JUL )tTTCR THAN OI.I. v,i 'rf f !f feel r "?lher s M ' v '?.rt ,,,llf?ti aenJal plow, -I ' "' sh ? ' large enough t. t nf,jI; u .' '0,5S is better than gold. : . .. ..-i..iirf' r It'll r. I W"-1: .-mi content and health. , utifo"' ''-,,,1 lofty loouKui, , ... J,v Sole o Pr 11,811 V" "J j moroL in natures plan uuiieSt of a gentleman. ' ' W i,. ,lru'liKt" hi- doW'ny X1 tIH i.nniatl'WI1"'"" .11 i.i.nr i i.i il..- tltiiiUinir mind. rrr!'-"' ' 1.,tH.Ji ("Hi ll . 1 . . ilt rn 1:111 I1'' I 111 ,.- T h"""' ..ihI IHH.-1 s i:i.. I '",ri V V .lr..i.. -" v',"Id ; ,-W,,r ' --.,r.U.-ii-rr tl1r.lluiii ..H.I 'HI' J'1 7 t.irV'K i.:is'il away, Mis Mm: livfiilloiiir, u-rl iIm- irv-i'l.-charities com., Ji 'Vtl'' n.-I.r "civ bought: or are U I t. r limn gold. . .. ...in. in MOONSHINE.; j i It-ulo WOl'iia Ult'l Will lilt 1 . . : ,..i..l Here ira tuuccnit 0:4-1 w-w p.on" -d'frum a t 'iiilti'e : ! - ' -i,.icntli tlii" M-I'our ! tl.v lay; Hnoinorovr iiiusiiur li"II' ir-. H livpdjiMt -'7 days, ;. ..Mh.I rr-t us I'Klollat -N '( '.tkn risu' in' sdio.Iin;:btjr,.s is ! Jt It a k 5' wllu il crooKeu pin. t'kt sea is most patr nized Ly a j 0 I xt ? Adriatic .(a dry altic), . ' j Thenn who ' "feathered Lis nest is L ..,..-,! i Ikivu been ;i acaler in r itiltry. Wbv is a )iu.y preacher like a niid- r? Urol- . W'U lii'l liul 1 j u litu iiis vifc lurij- I iutu a illur v( xVlt? 'l'.uk aj'nli i.'iie, 1C'UCiC. Tin mail wli.ise voice was UiXL'd to. its. jtmwst is rcfUCatol t e.ill a omd ami y tlic assessor. ' Mrs rartinglun .S:V6 that lku has l.-trbt-a liuiao hiiintuuus 1 1 1 it" he ivasgoci oil iu ailceanttr. TLc Dec folium iu are sa'ul to be e.- cllcut bailurs. Thats". uaturau 1 lie .atwaylulluWb li U; yJU know. T'ual "little h'mh (h - iu their ueats .HV la 110 Credit to 111! lUtl'J birds, f Unrn hiHf v ubso it wo:i!'l in.vi.r !o I ir Ukiii to 3 Exceedingly Light llunnlng. iuut. 4 Still Running. Noiseless.. Why ilo la hes have to K!eni3h their iiur.iuiiSo I'tteii'.' Localise, their ::. v kljllioi are; til rc to be ju toVkv ''i t t!ic:n. I raudmuu fioiii Tours. ;lu his friend : Jfifrjni Pam: '"And did YOU meet ! Kcnti:ckiaii in it nca a 'iii uiih- i trncti.)U!c t.4fiir' her that one f li s ' .tslniilt of oak woml uiu! n.w i - -.wv, .iv uv M -i.J. 1 iuut live with him II,. oi., f.n.l 1 "Vj I I .I- I I : .... . . 0J v i i .... . (wus,uaoaola year rushed out porch, thuu ht nn li's shn- TV- I . i . . , i'wii iuv miow nail KJana exclaiunsi u-;i :i.i .... ' .i...... liiin !w. ,.l , 1 1.1,,., "- IHI, IIIUUMII'' p: bonttuck in J:,,,:, ,, v " ii tic AtUi.i;.. , . . J te-.ityour heel into the toe . - unv V'--:lll .!. M ill, .1 -iffl UP im.g-hooks with fUit.J Willi :l ,r;..!- l ... 7 . I've- ,11 ... .. r l,llt ,M ,111.111. a'l . tlini v ... i , . m . ..I..... I via, . i "v,v;iio cuusiucieii im.rt . r'wuic uui never "I'ltOcmx a iv, . i mi iy II-. I,,,;, X, . I ... lu .i.i , t,ay wni r 0; ia i:ud,. i,cr U)ilJ;I io s,vi . aH Call! Call! IT - Till: BOOK STORE P.SKOSI. STI:,-,,r .. hXEy8. ''l everything in the Utthov . cheap as it can be . ""w.sw llij is not, : Danforth's, -1 jj Xcv the Post Olliee. Aims, unJorl'orccilUgas,., ,T C. ... W lltniii.Tlnn V I u e hlg , Shampooing W.'h''nhe.rt. itsi..- ""WW- Uarbem A-j-"" J" - , Por Hire. J 1 Huuid. Also, A Gaod I VjW UAV1P COWAX. 5 J f "yr-"- .. Al Court Houte. jOmniL twin, n,ne New ! ,.. .w 1 5 c,?uig tobaccos. , FIVE CEST G a 1 11 ,j Miscellaneous. VICE'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED CATALOGUE. Fifty pages 300 IJIuitration?, with De .cripti"ond of thou-anda of the bust Flower and Vegetables in the world, and the wir.to .row thkm alt for Two Cent postage dUwp. I'rintcd in German and Eoelish. Vick'i Floral Guide, quarter' , 2 cents a year. Vjek'a Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 runt in paper ; in elegant cloth cores, $1.00 Addiiw, JA31ES V rCK. P.chcate V Vick's Floral Guide a beautiful Quarterly Journal! Iinl- lllu.tra- j icu, ana containing an elegant colored F ower J 1'latc with the first number. 1'iicc only 25 cents lor the year. The iir.-t No. for 1877 jn'it iaued in German and English. " : ; - . ' Vick's Flower & Vegetable G.irdcnia pa-p"- T0 rents ; with elegant cloth covers $1.00. Vick's . Catalogue :500 Illustrations, onlT 2 cent--. Address JA3IEH. ICK; " Rochester, N. V. VICK'S Vcetuble am!. Flower Garden ' iis the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It-contains nearly 150 page?, bjnn dredd of tine i lustrations, and si.v'Cueomo j'r.ATEs of Fr.owtits, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 50 cents in paper cover; .$1.0.0 in elegant cloth.' Printed in German and English. ' Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a year. Vick's Catalogue -:;00 illustrations, onlv 2 cent-. Addn.-. JAMES VlfJK.' ! ' Kochester. X. V. ! VICK'S 1 j J'loucr. Ami VeetaUle' Seeds j are planted by a niHlion people in America. oee i VickV Catalogue :00 Illustration, only S cents. Vick s Floral Guide. Quarterlv, 25 cents a year. A'ick'a Flower and Vcgctible Garden, 50 cents?; with elegant cloth covers $1.00. ; an my )ublfcatioiid a-e printed iu English iind German. Address JAMES VJCK, Kochester, N. V. rip. jit :5, uiu W E , CLAIM . FOtt THK IMFB0VE9 ' WHITWEY SEWING MACHINES The following ?peeitic points of superiority: l'enorins all - Varieties of Work. Beauty of Finish and Workman-shin. worn out as ! 7 GREAT REDUCTION ili Price. , i Machines scut on trial before payment is ic- I i. mil Kwl w ii tt(n minpunrriii V nan tVi a rTi 5 t am Uircc-su tiice per 'gal . cxeiijined in order for live years given with each ;ma hs, l'irtnoti, loiikiii over the" l'rieo chine. , Why PaV Old Prices ? 'arrrct. Win. Lk.s inv ! what th- For circulars and particulars, U cauuT to hen the ,ala are vah, h! ! Addrc, THE WUITXEV MF'GCO., . NEW YORK WEEKLY HEflAUl. y friend ?" "Yes. but I saw very ! :o: ' " ' ofhr' 'Ah?ShDuis not. th-n ,! SAMCQ iDnflM DCKlKJCTT niTii.y uuiiuuii vbniiki ij P i; O P It ! E T O II. -: o: r o s tagi: r it i-: i: 0i!i i-iicK -tonic, inn shewon t-i t r I r r T 13 J il J VJ JJ lJ il 11 WU,8' .aid a dtor, mentions-j PEU YIJAR. ; 50 Cents for Six ZKCotiths. An extra copy to every club of ten, THE NEW YORK DAILY HERALD Published cverv dav in the vear: ' POSTAGE FllKE. $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $S pays Tor one year, without und'ays, $5 pays for six months, Sundays included. $1 - pays for six mouths, without Sundays. $3 pays for one year -for any specified day of the week. $1 pays for six mouths for auv specified day of the week. - - " " ; $1 pays for one mouth. Sundays included. Xi;V.sii!;AI.EUS SUPPLIED . POSTAGE FREE. Dailv Iidition...Two and a half cts. per copy Sunday Edition.... ..Four cents per copy Weekly Edition .Two cents per copy Address, NEW YORK HERALD, dec27 Rroodwavand Ann st., Xew York. 1877 T " r ' 1877 , INDEX-APPEAL, , (laily"and Weekly. puldbiied in IVterxinj, Vil., isivli to ciri-eut ntiwf. local unci loiviiin; ilLscnsssloii t mlttical and Mcial lo)ic., ami a free-nd fearless sulvocucy of the rights unci interests f the- people. Its comnierelal reports ore uasedipon actual transact ions, and may be relied npon ;ts nccurut. The alilest journal istic talent of the State Is. In U employ; a ylyiUint nnd reliable corps of correspondents cuiittibutu the latest news ami unship frotil all Iruportaut centres, and no eWort i spared to mjtke it u tirst-clikss l'amilynewispapT." c The lndex-Apieal ha&a large ity un4 country circulation tiian uny otnvr paper lu SouthsUlo Vlniinin. and the largest circula tion iu North Carolina of any Virginia, pnpe 4 si hsckutios : 1A11.Y dme j cari ... . 6 00 mx months - - - , . 3 90 ihree month., - - . i 50 0110 month r - . ' WEKKLY (o yea , - . . s, ' 3a Ott " six months - - .V ou 1XKSTAG E r K l'A 1 1. - All urders for subscription must b aoconi paniel by the cash. Clubs of six will be furnished at the rate of Scud for specimen WnK l ill'V- t DHL' l . . ' 1 PtUirsbunr. V.- 4 Cfl O C.fir day as made -by VAvl fc- s?tJ Agents selling our Cbro nio?, Crayeua, Picture and Chrorao Card. 100 fanipks worth i4 sent postpaid for T6 ceuL. Illustrated Caulo?ne fpe. . J. IL BUFFORD'S SONS, BOST jaa2T tEjblubed V - ONLY pug Awarded CEHTUflTI AT. KCT Al. Said Stamp for Ore- br and Highest Testf- gl & 2W Wabash Avenue, Chicago UUm Steamship Lines, &c. 51utuliTOD)Pe AND Wilmington, W. CM STEAMSHIP LINE P. J. IFoley, Capt. Price, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE OS SATURDAY, MARCH 24. ; )To be succeeded .by Stair. ciLPT-oiiivaii, On Wednesday, March 28, and thereafter sailing from Baltimore every WEDNESDAY AXD1 SATURDAVj -Jg?" Shippers cau rely upon the prompt sailing .of. steamers as advertised. "S3 Through Sills of Xiading given to and froiii rhiladelphia, and "Prompt Diipatch guaranteed. For Freight Engagcmeuti apply to A. D. OAZAXTZ, Agent, Wilmington, OT. C. L. S. RELDEX, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent Corner'IiCe aud Light Street?, BaUiiuore. mch 2i . r ": : ' ' AM) - : : Wilmington, iM, C, asxvxx-wssHL-sr Steamship Line, The Steamer BENEFACTOR, c apt. jorrss, WILL SAIL' 'FROM XEW YORK OxV SATURDAY, MARCH 24. i To be succeeded by Steamer CAPT. VAKELBY, On Wednesday, March 28. S?u Shippers can rclv upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. SAILIXU FROM W ILMrXGTOX ,VCY- DAY AX W'FDXFXDAW For Freight Engagement' apply to A. S. CAZAXTS. .gent, Wilmington, Sf. C. L. S: RELDEN, Soliciting Agent. WM. P. CLYDE .t CO., General igentu, 6 Bowling Green, or Pier l-, X. R., New York. - . feb i) Keystone Printing Ink Co MAMM'Ai Tl TKKlis ill' PRINTING INKS. HOOK AN D X E YS IJLACK A 17 Worth Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa 0!d " iXKe ARE OF A SUPERIOR ouaiitr. beine made troui the beet ingre dients and under the personal supervLsion of a practical printer aud preeman. therefore we Will guarantee everv. pound of Ink sold to be of Superior Jet black, Quick Drying, nd entirely free from sotting-o ff. , Our prioea are trom jo to ou per cent. low p than any-other Inks manufactured in the United states. A trial uf.a sample kc2 will convince any printer that hai beo paying nearly doable B'liat no Enouiu icr uis ium iu uuiira ya.su Put up in keg and ban ds to suit purchasers. 4 auu , ess. . i KEYSTUf. l'lllll?.u l.MvtU., 17 Xorth Fifth Street, I'hiladelpiia, dM 13 PATRONIZE HOME MANU !". FAoTURES. J Doqrs, Ssft, BUn4s, Mouldi ' l ings, Brackets and ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK j of every dcacnpUon, u jWorkmausidp gaarwitecd, and prices lower than can be lound anywhere. h ALTAFFEJl & UILL, Factory Foot of Walnut Street, mch 17 , .As . .-. Wrmncerox, N. C CAKDY FOH ALL jARRY:ERNAp, ilb?rcV v CandriManufaetbrcr. eorner Front and Cas It atreets, is prepared io manufacture Candy or the trade nd prirate amilkM. - Order a 1 V" The Steamer , Iraew IRDKIEEre, Specialty Iliscollanooris. - THE ao .1 y A News Paper, s published ,e?ery eranin, Sudnday excepte -AT- Or 50 cents atnonth,"not28trictlyin adrance :- The Reading Public are respectfully inform-' cd that it shall be the constant aim of the pro prietor to furnish tham ith A LIVE NEWSPAPER, . ; - t containing the latest news of tbVdar, and en deavoring to keep its readers fully inform e in regard to e vents of interest and importance occurring in every qu&rter of the world,? . OUR DAILY MARKET REPORTS Will be full and corrcctj and will be kept open until he latest possible moment. Mer chants in the city aud country may rest as sured that they will be thorongldy reliable. The News Columns Will contain the reports, hots of news and marktU, received here each day at noon, aud the I, O C . ) i; P A K T M E NT II as been placed iu careful and experienced hands. Friend? in the section of country con nected w ith this city, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter est to iht.-c column)-by forwarding anr itsms of sews that may occur in the'r respective localities. ' A EL OIUlr5P0NlJENCE, ;,, On matters of g,.ntral interest will be gladly received, but our friends must .bear in mind that they must write only on on? side of the paper; that they must forbear useless verbi age, must correct their own manuscript and must avoid ibusive personalities, r pS" A re liable name must be famished with each com munication, as the Editor will not lc held ac countable for the views r language of cor ivpvndentd OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST Krca before a type was set for the nret issue, was an exceedingly flattering one, and is probably tte Urgent bma fid list with which aay nenspaper in North Carolina ever before began publication, and is no rapidly on the increase, especially on the rartoaa railroad line. CaiToa axd PaoraisToa, gOftce on Second atreet, Ijetweea rrio- od Cfcesut, near the IMtoffie. Miscellaneous;' 1,;.. PROSPECTUS FOR 1877. LIPPiNCOTT'S MAGAZINE, AN ILUSTEAILD MONlllllY CT Popular Literate. Science! .and Art. Announcement for 11877. The number for .'.muai v begins the nine-" tccnth volume of thi.s Magazine, and: while its past record, will it is - hoped bef deemed ;t sutEcent guarantee cf. future excellence, no effort will be spared to diversify its attract-, ions and to provide aa increased uJpply of POPULAR PIUDJXG IX TUE BEST AXD MOST EtoPHA flu SEXSE. . , . 1 i ' The great object and eonc-tant 'aim off the: conductors will be to furnish the public with Literary Entertainment ' of : a Refined and Varied Chapter, as well as to present in a graphic and strikingmanuer the most recent information .and soundest view on Subjects of General Intrest ; in a word to render Lippin cott's Magazine strikingly distincti'te in THOSE FEATURES THAT, a RE' 'MOST ATTRACTIVE IX MAtJAZlNE! LITERATURE. 1 i The contributions now on hand, or specially engaged, embrace a highly attractive list of " Tales, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, Narratives, Papers on Science and Art, rocnis, Popular Essays, Lit erary Criticisms, Etc., Etdi, UY TALENTED AND WELL KN'U 'WX WlilTElis. . j. A large proportion of thej artic!cs.L"i'cciaHy those descriptive' of travel will be 1 PKOFESELY; AND liJOAVTHT LEY ILLUSTRATED. . The pictorial einbelishnients of die Magazine constitute one of its attractive features. In addition to the General Attraction? of Lippincott's Magazine, the Publishc4 ? would invite attention to the following: SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877. 1. A new serial story, '' J , "The ZHXarauis of Lossie," by George MacDonald, author of "Malcolm,' "Alec Forbes' "Robert Falconer."ctc. To those of our readers . w.h.'i are! familiar, with "Malcolm," this new i-torv fro in the pen of this distinguished writer will need no re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran tee to others of a deeply interesting and powerful story. It began in the November number, which issue, with the December part will be furnished grails to all new subscribers for 1877. ' 2. A prof Uuctraled scries ots'ketehe3 of 1 Swedish Scenery and 1-ifc, - -. - hy Prof. Willard Frisk, ; author of Cornell Lniyersity, who is throughly faniiW with Sweden and its people' from personal Observa tion. I 3. A series of popular papers or, j rt and Ai t Matters by Edward Strahan (Earl Shiuu), author of lne .ew lli-perion, etc. i 4. Illu3tratcd Sketches of Travel, 1 ntitle-i Pictures from Spain, by Edward King, author of the "Great. South" etc. ' j; 5. Mrs. Lucy II. Hopper's Intert-sitig and Piquant .'..:. ;.' . rapcrs and Iiettei s from Paris! will be continued llirough the year, ji C. ' " Is . . ' Tho Beauties of the Rhine ... - ill be described iu a richly illustralcd st Hcs ot papers. '-. ti . Ml 'i i. uunng tne year ni apjicar iiuiuwi ofhandsomelv illustrated short article.-, de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in the United States, England, South America, Japan, Mongolia, and other countries. FOR SALEJ;Y ALLli' k K A N 1 ' N i ;VS DEALERS. PRICE, trEXT. Tkrms. Year Subsa iption, $1: Tw o cop ies, $7; Three copies, Sllr, Five copi-.-s, -$1; ; Ten copies, S30; with a copy gratii to the person procuring the flub. Jungle numoer 35 cents. 1 NoriC-Tho November and December" N um bers containing the earlier chapters of "Tlie Marquis of Losaic, Will be preseutco to ah new afinual subscribers for 177. 1 Specimus NcjIbi:i: lnailctl. post i'.'e pai'l. to any address, on receipt of '20 cent-, j 2SS To Agents a Liberal Comnii-aion : ;!I be allowed." Addre.-s. ; ..j. n. lippixco rr. A; o ., ; i Publisher?: Tlo amlTlT Market t.? I'liilu'lcn L:.i. . I t t r THE GRAND GEKTRAL. nv 1 II E SUUSCRKliCU AXN0USCL.5 that ! . - j The State of CONNECTICUT? liaa made his popular Saloou j provision for her schools. " TITr r.-r, A ,Trk nTrny a t ! ' K?r 'P00 chooU in INDIANA -THE GKAND nErrlilAL, wre supplied during the year 1OTJ, and maT more in 1873 and lb74. - l on the or of the old National Hotel, U la other States many copies have been par chafed, for supplying schools of cities, comn- prepared for the WinttF eainpaign,bcing ties and towns. - . . , . ,. , , ' . . V V What better investment can be made for 1 ":-' supplied wito the chojcest of .schools? i -. 11 v n i More than tes times as ' many are stoM of ; WineS, Ale3, LiqU0r3 & Cigars Webster's Dictionaries as of any other aeriea, , Frcsb instalments of the linest an'l fattest! ijew uiver . ,s.i;,ei s JL : ' received regularly aad, ei iiny style desired, dec 12 UEUIJI'A JONCS. Notice pilESil LOT of the well known .-SAptf NACEOUS TOOTH PASTE, jast .maJU - . up and fqr sals at W cents pcr L-x- War ranted the bctPENTRlFICEtcanufacturctU ' ' : i i ' -; ' "' r' DENTISTRY practiced in ALL its branch- " ... - -. . cs, and all work warranted. jTEUTll EXTRACT EDt W1T1IO UI PAIN, at' Dr. CAR1PS olt cstaW'whed o!Tce. . ; - "f .. - - ?.;. ' 1 THOS. V. CARR A HON, . april l: Xo. 23 Market Strt. Miscellaneous. TUE HIGHEST HBS I , J AT THE M .11' GEHTENNIAL EXIflOITIOn. The juJgcs unanimously recommend tht . APENDELSSOHN " FOR THE . Diploma ofiHonor and Medal of Merit. j Pl.icing'thcm Li the Front Rank Without a Suoerior PRICES B1L0W CQllPETraOn - For strictly first-class instruments. w iu, c-t'v. coou ior c- o. :$ TQ0 lor :;00. $750 for $325. .bOU Jur ibX. S900 for S400 . $1000 for $400. X o Gjiumi.ssinu to Agents. No Ditcuimts to Teachers. 1 NV'Dcviatiou iu rricc. The (Vlendelssohn GRAND, SQUARE & UPRIGHT 1 Piainids v Contain valuable patcntsand improvements never before introduced. . t EWATHUSHEK'S Ntw Paten r DurLt., OvrRSTBDj,o 8calm, I "... . Is the greatest advance in the history of Pia no makinr, producing the most aitonishiag power., richness and depth of tone, and a sus taining sinking quality never before attained, beins: a "Grand I'iano" in a Sauare case." . . - i - , Tho Mendelssohn Uprights ARE T.1IK FINEST IX AMERICA. J" - They are pronounced the "Piano of th . Future." . ' . - . . ; . ' ' -.'t Manciaciohy t WAREUOOaSJ, Acs. 40, 402, 404496 A 498 West o?thSt. A os, 858,; 8GO,r.8G2,t 864, p3G8,'fc70 lOthAvenue. , , f PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL Illustrated and descriptive Cataloging ni ailed free. lEXDELSOIIX PIANO UO., ' . BUSINESS OFFICE I ' Xo. L'roa'Iuau, X. )'. ... , feb 21 :- Webster's Unaliriflsefl Dictionary, ; . FOR THE SCHOOL U Foamios 3,0C0 Engravings; l,-i0 Pages Quarto. Trice $12. , . ! 1 j A NEW rsATuns. v To tli :.,'if) Illustration heretofore in Web-, ater'a Unabridged, we have added. foufjafef' ol' . . ; . ; : -Colored! Illustrations, engraved expressly for the work at large J . "expense. " , - .Vrarlv every State Superintendent of . I'ublic Instruction in the Union, or correa-5' -' ponding ofitcer, where such an one exists, ha''; ' recommended Webster's Dictionary in tb strongest term?. Among them are those q( , Eastern, Northern, Middle, Southern,, and v estern stat-s TWKT Y-KIUI1T In alL The State of NEW Y OK K has placed 10, 000 -'pies of Webster's Unabridged m aa many of r I'ublic Schools, i COfJ he i The State of WISCONSIN about &.000 i ncarlv every school. ' ! The State of NEW JERSEY 1,500 nearli ; every school. : .. , 1 he State of MICHIGAN made , profiaioo for all her school". ; ' The State of MASSACIIUTETTH haa'ann- piled her schools nearly alL , . : '-ine-ssute of IOWA has eunplicd her : schools. iu uil country. - .. . At lea-it foik-rinua of all the school-books published in this countrr own Whiw , . tneir Fianuara, anq ot in e remainder lev knovtienze ast slan lard. r . t . t . m . i i fc.:aneooj u. u. MtKRIAM, 3600 PIANOS FOR 02S0. And all other ula in the aame proportion, including Grand, Square and Upright-all , . i&U-ti.AS: sold direct to the Yzorufxt , Factor v I'rices. No-agents? no eoaunii- tions ; no dUcoants. These 1'Ubos aiade one ' of the linest display at tho Centennial Eab- t biuon, and were unanimooilr recommended , . forthe UIGUEST UONORS. New lUan- ! fjctorj one of the largest and finest in tho world. The Square Grands contain Math- ' ushek'a new patent Dnplex Overstrnng SeTe, the greatest improvement iu the history of ; piano making. The Uprights are the Put rut ts AuEuicA. Dont fail to write for Illoatra- ' r ted and Descriptive Catalogue, mailed free. " 3IEXDEISOUN PIANO CO., J". apL U No. 5C Broadway, X Y Tho Salisbury cr. ESTABLISHED I!f 1SS9, tboremgBlr mod , . alwara Democratic ; Printed YieeklrA,l)r. and Tri-Weekly at $2 and Si. Address, , J. J. KTEWART, Elitor and Proprietor alUbary, N. C. ..'