4 ..abluhoJ vverj afternoon, Sunday ex- I ccptcd by JOSII. T. JAMES, KlUTUR AND PROPKIETOU. , "III ' -' ' sl IWCHIPTIONH, POSTAGE PAIR Oiic vear, $o! 0 ; Six months, $2 60; 'Tui-vu IJD( louthil $1 25 ; One month, 50cent. The uapr will be aenverea Dy carncre, . . . (,t-c ofcbarjje, in any part of the city, at the i,ut rH W 13 centJ per week. AJveftiin fate Ion and liberal. tfy Subscribers will please report any and ll failures to receive their paper regularly. CAROUNA. Tv.uty-onc prisoners in Wake j.iii. The trait crop about Raleigh is not in Ji.rjd iis'jttj i- ;j ' j ; J K'gt ration for tlie municipal iltctiun now in rler in Iialeigh. Uovcnuc collections in RaU'igh on Mon i av Amounted to $12,1-14 L'.j. ).xf nl is: to have ta new -paper next vck, 1-j he called tbe rce Laikc. flic recent rains, have filled the water c Miit s aru'und llalcigh to ovcriluwing. Tlie Deiii)crats in llalcigh will nominate Ihi ir i aihIkI acs for ! AUlermcn next Tiie-s- Tlw re are 02 cases! on tho iun.iiiohs iWUt for the Spring term of Wake Supe- jjJ(r Court , In 180 1 there was only one, dray .in 1.l;i!cii:h' and now I there are over one humlred. The Sta c Auditor is. engaged inprxpar- ii," tax list forms for the several counties of the StatcJ : i 1 Kev. lirj; Pritchard, of Raleigh will mm inititi te a series of meetings in the l;.tptit'Church at Chapel Hill. .'The Ireiht on the -North Carolina rail rad is unSkually large ; the capacity ol tlie entire rolling stock is taxed to its ut most, j j i Four sill's were entered against the j North (Jiii)liuA Agricultural Society Mon tlay. The aggregate amount is $10,000, II.n. Thomas ,S. Ashe has been select ed to Welivtr the Address before the Lit erary Societies at X. C. College, Mt. J'Jcasant, atjCommenccinent iu June next. Yesterday's. Charlotte Observer says ; "("...od bve fruit." is what thev were nre- dicting laji, iiight, but it was both cloudy ;md wimlyj up to 1 o'clock, and this will probably tsavc it. i At I'trspn Street Methcdist Church in Haiti nil oirSuiulav last 10 fnersms con- Leeted - themselves with the church, juakirig in all 39 accessions since the com mencement of the lato rcviva'. Kev. U L. Abcrnethy, ! Tiesidcnt of llutbtrford (Jollegc, in JJurke county, has .secured I he services of Prof. Moll'at, the well known Scottish orator and scholar, t deliver leetu res at various points in the fct.tte for tbc benefit ot that institution The Raleigh Xeios says; Gov, Vance will leave fyr Morgapton on 'Tliucsday next, so as to be there on the adjournment t'f Ibo meetui2 of the Directors of the Western North Carolina Railroad. It is strictly a business trip and he will only be absent a few days. i5: 1 The Monroe Kinmircr says: The gold ffver a on the increase in this couuty. iSevtraLmincs are being worked on a small .Hctli. The iBank bought! 100 penny- wtiulits one day last week and 150 the next da v. There is no doubt that Union comity is rich with gold, and we hope to m- .some mines opened up and properly v.orkcd at jaii early day, ; I The .Raleigh i Acecs says: During thr Vuinmenament exercises at Wake Forest 1 1 1 ; i i ! I .1 . l ' . .1 1 M-Mieg., wjnicn lanes place in tne cany Vart crf June, Hon. D. G. Fowle, of this ity, will deliver the annual address be ic the two literary societies. Rev. Dr. I. A. Tupper, of Richmond, Va., has ac cptctl the invitation to preach the fiacac mr.ate sefrnon,' aud Rev. F. If. Ivey de- ivers the address before the Alumni As- Miition. Tl IS NOON'S MAIL.. if New York Herald. Washixotox. March 2G. 1877. IM,N CXMEKOX AD OOVEKNOIt VANCK. The foliowincr oennerv bit of corrcs- pultuce between Don; Cameron, the ex- creury of j War, and; Governor Vance, It North Carolina, throws some light ou toe rresidential camjeign as it was con- CllCtOtl in fht liftor Sif.itn t j War 'Department, ) -'Washington, Jan. 261877. j' " ,nin Governor or Tin: State of Neurit Carolina :- Sir I resncctfullv ! rcnucst that vou L 1 1 . (-'I i A r ill hruish tins dcoartmeut with a cora- ltt set of the rciwrts of the Adiutaut antral of vou r State for the vcais 18G1-6 elusive, for uso in connection with the facial, records of tbe war of the rebellion for f'lblicatioii.J Express ! charges for the nc will b(j paid by the Departmrnt. 1 your obedient servant, J. 1). CAMERON, Secretary of War. EsEtfTiYE Department, ) J i RaleigoI Feb. 5. 1877. f u the Honorable J. D. Camebon, Secre tary of War: ;' ; I, I Sir Your letter, asking me to furnish ou with 4 bom ulete set of the nMinrr-s nf he, AdjiiUnt-Gcncral of this State for the ears ieoi-0, inclusive, has been received. It would lafford me I creat hIpa niply with the request if anv nutu:ilitv ould be iufuseil into the transaction. In 5, one ! mouth Lafter General Sherman aj issued his proclamation anuouncing cessation af hostilities and forbidding k further seizure of property in North raroima, thclettcr books of the executive ".una State were seized at Greensboro Mura them or to obtain copies for the i ,tvT,,v wulcn nas been pcr- NtcntlV rcfusOil. Mv nrrvl u r , i-'"--voovi, viol cr- ! I ort , ' on one occasion scut a special ugcr to Washincrton Wit It 111 nrmint - ..yui iiWMl HOOKS, to uc used in a ''t Knding in our courts wherein THIS PAPEK 1 i i hi placed in tho War Department at asninston, where thejr now remain. 1 crmissiou has been n.skrd a VOL. i. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH '58, 'l$77;v NO. 58 the Sta!c was interested, which reasonable rcmicat was rtfused. In 1871, while I was ih Washington seeking admission to my seat in the United States Senate, ,a slanderous article appeared in the DaUy Uironicle charging me witli cruelty ' to wards the Federal prisoners confined at Salisbury. The refutation of this calumny was contained in certain official letters re corded in those books, I went in person to the War Department.stated myobject,and asked permission to copy two letters which contained my full vindication, and was refused on the ground, as was assigned, that no copies would beV!1 without the authority of Congress. And yet last spring when I met my competitor, Judge Settle, who was the republican candidate for Governor, 1 found him supplied with an arnlfut of garbled and muiilatcu copies of these same official letters, certified as true copies by. yourself as Secretary ot V ar, Avith the great seal duly attached 1 aplied to Congress, believing tliat body would feel it beneath the dignity of a great Republic to suppress the truth in order to oppress so hnmble an individual as inyself. A resolution which would have effected my object was promptly passed by the House of Representatives and was as promptly laid, on the table in the Senate. 1 . " Under this state of things, therefor, I should deem myself wanting both in self- respect and in appreciation of tho office which I have the honor to fill, were I to comply with your request. Wero it otherwise I should most gladly furnish you the required documents, first because it would. anord me real pleasure to extend this or , any other official courtes', and secondly; because t would be proud for the world to kiiow how faithfully and nobly the pople of North Carolina struggled to maintain the cause, whether right or wrong, in which they considered their rights? and honor to be involved. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient svrvant, ' . Z. B. Vasce. Judge Cloud Indicted, i - - In the language of his Judgeship, we would say, I 4thar now, they have gone and done it ;M or, to be still moro explicit, we would state that the Grand Jury of Surry county has indictqd Judge Cloud for an assaultf on the Clerk 'of the Court, committed last Fall. It is related that the anger ot His Honor upon the memora ble occasion resembled the matterings of a terrific storm aud was something fear- ful to behold. In tho language of Bret Ilartc, ho went for that "heathern Chinee," and catching hi in by the nape of the neck, as doth a cat her kittens, he tossed him through the office window with the ease of p. giant. The only Exclamation His Honor uttered when his opponent disap peared through the window was "Thar now," and he was again ready to dispense justice, aud, if need be.to use tho strong arm of the law to enforce proper respect for his judicial position. -Charlotte 06 scrccr. , The Mai4s. The Mails cIom? and arrive at the City rostottie , . follows : ; CLOSE. Northern through mails - - - 5:15 PM Northern through autl way "mails. 8:15 A M Mulls for tho N. C. ltallroad, and routes supplied therefrom - -5:15 PM Jiout hern malls lor all points Houth, daily - - - - 6:S0 P M Western mails (C. C. R. W.) dally (except .Sunday) - - - '6:00 A M l-'ayetteville, and offices on Capo 1-Vur ltiver; Tuesdays and Fri- ' days - - --- - 1:00 p M Fayette ville by C. C. R. W. daily, (except Sundays) - - - 6:00 A M Onslow C. 11. and intermediate of fices every Friday - - - 0:W A M Smithville mails," by steamboftt, daily, (except Sundays) - - 2!X) P M Maiis for Kasy Hill, Town Creek, supply, shallotte and little ltivcr, every Friday at - - 0:00 A M AKR1VE. Northern through mails - .--.12:15 PM Northern through and way mails. 7:15 I M Southern mails - - - 9.1)0 A M Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7m P. M..'nd on Sundays from 8:0 to 9-KJ A. M.' .. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 1. M. Money order and Itegister Deiartments open sume as stamp orrice. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp oltice is ciosed. , . Key Boxes accessible at4 ail hours, day and night. , Mails collected from street boxes even day at t:J P. M. ' ' . New AdTertisements. ' AY. J. Goaoov, Sect,y-Wflmirgton Hook and Ladder Co.', No. 1. See Notice of the Bank officers. Cronlt 4 MoRRiaAuction Notice. A. SiiRiEn. Collars by the bucket full 23 ccnU a bucket. Our Jricnds and patrotis trill please understand Uu.it carrier boys are not n ic:i to sdl cojucs of the Review J Tit ' v - m t icase ao not buy oj them or encourage them io sell as it trill positively cost the boy ihs situation ichen detected. M iUhJay Thursday to-morroV. Beautiful, clear and moonlight last night, but too cool for promenaders. Read our special telegrams from Golds b)TO and Kaleigh. There is a general complaint among the butchers of the scarcity of beef in this market. Asa rule, the poor arc more wasteful than the rich- one reason why they remain poor. .. . LOCAL NEWS. " . ' v GO VXtIf OR HAMPTON ! En Route to Washington City His Reception in Wilmington The Demonstration In Honor of Him at the Depot The Purpose of His Visit to President HaTes The fact having been made known that Governor Hampton, of South Carolina, would pass through our city this moruiug. en route to Washington in response 'to the inritation of Tresident Hayes, a large concourse of citizens assembled at the 1 raUrpad depot to. do hint, honor. ThWl!iiugta ;CoraeV Cncert Club were there in full force, and as the train rolled into the depot they discoursed one of their gladest strains to hail tho arrival of the distinguished sentleman. The train reached here somewhat earlier than usual, and by this considerate arrange ment our people were afforded more time to see and hear the Governor. Governor Hampton was accompanied by Gen. M. C, Butler, United States Senator-elect from South Carolina, aud also by, ; Geu." " Conner, the ' Attor nej--General of the State. Hon. A. M. Waddell, our Congressman, when the band had ceased playing and a change of cars been effected by the passengers, appeared upon the platform of the northward' bound parlor car aud welcomed the Governor in a neat and ap propriate address of a few minutes' length. Col. Waddell said that Governor Hamil ton needed ma introduction to North Caro linians, and took occasion to assure him iof our respectful sympathies. At the conclusion of Col. WaddeU's re marks of welcome, loud cries for Hampton wont up from the assembled throng and loud and prolonged cheers greeted his ap pearance. Of tall and couimauding statue, somewhat portly in build, with a magnifi cent head aud benevolent expression of countenance, with a courtly dignity of manner and a military carriage, the impression he produces is always a tine one. ..... '.''. , - v."'-- - The Governor said' he felt that he needed no introduction to North Caro linians. He was too familiar with their presence and services as soldiers of his command during the late .war, where they were among the best of his troops. 'He said that he was goiug to Washington, a1 the request of the President of the United States, but simply to assure him of the fact that he (Gov. Hampton) had been elected by the people of South Carolina as their Governor; that he went not to seek recognition at the hands of the President of the United States, for he had- a' ready been recognized by thejr people of his State the only tribunal to which such recognition belonged; that he would take pleasure in assuring the President of the complete establishment of the government of South CaroliEa and its ability and per fect desire to protect all classes in the full enjoyment of their rights. He deemed his cause the cause of every American citizen. In conclusion Gov. Hampton said he felt cheered and encouraged in the cause of right1 by the kind demonstration here made in his honor. The band then played a lively and in spiriting air, and when the music ceased loud calls were made for Gen. Butler, in response to which this gentleman nct appeared upon the platform of the car. Gen. Butler is a fine looking soldierly man, with determination strongly written upon his otherwise placid countenance. His remarks were few but eloquent and proclatmed4rim at once a powerful. and practiced speaker. . He reiterated iu sub stance what Gov. Hampton had said as to the intention of his visit, and expressed the same seiitiments in regard to, recog nition. Calls were theu made for Gen. Conner, but that gentleman did not appear. The train did not depart, for several minutes after the speaking had ceased, and the band continued its musiy,vhilc thecitizens were occupied with a friendly hand shaking with the G jvvrnor aud" his companions in the car. Many of our lead ing aud most distinguished citizens were there to greet him, and all received from him a courteous welcome. The crowd in the depot numbered hundreds and; were no mere curiosity seekers-. Th Governor and party had scat in an elegant parlor car, and the tram finally moved off amid cheers from the crowd and music from the baud. Tle people then quietly dispersed to their business and homes. ' A good way to save these hard times is to do as the proverb says, Laugh and grow fat." ; -r-.- srv ' - . , ,5-..' : ; v 1 M 4 rvt THE FIRE FIEim LARGE l'lRES IN C UNOJON A ND ENFIELD. Hit The Eutire Business ; JPprtion of Clinton Consumed Nearly j the Whole Town in Ashesr-IIeaVr Losses, estimated at from $S9jp00 to $50,oo:. -'T Special to the ItKViKW. " " -Goldsboro, N. C, March 28, 1877. The business part of Clinton was buroed laiA night. .The fir Jbrokc out in Reich man's store at 10 o'clock. J. W. Stevens, Dr. Lee, A. C. S. Powell, C. P. Johnson, dwellings and stores; J. H. Hill, A. F. Johnson, Geo. March, W. H. Moore, Thomas Britts, stores: Dr. Caison, E. V, Kerr, othces; also W. A. Faison, house, used as the towu hall; Ed. Borden's dwelling and livery stables were all con sumed. Loss unknown, but heavy. til Trii . . ah oi rinueiu west oi tue track, m- ciuumg nine stores . ana stocKs, way burned last night. Thy fire originated in Levy's store. Loss 00,000 to $50,000. Board of Audit. SFECI.AL TO THE REVIEW. RALEiuir, N. C, March 28, 1877. . The Governor appoints W. D. Mahn, Norwood Giles, 11. J. Jones, David G: Worth and Thomas W. Player, as the Board of Audit and Finance for the city of Wilmington. :. E. From the abivc telegram it will be seen that- Gov. Vance , by virtue of the authori ty vested in him by the new City Bill has made the appointments for, the Board of Audit and Finance for this city. - The term of office isrthe same as that of the members of tho Board of Aldermen and commences on the 1st day of June next and .ends on the 4th day of Marcb, 1879. Banks to Close Good Friday. The Cashiers of the Banks give notice in another column that the SOth being Good Friday no business will be transacted by the Banks of this city on that day. See advertisement. " Attenton Hook 6c Ladder. The Hook & Ladder Truck will be kept in Scott's stables on Princess street oppo site the Opera House until the work of grading Dock street is completed. See ;adv. in, regular column. Came Near Being Left. This morning one of the, newspaper cor respondents travelling with . Governor Hampton and partjy stepped into the earing saloou to refresh the inner man, aud on leaving the dining room found that the train had started off and w;as about one hundred feet ahead of him. He made big licks for the train and caught up before it had gotten from under tho shed. ' - - Canal Meeting..' . We arc requested to announce ; that there will be a public meeting of the citi zens of " Wilmington on Friday uight next, at the Court House, to take iu to consideration iinportaut matters in rela tion to the New lliver Canal. Aaf this work is claimed as a Wiimiugton enter prise, self interest, aud duty both dictate that tho citizens take prompt andjvigur ous action in the matter. Can't Find Theina y ' Squire Gardner was to ha ?o ad judicatcQ the difficulty between James Heaton Clerk of the Superior Court and Ransom Mc Millan a well known violinist, this morn ing, but the officer in whose hands the warrant for the arrest was placed says ho cannot find the parties. ; W. H. Moore J. P. has also issued a waarraut for the arrest of the parties and we see no way of settling the matter as to the J. P's. unless they appoint a "com mission" to decide. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the following report ,3fclqtire, Morris C.ailins; Union town ,, -.' - t. A."-JL. snip Jno. D. Powers, James; H. 3ioore. of the themomcter. as taken this morn- jjj Rivenbark; IJockv Point1 town iu at 7:31 o'clock; Augusta. 48 ; Charlc: uati, Jack son v ville, 38; Lynchburg, Mobile, 50 ; Montgomery, 51 ; A Nash ville, 4 1 ; New Orleans, 50 f New York 31; Norfolk, 43; Pittsburg, 3 L;? Savan nah, CI ; St. Louis, 36 Washingfon, 39; UVilmingtcn,!4U PEBFECT HONESTY GOES HAND IN HAND with excellence and succusl. If you don't believe it weigh a can of Dooley's Yeast Powder and try it in your kitchen. You get full 'weighty and find little more than one-half as compare with others, suffice the purpose of inaldfag the most delicious bread, biscuit, cake, pastry, etc. tn r r . son. A, irtmson; Liincom wwnsnip ; , 4o ; Memphis, 4o; nfcten Vuliams. Josenh O. Bell. Cluilei ! -Che business depression seems to be general, hut we helieve that this the dark" honr whrcapre coeds tho dawnv j " --' - Xjfipt. Jones, of the Steamship Lencfac- tor-rexiotls tWQ inanorinnt liimvt frcn Seward Qoaqijel on the WesterilBar one "is a red and the other a : black buoy! ;s .. ; - - :. une Aactu-aale of 203 ba;s of f"Anrrnontated Dissolved Bones" have been postponctl iintil to-morrow at 10 o'clock. Seo adv. of Crouly 3c Iroriis in another column. t.xdledimeetff-- of UtM ProtTuce Exchange to-morrow, the 20 th inst., at 12 o'clock, to take into considera tion the propriety of closing the Exchange on Good Friday, tbe 30th inst. ' The case of Ed Thomas and Wah Green was continued this morning before Gardner, J. P. The evidcnce being so conflicting sud there being so much poli tics the pie, the)Court will not render its decision until this cvenin 'O' Gave rnor Hampton is accompanied on his trip to Washington by Attorney General Conner, U. S. Senator-elect M. C. Buttler and the following namctl gen tlemen comprising a committee of citizens from Charltstou, viz: Messrs. Kobert Adger, W. C. Bee, W . B. S m i t h . J no. S. Fairley add G. W. Aniory. .Delia Gardner colored women, who has for sometime past been prououced of un sound mind was this moruing drapin' with black string torn from a shawl she hat around her shoulders,, the doors o the Court House and magistrates ofiiccs, stating as her reason, the shawl would be the death of her because it was red. Such : J 1 1 ? i . peraous waiKinii aoouc our - streets is sufficient argument for the-;- speedy establishment'of an asylum for the colored people ia this section of North Carolina The Steamer llegulator, Capt Doan'e, from New York, arrivctl in this port this morniug aud reports having passed yes terday afternoon between Lookout and Frying Pan Shoals Light Shin, spars and sails of a vessel, but was unable to deterr inine what was the character of the ship to which these dismembered portions be longed. The surface of the water for a quarter of a mile in circumference' looked perfectly placid - and smooth.'.; thereby making the inference natural that there must be some heavy body attached "to the lloating spars and sails, probably that of the hull of a ship beneath the: surface. ! Novel Gloves. j .For Jhc Summer the r.ovclty will .be long white mitts that reach up! to the elbow. ' These are very much jworn in Paris at present, and ladies who have been abroad are introducing them in' this country. They cos,t from 2.2-3 to 3 a pair. Black laoe mitts .arc also imported again, ana are nciiiy wrought outsiue the hand ' a? well as inside, llicrc arc r three kinds, the short, the mcdiufn,-and the long mitts ; the fastis without fingers,, and the third arc gloves with regular long fingers closed at the end. They cost from 50c. up to 7. For the Review At a iiublic meeting held at T' 'Pender Court House, on tho 20th day of Decem ber, 18?G, in which delegates were pi cvtit frofai every part of the county, the follow ing named persons were appointetl a ou unit tee on County Government; viz: Johu D. Powers, Wni. T. Enuett, Jas. P. Moore, John IX. Hawcsr F. II.! Bell, C. W. McOammy and Daniel Shaw;. All of the above committee met at Lil lington on the 10th day of February, 1877, and unanimously recommended j the f al lowing named persons for Justices of tl.e Peace for the various townships, viz: Caswell townsi -Jas. F. Mejro, Ja.. Thcrtnpson, Jackson J. Pridgen; Culumbui township--Alfietl C. Ward, Thos H. W; ship Dawson T. Durhamrhos.4L Tate. P. Jloore, . Sr.; Village LillingtouL. ISoutherland ; Holly township Uobcrt T. WilHams, Wm. J. Player, Eli II. Shiver; Uolden township R. W. Collins, Samuel P. Hand, Kobert, Sanders. It wae ordered that, tho chairman aud secretary should sign the list anT present the same to the Legislature and urge their appcintment It was further ordered that after the Legislature made the appointments, that Ihe praxedlirgs of this meeting be made public. Daniel Suaw, (luiruian. W. T. Essr.TT, SccH'taryv j 5tJC 2T5Ciiuaai?Thomas J. Armstrong, Jr.; Grant tow n- itle,W; -rsbipRohertK. Bryan, Nunaa Atkin- 1 I A I . PLEASE KOTlCa from ourfxieMda oB.fny n4.dlfwbti ef cenersl interest bat ' ' ' . . . :i -,f The name; of lie' writer tanst ahraja b forniihed to the Editor. . ComuiuaicttSons mast b rrittem only oaetide of the psper.t t PemjaaliUes mul be avoided. OB And it is especially ttdpartiemlsrlr Uod that Uie editor doc not alwart nteii the views ot.correipondeiits, aslew to ttaUd in the editorial columns. - Quarterly Meetings. Second round of appointments for the U ilmmgton District ofthe Mtthodist E. Church South, as made by Uev. W. S, Black, Presding Elden 1 Onslow. ..March 31-April 1. Bladen, Bethel ... April 78 Elizabeth, Purdies .April 14-15 Smithville, Bethel.......... .April 21-22 Wbiteviile and Waccamaw Mission, at Wayman . . : . .April 28-29 llmingtou, Front Street. . . . May G-G lopsail, Ilerrinir's Chapel... .May 12-13 Cokesburyand Coharrio Mis sion,..,...... j...May 18-20 Uiuton. at Johnson's Chapel. May 2 C-2 Ixcnansville, . , ..June 2 3 ' Apnoiiitments by Bishop At kin lor His Spring Visitation. CTiuton (Good Friday) ; March CO Goldsboro (Easter Day) Windsor.-... . .' ....... .April 1 4 6 8 0 10 11 ia 14 15 17 1 31 22 24 20 20 30 ,2 4 6 6 9 10 n Wood ville, Bertie couuty......"..! Murfieesboro, 1st Sunday after Easter......:....... ... . .-. Winston ......:. 4 .... , ... , Gatesville,. St. Peter's, Gates couuty. . . . Hertford, PerquiKians county. . . Wood ville, ' Elizabeth City, 2nd Sunday after Easter...... ... . . . tl Camden -Mission-......, Eden ton..., : ' St. Luke's, Washington county... St. David's, " . ' , orJ Sunday after Eiister ..... .". . . . Plymouth St. James, Beaufort county St. George's, Hyde county, 11 1th ououujr uuur r.asier Fairfield, Hyde county.. Slattesville Bath .May Zion Church, Beaufort county Washington, " Jamcsvillc, . . .......... ....;U . . . . . Williamston (Ascension Day) . ... Hamilton A . Trinity Church, Scotland Neck . ' iundax" alter Ascension. 13 Collections in behalf of Diocesan Mis- tions will be made at each place. Religious Services. t. John's church,; . ' March 29th. Thursday before Fister. Morning Prayer 7 a. m. Evening Prayer 5 p: m. Institution of the Last; Supper S p. in. ' March 30th. Good Friday. Morning Prayer, Litany and Ante-Communion Of fice with sermon 11a. in. Evening Prayer 5 p. m. - ' !.- .March 31t. Easter Even Morning: Prayer and Aute-Communiou Office 7 a. m. Eveniug Prayer 2 p. m. April 1st. -Easter Day. 1st Cdcbra-. tion of the Holy Eucharist 7J a. in,. Morning; Prayer with Second Celebration ' 11 a. m. Children's Choral Service 4h p.m. Even ing Prayer with Sermon. 8 p. m. April 2ikJ. Monday in Easter Wcek.' Morning Prayer 7 a. m. Evening, Prayer o'j). m ."''',; - April 3rd. Tuesday iu Easter Week. Morning Prayer 7'. a: m. Evcniiii? Prarrr 3 p. m. . ;.. Wonderful Success. Jt is reported; that Boschce's German Syrup has, since its introduction in tbe united States, reached the immense ul of 10,000 dozen per year. Over 0,000 Druggists have ordered this .medieini direct' from the Factory, at Woodbury, N. .J.,':ind not i nc has, reported a single fail- uie. i ui every letter siKMk of it itm. mng -feuc :ss. in curing severe Oouffhs. Ojld.i. settled on the Breast, Consumptiou, or any dUca.v- of tho Throat aud Lungs. We adyi.-o uny person that has any pre- dispooUiua to weak Lungs,' to go to their Druil.-, and get this Medicine, or In- v quire about it. Begular size, 70 cents. Sample Bottle, 10 tents. Two docs will relieve any case. Don t neglect C'.'Uh. yoor In tl etftTcatiou and creueral in. us aire ol telligence, the household is hardly coraplet, without a Cornish & Co. Piano or Organ. Head the advertisement in another CDlumn and then send for illustrated catalogue and price list. . jan 8. Wew Advertisomenta. Auction Notice! rpiIK UNDEItWRITP.ita SALE of S ' L. Uajrj of Ammoniated Duaolved Booev" w postponed until tomorrow (TIH7KSDAY) morning, at 10 o'clock, at which time it will take place on board of lighter la front of ow, otfice, South Water street, inch 'li CKO.VLV A MORRIS, Aetrs. Wilmington Hooi & Laiier Co., Ifa. l, TTEXTIOX ! V. .- v Tu j areberebj ordered ia tac of an alarm of Fire, to awcmble at SCOTT'S STABLES, m Princew, betwees Third iu-1 FunrtL streets, until further Botice. Mv order of the Foreman, 'UCU W.-J. GORDON, Seet'y. Notice. riiIE 50TI1 I.VST., BEIXG GOOD rRI- LAY, Dd bosiaeaj will be transacted by tb. Uankiof this city on that dsy. k A. K. WALKER, Cashier l int National Bank- f " W3I. LARKiyS, CasLicr The Dswsoa Bant. '. S. D. WALLACE Cashier tlio Itnk of New Hanover. inch i . r