JOSH KT. JAMES, Ed!, and Prop V WILMINGTON. Nr C. f SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1877. VIEW AND REVIEWS. The luttau , Government ha uvlercd the dissolution of all internationalist so cieties in Italy, and the police have seized tEelr eHeclsv A number of papers have been found, revcaln's the objects cf the tereral associations, their ...tended pro pjgin'daV an 'the Wans to be employed fof Carrying out their views. The treasu rtcthocietieavcre all empty, and thevcryJagQts of, subscriptiuiisi jus tified the emptiness. - .tJ9)pfT0?WScruls great er in Paris this season than several years past, and the good effects of their ar.iyal hare 6ttanf been felt by the Paris tradez rucn. who long for the great exhibition, which will certainly set them afloat again From the 15th to the 28th of Febi-uary. 18,740 travellers were registered -at the different Paris hotels. During the same period of the previous year the number of arrivals failed to reach 15,000. i A rarjsian manufacturer has re an order from Turkey for a large br of white shirts upon which exjracls from the Koran arc to be printed iiij sky blue letters. Upon a number of ivhile woolen under shirts is to be stamped the acivc-u i mrn- signature of Mohammed. The articles are intended for distribution to Turkish soldijri(-whea upon especially dangerous duty, to stimulac their courage undo the irapresa'.bn that they arc talismans. ' Andrew, 9. llolenbcck, proprietor cf the Franklin llouse in Waterloo, X.-Yhas a fish taken from Cayuga lake that no fish erman recognizes as among the known fishes.' On Saturday night the iisl. jump ed out of thejKjuaiium and was apparent ly dead. Iu the morning, to preserve it Mr. llolenbcck put it into a jar of whis key, and there it remained until this morning. Then, looking at it ho found il alive. Ho at once . returned it tj the . i&iffrfW trhcro it is apparently as well aaercr. A calculation make forty yea.s ago stated that for home use and for export purptfebs 20,000,000 pins were required' daily in England. The real quantity now is puoduccd is 50,000,000 pe- y, of which ' Ur:mibghavn 'produces 37Vj)00,000, Icaviig '13,000,000 ;s the prrkliirtinn nf ,, Slrou..', mi Dublin, whero puis arc als j made. The weight of wire consumed annually in the i manufacTWreefttngland is about 1,27 , tons,' or 2,850,120 pounds, one-eighth of I which is iron wire, used in the manufae ; ture of mourning and hair pins. Charles Mathews now over seventy . years old, is playing Younj Wildinj ,in -'The UarM la' London, but he is said ' to lack his former fire. Joseph Jefferson is , doing Hip Van Winkle at the llaymarkct; and W aooti to appear in other characters. MllCj Albani is said, to have received a a 8um3Xd to$800 for singing once at a state reception of President MacMahon in Taris ; but the story is improbable. Nils son is about to begin a season in London. -, W. II. Woodficld, au American tenor, is v singing in .Offenbach's operas in London. Rubinstein is giving concerts at t lie Crys tal Palace. Wagner's "Ring of tho Xibc lungen" is to be produced in Vienna next autumn. Father Giovanni is to leave the priesthqpdfit) ftpnao to become an opera PLENTY OF DEMOCRATS. There Congress than hnd over a Cox lias risoii li Sayler 1 Mr. lilac porting lis is d ff-i. L 1 are more Democrats elected to says the Philadelphia Times, been thought. Mr. Randall has hundred pledged to him , Mr. ninety or a hundred; Mr. Mor is about that ntimber; Mr. as eighty-five that he k.ows of : iburn has all the Southwest sup- him, while the rest are scattered. uing pretty well all around. r The I the dev miss ion a progress The St. when' it break d: is quite nles of the star Cons tan 1 muezzin minaret OT CLAIMED YET. rcaking down of Turkey is not .n fall of Islam. Mohammedan ies have accomplished more for Africa than any other sectaries. Louis Republican speaks truly, ormnlates in this fashion : "To wu a nation is one thing, to de stroy a religion even a '-false' religion- janothcr, . There are more disci- Mdhammed. to-day than there were when the flag of the crescent and first ross above the walls of inople ; and lo ng after the last has been chanted from the of St. Sophia, the faith estab lished )V the Arabian camel driver will remain tic sole spiritual support of mil lions ujlon millions of human hearts." All of devil is kvhich goes to prove that the not chained yet, and that the millcniuih is; not expected to be inaugura- tlio new century. ted witl: THAT Hartford .sensation the sad accord in insatiate them hat. il. I ho ti.u corrcspi ralsship w place to mate of DRUNKEN ATTORNEY GENERAL. ashington correspondent of the Connecticut 2'imes has written a hi letter to that paper detailing histories of certain distinguished men of other oays. now in the poor house in the nation's capital., - Wliercjniion the laleigh Observer' says: Th'j uiifjaitr.i.atc 'gentlemen referred to, to the correspondent, were law yers of learning and distinction, with an appetite for whiskey. Most of been AttorneysGeneral, indeed, . story so touchingly told by the cut be true, the Attbrney-Gene- bukl cedmto be but. the halfway the poor house. Scratch an in- tiiat institution, and you will be sure to liaid a drunken cx-Attorney-Gene- nil, eithc Of course -.North Carolina ha3 one-there. Wo have Lo-.d Du. Ing iu it, seen the storv before, and as Ircaiy would say, there is noth- but as it has started on its rounds Binger. Baltimore meat dealers desire to join in the exportation of fresh meat to England, 're prevented by the lack of freight facilities. Thcreforo they are scnd;ng canned beef across the ocean. Iu their process, the meat is freed of bone and fat, cooled thoroughly in an ice house, packed awhile in spice, soaked in a sweet pickle, and ifcen boilc;l. The packing is done while the meat is hot, and the cans, after sealing, are put into a chest of superheated steam. This intense heat imparts great expansive energy to the vapor that has been left iu the cans, and a puncture of the tin releases it with a . spiri. The meat is canned in single piece k Heretofore meat similarly s-ent to " England from Australia has1 not met with much favor, but the Baltimore butchers are sanguine. of lawsuits far breach of matrimonial promises: In Boston, a gal was engaged to a man who jilled her. Thit was ten years ago. She mar. ic 1 some body else. , Recently she became a widow, and now ebo sues -the original suitor because io will not keep the old piomisc. In Minneapolis, a man "m the compla?aant. lie declare that his pocket and h:s feel ings Have suffered an inju-y ctpial to .WWbj-jUi -refusal of a wealthy dfw niarry hini. Sue promised to do so; and. he gave, up- his . business tf Hiubf kePlnj'tQ 'pfcitc her, thus' causing his bankruptcy. In Montreal a woman of forty failed to secure a verdict agaiust a boy; of eighteen. Ho proved that he bad never meant nor promised to marry ber, but bad regarded her rather in the light of a motherly advisor. State or National. again, it ujay be as well to start the truth in its slow race -al'ter it, even at the risk of spoiling a very pretty temperance item. The correspondent says : "In another branch of the -institution I found a-man who was atone time attorney general ot the tState of North Carolina, and at on: lime not many years ago held a prnnuicat legal position iu the Treasury Department. It' is the same old siory. lie made many friends, and drank a g cat deal of whisky. ' After a while he drank so much that he neglected T about twq his profession and everything has btea about this city for lve vcars, and except duriDg the time he his been under lock and key, he never die' a sober breath. lie is not a 1 pauer nejw, as he has a large claim uelore the Ireasiny Department for cotton taken during th b war, he being a Union man, that v. ill some time brini: him iu a hand- I some 'uieJ on it, and cipai reasi is that he It is to this Nortl haa bev'n 1 say tin cc. roll if Att The only were in ol ttr thisjir. li:gtt;n, ;,rd iciit-Ki. vA Senait-r" l .Mr, -I s tlem :: v. i vvaiiC anu known t j'er t :i!.;ure outside of against th one of th' Sol'. 'it ( r and i:tMin txen, in t! Tht-v all h lie has borrowed a great deal has drank it all up. The prin- li f jr his being put where lie is, sk!c a menu s vest and sold it be noted that for -twelve years Carolina ex-Attorney-General ying in Washington, that is to 8G-3. We have before us the rncva-Gencral of this State i v i i i g e x - A 1 1 or ney s- G en c ral; who ice prior to 18GS, three years af- n is said to have gone to Wash : .jr. Viil:am Katun of War- . 15. F. 3Ioore of this city, u.ti n of Northampton, and . l ttcliel-jr of this city, geu- "stV homes and whoserdaily Lv:j versa tion in lite ie of these j;rntl-nietr, we lx-g tjheir friends and admirers ifije State, hare a cotton claim f'e.Ierai Crovcrnment ; neither l ever stole a friend's vest au uliisky or for anything clsej one of them is now, or has Washington. Miscellaneous. The Atlantic Coast Line I WoWiSGirby,. 5. C, May 2, 1ST P ASSENGEU DEPARTMENT, f rr ' TT IX n DELEGATES TO SESSION OF THE General Assembly of tin; Presbyterian Church; convening at "NEW ORLEANS, MAY 17tb, 1877, will be transported over this Line at the following rates : Richmond, Petersburg and Ports mouth..... - Weldon....:. .. Goldsboro "WilmiBgtoB ............ Florence and Charlotte......... Columbia $1!) 25 :.. 40 25 ....45 75 ... 43 75 .... 41 75 .... 40 00 at which prices BOUND-TRIP TICKETS , ffood to return until JUNE 10th, will be sold. Tickets will be placed on sale MAY 12th. The route of direct connection and. quick time from all points on this line is via Augus ta, Macon-and Columbus. may 2 A. POPE, General Passencer Agent. Receiving and Offering. SOAP, Washing Crystals and Candies, Lye, Potash, Soda and Baking Powders, Distillers Glue, all grades, Lard and Meats, all cuts and sizes. Molasses, Coffee, Corn and Salt. Constantly receiving Samples of the abavc from Manufacturers and Importers. Orders promptly filled. Price and Quality guaranteed. From up Country large Invoice Cooking Futter'to be sold low. Offering Choice Virginia and N. C. Pig Hams, Dried Apples, Eggs, Poultry, &c. Peanuts and Corn solicited on Storage. e have ample room for large quantity. Price moderate. k PETTEWAY & SCHULKEX, ' Brokers and Commission Merchants, ' Next North Princess and Water Sts. may 10 , Notice. KESII LOT OF. THE well-known SAPONACEOUS TOOTH PASTE, JUST MADE -w jJP and for sale at 50 cenfs per box. War ranted the best DENTRIFICE manufactured. DENTISTRY practiced in ALL its branch es, and all work warranted. TE3TH EXTBACTED WITHOUT FAIN, at Dr. CARR'S old established office. - - I 4 THOS. B. CARR SON, april 12 ' No. 'i4 Market Street. Call! Call! Call! AT THE . HOOK STORE i - SECOND STREET. nr tin I'nst Office, where you will find everything in the STATIONERY LINE as cheap as it can be ought at the JNortli. It's all so, call and see if it is not, At Danfbrth'Sa I Near the Post Onjce. Miscellaneous. W lit -at H mm .3 P c a - 2 sSi 4 1 S O m 3 Hzh 2 111 B E33 ' r- en- i a 3 a s -z. 7- o a tf r a P QQ 03 93 W - -I p Oi SCRiBNER'S MONTHLY. Tonsorial. NEW BAEBEK j SHOP. I ' f : f ' "T Y PATJtONS and the public generally iYJ. are respectfully informed tbtt I bare opened a r '" . - v NEW:. BAKBER SUOF, at Xo. 7, South Front "street, where the fol lowing low prices hare been adopted : Shaving 10 cents ; Hair Cutting 25 cent ; Shampoo 25 cents.- Open on Sunday morning. dec 18 CHAS. E. CLEAPOR. Aa Ux!uvali:i) Illustrated Magazine april 12 "DON'T FORGET" J. J. SHE P A RD can be found ON NORTH SIDE MARKET ST., Between Second and Third Sts., Ready and willing to do all kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, &c, inm.aiMitnmii iim itre well k poor house, at kbitualiy live at home, iu the pracilcc vt their profession, gave Senator the I'niUd Ho muel pretty ten tii:c. There arc (crests, whi ho spends much of his time' in States Senate. . for the story. It would lie a pcraucc story ( only " it was how sixty-nine daily, weekly pc- i jr.ontliU printed in Bengalee and. Taniifi. the two languages in India in which the greatest. literary activity i &l present th wn. Twelve of these arederoted i to Vssi:luinan and twenty to Christian in- Se the rest are purely Ilindoo. Miller & Co'c INSECT POWDEH ! Warrant- Polk JTALIAN ed to kill Kebche. Flica. Fleas. Ants. Moth. Croton liugi Bed Bugs, Mosquitoe. Chicken, r iowm iiint jvieion Unw, ana ail otcer species or Insects. Not boisonous to human beings, do mestic animals or fowl. apt 24 llll UUUX JLilMlUiIll ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE USE Cotton Shippers. - pST Xeat! j printed at LOWEST PIllCE jan IS. S. Cr HtL' Sole Ajrent for VViltningt ' $600 PIANOS FOR S250. And all other styles in the same proportion, including Grand, Square and Upright all FiBst-CLAss sold direct to the People at Factor Prices. No agents no commis sions ; no discounts.1 These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Centennial Exhi bition, and were unanimously recommendedf for the HIGHEST HONORS. Sew Manu factory one of the larjrest and finest in the )rorld. The Square Grands contain Math ushefcscejr patent Duplex Overstrung Scal-c' j tbe greatest Iwprnvemept in the history o piano making. The Uprights are the Finest ix America. Dontfail to write fqr Illustra ted and Descriptirc Catalogue, mailed ; . ee. MENDEISSOUX PIANO CO , apl. 14 ; No. 56 Broadway, X. V. Notice. . LL PERSONS HOLDING CLAIMS against the County of New Hanover, in War rants, Ac, issued previous to the 1st of Janu ary, 1877, arc requested to present a list of the same to the Special Board of Audit with out delay, The lists must specify the Dxis and Xi'yfcER and Axocxt of each Wa-rant, toorether with the name of the person to whom issued, and by whom held. Action will be taken on each c'aim, as pre sented, in accordance witu tne law creating the Board or Audi i. YCM. L. DeROSSET, mchl4 i Chairraao. APPLETOW'S AHEfilCM tYCLOPSJlIi NEW REVISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten "by the ablest writers on every subject. Printed from new type, ond illustrated with Several Thousand , iiigravings and Maps. -, , r i 4 The work originally published under the title of THE NK W AMERICAN CYLCOP DIA was completed in 1873, since which time the wide circulation which it has at tained in all parts of the United States and the signal developments which have taken place in every branco of science, literattre, o.nn art. h.iv induced the editor and tub- When Scribher Issued its famous Midsum- usher to submit it to an exact and thorough mer Holiday Number in July, a friendly revision, and to issue a new edition entitled critic said of it : "We are not sure but that THE AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. vihTiP- ha? touched hie-h-water mark. We Within the last ten years the progress of KrP what "worids are Teft to it to con- discovery in every department oiknowledge do not .see tnat vorias are leit to it to con hasmade a new work of reference an lm- quer." But the publishers do not consider pgrative want. that they have reached the ultima thule of The movement of political affairs have excellence they believe "there are other kept pace with the discoveries of science and worlds to conquer, and they propose to their fruitful application to the industrial conauer theiu " and useful arts and the convenience and re- Th nrnstiprtii'! for th new volume eives nnement of social life. Great wars, and con- Ihe prospectus tor tne new iume Jf; sequent revolutions have occurred, involv- the titles of more than fifty papers (mostly ing national changes of peculiar moment, illustrated, by writers of tho highest merit. Tuo civil warof our country, which was at Under the Jcad of v its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily ended, and a ktE?AVAiryn T'vovaI " new course of commercial and industrial UlTficin 8 I d VCI activity has been commenced. " . . Large accessions to onr geographical we have "A winter on the Nile," by Gen. Mc- knowledge haveheen made by the indefati- nipllrm : 'aiihtprinra About Constantino- cable explorer of Africa. nlo."bv Charles Dudley- Warner ; "Out of r The great political revolutions ofthe last ler ser evervone is curious to know the particulars (ireat battles nave Deen lougtit and impor tant sieges maintained; of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the trasient publications of the day, n.nrl wliioh nnirht. now tn tulre thpir nlftPft in f i , it. . i i . . . r wtiosc story oi "oevcnoaKs g ayc me iuguw permanent and authentic history, satisfaction to the readers of the Monthly. In preparing the present edition for the The scene of this latest novel is laid on the press, it has' accordingly been the aim ofthe banks of the Hudson. The hero is a young editors to bring down the information to the i k., ,v-,T-ian's lowest possible rates, and to furnish an ac- man who has been ahvays "tied to a woman curate CCOunt f the most recent discoveries apron strings, but who, by the death of bis in science of . every frehs production in mother, is left alone in the world, to drift on literaure, and ofthe newest inventions in the current of life, with a fortune, but with- the practical well as to give a succinct out a purpose. . and original record of the progress political Another serial, "His Inheritance," y Miss, and historical events.- Trafton, will begin on the completion of "That The work has been begun after Ipngand t ' ft r nvvl.ip'f bv Mr Hodo-son Burnett. careful preliminary laboi-, and with the most H o Ln""e s by Mrs. itoagson jsurneix. araple i esoures for carrying it on to a sue- Mrs. liarhetts story, begun in August, has a c ful temination. pathos and dramatic power whicn have uecn None ofthe original stereotype plates have a surprise to the xublic. I been used; but every page has been printed i V ";n ;t-7if .y expenditure, and with such improve- piete in lioen. I mentinitscomnositionashavebeen suesest- Ihero are to be, trom various pens, papers edby longer experiencea nd enlarged know- on I ledge. ' . The illustrations which are introduced for "Homo Life and Travel." fH1 , ' .. , .. : . , feet, but to give greater lueldltv and foice to Also, practical suggestions as to town and the explanations iu the te Vnev embrace country hie, village njprcveinents, etc., by all branches of science and ni iUxd1. uisiory, well-known specialists. . and depict the most famous and lemarkable Mr. Barnard's articles on various indus- features of scenery, architecture and art, as tries of (ireat Britain include the history of we1 as the various processes of mechanics "Some Expriments iq Co-operation." "A ?!Ifulti11?--4 Although, intended for Scottish Loaf Factory" in Jbo Korontor Je ySW number, ana "lotta lanc, itocnuaie, in ue- artistic fixnfilPnw-thA or.sfnffiii-ov ceuiber. Other papers ro, "The British I is enormous, and it is believed they yill lind Workingman's Home," "A Nation of Shop- I a welcome reception as ah admirable feature keepers," "Ha'penny a Week for the Child onne uyciopojclla, and worthy of its high etc. 1 ciiy,iM.-tvi. A "rich! v illustrated series will be ffiven on .,"?w w ynoscnwrs only..nai'. WILMINGTCJNv COMPAQ Office o? GS'L SrmnTExn On and after Rn- i the nassenn-pr ;. J ; nr.iS. V. ui3 the . nuia,fftn"Htt: i tmwu Juroaa will Tk 4 XT Uin . AUi AND P.YUnr, Arrive at Welden at thk Leave Weldon daU.T" ' J h NIGHT MAIL T i T r r : Tir-u aiuicni tveiaonat ili Leave Weldon, daily tL" - ! Arr Dyt? - ?5wr; 4 The Usij Traui" makes "V 12 1 Weldon for all poU V?Se,5! daily, (except Sunday) mond and all rail roJtei HwQ Night train makes close "1" Weldon for all points nefgyi I Pullman's Palace Sleenin r all Night Trains, atd SSR3fc mington to MitfordStotiSW Fredericksburg & Pbtemae rSi Gen'ISup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA m j GUST A RAILROAD . ' Wilmington, N. C., M,j5 jg. CHANGE OP SCHEDCtt On and after Sundav, May k V: in in- schedule will berwaS! DAY EXPRESS AND lUttlRAlJ . V except Sunday.)" Leave Wilmington.... j, Arrive at i lorence........: t Ziz Leave Florence...... ...1. .' "i Arrive at Wilmington..'..'.""' ! NIGHT EXPRESS TRaS1di2j), Leave-Wilmington..." Leave Florence ...W.....1J Nil Arrive at Columbia.........."!'.' Arrive at Augusta...;. 1 it A Leave Augusta. ........JlZ 9 4if g Leave Columbia...; .....'.."L.1ij Mil Leave Florence, 4 in Arrive at Wilmington.......!! sl This; Train will (inly stop at Rettijrta, Whiteville, . Fair Lluff, Marion, Tsm,1 Timmonsville, Sumter and Eastorer betrta Wilmington and Columbia. :; . THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIX (d4 cert Sundays.) " . Leave Wilmington. iXtl Leave-Florence.... JJ01I Arrive at Columbia.........; . 10 Mil . Leave Columbia............; 4 tit t Leave Florence....,. .......-.-" 31 ' Arrive at Wilmington... . 12 00 Jf uikrtsi should take Night Express Trail few w ecade. with tne natural result 01 tne lapse Vuuu "j ",?"r, nf time. hav brousrht into public Vxew ft ; "An American in l urKistan, etc. 1 nree multitu'de of new m n wnose' names are in lal stories are announced : every one's mouth, and of whose lives ichoias Minturn, tt v Dr. Holland the Editor, IS- There-is to be a series ot original ana ex- 1 on new type, lormmg, m iact, anew cycio uisitcly illustrated papers of "Popular poedia, with the same ; plan and eompassag minjrton. JThrugh Sleeping Cars on nigtitnisi for Charleston and AugnsU. '! . . Pat lor Car oii Day Express ni l'iil W Charleston. 1 . JAMES AJfDEBSOy, hi ay 7 . General wnmenatiHi "Amprie ir Sdoi Lj by Flood and Fu-ld " bv i4UAt;o" eu very oi each volume. It will be American apoiw D.r iiooa ana Held, Dy completed in sixteen large ootavo volumes, various " liters, and each on a different each containing about 800 pages, fully illus- Uienie. The subject of r trated with several thousand Wood Kmrrav- ' Household and Home Decoration mcs, and With numerous colorer! T,i( hnfrrarv- o"rr 0 Hi Happy Kelisf to Yocs ilu from the effects of Erronuif $J Abuses in ea-I life. Ma- Si to Marriage removed. Xc l u! method of treatment. S,f will have a prominent place, whilst the latest PriC and Sfvlfi nf "Rin rlin cr productions of American humorists will an- tlUU OiyiO OI -Binding. pear from month to month. The listpf short- Sj 2 td f.nV-5 and circulars wnt free M .1 in sealed enveiopw. a Mi HOW A.ED ASSOCIATIOJ, ! III ftXtra fTlfit.M nor vrkl ft.', nn . T il er stories,; biographical and other sketches, Leather, per Vol, 0 00; Jn Half Turkey Mo- etc. , is a long one. , roco, per vol, $7 00; Jn Half Russia, extra The editorial department will continue to Pr vol, 8 00: In full Moroco, antique, employ the. ablest -pens both at home and gllt edSeS per vol, glO 00; In Full ltussia, onrrl Tlinpn ivil! Kn o cl PCf VOl. 10 00. u.a.utvt. Aajvi.v fcu th OIZL IvO Vl ICILCLS UH I xinth st, nihdeipbii, n U An Institution nanng m reDUtationfor bonorbe cob-l duct and pro'egsM rtin- n- . z t. i literary matters, from London, by Mr. Wei- ."e"iu? I """.'-?. uuiu wmpieuoD, win oe issuea 'V . i once m iwo. months. . ine pages oi tne magazine win be open, as Specimen pages of the American nv f.PV TT A oh ntiri in 11 be sent gratis, on ap 1 1 irut-f Ttano nnn : suc ai ana rengious me oi tne world, and I A , .r1 '"anomi fp?ciaT v to the fresnest thought of the Christ- Address the Publishers. lan tli inkers end scholars of this country. - r(; tppr rivw c An We mean to make the magajsine sweeter . - - t v. j.LLLih,LU2 cc IU.,, and purer, higher and nobler, "more genial ,. ,0 , ' r 7" ' and generous in all its utterances and influ- 543 & "55 HROADWAY. N. Y. ences, and a iro.e welcome, visitor than ever -' a rpg betore in homes of refinement and culture. FIFTEEN MONTHS for S4. Watchmakers, &c. W. BROWN & SONS, ERS AND JEWELL N"o. 37 Market jtr?etj E. Allll?( ; TASHIONALE BARBER, r Front Street, onderParfl. tt-:- fit.'.- Shavine and say done in the highest style , of to Attentive and polite Barber! w. to wait uuon customers. feb 24 . Tntatlished 1865. V GILMOBE & CO., AHorrejs alto Successors to ChJpmaa, 629 F Street, Wadiatfffl, American and ToreiguW Patents nrocured In all tfioOLg advance. No charga granted. No fees jJIt Sminations. No additional fcgjg. and conducting a rehearini. jjig T..waMiiirii Cases o"iLfc5 Sciibncr for December, now ready, and WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS which contains the opening chapters of ' "ictolas Winturn,' nil 1 be read with eager . curiosicy and interest. Pcrhats no more readr.ble number of this magazine has yet . Wilminirton. X. C. been issued. The three numbers of Scribner (Established tainlnjr the oocninir chapters of "That I...J T f,,r ...: J' -..1.Y-NE .WOKTH MTett to InterfereM" iCM i . . or Flies " , FOB PAKraxjT Of HX -t Agents for the DilmonHS,,, a DWWA.Vr.7.nBS uommission, aau o "iL.- number. Special terms . on bonnd volnmw. Subscribe with .js nearest bookseller, or send a check or l O. money order to fcCKIBNER & CO., 743 Broad war, N. V, ec 28 OFFICE OF oya uviNs and our dead. TX ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SURSnRT. J. bers with numbers due fh Kir nrr111'?0 UUtt 11 VIA tr AND th.Vvrh ..JI.A"11' and PWe u -i m uiuniuiy parts. 2o J AS. T. PKTTEWAT, lERCIMllISl COMHISSIOH "AND Df,AU oruRerage House. -LLECEIVE RKfJTtr. a i?t v .' j ii,:,! , ana uave fore the Executire Deparoaw- war, or their heirs, afj to JgJtSj money fromthe GoTernmenUrf no knowledge. Write ftUlJjf atata amount of pay aid ffi' jj- close stamp, and a fall rPV - . will begiTen yoo free. . t. . f WlttS4aifis5 .niBjaili.?5f. Spectacles and Glasses. fJlHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER oreji jo this citj at prices ranging from 23 cents to $10. . Call and examine for yourselves. ' ap? 25 ; ? ' ; J. n. ALLE N. QUBSCIRBB 0 THE bers except September and OctobSr MM, sinmefc-fed11 0t,Cr 0rd aidcon- , 'Valtea SUtei GW should they need any to complete their files: ?re f nLdOM IgSjyB raicEs roa bocsd voltes s GIBBS it, UO'S M.A VI Pfif pt . 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