THIS I'APKK T. JAMES. JU3 ..ninrir.TOK. 1 ,rt-iOVH,rOSTAGErAHV xmontbs, f2 M, Tbree Tl l Zo; One month, 60 cent. . ill be delivered by carrier, r tno week. ie Fr . .rf thocitr, aivne L ir vv- - r - !"'?. tt,lo.ndUb.rrf. 1 ' tl -IWIIfMINGTON; N. their pper rf gnlarly. Wrr.torecme Kcw Advertisements. ahiiiifd nnnno VOfi!5SPTa C., TH U RSDAY, APRIL 26, 1877. NO.'; 8-2 Tft SUMMARY. AT M YI. l4 1 w 36 Market Street- rices Lower Than Ever ! DRESS GOODO A,j;nVrint sivlfifroiu 8 cents ..-J ?:ik 85 cents per yard ur. ,,hcdn.l rnWflicUX'ytton 6K ct?. up. to The Ixniisiaua JUIaturc,..lieaJexl by If or: Nicholl. irucectlal iik a body to the State Houb yesterday anl teuk.' Mf ses sion., ' Packard fuul previously . issued bis valedictory jirtd retired, ,vf 7777: pencra? Crotk is coming to Ciiieago t consult with Slieridnh, and may potaible coDtimie his trip is ', 'far.'., w. Vasbingtpu. ; Couriers continue, ojartirc' reporting ' tlie, approach of Cm zy Horse with all of his people.- Ilia Arrival at the -.Agency will v i i t ual ly end ibc Sioux ;varl"j- The Jlussians ap(l ltrk barq cxchatigcd shota near htcrji. . (Jen.. ow Moltke has Wc .w were in erroriTn stating there would tjetitiolt of4h6"erjtertaiinneMt invert uy I'rol. Agostini iu a few days.. An cn? tertainmcut consisting of tableaux and fancy dances will be given by the class, bu t nrt of tlie program ne observed at C&rqiet3itej.tainrnent will be re- pcated. . "1 "V j ' made a threatening ?eech in the German Parliament , , towards " France. ' -. The EAT VARIETY ! GREAT BARGAINS j mUact Tica' 30 CentS (P- t lara;oU, Collars; ami Cun'a IXIBRQXD23XIX238, mKKDV.t WKMl WELL.) .len& Bov?s Wer Housekeeping Goods! :tfaiii Gents5 Gansc Uuderwear moia 40 cents up ! LINEN DRESSES. h ib jrt cvcivj (liio uet iled to complete au turc vmtior liacfit, GeBtsur CliiMrcn. Patronize Home ! Kuglish press 'are very much exercised over the Imperial manifesto ofthe Czar. - - The war news has advanced the price of Hour Yo to 25 cents. The South Carolina Legislature is excited over the contested teats of members from tue lackey Hou.sJj. 1 -The Louisiana ComuiLEsioji have teudercd their report to tho President and retired gracefully. Gen. Ord has been ordered with his troops to Lacrio, Texas. This is thought a menace to the Diaz government. Thos. 5. Kcogh, Chairman . of the North Carolina Republican Commit' ee, en dorses President Hayes' Southern policy i A terrible storm ylsilcd Galveston, Texas, Tuesday, doing much damage to shipping and property. Several lives were bst. A monster . whale," forty feet long, has been caught off South llamptou,. Long Island. ; , LOCAL NEWS ill Duplicate any Retail Goods sent for abroad '-.. 1.. on tho Same Terms. 36 Market St. ' JSt w AdTcrtiseinents. . . Sec ad Lost. ' S. JEWETxlnotaqtaneoua Ink Extractor aud Uhliterator. . J. G. Wagseb, Chm'ja Notice. J. II. Ailen Spectacles and Eje Olassei A. Shriek. Collars by the bucket fall 25 confcj. - , i Sec ad. 'AQnivcrsarytBalI Orion Lodgej No. 07, I. O. O. Ft ; " , . iM nol ice of i'nnni Almi Insr. 611 ! for. an item. . . ..." A fain we Dedlare. 5 That diie. irfiltliijayV we shall never give up the belief that advertising pars a merchant who is willing to augment his casT$ receipts. hSpm m w TB Tiiermotneter . . From the United States Signal Oflice at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock ; Augusta, 66; Charleston,. CD; Galveston, GO ; Jacksanrillc, 72 ; Mobile, 70 ; Mont gomery; New. Orleans, 68; Norfolk, 62'; Savannah, 71; Wilmington, 6G. Commltstoaer's t?9tirt. .' Napoleon Bonaparte : Taylor Was up before I": ' S. Commissioner Cassidey Tor jjcdtlling tobacco without liceDse. From the evidence, it seems th accused has! been carrying on a systematized "block ading" of tobacco from Mopre, County Jot some time past, and at last a day. cf reckoning came, and Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled to the county jail, in dafault of bond, to await a hearing; at the neit term of the U. S. District Court. Only six more days for oysters. The noblest motive is the public good i. $ a t Ston6 crabs arc being brought to lliarket and meets with ready sale. , ; A man can liud fault iu ; any directiou he is pleased to look for it, Dried grasses and ferns are tuiployed iu making bonnet wreaths. , The uniform for the' Whiting Kiflcs will be ordered this week. Several Souud parties ycstertUy and others followed suit to-day. , j Patronize Home. WVttf ;.' hiiu aliviifsle geraliywerking .avion 1X0 for it. 1 ' ' The most sentimental exercise yd known is said b be a.womam swimming iu tears. -'I'l H wchant Tailoring Goods " foUBj mjKtc, aud 1 will du- OolJatKctaiHa vwficrn citv on thcsayjc terms. ' , A- DA VXD, Merchant Tallnr ,nA r4iv:nv 1 T... : '.. :-' - ....... s .-OIIh, in JourBnf lJiaWiof, Prin Jogton, x;c -';V; if CHEAP attti ann-n CgTYLEs vw ,v . dpt. Jno. T.-Rankia hav bceuap- -'Youth's andlBpyS His assistants will be announced in siiew " Some of the new bonnets, composed of A fiery mass of red 'and yellowf arc qui to hideous'. , " ' . The Hrst asparagus of the" season was on market yesterday. Price, per bunch 25 cents. " . , .. . . 1 4 Sjjmp.portious ot thaturnpikc U very mucjjuout ol repair. vq suppose :t win be cd at an early date." J .' liij'aris everything in feminiuc fash ionlfs a3 tight as nature can endure. Jl'bc ragQ extendi tO llUStMtnila. in tone oaoe. 's . ' . ' rn j tL 1 - 1; Important. j The State Treasurer has decided that Sheriffs arc authorized to collect a special tax of $23 from any person selling gift r prize packages of any character. Under this opiniou, prize candy boxes, gift sta tionary packages or any goods where a prize is offered, are included. This is un der section 0, schedule B., of the Revenue Act. New Cream Saloon. The doors to Lippitt's Tec Cream Par lors'were thrown open to the public last The Parlors arc iieat, coo and were very tastefully5 with flowers. They arc bv folding doors and can! perfectly private to parties of ten to. twenty persons. In the first room small apartments are partitioned off sufficiently large to seat four persons around the, tables or, if you prefer it, only two Tlie entrance is on Princess street, and is in no way connected with the en trance to the store. See advertisement. evening, and cozy, decorated separated be made 1 vmuung. 11 1 a -jear 0 K 'ACT i A ACT 1 A. Peeved Market strccL apples ni GALLON CAWS - - m : ElEGAllt." ; 1 tt4'cc J0 to W)- one l)fen. ONlY XEY.THEU J daya t;dk tliis season but; positively, wc haven't secu a drap of the crathurlyet. . A little attention' given to some of tljg. stalls iu the Market House would ' add greatly to the 'sanitary i coudjtiou of that structure. , . w . dippers have already appear cdf, aud when a irl ; v ''accuseil 1 of hav ing mcnucd stockings she ' says, .''Not by a daru sight." ' " ' Thc fish tnarktf wAelflias becu rather poor for. many, weeks , past,! U .picking upr slowly. The usual Tarietiet of Spring fish arc appearing by degrees. I Lvirrr- DAU.Y UfcYttW I Inndsome,' Cornet Band "hare ordered very handsome bats 'which Trill be" here' in I time for the celebration of Memorial Day. ...Ir-STT Wi are very Arrested on Suspicion. ) . McDonald, the stranger who was found asleep on a. bale or nay anaarresieu on suspicion Tuesday night, referred the Mayor to his former employer at Na&hua, sew Hampshire, as to his being all that he- represented himself to be, viz: a workman In search of employmriit. Accordingly thciMayor tclegraphal tD the parties and this rooming received a dispatch iu reply stating that McDonald's character was good. McDonald was . thereupon dis charged, Recovery j of a Watch and Chain. A letter Svas received here this morning directed to the Chief of police, from S. J. Kadcliffe, Chief of Police, Columbia S. C. asking' if anyone in this city had lost a tinej huutiug-caso -guldj watch double movement, aWa fine gold chain. ' The watch and chain was taken from an es caped convict who had been in the city, and who was subsequently arrested aud carried to Columbia. Capt. Kadcliffe ex pressed the belief that the watch and chain bad bceii stolen while the fugitive was in Wilmington. Wc do not reoool Meet at present of having bearl of "tho articles being stolen in i this city, but if our memory serves us right, a watch and chain was stolen about two months ago, frpln a citizen of the town of Golds boro. .. i-'.. City Court. There were three c&cs tried before this suRUst tribunal this morning, The first billed was that of a sailor who naa iwo charges against him -one for disorderly conduct',' and the other that of drunken ness. Iu the first bo was fined $20 and iost or 30 "daya on the streets; in the second he was found guilty ami seutencod to $10 and costs or 15 days oa the streets, jn default of which this jolly tar will have to iake an involuntary donation of 45 days of labor in helping to put our streets in something of a sanitary con dition. - i r The second case was that of Catharine Merrick v. Jaiucs Kcliey. In other words Catharine caused James Kelly to ce brought before bi$ Honor, tho Mayor, to w frti' for disomerir conauci. iu vrw - upon invefgtrot'tW facts the Mayor adjudgeil that the gentle and peacefully Inclined - Catharine was equally ass guilty as the more riotous, and demonstrative Jamcsinowitbstandmg'-the mild Oatha rineV. strong! assertions : to : the r contra- tv. and tbe Tcrdict of -the Giurt was so . .... , . ... recordea; butinJS?enl was swpenueu on payment V costs: And so dat'a d last ob dat, as roropej Harnss woukl say. Memorial Day. The Ladies of the Memorial Association arc fast perfecting then arrangements for the proper celebration of their hallowed Memorial Day, which falls due 'on the 10th of May, two weeks from to-day. Capt. Jno. T. Rankin has been chosen Chief Marshal and iu a few days his Aides will be announced." Mr. Jno. C. James has been selected to deliver the Memorial Address on the occasion" and he has accepted the invitation, while Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor f tbe First Baptist Church, I will; serve as .Chaplain. Full particulars of the arrangements will be announced as soon as they are perfected. When and How to Kat Fruit. When fruit does harm it is because it is eaen at improper times, in improper quantities, or before it is ripened and fit for the human stomach, A distinguished physician has said that if his patients would make a practice of eating a couple of good oranges before breakfast, from February to June, his practice would be gone. The principal evil is that we do not eat enough of fruit; that we injure its fiucr qualities with sugar ; that wc drown them in cream. We need . the medical action of tho pure fruit acids in our' As tern, and their cooling, corrective influ ence. . , j '. Mail rrom this City. For a period of four weeks, commenc ing January 15, 1877, there were 41,337 letters weighing 909 pounds and 10,241 postal cards weighing 65 pounds sent from' this city, as wc. learn from a detailed "t-l'?cnt of mail matter funmhed by the Postoflicc Department : at4 H asmngion City. The total of - 260 of tho largest Postoflices shows that 29,076,423' letters and 6,199,326 postal cards were set duri ng that period. The statement shows that .Wilmington's patronage to the Po3t- ofiice Department is more thau the ave rage of four-fifths of the cities named.' We wero in error iu stating that there would be a repitition of the entertain ment given; by Prof.' Agosliui iu a few days.. An. entcrainuicnt consisting of tableaux, and fancy dances will be given by-the .class. but nd part rr the pro-' Srammo observed during the former enters tainmcut.will be. repeated.. ; "'T ,.'. 'mr SOME. Or makes TllrJ GJtKATEST RAS- CALlTIES of the world are achieved" by the uk of impure and-poisomnis materials in articles -of -cur rent user." It has lenn kthe noble aim cftho j mannfirf nmr .r DooLEtV-YkTASTfPdwDEK; to make an ab sohitely pure article, which should be a boon no every household.', Litile niore than half the usual quantitv. aiid the rhot delicious bread and pastry. , - , . . . . SensiDle Advice. You arc asked every day through the columns ot newspapers andbx-vour Drug gist to use something for Dj-spcpsia and Liver complaint that 3011 know nothing about; you get' discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Ghkkn's August .Flower' will cure you cf Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint with all its cflects, such as Souf Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Costivencss! Palpitation 'of the . Heart, Heart-burn, Water brash, comiug up of food after eating, low spi$its Src; Wc ask you to Co to vouf 'Drurrmsf andgefra'Samplc Bottle of Greek's Au GU8TiFix)WEn'f0r 10 cents aud try it, 'or a Regular 'Size for 75 centS; two." doses will relieve you . . , rome? friends oa any and all nbjtx f irene terest Dul':" ' ' " The name ' of I the ' writer'toUt always b furnbhed to the Editor.! . Commutiicatloos must be one side of thejpaper.j ' ' . l'crsbnalitics moat be avoided. Andit is especially and part icalarlj macUr awpu inat up. editor does not always fadorse the Yiew-3 of correpondcnL, unless "so state ' iu the editorial columns. ' .:''! y:i ftii' ten obt? en i. 4t New Advertisemohts. Tempi of Israel. RABBI ED. B.-M, DnOWKZi WILL DELIVER HIS Two Celebrated Lecturek r; 1 as follows : " ' ' ' v-" '" Wednesday Sveni'ng, April 23tb, 8 bcioekii ; SUBJECT : .it New Advertisements. Canal IWeeting- THERE WILL, I!E A MEETING AT THE Coiirt Hotise at S 1 M. Vrldiw in ti. interest of the "NEW lHVEIt CANAL.'' when the Committee arixinted at the last meeting will make a report ou tho subject. (Utizens generally tire invited to attend. jjj-oruer or uie Commiteci . apl-Ji; lis Ethics and literary Beauty. " . " '. Thursday Evening April 2Gth, 8 o'clock. SUBJECT: ' 1HE '. CRUCIFIXIOy AND THE JEWS, or Have the Jews Actually Crucified Jesus ' of Nazareth. One-half of the net proceeds to be donated to the Jewish Orphan Asjlum Fund. Ticket?, 50 Cents for each Lecture. For sale at all the Jewish Stores, and-P. Ueins-i bcrcr's Lire Book and Music Store: FISHING POLES, TT WISHING POLES. , QIIL'Ai' AT"' 1 w apl 24 GILES A MURCniSO.V. GOOD INVESTMENT St f 0 If . FOR A SMALL AMOUNT 3 5 e inilii , FOR A GALLON CAN OF Fireslhi Spectacles and Glasses. ASSORTMENT EVER Apples rTIHE LARGEST JL offered in this city at prices Paniu from The Lecture Last Night. We regret to say that only a medium sized audinence assembled at the Temple of Israel last night to i bear! the beautiful and highly interesting lecture of Rabbi Ed. B. M, Browne, on "the Talmud, its Ethics and Literary Beauty." Those who. were fortunate enough to be in attendance were regaled with a discourse ; of more than ordinary force and beauty having for its subject the description and expla nation of one of the Bublimcst codes of ancient or modern times. Tho Talmud, said the learned lecturer, comprised the laws and everything pertaining to the govornmont of the Hebrews when these laws had been reduced to writing; It, ho said, would make about three hundred volumes of ordinary sire of five hundred pages, (folio) each, and had neither index nor digest. The lecturer discoursed at length the ethics of this great work, and explained how. on account of the Hebrews having at different timesf been overcome by different nations, their laws and cus toms had been preserved iu the dialects which were the result of 4he combinalUuCT; quantance with the Talmud ; presupposed J a thorough knowledge of a( jeati six' dif- j ferent languages. This wa a height cjf knowledge to which very few ever attain ed, consequently the Talmud remained a sacred arcana of mystic and almost forgot ten lore oaaccouut of the great difficul ties that beset the path , of Jhe ej3vrcr after knowledge iu this direction. But, suEc it to say as our space will net per mit us to go further in artemptiug a synopsis of the cveuiugu discourse, that it was one of great comprehensiveness .ana abounded in apt and happy illustraUons, by way of anecdote, which .were at . times amusing aud laughable. Tho lecture was a decided success. ail the lecturer showed a tborongh acquaintance , with ' bis subject and an appreciation with its salient noiBts that won the closest aUoUk'tt of tbe audi ence. AYe bespeak; for him a large at tendance to-aiight, ' t . f'i- cents to $10. Call and examine fur yourssdves. ' apl 25 J. II. ALLEN. Notice. LL RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS ARE ,;fi ihtkt ,.jr LICENSES EX PIRE on tbc'30th inst., and they are lx-spect- fully requested to : RENEW THE SAME ssronxi the 1st of rvxAir as is required by law. ' J. G. WAGNKK, -apl25 . Churn H. C. Try On :. For sale by MAS. I). JIMS & d 5 dt 7 Worth Front Otreet. apl 24 " ... . loa Cases ICQ tiiuse roruLAii I , ' I , s OT. L0UI0 LMEE 71: Instantaneous Ink Extract or and Oblitorator. yyARRANTED "HARMLESS to paper, bands, clothing or tlie linest fabric. . apl 2; , For alc at ' -: S. JFAVETT'S. Best iu market packed for family aye in cans of " - ; Lost. 1 fpUESpAY AFTERXOONi BETWEEN the Presbyterian Church and Dr. Kind's house, an Infant's GOLD FIN. The finder will be suitably ' rewarded by ic'tu ruing the same to the above residence, spl 24 ': : PETERSON'S Dollar Series," Volume One now rcadr. Country Quarters. liV THE Countess of Blessingtop. 2 Dozen Eadh.; . Sold only, by -, , .. ... ' ,i CHAS. D. MYERS & CO.. 5 6l 7 Worth rront ntJ ' apt 24 i ; ' : lippitt ;r;; Ice Cream Parlor. WILL HE OPENED ON WEDNESbiV morninff, 25th inst. Pure Cream 'fla vored with chuicctt fruits will be kept during tlie season.' . ' ! STRAWBERRIES. ' ',Vl la-o and luscious will be kept when fr tbyi can be procured iu ejither this or the, Cbarlcs ton market. Cream' sent to any part ol tbe citr in quarts and gallons frozen,: free of charge. All orders for Cream for Sunday must be left Saturdays. ' v ' ' !SU Entrance to'Palor on Princess St.' ; apl 21 , . f v Imported Mineral Waters; RHINE WINES, CLARET8. CHAMPAGNE, Ac. E..A:;M. BULLMAN'S CELEBRATED IMPERIAL WINE VINEGAR. Nonpareil Pickling Vinegar, also.XOipareil Cider Vinegar. Orders solicited, ' i W. J. BUUMANN, Broker, ' apl 21 Lippitt's Row, Sooth Front et. . Soda Water, r SYRUPS made frosi Crushed Sugar and best Fruit Juices and Extracts. ; ' Money h said to be rery dose, but it is; not jet close enougu tor same ol our peo ple to eaUh hold of. apl 24 LiVe Book and Music Store, ' ' M A 41 Market ft. Consignment. 2Q Tmbe BUTTER, -j 10 -y Dbls DRIED APPLES. 6Bbb. N. O. - libls. CUBA ; MOLASSES. O MOLASSES. Boxes MEAT, Balk and Baeon, . . i r 7 - j - . Poultry, Glae, Ac hutructed to t vil and wid do it. .,.,... :t "We are prepared to fill orders prompt! v for Virginia Pig Hams, 5 to lb wei'rht or ft to 12 lbs ; Glsa all grade j Lwe, PoUcb, Wh ing Crystal, Baking Powdcrii Meats, Jrd, Coffee, Mtda&scff, Salt, Corn, Ac, At. 1 Call aad yaminc samlca. , . . . v - . . PETTEWAY & S5CIILXKK.V,'f , Brokers and Conto&JTon Merchants, , Next North Princess and Water St, j. apUt vi I' - - '.'. : ' - 10 Cents pr Glass, 15 Tickets for One Dollar. Alwavs Ice Cold. n , i ; v JAMES C. MUSDS, : Druggist, . npi 22 Third HL, opposite City flalL',' Tie Great Sarag" Mm ;IMfr tiou of tlie CitJ.5 ' WHERE A l l RST CLASS SHAVE ean be bad for lO ceuu j Stylun Hair Cut for 25 cents ; delihuul Shampoo, for 25 cents and Moustache Dyed for 25 teats. Also razors put in excellent order and only 25 cents char-ed. All this is done at tbe Great lie form Barber Shop under the National Bank, where everything is done in silence and this ia the latest style trio. - apl 22 1 x FUB1IAXSKT. 5 i For the iLadie IV CltS. E. A. LUMSDE.f HAS JUdTBE XvJLtante4 froim New York , with aU Ua latest j ry les of ;ft ,r . f FrcacIi::3Patteni Hats, Bon- notsji'rfincli Fldtrers, Ladies are respecctfolly invited to call and I examine. uichS 1 vmm m .ammWaam- 1 '-FASTESEK ' ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE' USE v Cotton Shippers. . , , ' - ; $ST Neatly printed fctLOWST PRICES :'"""" ;.a dG uAiiiu J-in IS. Solo Ajjent for WilinlngUn.

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