Mr. Lindsay: A bill to place the clear ance of water courses under the road law. Committee on agriculture, mechanics, &c. The' resolution to inquire into the dis position of fund3 arising from stock in the North Carolina Railroad, owned by , the State, was taken, up. Mr. Wilson, of Burke, explained the provisions of the resolution, anu tnougnt mai i. auupuuu would result in saving to the State the n pi of 9,090 "annually Tbojesolution passca us several reauings. ine resolution instructing tue uoinnnt tce on county government to report at the earliest practicable moment, was taken up and adopted. - The bill to provide fur the prosecution of the work on the Western Iusane Asy lum, was taken up. - Asylum to be managed by five com missioners to be appointed by the Gover nor; $50,000 appropriated for this year, and 50,000 for 1878; convicts to be em ployed on the work. ( Pending definite action the hour forjlhe special order arrived and the bill under discussion went over until February 9th The special order, the bill to amend the charter of the cUy of Newbtru, was taken up. '. j The bill proposes to reduce the num ber of wards from 7 to 5, one council man from each ward. - ' . . Tl e'qucstion recurred upon the pass age of the bill oil its third reading. The yeas and nays were. called and the bill passed, by a vi te of yeas 62; nay 30. The bill to provide for the collection of taxes by the State, &c, known as- the 'Machinery Bill, was taken up as the special order of the House. Ou motion of Mr. Pjtmix the House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole. On motion of Mr. Ranrsom, the bill was considered by sect'ons. Mr. Pinnix, the. - chairmau, reported progress and begged leave to sit again. The report was adopted, and leave ;i ven 'to the Committee of the . While'' to sit again to-morrow. AndTew Joyner; who has nineteen living chflrden, fifty-eight srahdchildren and twenty-five great grandchildren. She is eighty-two years old and on thrccc mic cessiToiiay in December picked 'liint-ly-nine pound pf cotton. The RaTeigh Observer says : A misera ble, mean, Vicious negro was up let'ore tho Mayor jetcrday out a charge nf assault aud battery u pou a child. This big scoun drel was employed as a laborer fn a gravel train on the Raleigh . and Augusta Air Line Railroad, and when passiug the resi dence of Gen. W. R. Cox, tlie wretch saw the General's little eight-year; old by. at whom he threw a lump of ck1, which struck the child on the h&id, fracturing the skull.. YestenlaV.b v-;. arrested at Cary and brought back, and Ills ' Honor, after hearing. the testimony of three w it nesses, held the negnp under $-500 bond to answer to the Superior Court. lie could not make the bond, and in default was locked up in thecouuty jail, where he ought to stay till he goes to the peniten tiary. ': I : LOCAL NEWS. : .? New Advertisements. A Shrisk. Rare Bargain?.-i James IIbatok, C. S. C Court Calendar. Our friends and patrons irill please understand that carrier boyj are not allowed to sell copies f't'e 'Review Please do not hwj of than ir encourage them to sell as it icill positively cv-t the boy his sitimtivn trhen dctafctl. - ' , . . , , v . - '- Sugar came from China they ustd it or tea. Entirely too much warm iu the Atm. pb'eje toda)'. 7 Lady Alice, having p id4hf ity tax. is nes. ' trans: larr-nt again telling fortu Crape is the fashionable stuff for ball dresses in Paris Bronze green iv the fashionable dark color for street suits in Paris. bid i-il,! .'vA'tor of tho .J'itt&bujg Jhjmh, died yesterday, aged 49 . j- On TutMdy Hon. J. Wiley ium!s, oiic of the niiost successful and itineiitljukuowu bus'.uess men in Xcw Sand, died in B.ston. Cyrus C kc was Ijarrestc 1 yesterday, in New , mi the clur-e of attcnintinir to ne- te $21 jooq worth of for-cd Central Und s. Prof. Ed- h ll;tiiroa U'Sejtuour, who went to St. Louis fluUai ojga or Atlanta, about two Wnecvrwas. full ud in a chair with rl wit,' in th former place, Tues iuroiflg; pecuniary troubles the cause. O'old closctl yester.lsy in New York lltaleigU Xetis.J General Assembly. Ti isdaV, Jan. 30. V hill to marc etrectu- for V bill to provide a special t. nanovcr- county. Iliauis : prevent discriinitiation iu freight "J rrwd doing business -in this ' xo nnf Y vu internal .fnp'royc. It 11 " 'lisMoii House proving that the two SO into an elec- ouic.uext Inday at 12 m. The W aJ mcwags was transmuted. "Siou to Iho construction we .North Ciroliua railnd. was and third readinsr up on iu i hi H uu rassea. also its d rr,iJe fur speedy com- "ucstem North Carolina G',e n or, its fiual readinfter of Z amdUing h"r' thc cial Troy u -i Proptisin' t ,-,t .v,t ' !ibia baU Pvidc for the tfitkthcj.rivic stock U. the i i "'wacrs, who hall be en- ai m tn i . . fc atif" T 7 . r lu provisions ut the C'k? m Ul'. that no is ,,vvvr uhui vney snail j& a. tt aiKr me UisinUution 0:T? we vrovidul tnA L VaSi USidercd bv txrlums! in.l lifk ii,T.T an.uoace ohl baal tcadinjr as luvins aud engruesed "and sent to Vk.JrSnwncol as the Senata UcivnV.i: 1 committee on the CAROLINA. Masquerade Ball in Raleigh on the 9th proximo. " , . . Mew Orleans Jubilee SlngcW iu Weldon last night. Lots of new buildings going up in Lumber ton. Apostle Ramsey is again In the - Rented Temperance field. Fhc to ten tramps apply for lodgings every night in Raleigh. The Ansonian records the death of Mr. John Brewer, of Anson county, aged 90. Sunday passenger trains have been dis continued on the Seaboard and. Roanoke railroad, V Mrs. Mary A. Palmer has been ap pointed postmistress at Pittsbon, Chat ham County, vice J. T. Mallory. A rumor is current that a new daily paper is to be published in 'Charlotte by a stock company, the editor to be imported from St. Louis. Thc Mobesonioh says: Mrs. Culbreth an okl laiiy resiumg near 4ot ei-, i this county,-' died at her residency last Friday, in the 8'Jth year ot her age. The Elizabeth City aud Norfolk Rail road sjecms to be a fixed fact. A contrac tor from Philadelphia has arrived at Eliza beth City and will begin work on the road soon.. " - . " - . - Anirus Love and Furneil Iocklear, both coloretl, were frozen to death while druuk, in Robeson count, during the re- tent cold snap. This we learn from the Jiobcsonian. A dwelling house at Manson, -Warren county, on the 1C. cc Vrs auoaq, was destroyed by lire on Monday night. The house was unoccupied, and is believed to have been fired by tramps. Rakish has still another sensation. Al bert Magnin,' a deputy sheriff, is charged with packing the Jury ; box and Judge Fowle is couductiri the prosecution azainst him and Judge Schenk is on the bench. The Raleigh Xetcs says : The statements of thc condition of the several banks of this city, show individual deposits tothe amOUUfc Ol 50 to,yui.vr--viaiiivui.cv. va follows: Iu the .State National Bank, $223,4 19. 72;' in tns Rl.eigh National, 2C8,GI8.20; and in the CitizeiivNa,tional, $321,001.33. The Raleigh iVfiC5 sajs: Mr. W. IL Ellen, who lives on East street, in the neiborhotl of Oak wood Cemetery, suffered a stroke of paralysis on the left side some time ago from which he bad recovered sufficiently to walk about, but Monday night bis right side was paralyzed and he is uow entirely helpless, ' The Charlotte Observer ,says that a youug man in GasfdnlaaWcmptcd suicide by taking laudanum last Sunday night because some young lady' had refused to marry him." He laid in a comfortable supply of the article and then told the girl about it who 'became alarmed and summoned a physician, when. the young man was trotted around all night aud hii precious life was safed;- v The Weldon Xcxcs . says : There is a colored woman living near here, Sabry by nam?, formerly he property of jf Colonel Noi Brig Emmanuel, Olseu, arrived at Texel," on the 29th inst., from this port. . t February is upon us to-d ty with a breath as of violets too sweet .ami too soon. Several little partiei to 'the "oou.i I x day and you know tint t!uyhar a good time. Nor. barque JJjentiiuJ. .Ipgeinuntlsen. from this port,, arrived at Bist !, Kii., on the 29th ult. ' Gold was' down. t 10J ; ;'t u mhi i ---i.iy in New York. Ei.entty the pc.j!c up in that latitude must believe j tii it TiMen is elected. .niri- flul. W. P. Craiirhill. the U. S neer for this department of the eost, is on a visit of inspeclior. of the works fui; the improvement of cur river and bur. Br. barqUentiu'o, IFi. Croscup, cleared from here to-day . for Liycri.Hl. by Messrs Alex Spnmt & Son, takes out 1,100 bales of cotton, shipped by, Messrs. Sanders Blackwood, of Charlotte. The cars from'Portsinouth to Wilming ton' aud vice versa, do not run through as heretofore, but passengers going .North and South change, cars at Weldon as before the recent arrangement went into effect. ' .' -:. ! '' ";; . But two cases before the Mayer' this morning andvthese were of a white woman charged with selling liquor without a liceuse and seHug H on Sunday. In one case she was fiuetl $50 and costs ami in the other $25' and costs. A Sheriff Settled. One.of the two sheriffs for whoni the State Treasurer has been wUiiig so pat Icutly, says the ltaleigh Xtirs of Tues day's date, arrived yesterday and settled the' tax of his county. This was Sheriff W. J. Sutton, of Bladen, who p.tid into the treasury. 3;9.99.1G, divided ;is fol lows: Special tax, $1,812.08 ; general tax, $2,030.33; retailerstax,, for the nluca tional fund, $15C.75t i lender the last county ma.de, is. the Ust t settle. I; is, as Governor Brogden said cf ;laujsel( the day after the election, thc hut rty upn the stalk, to show wlwiv the ganlen had been." Treat? of Peace. The Committers met lost nihtr and while the members will not devulgo 'the p roccediugs enough has transpired to know that thU cruel war is about ; over with aud tLat a treaty of peace wUl' be signedt. We hope to tell all. about it ! tor morrow. - : r . I I ou ap- of Ward Meetings To-Xight. Meetings are cailel in all the Vard-5.iii the city, (or tbi? evening at 7 o'clock, for the purpose ot neaaing aud action the report of tho Colnraittec pointed recently with reference municipal affairs The places meeting arp designated as fjllows: First WardAt Brtxklyn Hall. Second WrarJ At the Court Icue. . ;TtW Ward AtiunO' ilaii. Fourth Ward At Hibernian Hall. Fifth WTard At the Hinton School House. Church Festival. The ladies of the First Baptist Church w ill hold a festival in the French building next Wednesday night and at the sime time the gallery of superfine arts will be opened. The frreods of the Church? are cm tlially invited to be present andrcridcr what assistance tliey can .to the ladies, who are working hard to help the Chinch. r' - . Harbor Master's Report. Capt. B. G. Bates, Harbor Master, makes the following report for the month of January ; Arrived Steamers, 19; barques, 18; brigs, 1 1 ; schooners, 10; total 68. Aggre gate tonnage 24,641; . foreign' r tonnage 8,422. The pilots' report of soundings daring the month, at low' water, is as follows : Bald Head channel, 10 feet ; Western Bar, 11 feet,6 inches; Rip G feet, 6 inches ; Newi Inlet, 9 feet, 9 inches J Rip, 9 feet. Stole Ills Harness. Some one entered the woodvard.of Mr. J. A. Springer, corner Front and Mul berry streets, some time last night aud stole therefrom a valuable, set of harness, horse blanket, &c. A very fierce dog is kept in the yard at night and as it seems that he failed, to give an alarm, it is as sumed that the robbery was committed by some one .who had at one time been employed on the premises and had thus become familar. to the dog. IIow to Judge a Person by the Walk. :i Clrejess persons arc .' forever stubbing their tees, i ; . j. Unstable persons walk fast and slow by turns,- I -. r Fun-loving persons have a kind of "jig'' movement. - : J ' ' k j. Onep4deaperotta, and al ways very selfish ones, "toa in." , , jp ; Crossjpersons arc very apt to hit their kneca together. ' jl Good naUred persons snap their fingers and thumbs every few steps, j Modest persons generally step swiftly for fear of being observed. ! Calculating persons generally walk with! their hands. in their pockets and their head slightly inclined. jj Lazy persons scrape loosely with their heels, and are first on one sideof the walk and then on the other. S Very strong-minded jcrsons place their toes directly in front of them, and have a kind of stamp movement : ! Wide-awake persons ''loe-out and have a long swing of their arms, while the hands As Was Expected. For some time past we have been 011 thelookout for a dead hog, the natural result of the nocturnal raid made by these animals on the flower prardens in various sections cf the city and yesterday it was reported that a defunct shoat had been lying u Third street, between Walnut and Red Cross,for the past two days, the carcass looking as though sAwiy had hastened its exit from this world by means .r a Uow on the head with an aje. This is certaiuly an effective way for curing an evil and will probably be followed by other instances. - ' The Man Arrested. We spoke yesterday, as briefly as we could, of a disgusting item of news which some people roll under the tongue as a sweet morsel but which we never publish except under protest. The girl's name .is Luciiida Clark, and after our paper bad gone to press a colored man by the name of Hector liavis, vell known as fireman of tho steam tug Win. Jtfyce, and a married man, was arretted, charged with .be crime. The girl swore to his identity and Davis ga ve bond for his appearance this after noon, before Justice Vau Amringe. After he was released Davis atte.ra.pUd to com mit w 'cUlc by taking laudanum but the pro'K'r remedies wero applied and his life was saved fjr the time beiniri t ; Sunday School Missionary Work.. Tdc U dejgh em learns that under the 1 super v!&io:i t.f Rov. G. S. Jones, of ""Wil- miugtou; tlc American Sunday School Unioi has planted and aided in North Carolina during thc past twelve months about eighty school. Tle cow great aim of tm tim'fi-huiioied society is directed in the channel of meeting the wants of hitherto neglected communities An open .Bible, pluctL in the handat 1 of all who can lead, witb the injunction 'search the Scripturi-s,'' and see! what they testify of Christ and bk doctrines, is the platform, CiQ which this . . aiission axy titerprisc has inaintained its posi tion through the past half ajutrwy oT our national exiitea: ' - evyry seventy-five cents Con tributed to the American Sunday XTnion, a child has been placed . under RiLle instruction, while for want, of .Christiau etlucation ami proper tr?iu.irr gf the Y'ounT CMiU vhe ' sc?etal States of our Uidon over tn million; nine hundred ahd thirty thousand dollar for the annual support of pauperism aud iarinv t . PriT cniion u Vet ter than cure, .cdu catiou is cheaper than' pnnahnlcn. jud schoxls less costly thq ri oostv?B and .' . ' . L --.i -' . - Ve arc gtad, in view of these facts, to learn that the Union is progressing in . iu work in our State, - : Montague curls ou' the forehead is the style of tin passing runment. ' r 1 Last Night's Hop. , The. Bachelor's IIop given at Ui? City Hajl last night was well attended not only by many of thc unmated in thc city but by lots of married people as well. It was a very enjoyable affair and would well vepctition;;;;- :: I; ;. C u Ithe move about miscellaneously. limi t person v often step off of Kulcwalkon meeting another and always go around the the stone instead of stepping over it. . I , Observing persons move slowly ; their hands move alternately from side to side, while they ; occasionally stop and turn around. ' ' ' ' j " '. Careful persons lift, their feet hiidi and place them down 'slowly, aud pick up some little obstouctiou and place i.tquictly by tliesideof the walk. Wonderful Success. it is reported that Boschee's- German Syrup has, fcii.ee its m '.reduction in the United States, reached the immense sale of 40,000 dozen ; -per year. Over 0,000 Liruggists have ordered this medicine direct from the Factory, ,at Wootlbury, N. J., andjnot one has reported a sjnoWisra urc, nt every letter speaks of its aston ishing success in curing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. We advise any person that bas any pre disposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggists- and get this Medicine, or in quire; about it. Regular size, 75 cents. Sample; Bottle, 10 cents. Two doses will relieve any case. Don't neglect your cough, j ."'' li m j any, xd til tvljects of PLEASE KQTICE., We wiU ,ee'gUdotrve tofehittnicatioii from our friends on1 general interest but : The niri or the' r writer 'toiut jJwiji U f urnuhed to the Editor. . . Communications srsstbt written oaly ob one side of e"f4perI - Pereon&Iities mnh W avoided. And it is c?pecially and particulirlj.sDder stood that editor does not tlirayi endorse the views of coirespondents naletf 'so sUted in the editorial colnnuu. m wi vr l w ' j - . New Advertisements. ' r mm mm SHOULD" NOT , -i ! Lose Their ITemper WHEN ClXG f ;7-i n fa' PUFFED IHMJYi,. il :rr WINDY flDVERTISISlTSJ . :. "lAiV, -'.;v- Bntmakc up their minis '.' ' , : . ' ' ' 'I . IN THE FUTURE . TO USE. ONLY.; In this age of education and general in telligence the household is hardly complete without a Cornish & Co. Piano or Organ. Read tlx? advertisment iu another column . and tlien send for illustrated catalogue and price list. . '. ; jan 8. . New Advertisements. ' ' ; ' " ' " - Wew Publications. RUPERT HALL. A Love Storr. Uy 34rs, llenry Wood, author ofEtst'Lvnne. CTRILLA. A Love Storv. "The Initials." Hj author of WHlTEFBIARS.?Bj the author of White- oa 1. C0RIX5E, or IT A L Y. SUtel. lij Madame De- A Ltive Sto j. UjlMra. Reurj Popping the, (jucslWa. The Jealous Wife. ED IX A. Wo-vd. Sjirevter Sound. Tho Confeodnn of a Pret ty woman. For sale f Hei jan 31 ers, Lire "Hook and Music Store. Just Think of It! A "FULL TliATED, SEVEN SHOT RE Xrcet far 03. at GILES & mTRCHISON'S, JaA -9 Xcw Hard ware Store. A nnua I TJ eet i ng. WILMIXOTOX, X. C, Jan. 30, 1877. TIIE ANNUAL MEETINCc of tbe Stock holders of tbeEAnlf of New llanorer, will be bejd at tneir Banking House, in Wihninjr tw, PiTflUBSDAY, February eth, ai U o'clock, AM. S. D. WALLACE, jaaSOnae C;hier. Rare Bargains- jyjATjBE HAD IX QEXr3.and YoalL't m msm m at Dhrler'S Clothing IXouae, South tide of llarkct street. , - ; ' , Getting ready for Spring sUck iud all heavy goods mutt be sold. t Oar specialty la fl fX-maia liaen Dosea 1 iw U -:-L. AND THAT PAR EXCELLENCE IS Plant s it "t I The Best Flour Made in America !! OUR OWN BRANDS OF? AND-' mite mm ARE BETTEBWl! v? than most Brands sold in this m rli and we ofter taem at VERY MODERATE iPRICES ! But for those' who want arid will have the CREME-DE-LA-CRE1IE -FLOUR4! ! I ' " " j S J 1 AND DEFY THE WORLD TO Produce a Better I i:HAS.I).IIRSC(l' if 5 6l 7 north Front Street. jan 30 1 -1 - i : . DO VOU WANT A ; , BLliK BOOK OR A SET OF BOOttS ? He has just reccivedj a Tot. ' BoainCia uien "down on the wharf," take notice, ' jan 31 You'BetiliiS J UST KECIYET BY . EXPEsk otl.er - lot'of these FIVE CENT CIOAllSV "ikailn---- thecitj. Call and trxjhim fit 1.,4 VHTTrii& Tobacco Stole, jaar ; if' I Market Street. Consult Lady Alice. LADY ALICE, Clalrroyafat;Tth'daghtcr of the 7th daughter., jut from: Europe, tells of lorers namct, who fgn will marrr, brings togethef the aepa rated, reovers s tuiu v property, ffirea lottery nambexa, c-ausc tpeedj marriages locate disease,.,, She hsu taken room at Bouthwdct corner Second, and Dock tts, . llourt from $ A. M., J) tiiJ 10 P. Mi Letters ' ar,rcred by encloa. SI aod ataisp. Fee WQea and Gentiemeir, , $1. -,(!-;,,' ' ' , -!'. r ... jpmld "AOS. 1 ESPECIALLY ADAPTED Vo.TUE CSK Cotton Shipper. , ; f ' .,;,, iar Neatly printed at LO"tYEST PRICES 'J i a - jan IS, ( . ,SoIe Aentfor Wilmington. A DVERTISE ! LVTOE : DAILY EETtro i CCBSCIRB 0 TUB , . DAILY ItEVfEYX .