-y S THIS - foon. SuHy ex- 1 e-ptedby JOSH. T. JAMfi8; ' rivriOVsirOHTAGE PAH'. S260; Three rufbeddiTcred by carrier,; rtc Fn ..... rtof the city, at the r'Lntef low .4 liberal. ..... Sbcr. will plrrprt any na it their, paper, rejrolarlj. 1 l"7- ii l tfe Advertisements. pIlKQ .ft SUMMER GOODS " ? r AT M, Rfl. KATZ'S, 36 Warkct Street- mm- ii ."IfOOUbfCt- -v-l iff,. VOL. 2. WUA ttlNGTON .ii I ! & . a ; -.. i m m a - w . . . - -mm mm mm - - mm a m . m illJlJ 1. JLlbjlH V-JLE) VV , M . 7 . SBDJCrlf OT The ; name, of th; , iter ir.Pft ih, j, rnbhed to the Editor.! ' 1 1 ' " ; N. CV WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1877. NO. SI Prices Lower Than Ever '-tlcwl alMMsrlrr jaU the' City i -I f ' : i ( i ; TiMji Mails l.'mslonic R!MS? . . . cjAHi t: . :r . . Northern - Uin:iudt jilaib - I M Northern through and way nuills. 8:Ii A M Mattsfor the NV C. Railroad, imd - - - ! rentes HUpplied therefrom . - u:lil M Southern malls for all points Souths : ; J i - dailx - - N ' . -6:3rt 1M A'otem mails CC. lt. W.) dally - r (eXeept Sunday) i - i J . - -1 M Fayetteville, and oflicw mi Cape i - v Fear i;iver.Tnesdav and Fxi- days x -- . - r- V M Fa vettevilkfln- L. .U. It. V daily. ' . - - . - - itrauuaj-8 '- -Tk. xi 0 H. and intvimiediatc of- i . rices every Friday - i - - - - - uW -V, hi SndthviHe timlls, by fckuruboHt, daiij-, (oxceptxnnaaj-sh - . The following are the only cases uf piib- j lie interest taken uiixlhisGmrt to-day; (execi Onlow Midln for fiisy JUlUtTownCK'ek Supply, fcfiallotle and luvcr, ereryiruiay at. AKRIVK Northern llirouirll mails - ! - ' - 12:10 i L ( Northern through audM-ay i nails. '7; 1 1 l Jl ; Southern mail r j .r ;s A M '...'.Jifl'.-n-ntle.-froiri 8 cents t,J ! M., and on Sundays from 80 to W-W A. -M. j Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P. M. f Money order aud Register Departments vptn' same as Ktamp ortice. - Stamps for Mile at general delivery when Ktampohice Iseiobetl. Key Boxes accessible at all hour, day and nJzht. Alaibf colht-tod fnm htreet boxes ever- day at 4:00 P. M. r Ti If V I fl HrIe the insolvent debtor's oath. State v?. Toney Maultsby, for assault aolattery. Un mal. fs-,m J k www Ai . ' l'Voin the ITnjtfHl-St.yrjt Sigual Office 'at luis puce we ob'am tlie loiiowmg rcion talen tthis inom- i si 'of thtiivnfMirlvriit? tat ; iiig at IXlM&Tt'" 9J123S9 aOODS JS li85 CCntS per yard up. rANcy apors. SEAT VARIETY ! i GREAT BARGAINS ,iwJLa Tk. 20 cents "P- l'ara 'el-, Collars and Culi's toi:kkv to. ';. i a well.) ., Men & Bov's Wear Housekeeping Goods! Eitf and Gents' Gatisc Underwear rJlOM 40 CENTS UP ! 60 riracksouvilleJj lobile, tiii ; Mont- SavaniT 7TT Wmpingtog; C8 The cape Fear. The rirer at Fayettevillc is mnv quite" low agaio, beiuj; ut merely gornl boatiii LOCAL NEWS. Pfew Advertisements. See ad Lost. S. Jewett IiittaHtaneo'.u Ink Extractor j and Oblitcrator. . j J. U. Wauxeh, CLu"u-Notic:.. 1 J. II. Allen Spectacles aud Eye Glasses, f i A. Siiki ee. -Collars by the bucket fall 2i cjnts all roue 1 7, I. 0. O. F. ISec ad, Aouircreary Ball Orion Lodge, '6. it i the opinion of those yh know that : the peach crop, that ino.-t fi'arei r'r. has , - I not .. bceu injured at all, . w'.iilu apples . j j priinis3 to be very 'plentiful. What is true of Fayettevillo n;ay le taken a true oi a large section oi country ni wincii tt ;s the centre. : Plenty of Uutt". ; Stiawbeiries comin.-'in. j The warm season is upuil us. Some of the uew bonnets are crown less. Straw ablo.( White trimuiiuirs will be vet v fashion LINEN tiKESSES. .Inn t ever v tliiu ii ck',l l ti'mplote au a t li t f V ) r -L ;i tl i c , ;:i;t.-; r CSiildrcu. Patronize Home ! . .- ': . ''11 Duplicate any Retail Goods sent for abroad on the Same Terms. Odd Fellows' Anniversary. luarcbrdance with ;i lur e.stablisheJ ' ' - i custom jf the .Ontcr. the Most Worthy cutt's are to be woru,outsiJe the Orand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the j United States has issued a proclamation ! The Telephone. , Fur onieiiuie past the Northern jiapera have lecn publishing descriptive explana IVfeksj bria ;peacc (tions of this tronderful invention the Wscliargci on taking Te ejdionc. Wc arc led ta believe from conversations had with a nlimber of per? sons who have read these explanations tliat the true theory and working of the tele phone is not weH comprehended. With out claiming, however, to be a scientist; wc shall attempt to explain the practical workings and the natural laws that gov ern the repeating of sound between two distant ioints without any visible means save a small wire. It is well known that sound, after having bceu produced,'' ..is J carried through the air or other mediums, by vibrations or minute waves called sound waves, with a velocity of 1,120 feet per second. But the telephone re peats a soiiud ma le at one nlace almost instantaneously at another distant poiut. The popular belief is that the telephone actually transmits the sound. This is a great mistake. The only thing transmit ted -is the wavelets of the electric fluid; a dumb messenger only speaking in the pres ence of its receiver. In a whispering gal lery sound can be by reflection concen trated and only heard at a given point, but this is confined to the limits of ordi nary sound. While the telephone has re peated the sound of the human voice in stantly to th-i distance of 143 miles, it is not reasonably to suppose that sound waves would pass through' a wire for so great a distance, nor does it. ' : For example, suppose we designate two telephones as Nos. 1 and 2; we place Xo. 1 in a hall at Wilmington aud the other in like manner --at Faj-ettcvilley --and connect the two by ; an insulated wire. In the hall at Wilmington wc cohvcrsojji the ordinary tone; tho : sound' coucciT tratcd in instrument Xo. 1; as sound it is water. - -Thebaic , freshets have i from the upper sections' but there is yet high walcViu4ns lower 'parts of the river What is loft U rapidly falling olV and in a few days, at the present rate, navigation will nrobablv bc ou ii summer basis of low water The Fruit Crop, We are glad to leant that the fruit crop in the interior has not been seriously in jured after all by the cold and winds of late days. At Fayetteville we understand sleeve. The flowers" :u7brginuiugo open fol j enjoining all grand and subordinate lodges Memorial Day. To-moirow, the 2Gth of April, is Memo rial Day iu "Gcbrgia.. - A place for small change chinch collecting plat 1 Xext -to an overdue steamer an over due note causes most anxiety. A man's dearest object should be his wife,, but " sometimes- it is his wife's wardrobe. . . i ; ' ; IBILKaf 36 Market St. in. Patronize Home. Sethis season- onb of the and prchaut Tailoring Goods sat rj Kr. i j -:.""WMjicr c, aud I will du vortjtrntity1.ulilc ''JW :d Kctail iu . ... i sduio tcruid au3- I A DAVID, t!- --erU Tailor xru Cloiln.r. rRANK H. DAEBY , I ia Journal T JSummcr comes along slowly, and the crop reports from the barWr shops are very discouraging. ' The hard times have had the effect of making men -think that this year they must begin to havo gardens. An- author says that que of the uses of adversity is to' bimg us out.This is true, particularly at the knees, aud elbows. 1 ilaek ,lilJiwrl4cV-5JiUil littloiiie oi bright colored tilk.c;tu)it in , r the fi?sh cs, is a new trunnmig foi- black chij chip rc-. w bonnets. . - ' An old rpst;nrant keeper down town says that the way. to get up a reputation for tcudcibecfsicak is to keep sharp knives for customers' use. - : Cunning little Jbell "ear-rings are to be come the style. As the lcll tnikles at the slightst tcuch engaged youug ladies mav le careful iu wearing them. liuibliu,rriu- ffy CHEAP AND GOOD!, JSTVLES NOW IX- . .. .nnd Youth's ad:Boy8, Clothing. sO wiicli told a . ycir -;: O - - ... 7 ..''" FT : A FACT' ilarket Urcct. i fir.'' I j to take due order for the proper observ- atice of the lifty-eightli anniversary of xrnfTcalt?03cfltcUcnvship, which ccurs on the 2ith of April. , The Lodges in this city will celebrate the occasion by meeting at j the Odd Fellow's Hall to-morow night at H p. m., wheu it is cxpectcil that several addresses, explana tory of the. order will be made. The public arc invited to attend. ' Reminiscence or the War. , f The muster rolls j of the German Volunteers. Capt. . Cornel hson ; Care Fear Artillery, Capt. J. J. lledrick; Wilmington llifle Guards, Capt, O. P. Meaws; and IVdle VlAUgers,(Tigcre) Capt.E. D.'Hall, liave been left at Jewett's book store, for the inspection of auy of the old surviving soldiers who belonged to these different '"companies' while they were gar rissoning lrt Caswell, and are anxious to see. once more theirs names on the mus ter roll as it appeared thou . The Wil mington Light Infantry, aud wc think the Cape Fear Iiiflemn, werp members oi tho garrisou at the, same liuie. . Last Night's Ball. The ball lat evening at -the Upera House was decidedlvjOne of the grandest ever given in this city. There was by far more beauty, elegant grace and superb costumes than we have ever. lcfore- seen in a 'tail room. Th hall was tastefully "decorated with flags of va ioiss nationalties and elegaut flowers. ; "A thousand hearts Ixat happily and when Musicarose with its voluptuous Kwell, Soft eyes look'd love to eyes which i-pata antn, , . , . And Jl went as worry a a marrUge bell. T5 ' . . k .... 7 ... ... .. n.rfrr p; JjajlClUg Waa VUiUlUCUWi Uh 'iiit.-i past ten, and the following program mc sraslteervcd during the 'evening: Waltz, buadrille? Waltz, vuadrille, Coquette; 1 . ' l or tlie Ke.vicw. jFirst of May at Lonj? Creek". Lir.r.fs-oTON- i ai.rmy, Pender C, ' - V f' April 2 Uh, 1S77. . Ki'i:,,v"u IiKviEV: The 1st of May, next Tuesday, will be a gala-day here. The public at iArgc are, hereby invited to attend. - Besides ajuc-nic and other s:cial enjoyments there, will be. a. public meet ing in honor of the abolition of. the li.juor trafilc atrlWng Creek, and in the interests "of eilucation imd ''morality.-- This Acade my has. been reorganised by an act of the Legislature, with a prohibitoiy Honor clause which goes into effect on the day of this proposed celebration. Come out Mr: Edi tor and see your many friends, in Tender On itat. occasion..; ThWo will be a tine turn ou of the people, line -speeches, &c. Thc'recx?nt.;biirlriiag,'f the Fresbyteriau Church atToiut' Ca'swelf ly tlie enemies of the Jaw-that now p'revents the sale ot liquor 4herc lw's nro;;.sel the true tit ixns of Fender. Our Hoard . of T'n;stces arc wide awake men in the cause of tlie new departure of thi. section f r gotn.1' soh'.-;ols. a fine Acadeniv.'and-au elevation of nub-. - . . . i iiciasie ana Yours, . i orals. A. Sec. J joard of Trustee tnilr j. MclNTIIiL, The People Want Proof. There is -no medicine prescribed by physicians. ; or sold by Druggist-.- tli.u carries such evidence'- of. its Success and superior rntnrc f Icm -urn's . ( l :.ia: SYRrp for severe Coucrirs. Colds settled on tlie breast-. Con.-umption. or anv -disoast' of the Throat and Lungs. A roof ofthat act is that any person a-illicted, can get a Sample Dottle for 10 cents and trv its superior effect' before-buying the regular size at 75 cents, tt lias. late! v been intro- luccd i;l this country .from ierman and its wonderful-'cures, arr- risfoui-sliing every one that use it. .Three li nes' will relieve an v case. Trv it.. lurnis Communications mostlwritteB' onj- ob oac idc of-th.:Pfper.;if rX 0 fruf Personalities must be avoided. . , Audit is e?peeiallr and particularly nadr stood that iae editor does not alwaji tadort the views of correpondent5, unless so tUted in the editorial columns. ' New Advertisements. Temple of lorael. RABBI ED. B. M. DnOWlIE, WILL DELIVER HIS Two Celebrated Lectures ! as follows : Wednesday Svening, April. 25th, 8 o'clock. SUBJECT: New Advertisoments. Its Kthics- and Literary Beauty. Thursday Evtnins: April 2Cth, 8 o'clock. SUBJECT: HIE CRUCIFIXION AND TIIE JKWS,or Have the Jews Actually Crucitiedjeiua. of Xazarcth. " 0:ue-halff the net proceeds to be donated to the Jew ish Orphan Asylum Fond. Tkket?,5' Ocnti for each Lecture. Fo'r ;ale at all the Jewish Stores, and 1 Ueloi iKryot; d Lire Book and Music Store. FISHING POLES, 7 FISHING POLES JUl.Al'.AT .-pl 24 (i I LES k M UKCHLSO.Y. GOOD INVESTMENT 1 FOi: A .SMALL AMOUNT 5 e ini ts - roi; A (JALLO.V CAN OF Freslhi 5th ANNIVERSARY BALL OF Orion Lodge, No.67, 1. 0. 0. F. , T MEGIXNET'S HALL, TIiriDAV caught up' by "a sounding board, and in-, t, -, . -, , rr: , . . , .. 1 -. . - -. ' fc' ijrLt, 20th April, lsn, 'Iivkets admi stantly Ap. 2 m layettevillc repeats it; Gentleman .aud LarKs. si. Htmr Mr. J. II. Allen advertises' the largest f assortment of spectacles: aiuV eye -glasses eVorcfcdTin this' city, raugmg frouxhe lowest to highest in quantity, quality nd price. -.- : -. i; -. 1 1 he Lecture previously adcrtiscdby llabpi Dl. I). M. Hrowue, to take ; place I Galop, Quadrillf Waltz; Schottis.hc, this ? .evening at the Oicra House. Jbas mbadrille. Cauliflower: Waltz, Quadrille, HYaltz, Lancersi rolka, Vuaurillc, belle oi America, j I At twelve uchck tlw doors of the sup per room were thrownopcu ?.d t.e dancers been" changed the Tern pie of Israel corner of Fourth and Market streets. r WVsaw Mr. JcwcttcOQlaythc 'Must htantiiHri TitTf KTtr-tftttr am! Ohlit- mtomyTraS. EtvaanlM were hcatevl around tables ELEGAUT," : APPLES IN , 6Alxon cans. : : frtCTlY i .?c v0u irt !.... OHLY TEY THEM ! E0. MYERS. 1 U.Y RKYttW dcrfu! in its tCcctt-, 1'Uipg the ink .-from the paper without leaving a stairii any where. .' , The tiiim of year has tome "when a man's wfc asks hini to takp a. leugth of stovepipe , teudcrly tlu-ough the jull, gently down the front stoop, coyly across the walk, and knock all the soot out of it at one bust without hitting hjs toes, con found it 1 : Something whkUUI pfovb'l interest to retail liquor . dealers will be found in our advertising columns to-day. s Squire Wagner, (3uirmah of tlw Board of Connty Commissioner?, notifies thxhi that their licenses will expire ou tho 30th in fit. and that they mut be renewed befee tho first of May as r-quirtl by law. : I "roan in g under tlie delicacies of the seas-ju. At last a soft and sjlcmn breathing touml ltoee like a bteani of rich dUtilled perfume, And rtole upon the air, that even. silcne Was took ere she wi 'wre, and wkh d she might ' . j -. Denr ber nature ami be never mon 8tlll to be ao displae'd. . And soon th dancers were twirling in the mazy waltz. The occay' Ji tuii :uns c rcmenibered and treasured by those in attendance among the realizitloas juf t he sweet dreams of ? ouOC I BS w - " - You can save Bloney. by usiug Dooi.ey; Yeast Poww-e,. fir is not a needless bap-hazard Slatctsc-pfc bnt a lact verified by tp 'fr&j&vc&c many thousand JinflicC--' Tiy-i it and Prove trie claim. . yet not one iota of sound has passed be- tw ecu thctwo places, for the soundin Wii- mi;igton was produced by tli3 human voice. while that heard iu Fayetteville was actually produced by the automatic action of the telephone, an electrical machine so wonderfully coustructcdrtbat.it 'repeats the sounds" of the human voice, with aft of its varied modulations. The tele phone is not a transmitter of sound but actually a rc-creator of souud, through the agency of electricity. This is caused by connecting two of more inst inmcuts, by 'an clectrlc'ial circuit, as is done in tele graphy. When sound . is produced near any one of the machines, in the circuit the instrument is so provided with vi brating membranes and tonges of metal, j corresponding to tnning forks, whose ad justments are so arranged that the vibra tion of these metal tongues open and close the circuit. For example, sound A at. & . Xo. 1 in Wilmington after the sound lias passed into tue instrument, aud at 1 becomes inteusilied by reflection, on tbj principle of the echo,' this puts the vibrating tongues in motion iu t!ic telephone, which causes the ojkju ing aud clos;ng of the circuit, thus. pro ducing waves of elccUioity that pass over thciutujatcd wire from No. 1 to Xol t. As thc-sou:tl wave 6iens and closes the circuit, the electric wave assumes' 'the modulation, form and character of the sound produced, s j far a-r' quant ity and intensity ai ttaiwrp.Pil As you sound A! rlt SDvlcM waves passing; vcr the wire reach No. 2 at .Fayetteville, and pissing through the machiue sets the vibrating membranes aul metal tongue in laotioR. No's. 1 and 2, being in perfee: iiitiwa, by the electric. wave, No. 2 actually sounds A , akiuid- ed in Wilniitigtou. Or by inveii n sound i A at No. 2, you win tiod ih.it- I ,vj peats it. , : ' ' ; ; .' . ' . ' t The number'of ;uranjiU ucd,iu m cirtuic makes iu difference. Select any one 'you choose, produce one or a thousand j sounds near the selected, m-tcie, other instrument rfptOf'4reate the i same in jeriect imitation ai.d unin.. Wc would advise the reader to Ixrar' iu inin l, y as we have before Mated, that ahhpush the first machine receive the aoil aud iutcusifief it by the same xrfudpal of the echo, the other; instrument only receive wavelets of electricity and autornatkally produces lbs svuuds themselves. ' f Joseph Henry, IT year' ao raag & bell by rkctrkity. A frv 'years later ilorsc transmitted messages by Jit. ITo day wc converse with a distant friend Ly the subtle fluidi To-morpow, u bl ? r April 25 j. V.. TAVLOli, S. H. I LSIIDLATK, V. C. FAEUOW. . ' Committcf. Spectacles and Glasses. fpHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER' olfercd iu this citj at rlvcs ranging from 'lb cents to 10. - . Call and examine for yi!! tcl ve?. apl 25 J. II. ALL KV. Wotice. ALL IiETA1L L1UOIt DEALERS ARE hereby notified that their LICENSES EX PIRE on the oOlh inst., an I they 'are rir-pcct-fully rcqucskd to . RENEW THE SAME ; BBFORI2 THB 1st O? XVZiLV as 15 required by Jaw. -;' ' - . . ' J. G. WAGNER, apl 17 Clinvn Ii-"C- Apples J i Un. oi' r.ik- lv -O- CIAS 711 111 II. Ill liltS & CO 13 5 6l 7 Worth Trout Street. apl 24 ' 1 0O Cases 1 0O TIlMSK 1'01'UI.AU ' Instantaneous Inii Extract- ;-: , -. , , or and Obliterator. A R R A N T E D HARMLESS tu i.iw-u. hand", clothing or the fine-l rubric.-. , Fur ial'i at ' aid lb S. .MAV LIT S. Lost, . . rjlUEDAV- AFTKRXOOS", UKT-WEE.V tl.-e -Prcsbvisriau - Church aud Dr. Kih'.- tuse, an lafantY GOLD FIX. The haJ,-: wiil be suitably rewatded by !r$u,t,ir, tin aine to the abore reidei:cv. a, 1 H PETERSON'S " "Dollar Series," Volume 0m; 'uow rv;Jr.. ST. LOUIS LAC-SB Re-t iu market packed for family Uic ' in cans of 2 Dozen Each. . Sold only by CHAS. D. MYERS & CO 5 & 7 Worth Front Ot. np ii ; - - - . LIPPITT'S Ice Cream Parlof. VXILL RE OPENED O.V WEDNESDAY V mominp, 25th inst. 1'are Cream fla vored with choice-l fruits will be kept daria" the season.. . STRAWBERRIES la e aiidlu.ciou8 wi'lbe kept when ever tLev . can Lk? procured in either this or the Charle toa uiarkvts. Cream sent to any part et the city in .ua:t. and gallons frozen, free of charge.' A 12 orders for Cream for Sunday aiut be left Saturday. - , En trance to'Palor on PrincewSt.- .'aid '11 . , - . ; Imported Mineral Waters. RIIIXE .WINES,' CLARETS, " f CHAMPAGNE, Ac. i:. A- M. f0LLMAX'S CKLEBUATKD IMPERIAL VIME VINEQAIl. -Nonpareil Picklin Vinegar, alao, NoirptreU , Cider . Vincffar. Ordera eolicitcd. V. J. BLJH1I AN3T. Bmkjr. . , - 9 Lippitt'n Row-, South Front aL 24 Country Quarters. ' RV Till: -' 1 - " "i - . Couutcs3 of Blessingion.. Fur gaVl 24 HEINSD SB. OH U G , Lire Rov'i auu M'le Si;iti ."I .k 41 Mark'-f -f. Consignment, Tubs LETTER, i V.hh DRlL l : - 7 I ATPLKS. Rbi. x. iy. :.',,--r 'liti. ai!A MOLASSES. ) JIOI.ASSES. IS.n.es 3IEATRolk aaJ Rac. -; . Ez?. iVai. lYas'ul. Poultry, CJa?, ic. Insti uctcI to c!l and 1 da it. " - " We arc prepared to Oil ordera proaptly ior Vlrffinil Viz Jlauu, b to S lbs weight or 9 to 12 lbs Glee all grades : Lre, Pouab, Waab- InrCryjUl, Baking; Powders, Heat, Lird, fV.m V.l,. S-ItTftrn. Art- Soda Water. VRUPS mad - froi Qruabe.1 Sugar and U best truit Juices and Extract. I'l Centapr Gin, 7 Jlaieai for 2-5 crntj, - lb Tickets for One DoiUr. Altvav Ice O ld. " ' -JAMES V. MLi'DS, Drujzut, . :!!'; Third St.. oppoitc Citr Hall. " 20 (5 10 less buttcronr, VT&i etc., are remrod . -. , L tc??; olaa Salt, Com, c., A?. cstcnshrely-nsed by ,Xcw York Iirir-w POTEWAr & SQICLKKX, c&se Iccy are destined popular Sfi tU.; , f " . . ; r loric Jietr-K to be quite Drokers and Comciknon Merchant j, iiw norui 1 1 ibccm iimi Mater ay. Tlie Great Sarins Staring Inslitn . tioi of lie City,: ""7 t;hehi: a fihst class shave e4U y be na i fur hi . -,iU . strlUh lLtir Cut ftr-a ccnu : .I.LIiUul Shampoo, for 2A ccnu and Mo-jUc6e Dyc4 for ccnta. Alta ' razura - put in caevHeni rUer and onlr A ccnU char-cd. All tLW U d,nc at the Great l.tfunn Lrber bop under the National Hank, vrbcre eTt-rjUjin U done ia aUenc nd tbw in tbe latest ItI toa. ' : 1 " 1,L FIJRMANSgf. y WHS SEIF-FASIE5IS6 TJCi ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO. THE USE Cotton SLippir?. . Netst!j prints atLUWSTPUICE3 jaal!. SuU ASfntfor Wilmlnffbiji 7 f r 1 '

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