k- " ' " Lv "JOKK 'HALIFAX, iwncd. vet full of .Irifcv i" iiiv bold way ----- - eiViioud thy fut"rc mar, bating lieart I; ,iul Yndfeeblc kuei f,aiiK u"r: blunted round. LtiioiuoreliKe is w b mtX)SSibie ease, ufil.Knnded bird "ruder the stars. - i .. .. l'!i,dSpent;nolall; rf fe't tboa conre to thread lJ. mined field of ended wars; , ft" 1-nJertUefctars. . If. ...,tiw ftuDreme hour In like a P11".V!.hI f lover. f ne ol. Hocn In dreams. r '"J',r.h mo silent night j i lthOKe mortal tan-; ,uiw "f. tilfllie mortal Jar-; r'u "r.ni thenars! - j jliscellaneous. . WAH FOR WttMINGTON ! KLES 0. UAKTSFIELD takes plcas : ...nciiir toibe citizens of Wilinihg- ',tbe Wpfmanently located here and l take orders ir a uuiuk uu runos aid Organs.! Mr. liar afield ?i tears of experience in his profes- i.deiViilfinaitto their advantage ;loy one wbo is a practical rimo ! -Particular attention will be given ,ttt;Dg Ojd Instruments thoroughly. : ,liib done U .the most reasonable I Keferences satisfactory can be given-: ps by the fyearndj Pianos kept in ruUglmut tbe ivbote year, so that per l will D9t have :o wait six months, and io thirds oftHe year on a l'iano roar jut of tone, and money will be saved r on Jv;conaj H street over James & i orordersiuav be left at li is residence Mulberry nd Second sts. jan 22 The i" . in 1 LJ jLI T A aONIOUS BLENDING ST FLAVOR v I i UII or MM If A ! ! IT COMES TO US v ri:o;iTiiK . . f porters 3 who gi:t it in I'llUI S. AND HALF LBS. Tiddle Profits ! BEST TEH IS SIMPLY AKD TRULY I. JO 1K IJAD, AND THE ICE IS VERY 3AMPIP.Q cnriM no 1 I mum Uw i KliROCER FCR I 1 kUV-li JtLli -Mo TF& J. lltffi & CO 7 north Front Otreet. ders Wanted fUiaLL FOISTED NAILS, IsIiscel!aiieoiis:: Iliccollaiicoiis. THE v J - THE ATvTHK CENTENNIAL EXHIBIT (Oil, Poaiuiio The judges unaniinonF! recommend the MENDELSSOHN So i FOR THE . t Diploma of Honor ani Heial'of llerit. Placing them in the Front Bank Without a .Superior ? 1 1 A-Wews Paper, i . ... i ft A " Ii published ifrff j ereaing Saidajr: excepted -AT PRICES II ifflW ! For strictlj first-class instruments. 000 for 5250. ; $650 for $275. $700 for $300. i $750 for $325. $800 for $350. j $900 for $400. $1000 for $450.; No Comniiasion to Agents. ; ; No Disccunts to Teachers.' "So Deviation in Price. The Mendelssohn GRAND, SQUARE & UPRIGHT Contain valuable patenta and improvements never before introduced. MATHUSHEK'S XewPatksi DprtEx, Overstbd'ko Scale, Is the greatest advance in the history of Pia no making, producing, the most astonishing power, richness and depth of tone,, and a sus taining singing quality never before attained. ueins a "lirana fiano in a csauare case. I in., o.. im:. ; Lu :r ed (hat it shall be tha constant aim of the pro- ARE THE FINEST IN AMERICA. prietor Co jurnwh them with ir W )M W - f v.. PACY PT?TNTT,T:Nrr -a- i - t a i, vji Z , . . " ' I -Accuxatelr and Expeditioaslj Executed, i At Reasonable Rates, j. I Tie HerGantilB Printing Co. . :(Iathe"JournarBuflding,) - L Pai.Nctss Stkeet, Wilmington, K, Is prepared to do all kinds' of Uercantile, Law and Miscellaneous Printing at prices to compete with work done elsewhere, in an j city North or South, such aa - " Bill Heads, LetterHeads, Aote Heads, Business Cards, Postal Cards, Envelopes, Tags, ote Circulars, Letter Circulars, Cotton Statements, Month! Statements, Account Sales, Kail Road Receipts, Catalogues, Receipt Books, ' - Bank Checks, - -Notes, ; 1 . V- '" Deposit Slips, Drafts, !' Bills Lading; : - a i .... t Specimens and prices furnished parties de- Chromattc Print- Way Bills, ! Wood Tickets, W Milk Tickets, Hind Bills, ; I Posters,1' ?; Welghera Certi6cates Inspector's Certificates Visiting Cards, 1 Wddtng Cards; Dance Cards: Ball Tickets ! Dodgers - K, Wedding InviUtitns, Partjr Invitations-, , ' Society Summons, Prescript ion Blanks, Drmggist Labels, Date Lines,' : : Lawyers Briefs, Programmes, &C! 4 - r vest-, Or 50 cents a month, not strict! in adVanre :o : They are pronounced the "Pianos of the Future' Manufactory & WAnEKOO-iis : Nos. A0O, 492, 494. 49G & 498 West 57th St.. Nos, SZ8, 86, 862, 8G4, 80S, & 870 10t!i ATCJiue. PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL. "3- Illustrated and desc iptive Catalogue mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., feb 21 BUSINESS OFFICE : JSro. 56 Broadway, N. - Y. - The Philadelphia Times, A FIRST-CLASS INDEPENDENT MORNING- NEWSPAPER, A LIVE! NEWSPAPER, containing the latest news of tt9 day, and t,n " - "' V -deavorin to keep its readers fully informe in regard to events of interest and importance occurring, in every quarter of the world, " OOR DAILY MARKET KEFOBTS ; Will be foil and correct, and will be kept open until the latest possible n omont. M-ir-chants in the city and countrv n ay iest as sured that they will be thorongh'y reliable. The News Columns ALL THAT capital and enterprise can ac complish will be freely employed to maintain the high reputation universally accorded to it, of being the Ablest and Best Paper Ever Published in Philadelphia. It contains all the latest news, including the Associated Press Telegram, Special Telegrams and cor- ,:h -Wn' nf'twaWnd respofidence from all points ot interest, full I , , , and accurate Local Reports, and Fearless Ed-1 mrkets. received here each dv at noon, iluiiui ijiscusf ions oi an vurreui xupics. 111 . . is a first-class Live Newspaper in every re-1 and the jnpnf fnllv oinal tn it nnH!ihw1 ahv J where. LUUAL LI ij i A 1l 1 Jl fj J The dailv circulation of the Timej exceeds that of all tbe Philadelphia morning papers 1 Has been placed in careful and experienced 1 1 ?it I A : comoinea, wim one ezcepuon. . . -ieciaeaiy iue Desi newspaper ever pun-.i hands. Friends in the section of countrv ion lished in Philadelphia." NoY. Tribune. . 1 - " "The Ablest and best paper In JfhilaJei-ij nected with this city, will greaUy oblrge tne Dhia." N. Y. Sun. . 'I . "The best paper in Pennsylvania."-.;! Editor, and will contriouto aaamonai inr Springfield Republican. ,1 - TEKJdS, incidding postage, 6 a year, cr;l esi w uiese cuiuuiiis ut iui iuUJr "j I cents a month. Adares, . ' " ' . " ' . . ... rptipt 'TTXrFQ " jl OIMewiinai mmj occur m mc-i irpj.Cvu.c dee 9 713 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. l w.i;,;.. u r WlSlUXCr CLINCH an ilcats all. grades aud Cub- Carolina LarJ, Jtc, Mo ?ar, Coffee, Jfcc. Rice, Corn, Floui Soar, kttUets-Tery urgest Tbacco, Cigars, 4c Onions '!Se:ta3"l . .. tin - . i "l1 arge Inroiccs will do catewithns. ' pEWAY & SCUULKEN, f Broken TlgS IX THE 50 ALL CORRESPONDENCE, Prime EnioYment for a Tear. . I IiessThan Four Cents a Week. MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE iii wittUUUUAUinfi ; ji qu mattrs of general interest will be gladly aTi!HV FVPMPf PAST 1 received, but bur friend, must bear in mind k.1 1 v Itllil a uiuiiaiiu JI UUll Whirh fhr mora than Yara haa bMn tha tl paper : .that they must lor boar useless verDi- H are. most correct ineir awn. ma.nuscripi anu STORY. SKETCH AND FAMILY PAPER.' ! TT - - . ll i - IJ -ta.AMM..llt fJh A ra ia ii well known' all over the United States.' I . i - It is published weekly, contains eight large I liable nanfe must be farDlibe3'4rlth each corn- ages, clearly pnntea on gooa paper, mieai , . - , . vith th chofcefit stories and shetcb.es by the I municaUon, as the Editor will not be held ac- maw rr aanaatiAfial traeh wwt w smsn I ts a mother is willing to have her chUdreni eoHuUble for the views or language of cor eaa. inewaoiewne 01 uie paper is purer" . f end elevating. : 1 respoadenta. -8s ll aiso coniains umuncai muu uioirrapuica articles: Scientific; Agricultural and House-. 1U1U esh rarj Columns; aud Strong and Sparkling Editor TWO DOLLARS A VRATt'l uu !UiiIt (Utterus osr,ua - u Sample copy containing club rates, ete , aen probably the largest bona' fide list with which m receipt of a 3-ceat stamp. Address. . ll i i; : ir , M 44 0 l any newspaper in orm vanuioa evr oeiore ll. Hlo nrvvrrr nvmt 276 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa, ppeaa,a ; now rapjaiy uie N. B. Be sure and affix the number 018 1 increase, especially on the various'" railroad efore BENNETT & ilTUil, totnat we may I ,r-w n , . tnow through what paper the subscription I "una. ; ximes. i an ID il . -r. t MM ',. '-- i I SHOE MAXES AKIlr I : ; , Evtroa n Paoraieroa, ics; ocienunc , Agncuiiuxat anatxouse-. - oun sudssription ust, r Reviews; News Notes; Boys' and GiilaV r ' JgOOT AND Repairer. Second atrest, two doon from Mar j E ' 'It. Fritai Modtratt ani Bast IUrrtas, j DAILY ItEYIKW. M a - . Jt30Sc oa Second street, between Pria c5Said' Ciesat,ea thePoaUCe.C ruled to order at siring Lithographic work, ing or Engraving done. Blank Book3 mado and owesit rates. . .-.", Manifette, ReturnsReports, Schedules, Pay Rolls, Ac, ruled to order at fair and reason able .prices. ; ( . ',' Orders from the country for printing- will receive prompt attention. , j f" Address all orders or communications to MERCANTILE PRINTING CO., Wilmington, N. C. Gha. A. Pbice, ! r j H. H.., Smith. Managers. . SCRIBNERS MOMTHLYi Aa IIxhivaled Illustuateo Magazine When Scribner Issued its famous Midsum mer Holiday Number in Jul v. a friendly critic, said of it : "We are not sure butlthat' Scribner haj touched high-water mark. W e do not see what worlds are left to it to con quer." But the -publishers; do not consider that they have reached the ultima thule of excellencethey believe "there are other worlds to 1 conquer,- and they propose to conquer thera.'f . ' ' , j The prospectus for tiie new volume cives the titles of more 'than fifty papers (mostly illustrated), by writers of the highest merit. under the heaaot IliacellancoTig. Tjetster'sj - Unaurifliei Dictionary, , FOB THE SCHOOL li ; . 3,000 r. Engravings ; 1,S40 Pages : Quarto. Price $12 ? A NEW TUXL . To the 3,01 Illustrations heretofore : in Web ster's Unabridged, we hare added four pages . Colored Zllnstrations, engraved expressly for tha work": at large expense. ' h 1 - Nearly every State Superintendent of Public Instruction in the Union, or corres ponding officerjwhere such an one exists, has recommended Webster's Dictionary in the strongest terms. Among them arethose of Eastern, Northern, Middle, Southern, and Western States TWENTY-EIGHT in all. STATU 2UXLC2XA8S3. The Stat of NEW YORK has placed 10,000 ceples of Webster's Unabridged in as many of her Public Schools. ' ; !i ' The State WISCONSIN about 5,000 nearly every school.- ' The State of NEW; JERSEY 1,500-ncarly ?yery school. i The State of MICHIGAN made provision for all her schools. ' " ' r if ? The State of MASSACHUTETTS has sup piled her schools nearly all. 1 ;x The State' of IOWA' has supplied her schools. j j ' The State of CONNECTICUT has made provision for her schools. I Over 3,000 schools in INDIANA were supplied during the year 1872, and many more in 1873 and 1874, 1 In other States many copies hate been pur chased for supplying schools of cities,1 coun ties and towns. f i What better investment can be made for schools ? - j i j More than ten times as many are sold of Webster's Dictionaries es of any other Ecries in this country. I i At least four-fifths of all the school-books published in this country, own Webster as their standard, and of the remainder fevf ac knowledge akt standard. .1 S Polished by G. & C. MERRl AM, dec Springfield Mass. maritime Foreign Travel," we haye 5'A winter on the Nile," by Gen. Mc Clellan ; "Saunterings About Constantino ple," by Charles Dudley Warner; ft0ut of fl Win Jaw f llft.AAn. " I tpn mama' QaVkmw 1UUVH Alt 1UUOVUH) J UUKU7 utuuj - ler ; "An American in Turkistan. etc. Three serial stories are announced : ' Nicholas Twlinturn, By Dr. Holland the Editor, whose story of "Sevenoaks? cave the highest satisfaction to the readers of the Monthly.' . The scene of this latest novel is laid on the banks of the Hudson. 'The hero is a young man who has been always vtiea to a woman s apron strings," but who, by the death of his mother, is left alone in the world,i-to drift on the current of life, with a fortune, but with out a purpose ' fv ' Another serial, "His Inheritance, by Miss Trafton, will begin on the completion of "That Lass o iLowrie a, by Mrs. Hodgson Burnett Mrs. Birhett's story", begun in August, has a pathos and dramatic power which have been a surprise to the public. - j " '' There is to be a isexips of original ' and. ex quisitely '-illustrated papers of ' "Popular 3- . XL. If JJX 1. oiieutc, , ut mi o. net ri(.&, , tivu paper cuiu plete in itself. -'''. l here are to be, trom various pens, papers on . . : t "Homo Life and Travel." Als. practical suggestions as t i te-vn and" count v life, village improvementi, ctc:, by ii u" ... I . Mr. Barnard's articles on various indus tries of Great Britain include the hutory of "Some Expriments In Co-operation "A Scottish Loaf Factory1 in the November number..and "Toad Lane, Kocbdale," ' in De cember. Other papers : are, The British Workingman'a Home," "A; Nation of Shop keepers' "Ha'penoy Week for the Child etc ri -'-fi"v'tT".:i richly illafjtrated series will lie giien on "American Sports Ty Flood and Field," by various writers, and each on . a . different Ihenei - -The subject - f-" - -J V f 'Household an t Home Decoratlou" will bare a prominent place, whilst the latest productions of American humoivts will ap pear frommonthtornonth : The list bff short er stbries; biographical and other sketches, etc, is a long one. j The edit trial department will continue to employ the ablest pens both at home and abroad. There will be a series of letters on literary matters, from Locdoa,. by -Mr..; Wei ford. Jt .-iCJO.JL v"' The pages of the magazine will? be open, as heretofore, safar, as limited, spaedwill per mit, to the discussion of alt themes nnectinj the social and relizioua life of the world, an specially to the freshes tthoi'h of ta Christ fin thinkensmdscfce4a5wrcomitry. Wemea.9 mx,e the magaxine sweeter andpqrex, higher and nobler, more genial and generous m all its uUorances and influ ences, and a ntoru welcome visitor than ever before ia homes of refinement and culture FIFTEE17 IIOIirHS for Gi. Scribnet. for December,' ' now ready, and which contains . the opening chapters of "Nicholas liintnrn, will be read with eager cvriceity and 4 interest. Perha) i no more readable number of this magazine has yet been issued- The three numbers of Scribner for Angust, SptenJber, and October, : eon tailing the opening chapters of Thst1 Lass o'Jwrie's. .iwill be given to erery new sub scriber (who requests it), and whose subscrip tion begins with the NavrmbeTJauraber. Subscription price, $4 a year 35 cents a number. . special terms on oonsa roiumes. Subscribe with the nearest bookseller', or send a checkTbr FTO. taotser crdfr ta " - J s ec IS"' - UZ Broadway, V.J. 'Tatd. Jcxt tit 1571. . :. we claim roa, jns mri;ovji WHITWEY ' SEWIWC The following specific points of superiority: 1 Great Simplicity in Construction. 2 Durability., . j,! 3 ExccedingIy r.ight Running 4 Slill IlunninT. Noiseless. 5 Performs all Varieties of Work. 6 Beauty of Finish and Workman ship, , .. . , ;-.j ,- . ;i. i 7 GREAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines sent on trial before payment is re quired; written guarantee to keep machines in order for five vears given with each ma chine. .War Pa't Old' Pricks H I For circulars and particulars, 1 I Address, THE WHITNEY HF'G CO., dec 29 Patcrson. N. J. f rUw .- B rocft'o jtcSfanrjoa' Wines Ij MiftTEr E:jr NEW ? RIVEll tOYGKltls 4 wira BIUIAODTADLESiPI ,..1 .UT,e Henessey Brandy, Sour Mai!i Ppt JJ Old Rye i., Blue Grass do., Sweet , Sherry, Po t and Madcria AV iaent la Paicss. . ' v.; '.r v'J.-,.:'jaj Mash do. C arcta. lrOPCLA THE BEST BAll IN THE J CsTT IS Hi.;! 1 - A -4 - THE OLD CLAnElS Foot of Market:2? The Best of ALES, WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS always on hand and. served, by polite and accommodating- attendants. : 47 1 New Kiver Ovirtim. a1trT rWh-iit fat, served in any style desired, r i l IT. THE GRAND CENTRAL HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES that .trtziZn T his popular Saloon THE GRAND OEHTIIAL, on the first floor of the old National Hotel, is . "... now prepared for tho Winter campaign,being s '-. . . , ?.; , r-rj i supplied with the choicest of , . Wines, Ales, Liqu6reCigdro Fresh instalments of the finest and fattet Slew ZLiver .. .-. '-: " i received regular ly'and ered i . .any, .style desircil. dec 13 REUBEN JOJlttiT.1 , PROSPECT TJFS' f Ul" ; SUNNY SOUTHi THE UNDERSIGNED COMPANY WILL commence the publication in thU tity, of a Boy's and Girl's semi-monthly paper, to be known asi '. ' The Sunnv Gouth. ' ,Thc paper will contain Stories," Selections and General News Matter interesting, to the young people, and it will be the endeavor of the Company to please Boys and Girls 6f all ages. " . v - I," 'f::- Thc paper will be devoted particularly to the interests of the youth of the Sen th, and more particularly to the young of tbia State. Noting the success juvenile papers meet with at the North, and it being the Company's belief that a paper of such character would be interesting and instructive to the youth of mis tate, xc wm oegin: puDiicauon on, or about the 15th Instant, exicctinga full share of public patronsage. The subscription price fori the' 8UNNY SOUTH is as follows: One year..:...... .................... .........ft CO Six months.... . tW ) Th roc months... . SO Adrcrtiscments inserted at reasonable rater. Wiluincto-s Amatecbi ' PcsuBHrad 'CoiCr'r W;'nington, N.' C. ,.v '.'; r occ l-i , - If you Wish-' to grow Vegetables for sale, read t ' - ' Gardening for Profit ! If you wish to becoma a. Commercial Florist, ' read . .-. Practical Plortisultur- ! If ym wijh toG.i"dja fr hm; us; only - ' ' read . J Ii . Gardenia? for PIo33are ! - AU by Iter Hcnd-jroon. j - I , .... " ' Price $1.50 :auh, oitpaid," by uiuil. Our , Combined CATALOGUE fr 18.7. OF ' . EVERYTHING FOR THE. S ! ;" --.'-'- : I s . - ' Numbering 173 pages, with 1 'colore i plafe, , f sent ' f If o all c astomers of past years, or to thoe ji ho hare purchased any. of the above boks; to others on receipt of 25 cent. . i i Plain Plait or Seed CataTogu withcut plate, frci to applicants PETER HENDERSON k CO., Seedsraea. Market Gardezo s and I Floruts, 33 CortUadt st, New York, i . IziM ' - ' i- I ': . t . - i- WE CLOSE OUT o'OHSIGNUENTS DAILY. XABT1ES WANTING MERCHANDISE and Produce in orir line, leave or send order and have prompt attention. OFFERING TO-DAY : ! North Carolina and Western Uaitsj, Lard, c, Mountain Butter, Docks, 'Turkeys, Chickens, Eggs, Ac, Tigs Feet. Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Onions, Dried Fruit, Mallets, Mack erel, Bine Fish and Dried Bef. Orders filled for all descriptions f miirchac- dise. C tnngnment of Produce solicit!. PETrEWAY & ' SbnULKENT, j ' Brokers and Commission Merchant?, f Second door North of fcb 3 , Princess ani Water streets. BEIIOVAL. i LOVE AND MURPHY HAVE CE- raovea their OSes to the National Bank build ing, corner Front and Princess streets. En trance on Princess street by outride stalmv I and QHcc on second fioor of the building, first uogrosiMsruih dec 17 -- Denticrtrwlj pwll. W. M. HUSTON, Grad- .J tiate of Pennsylvania Den-, tal (Affro. will nrftctico his profession in Wilmington. , Xargea. rery moderate and satisfaction guaauieea in every instance Teeth extracted without pain. Rooms. 3214 Market street, up stain, rear of Dr. Kea's office. jan IS SLstabliaxiea 1SOO. .f GILMORE & CO., Aitomejs tiLzvr, Sacceasors to Chtpsoaa ZXesacr CXk, 629 F Street, Was2iixifjcJ O. American and Foreign Pateat. ! Patent procured in altcountrlesrKO rzxM tn xtoVAXcx. No charge tinless the ! patent, ts (ranted. No fees for ma-klng pTellptr.axy ex- aminations. No additional tees for xfctalnlna? and conducting a rebearing. Special attention driven to Interference Cases 'bexore tne la.teat Office, Extensions before Genxresa, Infrinrsment Sniu in different States, and all litigation, ap pertaining: to Inventions or Patents. SxJroSTAJtr FOB rAMriTLXT OT EIXTT TXQtS. ' " f ' United States Courts and Eeitrtzti.' Claims prosecuted In the Suprame Ckmrt of the United States, Court of Claims, OotnVt sf Ootn missioners of Alabama Claims, Southern Claims Commission, and alt classes ot war cUlns be fore the SxecaUre DeTiartinents. ' Arretri of T$j tHA ttj'Z' Orrxama. eouixxa and altzyoxs of 'tis e lets war, or tbeix beirs. are fa znany cassa estiued to money from the Government, of which they nave no knowledre. Vritm f nit Hitoryot rrlcji nd . state amount of pay and bounty received.! En close stamp, and a full reply, alter exanlralieD, ' wilibegiTen you free. "t t , Peasleaa. ,.t! , Alt omcraf, eoLDrxxs and sahjOxs woended, ruptured, or injured In the lata war, bowTer slightly, can obtain a pension, rtnrny oow zeeei v ing pensions are enUiled to an Jaerenae. -Send stamp and Information, will toe f arnitbedj free, TJnitcd BUtesOrnml ItVfl C.'x. ,' Contested land Cases, Private Zand. Claims, aiining, Pre-emption and iroraest Cases, pros ecuted before the General Lang COce and De partment of the Interior. , Old Bounty Laid XTtxizaU. . N The last Beport of the Commissioner of the General Land Office shows Z&7J&3Q acres c ? Saon ty land Warrants oautandias. .Tt.esa vrtn la usd under act of aad prior actsi V.'e pay cash for tnem. Send by registered letter. Where asslgnmenu are imperfect wexiye Instructions to perfect them. f..-i-', i-..v .. Ih'department of ourbnslnersis condacled In a separate bureau, under the charge of expe rienced lawyers and clerks. . r By reason, et error or fraud many attcmers are snrpended from practice before the Fension and other cCcee each year. Claimant. 'whose attorneys have been thus snrpended, will be rrataixomdy farnlahed with foil IniomxUsa aad proper pa persoaarpitcarioa to cnarge mo iem unless snecesaf ol. stampe for return postage should, be sent tts. Uberal arrangements pads with a ttcisera la all classes olDuziaws ..Vi ,'f,i , . Addrccs GUVUOHB ti CO& P.O.Eaxal. ' TUiircraTas, D. d, rrrr.! ,r Z Z t7i. , I taire pleasure in expressirg eye? . 3 co&3 fence In the rrpei&f;ffy atd ... cl the Law, Patent and CoUecUoa lUns cf Cl-ZZ k Co, of this ciiy. . i . - GEO. II. XL VUllXi iCoahitr oas Motional MdnpolUa ak.