'i 4 The Daily ; Review. JOSH.1' Ti" JAMES, Ed.ani Prop , ; ixm in GTcvy t: WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, Views and reviews I-.' was thy At- c-i.Hrlv Caleb dishing complains .th-it relieved "of his office by Mr. Hates witii- out oyprcviQUS intimation that Lis scalp Was wanted. Culisiog says hy I': ft Spain for n-thofl fenre. and ins was appoifibct wUile.lic was oa lautic. u ' Statistics show that i.nor m!rrrlarpg take nlacc ia Kentucky tLan in any other State of t'w Union, Xoth-'irig- is thought on either side of the ho; hc of tying the knot at three tc ore yens and ten, and along there. ; Iuflueuc of Mi.e: grass. A Floridii man has invented a n.acLie for preparing palmetto htrc, which is nunc success. The . lhachiuej -'acorni-plishes in.onc day the wf.rk t twe-.ty person!; ami the article prod need u of -i.r.re !1 n.at- :arter 01 counlry, uniform and superior quality. ii 13 largely ifac ' for cushions a resscs. The,3fcrn phis. ZC'i?cr has an uhA-iurn-in- ly level head. It saya "the Democrats. havalcar DQij?rity of over a q millin-in the popular vote of the and dissolve their organization sr.trcly Lcc ! ltormblican Ptesidcnt ib found X "4 who has .fiomq regard for his oatdi and the Constitution." A leading .'English journal 5h.(.a"iii-j of 13ismark'sfl proposed retirem serves thai V wine say that ho is as tho Earl of Chatham used to do when lm rnnM not have his own way : an I that the illness which compels him to I s-.uk re j pose isSiSoeaUas the weak - eye which ! forcooj Irimtieff to consult tho jipticians of Paris and London." The Russian fleetnow I in waters is said to have been, dispatched A HEAVY PEACH CROP. The newspapers all promise a . heavy peach crtp this year everywhere, South and Xoijh. In the great peach regions of Mary tin land Delaware the trees are all f;i;l, an 1 crowers are .now actively niaki;; 'their- arrangements for the. distri bution ru:dsa!c of the crop.. Tears, ap ples and n ill fruit3 in" the same region j:ie 'abundance. In' all parts of also pro the fj-,u ahundai-. the' ' iS ... sk U uh J' tho il:-: fro:n K: fV.i;v.-.s: Sun -! ; ill the 'peach- promise is t. IUSE:i.' liRE'ADSTUFFS. :..f tith: iv, inf. -the Xew York Xlfui shows by tabular statement people, without the broker's percentage Ti.. i 1 ' 1"! 0 also you don't want rags" and yet Woodford knew that silver dollar wasn't money any more than a bushel of wheat was. The government had . demonetized it. Then our . shrewd financiers in Washington f ran into debt twenty millions of dollars to put out small silver change, which nas been bought up twelve, millions of it, I . understand and sent to South Arserica, so that the people ' are paying taxes to give-South America silver coin. I don't need to tell you what my idea of the re medy is. Everybody kcwvs. I believe in an interconvertible bond. . I am the father of the idea. Chase was the only Secretary of the Treasury; who had the sbrewdnessto see : thatf bonds of small denominations, dealt out directly to the A A nA trnnVl 1 ffofrorlv faVpn TlmUS , , , ..i . I itUUCU. "uu :i brcaa.stuiH in tnac marKet , of DeopIe would be glad to put their jli March to 30th April lastj as little fifty" or' hundred dollars into such a bond. But no: there must be syndicates, i vs ioiro r.f 5inn nnn onrl littln March 1G. AprU-SO. -o ZC V'C hrn Tim : .tii -imi r l-'tour.caOaO 23. 8 50al2 00 and somebctdy s nest to feather. biu C rn jv; ei 2 00a3 "!j a loao uq. I've drifted trom-my-subject, inat war is ..1.a ' orui.uc i10pn rlo. coins to make cold resumption difficult. L IL..'ll Ua m Unfit fMi I rtiPPi TA H A ha -been too iiCQvy. California .is TU rn 1 vj?-!.on.s may iu.; crs who and :i.t: of A-rl' i:ig-the. fool grai'i .:! tun ;S::;i sinre li reioicmg over an ilOC; AND II03IINY. - L ' Urr ATro P.rPWS- Aew. loru un says : ino i tpp nf PoTais- vallev. whicli. while . I 7 l ' , ' I"', with: hish- prices for pro growing, had to be suspended in "a net ami iov . prices for cotton, b and in wbich it is 3'et shown. The e hard times for Southern farm- two circumferences, cutting each other neglect to raiso their own bread ftt right angles, measure respectively Iho Georgia Commissioner 2-jJ inches and 23$ inches, while the lltwre has issued a circular urg-I wejgat is 4 J pounds. farm: is to produce their own : f ' di- and it is likely that more - 'he Washington capital says a pronu- uvt will. "he raised in the cot- nent'manufacturer in - ermont received an order a- week ago for six thousand Miscellaneous. ... & - S to I W i H to O "SfSH r- i 2 m2 a t;r g 5C5 ISfi'Sfi r3 -.- 3 O H IU U. go Ji ' r-i - S3' S o 3 f . c f- m o a 7 m 03 OQ I I 1 t 14 t ( 0-1 . "DQ'T FORGET" J. if. SHE P ARB Tonsorial. NEW BARBER SHOP. -. : -..i v- MT PATRQNS and the public generally are respectfully informed that I hve opened a ; NEW BARBER SHOP, at So. 7, South Froat street; where the fol lowing low prices have been adopted : Shaving 10 cents ; Hair Cutting 25 cents ; Shampoo 25 cents. ; Open on Sunday morning. dec IS CHAS. E. CLEAPOR. -EailEoa4 GT0fT RAILROAD nl1. OFriCE of.Gks'i, Scpfrt Wilmington vr5fFitt, On and after Sp ''.. the-passenger ?aba n?a-r' r fll DAY MAIi AXD oW - - . Arrive at Wilmbnp'U Jf AMERICAS tYCLOMDIl NEW REVISED EDITION. Leave mitLf1 H? Denot aL ' 0Dt &t ; Entirelv rewritten by the ablest writers on a .i .V ..:-v . can be found t OX XOI1TII SIDE MARKEIT ST., ona musiraieu wuu ocvciai xuuusauu - . - , " Urt ir at . Engravings aud Maps . Arrive at Wmuigion i&ZTS"' Si? The ork originally oablished under the Depot at -luo atSt ll title of THE NE W AALaJUCAN OYLCOP The Day Train . kr " U H . DIA was completed in 1S73, bii.ee whicli Weldon tor all -c BBr ' time tLe wide circulation wMeb. It has at- dailv , l?2n ruftf oavt a: ran rAn. J f ii r and art, hiive Liiaced the editor and pub- I Weldon for all points north Vett Usher .o submit it to an exact and thorough j Pnllmar's Palace Rl- 'i'cb! PAINTING, . GLAZING, &c. iHSapan: TfiffllSS!! !iy aepartment olknowledge 1 ""-""'S rotomac EailmTi Between Second and Third St3., Ready and willing' to do all kinds of otice. discovers in eve. has made a new work of reference; an im perative want. . ! ! i rne movement 01 political anairs nave may 5- ran arv tlii.i .year than ,in any year -t- A O It A X D O P PORT UNITY. 1 III. Ou- snlki:;:i, n.cr:ean u cx- boro as a menaca to England, pectcd that John Bull will tliink twiee about going in to help the Turks iviien he g3cs that the Bussian fleet is r?ady to drive English merchantmen ont of Amcii- can commerce at a moment s warnui At any rate the Czar has his" Ifastc; scls over here and evidently sent ho holiday errand. i - - A New York letter asserM tho I practical result of th; houso investisation in that city will be a nel of ce are Et ves- hc;n on : that 1st m- sweeping reduction in the pevso1. tbo, establishment. The commiJ said to be expressing, privately, tl eir a tonishmcnt at tho lare number dl sine cures they have already unearthed I espe cially 'among the inspectors, most of whom aro the nnnoiDtccs of Senator Conk- ling. i . . .GovQtnotiHartranft issued a warran oa the 14th instant for the e::qc"ution Juno 21: 1877.'. of - Andrew I'lnaban , , , m v -. . r .1 1 ol Liuzerna country lor tuo mumcr . Baptaia Keily.-.of. Wilkesbarrc. Also, for tho exeedtion oniho same dav of the Mo!- ly Maguirts, Edward Kcllcy, Mithael J Doylo and John Donohoe, of Carbon cou , ty, and Thomas Muuley, of Svliulykil, cbuntv.'-'"'" ! TheasiyJ Courier-Journal,' ing that the Rev. Newman ii?ul h had! Icen but mere "to.vlie" Grants, s.iys' thit Dr. Newman ordered JiU usher to krp the Grai.t out ul' th.'ir reii'ar pew on ti." i'. vi lay wliefi TreVkieut llayts vr.'.v v'. ingtou. Tli pfcbcri wh had h -4 poiutcd to oftice by IVcsident performed his duty well aud h; form-jr chief oiT into-a back seat. The correspondent of the New York JiMMat-Xcw Orleans writes as -follow? conccrnin ' th-- S uthcrn States and na tional politics: "They know their powr they know that by carrying one or two Northern Mat&jtby arc sure of a ma jority in HhoEle'cTar College, anillunlcss thji-u; ciict:nis si.i, arc hickory ax-hahdles., to be transported to the seat ol war in the East. Upon inves tigation he discovered the painful fact that A :-.d;. that ovir. two hundred it wm. require the business energies earn U -nivui.s, mostly in independent estly employed of all the. ax-handie mar -vtC.cs. living-in the sduth of Eus- ufactories in America- for a month , cr i --i eiiai to emigran1 to ice mnrn tn fi th- b 1 Jt is discovered tl at Ui.i; 1 .SI; -it' o t av..al homg. drafted into tnere are ony eight industries engaged in th'j :yn:jf. .Taking; tno' usuat .tstimate particular line in America, and some that -x-V'.ly. adnlt emigrant is worth a .f Ih.w. jiro out -of onlftr ' thousand I:atos. 1 two h'.i!:.' industry lect foi-.-ti Here is 'orlh C mifti-i;-.;-iCr to take'.:;-. ti-!l to ol: tue.se dco! lar.s t;) ;tlu State-where he is Kuss '-(.ierrnan host will add red millions to the productive f tho States whicli they may se en- homt'i in' this country. in ( opportunity. for somebody in vliua; the Governor or the Com- of Agriculture or somebody else, i: a -.i ( a -re o f To r , i u d uc i n g c migra- i . . Stale. If the fact is. so and Miscellaneous. We Receive Our CAW Ijir eot ALL PERSONS IIOLDG CLAIMS kept pace witn the di&coveriesoi science and AAi.f , V? " their frultf ol application to the industrial V4Url I wlID tfif)ftiM acaint the County of New Hanover. in'War-. and useful i.ts and the convenience anc1 rs- , vg Wifjfl - . finfTnnt.oi" social Ili'ft. fireat wars, dad con- .nts, &c, issued previous to tbe 1st of Jann- sequent vevolutious have occurred Involv- I "WILMINGTON COirwRTi v, 1877. are requested to present a' list of I ing national changes of peculiar moment. 1 ' . ' VUJjJioIA AJJ r its height whe , he last volume of the od ; A KaILR0AD. worii appearec, nas nappny enaea, ana a i - 'vex' . Tho lists raus. specify the Date and Number I 0MiHi.vhuin immAii.pri. t : .. 1 .' iil. ana amount o.cacii u arrant, toretner witn jarge accessions ij onr geographical the name o" the person ;o whom issuedj, and knowledge have Leea made by the todefati- the same to the Special Board of Audit with out delar. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, by whom iieici. ; gable explorer ol Airica. i V . ; On and after Sundav Mavni, i. Action will be taken on eacli claim, as pre- , The great poli deal revolutions of the last ing schedule will be run' nn ik; sented, in accordance with the law creating decade, w.ia the natural iesultoi re lapse - , UUmrod; Ta,,.,)' ,,f i.!;t of time, jave brought nto public Mew a . T,.r,TiT, - v the Loaid of Audit . TnQani . multitude of new men, waose namesaxe in DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN Jl. 1j. UEKU&&L1, fiv.-v niifl's month nr.fl 'of wh(K rj-fa . . "n"J t 1 t men 14 Chairman. prurvnnt 1i enrinns t.n 'ir.innr tha nnrHon lare - except CUlldaT.b . Great battles have been ouarht and imnor- I Leave Wilminffton.......... i ,. ,k SSOO PIAiSTOS FOR S250 tnt sieges maintained; of W-iich fche details Arrive at Florence... X3,J Ji3 A. UX, 060J. ai.e ag yt preseryed on'ly toe newspapers Leave Florence.. ,! JJ And all other stvles in the same proportion, or inrfjhe trasient pubUcations of the lay, Arrive at Wilmington " ill;! including Grand, Sauaro and Uprieht-all 3", tt m NlttTTT KYPRpcg to VV; NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (DiiM iikh-u-u tu iuo rA! In preparing the present edicion for the Leave Wilmington fT.. I actohy Pricks. ,o agents; no commis- press, ic has aocordmgly been tre aiai or the jlll '-H siens ; no discount?. These Pianos made one editors obingdown the information to the TI -0 Tn , ;L" ' 11 of the finest disnlays at the Centennial Exbi- lowest possible rates, and to furnish an ac- rve at oolumbia...., 3 iSif bitiou, and wp'e u'nanimoasl v .ccommended curate account f t!e most recent discoveries Arrive at Augusta JtfJi, fo- the HIGHEST HONORS. New Mann-. science, of every frehs production hx Leave Augusta..... JUfi" f.,ch--A- oma ofthf lar-pc and finest i a fie hteraure ar a i of tae no .vest inventions in Leave Columbia lllflll iiictbi oac p. in, latest ana nne?t ia tae tne ,rac Jcal arts as well to giveasuccinqt Leave Florence 1I workl. lae bquara Granos contain Math - andorigmal record of the progress political TJL Wi?"-""--"J" uslieks new patent Duolex Overstrung bcale' and hLstoriea' pvpnta. I arrive, at Wilmington 8.25AI the greatest impi-QVement in the history of The work as been begun afterl long and This Train will only stop at fleaiifta, piano makinsr. Tbe Uprights are the Fxsesx carefu' preliminary labor, and with the most Whiteville, Fair bluff, litrion mm. 5 is Amkhtca. "Dont fail to write for IUustra- ample resources for carrying ii on to a sue- Timmonsviile, Sumte' and Eattorer knn 'f ted and Descriptive Catalogue, maiLd Tree. c , -J' Wilmington ana Columbia. i 3IEXDKLSSOUN PIANO CO., r i:pl. 14 j No. 53 Broadway, N. Y. FROM THE PACKERS! are roaliy to leave Russia and can offer jrreater inducements to buvcrs then tho-Wpporttinifcy is one which cannot be to j pr4;nptly cmLraccl. ' than any City House. WHO WAS HE? Ah AUaul'a, latter to the New York Jlcrul.l sjjr-s that a proaiiaent Federal Offi cer in th it c'itv, ;vho for obvious reasons wil' ii .: GEO. 1 11 Si 13 South Front Street. mav 1 ' Ijelai- wift to tl!V ro,l y a:::i!y L ; i 1 - i vr iir ,i,t. a i i.- :i: k 4 u : t tie in t''frv ?crn f-il Democratic vote at the next rresuivnt-ial-election," The bngabco of a "solid iiouth" will no frfgAa anvbelj iu the Xorth in1880. It may have saved sonitthin to the Kenublicar.s iu 1S7C, but with gni goycrnruent in every Southern Stat ' right of dach to. cast its .electoral v acconlanco with the wishes of thef taa jrity of the voters will hanlly be tioncd. Oregon has Been Virginia's boll i for colloctiug tho. tax on an!, i,t and .' 'gibes' her' metaphorically st e ''one better," The legislators of far Pacific "State kivo a propositi. . fore them to require all consumers J mcbriatins cup to take out a ik Five dollars per annum is the sum on br,thc tui. ana it is provuea tin on payiAt-of that' lam any -individilal in the State shall be at liberty to beg, or get trusted for all tho iutoxic drinks ho feels called upon to absorb! heavy penalty U provided for . tho. Baloon keeper who sells to tho an unlicensed man. This wbpea to the'objection that it makes tho right to get drunk a luxury if that is any objection. MV.CS- IKltl that be ' th- iixed u i- spva;;isig s lid it vr: ho tr.rne.l have u'.-i, ard; title tor than li in tlu. that. T. Dj;:ijj;-at' Soiithcrn Hay 'hold the Applies. THE GREAT DEMAND THESE DELICIOUS i! )v tin use of his name" in '.- JIaycs' ."Southern polic', ; wrong, 'and '"'that the day I'.uhanl out that day he shou.ld iuu-l - i;is own position.- 1-ack- v.ms t went v-five per centb'et . As-for. the Republican party ONE GALLON CANS nth, there is no such thing as so '.solid ibr a 1SS0. ' The uioeraU will take everything to ot;l;r and then proceed to: i'nt.' I wih Haves would .s worlc by putting the Re- u vt r:;ors 1:1 unio ana Jisssa- OF :.'uuth will ----ca'ididate. None of the oritrinn.1 stprftot,vn '-tn.t.pfshn.vf been used, but every page has been printed THROUGII FREIGHT TRADT (DiSr, a." on new type, formhig, hi fact, a aew Cjxlo-. cept Sundayg.) " poedia, with the same, plan! and compass as t p, Wil; " its predesessor, but with a far greater pecun- eave Wummgton ! P I " i iarv exnenaiturp. ann w rn &rir.n ir.inmvo. nuicm-c ,Y I mentin its composition as have been suggest- I Arrive at Columbia.... 10 191 1 mjt . iv i . . edby longer experiencea nd enlarged know- Leave Columbia..-;.... M.... 4 96PI ledFM1 ' t,. YV Leave Florence ........... 91 1 thp t rUt ft11?8 hlch arG r.uced for Arrive at Wilmington. U I tne urst time in the present edition nave .. . feet, but to give greater lucidity and force to I should take Night Express Trais fro tT- or.cu3 dollar. One hundred cau3, 1,200 and dipicHhemo arl3. Trade supplied at Factory prices. 1 ce.n?f architecture and art, .as V w P d Id 0 wou iiitt various processes oi paecuauics i , ONE CALL OX CAN'S OF 5 !?? K23 and 'naanufactures. Although intended for I Charleston. may 7 fiTTAS D Wi'VS nr f..PumctRres-J.Alttlough intended .a.. . , iix -e. ij-vv w w f itiusn uuLion rarner man emDeiiisnment, no j pains have been spared to insure their 5 & 7 SJorth Proat St. I artistic excellencejthe cost of their execution ' - I a WplVimo ronatitlnn n c. n ,1 4 V, 1 A of the Cyclopoedia, and worthy of its high JAMES JlUDERSOS, General Superintendent She Camden Journal, character. I ! PT II7rn rni J -a n J I Thio nrn.lr lo lJ -,.k. :u 'i Jt ' ' l. C.'is Iho- (fde&t-established paper in ableon deliveryof each volume. ItiWiU be I in d in conip:cie j publican- ( chuotts -.'tilt :'ai 1 establishing the Demo- i:..Ute. - II" this policy is good . L '-rs'an.i Republicans, it is 'h !' r Wc3:ern It jpul,icans.': K I 31 V T I O.N" I N 1879. ; : v-:-'. l ai'.e 1 many ugly -f i -naiu-v, 'l)Ut ir-.'tiody has ; v. r nar'-.I.him with wa- intci viewed last Vi'.k .; the.- subject of li.:. an.J here U : Avii.it he cr.U'j can cnoun 1 jro u o-..u W'v'vU i Li i . I . .; I Xi)W. l'.i;; n th c i tniiK! b.- sond tip in ions, h'ritii. your i.i ; ! Tu.it me.;;. and v. i i-ii. t turi',3 v:a:;; oth'r i. :v.h a t.c l.j.'.i there's anot Luirupe l-.r it tn.-io l:i 1 bas increased our orders from 25 to 50 caios per week. Try a can and you will be satisfied not only with the Price, ''but with tbe Natural Flavor." PIE PEACHES In 3 pound cans at 16 cents. ' - AT ; - GEO. MYERS', 11 t 13 Pront Street- may 1 Call! Call! Ca AT T HE BOOK STORE T li V (rvft Irf from the effecUof Erronwd f Abuses in ea-lj life. In-y T T M.fSi1l fKAntt HOOD liEsroatw. iuiwu. i t i , . . . r r- - i nnmn otPrt in ciWnn i l : i i r ivtrsiinw county, na tias an extensive circu- IX, "ir" r?,,?.c WUY" XV14i"es Hw . lauon.mong the chants, Farmers and all SSted with onooSSj f W i "jnd r remartable re'g classe3of ousineasVfn m the county. - hnes. and with nn n , wLiTi 4 I Pu 2 Rnnt, nd circulars gent fr: .It offers to the Mel chants of Wilmington a hicaps. --i- llSJ 7 " uVsealed envelopes. Addre. - V - i i'uverusmg, tne country I . . I l a ' Hi HowrtB A30Cimio, w a. v C1ICU1 ':ucs' DClns .connected witu orrice ana btvle oi JBindinff I PS that city bv steam- the Wateree river. WUJJ'0 iJUlUUig. I EO, j "u "- iiuiiiiiun. vuiumuia ana Ancmsta i Tn nvtm mtt, - i i)n;i,.n,i J - " ". v,av.uui,) vui, uu , in .Liiorary IV. till ld.U. I l.fiQthor j-kci.. xry-il vn . t , irir m uan oau. Leather, per vol, 00; I ? Half Turkey Mo- Libera, terms will be made with those de- r?co, per vo'- 7 00; la Half Russia, -extra firing to -advertise.' Subscription price $2 50 gH P?r vol 3 ; Ia FullMoroco, antique. S Ninth St, Pniladelpta, Ji f An lnsUtUUOQ uaruiS w -..r f. kntiu-ihl eon- dnct naprofesaoa 4J per-atini::!!. Address eog-s per vol, 810 00; In FuU Russia, I "P A UM1 S TJliAYTJTA r Jtr H A V per voi.ww. - , . ; p,. f.ll Ilw) . ; ji-pV. A8Hm If YiM WFFffY PRSID ' 2ssorbiAinor. F'Si Isij.i iUifd HJjLiibl flLilllldl. H,. snowing type, illustrations, etc.. . .JL "Sff&dl n ui w seui Krans: on ami pal nn l TT?ir iTnttinff. . ' . i aam.. " r-'- i rik. .n o:- JAMES GORDON - BENNETT, P ii 0 P R 'l E T O 11. v. stvleofthcart . Address the Published 1 V T AHveTand ite Barber, o :- D. APPLETOX & CO., 549 iSc 55 Bbqadway. N. Y. Watchmakers, &c. Attentiveand to wait upon customers. feb24 ft.- F 0 .S T A G E F- II E V. . ON E DO LIAR -nrataiilifllied 1B65 GTLM0RE & CO., AttortCJS & flaeettson to Chipm B-aef , 629 F Street, Washisgto Americaa and yorcI sTitfi mta nrosured In til conntri- tl V 1 ;nc;i.;S jsometulll2. u;e i iitTeii t enfet l I ii - - "--i -. . .. . . :a k. iro.ii mat enUT tiu : ibs LllV V J" lion't be- ... . ;:. iii'a-.ii. i'roe, it will uc vl uieadbtuUs, provis- , VvV.Sc;!. inatL-rl.ils, &c, but i. j.y oimpJy sup v...' , i: f I'-i-t. ijip-ner i'lv ;;.i-tr a'.id corn. " i" r.-.s.'u price fur labor, ..it c-.i!;iis aaiu our uiauufac- .-1 foaipoio with those of j u w;'i-bo'cue clldct. v. mo'i; i; iMi't. Th-.-n : - r. i hoix 'i ! U a dcniami i n , Ti.eyT' lay iuore for : .I? v. ntb h-ii', and our iiKvv. Tii,it ine.iiis a higher kvlJ will Office; where you will find evervthinsr in tli STATIONERY: LINE as cheap as it can' be ought at the .North. : It's ah so, ca" and see if it is nor, At Danforth's, pr tho I'ot Office. Keystone Printing Ink Co MAXUFACTIJBfcP.S OF -PRINTINGJMKS- BOOK AND NJvWS BLACK A YKAK. 5 0 CchtsTor Sis IKZonths. An extra copy to every club of ten, THE Mil tm DAILY HERALD I'abi!i:.'od cvo:-y dav in tbe year. S10 j.:sys o :c yea.-, Sundavs included! P:l ' -or.or.e.ye..r. wrhout Sundays. " 0 c ? j.jr a.x f'1!, Sundc-y.s iucloded. ee .4 pay. for .'m-iDtlKS. without Sundays. . ' P.iy. for orcyear for-anv specified day JAs. t. T.4M. nmmrei. In all . I 2. W. DROWN Ji SOS, WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS. o. 37 Market strft. ! and condnctinp a renearu. w, iH 2 rlren. to Interferenca Ca P'jraJ dnTerent Statef, gjw1 igtoInventtonjorF (Eetabll3hedl8?3.) ui in w;-eic. irl pays t-.r is-months f l the n-.ilr. $1 pays i'jr one montl: i UARAXTEE tttt? unvrva . I rlren to Interference W Jewelrv. Silverware P .A,- n j. V , ' I t!liTrT wrrrr F1.SXJ. a2vae-- .r United State, Coj f,!!- .Wiond Spectacles. I rTcTC na,ro. invited t(f call and l serTof iiabiriaC fore tae Executtve Departatt dec 13 P2TTEWAT, C. H. SCHCLKtH 9 go up i-.:vr wort! Si proncrtv l-'Aviate still further. Why, X-.'vv Y'-rk won't .ell ,for iv i s mortgages. Yourbanks toc price i r to, or, here 'v. ill ?, even .: -. 1 1 eno i.mi t i .le rcci.i:;o . rcsinuj' svx jo . .iy men ti pardon me, gold paymei4t.s in lbT'J. uuaer . such rircum- tfuiicl-j.'.' T.-cro -is a little, cloud no bigger than , a i.:a:i'f l;ai.tl iicre now, , bat it Will be big enough pn tty s.pn. Something lias to oe aoiif, ar.J the ieopie won't feUiii l fa iling;, 'rhey h.vvc been fooled long t;.n ugii.i Why, tvo-;yeaM ago Stew art Woodtor ! tuuipe.d Ohio for Hayes, urging ueh a puty uam and fraud as this, and the Ueiieral ' took a five cent piece from his vest pocket and held it up between his thumb and forefinger. This was Woodfird's fraudulent argument while stumpbg Ohio for .-Hayes. He would take alsilver dollar from hU vest pocket aud holding it up say, "This is the mouey you want, this is real money; 17 Worth Tifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. no knowledra. Write i4" Mjw free., Rmavo i wn..r;? --.w.xM6 nouse.l : 9- Dajy Edition...Two ard a half cte. per copy ri SanaayEluH,n,...........Fo...1- cents ner orZl K veeK y tdiUon.,,.,; Two cents Zi Lh.mY b "SUULABLY ard ha,e AH CTTicx Aaarcs ;;EV YORK" ttft? i tT rj I iUluoI. tampies of CoITp. d I mptnreo, or ibjbh mZmia&S'Bl '& AH omcrxs. 80iJx A Takrf ordr foVir"? c- c tar pension, ar. ennueaj MS"' . T X- . I riuui BllOlOPra I t-A . . IIBIMII ff im J- .- i.Mitt'n. DKVT sie-nmeni Bni;,.; """"nacon- I . OUR INKS ARE OF A SUPERIOR c aality, bein. made from the best inirrt;- L u d wiu re will a further dient? and oader the personal sapervision cf l.Md u;7 f low - re we goin- to Pra.c,VCaI p"? ' therefore be of a Superior Jet Black, Quick Drvic"-, and entirely free from settinfr-otf. " Our prices are'from 30 to 50 per cent, low- ei than any other Inks manufactured in the United States, i A.trialof a sample keg will convince an v prin ter that h bas been paying nearly double what b. should for. bis Inks in times past- -ui up m regs ana Dirreis to suit parchasers, Adaress. KEYSTONJI PRIXTIXG INK CO., 17 Xorth Fifth Street, dcl5 : Philadelphia, Pa i i Conteated Land Case, J"J(V TV ; ri ?ents for the sah Df Wil pot Wining, PnHnnptM" GIBBS & CO'3 MAViPrrr ikPA ecu ted before the Oenai ALL THAT canifa! I comnlUh nil! . " t:, "C - " tftiJ employed to maintain liiliUS 4 c'0'8 MANlPTTr Vc-r. ,T. I ecuted T before the Genera and the-Rpa.ft nifr 'ULATED (iUAXO SSmtrftae Interior. - PET.TR W i v x. t-nrtt OldBoMtjISrlJ and enterprise can ac- dec 13 i The last Report of ngSiaeSv tr r.nA Warrants ouaxaau- vi cash for them. SSfirS well-known SAPO-1 to perfect tHem. In a eeparate borea gfr?1' -Br reason 1 erroror befoJ CANDY FOR ALL JT-ARRY BERNARD the well known Candy Uanufacturer, corner Front and Cas le streets, is prepared to manufacture Candy for thetrade and private families. Orders dieted. W otice. ESH LOT of the spondence Iron all poini,. nf tZJZ VL- I -'tOLS T00TIT Pictp . ' ." and accurate Local KenortT, and FeXK. Ed n' ' " fit-entTo P -d for sale at 50 ceate per box. War- ct.fuiIv e.u.Ito tLe InUuVS'dsT "ttted the bsKNTRIFICEmanttfactured thMM DEXTI3TRYP-cUcediQALLiUbraacb combined, with oaelrif0' PP. and all mt a is'?cidearihet;T ter ?i.; EXCTD WITHOUT PAIN. I StZ0k phia,; y. aa. "nuwel- ts Dr. CARR- m --..m,.,. -, AddHSS OTJ SBK-T The bftt paner in Penasrirania." Springfield Republican- "-7'vania. including pos oath. Adan THE TIMES, 713 Chestnut sL, Philadelphia, M Dr. CARR'S old esUblihed office. TERMS, incladini? tnfa . ..-m VABB & SON. - 50 cents a month. Adar ' . Cr I N.38 Market Sf- P.O. BOX 4. dee 3 A DYERTISE taw, Patent and Owiec- jj . Co.eitlucKT. GEp.JLP.

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