THIS PAPER puolUbtxi crerj afternoon, bundaya ex ' ! j cepted by JOS II. T. JAMES, HlilTOK A!CD FROPBIBTOK. H.sCKPTIONS.IO.STAGE PAID. ,.. year, $5 00; Six montha, 2 50; Three uiontha, $1 25 ; One month, 60 cents. The paper will be deUrered bj carriers, ,e of charge, in any part of the city, at the ire ove ratee, or i ceau per wee. Advertising rates low and liberal. y-SabacribeM will please report ny and U failures to rcceire their papen regularly. I . - ! 1. j (Charlotte Otrer, 6th. WADE IIABIPTOfl. ills Reception In Charlotte The Knthuniaam Unbounded Ills Ad-dress-Ilis Impressions of Hayei, & V. Honors that Await Hint. j s .oiivHS it wa definitely known that .V. ' IlitlMHHUU WUUIU VCI.4IUIJ rtlllTC III tiir city Uit night, preparation were iui ii;i.Mliatcly .bgun for1 bis reception. Tht Military and fire companies of the city .vui o afl not ified to appear at the depot to ii.cet him. j! The ladies turned, out in full to decorate the car which is to carry Uhi to Columbia this mcrniug, and beau tifully 'has it been done. Sou flfter dark the special train from (joluiabia arrived bringing a delegation of aUut 'sixty prominent citizens of Colum lili ami many from other points along the liiif, together with the Columbia Comet ji.UKl. ' ' At 0 o'clock the Hornest's Nest RiHe jlcii and the fire companies met in Inde pendence ipiare and marched to the dc-j-lit.. healed jby the Cornet Band. They were s wu joined tliere by the Cadets of the (iiroliiia Military Institute. The compa nies were all fully represented, and be sides these a perfittt multitude of citizens -athered there to greet the Governor of South Carolina. ' " And wheii he did arrive the enthusiasm was unbounded, lie.1 was met" by Col. Win. J.dinston, Mayor of the city, aud oilier, anj escorted to the Hotel amid tlarrs and hiizas, 'and such demonstra tions as hayo scarcely been equalled .here ieforc. The balconies of the hotel, and all tho windows near the square were Jilled by chief. ladies ; waving their handker- As soon' as he entered the Hotel, the ics of "lU cr lampton ! . Him p ton 1" rent the air, and a few moments alter Col. Johns ton appeared on the balcony and present ed the "Uvernor of South Carolina" to the enthusiastic crowd. A he appeared the light of the torches and bonfires giv ing a full! j view of his face, there was another prolonged shout for Hampton :ui I Soutli Carolina. After 'thanking the citizens of the 'Old Ni'i jh State" for those unexpected demonstrations, and alluding to the deep feeling ot' gratitude which this and other evidences of esteem which had greeted him along ,-thojj 'read, had caused to rese inj his heart, ho spoke; somewhat as fol lows: 1 1 ft For the first time in ten years I can as 'a, if rcemau, address you as fellow citizens. In South Carolina. wo have not been free ; 4 wc htvofbten restrained from exercising 1 1 lie privileges of free men, but thanks to a he united effors of all the good citizens ;of that iStaie without distinction of the men, women and children we can now claim that privilege. jWo made a plat form so broad, so that all who were lighting for South Carolina could juud upon it. We proclaimed that we were uot contending for party wo asked all gio I men to rise aboro party ,and they .did it white,; black and all. 1 le'l you l i'fe frankly that but for the votes of gi.iod and onest black men, I should not now bo called. Governor. i 1 . I oufessj that when. I went to Wast ington, I went with a prejudice against the Administration. I went there to tell w hat we had done, and what we deman ded, and I met with sympathy and. sup port. -Mr Hayes, out of respect for the position which he occupies, out of respect lor mc, nevr for once made allusion to any compromise, but came forward man fully, uud ordered the Avithdrawal of the trooos from the State IInnu T !(. ,.m g- - - - . - - a w ji a&j with the impression that ho is sincerely doirous of doing all in his power to pro mote pcace'and prosperity throughout the land, and of enforcing the Constitution and tho laws. "That is all you want" said a voice in the crowd. Yes, that is allj we want. assured him that it should ledouc iu my own State, and, so help me tiud, it shall be done. We pledge our selves to this, and I can confidently say that we will not fail in iis execution. . ! And now my friends of the "Old North State" let me thank you again for this evidence of your kindness. When th re turn to South Carolina I shall tell ' them ot the sympathy which her sister State manifested here and elsewhere for her. It will stimulate her to .stronger efforts. We hope at no distant day to place her again side by aide with her sister State of North Carolina. This is our desire, and ' tfns the work before us. '!.''. The short and pointed address was de livered in a clear and ringiug voice, and was received with numerous cheers and expressions' of approval, and with a tre-1 meudous shout at its close. Cens. Coo her, JJutler and others' Were called for but were not among tbe pajtv. Col McMaster appeared iu response to calls and addressed the crowd in a slftrt peecb, thanking them for the demon stration inj honor of Gov Hamptou. The crowd then reluctantly dispersed. The special train will leave here this morning at 9 o'clock. ! A number of our citizens will go with the Hampton iartv to Columbia, ; !)VC tht the people along the hue f the road are wild with excitement. The ladies at Kock Hill, Chester and other points are preparing to load the car down with flowers. At Chester a triumphal arch has been erected across the -track. It is thought that the train will not be able to carry half of the people who will want to go to Colombia. At Danville and irthex poiuts in Vir ginia, and at all towns alonj the lino, of the raid in this State, the' Governor wrj f in VOL. 2. met by largo crowds anxious lo do him honor. Verily be is the hero of the) hour. A telezram was received from . Gov Vance, vesterdav. rezrettins hia inabiW ity to meet Got Hampton hert. .Sejtnl attempts have been made to brinraha two Governors together, but ootn faro been so taken ud with the affairs of their respective States, that it has been an imposiibility. We can speak for our side, and say that . uov. ance is anxiouslv looking forward to the time. wjien he shall stand face to face with Hampton and make the memorable re mark of tho Governor of North Carolina to the Governor of South Carolina. The Halls. , The Malls close and arrive at the City Postoffic follows: exosr. - i Northern throuffh. maila - - - 3:15- P M Northern through and way malls. SMS A M Mails ror the JN. u. Kauroad, ana routes supplied therefrom - - 5:15 P M Southern mails for all roints South. daily - - - - - 6.-S0 P U Western malls (C. C. It. W.) dailv (except bunday ) - - - 6aT0 A M Fayetteville, and offices ton Cape Fear River. Tuesdays and Fri days - - - - - - 10 P If Favetteville by C. C. R. W. dally. (except sunaays) - - - e:w a m. Onslow C. li. and Intermediate of- flces every Friday - - - 6:00 A M Smithville mails, bv ateamboat. daily, (except Sundays) - - 2:tX) P H Mails "lor Easy Hill, Town Creek, Sutrolv. Bhallotte and Little River, every Friday at - -6:00 A M AKRIVE. Northern through malls - ' - 12:15 P M Northern through and way malls.' 7:15 P M Southern mails ------ - 9.-00 A M Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7.-00 P. M., aud on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order and Register Departments open same as stamp omce. stamps for sale at general delivery when Ktamn ofnee is ciosed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. f- Malls collected from street boxes every day at i:w r. n. r LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. A. If. Andrews, New York City Home UealthLift. Heixsberqeb New Music. See ad Brock V Exchange. A. David Spring and Saminer Clothing. Giles A Mcrchisox Fishing Tackle. A. Shrikr. Collars by the backet fijll 2 cents a bucket. For Church Services sec 4th page. The Grand Lodge of Odd-Fellows meets in Ualeigh on the 10th of May. Cut one interment an infant, in Pine Forest (coloml) Cemetery this Tveek. IJrig John Pierce, Townsend, from this port, Hrrivcil iu . Cardenas on the 28th ult. Schooner J. P. Wyman, Urauu, cleared from Baltimore on the 5th inst. for this port. Br. barque Ella Holt, Serrard, sailed on oa the lGth ult., from Kingston, J., for this port. There has been butone interment, an aduult female, in Oaktlale Cemetery this week. . ' Schr. Annie Barton. McNealy, from this port, arrived at St. John's P. Ii. on the 22d ult. Miss Mary Anderson, the young trage dienne, will probably appear in New York during the fall season. Pants will be worn larger at the knee and wit'a little or no spring. This will suit many who expected no spring pants. Furs and overcoats were not uncomfort able this morning, and yesterday every body wanted to go to work in this shirt sleeves. p The latest counterfeit out is that of beeswax. It is made of tallow and alum, and so perfect is the resemblance that even judges are deceived. Work upon the branch turnpike to Ma sonboro Sound, spoken of by us a week ago as in projection, has been begun un der the direction of Mr. James Nolan. Schr. St. Croix, bound from this porl from Bucksport, Me., put in at Vineyard Haven on the 5th inst., having lost part of her deck load of lumber in a gale on the 28th ult. April term of Superior Court, for New Hanover County, convenes in this city on the 23rd inst., two weeks from next Mon day. His Honor Judge Seymour -will preside. - ' At the meeting of thcTildcn aud Vance Guards, held last -night, it was decided that tho organization be clisbandand that the amount on hand in the treasury be turned over to the Ladies Benevolent Society. , The letters which were advertised in yesterday's Review as found on the street were claimed before supper' last night, which is another link in the chain ef evi dence which goes to prove that everybody in Wilmington rends the I?ETTTr WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL ' Board of Aldermen. Thm wm1T'rfii-mnnthlv meetilitT of the Board of Aldermen was held at the Gty Hall last evening, present His Honor the Mayor, and Aldermen Atkinson, Adrian, Colville, Katz,' Mitchell, Holmes, Banks and Gardner. - The General Tax Ordinance was revis ed and a few alterations made and adopted. An ordinance in relation to dogs was offered and adopted. It provides lint male dogs shall be taxed one, dollar and female dogs three dollars. That eiicu dug shall be registered on or before , the 1st day of May of each year, and that the owner shall provide a collar with his name and the letters C. W. inscribed thereon. That no fierce, viqious or dangerous dogs shall be allowed to go at large unless securely muzzled, or tethered. : That any person may be allowed to kill any dog assaulting him outside of the en closure of its owner or keeper. Heavy penalties are provided for viola tions of any of the above. An ordinance in reference to weighing and selling beef cattle in the city of Wil mington was adopted. It provides that all live beef cattle shall, before being offered for sale, be weighed and examined by the deputy Clerk of the Market, and a certificate given in regulation there to ; that no beef shall be offered for sale until the hide, ears, horns and feet of the animal slain shall have been shown the Clerk of the Market. The Clerk shall be allowed 15. cents for weighing and exam ining each animal and 10 cents for issuing certificate; ; the ordinance to go iiito effect April 15th, 1877. i, ' A,n. ordinance was passed .forbiddiugj; any train, car or. locomotive stmding across any street so as to prevent p'aos.'gc. It provides that twenty feet near the centre of the street shall be always kept clear; that where the inclined grade furnishes momentum not more than two cars shall be moved, at one time, aud not faster than five miles an hour, nor wit hout abrakeman ; that, all trains or engines aha 11 have a man in front of the locmotive and one on the. tender; or near the car the bell shall be rung while crossing any street. This Ordinance to go iuto effect April :13th, 1877. Petition for a lamu on the corner of Fifth and Queen streets was referred to the committee on Lights. Application of D. K. Bunting, for the position of Tax Receiver, was refer red to the committee on Finance. Applications of W. T. Sanilers, Thomas Aw Seddons and N. X.Xing, for positions on ponce iorce, were reierrcu to me com mittee on Police. Petitions of W. T. Johnson & Co. to erect a wooden shed on Trincess stieet, and Willard Bros., a shed on their whai f? were referred to the committee ou Fire Department. Alderman Atkinson offered the follow ing, which was adopted : Beaalved. That the Attorney of the city be instructed to take immediate action for the collection of the amount due by the Superior Court Clerk for taxes collected by him from inspectors. The chairman of the committee appoint ed to witness the destruction of " the com posing stones, used ia printiug certain bonds, reported the destruction of the same. The Board then adjourned. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Ofiice at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock: Augusta, 61 ; Charleston, CI ; Cinciu natL 3; Jacksonville, 67 Knox ville, 53 ; Lynchburg, 53 ; Memphis, 57; Mobile, 07 ; Montgomery, CI ; Xash ville 5 ; New-' Orleans,? CO ; New York 41; Norfolk, 49'; Pittsburg, 35; Savan nah, 13 ; St. Louis, 50 ; Wasbiugtou 40: WamingtonJ 56' Crlminar uonrt- ; ' The following jcasc were ;diiKii of in this QjarC today: ' State, vs., Johu Mclvin, for larceny verdict guilty. . . - -State vs. Martha Williams, alias Mar tha Melton, for Iarccuv. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to 5 years iu the State pcui ten- Uaryvi Schr. Robert T. Clark, Hutchison, from this port for Boston, with naval stores, March 30tb, off Ilattcras, encountered a heafj northerly gale, lasting 54 hours, in which she lost 100 bbls of naval stores from off dock. She put lr;tp Xew York for a harbor. ' Good time now for whitewashing trees and fences. Ritri ra Historical and Scientific Society. The regular monthly meeting of this Society will take place at the Presbyte rian Lecture room, MouJay, April 0th, at 8 P. M. ' ' " -; Unmailable Letters. The following are the unmailable let ters remaining in the Postoffice in this city: W. T. Armstrong, Rocky Mount, N, C.;4Wm. Mi Havncs, Ponce, Porto Rico; Schr. Ann PolcVW, I. ' ' Riff npld Coming. U seems that Mr. Rignold, the eminent tragedian, is not to give us the go-by after all. dispatch "was received this morn ing from Mr. G. W. Middletonj his agent, who will be here to-night for the purpose of making .the necessary arrangements for his appearance here. The date for which he is booked now is the 15th, next Satur day evening, on which occasion he will certainly "appear in. Wilmington notwith standing tjio assertion that Charlotte is the only point in the State at which he will fct.-p. -.j . Disastrous Fir. f We regit to 1'carn that the diatillefy of Messrs. Dock & Applewhite, situated. on the Wil., Col. & Aug. It R., in Brunswick county, about four miles "from Brinkley's, wasentirely destroyed by fire yesterday. The fire caught a little before jnoon and .was occasioned by the boiling over of the charge of turpentiuc in the stilll Besides the distillery works, 30 casks of spirits, 150 barrels of rosin , 400 new spirit casks and a lot of staves aud crude jurpentine were burned. The lots foots up $3,000f on which there was no insurance. An Item. - 4 It has been estimated that there is in. Wilmington one churcji to every i00 in habitatils, and that these churches have an average seating capacity of? 500 per sons. Now, think of it. Suppose that every man. -woman and child in jWUmiug ton were to attcn divine services to-morrow morning at the same hour there would not be a human being, little or big, white or black, old or young, to be found any where outside of those churches. Wc would like to see it done, but j we don't believe that such a religious milJenium will dawn anywhere during the next one thotisand years. ' ' Table Corn. i r It is getting'timc for families to be look ing after seed fox table corn 'roastiug ears" in common parlance. Plant as soon as you plant any corn, and with ordinary luck you will have roastng ears in May. Plant Sto well's. Evergreen, Eight-llowed-Sugar, Mammoth Sugar, tnd Tuscarora at tht same time to give you a succession. Let the rows be four or live fect apart and the corn thinned, to a stand of four teen inches apart in jLhe row. Keep,-the corn well suckcrcd. "All this runs Ixtdl v to sucker. .Cultivate well. 1 :" "When your corn begins to Uissel, .run a farrow beteen the rows, ami plant again. When you gather corn for the table, cut stalks and all. and give stalk; blades, and nubbins, to'coiv, pig, horse or mule, aud they will all ting over it. It is the best food in the world fur any of j them, if not fed in imprudent quantities j at first. In eight or ton days they will staud all they can cat. , ; By cutting the stalks in this way you will clear the way for your second crop, and unless the season le dry, 3011 will have corn in plenty and latel One acre well managed.with reasonable rains, will easily make, in this way, thirty to sixty bushels of this garden corn for the table, besides green food for the cows, i Sensible Advice. You are asked every day through the columns' of newspapers apd by yotir Drug gist to use something for Dyspepsia and Liver complaint that you know nothing about; , you get discouraged spending money with but little success. ; Xow to give you satisfactory proof that Gheeu August Fix) web will cure you of Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint with all its effects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Cotiveucs4, Palpitatiou of J the Heart, Heart-burn, Water, brash, coming u t-f fjod after eating, low spirits, &c, we ask? you to go to yvnr iDnrgist and get a Sample IJottle ol Gkexs Au ju$t Floweji for JO ceuU aud try it, or a Regular Size for 75 -cent; two doses will relieve you. ' What hi Dooi,evt Yeast Powieb, do you ask, my friend ? It is made from the purest and strongest elements, j Among them, cream tartar made from rape acid expressly fur these manufacturers. ? The reuifc is iuat inc uiscuu, roii, wanies, cake, bread and pastry produced, are- be- ' yond comparison. , ' - " ' m,mm p I mm . - The Tony Pastor troupe perfom iu Pcterbnrg next rooday rygbt." ;"-T 7, 1877. NO. (3(3 New Advertisement. FISHING TAC Best Assortment, ' . . V LowestTigiu'cs. GILES & MURCHISOj apl 7 Wew SWiusic I WOULD Tfj'VT- MY LOVE. . Abide with -Me. Solo, duct and p i Sleep in Peace. By l'inuti. . "Watching and Waiting. Dy I'd J. What Were All the World Without Thee? By II. l Dank?: Tnomphe desArnn.'a. March BiLliaute Venetian Gondola Song, without v.ordj. Also, Instruction Books fur .the Tlz.iu, Or gan,, Violin. Flute, ic. - Tor sale at . Live B-ook and iMasic Store, , ."9 &. H Market it. apl Spring and Summer Spring and Summer Spring and Samnici" Spring and Summer Clothing. Clothing. Clothing. C'lothinsr. Tor Men, Vouthi and Boy?. For Men, Youths and Boys. For Men, Youths and Buy. For Men, Youths and Bovs. Also, Child reu s Met, v ear;. A'l the Latest Styles. All the Ly test Stvles. All the Latest Styles. All the Latest Styles At I'lular I'licc?. At Popular Price?. At Popular. Prices. At.l'oiu!ar Price;. apl Merchant Tailor and Clothier. e ONLY one Awarded CENTENNIAL KED AT li'"'1!''1' Send Stamp for Circ fiiw GrrvNi larsnd Highest Testi- Trir-f NlSrf J mony Agfs Wanted. CMAISlilaMHIilllgK a u uni?riwi.rri A. H. ANDREWS & CO. Manufacturers of Office, Church, and Schoc I Furniture1, 211 &. 213 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, ani 619 & 621 Broadway, Nevy Ycrk Cii Brock's Exchange JJAVIXG RECENTLY change hands is now opon fur" the a'c-commodati en -a". the public. - The HOUSE has be.ri thoi ou'iK- reno vated throughout and tha ROOMS are neatly and comfortably furnislic-d. Polite and accGramodatincr attcn '. Li ar always on hand to sec" to the want; of (iiit.-ts. The BILLIARD ROOM is open au'j lh6 TABLES arc free to 'the Palroni of the House. rr.'l 7 For the Ladles- " TRS. E A. LUMSDE.V HAS JUST R"- turned from New-: York latest styles of '.vidi all the. French rattem iiat J mm a nets, French Plowsrs, &c Ladic3 arc jc3pecelf"ully invited to-call and examine. ii;ch ."1 Tolu Anodyne Nl SEYEX SPRIXO MASS. A suj. A ply of each received bv. Express ih'a uorni:; Eureka and Oriental Mills Closet' Papor, 10u sbeetaina package at 'J5 cents. With a lare and well selected stock of Druggists Sundries and Fancy Uoods. JAMES C. - MENDS,' Drug-V apt 2 Thru St., 'opposite City IlalJ. Qftmp-J-hincy IrMft ? JX THE TOBACCO LINE, thu -Di Ycr- nin" Tuit, also fine plug 'chewing tobaccu--. The 'X Ii PI T" FIVE CI1XT ('L-.i still in the van at VilU'S Tobicfj Store, inch 7 " -IV. Market Strict. THE BEST BAR IX THE CITY IS THE OLD CLARENDON''. w Foot of Market St Tk Best of ALES, Y"IX IIS, . LIQUORS and CIGARS always on hand an 1 tcrved br polite and accommodatiu altendant. .Xew.Kiver Oysters, always frirh a. 1 a!-. ay aerved in any style desired. j sn 17. E. A RT I S. FASUIOXALE BARDEli, From Street, und?r I'urctii Iluuie. j. . -Wllinicgton . X. C. j . Hair- CattinfT, Shaving and Shaajpooii i done in the hirbest ttrle of the art. j Attentire and poHt! Barbers aJwayg ready to wait tuon cuatoEiers, fob Ik Orders Soiici ted. I7Oi: APOLLIXARIS RKLXXEX AX D T A 'I Hunyadi Janos Bittcrwajfccr. Warranted genuine. RoLh waters hi-jlly, re commended by onr leading physicians. ' W. J. CUHJIANX, Drokcr, ch 22J 1 . Corner Front aesi Orange sti. HE DAILY BEYEW if' rornlihcd to City S'aljscriberfl at 50 cr-nu a inonlh 1 : r j PLEASE NOTICE. - j We will be glad to receive communication ! from our friends on any and all subjects el ' general interest but : , j ? l ! The 'name of the writer mutt always be ;'ru;r.;;Lc'l to the Editor. . j Cu:i:niunication3 must b wrlltcn only ea one Hde of the pftRer.J 1 'cf senalities-inust be avoided. And-itis especially and particmUrlj aader stood that 'the editor does not alirajs eaderse tli views of correspondents, unless so stated in the editorial columns. New Advertisements. y AND hoySdeirs! 2HRHDDED Over 70 Boxes of the v .SOLDXIX ONE DAY ! uarantec-. tils Tea the rcrv best in . , - v Only. 75 cCHtS per pound. .. . i ii t 13 Scutli FronStreet, I'll i.; . . AWAYS FIRST! f '. . OELSCIOUS NEW BUTTER ! ! JUST LX .. : Perfectly Elegant ! AT GEO. MYERS', H tk 13 Front Street- NEW, CHEAP AND G00D iPlilNG STYLES XOW IX. Gsnts' and Youth's and Boys' Clothing. FOR which &Id a year ; IV r S 1 j. A FACT ! inch '27 A FACT I A PACT ! A. sxxxixsxi, Market street, pROKEUS AXI) COMMISSION' MER- -Li chants, ;tre filling orders for All Descriptions. of Merchandise, ; ' Corn, Oats, Brau, Pcsw, Ac. Molajcs and Sucrar all grades, . f C'yfi'ee, Candles, Soap, Lye, Ac. Mullti. Mackerel, Ac. Mcata and Lard, all grades, Ciuc, 'Spirit Cask?, Ac., Ac., . v: ,- , ' At the Yery Lowest Mat ITet Priced. -J. m .,T- Attjntion piven to selecting Quality t-Z Co -:nU and 'Packages. ..-iti.M-ni'ii;nu 01 avai oiorci, UOtlOB, Poultry, Hides, Tallow, Wax, Furs, Ac, hate special attention. - inch 12" rilKSII AND aiOICE , " Can dl e est I Marh Mallow Drops.. . - . .'Chocolate Pralines, -: ' Jirn Cror3, . ' , Chocalatc Caroine!, - - - - . s Ccoanut Cream . Cream Walnuts, , Cream Dates, Dri?d Ffgi, V Cri-am Tafly, Oranges, ' ' Applc, Grapes, -'. Shcllbark, Wauittt Taffy J. W. LIP PITT'S, A.CCorncr Trpnt aud Princess 0ts tU Si-n tf Punch. ' mcb 27 VERY SMALL, VERY CHOICE SUGAR-CIZSED PIG HAHS. VERY CHOICE7 THLV SUGAR-CCBD BREAKFAST BACOIT. . y i bt:amrblic:i Smoked Basf . - ....... -., SHREDDED COB-FISH In Siaal! Package?. STfllQTLY XEW CROP ' PRUNES ANB CTJRRAirTS. These and all otter Good Best in this Market t HAS. BJIMS & CO. 5 St 7 Worth Front Street. nr l i i J"' 1 Tea r i i e 6E0. IT I - I 1CL I XL reka I w