The Daily Review. JOStt. T. JAMES, Ed. and Prop WjXMWGTCOT, X. CV WEDNJCSDAY, APRIL 2o, 197. VIEWS AND REVIEWS. 4,OWtiiianifraiJ-to-i;Q-liomc" is the way -they designate-Senator ratlcrson in Washington. -pffrifiAfl rlama 1,000 feet above &ca level have Iwfouud oa Irrin'.s ranch in the llocky Mountains. SooJoS&th'S n'slibh' fi rc insurance com panies pay on the average very high dirideitlsin Jbe'- f-Nurth British and 3IeV?anftihVi.T!te1y-iaid one of 28 'per ccntv ( f -V. Dr. fjcnjauiin Viaiililin invcutcl nml . constructed three clocks, and one 'of them is owned in the Old King's Arms Inn, in IWajtcr, Xnglotnd.T It luis only three ".wheels "arid strikes the hunr: I is to be told at. auction in May, with other curious ntatorieal object cs. A sajety envelope 'to prevent tamper , hit has been devised. On .'the flap the words "attempt to open" are printed with ii double set of chemicals, the first impression containing nutgalls' and ttic second green vitriol. If the flap pc steamed or moistened iu any w ay the -magic printing will appear. T- '. A Yankee, having patented a device for making tops of fences impassable by cats, advertises as follows : "Practical tests of the inVcntion have .shown that it is dis " couragtog to cats in a higlr degree. Tom u cats of exceptional -intelligence, yvlu have long treated, with contempt, such .trivia obstacles I aa spikes .and broken '-glas.s, hive retreated baffled before the teaser." 4bstoiw6mah is conducting a tcni pWafice revival as a kind -of udjimct' to - thj: Moody and .Sjnkcy meetings. fhc gives a breakfast to every man who will pledge himself to htca to the temperance appeal that follows it. Hundreds attend every morning or. these tcrm. and of course most of them at the uuLstt care only for the meal ; but Ihc woman is couviuccd that jnaoy are coin cried JVom intemperance, and is willing to meet the expense of her .movement. . , The South Pass' jetties are steadily decp eniuJh channel at the mvutli of the Mississippi.'' The' steamship Andean. drawing twenty feet six inches, recently passed through on a stage of water four inchqsclow mean HojI tide. This is sauf Pirate been the deepest draught ves sel that has yet passed through. The approaching spring freshets in the Mis MSsipbAvhleh' will greatly increase t he amount .e watery, are expected to scour out the ch:.u(iel to a e)n-.ideralrv greater depth. The disadvantages of wearing false hair were painTiiry illustrated at Millersvillc, Pa.,' the other day. A boat, iu which two yyuig ladies and two young 'men were passengers, CiVpsi zed suddenly, and one of the fadics s tiik out of sight. A. she reappeared one ,;of the men grasped her hat, which came oil". The lady sank, and cumber scvoud appearance fared no better tor this time the frightened youth caught her by her hair, which, being false, came off iu his hauds, and down she went again. At last, however, she was caught by her real hair aud dragged alnjard the boat, after having had what may properly be called a hairbreadth escape. The French arc nothing if not sensi tionafl. The grand new Avenue tie l'Opcra in Paris, is now in course of laid out audjppCnctl, und the-; engineer- in stead .of allowing the multitude to gaze upon his wot k in progress of eo'.upletion, has' put-' up high boardscreen, cutting oil puJYic5; entirely. His object : to prepare a pleasant surprise lor his brother Parisians, and to let them least their eyes only uikhi the completed ave nue, with ' the sidewalks newly laid and the macadamized roadway iYchlv rolled. They have a knotty ease - before the Ohio Superior Court. The action is one brought, by a hu&bau I against his wife, HOW THE GREAT NEW YORK HERALD -X EC T U R ES TOE POOR liITTJLE SOUTH. For cool unblaslnug, insolence, commend us to that brazen political ireather-cock, tho New York Herald. Since it recent display of common Bensc and justice as to South Carolina aSain, it seems to have believed it has acquired a-patent right over the Southern States to lecture, to abuse and to cajole our people by turns. Its latest conceit is to bully us into' the formation of a new' party, and in this attempt treats us with beautiful in consistence in one breath, as conquered vass.ils, And in the next as thinking men, with, some show of political power. Head the heading of a long leader in the issue of the 23d, "Line3 of New Depart ure. What the South needs is justice and common sense." But according to the first part of the HeraliVs articlt there wouUl seen to be no necessity for the pos session of cither "justice' or "common sense'on our part, for it declarei "the truth about the South is a painful ene. We have a conquered territory and do not know - what to do with it." As simply conquered, territory, we have little need or room for the exercise' of "justice and common aenso" to the mighty, superio;, elevated, victorious, christian North exclu sively belongs, the patent right to exercise these high functions, evenf with respect to our internal affairs, lint hear the Herald continue : The conquered States naturallv fol low their old leaders, and their aim is to recover through political expedients as much a3 possible of what they lost m the war. There is a gpod deal of cant about ' 'cheerful ly accepting" aud so on, and "gladly welcoming' emancipation, for in stance. Put it is all cant. 1 low can the Southern people "cheerfully .accept" the most terrible and crushing defeat ever imposed by one Power upon the other since Scipio couqucrc4 Carthage? How cau they "cheerfully welcome" an event which, however much wc in thcXorth mar siug and fray about it has ruined hundreds of thousands of the best men aud women in the South? This is not in human nature, and any theory about the settlement of the Southern question based upon it is un sound, because it rests upon a falsehood. What the South accepts is tho sword. What she is now striving to do is to put away the sword; She has "accepted" nothing. She fought the military rule at the end of tho war. although if that rule had been coutiuued for ten years she would have escaped the corruptions of the carpet-bagger. She fought the 1'recd mau's, Bureau, although without it she never could have x controlled the labor which has cnablcu her to grow as. much cotton as iu any of her peaceful years. She has fought every sysjtom of govern ment, cvcry experiment that, did not bring back, us nearly iis possible, the old system. Wherever hc lias found a Confederate leader she Iikr honored and promoted him. She shenvsit iu the long list ol gallant and distinguished men who- hold seats .'in tho Senate aud the House because of what they did for the lost cause. Wherever one of her sous 'has shown a disposition to make terms with her enemy, even sons as distinguished as Long streets and Mosby, she has punished him with swift aud merciless rigor. She eares with singular and proud i unanimity everUchijca ascveulKngstreet and Mosby were craven enough to deny these principlea gni fall, ready worshippers to the igolden calf ef gijernioect pluudcrings, erected bthe Radical party for the delight of its faithful followers, the South was hon est and patriotic enough, in the face of th "bloody sbirVand reconstructions terrors, to showcrrupor ;them ils indignation with ."merciless Vigor' And wc are not striv ing to recover now vhat wc lost during the war, but are ratTiTranTmalcl ly a rest less principle to" render ihcfold government of our: fsthcra: once more pure and free from corruption. : I Tlie Herald-will excuse us li-r saying that wc, cannot agree with it iu the asser tion that even if wo "had elected Tilden it would have have been a barren victory" for us, or further, in the remarkable de claration that "neither Mr Tilden nor any Democratic President could have had. the confidence of the country to the ex tent possessed by IIaycs.': If Mr. Tilden had been perntittcd to take his seat, w hich he should have done by right of his elec tion and mainly by Southern votes then the victory-would not have proved -quite so barren as the National Jieturning Board succeeded in rendering it- ; but that a man who succeeded in reaching the Presidential chair through a title upon the face of which acknowledged fraud was so plainly written should. possess confidence so superior to any possible Democratic President, is a conundrum hard to unravel. llllt flit. ;.itlir iniKi.r ! tiii ! the South declines the Herald's invitation to exercise- that "justice and common sense" wliich, according to its theory, wc so much need, to form a new party under the leadership of Hayes,. Aud the bait is peculiarly void of tetnp'aliou -.when it names as leaders such perjured Keturniug Board cattle as E hnunds aud Hoar, even though coupled iu the Sim,! breath with Lamar and Hampton. This even docs not succeed, in piri tying them, and thi South is yet true to principle -iu spite of the Herald a insolence ;md cajolement. And still the Herald is not happy. Miscellaneous. - r trm- mm r wr m m mr ?r ".. -4 DELICIOUS KEW DOTTER ! ! JUST IX Perfectly Elegant ! 11 dt 13 rront Street apt O --' - Pag ToncoriaL r: 3 Study Bcieu9! 6H2XSOD23D M nEW B ARDEIi SHOP. M" T PATROirS and" the'ublic generally are rpcctTttlly informed, thit I hare opened a h ' " NEW i BARBER SHOP at So. 7, tJouth Front street, where the fol lowing low prices hare been adopted : Shaving1 10 cents ; Hair Cutting 23 cents ; Shampoo 25 cents. Qpca on Sunday morning. x ' 4eci3 t f J CHAS. E.'.L'EJU'OK.r - APPLETOWS- ALIEfllCAJT L-Yj; 110 P D I A. XEW REVISED EDITION". tntlrely rewritten, by- the ablofet writers on c vary subject. Printed from new typ, ond illuBt rated rith. Several Thousand Engravings and Maps The work originally .published under the title of THE NEW AMERICAN CYLilX)PvE DIA was completed in 1873, siueo which time tho wide circulation which it has at tained in all parte of the United States and the signal developments which have taken place to every braneo of science, literattre. and art, have induced the editor and pub- nsner to Buomit it to an exact ana tnorougn revision, and to issue a new edition entitled TIIE AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. AVithin t ho last ten years tho progress of discovery in everj department ol knowledge has made a new work of reference an im perative, want. The movement of political affairs have kept pace with tho discoveries of science and their fruitful application to tho industrial and useful arts and the convenience and re finement of social life. - Great ware, and con sequent revolutions have occurred, involv ing national chanses of neculiar moment. Wc 'guarantee thi Tea tle verr best in I Tno civil war of our country, which was at J , I its height when the last volume of the old worK appeared, has happily ended, and a new course of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to onr geographical knowledge have heen made b.v the indefjiti- gable explorer of Africa. The great political revolutions of tho lost decado, with the natural icsult of the lapse of time, have, brought into publie v4ew a multitude of new men. whose names are in every one's moum and of whose lives everv one is curious to know the particulars Great battles have been fought and impor tant sieges maintained- of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the trasient publications of the day, and which ought now to .take their place iu permanent and authentic history. . In preparing the present edition for the press, it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to bring down tho information to the lowest possible rates, and to furnish an ac curate account f the most recent discoveries Rail Una A T. Vili MirjfiTms r vwifeiiimuj tin T A TT T v . v. Li Otl'Ll TV Wilmington, X. C.Jggf''4 Un and after 8udar i, V'X the passenger trains-' on 5 " "k Wcldoa RaUroard win P,ike ; DAY MAIL SX& Leave .Winning Fronts, Orel- 70 Boxes of the Boh Tea SOLI) IX OXE DAT X 'narket. Only 75 Cents per pound. Arrive at weiden at v Svi Leate' Weldon (iaiiy"a't'wrr'. 1 A NIGHT.. MAII, ASD Arrive at eldon at lift Leave Weldon, dailfaf""'""- t! Ul5 TheDav Train miVHV-: i dady, (except Sunday and x - t memd and all rail roiU '3 Aigut train makes r!,. Weldon for all Geo. mm V u & 13 South Front rstreet. .irl G . SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. A a t n n i v i , j : i 1 1. 1, v s r i; a t km M a ; a . r n e When ricributr Iued its fiiuuus M ids urn lin.r Holiday critic sai Miscellaneous. PROSPECTUS ; I OF THE Maryland Medical Journal, BALTIMORE, MU. O N THE FIRST DAY OF MA V .NEXT, the undersigned will issue, iu th-j city of Bal timore, the 6ri(t number of The Mastlavd Medjcal JotKNAi,. It will be a tuontlilr pub- i iiuium, ueruieu 10 nc auranccfiicnt ol y, eti cine in all its branches. Each nal articles, from representative men J.i tbe profession. Careful selections from foreign aud home' journals will be made with a special to the requirements of the practitioner. Reports of the progress of Surge-v and Medicine in their special, as well as general branches, including Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Diseases of th.j Ncrrous Sygfsjn, Diseas es peculiar to Women, and DUeosea of the .Throat and Chest, regularly given by men eminent in these s)vcral branches -T1io.r reports wiL be an exhibit in abstract form of nothing for the democratic, iiotliitis for the rcnjjjblican part', Jlcr aim, her natural, proper aud excusable aim, is to recover as much fi possible what she lost during the ' tbe progress in each of these special depart tx-,1- l ments during the year. Jl'ii ciitium On the above umy be- per mitted from couquercd State?, overawed by the mighty almdow of the Sew York Herald, vo would rent tire to suggest", "with bated breath and whij)criti.lium blcness' that we thought .the "war was over and that-. there had lieeii a rtistora- tioii of the union of thel StateM. The dc mauds of conquest would hav iccn ap propriate enough to the seas.m imnieJi- aiciy jcMOwing nit' ir on a note given before marriage. a:.J the question raise 1 is, whether or nut the marriage of 'the parties extinguished tfie obligation. The wife contends that itdid, as by couimou Jaw the husband was !ia- Lie wtlic Ireditora of his wife aiyl could not, by becoming his wife's cre!itor. put hi nsllf, as regards her, ia the position of both creditor, and debtor. J'i.o inattir was held, under :ulviaement. Srccping-car passcngcr!,' righis. tie rare ly adjadicatetl in the courts, as the slecp- ing-car(rnanagers are usually most careful t T thojeoiBfort and s;ifoty of lheir iatron. A recent decision a to the respiuj.tb;iity of sleeping-car .compauios, midc by the Dcs Moines, rcliit Court in Iowa, Ul therefore, cP The c:ise turucil upon t lie rcsiKHisibiUty for the traveller's euecteditUslJoKitinslrttrtcil the jury that flic : company hou Id c lield for the safe-keeping of the traveller's personal ef fect whilst he was asleep. In judging of the vahw f tlicse effects, however, they were to b lii:ut.V to the amuuut rcasona Wc arul prtuleiit fjr a ' passenger tu take with him whilstjrawlling. ' miuatioii of the struggle, but in decency he revired uow after all tin? "cant" and experiment of the North c xpeuded' uii reconstruction. Unr view of the truth of the mattcrds that there ins ben n "cant'.' about "cheerfully accepting? ir "gladly wel coming" eriiAficipati-on, cept from the saintly scalawags of the Holdeu oii I'ool order who were welcorped at once. into the bosom of the l.' ulicil party and given n liberal share- .." iln htcaiiug. LiMhr a plea of hostilities tor the prejcrvation of the I nil. in, the Southern people had -their ucgroes .-hamefully sU leu from them by tLi? cmaueipation swindle, iiotwitlistaud ing. as this JJ:ra!d says-, tu the rry same at tide now under eimijctuifi, that "we in the North are as muej iJvib for slavny a the South.; Ve cnjyexl many! ot its matcnal ad vintages. We. legalized it, and men are 5li!I , living who were dragged through Xorthirn treel with halters a lotit their neck for finest iuuin'r it dn jne character." ; IjM the iteioia s right in living wliat . v jm uvkvi i ure swoni V Q SIC knowletlgetl defeat witl!6ut avowing that the princif !es for which we fought were faUe, a:id accepted nothing but that we were beaten and these principles reudered a practical iui possibility. But tvo did heartily accept the situatiou in which 'the struggle placed us and endeavored to bring to our icstoralion under the ; ohl 'govern hu?nt the ' same elevated jiatrioHini and devotion to thp higter principlea of its original establishinent thzf. innpired so many to lay down their lives iu deeuc of that sense of right aud justice, of which n swm how o wofdllyj lacking And' lidav -Number in .Mr fi ipndlr I ? wuui i memosi recent; aiscovcries ci iliuer ui touched high-water mark. We the practical artsa well as to giveasuccinct ui not-ct-what worlds are left to it to con- and original record of the progress political juer.'V lut the publishers do not consider ndhistorical events. that thev have reached the ultima thule of The work has been begun after long and excellence' tbcv believe "there are other Carcul Preliminary labor, and with tho most worlds to conquer, and they propose to SltoSSSo? carrylng il 01 toasuq- couquer tbcin.'f . . None of the original btercotypo pliitcs have i he prospectus for the new volume gives been used, but every page has been printed tnc titles ot more than fifty pspers (mostly on new type, forming, iu fact, a; new Cvclo- illustrated ), bv writers of the highest merit, poedia, with the samo plan and compass a-s Under the bea'd of its predesessor. but with a fargreater pecun iary expenditure, and with such iinprove- l ff nientln its composition as have been suggest- r O rC I B 11 r rCIVG I fdpy looser eaperlcucea nd enlarged know- w -r The illustrations which are Introduced for edition have pictorial cf aud force to hey embrace linlurnl hiiifnrTr and depict tho most famous and remarkable features of sconerv. archif actum .nri art. a E5 I r K A I a r HI nfi k mm I well as thf various processes of mechanics 8M I IsIlOl aS Iw4 I II ill in. nnufectnr8.- Although iutonded for msirucuon ratner than embellishment, no Uv Dr. Uollaud, the Editor, pams have been spared to insure their r artistic excellence; the cost of their exocution w hoce storj. of "Sevcnoaks" jr ate the Inches 18 ennnous, and it is lclieved they will find satisfaction to the readers of the MftnthfV. - ?hii5SS5ron au T11.0.1!.1 The scene of this latest novel is laid on the character 1 ' oi us nin oaniu ot tue iUdson. The hero is a young 1 This work is old to subscribers only, pay wan wb4ta Hecn alwyftied to a woman's I ableon delivery of each volume. It will be apron strings," but who. bv tho death of him I completed in sixteon mother, ia left alone in the world, to drifton I facti containing about 800 pages, fullv illus the currcut of life, with a fortune, but with-1 felted with several thousand Wood Kngrav- oui a purpode. ! I m Vf uun.iuurtuiuiuu juiiurap 7 M ' iiauw f . uj juiiza DC Pnllman'o Pu ai Night Trains, -and rui JdSi, mington to Milford. StaUon n rreaericksbunr & Potomac C4l!rH - bio. m. CenlSup'tsbfiS W1LMINGTUX, VOLVmiX AX3 'fi LSTA KAILR0AD. Wilmiugt,,, v. Cij x.- C1IAXGK OP SCHEDCLE Ou aud after .aaa?, March 111 tid ing schedule will bo run -a thii rn-T "? DAI EXPRESS-AND MAir.-niivi "iu.-,5ii: except S-unaar.) uvniv iiimiiiun , I1!- Leave Florence..... sari u e have "A vt inter u the A'ile." bv Gen. Me. I Clellan : Saunter in h,,ut .ninnhW t"o nreV.ume m the . present .ijr ..1Uuun niffiusrun, uy Eugene octiiij- i wie ex plana tlpus tn the text. T iL'i ; ".111 Elliot lftn in I i.rtwtan " ..f.. 'I I. I nil hmnrhAi r4T cnlm. .......... 7 SAP I ,....?....i:o5ii iii ...v,-lTtfi ititt unii .1311 ......sun serial stories are anuounced Trafton, will begin on the completion of "That pr;fl 0 J . C4-wVl c T j La o' LowrieV' by Mr?. Hodgson Burnett "1Ce 11(1 btyiO 01 Binding. Mrs. Durhett's storv, beun in Aurust has a t pathos and dramatic power which'have been dZthet vol ' CVSl;raGlVIUib,?,ry a snmriw tn . . J-taiuer, per ol, ?o 00: Jn Jfalf Turkev ilo- This.Jo,,eV of original and ex. hciencc," bv Mrs. Herrick, each paper com- Pr vol, 10 00. , ' plete in itself. Thirteen volumes now rrit- wiir-i i,r -n? aUritbc ycRJr , ,' There are to be, from various pen?, paperil SWwuhtU TOPlctJon, will' be issued 1 he proceedings of Medical St cieties will 'on 1 ' t"" I once In two months. ,., 1 Ol trie AMERICAN Cy- iS-.' howlm8 Pc. illustrations, etc., III be sent trrnt i. rn i, tt,v, - . . . - - v ... ' . u- i'"iouuu uuta nu as iiui v ae tueir im portance juitilies. Prominence will be given to rare and inter esting cases in Hospital and Private Practice. New Instruments anj Appliances, New Rente dies and improved methods of managing dis ease will be specially treated. New medical publications, as they appear,will becriticallv and impartially reviewed. No labor or expense will be spared to ren der the Mautl and Medical Jodbxai., a wel come visitor to ererr physician 'desirous of keeping pace with the progress of Medical Science -as derelopad hoik abroad and at home. Contributions, on subjects of Interest to the profesion, respectfully invited. Each number will contain not less than fm-tv PXt printed from new type, on heavy cal endered paper of the finest qualitr. The !fcWritDn price will be $3 per an now, iaTarjabfj in adf ace, delivc ed fiee of poaiagv, nome L,ne and Travel." UntgratiBTSn -'irst-ciassr canvassing Agents- WnnLml 4 1., .r..-i ...... I Ai rlRCBhP..kiii njil,SU. ixls,u, jaactieiii suggeuoijs as to town and v uiucr, country life;, village imprc'rcnieuU. etc., by Mr. Barnard's articles on various indus tries of Great Britain iuclude tho history of "Some Expriments in Co-operation' "A Scottish Loaf Factory" in the November uuiiifjci, ana "ipaa Liane, Kochdalc, ' iu De- a - -: i . mini; i vuiuiuuia J Leave Columbia... .."....Z. Leave Florence...... l' I?l Arrive at Wilmington......;"'.'.'.!!! JS?I .Leave V llunngton.;.,... Leave Florence............ Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta , Leave Augusta............ Leave Columbia..... Leave Florence.,... Arrive at Wilmington.'. V This Tram will only stop at Fltairru' Whiteville, Fair bluff, MarinE,1 Fkwsv Timmonsville, Sumter acd Ea;tur?r inm, Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TB1LT (itiilr, cept Sundavs.) Lea ve Wilmington. a.. 2 Sir I Leave Florence........ w Arrive at Columbia ......l..iIilJJl Leave Columbia 4UFI Leave Florence.... iWil Arrive at Wilmington iXll fBif Paesengcrs. fur Augoitais5kjl should take Night Eij-rc Trau, fr.i 2 mington. . " Thrug b Sk-epiag Car; t-a mttnai for Charleston and Augusta. Pa-lor Car ou I.iav iifixt - ' Charleston. . . " JAMES AJfhEfcSON", inch 10... .. Gener-lSttiitnaiti. JAS. T. rKTTCW.AV.. MIREIMMJIIilll rA.i Brokerage House. Receive ' begM!! exhibition, eauiplea ol V'i V Molasses, Sagar, vmi-b, r': Take orders lor Meat JS f Butter, Cheese, Soap, 1a , l3, r L; APrLETOX ec CO,, u!9 fe 55 Broadway.' X, V. march vG: n. K. T, MAN .V I-.Vft . M . 1 h T. A. AS II BY y M. D. C600 PIANOS FOR $250. And Ii oibcr strlea in the same nronnrt!. including (Jrand, Sre and Cpright all r iRSt-Ci.As sold direct to the Pop.-.k at Factokt Pricks. No asrenh?: no rommw. eions: no dieiuoK These Pianos made one ofth net dbpldys at the Centennial Exhi bition, and wrv unafiiujonJy recommended for the HIGHEST HONORS, Vow Manu factory one of the largest and finest in the world. ' The Square Grande contain Math ushek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Sea'e, the greatest improvement in the history of piano making. The Uprights are the Fi.vkst im Amkkica. Don t fail to write for Illustra ted and Descriptive Catalogue, mailed free. . MENfKJiiS(:lN PIAX0 Q., apl. 14 No. 5J Broad wav, X. V. - cembfer. Other I vanera 'aro. "Thi iZiZX " .-iuwwib, , OtU. VVoikmgman's Homc'"A Nation of Shop- T. VL7 TlTt OTTTTT jpTrtT" keeper,' Ha'penny a Week for the Ch tdP W. DROWXJ CL OOZ7S, A richly illustrated m l 1. TCIIMAKKHS AND JFAVKLLKIiS. .i:lc::,rs h: m'bA : x'o.-3- Market .. . Wilrairrton. If. C. -Household amlilooie Decoration" . vl???;l ! ...Mil . I in, JtUK'ij WORTH ill have a prominent place, whilst the latest f lof eTcr.v article purchased of them, productions ol American liumoihts will ap- .-An elegant stock of fine Watches, Clock?, pear from month to month The list of sho Jwdry, Silverware, Fancv (Jooda;Ac kep er, biographical ad other kctchcf, netantly on hand for sale at a very Slight etc., Ha long i,o. ' advance on New York cost n 1- rJoticeP JLL PERS05S HOLDING- CLAIMS against the County of New Hanover, iu War rants, Jtc, issued previous to the 1st of Janu ary, ls77, are requested lo present a liit of the S4i$ Jo the Special Board of Audit with ont delay. The listo mut specify the Date and Kckher aad Axocsr of each Warrant, together with the name of the person to whom Laed, aud by wbom held. Action Till be taken on each claim, a pre seniMl, in aeofUna wlU the law creating the Board of Audit, WM. U DeROSSRT, -nch 14 Chairman. Tk.. l: : .i ii.iiiriai ucparuiient will continue to ,m,.t uib awi pon., ootii at home and viu..u. nitre win tn-a wics of letter? on iiurittii inaiovs, irom Loirdon. bv Mr. Wei ford. i The paves of the ma-razim will hJ ' heretoloif. mi far; . -w ' . .i : : jl f- tpott- win per mil, to tlie.isc.U4rn.f alj -mes adectSr Uic social an. religious lile' orthe irorld! 3 Ifi tUti tliought of the Christ iau tbinke-s and scholars of this country. e mean to make fh aud ; m all lu uiterania .nd'tafli- enees. and my.r-a ,..,. ... k ... . "r vuuiv- vuiior man ever on SHOE MAKER AND - - i . toot; AND Repairer. 8ond atresf, two door froia Mar - FrieviMV)4erafaB,J R"?t Rri nn. raga?uie sweeter uro genia, and in flu .i . Ulurcn, hunu..f rollnc..nt and cnlturt, FIFTEEN MONTHS for 34. Se'ribiKT for l)rrp iil.,.r . ,,1"'"r' n' read-, and N eL. chapters- of been li-ueit. Th . eS" e n JCI scriber (who reque.tJwbcS wblcS tion begiD3 witn the Xo'tS.1 oumvnpuon price, a year 35 cent- nSLbc-Sl:Uitenna OQ bonndcSSiei a BchSn?,obp sellerlor Tend a cnect or P. O. money order to cvRIBNEU & CO., uroMWlj, X, v. ec 28 iuew uecign, N INVOICE i OF CLOCKS otutirely : Agents for the Diamond - ,Our country friendj are invited to call and dec 13 I APrr KtuD ... I iM r : i imm ma vr..A-a n ! , r '.uoi errors ana M Wj " ca iv Jife. Mix d i H a V is 3 , H HOOD RtSTOilKb." ImnxlimJi. to AlTlc removetl. New !h method of treatment. New ilk u rcnurKablc remedies. iuos anq circulars sent free m acijled cnrclopee. Addresa c ii ii v r-j rnments solicited. fi'Sl"' We are agenta for tbe ae"VnT BBS & CO;S MANIlXUmH th ReaslV Cotton 'kt.kiU utter, ueec-, p"r . ' - nr.ital Wire promptly all order. 1 Wiai gifrnments solieiteu. GIBBS and the Bcasly Cotton rETTKWAY K dec 13 . Kstablisiied. I665, GILilURE&lU.AHc .'.si:..? ; IJ ... . . 1 ..UUICH a Ninth hCTpmuZI. 1J 4 ! dqct and profain! .vm i . r o Sxchansre - ' ' f of the new designs fcai jut heen cel and being; whi at. extremely logr-A fine asjortment ..r r ti po.V?I is2 MJ GENTLEMEN'S V if U vi 3' ott left with k of th Ww,i...t ALLEN. . - i a trial. fh27 now open fr accommodation pubhe. ; ;ThelI0USE zit -m-. , morougaiv rcno rated throughout and th nnnfa . -. i lunuinni. . Polite and .ccimmvi.: . 1 -:. atw.. - . iicuaajitt are Th. nrr.r 7In ''a."5 want of Guest. Tiiif vc ; aau me iJotice. gXPECTiNO TO BE AT Tilt: NORTH the euiagfr months,- I I. -are my business with'Mr. JauuL. Dudley, where my friends i find everything as 7 E, ' f Buccessors to Cblpmaa, fcPfr . , 629 F Street, Wan American and rorelp.Wj Patents proOTired in all advance. Ko cnarga granted. Ko fees lor oiaxsi" aminations. No addiUonal .t, and conddcting a reheard given to Interference Cases Jiga Office, Extensions before W&fcptl Suits in different States, and aU pertaining to Inyentlons or Pa- TTmtf9 Cfat rflUTtS ill .Clalmsp uoiiea states, uom wr cjTcsf'St mlseioners of Alabama Jvjr ' Commission, and all ckfftST ' lore tho cuUveDeparttien , ArreariofParS'flrJ! uvuejr tram iuv u i ;-! p -Jj i noloiowleage. WxiwfoUJry state amount of pay and JBf.-Ltj' close stamp, and a tou repj.t- . ? -, will be given yoa free. . . I ruptnred,or injured .Pr tog penW arj aW-tft tamp and informatwa vui . 1 XTnited States Ges?' Untested Land Cases, 'ait- ning. PreptiondJpLi i ted before the G? rTV f rtment of the Intern. OldBoMtytai' " Tha last Report ox w,rise uenera4v-- i ty Land Warranu ' f aj7nSr fe uedTnderact of SJSSS cash for thea.- SfnJjJJ-iy-. , assignmenu are icperf; . , ta nerfect thgCU ' . -' v'L-t. Each In a seDarate bareati,.nB ? aJ tvra ana Cf ' j css.r-r ana other acw-r-hnf , Bttnnim have teen i"f fc2 1 aratoitoosly taxrtsa- p for return postage so all ckuseici wtowJtJT3 & Tt Address Crlliv - i . ... : a . m . , wp i"fr :i--.4tfy -.t;,.s ' fence ta we "''"-y-si?-: t Caw, Patent t4 :iIec - - "'rr ana JArrr. inch 19 JAS. bANFORTH.