-a t1 - ... r I - .... (Raleigh Obsercr. General Assembly. SENATE. Tuesday, Man-is. ;. in relatiou tu iiu-urancc, Mr feJbort; ; Mr. Waddell i: Resolution on nuance. Rill to' dispose of State debt Mrl Kobicson introduced a resolution in relation to the Iclcction of .'magistrates. Provides that the General Ai.s:ubly 0 into the election on Thursday at U oVlccI:. Adopted. I: ' .Bills on lliml vcadhc: Bill to authorize the; (uutily ul New -Hanover to levy a special tax sel its j third 'readincr". 'hi . f ' ! Uilt to allow the county of Jvcw I .mo ver t& fundus ' floating debt pn.-e-i its. Jhirdreading. ' .- j :MrfDottch' introduced a bill to prg.nii thb militia. Referred to comrntjtUe tn ' military atfairs. , j Tlie Senate refused to concur in House amendments to Seuatc bill establwhin a apecial criminal court for Wilmington . (Thejarncndrnenta proposed were to fix talaryUf the judge at $2,000, 'and that thejSclt(citor of that district shall bo the solicitor of said court.) J ( ThSVe venue -bill was then t.ikehuj' and passed lit hird J and final rcadiug -yea 29, nljs 3. The tax is to remain as i.i revenue act of 1871'-7o. Mrl Coke offered a substitute, lor tho main features of the bill. Adopted and the bill then passed its second reading. Bill declaratory of tho bill passed to es tablish State boards of health, so far as it related to Wil million, was taken up and leased its several rcadinirs. ...i .i ... .it J " . iBilI supplemental to a bill to ruuKCiui visiorf banks of rice plantatidn a lawful fence1 was taken up and passed its several readings. I HOtJ SE OF KEPUES'ENTATI VKS. Tui:sdat, March. Cth. Mrf Godwin presented the petitions of citizons of Sampson county asking for a new county 10 vo creamu irom oiujiuw land, llarnctt and Sampson. Counties, cit ies, towns and townships Mr j Carter -of Hyde county. A rea j! u tion on adjournment proning fur adourn inent Unedie on Monday 12th, at 12 o'clock m. Calendar! II ' The bill to reditrict the State into nine judicial districts, and to provide for the election of three justices of the Su prcme Court, tbice Judges of the SuperioiCourts and nine, Solicitors, with a substitute from the judiciary committee, was taken up as the unfinished business of yesterday afid passed its second and third rcatling.s. l Kesplutioii i! to j" adjourn on Monday, MarcbJ l?tli, 187 J, at 12 o'clock M. was taken up and '.adopted. BUl tomako uaiform taxation oi nil banks in North Carolina was taken up and passec its several readings. bill establishing a criminal Court The in. Xcv Hanover, county was received back from the Senate refusing to concur in the IIous3 amendment making the so licitor now elected net as solicitor for the new court. ' M"r. Jtichards'on movcil that the IIoik.-c recede -from its' amendment. . i Mr. Vaughnjnbvcd to postpone further consideration of the matter until to-night at 8 o'clock. Prevailed. " The tiil for fhj; establishment of a l)e partmmt of j Agricultu-c, Immigration and St.itistic aj'ul for the ercrjrage mcnt cf sheep husbandry, was taken up and passed its second and third readings. Notk Tha consideration s of the Crim nial Ccurt'did not appear in the night re port. The House receded from its amend nrants ! Tcrtcadayll-morriing ,and the bill thon bbeamc a law.--ED Bevilw. CAROLINA. ' .Ilalcigli is being burglarized. 'SLai 60 to 80 cents in. Raleigh. Cotton factory (talk in Charlotte. Proi. Hartley is reading in Charlotte. Many "new U buildings' Loinir up Kaleig now tl.c etty of Wcldon wants ! banking facilities of its own. The Bangle House, at Mt. Pie wa? bur'iea last A onilay night. Person Street M. L The rorivali in Church, Raleigh, is increasing in iul'crcst. A wagon load of butter, all the wr.y from Tcnucsscc, was sold m Ralcih on J ' LiciauiiiiiU' - win uuiouni next Monday, and it becoujeth the just to be thankfpl. The publication of the Side :i:Jrivui- tural Journal is to be resumed at Ralciah thia month. 1 Ii I . " Durham is the scene oHm anin'uitc I and 1 Buccesiful 6crics of protracted meetings in ' tho Baptist Church.1 i i - in-- : A nesro girl on tlc farm of Mr. Win. Maritiall, in Mecklenburg, was burned to doith on Tuesday. Capt. W. JTylar, of Lumbcrtou, was thrown from his sulky a few dajs biucc and bis arm was broken.- 1 A Frof. Kcrnagon is csposiug spiritu alism in Ivaleigh, but not after the manner j in which George Kvcrck did it in Wil- iningtn. ', j ; . j ' '.. Mr.jLawsoti, Kimball, a wiu'thy me chanic, fell into a railroad cut 0:1 the out- eicirtstof Charlotte and was killed. Too much whiskey. I Poor fellow. I i. 1 ThoiVfC hints of a caning cercmoay that is to takcj place in the Senate Cham ber tomorrow- evening. Tho recipient will pjrobably be lAbel.to stand a Gaining. A fttter bcariug the post mark Albauv, N. Y. and addressed to Gov. Tod. R. Caldwell, was receive J at tin executive ofiice yesterday. "Acic. Prop it in the dead letter office.! Th i Wcldon AW says : A little son of Mr ! Cullen! Lcivis, living near Enfield, fell into the fire last JViday and was very screrely'bumed, from the effects of Which ho died in a few hours'. The! young ladies of the Raleigh Bap tist Female Seminary will give a concert, this evening, consisting of vocal and" in strumental music, to the members of tne General Assembly in the spacious chapel of the Seminary. . , The Charlotte Observer says: Mr. W. P. Love cf Shelby, who is in the city, bar, gold to the amount or Til penny weight?, which he collected from his place 12 miles from Spartanburg, and about one mile, from the Air Line railroad. This-gold was procured from the surface and deposits, aud was extracted by the simple Tocc:is of gulch washing jpraeticed so extensively in California.. The cxpCnso of CAtracting it is trifling as the dirt is taken from the surface, and the grain of the gold is very course and large. . ' m m !,' Appointments by Bishop Atkinson for His Spring Visitation. Clinton. (Good Piiday')...'.... .....March 30 GolJsboro (faster Day) ...April 1 Windsor. . . Woodville, Bertie county Murfreesboro, 1st Sunday after" Eastc,r,....i. '. . .'. . .'. . Winston . . . Gatesville i . . . St. Peter's, Gates county. , . .... . Hertford," Perquimans county. ... ; WooUviilc, " " ... Elizabeth -City, 2nd Sunday after Easter , . ... ......... Camden Mission......... ....... Edcnton , St'. Luke's, Washington county..-. St. David's, " " 3rd Sunday after Easter.......... " 4 n 6 " 8 . " : 9 10 " II " 13 - li f 15 17 " 31 " 22 '! 24 26 20 " 30 j Plymouth .... . . . '. St. Jair.c.-;, Beaufort county ", St. George's, Hyde "county, 4th Sunday .after Easter....,.... Fairfield, Hyde county Sladesvillc Bath............'... ..May 2 1 6 9 10 11 13 Zion Church, Beaufort couuty. Washington, ' " " .... James villc Williamston (Asccnsiou Day) ..... Hamilton......... i. ........ . Trinity Church, Scotland Neck, Sunday after Ascension. . l. Collections in behalf of Diocesan Mis sions will be made at each place. ! ; Quarterly Meetings. ; Second round of appointments. for f the Wilmington District of theMtthodist E. Church, South, as made bv Kev. Wi S. , .... Black,' Prcsding Elder: Magnolia, at Bryants,. .......March 1-18 Wiliniiigtou,- Fifth Street,... March 24-25 Onsltrw .....March 31-AprU 1 Bladen, Bethel . . . i ......April 78 Elizabeth, Pimhes.... ........ .Ajml 14-16 Smith vil le, Betjiel ........ . . . . A pril 2 1-22 pWhitevillb and Waccamaw Mission, at Way man .... .April 28-29 Wilmington, Front Street... .Miry 5-G Topsail, Herriug's Chapel... .May 12-13 Cokesbury and Cohan :.c Mis sion,..."......:...... ...... ..May 19-20 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel. May 26-27 Keuansville,. ..June 2 Z "commercial, news VIL.MINGTON MARKET,. I MARCU 83 P. M. SPIRITS TUIXPENTINE Market "quoted qiiietat 37 cents. Sales offlOO casks at 37 cents per gallon. . p ; i ! ' . KOSIN Market quoted liim at SI 75 for Strained and SI 80 'for Good Strained. Sales of i)J bbls Good Strained at 1 80 per bbk CRUDE TURPE'TINE-Market quoted tpueiai?! o-j ior iiaru ana 5- w ivt vu-gm I and Yellow Dip. Sales at quotations, j TAR Market quoted steady ! at $1 CO per J bl)l. Sales at quotations. j- ' ' .. j f COTTON Market quiet aud without offl ciul quotations or .' sales to-dayi The follow ! ing ;uotation.s are unofficial, but will cor ! roclly represent the market: hOrdiuary ..." 10; Centfl ! Good Ordinarv..... llg - ! Low MiddliDg"......j. .ill?llja' : " j Middling....... ;.....v..ll?i trcnut Aluldliiiff.. ....... .....12 ! '., 1 Daily Receipts. Cotton.........; Spiiiu Turpentine.. 232 bales 150 casks Kosin.... Tar........ ........ 1065 bbls 326 bbls Crude Turiitaiine 116 i bbls MAEINE NEWS. ARRIVED. j Steamer North State, Green, Fayctteville, I Worth it Worth. .1 Steamer UuUeihill, Tlatt, Sniithville, O G Parsley & Co. !.:' Schr Helen M Condon, McCarty, Belfa&t, Me, Master, with bales hay to ii F Mitch ell & Son, andti'W bbls piaster for J K Lippitt. sehr Agile, RolK-rts, Elizalx?tli City, B F Mitchell a Son, with 3,100 bushels corn. ; CLEARED. 1 ' ! Steamer North State. Green. Favcttevilie. ' 01 in oi uiiu. ; . . p.y oiCondcrUi11, 1latt SmilUvlllc 0 1 schr AhnaRarton, McNeilly, St. John's, j iw J iuwmab-CT' J 11 tuauuoufU fi ! Schr ITalos, Warren, Arrovo, P R, E KM- dvr&sons. Exports. ; j " 'l'OliEIU.. . ' . Aiii-v,k 1 -Mi-lir l:i.lrx-4wV(Vl?J ffrt film. ! ber. LVJ.shiiick'f?, 3 bbls pitch. 10datr. .1 1 oi aonii sr a it, ami a laruet ."cnr Auua narton 1 .,(j-j lect lumber, o,0W shmgles, -j bbls tar. it. i KITE CORD ! II E CORD IjEST EXGLTSH KITEl CORD, ecHiDff cheap at GILES & MUUCUISOXkS. feb 2C ECONOMY, WHY NOT? PURE MOSS ROSE BUTTER 35 cent. 1 : , .-. i I COUXTRYj ROLL BUTTER 25 cents. ' ('Anned Frikita astonishingly low fijrttrea. Weekly receipU of Pool try and Eg zu from tbe Oukrilie and Bearer liennerica. 'i I 300 Dozen Esrgs thu day. I I All I ask ii a fair trial T I ' f.-b 19 AV. O. FOWLER. Jr. E. ARTIS, lASHIOXALE BARBER, i X Front Street, under. Parcell BlueJ ' . . Wilmington, K. C. Ua:r Cutting, Shtring and Shampoouijr done in the LiffhestatTle of the rt. r AttenUye and polite Barbers always ready fcb24- ' '" QUBSCIRBJi TO THE DAILY' REflEWJ WXXO&X38.A.&I3 PRICI3D. STht following- quotations represent the wholesale prices generally. In making tip small orders higher prices hare to be charged. DAUUifi u uwnny Doable Anchor............. Doabh) Anchor "A"...,. 12 13 Standard Domestic... BACON North Carolina; I Hams, 9 5b- Shoulders, V B - 8ides, V fi).......... ......... Western bmoked Hains... ....... Sides, y fiw......... .... Shoulders... Dry Salted .1 Sides. V fiL..... Shoolders, V B BEEF On the hoof..... f . 13 l- y 11 & & 13 Hi 6 11 11 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each.......... -1 75 New York, each... 2 00 New City, each... 2 00 BEESWAXt? fi.--. 28 BRICKS Wilmington, l M 8 00 Northern 00 BUTTER North Carolina lb 18 2 00 2 60 2 10 30 3l0 00 Northern, CANDLES Sperm ft...... Tallow, ft................... Adamantines VeeU.... CHEESE j Northern Factory, V B . Dairy cream, ? ft State, V H."..... COFFEE Java, y lb Rio, yjb;..i Larnara, J 9.... CORN MEAT H. bushel. .. COTTON TIES lb....... DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 "W yard....... Yarn, bunch 35 25 00 12K0 ,15 00 45 40 00 15 33 23 30 20 24 73 4 6 71 Vb FISH )L .' Mackerel, No. 1, t? bbl....l6 00 No. 1, yt&bbl t 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl....l3 60 No. 3, K'bhl 7 60 Mackerel, No. 3 y bbl.....00 00 Mullets; "W bbl... 3 60 N..C. Herring, bbl....... 6 00 20 00 0 00 00 00 & 0 00 12 60 4 00 8 00 urr uod, 1 0 FLOUR Fine, y bbl C 00 G 50 7 60 8 60 10 50 0 00 7 00 00 00 00 00 super, Northern, y bbl... 7 00 Extra do ! V y bbl... 8 00 Family I " y bbl... 9 00 City Mill Super y bbl..6 50 " Extra y bbl... 6 75 " Family bbl... 8 00 Ex. Family bbl... 9 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, y 2000 fts.70 00 Bauch's Phosphate " " 00 00 00 00 00 00 65'00 40 00 45 00 47 00 65 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 70 00 15 .r,7 Carolina Fertilizr " " 60 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 55 00 " 00 00 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Ground Bone, Bone Meal 1 " Flour) Navassa Guano, Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " Berger ABrutz'sRos, ' ' Wilcox. Gibb k Co., ma nipulated Guano ....55 00 glue y ib 10 GRAIN Corn,store, 56fts 6G Corn, cargo, y 66 fts...... 64 Corn,yeI., y bushel None. Oats, y bushel...... 55 Peas, cow, V bushel..: 1 00 CO 1 10 8 10 1 20 1 05 14 13 0 00 HIDES Green, y lb 7 Dry, V lb HAY Eastern, y 100 lbs... 1 10 North Rirer, y lOO.lbs.... 95 HOOP IRON $ ton 80 00 LARD Northern y lb....... 12 North Carolina y lb....... 00 LIME-bbl.4....... 1 40 LUMBER City steam sa'wd Shipetuff,resawed,VMft.24O0 27 00 Rough edge plank, y Mft.22 00 25 00 vr esc inuia cargo, accora- ing to quality, y M ft...20 00 23 00 35 00 Dressed floorinjr.seasoned.O 00 nooring,sea Scantling and boards, cora- r x mon, y M ft... 15 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhdgl ;38 Cuba, bbls., y gal 41 Sugar houses hhds. y gal . . 'f bbls. y gal... 31 Sujrar SvniDi. bbls. It cal. 35 23 00 ' 3y 42 28 .60 4 00 . 30 1 45 1 10 40 1 00 0 00 t 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7 00 NAILS Uut,4d to 20d,lMk'g 3 25 uiijS Kerosene, y gal 29 Lard, y gali........ 1 10 Linseed, y gal.... ...... ...... 1 00 Rosin, y gal......... .10 PEANUTS 1? bushel 70 POTATOES Sweet, V bus. 50 Irish, Northern, y bbl..... 1 50 PORK Northern, city m ess. 17 00 OThin, y bbl.i.. ..00 00 Prime, y bbl........ ..00 00 Rump, V bbl..... .....00 00 RICE Carolina, y lb...... . 6 East India, IS ft.. 00 Rough, y bushcL RAGS Country, y Jb City,Jb...;.. ROPE 1 SALT AltiinV busn'el.'.V.V. '" Liverpool, y sack.. ........ American y Eack '. Cadiz fJack.. SUGAR Cuba, y lb.. Porto Itico, y ft........ A Coffee, y B " y ft , c "." y ft. Ex C y ft.. ..: Crushed V ft........ 1 20 1 30 1 00 3 23 00 00 00 10 00. 12 00 10 i3i: 6 00 90 00 to '914 10K 00 ii 00 SOAP Northern, y ft 5 SHINGLES Contract, tM 4 00 Common, y M 2 50 Cypress sape y M,i-.. 6 50 Cypress heart, y M ....... 9 50 STAVES W. O. bbl. M.20 00 ROhhd: .E... 00 00 -Cypress, y M....f 13 00 TALLOW lb...... 8 73 6 00 3 00 0 00 0 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 9 TIMBER Shipping yrjl... 17 00 00 00 Mill, prime per M.4 ...13 00 14 00 AUU, jair per M.. 8 50 Inferior to Oodinary,per 31 4 00 WHISKEY Nortb'n, per gl 1 40 North Caroina, per gal ... 1 75 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... 18 Wshedper I ft 10 00 6 00 5 00 2 50 20 35 Orders Wanted JOR CHISEL POINTED NAILS, . r 1 FINISHING, CLINCH and Boat Naibj. Meats all grades and Cuts. ':' . Western r;4 North CarolinaLaru, &c, Mo- ' : t .. '. ' lasses, Sugar, Coffee, Ac. Rice, Corn, Flour, Lye, Potash, Soap, Mullets very largest and best packages, Tobacco, Cigar, ic. Onions. I ' .'' and Onion Setts. '1 "'I''-' Parties in want of large lnroict' uill do wtU to eoaatlnicAte with tu. PETTEWTAY & SClIULKEN, feb 22 Brokers and Com. MerclhnL. I "DOITT FORGET" J. J. SHEP A RD ' ."I i . j can be found OIH NORTH 8IDE MARKET ST., . Between Second and Third Sts., Really, and willing to doU kinds of PAIHTlIJCr, GLAZING, &c ' f' " Also Dealer in GROCERIES', OONFECTIOXEItiES, dee 13 Fanry Goods, Jr. . Groceries, "Provioxis ' THOSE JSLLISS, PRESEC3VEO, AND ORANGE MMtADES I HAVE JUST ABBITED;! T WITH ; OF ASSORTED " m I . - mm Choice Delicacies AND AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES! o- ONLY LOOK AT THE IIISFLAV OF GROCERIES THAT TENDS TO BRING Jov and Happineob -TO .. k ,ri v.4 RY FATwIILY. AT GEO, 1YSIS 1 1 A 13 South Front Street. ' fob'n "i . i " . Sol Bear & Droc, 18 & 20 Market street, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, booto & onoao 11 A T S V N 0 T I O Nl-.i c One of the Largest and Most Complete Stoeks in the City or SUte, Which cc guarantee to sell at New York Prices. We respectfully request the public to ex amine our Stock before purchasing els awhera. frb ii sol Bear & r0s.' RIew Design. AN 1NV0ICE 0F CL0CKS of. entirely new designs has just been receired and are being, sold at ext eiuely low figures ; also a fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHES, SEAL and PLAIN GOLD BINGES and LADIES'. and.GENTLEMEN'S CHAINS. Work left with me will bc'ncatly tx6 cutcd. All I ask of the Public if . to gire me a tal. 1 J. H. ALLEN. , febl'71 Watchmaker and Jeweller. - WE SELL SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Wood AND Ornamental of every kind at THE VERY LOWEST RATES. Goods arc all manufactured in our Faetory at this place under our own supervision, v We dcrr competition and solicit a trial. ' . ALTAFFER & HILL, - STILL MOTH! F. WALCOTT, BURNT OUT OX 10th inst. Tapers fonrarded 17th insL Iosf paid without bisccuiiiv ' 27th inst. John w. gordon & Bito. 1 General Insurance Agents,. 21 NorUi Water Bt. AFTRST-CLASS SUA VE with Bar Bum, only 10 cents. Stylish hair cut, 25 cents. Lucious Shampoo by . uaehinery 1$ cents. Moustache dyed, 25 cents, w Evcrythiag dne in silence. A liberal reduction to. mmithlv customers at the reat Rofo-in Barber Shop, under the First National Bank. Conrintf try the new and skilled barbers. teb -n I. FITRir xsavi Dancing JR. FRANK lAG08Tm8 DANCING SCHOOL will be opened to-nJght ta Temper ance llall,- opposite' City Hall. Geatiemen's Clissat 8 o'clock. Class for Ladies and ChiM ren Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday after noons at 2 o'clock. Prirate lesions iren at residences when desired j fa . inch 5 ' " ' FBESH TO-MORROW MORNICL AT THE HEW HEAT DEPOT ALSO Fresh 3?ork OanAAes njffs . Poultry, Clc . s CORNER FOURTH A MTJLBETIBT STSi roch 3 v yr . E. N. SELLERS. HARRr BERNARD, e ireU . knon. Candy Manbfacturer, corner- Front and Cas le streets, is prepared to manufacture Candy for the trade and prirate families. i -Orders solicited. dec I riniTixisERS. sc. I dwaKi for mm THE CELEBRATEP FERTILIZE ! IS OFFERED OH THE ni ON CREDHr IX) 1st NO VpMBEU, 1 f 7 7, jt $?0.00 per loi,; Vrin& ri Ontton. oh the basis of 15 cents or Middling, doliycm! at Phi,U: depots (Hanter paying expenses on To the Farmer in buying on these terms U plain, a ho will laiovv' whl v Guano, that 407 pound Cotton (Middling) wilt pky for a Urn, m ntaticr h ii price may be, and can make his calculations accordingly. ; . , .. THE QUALitY 1 a&'haa ben thoroughly established by . . sold. Uur igenis sen on same xci ins. X inponTLno aiid Charleston, si 3 - Ve do not publifth certificates, hardly any section in South Carolina, n is not usexi, ana instead oi giving your immediate neighborhood who value. JA8, Ti PETTE WAY, Ag't, jan 15 Miscellaneous. X pointed Iteffistrars of Election fur City of WilmiBffton, for the apDroachinsr nicipal elcetiou , to be held on the fourth Thursday in tbe month, the 22d inst., and having duly qualified as such, hareby notify al! concerned that the Registration books will be opened, 'in accordance with the require ments of the Mt, every day, . except Sundar, Beginning wim vt eancsaay, jvarcn vtu, 9 o'clock, a m. to 0 o'clock, d m.. at ih lowing places as specified in the. act of rai Assembly, which are as follows : First Ward. Upper Division L? J Thorn ton's Store, Corner th and Harnett streets. First r Ward, Lower Division Stables Car Company, Corner Red Cross and 7th Second Ward at Court House. Third Ward Oiblem Lod ire. Corner and Princess streets. ; ! - I Fourth Ward Encinc House ou Ann between Front and Second sts. 1 1 Fifth Ward Store of Isaac N. Shame, Q oen between 4th and 5th sts. !r' U J. THORNTON, I Kegl-trar First Ward, Upper Division. "' ' w. H. yopi; . . ' I '' ''. ; Registrar First Ward, Lower ijivMoi?. T.C.AIES, ; I Registrar Second Ward. " ; : JAMES WKING, ' , Registrar Third Ward. C. W. OLDHAM, 1 ' 1 Registrar Fowl h WHni. JNa d BlILLIS ) Registrar Fifth Ward. tAarch 6 1877 .'. ;;: '.a I ; i877 IirDEX-APPEAli, ' . , ; r ' Daily and Weekly.) j h Pabllshed In Petersburg, Va-, Js d.ivoteil to mucuk ikwb, local at) oi political and soci fearlesa advocacy c Kiyioreign: dlscnssloii al topics, and free and t the rights and interest "i van people, its commerclnl reports are flsedjipon actual tran&actkmn, oikI may e Fv. ? Opon m acenrate. The ablest Journal istic talent of. tbe Stata Ja, to 4ts tmpkr Vlstlant. ami reliable mrm of eTTnZZAi a ontrttmtethe latest news and gossip from ail important centres. And no fTVirt iu sna to make It aflrst-claas family newspupop. of any Viriclnia trxt SCBSCSTPTrniir , . r DAILY (one rear) - . sixmomns . three months U - one month . .. WEEKLY (one year) - - alx montlig - . - ts? b9'urhedl th? 8endftr sfpecimen copr. ; i f INOJa-ALPPiSAL PUB. CO., - " - ' Petembnrg. V. cotrTelrcSia Soathalae Vlrwlnla, aud the lar cfi,i!i! tioa in rortn Carolina C -Catiden Journal, PS J9P$ "X? T, t Camden, A. "S-CIs the oldest-established paper in Kershaw county, and has an extensive Circu lation among the Merchants, Farmers and all claoeaof business men in the county. 7 l ff " to tae Merchants of Wilmington desirable medium for adfertising, the eoaatr n44nungton, CohmbUand Augoata . Liberal terms wiU be made wita thosede JriBf to adrertise. Subseription price $2 50 peranum. Address . - . - . J'RABrTHAi! 4 HAT, : - y Editors and Proprietor.. J . ph9 Oalisbnry Banner. -pSTABUSHKD IN 1869, thoroughly and SemoUe Printed Weekly and Tri-Weekly at $2 and $5. Address, 3 fnv ' vJ- J- STEWART K Iitr and Proprietor, Ssiiab'ssry, C FOLLOWING LIBERAL TERM Guano to destination.) , ; OFTHIS GUAXU IS : the use Cf tho many thousand 'lois 1. I dtjaltjh3 in quano, , and Savannah, C as the MANIPULATED GU AXu U ., Georgia, North Carolina, or Alibanu. r.l certinuatca wu wuum ruier you 10 tueiM have used it, who can testify J'ni.t:&u WILIWEIZMaTOn, u, c the mu All the latent luipauvcmeuto cyiubiai.J it the organa and pianos inauufactarctl bj lrom fni. Gen. Was gton, W. J, Sl tt. 8th 1 lo all who wish to rurclmioj ciili:: lA?f or I'iANO we can truthfully u for. ' '-. ;' et.. ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTIOI cn Beautiful, Finish and Sued Musi! Qualities, our instruuieuU U-U , rank with thoss of that Most Celebrated Mannfaclss , Oar only , claim to faroritlm over ti' leading manufacturers id Our Low Prices, reduced to meeting the lequirewetite times. Determined not ; to . be uc': and at the same time f urn thins that we fully V WARRANT FOR FIVE YE Hiat ''we aj an opnortunil v. to prove aatifiicrilj" ... " . . - w e here asserL ' ! V '. Our PIANOS are furwilhcd m ItU - ImpoTei frencli Grand .... (t)in Ltx tont in u.ioi; ' thev are also HEAVILY STRtJ.VG improred wircf and the cascs'arc i'f wood perfectly seasoned and . :' WARRANTED NOT TO WARl. ' ; Our ORGANS are furnChejjl i V modern iniproromeibjas MeUph acti vrhilef tbe t CASES aref 6frthc. rwen f lt style, faiulraVly giir)hp parlor. ,J3cnd for nbtratcdat$cj&3' Addrcu;, , CQRSISU & C& jan 6 Washington, 'ew j; r: ?6 00 50 T2 00 1 00 s?: l " Tne Iiandm3rR, PUBLISHED at StatciTiUc, Ift"! N. C. is tho leading Scyfsmvet ! ern North rMiin. ... iJ Uined a rarger local circulation per erer heretofore pablisked in ?T$t Its circulation in Alexander, Alleghany, . Yadkin, Darie and largerv than .thai of any two PPr:k3; State combined, and is rapidly stroog foothold in Forsytbe, tnrr nd WesUrn Mecklenburg. 1 '.. .trr' It is the only paper in Wwtera luia that employs a Regular A,f Agent, and Is thua kepi constanur people. Under this system a rapiaJJ. Mg circulation is , the -result m7g i Landmark the beat advertising f ,j .Western North Carolina. rff 1 "Address, J h- 1 " '1AXD5IA i i - 1 1 1 1 i " rmiE DATf.Y nvTi.:w i'l fi "'---Tj S: 'yif j ' ' I . ' 1 " i COMM m.w M uic vuiy ieiO(Ku l'r J(.it m iredcll coupty ono I F Wi!tV wealthiest counties in th'e SUtc51 4 '"MHIM.tB M 'rv v

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