! this rArfiii I ,H,.M-hU every kriCfPooB, Sundays ex , jo yi. t. jam - ED ITOR AMI I'HOPKIETOlU stiWC..IlI0.1TA(lAIl June ve.r,$U0VSiUpnthS,,$2 LO; Three I inonth,fl 23; ynej month, 60 cents. ' the i-aptr will be delivered by carriers, ifrrc ofcharjk ia anyj part of the city, at the bore rate, or ! cenis per we. Advertising rates low and liberal. Subscriber! Will please report any and all failures tjr receive their-papers regularly. A SH EC I MEN SCANDAL. Madison Wells, the I lie represontat ve rpan (jf ijic Louisiana Repub licans anl I he boss'of tha Returning Board in tfiat Stale, appear 1 before the Invcs- ligation Committee m Washington City on MoiidavL whither fie had been sum- iniincil, arrhed to the teeth, defiant and in. lent. Ie testifiedj .of course, and that 'under oath'! aud the result is that nobody It . ' . 'I V r t .1 Af U'licvt-s, he tola a woru oi iruin. ui course five denied very thii gj it but his denial will ifiil liiui but little a it can bo and will direct testimony. I ! cuiitralicted by i i . Wills is reret'entativp of the troublous ihrfugh wiic tunes i the country has the lis 1. 1 iliirinir ti ten years and will sink into tfce merest nothingness with the new era which is tiaWning upon the peo ple of this country.- But his testimony will Iks vth inuc J ; 111) II1C pTCSsL'Ul. . JUIIV- tin o of ant irs and Wl lm put where it : The House Com- ! will do th' most" good unit co ;ir carefully prcpariiig the way i'..r a i-untiat over tamjana should Florida I for lliycsj EWS SUMMARY. Mi'us- it is' said, has had another lieu. ht-vere tight with the ndians in which he agmi w hi of tho XtJ pped them w Vorki 1 A coin i nit tee alti more and Phila- 'delphiu IJ ink Presidents,' met at Phila- (delphia, uud discu l the financial I condition I of Virginia ' North Oaro wlthout action. I liin and ' Tenn Vl'lic o)miiittec adjojurned to the FiMi Avenue Hotel Febrnary ' 14th, when i'n- (erehtdl i .. riarties will I bo hear J. i i . i . ,1 i Another Kussunsu nbuat, "the Gon.attia, ' arrived at San I Francisco, on Monday tfrom Via jivorh'tuck, making the eighth llOW.tlKTt At ie mail biz contain- ju2 U tUi il and aliou i n $20,000 worth ol ba ik cho ks ami tm yatc drafts, en route port, K'. ii . . to CnicinnatijSi'veral i. I ' i - hl.iys ag., I J and the contents 1 was (ijiencc vbstraeteJ no cl ue ? The steamer' T r or if I with all on board, 2 i.assci.iwi a ixl U Crew, went uown on J Cipc Il tcij on the 20th u!t ' Twenty 1 two lives ivcw lost 'by' the recent sinking oll'Ciloi, India, "oif thp steamer AmJbassa dor, after colli bion with the American ship Gp. F. Maiwon. Midhat Pasha, Ci and Vizlerj has been deposed and 'ordered to leave Constautinople, bc- I c.tu,sc lie i . . himself. w anted I to: boss the machine Thp TvirHisli njinistry ha. !! I L I ' ' aniaed throughout with Edh?m I lueU ru r j Pasha, Ultra Tityk,! as Grand Vizier. r Si-cretary Morrill is seriously, ill; he takes tho prospect of Hayes' defeat too much to ieart. Senator Bruic will not sign the Mississippi committee's re- port.'objiicting to the electoral voto of that Mate. A decision in the Florida c.uo may bt' reachod to-morrow and then again it may not. Some of tlje C-incsjj printers arc ou a strike, the Post of that city having reduced comuosition to :I0 cents, -4'l'hi atmosphere from tl.i Fast now fecls'a little moro warlike. X formidable PvUssian iron-clad squadron 4will cnUT the Meihterrancau inthespriti Grar.d Duke Constintine comma i-i lg, l and AdiAiral FoprolT Chief of Staff. Lula V:Pelt, the dwarf, died in New i i fVork ti Saturday.! Resolutions u ore uflercd in the 1 hodc Island Lcgis- ature protesting against the arrest of the; ,Iuisiau.l Beturiiing.Board rascals. Fivc thousand ojKTativcs ar; out of work in Trentn, N. J., Knd some threatening iiemonst rations nave uiken ilace. X ue voto on tuts passage of the bill abol- Ishing thfe Police Bard, the President's reto noiivithsta ood- S3 to 22, not two-thirjs Raleigh ObserTcr. eneral Assembly. SENATE. Munda'Y, Feb o. i Mr. Dkkery: Bi I to prohibit the sale , if pirito!iis liquors in certain localities in 5 Rich m on jl county. - Referred to commit tee on propositions and crievances. f Mr.AYilon inovpil to reconsider tha i V which iass&l on, Saturday in relation I f4j 'public admiuistratori, and moved to ' amend s as to add. an enacting clause, by Federal authorities in South Carolina. 4 was on motion of Mr. Alhriht, indefi j nitely jKiitponed j . ii Hill for the prcscrvat;oh of mocking j birds was, upon motion of Mr. Gniham I indefinitely jostponetl. i Rill iih rmintv rfiiitit tax rr j uxtion of Mr. Latlutm, indefinitely post pone j jj , 1 . Bill in relation to justices of the peace was referred to the judiciary committee. B'.H in!relation to jarisiliction of masis- tratcs. Rcfcrredl to 'the int committee on iustices of the ieace. 1 . I 1 . ? I'Jr -r 4 m in relation to inc insane Asvlum. ;iui iuc uui was ias.eu up ana passea. i . nefo.iuwju ii cooi.euiuauon oi ins use ; e tt i . ii .. ... oi i-euerai uoops, ana oiner usurpations , ... . .- - x ' ' t jtt f j i j. , ff Tie Diilt lEmw. I VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1877. requiring the superintendent to keep a lists of applications and to receire them in the order of the applications 'was de feated. Bill requiring clerks to register claims and pay them in the order of their regis tration, was put upon its third reading and eferred to judiciary committee. Bill making it a misdemeanor to carry concealed weapons was taken up and I failed to pass. . . Bill to provide a special commission for the county of Craven was, ' under a sus pension of the rules, put upon its several readings and passed. . ! Bill requiring 90 days residence in towns to allow persons to vote, was taken up and passed its several readings.; Bill regarding the fishermen of the State prohibiting the setting of nets after three o'clock on Saturdays, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Folk indefinitely postponed. A resolution in favor of the colored race was taken up and passed. Bill requiring persons owning mills, aud other persons cutting ditches across roads,. to keep the bridges across the same in repair, tinder a penalty of $20 fine; also making it a misdemeHUbr, was taken up. - .. Mr. Folk moved to amend by striking out the penalty, and urged its adoption. The amendment was adoted. Mr. Holt moved to strike out that por tion of the bill requiring imprisonment for its violation. Adopted. The bill then passed its several leadings. . Bill in relation to the sale of live stock in the city of Wilmington: was under a suspension of the rules, taken up and, on motion of Mr. Stanford, was postponed till to-morrow at 1 o'clock, p. m. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Sharpc presented the petition of merchants of Statesville asking -the repeal of the licence tax oh merchants: Finance. Mr. Davis, of Havwood : A bill to be entitled an act tp establish a new county bv the name of Bragg, from the counties of Haywood and Madison. t Counties, cities, towns and townships. ' Mr. Rowland : -A bill to be entitled an act to repeal section 20, chapter 65 of Battles Revisal, in relation ; to Sheriffs seizing crops on affidavits that the lien is about to ue detcated, Agriculture, me-' chanics, mines and mining. A message from the Senate by Mr. Henry Brock, its doorkeeper, informed the House of the passage of a bill to be' en titled an act to amend section 28, chapter 45, Battle's llevisal. A bill to be entitled "a bill to establish county governments." A bill to be entitled an act to amend chapter 30, acts of 1873-'74, entitled." An act in relation to Foreign Insurance Com panies," asking the concurrence, of the JIousc in the same, House bill 127, to amend sections 1 and 10, chapter 105, Battle's Revisal,, in rela tion to the publication of the reports of the Supreme Court, with a substitute from the judiciary committee, was taken up and passed. A bill to repeal section 4, chapter 136, acts of 1874-75, giving Pender county a Representative, was taken up on its sec und readipg and passed. A bill to allow cities having 5,000 in habitants to levy a special tax for the support of graded schools was taken up on its third reading. - Mr. Clark, of Rjaden, an amendment to except the city of Wilmington, Adopted. Toe question ,thcn recurred upon "the passage of the biil upon its third reading, The bill on a call of-the yeas and nays passed its third reading by a rote of yeas 59 ; nays 10. Night sessions for the Senate now. Last sales of corn in Newborn at 48 cents. . , . "Wilson is luxuriating tjycr shad at $1 75 a pair, Tho Raleigh Observer wants a chain gang in that city. The ladies of Newbern festivalized last night for the benefit of the Orphans. The Toisnot Dramatic Association play Rip Van. Winkle in Wilson on Friday night. ' Oil' Folks Concert in Newbern next Monday night for the beuefit of Christ Church. ' ' ' An Oid Folks Concert is to be given in the Peace Institute at Raleigh some time next week; The C'eaveland Guards: have reorgan ized with C5 man, and hare applied to the Adjutant General for arms. On Monday Qqv. Vabce oorissioned Jamcs.,11. Looris, of Granby CoonecU cut,.as a commissioner of affidavits for North Carolina. ' The revival in. the Baptist Church at Jlaleigh continues this week. At the services. Sunday niht, p persons roceircd the rite of baptisinl 'V The State Treasurer on Monday paid to the Penitentiary . Board the sum of $9, 333. oC part of the appropriation for the support of couvicts iu that institution. Jerry Bethel, a well known and highly respectable colored barber of Charlotte- dropped suddenly dead last Sunday morning, it is supposed of heart disease. 'ir. 'T If f :iir. ' ' . ir, u.ii. rvuiian cas rqwgn oe po ition of iSu per visor or itoad Master 6f the Charlotte," Columbia fc Augusfcj Railroad, and accept ed a similar position on the Port Royal Railroad,leading from Augusta, Gal, to Port Royal, S. C . ' The Raleigh Observer says: Professor Bull, of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, died at $Ke North Carolina Institution for . the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, on Sun day, 4th insC He died off valvular dis ease of the heart and dropsy. The Raleigh News says : The Uprightly town of Durham has just had another visitation, of the devouring element. Sunday at 2 p. m., the large double-house occupied bv Mr.' A. W. Matthews the town constable, and Col. T. C. Woodburn, the editor of the Durham Herald, with their families, was entirely1 destroyed by fire. Mr. MaWhews lost an arm in the war, and the loss falls very heavily upon him. The total' loss will reach j nearly $3,000. . ! The Raleigh Aretw says: Gov. Vance is in receipt of a letter from the Secretary of War demanding of him the records of the office of .the Adjutant General of this State for the years 1861 to 1865, inclusive. Gov. Vance has replied, refusing to com ply with the demand, iu the course of his reply referring to certain , North Carolina letter books now in possession of the Federal government, to which he is not permitted access, but which have been garbled by designing men aud used to his detriment. He tells the Secretary ofWar some things which are more truthful than palatable. . LOCAL NEWS. . New .Advertisements. Heissbergxr Late Publications. .Gbobob I'Wi Baiust, Sect'y St George & St. Andrew's Athletic Club. A; Shrier. Rare Bargains. Our friends and patrons tcill phase understand that carrier' boys are not allowed 4 to sell copies of the Review Please do not buy of iliem or encourage them to sell as it tcill positively cost Hie boyhissituatUmicJiendcUc'ed. We gain one hour of daylight this month. Valentines and Ash-Wednesday one week from to-day. What sort of a valentine do mm think vou will send her? The Cilo, for this port, sailed froth Deal, Eng., on the 20th inst , The Little Harry, Smith, sailed f-jr this port on 22d ult. from Hamburg. ; . " 1 ,i . Barque fairjj Jielh, Gardner, from this port, arrived at Ri Ja'ierio'on the 3d mst. ' . . . ' ' i Who is going ' ou to Washington City next month to attend President Tildeu's inauguration ? ! Prof. Hartley, the celebratwl elocntion- is.t, will give readings in this city some ereninj; next week. , The Eurodydon, Sidclair, for this p rt,t sailed from Ramgate on the 20 1 hand passed Deal on tM21st ult, Jn the river and harbor bill x as reported to Congress, the Cape Fear is put down for $110,000 aud tho. Roanoke river for $3,000. . Water, through well warmed, would quenchnevertheless, the fire that warmed it. Thus may the character of a trechous person he described. Wrhjr do people write that they they, "accept with pleasure" an unpleasa,ut iu vitaion, when, they really mpao that they do so with reluctance ? . The. regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of New Hanover, will be; held at their Bankiug house in this city to-morow morning. The Seamen's Friend Society met in an nual session last night hut the meeting was adjourned, without the transaction of business, to next Wednesday evening, ' i. - i r ii " ' An elderly man, dressed in the old Con tinental costume, appeared on our streets this morning selling reprints of copies of the "first papers published in America." We are requcs'ed to state that the Third Ward-Club will meet Friday evening Feb. fttb, at 1 o'clock, in consequence of the previous engagement of MundV Hall. . A; French tourist, on a vs a ihe C3eatenQV U&V stammer, wrote home; aArier;ca45 U?e well up q their income and insijre their lives for the haUncV . The 4 egolar annual meeting of the St. George and St. Andrews Athletic Qub wiil be held this evening in the hall over Mr. MunU drug store on Third streef. The members of the varioqs rraid olubs -c - ' . iu t nf . yjiU tet yk -evening for the purpose of selecting four citizens of each ward,' to be reccfnmeaded.to the Ix?gislature f jr ap potntmcnt as Magistrates, The Howard Relief, . The Howard Relief. Fire . Engiue Com pany, No. 1, will celebrate their anniver- sary on ( Tuesday the 20th inst. The Committee of arrangements are Messrs. A. Adrian, J. D. Dosher, Wm. Herzog, John Myer, W. F. Lessman nd . John Haar, and this looks as though there was an unusually good time in prospect. - Going on the Stage. It is rumdred that a gentleman in this city, of decided musical talent, has entered into an engagement with Haverly's New Orleans Minstrels and will form one of the Troupe, sustaining female characters. 'It is said that he is now engaged in' pre paring his wardrobe here and tbat-his, first appearance is to; be made in New Orleans, early in March.; ' :?u The Festival To-Night. Don't forget the Baptist Festival which is to take place this evening in the vacant French storeon North ',Front street. It promises to prove a very pleasant affair. As cream rises to the top so by going up to the "sky parlor" of the building you will be admitted 'to the creme deja creme of the Festival, the 'Gallery of? Superfine Arts, presided over by that superfine artist, J. McD. F., Esq. Jf you fail to get up a good laugh there you might as well make arrangements at once to go to bed with you boots ou. Rehearsal for the Concert. A rehearsal of those who are to take part in the Concert' to be given at the Opera House on Friday cveuing, will take place this evening when a full -attendance of those who are to take part in it' is, earn estly desired. There is no doubt that a- laTgc and fashionable audicucc will be present on Friday, a lact which ia guaranteed already by the present appearance of the box-sheet at Heinsberger's, and the suc cess which attended the. Concert given so receutly. An excellent , programme has been selected and those who. are, to be present would do well to secure their seats at once. : ' KoKlnx Abroad We record here to-day or:e of the most bloodless outrages on record. . S. Van Amringe, Esq., J. P., U. S. C. and C. B. C, on entering the County Commissioners' Room this morning found the folloving inscription cbnspiciously placed on his dek : . : ' , ; Tilden Counted I;t! ' K. K. K. wamuBmammmmmammmmmmm . BLOODY SHIRT! The Way of the Traxsgkessor is HARD yo SrMPATHV NOW. The paper -was crossed by a venerable sword, resembling a Scottuh claymere,' but the skull and cross bones were miss ing, although it was intimated that both of these could' be found in any old grave yard. The sword is; decorated with a wo4k1cu handle and is covered with blood (or riu-t). This is a terrible outrage and there is no clue to. the perpetrator. Mr. VanAmringe has telegraphed to J; Madi json Wells, Head Scenter at Washington; City, t6 know what course to take and the answer ha& came back to "he like hell and ktk-k to it.v Hour to Buy Meats. To tlie housekeeper the question how to select meat, when she is purchasing for table use, is a puzzling oue. . Good meat should be neither of a pale rosy or pink color, nor of a deep rose color, nor of a deep purple. The first denotes the diseased condition, the last proves tlie deth,. Good meat has more, of; uarbJe .look, in conse qucoicd of the branching f the vein which surround the adiposo ocllsio The fat, espe cially of the inner organs, is always firm and saety, and never'nioist while in gen eral tlie fat from diseased cattle is ftabby and watery, and mors oila resembling jelly or boiling parchment. Wholesome meat will always show,, itself firm and elastic to tlie tqneh. ; nu CshjhH fee dampness, while bJ meat will appear soft apA moist, sq that the liquid 'subsUnce .inns out of the blood when pressed hard. Good meat has a disagreeable, cadaverous smellnd diffuses a eertafa medVhalodor. Lastly bad meat has a peculiarity. that it shrinks considerably in the boiling ; whole some, meat rather swells, and does not lose an ounce in weight. We understand that at a foctoof Dcmocrte County Committee,' .hetd on Mooiky evening, Messrs. 1. H, ;Bwdetil El. D.; Hall, Walked ;Meare Dr. MV WT, Haniu, ere reoomsiended sot ap1 pointmeats as Magistrates for lha city at lirge." - " " id: i a. There's Manr a SIIdj , - The sensation on the streets to-da vs is a report to the effect that a wedding w hich was to have come off last night failett to take place as was appointed, there being a slight but effectual barrier in the way, in the shape of a wife and a haskfct full of children . already in existence the legal property of. the intending bridegroom. Tha bride elect was in waiting jvnd jthe feast was spread while the, man and Jthe boot were on .Hand ready to make fthc tw4n flesh into one, but tho bridegroom failed to ap'pcarl To-day he is ndn ftst ano5 it is now reported that his heart failed "him at the last moment and that he. has gone back to his first love and ibis babies "down in Maine." . The Seamen's Friend Society. At a nular meeting of the Board of Trustees fof the . Seamen's Friend Socilty, held January vl2Cth; ; the President .offi cially' announced JLho death of Silas! N.' Martin, Esq., Sec. and Trcas., when on motion of Mr. Kerchner a committee of three was appointed to draft resolutions expressing the feelings' of the Board. The following prearabl aud'Tesolutions wore submitted and tmanimohsty adopled: Whereas," Gdct in his wisdom hath seen nroner to removp. bv fle.ith i frnm four Knidst, Silas N.Martin, Seretary & Treasur er of our lioard, and an active and zealous friend of the Seaman's Home, and though we do not repine at the mysterious work ing, of Providence "who doeth all things well" being "too wise to err, too good to be unkind," yet we can not but feel the loss we have sustained, therefore Resolved, Th.at in the death of Silas N. Martin, this Society has been bereft of a .valued member, and the community fpf a useful and enterprising citizen. ' Resolved, . That .while vc rccognisd the hand of God in this bereavement, we deep ly deplore his death in' the midst oif his usefulness, and at a time when the Society so much needs his advice and active sym pathy, f Resolved', That a pago in the records of this Society be set apart to his memory, and a copy of these resolutions be catered thereon.; .. ' "': Resolved, That the sympathy of jthis Botird be tendered to his bereaveil faitjily, and that a copy of these resolutioiis lx.1 'presented to them by our Chaplain. I ' Resolved, That these resolutions be Ssent to the city papers, with the request that they be published. J : F. W. Kerchner, Y J ' -Geo ' Harriss v (i Com. : A. Sprdnt. j City papers will please copy. Regulations for Lent in the Diocese ef Richmond and the Vicariate Apostolic of North Carolina. The following arc the, regulations for the observance of the coming Lenten ;sea sou. as officially promulgated by Rt. Rev. Bishop James Gibbons, of the Diocese of North ; Carolina, and which willk be formally announced in the Catholic church in this city on next Sunday: 1. The Lent this year will emimencc on Ash Wednesday the 1st of February. 2. Every day of Lent (Sundays' ex cepted) is a fast day, binding orrall not le gitimately dispensed.. Only one full meal L to be taken after mid-day) is allowed by law. fj 3. Flesh meat is allowed on Sundays at all the meals; and on week days: at the principle meal on Mondays, Tues days and Saturdays, except the second and last Saturdays. 4. To those who fait, custom allows iu tho morning a cito of coffee, of . tea or chocolate made with walcsr, and a small portion of bread; also an eveniDgcoIIation, not to exdeed the fourth part of, an ordinary meal. Those, not bating control of their times of repast, jand forced to take their dinner at a late hour in the afternoon are permitted to t rails fer the collation to tQQ morning. ; 5, Fdesfo raeat and fish are nut tn used during Lent at the same meal. C Excluding flesh meats, if the be ro- portion customary for a collation be not exceeded, it is permitted to' use st coila- tion ine otner articles ei ioog, sucu as. fruit, butter, cheese, eggs or drum fiali. 7. The preparation of $cs4 with hog's lard is allorigd . - j : 8. Being, under 21 years of age,1 old age, infirmity of health, pregnancy, the nursing oi isiaou at ioo onxun, ana asru labor are good cauies of dispensation, from ihe fost But good reasons for being) ex empted from the fast are not. always jrca sons to he exempted from the abstinence. 9. The Paschal time extends from j the first Sunday, of Lent till Trinity Sunday, daring which time Catholics who have at tained the use of reason arc bound to make confession of their sins, and, when approved by their confessors, to receive Holy Communion. A child at the age oi seven vears is considered bound byj the law of cVrafession. parents should take notice of this fact. " It is foUr for a man to try to make game 'of a boarding house chicken by look ing at it under the impression that the steady gaaeof the human eye will make any animal quail. . ... i i ! In Texas wild ttukeys are 81a dozen and whiskey is fifty cents a drink. NO 9- We will bo glad t receirecoEaBnicaUo ; from our frrenda!B .fcbjt 4f "O f. general interest ,nvrm tf The name of the. writer .muit l wars be furnuhed to the Editor. ' ' " VA' Mi'i 17 CommunicatioM mist W 'Kttrt tonlj pa - one wae ol the paper. rersenalitiea mast be avoided. - . . - And it is especially and particularly aafer. V stood that editor does at slwsjsea4erM the riews of correipondeiM, nless . so sUted , , in the editorial colamns. ' . The Thermometer.' ' ,,tr:-J- From the United States Signal Ofllce a k I ! Ihis place we obtain the followtn report '' ot te thermometer, as taken this room Ins aV7'31 o'clock: ! -'--1 V-.i-;. Augusta, 43; Charleston5, 5) dncinI, " nati,,34 ; Jacksonville, 57 ; Key iVest, 67; ' Knoxville, 32 ; Lynchburg, M35 MernphrW, 40 ; Mobile, 48 Montgomery 49 Xash- ville, 33 ; New Orleans, 51 ; Ns Yerk; ' " 30 ; Norfolk, 41 ; Pittsburg, -34 VJ8avattw ; nah, 51; St. Louis, 4 iV,Washjngton; 2; -r " Wilmington, 46 Thc ice crop is qiwrmousvlhis season. , f. and suggests the probabUity;hat xpii sumption of water in aliquystatc nex ( summer will be proportionately lesk "if t we can have cheap ice,'' said a- .man with M fill WCAIH It- . 1 1 . 11 - "."-'uui jjl3 wc uom reau ' J ! ' '"' ; ' -";1 - Cut this out-it May Save Tour Life. There is no person living but .what suffers more or less with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents, for a bottle of. medicine that would cure tlienr'.';! K Dr. A Boschee's German Syrup-f! ha! lately beed introduced in thiscountry from x. , ; Germany, and its wondrous cures astonish everyone that tries it, If you "doubt what we say in print, cut "this 'out1 and ' take it to your Druggist,- : L- "... - and get a sample bottle for 10' cents and ., try it, or a regular size far 75 cents. In this age pf education and generaL in telligence the household Uhardly;cQmplcta , without, a Cornish & Co. llano or Organ J Read the advertismcnt in another column and then send for illustrated catalogue and ' price list. jan a, ' r DIED. f FREE MAX In this ci tj,' on! tU 6th inst..' ''' at the residence of Mr C. J. Eiwell. WIL-; LIAM K., son of Wm. K. and Kate F. Free- man, aged 7 years, 3 months and. days. ' ' ' v-' PSSIBHHISS New Advertisemdritj 51 St. George & St. Andrew's At Meii&ClQb. : rpriE AXNUiL ilEENO rTHir Club will be held at the rllall oWr JQ. ' Mund's Drug Store, on Third Street," ttiU ! evening, February 7tli, at 8 pi m JThere will r oe an election of officers 'KrJ", ? 7- h'. feb 7 GEORGE W. BAILEY,' Sefy. i Late Publications, jJADCAP VIOLET, i By lira. Black. The Arundel Motto. " By Mary Cecil-Way. M Daniel Dcronda. liy Ueorgfi KlioL The Early Plantagcoets. By, Wiiliata Stubbs. ' ' - : ' " Goethe's West Fasterly Divan. All for sale at -j . :fv r : Heinsbergfer'c,- fob 7 Live Book and Music Stores ' , Grand Concerta ,; GRAND VOCAL AND IN'BuifEJfT al Concert will be given at tfie :tnU. ' ? OPERA HOtl&E; ,. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUABTK Uth, for the benefit of .j. f J , ,,,,, PROF. VAXiLAER AND THE CORNET CONCERT CLCB. ' ' ; The Box Sheet Is now open at Heinftberge: V Music Store, where seats may be reserved,'?! I Tickets for pale at Heinsbefgcr's and , at the. door. . ' febC Annual Meetings THE TWENTYiFOURTHlAiiaysr Meet ing of the Wilmintna , Seamen's Fritod Society, will be held at the Uethel, this eve nin:at H o'clock. ' t. ? - (.: ' y .. The citixens generally jace refjaestad to, u tend. . 1 febft , James C. LTundo, BTLXTGOXU'S ' ' " ' ND DEALER J .V-ANCY, GOODS' and Toilet ArtKric Trusses, Bandage and SSf-poru-rs. A full stock atirays on nsmf. -' " 5 Third strc3t opposite Oty Bill. , . febC Rare Barsairib. M AY BE HAD IJT GE3TTS sad YestL'a wm 3 iKllLiJ t Shrier's Ciothiii-r a, fjoeta ttd of Market ttrtsL - H J- fHj Getting ready Jor SpHajstoekJ-'s.! heavy good must be sold. rj : Qor specially is tha all-aa U Line Essina Shirt tor DO cents., v itf Consult Lady Alice. LADY AJJCE, ClairToyant, 7th daazoiec. of the 7th danghter, jort front Barow. tells of lovers' mats, wlw too. itl wlr brings together the aeparated, recover rteleite property, gives lottery vnmbejrV- esttse spetrdy xnarnages,. locates diseaMtW v, i Shs haj taken rooms at Swthweat corner Second and Docksts. Hour from 9A'li tUl 10 P. M. Letters aimred by caeUsia' M ana tnip, ee U.lu-j and UentlenieaX Jan 10- 7nr ts-:.

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