(Joxioral Assembly . Mf. Fergurson: SENATE. i ; Monday, Feb. 1-. A bill to authorize oto appoint receivers m the State had never paid one 'cent to Wj road, and the only men wno Pu money for it were the men who tbe Hou on Saturday deprived of tbeir rat "gbte -the priate stockholders, go von d vote for the bill hope that on its third reading ,hu wostt r . 111 riiit mstice anu tacnt3 wouiu uegnta ..-" j- i c..uu .uoA ihrm to. " .' fa nn.. ' divided, and the vote wa. taken on the motion to wnwvu. This vote disposed of the otb r pan oi ' 1 7nrfoo And it was rejectee. WIOUKQTOK MARKET. FjebkUABT 143 P. M. and the amendments were declared re erford county aid other municipal corpo rationi to .iWribo to railroads. Com- mifeSra.ioi to th5 difficult KC Presidential count, lntro- rrounuiuS -n , ..-A duced by-Mr. Scales u J . rftCtirred upon the bill on that gentleman "P J reading The yeas .and, nays were called,and the bill passed by a vote of yeas, 61; hays, 27. . Mr. Staples moved to suspend the rules and put the bill on it third and final reading. Adopted. t. v;unn of New Hanover, moved nf fVi arinronriatlOn of 70,000 and insert 50,000. The question was di- A tho nnestion reenrrea upon mo nnt. Here a cieuaie -.y . i J. similar to that on its second reauiijg., . The yeas and nays were cauea anu yum 1 litr nr the table. "TSaMg .tat in tbo ."..a -i-:.J nA;thr ho who holds ce-ntesteu eicvuwuo, . , tC certified nor the contest t fhaU re . : . rr miW?Te until alter eeive any yc umu p c the matter is finally adjusted, came up for consideration and was postponed and made special order for! to-morrow. timi ,t,1 battle's Rcvisal, in rela tion ii lunatics, providing that the luna- Tided, an be supported by the several counties J SmTnd bailed to pass its second teflutioJ in relation to the kcep'ing of ioine persons in the il. of.f. 9t nnon motion of Wr. 1 01 u, indefinitely postponed. trU3tcCi Bill increasing the number of trusteed of the University, wan taken n. I - creases the number 8 m add. ion to the .64 already elected. The bill passed its several readings1. the rules were suspended, upon motion of Mr. Cunningham, and the bill to allow tr:i x- Knthpriin x arrow uau SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market quoted quiet at S3 cents. Bales of 60 casks at 33 centis per gallon.' f. m.j rLvi strainML Bales of 500 K3bACAUW& K11U hMfVwvl Rtmlnftd AtSl 75 Per bbL CRUDE TURPENTIKE Market quoted quiet at II 80 for Hard and $3 80 for Yellow Din And Vlrain. Sales at quotations TAR Market quoted steady ai si w v bbl. Sales at quotations. COTTON Market quoted dull and nonn naL No sales reported, 'ino ioowins the official quotations: Ordinanr.... ...104 Good Ordinary........ Low Middlmg... ...... Middling.,.. God Middling... nmondments were reiectea veas. 36 : nays, 47 . mi f ' liv a vote o reading by The hill nasscd its third vote of yeas, 62 ' nays, 32. ' nn mntinn nf Mr. McGehec, the ml r-. t,v Nll;nr: nf taxes bv the State J t Lily UllV-UfclVil- v the "Machinery bill." was taken up vand made special order for a. m. Wednesday at 1 ......llVi HJg ......12 12f Cent? 4i ' It wholesale py j- . chareed. small orders higher prices hare to be cnrK 13f 7 BAGGING Gunny Double Ancnor..... Double Anchor "A StandardDomestic....... BACON North Carolina, . Hams, y It ............ Shoulders, V 3b - Sides, Western Smoked . 1 Hams... ... Sides, fi) ... Shoulders.. - Dry Salted Sides, B)....... Shoulders, Tb REEF On the hoof BARRELSpirits Turpentme seconu ""' 7, aa ' a' 60. , 2 0(F; 2. 10 , FERTILIZEES FEE' 16 & 1 17, 13 10 6 i i (giWPll for Pfii 1 . . ' - 5' . u" i zXX -o ; i t 10H 8 THE CE ATED t ' Daily Receipts Cetton....... Spirits Turpentine.. Rosin.. - Tar...... .... Crude Turpentine.... 221 bale3 164 casks 818 bbls 438 bbla 422 bbla MARINE NEWS. the VIM3 juiliuu w -- i - iU 1 iHiirmd to use 40 convicts until tho lotn county. of December '1877, was taKcn up. Mr1. Johnston1 offered an amendment providing that the bill shall be of no effect urfless 600 convicts bo left to work on the Western North Carolina Railroad, winch was adopted.1 i , , . ... -The question then recurred upon the bill Uaiirrl rnadinff. alld it t)asscd. Bill to regulate I the trials in justices coutU, was Ukch up and, on motion of Mr. Albright wks indefinitely postponed. p;il fr amend section 2, chapter lor, laws Of 187M72, in relation to the fines colleclted in justices' courts, was taken up and passed its several readings. . -oZJin;T i -nrAvidinor fur the sine die nraiuuLiuu s v o - CAROLINA. Mrs. Vance is visiting friends in Iredell ew lor, ncu.tuu.inH vp City each... ...... Northern ,V"U! BUTTER North Carolina B Northern, & Id CANDLES Sperm B) 00 18 35 25 00 Tallow, t? lb... w g Adamantine, t sst w 00 25 45 40 00 14 W1L S & CO s IS OFFERED ON THE FOLLOWING LIBERAL Tff;' the graded There are 523 pupils in school in Raleigh. Au entertainment given last weeK iu Fayetteville for the. .benefit of the Orphans netted $22. ' , 'Sneeze-provoking diseases, such as measles, cods and epizootics prevail about Rutherfordton.- ' r Pastors of the churches in Cleaveland region are busy excommunicating . their members for dancing. A new military com pany has been or ganized in Newborn, composed of boys who r.se wooden guns. A new steeple is to oe piaccu ARRIVED. KfMtnAr D Murchlson. Garrason, Fayette-r ville, Williams Murehison. Steamer UnderhW, Piatt, Smithville, O G crarque " Lloyd; Jacobsen, Lillesand, wvj.u. Riair. Wiscasset, Me, a w w w . . - - v ephr nauntleKs. Fulcher. Elizabeth Ci.t, Schr John L Tracer, Meservey, ew ori, . J5chr Charles, Ireland. Hyde county, B r 1 Mitchell Son, with 1,88-5 bushels corn. CLT5ARED. ' Steamer D Murehison, Garrason, Fayette- samer UnderhilirPiatT, Smithville, O G PB?brriViUl.e, Brundage, Liverpool, Alex Sprunt Son. ' ; Exports. COASTWISE. in TMrvneev i$7 bales cotton. 170 pkgs shookfW bbls tar., 10 casks spteturpt, 27 bbls flour, 40 bushels peanuts, 5fbales twist, 6 bdls leather, 18 pUgs sundries. . FOfiElGK. Rr liriff W il lie 50 pkes cu m thiio i nftu bbls tar. 398 do crude turpt, l.lKT- ill UiJf WW v 7 do rosin. r?TT V. ES E Northern Factory, $ fi-- Dairy cream, lb.... State, ).1S COFFEE J ara, 0 E) Rio, V &- Laguara, V fi. ......... CORN MEAL V buskel- COTTON TIES V DOMESTIC -m , Sheeting, 4-4 t? yard. ... Yarn. V bunch FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbL...16 00 No l.'V V bbl. 9 50 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl....I3 60 No. 2, V 14 bbl .. 7 50 XlanVl. N'O. 3 "ti bbl 00 15 14K 00 30 18 4 10 1 05 . '; 1CK 15 13K 33 23 , 25 80 6 11 L 25 Miscellaneous. iniiMimeiit of the General Assembly on u,,. in Raleigh. ..jv-w-"-, , , TirV, nrl t hat -J""' aaluuuu -- . Saturday, tne "'iTw old one being pronounced unsaie members remaining uu 'We1' time, shall pa their own expenses. Passed its second reading. ir.i rr.A.'mnv to strike out that f rraolutlon which forbade , uL.- iT& nftv after the 3d of! March:, and the motion was adopted. - itl: .Mnin; fVion nassea its tnim " TnQesolution in relation to the letter book Of the Governor of North Carolina, now retained in he War Department at Washington, was taken up. VLi the originals cannot be had b-00 i appropriated to have them copied . The Tesolutiori paszed its several rcad- lD Tli bill J' amend sections 75 and 7G, 50 00 1 00 00 75 25 50 ard to cases, was rwwi-mrt T,nd Kniehts of Pythias, .mi iifo Annivorearv ol tneir win tuuiui-w A,r . . .f Order on Tuesday evening, 20th mst.,. at Favetloville. Col Y, F. Armfietd will address the citizens of Statesville, upon the important subject of Education, at the Court House on next Tuesday evening. Mr. II. A. Gudgcr, Principal of th'c As svlurn for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, has resigned -ms s.ai -r of the House from Madison county. n-i i fmmd in the northern part of Granville county on the lands or GcorpoTittard: Tho vein is .said to he of considerable area and 'is thought to be very rich. Col. D. M. Carter and Col. w oauu r have sent in California Pears CATAWBA GRAPES! CRYSTALiZED FRUIT CANDY ! Cigars & Tobacco, Mullets, V bbl N. C. Herring, y bbl...... Drv Cod, V lb ..... FLOlJK Fine, y bbl........ Super, Northern, ooi.. Extra do . " V bb Fatnilv " Vbb.. Citv. Mill Super y .Vol.. -' Extra bbl.. ' Family bbl.. " Ex. Family bbl.. WRTTT.TZ-KRS Peruvian Guano, y 2000 80 00 Br-ugh's Phosphate " " 00 00 Carolina fertilizer Ground Bone, Bone Meal' Flour Nayassa (iuano, Comulete Manure WLann's Phosphate " Wando 1'hospLate, " Berger&Brutz'slios " Wilcox. Gibb & Co., nirmlated Guano ..55 00 75 64 None; 65 6 75 8 00 9 00 Ml oo 00 00' " 00 00 " 00 00 55 00 " 00 00 " .00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 ina- 20 00 0 00 00 00 y o oo 12 50 0) 4 00 8 00 0 5 50 6 50 7 00 9 75 0 00 ,7 00 00.00 oo oo 00 00 " 00 00 65 00 40 00 45 00 47 08 . 65 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 the bisis of 15 cents -or miuuuus, :uereu na ON CREDIT TO Paving in Cotton, on depot, (Planter paying cxpf NOVEMBER, lf";?t0 00 uses on t Guano to destination.) these terms is plain, as he will know when - .1 1. n,fAr, MiddLnffi will pay ior u iuu, uomauerk: OF THIS UUAAU 15; THE QUALITY as has been thoroughly estailished'.by the use cf the many thousand toai .soldi Our Agents sell on same terms. -.... 'it WIS COM, Olbbs o - at :. ; J. W. LIP PITT'S, Corner Front and PrincessSts "aa. Sign Punch. . DENTISTRY. RESPECTFULLY CALL en t ion to my Mechanical Uentiatrv as GLUE? lb. GRAIN Corn,store,V 56lbs Corn, cargo, t-J 5b Ids Corn,ycl., y bushel. 70 00 iraPOS,2?SIlS AND 35BALBIIS IN Q-UAUO, Charleston, S. C., and Savanna w. r ,i.. ,-,,f iviM-sh certificates. f.. in-r mid extensive. use; ...mat hardly anv section iu South Carolina. Uco, ... A '.i wirl (;F mvins certitic veur immediate i-.cirhod who have ued , tho-MANIPULAThD GUil " v"- ; : C - !,iinnanc2irv , An at, t t ,i ir.i. ia. Donn varouuu, or -Aiuaa certificates we, would refer you to the? it, i who can testify perxs: value. Dais, y bushel.... Peas, cow, y bushel HIDES Green, y lb .. ...... Dry, y lb HAY Eastern, y 100 lbs... North River. V 100 lbs;.. LTOUP IKON ) ton ,112 LARD Northern y lb. ...... ' North Carolina y lb- LIME-4? bbi 1 LUMBER Citv steam sa' wd Ship stuff, resawed, y M ft. 21 00 Rough edge plank, y M ft. 22 00 00 7 9 10 95 00 14 00 55 10 76 76K 75 10 8 10 20 05 J'A! VVest India cargo, accord . V ing to quality, y M ft...20 00 Dressed flooriDr,seasoned.20 00 vr - . . i. ., ,..n fV l .11 l ,ancr am V"i. r .: rj-r'?- tummoning juries in capnai ca,, w l't in their, resigantions as "rn taken up. q 1. .,utVnr7ed members of the Board of Trustees. of the ting equal to the best, and all work war Judge of : Superior ;x " ?XZtv of North Caroliua for the term rantfd,q Call at my Office, No. 32 South when he deems it necessary for a fair tria lnWto 1877. ,id'Market Street, Wilmington. mp tn summons a special ending in December iom. . , tar. f. kka. . to summons ?peci The amount decl3 ln .camtai cases, 9 .m li ' I Tim "Wilnn Exnress says. Fergurson offered a substitute for of cotton shipped from Wilson this season Tk wit wbirh nrovides that sucu spfci:u i mnf , ft cio .000 Dales., wnieu JAS. E. KEA, Surgeon Dentist. Seantlinz and boards, com mon, y M ft 15 MOLASSES Cuba,hhdVgl Cuba, bbls.. y gal... Sugar house, hhda. y gal. . bbls. y gal... Sugar Svrup. bbls. "fgab NAlES-Cut,4dto20d,f?k'g 3 OILS Kerosene, tj gal Lard, i gai ..... Linseed, w gal.. 117 00 15 15 " 0 00 25 00 23 00 35 00 jan 15 THE OBSERVER TEDS NO i FETTEWAY,AgV : wxXiiamoToi; r! "FORMAL STATEMENT OI' A what it The Great Family Paper. jury shall not be drawn unless at me ac- h quantity shipped last season ana u . Meonnr 1 s1 . . t will lareelv vim j 1 1 lounw . a reference to the Judiciary committee, 3G 39 32 35 50 29 10 00 30 40 50 75 . ... . . ' will do, or expects to do, in the coming year. It can otter no stronger guarantee ..lor its future thau is aflorded py its past conduct. It will labor carnestlv and tVatlitully for the ad- 97 00 I vancernent of the Democratie arty, and lor Wti.rZ rtfihn S'nfr.. which it believes to be GUVS Oil I lUb (." V' V ..) . . j: -one and inseparable. f ... To this end is desL-cd at oncfta largel.rin creased circulation for THE, OBSER ER, and the wholesome literature it is jriving to the people of North Carolina. Orijee.in a house hold, THE OBSERVER becomes a fixture. It needs onlv to be seen to make it3 way into every nook and corner cf the State., ..That it maybe so seen, and speedily, js Editors offrr the following PREMIUMS FOIl 1877 : 00 2Z 00 1. 1 IK uauiitT k ' t' t' 11 mandjef the solicitor or the prisoner. . contWs to come, the receipts will largejy . yQjg. JiDGER V WT . K. A. -mm Ma rm I u rm I I ill I .-vw rr - " I I - Airi Diewarfc uiuw " iw.v-. i. ? .:t.A .tbV!1i mntinn nre- rrv-i v:n VncniLitn the nractice 01 X uo win -v : .. . , . i- it. i O t i-n iriii ttlron I dentiaUT m ; iue fAU practitioners from tno uoara State, was taken up. to have a certficate lof Examiners- ot the North'. Carolina Dental Association. Mr. li Cunningbam moved to postpone tho farther consideration of the bill until lo-morrow at 11 a. m. Aaopieo. Tho' bill loappoinfHessrs. F. D. Poison, -Tl RJ French ana &.o. Juartui 6peiai . . i .... i.. t .MMUtiniten lor iao cuuuiv of New lKeSaccounts Gary, of Mem pbjy, Tenn 'bl officer! f that county, was taken of affidavits for the State of Z-m4iA'isse& its second and third read- ina. that of former years. The Raleigh News says: Mr. Samuel W: woft. Uto the iudseof this' judicial district; has been appointed Generai;Agent for this State for somemsruauw i'"" or other, and next week, we understand, he will lecture at Nashville, Nash county, probablv on .phrenology. The Raleieb Observer says : TheGver r,n, sfprdav annointed -W. C. Maples. count v. a notary public; and appointed A. 15. twton nfCheraw. S. C., and Hunsdon North Caro- FUtt THE NEW YEAR, 1877. Hosin, y gal.. PEANUTS y bushel........ POTATOES Sweet. y bus. Irish. Northern. V bbl..... PORK Northern, city mess.19 00 Thin, y bbl.... 00 00 Prime, y bbl........... 00 00 Rumn. y bbl. ....00 00 6 00" 20 utf passed its second r iDgS. J : II J. ThabilltoesUb - taVen ! up and ; xaittee.- t U,..t!. 11:cl, rSUtc coara oi jaucanuu vu cbuiuu-u Th bill to establish Nornial schools, and rcfen-ed to Finance c was com- The Raleigh Obstruer says:, The Sup reme Court in ,the, Granville county contested election case commands tbe defendants to add the vote from the otner frt-,-,cV.;r. liprfttofore counted, and order ol normal school in connection with the arregt -s t(J issuc from that Court in case ol 'UniTersity; alsd one for the colored race disobcdiCRcc. This decision place Moore .4 ..2 fM wtiirii thev may deem ndvi- . . thn swifrk office and ...sustain the . ; . .hi sable. J action of Ex-Judge Watts in -committing the commissioners to jail for contempt. Miscellaneous. t GARDEN TOOLS !-; Garden Tools I ! 4 FULL SUPPLY OF 3 ARD EN TOOLS A. in great variety, botji in sets and separ-, ate pieces. For sale at very low fcaroat GILES & MUECHISOirS, . ew Hardware Store. feb i: Valentines ! I VALEWTIWES ! - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MrJ8htckelford, from cerUin citizens of Stump Sound township in regard to the Bate of Uqnoij. I Committee on 1 ropo- - titions and Grievances. Br Mr. Moye: A resolution instructing t tj:-:- fimmitteft to renort at as : early a day as possible on the bill to.regu ' " JaU the fees of county officers. Calendar. Br Mr. Vaughan : A bill to pure defects t Jvintr. in ! tbo Superior Court, Oominitte on Judiciary. Mr.l McRae: a bill to allow the com ' ' roinioner of j Robeson county to levy a . special tax. Committee on Finance, hol Senate bill for tho speedy coniple tioa o( the Western N. O. R. R., was taken 'up as the unfidishea business of Saturday.,. t -.. - . The auestioa recurred upoa the passage ciCf th pill on U second reading. " -Mr. i Johnston J of Washington, moved rriV Strike out j $7 0,000 ai the annual ap- priation and insert 50,000 in lieu there- . Mr. Todd, of i-she. offered a substitute " for the amendment, which strikes out the v direct I appropriation, leaving only the earninp of the road3 to be applied to its .".txwipletion. !l ' t c Mr. Todd, of Ashe, said that he could . . nt for hit lifo see where the money was tocomefrora if not raised by taxation Gentleman said f that the revenue bill 1,1 fnJ r,f ftft' rents, and thrfrfends of this bfll said they .rould TUST RECEIVED BT EXPZSS aaotttT . CTt thU $70,000 1 per annum out of this O - - - q. Btia tax. -Nowif this $70,000 coma oe go- tn ou of this tax, he was in favor of thf dtT Call them at ri-intr the TjeoDlo the benefit of the ex- " - - j: 5?Xn the tax to 33 cents. . VHJZTO Toba-o Ctort. Mr. Wamu of Bark?, 0 ontended that I -jau 25 s Q OMIC AND SENTIMENTAL I Imported from England for the The Xsew York Ledger, now one year old er,but ever new, reminds tts readers that the season has arrived for the renewal of their annual ubscriptions. ' Manyjof those who were chiHrei-. when they first began to read the-Ledger now have children of their owa who read their favorite paper. There could hardly be e stronger testimonial to the excellence of its character than Is thus Riven to the Ledge by the rcgulor lenewai or mesa suocup tlons. . . ' Our great exertion for the co:r,inj; yeai will be to make a .volunue that will corn par favorably with the best of its prede cessors The Ledger is always alive aid f.esh and full of interest. The stoiles for the comlcg year will be bj the most popular ol pur old writers and th best or the new writers who have occasion ally contributed to our columns. The mlcellaneous articles by cmineni scholars and divines will be continued s will our accurate sc'entlfic department. We shall reply. a heretofore, to the in numerable questions sent to us on love and domestic .affairs, and every -variety of tub Ject. Wherever the Ledger gco-and It Ef?oe nearly everywhere 1$ is generally conced d there Is not a reader to whose bapplnes it does noj minister. Our subscribers will have no postage U ... .1 ' . (,rorr nan pny. e prepay iue yjew&: via i"f er that we mall. , OUR TERMS FOR ISrr. POSTAGE FUE1 Single copies, S3 per annum, four.cjpie io. which Is ri50 a copy: eight eopies.S-O 4ostage free. The party who sends us $2 fer a club of eight copies, (all sent at on . .in v. cntlt.led tn ft eonv free. Tcst- llDic,; " - masters and others who gets up cuds, h their respective towns, caa af lerwards aau single copies at 92L5Q.- No-sabscnpiwu taken for a lew -period than one s. When a drift or moneyorder can confer - . i.in( it will be Terferred. as It will IULIJ tsB .-,-- IK VA 6 00 00 00 80 9M 10K 00 RICE Carohna, y, 2).... East India, y lb Rouch, y bushel. RAGS Countrv. y lb' City, lb............ ROPE... SALT Alum, y bushel Liverpool, y sack...; American y sack Cadiz V sac SUGAR Cuba, y lb........ Porto Rico, y 3) A Coffee, y lb. B " y lb c " y Ex c y a.. Crushed? ft : SOAP Northern, y lb...... SHIXGLES-Contract, f?pi Common, y il. Cypress saj y M Cvoress bean, y M ....... STAVES W. O. bbl. y 00 R 0 hhd. y E........ 00 00 Cvpress. i M... 13 00 TALLOW ytb.. 8 TIMBER Shippin or -M...17 00 Mill, prime per M 13 00 Mill, fair per M 8 50 Inferior to Ordinary,perM 4 00 WHISKEY Xorth'n, per gl 1 40 - North Caroina, per gal ... 1 75 WOOL Unwashed, per lb... 18 Wushed, per lb 37 41 30 33 50 4 75 30 1 45 1 10 40 1 75 0 00 2 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .11 j ; '! j AND J All the la,test im?aovem.'Dfc coffiSj the organs and pianos mmtowf i COBMfil 00 5 4 00 2 50 6 50 9 50 7 00 . 30 00 3 23 00 L 15 00 00 10 00 12 00 UK 11 12M 1A 6 00 3 00 0 00 0 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 9 00 00 14 00 10 00 6 00 5,00 2 50 20 (3) 35 FOR THE OBSERVER, .DAILY-: 'it Washington, II l To each and every person who send us $3 j for.one year's subscription to the unservei, i Daily, will be mailea pnstpaia any out ui iu following dovpIs of Sir Walter iScott, beauti fully printed, elegantly bound and t;oi usiey illustrated : ' . . B I 1. Waverly, 2 volume;. '.. r 2. GayMannering, 2 volumes. 3. The, Antiquarv, 2 olutnes. " ' i. Pob Roy, 2 volumes. 5. Heart of Midlothian, 2 Volumes. 6. Ivanhoe, 2 volumes ; 7. Brida of Lamraermoor 2. volames. i 8. The Monastcrv, 2 volume?. ; 0. The Abbot. 'I volumes. S. , 10. Old Mortality, 2 volume.-, 11. Kenil worth, 2 vo'uines 1 ; 12. Tho Pirate, 1 volumes. ; Or. to anv one who may send U3 $06' for tvelve,annual subscriptions, the whole above will be forwarded by mail or express, free of all cbargcs.: : : ' - fj - . Or, to any one who may send us $102 .for twenty-four annual subscriptions, will be for warded, free of charge, all the above at once, and the remaining 24 volumes of this unriral ed edition of Scott's matchless novel?,as issued monthly ; the whole delivery to be completed by October, 1S77. : " f ' - : i FOIi THE OBSERVER. WEEKLY: !$3j ' To all who wish to purchB s GAN or PIANO we can trer for I ARTISTIC CONSffj Beautiful, Finish and Sfj , Qualities, our instrBS, rank wita uws- Most Celehratei lat, ' Onrnnlr . claim to faTorifi 1 leading manufacmrentf educed to mcetin; toe reii iimog - ijpLfrmuicu " .ar'sta-in's B IN SWEET THiriGS. AM SELLING OFF BALANCE OF Christmas Sweet Goods at PRIME COST, Andean give good bargains Call before it Zizvzi sooxx asonsi Call and make your selections at once frem ck at the immense stocl feb 10 Heinsbergero, Live Book and Music Store. You Bet I 41M Market Streti, ia too late. 3f All goods bougat of me are delivered free of cost. S. J. WEST, Family Grocery Corner 4th and Campbell tts, i. 5. G. m -. t. 8. 0. and at the same time faroi that we fully , - .' " WARRANT FOR fftl we invite correspoaieace -an opportunity to prqre we here assert. - Fresh Groceries. prevent the possibility of the lessof monej " mQE UNDERSIGNED nA? RECENTLY hv mall. Rememoer mai xn pw6 UJ 1 . ... . trill I nnnnM In T.innitt'a Tl-j.V SrwnK Vrnnl Sf XL Painily Grocery Store, where nice, choice, fresh Family Groceries may oe oougnt at tne lowest Ittlnff prices. " On band conatantly, poultry, ducks, geese and chicken. . - W. G. FOWLER, Jr., jaa 26 No. 2, Lippitt's Block.' the Ledcer to all Prim of the country will be paid by us. so that our subscribers wlU have no postaje to par - . employ notravcUIcg agent. AC- dress all communications to . wnnvirr BOXJfEK. moiuuu. Corner ol Wlljlam and Soruce sts K. Y EEIIOVAL. .BS. LOVE AXD MUBPHY HAVE BE- Sd loe floor of the buUdinff, first I Wachingtoh TJoi jgOOT AND f SHOE MAKER AND Bepaircr. Second atrest, two doors from liar kfeL Prices Moderate and Bt References. lam ;:",;,'; - -v.r . To each and every p-rson who ssndj ua $2 for one veir'a ubscripfitn to iha Observer, weeklyjwill be mailed, postpaid, a copy of any one ot the following valuable books: 1 A. H. Stephens' History of the U. S. i. isueruieru s u isiory ui iug uanguage, 3. Heed's Memories of Familiar Books. Poems o'f ilenrv Tim rod. - , Poems of Paul il. Hayrie. . t E. W. Fuilei'a Sea Gift. The Odd Tramp. . Harwood, by same author. The Lacy Diamonds, by same. 10. Flesh and Spirit.by saaie author. 11. Ellen Stopv. " 12. Thompson's Hcosier Mosaic?. Or, to any one who may send us $21 for twelve annual subscrip ion3 the- twtlve books above named will be forwarded by mail or ex press free of all charges. 'A, " lo tiiat person, mnn, woman; or chud. who may send U3 the cash for the largest number of annual suoscriptions-to tae UDserver, daily or weekly, or both combined, between Januarv 1 , io i anu jia cn t win oe io wa'aea. t ee oi x ma jxuu iu'j uouk.5 Daoea as pre- . .... miunwioeacn- pape!-, ana a communw ot Tfc rtli ti..M. Oi lUL AMOUNT BE- illTiEU. S To the person -aba may send the second la gestlist one-ha'f the vo umca named, and the same commission. il Samples of the above books. 1 n intA and bound,andmoat of them pronounced bv the m ana oouin to Da Pmnr trnn. grapnica beauty, may bo seen at the office of ins uosetve-. lo those diaposed to canvas3 far Ilia Ob server, and p efer. ing money to books, exceed "ij;ijr iiu? ai commissions wi 4 De paid, to be ueuucieu uy canvassing ageat Horn his remit tances. . , ":?,'. ; KJLTS OF SCBSCSirriO IX waiy, one yeavmad postpaid....... $3 00 ,. six months, , ' . - 4 00 three months. " v 00 Weekyone year, mill postpaid!!!I! 2 00 ' bpecimen conies of h.- nailv. or eekly, or both, mailed an apn ication.' . TOE OBSERVER, jan 10 - ! ' Ka elgb, N. a Our PIANOS are fa .rskbA . IaDOTGfl FrflDClr ' ' (the reryberf'jj they are also HEAVILY improved wire; and w. wood perfectly seasons-, j rn L WARRANTED NO l , Our ORGANS are ir modern Improvemeatf, while the CASES are style, admirably suited ES-Send for ihk- ; rilUE DAILY REVI J- City Subscribers at 50 esnti a month Price Liat . . Address, jaa 6 4- just .Reefy IJROOIILJ afallaadfiacl GroceiConKstiE JELLIES, PBEP . Which will be olfirea' to the CbrutffiSJ Come and be eonv ill . to