1 -ta PAPER ;' . . ----- 1 . - ?- I -.mn. Sundars ex- rrnTI . -- - - " T-rv I v . . v ' -B- r i-l R IATTY RWTfW thi,!1 ij . - - i - - , TbdiWd by earners, j uw .tf .i..urrart anv and rM0 rn." ? J.rort iKflTTlOntS. ir VU " VOLe2, WILMINGTON, N. C, - SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1877. $1uVid 8UMMARY. " Nil Austria lias called upon Englau fulfill her engagements u ruler the tripitrtic treaty, : The Times deprecate j j a lUMMER GOODS AT DUI3S3 uvwy Jiff.rciitttTlesfrom 8 CCntS to U:ik85 CCIltS per jard op. tnilaUwUvUm i cU. up. M. ICATZ'S, '36 tlarkct Street- f : cs Lower iThan Ever! rAHCY OOODC. T VARIETY ! , GREAT BARGAINS J L Tic 20 cents up- 'arasol?, Collars and Cull's SUBAOXDBZIZSS. omo v) wj:mi well.) 1 n& Bov's Wear ousekeoping Goods! needless panic. : l'ngland may have to strengthen her ilobt in the Mediterranean. The Russians invaded Turkey We will be gld to receive: conjnictiB from iUr irlenda on ay fid1 tfl'sibjeeH i J gene terest but . f , , ) f - r, n The nAme of the writer xuiut ilvrtji be furnished to the Editor.; Coainnicatians must 'bewfiften onl'od' one idc of the'paper." Perfonalities must be avoided. ' " . Andit IS rSDPriall anil rar ;UrU mmJm . ( 5 4 Stood that e editor doe" nftt dTy tBdortt f . me views 01 correspondent?, unless eo stated in the editorial columns. ' '. '" . to be twecn Batrum and Dayazed. The Turks are advancing towards Alcxandiople. - - The Grand Duke Nicholas has is sued an address to his troops, statin objects of tho war. The Sulla! is ready to sacrilicc his life for the hotior independence of his country. the and Italy imcuus to occupy "At bania a tooi! as Austria icupics VJosnia. Rilsfeia threatens to Blockade Alexandria. Turkey expects war with Persia'.. - American securitic are advancing in foreign markets. - Suov in Omaha, Rjturnin v Board Anderson, of Louisiana, is iu Washington.. The t?nwnim!if. will rrrri nin in ftifli'iii flirri meut and make Spotted Tail Colonel. The Louisiana Lcprialature has ad -o journed tfewc ilk. The Arch Diocese of Ne York sends the To; e $50,0001 in gold. : 1 Commander Lucieu AVyae, of the Dalieu ship caual expedition, has re turned aud reports favorably of. the en terprise. The boiler of the Grand Duke Alexis' steam launch exploded yes tcrday. jf id' fiats' Gause Underwear 10Z 40 CENTO UP ! LINEN DRESSES. 1 1 1 f irt trerj tiling niT(Ji'd to complete an outfitter Ladiw, (j'rnts or Cliildrcn. Tlic Mailt. The Mails "close and arrive nt the clily Pystoflie . followK : CI.OSK. Northern tlirpnirh mails - - - .":!. P Pnorthern through ancl way mails. 8:15 Mails Yor tho N C. Railroad, aud routes supplied therefrom - - 5:13 P Southern mails for all points South, daily - - - ... (j;3o p Western mails (C. C. It. W.) daHy texcept Sunday) - - - 6:00 A Fayetteville, and offices on Caic . Fear River, Tuesdays and .Fri days - - - - im p Fayetteville by C. C. R. W.' daily, (except Sundaj'R) . - - 6:00 A Onslow C. H. and intermediate, of fices every Friday - - - 6:00 A Smith ville mails, by steamboat, dailynexcept Sundays) - - :jo P Mails for . Easy Hill, Town Creek, Supply, Snallotte and Little River, every Friday at - - 6:00 A M ARRIVE. M M M M 1 Pi M 1 1 s 1 z..- r. i m i 1 t ii 1 1 t if f . .-v ..,-.. " t 1 r m. r 1 n a i n m! w 9 mm m 1 w ill.,,u.,,uu1jv.11H11,.Wiiu.Sttiii: ' uiiC. ; we arc requested to stale that the Rev meet next Monesday evening fur the AVc learu by a dispatch receired here E.B.M. Browne has consented to retcits r.4v. v.. .v..i.-M mcm.nwun; u i.w ubi. .jtni... ( v-v ub icciure. on the v'ialmud its Fthics and . - - ----- - - v boat which cruiaed down the coast this Literarv IV-mK--' t i i' , Ih.s warm- weather, coming" after th mnpnin, .liseorered ancl " rt P-.1 at the lemplc of Israel 0 - I UJ-llWTTOW USUmiavl aftfmnnn f . ?v tne nuwers rf, T mo riio..--. r n 1 - . -ww.4, in ro-i;rt ;.,f.. !..,... ,c i... 1 - . ' . . -. .-cats iroc , ...v., c... u..,u. u. u.u .uiuj fortunate crew wiio were lost on 1km rd -the Ui I II VVI pilot boat Mary K. Sprunt, an account of which has already been published in the Review. The remains were taken to Smithville for interment. New Advertisements. FACTS FOR TEA DHIUKEHSJ You can. al way detect a bachelor by the way he handles a baby, but to be pafc from loss it is well to use a burrowed baby in making the experiment. Tho cultivation of lloWers is becoming general. They" not t' only adorn front yard.", but porches, parlors, and windows of both stbres and dwellings. Accustom; yourself to be. polUe' 'to tbe porter, the servant girl, the coachm-in, to all the scvants ; thus yoii will come iii ime'-tj be coartcjus to allpoople, even to your parents. j A sccily old chap thinks it very strange that the number of men who are willing to lend you five dollars is so outrageously small in comparison with .the number who want to borrow that amount. The public arc in- c ljaTc th j largest and best assortment of Gcr. Ship l ard .Votes. i-arlc Uilnrtni Aciskcr, which went ashore on Bald Head sometime ago is undergoing extensive repairs? at Mcsr Cassidey aud Boss' ship yard. it l. r...T- t i i , . 1 jjyatu i csciau ma been on the ary dock and is nearly completed.- .She Belgium has a trained force of carrier - i cats. An American cat will j-carry off anything it finds on; -the. kitchen table without any previous trainings whatever, so strong is the force of its superior in telligence, i We call attention to the advertisement of Bolk", Miller & Go's Italian Insect Pow der for the extermination of numerous pests. The powders have been used in this city aud give entire satisfaction. iAn agent will be around Monday. Air- Crakes for the W.C. & A. R. r. I V . . . We understand that air brakes for use on the Wilmington Columbia & Augnsta li. 11. have beeu ordered, and that evcrr i . . 1 1 i i . ii passenger tram on that road wilt be fitted UMl a loug" overliauliu with them. These brakes, it' is well I licPairs to the schr, tSitsan SUIi-v.t known, are worked by the engineer from ncarly completed mm ... . II.. : L Til I . I ' n ..11 .11 I me cunie, auu tueir nraciica aoiiiiTl arc. I U1- j-i.ii-iui u.u ii,j.icrgi some such that they aro fast comiug into use slilit repairs. on the, leading lines of travel. By their Messrs. Uassidey and liubb. ,hip yard use trains going at full speed can be Presents a very busy appearance and we stopped in a very short distauce, say two I PC lcy aic reaping a harvest of stamps hundred yards, from the spot on which sensibleTAfiTiT- i !ini' o f unnliA. 1 4 1 ... .1 1 ! i 1 a I tu uiw ivuuiiuu. Limn .iiiiiii' rrnarii7 m i . ' 1 9 O J v i Y,,i1 !lrn ocL'a.1 vrir .1.,,, 4l . .1 J ruu vi me iraveuers. ie5iues a columns of newspapers andby your Drug- great desideratum gained is in the saving gist to use something for 'bvsnepsia and of-timc, every moment of which is becom- Lver complaint that you know nolhiiig ing of importance now in these days of ?. pj discouroged spending .. . money- witn nut. urtrn J - o tV tLOOi ilOH L J give you satisfactory proof that Green's The Carnal Meeting. i auolsi i-lowek win cure you of Dys- . "yu' was neiu last effects, such as Sour Stomach. Sick Uea4 In WilmiDgton. Our new crop GUN POWDER, Is the choicest, fullest flavored Tcai wo have ever sold; price $1 60 per pound. Our HE-NO TEA, Is in the original imported packages, and is the moat perfect blendinir of Uixed Ten oM , irc j in tliis Countn-. Is put up in pound and half pound Japaneas papers, and is sold far $1 00 a pound and 50 cents for half pounds. It has been in this market onlv n. fow mnnth but now haa a larcrer sale than we could hmri hoped for. Sold onlv by CAS . 1). Ill & III. 5 vfc 7 Worth Front ntreet. apl 27 ' sort. The Charlotte Observer sayi atronize Home! Duplicate any Rotail Joods sent .for abroad' on tho Same Terms. 36 Market St. HvSIIEPARD ( t IcMi be found! ' ' " lORTU SIDE MABKET ST.; VaJu1 Third Sts.," ' fjftodoall kinds of pOTO, GLAZING, &c. The ideal. Boston bonnet' fur the next month will strive to combine a gentle pi quancy subdued intellectually and a slight suggestion ' of a fondness for keramics rf. I witli' .1 faint rninini.m enrn of tin; Old South I - - - . . .... i ii i e -i i c -i uio rjastcru i)art oi tue otatc. air of which bell ,'ind a foreshadowing of ;i seaside, re- "!-aiu ttU nuiuu UUmingtou was debarred from reaching for the want of watr communication Col Frank with Pamlico Souud winch could onlv hn , j reached by the constructiou of the pro posea o.,i Mr. Nutt thin ' discussed tlic r.oisi.tion maui-'v ie o.ni Q,m. party to the people of Wilmington, and stated that the plau submitted was one stamps for ilc nLgencral delivery when hosnitalitv which lireetcd them on every I the people could and should accept as the . -ii i w - . . a a j 11 1. .1 .1 I I . . 1 Key noxes accessiuie ai an nouns, ubj iiiju i uauu VTt.n... 4t.Ki..l mr.nil., 111.1- Tit Northern througli and way mails. 7:15 p k Coxc, Cant J. . Bryce and Mr. K. K. tafii YATm-iwn t1 Gregory of this cuy, and Capt r. ii. ATcBee, M., and on Sundays from 8:-)0 to V:"A) A. M. T r0f Circcuville, returned last nignt from a Btamiomeeonen iroin n j. 10 jm.. i . . . -..r-t . n fmm to h l. JkL Monev order arid fishing excursion to Y dnnngton.; All ar IteslsterDcimrtmciitsoixm tr:u n,i L;i, thc BINFORD, CROW & CO., OFFER FOR SALE 1 : i Ark Hhds and libls N. O. and CUBl 1UU , . . MOLASSES. 5QQ Bbls FLOUR, . Bbla SUGAR, , jr Bags COFFEE, " Uoxea. C. R. SIDES, . 100 UoiesTOPACCO'(01J,vyrk-) . X1 il . tm:ii,nninf.1 .-. fir- :f L,...7iv- V ... , . ru Carolina Jiams. liuckets. lirooms. r.rw..v kV iiiw wuaiuerauou I uwi xj.umj-.k lr 1U CdltS and trv I . Ar and i Moi,... i-.-.i.. 't " '"r)"'"1 iui i j etuis; lVO tiOi night at thc Court. House iu the interest of I ache, Habitual Costivcness, Palpi .1 ... . I li TT . ' tne rsewi Kirer Canal, Mr Henry Nutt, tne aeAVh iieart-buru, Water brash, iii. the Chairand ,W. P. Oldham, Esq cpominS up of. food after eating, low spirits, c t r. . , , ' . '' c., wc ask you to go to vour Dru'Mst Secretary. It being in order the Commit- and get a Sample &ttle ot Gki:eS Au- oses Mackerel, Ac, Ac. apr ll tlid proposition "made bv tho New Bivrr Canal Comnnnv n tho' ritrpn. f AV.i wiI1 relieve ou. JJ " " AVCUAJS V ? kl mington prcscuted their report which was received and read, after vhich JMr. .utt addressed the meeti and earnest style pecul man, giving an interesting description of and Miss Emma M. Lilly, daughter of' i. j' Forsale at tlic vast resources and. wealth stored up iu " i marri ed. v I flKAirs mm mum numa uZ in that forcible N.C.. at the msid nf thn h,.,i1'.V.f i. I T IS NEITHER " LOW." NOR t vni.. iar to this rentiG- l,h1 25thinst- by Rer. L. W.. Crawford, Mr. 11 S' but steals orcr the senses like soft, ' c lM John I). Pembortrm. nf WnfIcKr.r V n sweet music, nlcasinrr the most f.iHirm . 4 Lilly, Esi. No cards. apr 27 S. JEWETT'S. New Advertisoments . Garden Tools. LL KINDS CHEAP-! Al apl Us GILES & MURCIIISON'S. Mails collected from street lxxcs every day at 4:00 P. M. LOCALS NEWS. New Advertisements. O'n.iis & Mt'Kcmsox Garden Tools. Heinsberoer New Music Titos Jenkins Polk Miller & CVs Italian Insect Poison. A, David Bargains 1 S. Jbwett Read's Grand Duchess Cologn A. Shrier. Collars by the bucket full . conts. . . - ;' ' No session of the City Court to-day. Varied and fragrant species of gcraniujxi arc plentiful aud cheap. ! Nothing is more depressing t weather to a thermometer. lan co It He who kuows no language but lisi owu does not even know that. ; FKAKK H. DABBY. TOfitrv Wc should encourage all that is' beati tiful,; the useful will take of itself. or. rt I7, CHAP AND GOOD. i Journal Building, Prin-1 is nothing but a long martyrdom. ftnn' V r There is no courage but in innocence uo constancy but in an houcst cause. I 'U4X0WIN. . . PIIaYoth,sandIBoys, loa New Music. Market . Going to Europe. We' understand that two of tl Kf.mefc merchants. Messrs, iareus -Bear and William Coodmari, will leave here early next ivccl for Europe, when they will revisit old scenes and old friends and make a tour of countries tley have never visited before. . j The Thermometer, j Com pan v aisumcd.all thc risk, and at the ! same time thc security thus offered was W DESIRE OF PAR1ING FRIENDS. I- .1 . 1 1 . 1 more man am pie ior tne loau asKca ior by thc Company. Mr. Nutt regretted the lethargy and want of enterprise now prevailing among our citizens, andjhoped that the people would "soon see their true interest and act accordingly. Messrs. oho Colvillc and James Sprunt and Capt. H. G. Gilbert and Capt. JncV i W. Galloway, and others addressed the j From the UnitcdStatcs Siguiil Oflice at j meeting. MrL C4lville raovod that acom- this place we obfaiu thc following report mittcc of three bo appointed to ? procure of the thermometer, as taken Uus morn. ; subscriptions lor tne oauai w men was Italian Duct. Harp of the Winds. Wee Wee. ' Negro Caprice. Those Ejes of Azure Rluo. llumorisa Duct. Wood Nymph's Call. Son. Nora My Darling, I'm .Dreaming of Thee. JJeautitul isous and Chorus. Sure to please. k c. For sale at ins.at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta. G8; Charleston, 71; Galveston, 59; Jacksonville, 72; Mobile, 00 ; Mont gomery ,GG; 'Now Orleans, 71; Norfolk, 01; Savannah, 73; Wilmington. 70. Triplets at. a Birthj adopted, the appointment ol the commit tee to be made by thc Chairman. -The meeting then adjourned. - api -s HEinGDBnaER'S, Live Book and Music Store, 39 & 41 Market si A colored womau whose name is Lena t (wc could'ut.lind out the sur name,) living on Sixth street between Nixon.aud Swaun. gave birth, ;on Thurs- V longlife without rest or peace iu G6dJ day uight, to triplets thiec hue, well de veloped bys, which uu fortunately, lived but a short time, all of them having died at thc same time or within a.half hour of birth: The mother, is a married woman and has previously had children. Y re They Eligible. Polk Miller & Go's JTALIAN INJECT rOWDE : Warrant ed to kill Roaches, Flics, Flea, Ant-, Mollis, ill my lnpnd. Editor of the Ki:vji:w, .', '.. . who, if ho is hot,' ought to be, posted on ?otl 'Lcd hs uitoc. , t lackcn all such matters, tell me whether the newly Llc cf FIo"r Bu-S- ha and aU otLcr cloctcnl Aldermen who are to take their o The value of a man's education cannot be estimated? by thc price ho paid for it. If you want to see a prosperous nun look for one who believes in usiug printer ink. . . $8 ' ' -LtI:h told a year For gents' A FACT ! wear loose sack coats are more in favor than close-fitting Jrocks br 'cutawaya.- - ' ' " Tr-- , Market street. (VED APPLES IH I AU0H CANS. tFECTLY ELEGAtrr." 0 TBY THEtl ! GE0. AIYERS, i,uX3paonsns. 'rne Superior uouri. The first-weet of thc present term, of Superior Court has closed its labors. Considerable progress has beeu made already ifi the disposal of thc civil cases, with which the docket is cumbered .and the removal of criminal actions j from this be taken Sw. brigs rrtfca, Jobnsen, aud Freidirf I Court will allow civil cases to Wroldscu, both from thU - port, arriveii u ijjch have hung fire for years, having becu trauslcrreu irom term iu tain . ' . .... k i u Ox-tail soun is a rreat liixurv with Judge Seymour, w.,o ,s ou u Bcuv., . T I -- . . i J f. -U1 some people. The principal ingrediebt seems to nave creaicu a xy. .uu caubc had at anv Un-vard. . limpressiou. He is 1Uite. a young man, . i i - . i i . leridently a hard student ana one wuo ;Now is thc time to transplant from Wf m. . a . and comprehensive t t 1 . i lHW- 1 ocas, caooagc, cauuuowcr, ana tomato, .:.,.- f(lOV.rv wml that is uttered Mm . 1 ana to plant peas ana potatoes. He during the trial gf a c;isc Au important item dark hair should I indy affable aud courteous in be kept smoother than fair hair. Ladies J course with the members of the Bar and should govern themselves accordingly. the officers of the Court. is exceed- bis iuter- lf you hate your neighbor study. j j v. r IT ISHnTGPOlVES. f FULL WIIIGUT IN THE CANS ; alwo- ctry audtho prevailing winds, lou can I lately pure material; careful chemical tcU just where to plae your ash-torrcl. combination-these arc the sccreu wmcn the acknowledged nonpareil of this class scats next, mouth, Foster, and Lowrcy frrmv tlin lir:f wirrl onrl Hill an1 lv5lff from tlu Fifth, are eligible, under ' thc laws ami the Constitution of North Caro lina, to the positionsto which they have beeii elccttxU I would like to hear your opiuion, for thc benefit of I A Democrat 4 'Unc oi the Iical iOld Kind." . Iu response to this we cau only1 refer our autiquatcd friend to sec. 7 art. 14 of Amendments to thc Constitution, which reads as follows : Sec. 7. No person who shall hold any office or placo of trust or profit under tbe. United States, or auy Departmcut thereof, or uuder this State, or under any other State, or government, shall hold or ex ercise any ether .office or place of trut or profit, under authority of this btate, or be eligible ti a seat in' either House of tho General Assembly:, Prodded, That nothing herein contained shall ex tend to thc officers iu thc militia, Justices Not poisonous to human bcin-. do mestic animals or fowhv TIIOS. JENKINS, apl 24 at J. Fcrnbcrger t Co's Store. Hay- yy-E UAVE 1000 BALES EASTERN HAY, which. We offer in lotse af l,'Cu.pr ; 109 IbsV PUEi3TON CCMMINU 4 CO ap! 1 : . Notice. . LL RETAIL; LIQUOR DEALERS IRE hereby notified that their LICENSES EC PIRE on the 30th, inct., aud thej are respect fully requested to butovlh tuu 1st or xxatt as is' required by law. ' .' ' . J. G. WAGNKR, 1 apl 25 Chm'n R. C. , LIPPITT'S Ice Cream Parlor. WILL BE OPENED ON WEDNESDAY morning. 25th- inst. Pare Cream fla- . rored Avilh choicest fruits will be kept daring the season. - ' !-" - .; STRAWBERRIES . ... , la-e and luscious will be kept when ever thy. caa be procured iu cither this or the Charles-' : ton markets. Cream sent to any part ot the. citr in quarts and gallons frozen, free , of.. cnarsc. ah oraers ior ream ior ounaays muit Ix; leftSaturdavs. . . 3, Entrance to Palor on Princess St. ' apl 21 Imported Mineral Waters. i it IK. A: 1 IMPERIAL WINE VINEGAR. Nonpareil Pickling Vinegar, also. Nonpareil Cider Vinegar. - Orders solicited. W. J. BUIIM ANN, Broker, ap'i 21 Lippitt's Row, South Front et 11 IN E. WINES, CLARETS, , : C1IAM1'AU-E, Ac. BOLLMAN'S CELEBUATKD IS'ari IN CLOTHING! ! AND AT of thence, mmionf Vubi FURNISHING GOODS ties, or commissioners ior special purposes. Of the new Aklermen, James Low rer 1 is or was, a U. S. official ; J C. Hill is yet a racmber of the General Assembly of the State, and Mr. King is a city officer, and to them, in our opinion, the law plainly applies. As for Mr. Foster, , it is claimed that he was not a bona Jidc Soda Water. uiuura mac iron .vrusueu ooar ana O btst Fruit Juices and Extracts. , 10 Cents per Glass, : Glasses for 25 cenLs, - ' 13 Tickets for One Dollar. Always Ice Cold. JAULS c. iiuaus, Druggist, apt 22 Third SL, (pppoaite City IlalL ; Tne Great Sarins Mm MM- lion of lie City. . ,;' WHERE A FIRST-CLASS SHAVE tan be had for lO centa : Strliah Hair Ct for'25 cenM ; delightful Shampoo, for 2H ttnU and MoofUche Dyed for 35 cents. Also razors pat in excellent order and only StSt cents charged. AU this Li done at tbe Great Reform Iiarber fcuop under tne National' Rank, where 'ererjtlnns u done in silenca and this in the latcit tt le too. . apl 22 L FUR1IAN8KI. 7 'apl 28 1 , -Schr. E. A diMuht SirAtn. from this I 1 . - . ' ' . 1 I of rreT orations. jSow-a-Oavs people . portjor uoston, ia Uampten Koada, - haTericanied to study tho nation ;o l rived at uieyari Haven, on the 21tB I bealth, and tbey have soIfcUnV in one MCRCHISOSt Jnt.;, lt ' iU;y V v f-1 direction by the use bf this article. resident election, of tho ward at tho time of his and 35 3 CEDTS OWL Y 35 OXETGALLON CANS OF Spectacles and Glacqcs. v rpnE LARGEST ASSOBTUENT EVJuB, uaered Lu thi citr at price raDgiaj from 2t cents to $10. Call and examine for yuuxrire. . plZ ' J. IL ALLEXlf Grand Opening. FTUIERE WILL BE A GRAND OrESISp- a if this can be csubhshed, it rTlrrlU! APPLP.Q trill throw Lim overboard. KTenifaUl rr?m- . . fonr mentioned: abould loearitaUit cm dollar.. One hundred cans, 1,200 ' : . . ... lu rt- ,TL "tit i k Tradeanpplicd at Factory prices. of I'lU lI ' C2Ti newBoar as. there Ui atiB be left six, CHMD IIYEBS & VCO . . are autherwsrt by Jaw to (il! all Tacancte: I ip,2j - rwl ront au TtXUnSLZZ t Mrs. E. A. Lozasdcn's on TUCRSDAY, April. 15. ; Th Ladira sitr r hi I t-pvctfally invited to JL ; u, , ' E.AlLOMSDEXb' Ji pIH Sk 47 Front if.

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