THIS TAPER i ; - - ' -V 1-.- r i -fwtioon. DUnuj i - .. - r e T. J A J " ex- iosiM . EprroB ap iPTlOJm. POSTAGE TAID. S lSIx months, $20; Three delifcred by carriers, f the week. d. and w receive their paper. 'A iiWnti rer their paper, regniarij. Baieih Neirs. GoBera!As33iiibly. f HKKATK. I. Satukday, Feb. 3. from the i inii' rity of the Commisnon "J aK J Favetteville, Asking ue M" l.r - t ill extending the r4 I'rf. tnwnVso as to take lt is known as -, w ; rl lA.un anil thlflrlv iLu-cnti to bin'1 S 1 private residences. He also . A.ntPr nt'titiou from several hJicsi liv PS on ueu "' '"" h action shall not betaken VrJy said llis people without regard r -fla'rty Were vc-iy much divided henopryy and justice of tbe act, I I ..... .. .1. 1 hive a lair aiwuiv v"";b " 77 before (be Senate and would, t-ijuJ bhu iiftitions should co ire, as ji"1! v . iilk" liilli irucrcasing -uu uuuiuur 8ofthe V i.ty. Calendar. r illei 1 1 ncpi on oke; Bill to regulate ino ai-emi-WrjuV oU'tLo clerks. of the bu .urti. fniniftpe on judiciary, motion of Mr. Johnston. . the jsiWhendedaml the bill traus- at twltioifof the Western North ,;irLl Iwtwoen Warm SWing T. hiUm line. To the Mornstown uftlialW-Teuncsce and Georgia ;t- T 1.1"J A was take l up, anu passeu uuru ere h moti.ii of Mr. Coke, the bill in to county bonrnbent was taken lird reading and passed. LuQUing c haul moveil to recouiider hy which the hill passed,-anU motion' tb' reconsider be laid on Tho! lattfer motion prevailed. Li4ion! U' Mr. Holt the resolution h hotisu re ative to the establish- 4 an jViicultural Department at ersity was taken up and on mo- i,;.i jeruiissioii, Mr. G.)ke-introduce a nriagthb register of deeds to attend ffice citicr ih person or by. deputy iy (exCuot Sundays) between the tea at in .landx four p. m . Gjm- )n jiuficiary. , ' 1 otion ot Mr. Short, bill m relation n insurauco Uompaics Avas taken m i in Y - ' . - , j . - , - PLEASE KOTICS. VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1877. NO. 9. citizen of Iredell, died suddenly while seated in a chair before the fire, on Mon day night last. A ladies restaurant is soon to be opened in Charlotte. It will giro "meals at all Lours" and a cup of coffee on five . min ute s notice. One of the new Penitentiary Board has in his possession some 200 petitions for orace, 199 of wnich are supposed to be Irom Kaleiu. . . - Forty-seven new Granges have been organized in this State the past year, making 548, with a total membership of about 17,000. The Morgan ton Blade says: From reports gathered since the melting of the snow,- we are gratified to now .that the wheat crop is much more promising than beforethe heavy snow. ':; " The Raleigh Observer says : The mect- tugs iu uiea irst uapusi iiiurcn conunue with unabated interest. Twenty-seven cou' verffs have made a profession of religion, and twelve have connected themselves with the church. ' The Charlotte Observer says : Rev Mr. Colton, a native of this State, and who for a number of vears has been laboring as a missionary among the Choctaw Indians, has given up his post a3 missionary and is now on his way home. Tho Goldsboro Messenger says: Last Thursday night some Godfearlcss villain made an unsuccessful attempt to rob the corner stone of :bt. Stephen s Church in this place, of the box aud' contents sup posed to be deposited there. Tho Monroe Express says: We noticed a petition beins Circulated on our streets the other day, numerously signed, asking the Legislature to pass a law requiring all railroads in tbisr State tQ file a bond in each county through which they passed so as to secure the citizens of the county again t all losses which might accrue by reason of their negligence ; such as killing of cattle, persoual injury, &c; LOCAL NEWS. put upon i Senate of the Lni paniesjwere zeo of' th l nomination liotiort the k on Moiid; s several readings and jiroceeiieU to ballot lor VLTKliy, Hlf gCUltlMUCIl recommended by the uLo!e on yesterday S'cnati adjourned till K OK UEr tESENTATIVES. idger presented the petition of ttzensbf Madison county, ask- new- jciiiitity be created from and Madison- counties. " wlatid presented the petition of IZPim of Iti ! K'Knn nukinrr tluf. flip . V vy- V- JS y MWlk q till V V V ,ntous filU'irs withiu four miles ' urove l;hurcii. in ICobeson prohibitcxl. Propositions and vis, of, HaVwotxl, presented the jf sundry titizcus of Haywood Uing for the ercation of a new om the CDUnties of Madison and Propositions and grievances, colored, presented the petition viu: is oj ljimnston township New Advertisements. A Shriek. Rare Bargains. Chas. D. Mters & Co Delicious Table Butter. Annual Meeting Seamei'b Friend Soc'y. James C. Muxds Draggistl Gkand Coscert Opera House.' ...... Our friends and patrons will 'plexr. understand hat carrier boys are not allowed ti sell copies ol the Review Please do not uy of them or encourage themty sell as it will positively cost the boy his situation when detected. Sec new ads. on fourth page. Ran Short. Our yesterday's edition ran short sev eral Quires and was therefore not mailed to many of our country subscribers, as well as all of tho exchange 'list. It was daused by a 'miscount in wetting down the paper and was not discovered until too late to repair the error. We regret it ex ceedingly but do not think that it will oc cur again. Pink coral is to suceed cardinal red. .One month of the new yearlias gone. ' New style fans have portraits on them. French heels are not worn in the street this winter. Disscusions, like small streams, gather as they run. . . The most fashionable evening toilettes arc worn without bustles. Bookstore keepers advertise the .last. edition of "Hel'n Babies !" "A 'crop year of prodigious fertility uuty, against a prohibitorv htw is what the farmers predict for 1877. I'uoiiii', i x imniMiinn nmi in-iou. i ; . i if 1 v ' . Steam shin LucUk. Bennett, from' this ;rk,iof lladcii. tho f nnrt. nrrivpl at Baltimore on the 4th I ... .1 I v I t J " " ' , (liuuen county, asking a prohib n certain localiticslin said coun osition aud grievances. is, colored : A bill to be v.nWtUA There is no greater punishment than that of being abandoned to one's self. ' ! bind out apprentices for the 'f learning a trade or al. Judiciarv. (rk. bf Bladen : A bill to be cuti- Stcatnship Benefactor, Jones, arrived at New York last Sunday from this port. : , : ( - . The Mima, Douglass, from Belfast, for last jt to amend chapter 137, laws of ?this iwrt, sailed, from Queenstown, I Propositions and prinvranrps . .1 t I tl 1 ..... I. tw'lj?l?d. : i 1111 to bo entitled an C5 J ,within ' Bright and p balmy Spring r ...w vyuuiv v uooesou. ivo- - , I QI UiC UK I Cuu grievances. fj"ght ; A resolution on adjouru- " legislature, faxing tho time ?Q Hav of j March. leasant again to-day and seems hovering Qn the verge weeks. A Fourth street girl who felt unable to give her lover slippers, compromised by require Sheriffs and Tax CollecT giving him the niitten. ueunquent tax, lists, was jspcnsiotrof tho rules, taken up --iciuuugsaQd passeii. Seamen's Friend The regular annual meeting of the Society will be held at CAROLINA. heets lu Goldsboto to organize a the-Bethel this evening at 8 o'clock. Sec advertisement of Mr. James C. pmpaDy. rie 'Landmark thinks its act L.inJ tho Ust in the State. county i 4 colored uds up 5 convicts, 1 to the State Peni- Munds, the Tljird street druggist, , which appears among the'neV advertisements in this issue. j . Fivo companies of tho Fiist United States Regiment passed through the city, going North, last night and Sunday night They were from Charleston; jcrtaiutueut givfen last week at The members of the Cape Fear Steam ro wnsht-of the Orphans Fire Engine Company were out yesterday lew iUJ i ..." UfUrnoon with their! engine Tor parade W leintentiarv Rnar.l I .... . . . he inanir -.ITr and practice. They gavc tne nsn stana, -"W..lllf:ilL III I II'IL llll ! I . - nclStht Ut the foot of tho Market, a god wash- yce :haW appointed Thomas P. 2 ?iissic,lCr of ffi" I r ' Capt. S. A. Ashe. ot long go a. rcsi- Carroll of Qupliu county dcat of tbis dt has hcen chosen ,Chair vc sous; together weigh ii all niaa of tnc 5tate Democratic Committee u: : ruwr,- weigii ia i ' ana peasure 87 J feet. , I to fill the vacancy caused be the resigna- u.rri a l i3ljly respected 1 tioa of Gcq, Co. Some Cold Weather. Sixty years ago was a'ear withoilt a sum mer. Frost occurred every month in the year 1815. Ice formed half a i inch thich in May, Snow fell to the depth of three inches in tho interior of New York, and also in Massachusetts, in June. Ice was formed of tho thickness of common window glass throughout New York on the 5th of July. Indian corn was so frozen that the greater part was cut down in August, and dried for fodder and farmers supplied themselves from the corn produced in 1815 for the seed of the spring of 1817. : . - A Confederate, Caught. Aloczo Elvi, colored, . the party who was caught selling some of tools stolen from Mr. Reaves' shop, was! yesterday turned over by the Mayor to Sheriff Manning who committed him to jail. On the way from the City Hall to the Court House, Elvi espied another colored man by the name of Prince Richardson whom he had persistently charged with selling him the toolf and for whom the police had been looking. He at once gave notice of the fact when Richardson was taken into custody and conveyed to the guard house where he will await a hearing before the Mayor. Elvi claims that Richardson owed him $5 50 and that he gave him the tools in payment of the debt. y i i i County Commissioners. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held last niglit, present Mr. Wagner, the Chair man, and Commissioners Worth, Grain ger, Nixon-ind Holmes. The minutes of the last meeting were road and approved, with the following correction, to-wit: ' Onlcreti further, tnai . be bill of costs against R. F. Evdp l referred to a commute', coca's. mg ot 1. 15. Grainger andB. G. Worth, as to its Icgdn y, to report thereon at tho next me-tii g. Application of Eda L-xvkins tor assist ance, was referred to the Poor Committee. J.C. Munds, having put in the lowest bid to furnish prescriptions to the out-door poor, the contract was awarded to hii tj he first of January, 1878, at 25 cents per prescription. Seveeral parties were granted lieenses to retail spirituous liquors. The report of the Committee on Out door Poor for January, 1877, was received and ordered on the miuuies. j The report of the Committee on Work House,. relative to property belonging to the county, was, receive I and "ordered on the minutes. Commissioners Wdguer ami Holmes were sppointed a Committee to sec that the property turned over to the Messrs. Mathes Bros, bv the Commission ers, be returned to the Workhouse, and that what is "not needed be sold at auction. Commissioner Wagner offered the fol owjng: s Iiesolced. That as it has been reported to tbis Board, by its committee, that the tax-payers of the county, in convention assembled, and, at the request of said committee of this Board, appointed a com mittee of their number, consisting of W, L. DeRosset, Henry .Nut t an.a iAiwara Kidder, for the purpose oi investigating the management of county m.atters, it. ia hereby ordered by this Board that all county oepcers are nereoy mstructea to give all information desired by said com mittee of t tax-payers, aud every other facility for investigation will be given by us, as we feel that the affairs of this county have been properly administered at our hands. It was ordered that Sheriff S. H. Man- nin be instructed to pay over to John J Hewlett, Treasurer of Masouboro town ship, all township t;xes cvllecteil by him for the year ,1876, and take proper receipts for .the same. , It was orderedtliat the Finance commit tee be instructed- to ascertain what amount of fines, forfeitures and penalties has been collected by Jaine UeMon, Clerk cf the Superior Court, for the past twelve months and report the sme at the meet- iug of the Board. Two hundred and fire (2Ci vpos valued at $lft each in gold, amounting to three ' tbousadd and seventy-five ($3,075) dollars, having been paid, were burned in presence of all the (Vjrrinj- sioncrs. " Tlo Board thep ailjournal. . InktStains. . , The best meaus ,to remove ink stains from linen or any w Into material is to immerse the spot in milk aud keep it there until the ink disappears, changing the milk when it gets thick. Getting Ready. A venerable citizen of this place has had his grave prepared at Oakdale. It is a vault, nicely bricked in and looks as comfortable as such things can , be made to look. The gentleman is now in good health and strength and will probably last twenty j'ears or more, although already a septuagenarian. , ForThe Public Benefit. For the convenience of the public Mr. Jno. H. Allen will place a clock in the show window of his jewelry establishment which will be run by electricity. A wire from the Western Union Tel. Co' office will be attached to the clock and at twelve o'clock dailj', the Washington City time can be gotten by all who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity. One Thousand-Dollar flnunfcrfoit lhe Ireasurer of tho United States is sending to Assistant Treasurers throughout tli3 country a photographic copy of the new one thousand dollar counterfeit note, and also copies of the genuine note, in order to make easy detection of spurious-: notes of this denominatiori. There is very little difference between the genuiue and coun- terfeit'note the principal defect in the lat er being the extensive flourish in the sig natures. Death of Mr, Lloyd. ' We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Salter Lloyd, a venerableand respected citizen of Brunswick county, v' which oc curred at his residence on las Sunday ifter a paiuful and protracted illness. Mr. Lloyd, was 69 years of age at the time of his death and was one of the most prominent citizens of this section of the State, he having at various times filled offices of high trust. He was a gentle man of the. old school, refined and cul tured in his'mannefs.courteousand kindlv n his deportment oni h-jv,- ,nd honor able in j viepartmcnt of hf. City Court. , The following cases were disposcsd of y the Mavor this morning: A. Fai-sline, A.Volbay and O. Tonison, all Norwegian sailors, charged 'with dis orderly conduct, cursing and fighting, were each fined $10 and costs or 30 days on ths streets. A party whose name ve suppress, was charged with assault and battery but the case was dismissed on payment of costs. Alonzo Elvi, charged with the larceny of tools, the property of Mr. Sol. Rcavesj wa3. ordered to give a justified bond in the sum of $500 for his appearance at Superior Court, failing in which he was turned over to the SheriQ who commit ted hun to jail. : We irHl bo glad to receive coaiattaicatioas from our friends onany nd, all ;0f general interest but : " furnished to the Editor.- 7 ,i: . ' An tommunicaUons must be .written otly : oi one side of tie papers U iULil ' Lite :JT Personalities most be "avoided. - - - . . . .. ' 1 va ii sirL -. And it is especiallr and parUcuiarlr huI. , stood that tie editor does ndtalwajs eudra the views of Correspondents, mnleo. so sUted I in iaQ editorial columns. ;; -. : v it , r) ti t- Dignity is expensive, and without other good qualities is not particiilarly able.- . . r profit- Q It is reported that Boscliee's Gerrnaa o ' since its inodnction in thb For very cold weather a frieze ovetcoat oTOn ! is pnerallyprcferred,andin hot weather a Druggists have ordered J this ' medicine melton. . I direct from theFactorv. at Wondhnr xr ' f ii t , , : , v. J , J' an,d not one has reported a sinrfo fail-'' H9t drmks should be avoided m day ure, but every letter srt Af ....t. . time during cold weather, as they have a lhmS success m curiogLsevere Coughs; -tendency to weaken the lungs and affect 'ds on the Breast, Consumption!. the throat. I "Jcasc oi tbe Throat and Lungs, i f auvibe any person that has any ire-" The box- sheet' for the Concert! next rVsiM)S1.tl0n to wcak Lungs, to go to their Friday evening is beinglrapidly "filled up mliw otnTu toi. 9uicuw;'Or4o ana tnose who want good seats should Samnlo 'TWito: in 7 " utnjm in lose no time in securing tliemi Some one without' the fear of the tay or regard fortlic welfare of 'mankind has removed a 1 plank 1 from the bridge over the gutter, at the south-west inter section of Third and Chestnut streets, which makes a very ugly and dangerous hole'. No better man-trap could le in vented.. ' relieve cough. any case 'Don't -neglect1 your BIED. -r-T- i-HAn.LLEE-At Melrose Marimf oriti' 11 b. C, on the moruing of the 6th iustAlra. A. M. HaRLLEE. rATirinfflfo 7l?tJi?SElT 1 K. llarllee. In the 66 year of her New Advertiseirnent3 j 'Ji The Iledjre-IIo superstition. lbe iSevv lork Iio;-7'i lias another version of the popular ' legend . To-day, says The World of the 2d. inst., is the! feast of St. Groundbog. . learly oh the 2d of February the .arctoinys woiiax, the! Old Probabilities of the animal creation, celebrates his St. Swithin'sf dav.r He nntnna l,.",. ' T l.lL. l wui.c ii.ibii iium iiia uuiu uuu scans nis shadow with even . greater interest! than the laborer in the Bible. If it is dear and, the shadow is '"readily- sceil, he concludes that the probabilities favor a rising barometer, gentle breezes and! fair weather, and certifies to his joy !by frisking merrily on his light fan tastic toc3;J but an it is invisible atmospheric disturbances are to bo looked for, and he returns to; his lair to sleep, perchance .to dream, the stormy sea son through. . In rural parts great is the ame of tho woodchuckr whom; the farm ers are prepared to back agaiust Briga dier-General . Myer for the championship, 100 single predictions ; nay, he! is regard- DZSLICZOUfJ T "'' TAkT.PKITWF.!!'!' aorAi a w a A J-.g FJIOM THE '.i B est C ream ery s IN ' i luut vt.sifijr.ti ANOTHER SHIPMENT innia OF THAT ELEGANT TABLE BUTTER ? 4 : ed as even more eminent authority as to the weather than the compiler If the pat- A SH K CJOTTNT V t t i. i ' ur i i I - -- " euii intuieiuo aimanacs. g nave, no doubt ' that he merits the trust reposed in lim. and if he. unlike the vt vnian in suvlCb, ia v'i"" v- H, j" theme of conversation than the weather, we should like to have his prognostica tions concerning the Presidency. The ground-hog in politics! f '.-,.' ill - ; ,-.-- j . 0 . -""5 -;t V ' 'J i "List of Letters. 1 -r E Thcfollowing is the list of letters re maining unclaimed. in the Postoffice, Wil mington,. N. C, Wednesday February 7, 1877: ' ' NA Henry N Arnold. B David F Barnes. Miss; Sarah Brown, Miss Delia Bryant, David Burris, John Burnett, Matthew Burnetii, George Burton. . j. ' C Louisa Capehsart, Miss E S Casteeu, Charjes Cjiad wick, Samuel ClavSton. I D Mrs N C Davis, Miss Jafiie Dick inson, William Dowlmg, I honns Dow- ling. Th Hi last evening in Historical Society, ii i i.?. . f .1. '.. iie regular mommy mceiiug oi iu rical and Scientific Society was held the rooms of the First L-Presbvterian Church. The principal feature of the Civehing was the reading by lion. Edward CantwU, the regr.lirly appointed lecturer for the occasion , of a paper prepared by him on "The Colonial History of the Cape Fear Region," tbe main reference of which was to Barnwell's Expedition against the Tus- caroras in 171 :-12. wnicn was neara with in tefiSQ . interest by those who were present, it Wing replete with" impor tant historical facts hot easily obJained and evidencing much care and research in its preparation. A request frorn too Ladies Benevolent Society that Col. J. G. Burr be permitte4 to deliver in public, for the benefit of the Association, the lecture delivered by him last month relative to tBe local history of the Cape Fearwas! acceded to, Haa Etlward Cant well and Messrs. W. B. McKoy and Norwood Giles were 'ap pointed a committee to make the necessa ry arrangements for the removal of the remains of Cornelius Harnett from the eld. St. James Churchyard ta the place pro-! parqd for them In Oakdale Cemetery. Dr. A. J. Rosset, Col. W. L. DeRosset and Rev. C. M. Payne were" admitted as members of the Society. ; -4 :, .Hon. Hugh AYaddelL was announced as the lecturer for the triectius to be held in March, Dr. Thos P. Wood for. that to be held id May and Mr W. P. ' Wrpfe) br that to be held fa Jn 1 I 1 . 7 The Society will apply, to the Legisia ture for. incorporation, iho re rtuaaert or gn.njxtioti to date from the 20th of Hay. : '::v. i ::;:rii : ' E -Miss Mary Eady. CRYSTAL DRIPS, alB-ifoipiniDa G'OLDE.JcS ' ' '..tUr,-U :i1 AD . - i i ; HOflEY S t. ... NEW HULLED MS" 1 3 I s)J - F-Miss Mollie Faison, Mrs Evaliue Fisher, Johu J Forrest, Miss" Miry L Futch, 2. , . r :- G Allen Gram, Miss Mary Godman, Henry Green, James H Gree"n Jr, Miss Emma Groot, i HQwen .Hanchey, Miss fMary K Harris, . Miss! Caroline Hayes Charles Haypes, Mrs Hagar Henderson, Frank Henry Miss Augusta Herring, Andrew Hill, T J Hillman, Elias Ualsey, Miss Abbie Hblrnes, Mrs le tseylloll in gs worth, Michael Hooper', Wm II Howpi William Howe, 2, Harrison Huggings. j J Mrs. Charles1 T Jackson. - Joseph Jarrott, Miss Mary Johnson, Miss Patsey 'Johnson,.;'" .' ' ' - . 'f ;-. ti Mrs Emma I.ane, Mrs Laura Leo, Thos M Lcwry, Mrs Ellen Lord, Jacob Lyon. M Mrs Martha Matton, Caj)t Alex ander May, Mrs Maggie McLestor-, Mrs King McCall,Henry Miller, -Matthers, (Saloon - Keeper, -2$, Brvd street) Mrs Violas D lurrell Irs Mariah T Myers. N Mrs Susan Nichols, Mrs Pollic Nixon." . ;. P Wriliiam T Pane, Miss Julia Parker, Mrs Betsey, Pales, Mi$3 Louisa: Pharroh, Mrs Katharine Price, J Henry Price, Mrs Sarah J. Price. If 1 : Q Pat Quinn, 2. ;-f - ' V R Mrs Robert if 'mis, M rs Alice RusselL J Q Rutz. i ... S Daniel Siromoris, Lucy Singletary, Mrs Vbibe Seater, care Peter Elliott. Wm M Smith, Etlward Smith, Ishahi Swett."'; ' : T Jaotb Thompson, Mrs; Martha Thornton, Mis Mary Toocar. . WCharleaK, Walker, A WfWartcrs, James. Williams, J A Williams,' Mrs C Williamson, Mm Rowcna Winatead, Jese Woodarf.-. -bi', ;.4; , ' Persons calling for letters in above list will please say Advertised; if not claim ed In &Q days will be sent to dead letter office, Wasbington, D. C ;i ' V fi ll. BRINK, P. M. v if ,. , , ;& .. mi m iwi i P1111")""1. ';" ' ".. 1 ! .. A7, . ,Xhc change in the weather is seasona ble if riot .welcome. J ' iittlii A- NEW CROP RYE GRAHQ Plour-S". qiAs. d ,wmm 8&7 ryorth rront Street. t Grand Concert. 1 1 grand Vocal 'axd ixstitu iiB5f - ai Concert mil be given at tbe OPERA HOUSE; FUIDAY EVENING,' FEBItUART' tb, ' ' ' for the benefit of -J ; A-jnjJl PROP. VANLAER AND I THE CORNET CONCERT CLUB.,, .,,s:jJ t-1, - The Box Sheet is now opcotneinJberret Music Store, where wata may be reeerved.-4 Tickets for sale at IleiaibergctV' aad "t the door. r. tcbBf Annual Lleetinn- TUE TWENTYiFOURTH Anwxtl MeeP ing of the Wilmington ScamcQ'a Friend Society, will be held at the Bethel, thil Tu ning at 8 o'clock. I.. ..-. ... , The citizens gcntnlly trc requested in Mt tend. .i, i. . . t l,r James C. TJunciG,, A A'D DEALER IN FANCY GOODS and Toilet Article, Trusses, ' Earidage and Gop porters. A fall f tock always on hand. " ''i;' ,'.. .vfit 4. iiii,-s,: fill . ; ;2-J Third a trest, opposite Cify Hall t Jfcbfi .t.. f . .