k. the U'ttUtifuIrain. ! 5ffiVkli So more cornpla n; yf,,H,l "rrinklc their jeweucu - Mini the dlfir-clnd Irr CVS CIU( .Tll" JUL'!i which Jem ,,h w-r tumor in .k nVrroU.ofr tho leaves; ami me i'hii.j. 1 . ; rtinlf tfJ-ti twitter anfi ains! , 5be "iVJov S n", little ones four. y ftotU 7n S and il PurV ;. .nil niai - . .... i.. . rVin-.s in tlic beauimu ram itrj- tn-' - . in jtLidsomo glee. lettering foot. fci.1 Iw;n thednsty streei. :frvi ";;-, ftn i rainbow IftUen, rtiyyontli and rnnkk-n .hi tSrouitihout again jo'ki 'llkc' Dooth ' Ijritarofabfurd.stone. arc going the f, ,u r,rcsi as to the diepositioa of V flVilkcs EootL. The latest t?iJ ,'ctr,c' of itu1rfi11, f rsthc bclv was sunk hi .a lake l'.5.4i-.l,iw Alexandria, Va. The The to the ndrew ZxvUlk f.tcts areas follows : r;UtolrfeIiverca tc 'i..rr,.jli bv President At ;U .Mra II." Wearer, an under ;;,(' this city, was scnttoWasbingtoi jtoily Hiring it here for inter , Alwx was taken up from the building and delivered to mm. il l)v him to Baltimore, and mSicd by. him and . a reporter of at hi room on rst rayeue tt mi... 'I'liif f,iiinl in it n wraiTe i ii) an army o aunei. L , w.itikt was taken til tlic Uiai covered witn n powder nav (jkipiKMrauce t' 5 ):iptune, and on IrubbcJ between the ringers it dis WJjust as suupstuno will do. On Q,t i x-t was an army bhoe, cut open p its entire length, as if to ac jiiie a swollen foot. On the other parse cavalry boot. The 'reporter ;jtGE"Wf exainiml the boues in and Uljtibtje, am! f-r smc time could K injury. lM:evii)g the body to be Wlrjoth.tbe .reporter m.vJo a per aUtwniination, aud at last "di.seo ltlihitthc kg was fractured clear kijh just above the ankle. The pre as clcaily marked, and the it be! m-the fracture bciug lifted out : b'i, the cnU of the bones were of ire nhik'iiefcj leaving no doubt as to i t tint Inxilh in leaning from the i, Ul fractured Iv.a right leg-, not r.ucJ it. M the identity of the boily was not pftctntily established, especially as : 'a no part ol the spinal verterbro? and to mark of any bullet upon : A iTotjcrt I.Hit!i.s was sent tor,- wtsicd to think of florae peculiarity, ! ciiated, in the structure of his tUt would forever remove any & iiicr thinking for a brief while the to aid that all that In could re'mem- f fa that his; bn-thcr lad his tooth aw;Ui goM in a peculiar manner. fccriWthc positiouof the tooth, and mil pencil the shape of the plug, is "of unusual size. Th tpnth f-titavut, and the tooth was found yi just ai described lr the brother. of ww.Kttmg at nst any ouestiou J"J or that body. The body was Mr,ih his grandfather, father, and fUron of the (mT. Baltimore Hiscellaneous. Miscellaneous. right mm ! ! We Expect You ! A .NDiOL'K WEW GOODS arc ready to you sec welcome! von as vou will welcome the m when the line assortment and the rcinarka biy LOy PRICES vrecuu aflord to sell at. WIIlTEj 8HIRTS all made at 93 ceo.ti. HLUE ELAX.XEL SUITS, at SG.OO and Steamship Lines, &c. Siail-f i'more AND Wilmington, i3. C.v ' .STEAMSHIP LINE. uiiwurds. CASS1MEUE SUITS riiui T.OJ up- COTTO.VADE SUITS from 1.50'up. . r . ! ' Abo full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS At Prices t suit all. ' ' SOL mny a BEAR & BROS-, 18 & 20 Market St. N. C, Hams. 1I10ICE LOT X. C. and Virginia rig. V Uutter Tabic and Cooking. Bacon Sides and Shoulders. Lards in Tubs, Dried Andes. Eggsi, Chickens, Turkeyg, Ducks and vxceac. t Corn Glue, Spirits Caikc, tc., Lime Geese Feathers. The above jrooda are consisrned. We close them out daily at low prices. Take the trouble to look up our plctcc ot business and see how very low you can buy. bend along your orders. Sustain ui and we guarantee to kec up the supply.. PETTEWAY cc SCI1ULKEX, f : I - - s i 11 rokes and Commission Merchants,' Next North Princess and, Water Ste. mav Hi 1 Thct earner Miscellaneous. a o I y Miscellaneous. PROSPECTUS FOR 1877. UPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, AN ILUs'IKATLD M'J.NlllLV CF Popular. Literature,--Science anfl Art. E)B J)B IFoSey, Capt. Price, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE OX SATURDAY, MARCH To be succeeded by Stmr. 24. CAPT OLIVER, On Wednesday, March 28, and thereafter sailing 'fruai Ualtimorc evvry WEUA'ESDAY AXD SATURDAY. A News Paper, PROSPECTUS OF THE 'I : Maryland Medical Journal, BALTIMORE, MJjt I 5 .1 9 g M t U . O i! I 7. r7 . - 2 c8 sec JX THE FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, the undersigned will issue, in the city of Bal timore, the lirst number of The Masyla.nd Medical Journal. It will be a monthly pub- lcation, dievoted to the advancement of Med- cine in all its branches. Each issue of the Journal will contain orijri- nal articles, from representative men in the profession Careful selections from foreign and home journals will be made with a ppecial view to the requirements ot the practitioner. lieports: ol the progress ot burge'v and Medicine in their special, as well a3 ecneral branches, iincludinir Diseases of the Eve and Ear, Diseases of the Nervous System, Diseas es peculiar to Women, aud Diseases -of the Throat anil Chest, will be regularly givenby men eminent in these several, branches., these reports Wih be an exhibit in abstract torm of the progr&ss in each of these special depart ments during- the vear. The proceedings of Medical Societies will be published as often and as fully as their im portance justifies. . 1 Prominence will be given to rare and inter esting! cases in Ilospita1 and Private Practice New Instruments aJ Appliance, NewReme dies and improved methods of managing dis ease will be specially treated. New medical publication, as they appear, will, be critically and impartially reviewed. No labor or expense will be spared to ren der th MAnrL tXD Mldical Jockxal, a wel come visitor to every physician desirous 'of keeping pace with the progress" of Medical Science ad developed both abroad, and at borne. j Contributions, on subjects of intorest to.the profession! respectfully invited. I v' -i mi .ti... -i..w r..-iJ Daorea. printed from new tvee. on heavy cal- endercd paper ot lue hnest quality. The subscription price will be $3 per an- aperof the finest quality. "1 ffi iis5i s pSton City Directory. nam, invariably in advance, delivered free of postage, f - ::' ii. t. 1. MA.NM.ib, yi. f. T. A. ASHBY, M. D. march 2t Oardenin? for Profit! If VOU Wi: !i to bocome a Commcrpial Florist, read . Practical Plorticulture !J - i ' . If you wish to Gard.-n fr h.ne U33 only l a 1 Oardraing- for Pleasure ! A'l by Peter Ilenderson. Price $1. oOeacb, postpaidj by mail! i1 & CO., Compilers. Ouft 0!nbint'l CATALOGUE for 1S77. OF "fltU MICH SATISFAC- EVERYTHIWC FOK THE G- stir don, X'uuibyrini 175 page?, with 1 colored plate, community and citi- j tIit that we hue commenced' TWT"'" ' tad trnrt that the liberal pat- o all custrtmers of past years, or to those who B-iJ to rin r i nave porcuascu any oi mo aoove uooss ; w ! wtUUBATISFAC- i5!!..' i Xuuiburini 17' I I 'uruwr tnort mi j be others on receiptor 2o cent?, i Tle tdr. Plain Plant or Seed Catalogues without L DU of a; good City plate, free ito applicants, ntlo I PETER HENDERSON A CO.. ' - , crer Citimatcd, and we . Seedsmen, (Martct Gardeners and Florists LrT' I 3.V Portland t st.. N'eir Yhrk nil- vbp. i SUERIFF A CO. APPLES NT ELEGANT." to by one Dozen, TRY THEM ! MYERS, 1 13 XHOH5 BT. jn.!3 J MOZART SALOON, Wo. 1, Qranite How, Front Ct. :tai rpUE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE ii making improvement and has now means of sunpl jiog bureustomcrs with Ice Cold Lager, i 1 frcsblj tapped. The following genuine im ported Rhiein Wines Marcobrujiner, Ruede khelmer, jCiersUincr, Griscnheixaer, and Fancy Southern Drinks a tpecialtr. , r way IS I JOHN HA AR, Jr., Prop. J2& Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing of-Eteamers as advertised. Through Sills of Siading gcn to and from Philadelphijr, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. For Freight Engagements'applv to A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, Wilmington, EST. C. . L. S. BELDEX, Soliciting Agent. REUBEX FOSTER, General Agent. Corner Lee and Light Street?, Baltimore. mcfi 21 CLYDE'S Mew York AND - Wilmington, iy, Cr, SIS1VII-WI3232SI. Steamship Line, s published every eveaing,J Sudnday excepte -AT 5 -A Veair, Or 50 cents a month, not strictly in advance :o :- The Steamer BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JOSIB WILL SAIL FROM NEW 0RK OX SATURDAY, MARCH 24. The Reading Public are respectfully inform ed that it shall be the constant aim of the pro prietor to furnish them with i -I -A LIVE NEWSPAPER, containing the latest news of tha day, and en deavoring to keep its readers fully informe in regard to events of interest and importance occurring in every quarter of the world, OUR DAILY. MARKET REPORTS To be succeeded by Steamer P CAPT. WAKEL3Y, On WednesTay, Inarch 28 Win : full and correct, and will oc kept pcn"until he latest possible moment. M-cr- 1 chants in the city and country may rest as- I ' sured that they will be thoronghly reliable. The (Mews Columns a- Shipuer civ. rctv upon the prompt sailing of bteamers as advertised., "'"';V. SAILING FROM VJL3ITXJTOX SfX- . ' DAY AX WEDNESDAY. For Freight Engagements apply to A. 3. CAZATJX. Agent, Wilmington, K". C L. S. BELDEX, Soliciting Agent. WM. P. CLYDE k ,00., General gents, 6 Bowling Green, or l'ier 13, X. R., Xew 1 ork. too f HI YORK JAMES GORDON BENNETT, r n o r n i e t o n. -: o : P O S T A G E F II E E . ONE DOLLAR iEU YE All. 50 Cats far Sis XVZonths. An -extra copy to every club of tec. THE NEW YORK DAILY HERALD Published everv dav intlie vitr. " " '- .rosTACiE ei-:e. $10 pa.- !'r one year. Sundays included. $8 pars fir one yeir, without Sundays. $ pays for.'sixjtnonths, Sundays included. $4 pays for six month?, without Sundays. $2 pays forgone year for any specified daj of thweek. $1 payfor six u:cniiic r any speciiied day of the wee k. $1 pays for one month.. Sundays included. EYSDEALEIiS SL'LTUED POSTAGE FREE. Dxilr Edition.-.Two and a half ct. per oosr i Kiitinn . tour eenu rer eorv ; tt-LUHSJ " " - - K J -r-r-r . . ' t J ! I . Tn- .. r, . rt ee.iv ruiw-uu-. " .uu pc Address, XEW YORK HERALD. dec27 Broodwav and Ann ft., Xew Yo rk A Free Lunch. T THE 1XXTEXNTAL, Xo. 12, Market street, eve v uar. i ume joap.irom n to i o'clocjc. Al, Wines, Whiskey an Cigar for a consideration. nij l JOHN CARROLL. FRANK H. PARBY,. TTORXEY-AT-LAWr m 1 Ofl5c in Journal Builiiag, Prin cess street, Wilmington, X. C. apt 14 Vill contain the reports, boU of news and markets, received her each d-iy at noon, id th-j - y L O C L D E V A R T.M E N T Has been placed in careful and experienced hands. Friend? in the sectiou of country eon-nuUt-d with this city, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter est to these columns by forwarding any itfms of uews that miyccur in the.r respective localitie.. - "ALL CuRUKSrOXDEN'CE, Ua niater3 of general tnteret will be gladly received, but our friends must bear in mind that they must write only on one side of the paper ; that they Uiust forbear useless verbi age, must correct thi-lr own manuscript and njut avoid abusive personalities. &? A rc I!abk name must be furnished with cch wm municition, ai ttto Editor will not be held ac t tin table for the views or .language of cor respondents. OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, K.Ti-n c!"re a tjp.; ;et for the tirst isue, t.i5,-in esrccdibglv Saltcring one, and is nb.tb!y the Urgent. buna tide list with which any newspaper in X.ortb Carolina ever before began publication and i now rapidly oa the increase, especially on the various railroad Sices. JOSZJ. T- JAS323S, . ' '-it ' : i :, " . '-".e.r? ' - T Eoiroa PaofaiETO, q Office ob Secrjud street, between Prin me and Chetaal. uear the Pot office. C5 Annouiicomerit for 1877. The number for January bogiho the nine teenth volume of this Magazine, and while-its past record will it is honed be dcemvdT a sufficent guarantee f f future excellence, Lo'J enort will be spared to diversify its attract ions and to provide aa increased Mipply of POPULAR JIKADIXG IX THE II ESI AND MOST EMPHATIC SEXSE. The great, object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish the public - with Literary Entertainment of a Refined and Varied Chapter, as well as to present in a graphic and strikingmanner the mot recen t information and soundest view on subjects of General Intre?t ; in a word to render Lipj.in cott's Magazine strikingly distinctive iu THOSE FEATURES THAT A 1 1 11 MOT ATTRACTIVE IX MAGAZINE .EITEIiATURE. The contributions now-on hand, or special! v engaged, embrace a highly attractive list of " Tales, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, Xarrativcs, Papers on Science and Art, Poems, Popular Essays, Lit erary Criticisms, P. tc.r Etc., BY TALENTED AND "WELL K XuWN - t WIUTEK.s A large proportion of the aVtio!es,esifeciallv those descriptive of travel, will be PROFUSELY AND LEAl'TIl T'LLY -ILLUSTRATED. The pictorial embelishments of the Magazine constitute oneofits attractive' features..' In addition to the General Attraction; of Lippincott's Magazine, the Publhhe'rp would invite attention to the following SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877. 1. A new serial story, "The IVTarauis of Ziossie." by George MacDonald, author of ''Malcolm, "Alec Forbes," "Robert Falconer,"ete. To those of our readers w.ho are fiimiliar with "Malcolm," this new storv from the pen of this distinguished writer will need no re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran tee to others of a deeply interesting and powerful story. It began in the X'ovtmber number, which issue, with th December pa t, will be furnished graits to all new subscribers for 1877. 2. A prof lluitrate litikc -A sketches of Swedish Scencrv and Xiifc, K l'rot. lllard 1-risk, author .of Cornell liversitv, who is throughly familar'with Sweden and its people from personal observation 3. A scries of popular papers on rt and Ai t Matters, by Edward Strahan (Earl Shinn), author of "The Xew Hyperion," etc. 4. .' Illustrated "Sketches of Tuv!, v 5 title ..Pictures from Spain, by Edward King, author of the "Great So a th" etc. 5. Mrs. Lucv II. Uooi.crs lnterccc.inir and PifUjant Papers and Lcttci s from Paris will be continued through the vear. G. The Beauties of the Ihinc will be described in a rithlv illitsti ui' .-t ries of papers. 7. During the vear will . aweara number of handsomely ilIut:-ated short articles, de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in the United State?, England, South America, Japan, Mongolia, and other countries. Miscellaneous. TIIE HIGHEST MMM at the ;;! ; CENTENNIAL EXI1IDITIC.I The judges unanimously recommend th . MENDELSSOHN' PoaimoSp Diploma of:,Honor ani Medal of Zleiit. Placing'tbem in the Front Rank j Without a Suoerlor BELOW mill For strictly first-lass instruments. &iOQ for 82-30. - $C,oO for $275. 8700 for 800. $750 for $325. 8800 lor 8:0. 8000 for $400 ; 81000 fjr 8- -30. ' - N.Coii!tuissiii to Ageutcv ' Nu DibCoi:uta to Tcachcra. No Dcviatiou iu Price. The (Vlendelssohn GRAND, SQUARE & UPWC..T Piaimo Contain valuable ratents and improvements never before introduced. , MATHUSHEK'S Xlw I'aiem Ptrux, Ovjksiel:o ScatE Is the greatest advance in the history of Pia no making, producing the most a?tonishia power, richness and depth of tone, tad tu taining singing quality never before attained, being a "Grand Piano in a Square case.'. Tho Mendelssohn Uprights ARE THE FIX EST IX AMERICA. ' They are pronounced the "Pianos of th Future.", '. Mau Acr.oiY & Waeeroojcs 1 o:. 490, 4fJ2j 404. -400 A: 498 WCtt 57th St. SG ), 8G2," 804 , 868, & 870 10th Avenue. PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL. .Illustrated and desciiptive Catalogut mailed free. IENDELSoriN 1TANO CO., euixess orrics : ' ! Xo. 50 Broadway, X. Y. fVb -Jl FOR SALE BY ALL LOOK AN J N E VS DEALERS.: PRICE. .'i5 CENTS. Teuvs. Year Subscription, $1: Two roj- ies, $7; Three copies, SlU; Five1 copier, Sl'i ; Ten copies, $30; with ,a coj4gratis to the person procuring toe club. icg.e number 35 cents. XoriCE-The Xovember and December Xmtii- bers containing the earlier chapters of "The Marqi'is ofLossie'will be presented to all nc v, annual subscribers for lb77. SrECiMEN X'lmbek mailed, l-ostau"- rai I. to any address, on receipt of 'I'l eent. 3T' To Agents a Liberal Comui-.-ioii v. ill be allowed. Address. J. P. LIPPrXCO'iT, ,V Cm. Pui.!!,. :,. 715 aiil 717. Market t.. Philu'Ici ?-..-. . jan 5 ' ! i t I claim roa tus;. i-iraoVti.' WHITIMEY SEWIIMC SV1ACH1SMES Webster's Unatridged Dictionary ; fur the school it . J,0C0 Engravings ; 1,40 Pages Quarto,' Price $12. AKEwrEAnrnn.,- To the r.,01 Illustrations'Jheretofore in Web ster's Uuibridgcd, we have added fburptfea " ol' - : ""',"-. ,' Colored! Illustrations, i.rigia.ed cxpreScly for the work at targe expense. X'early tvery Sute Superintendent of Public Instruction in the Union, orcorrw- ponding officer, where such an one exists, hat recommended Webster's Dictionary in Jhe strongest terms. Among them are those of Eastern, Xorthern, Middle, Southern, and 1 Western States TWEXTY-EIGHT fa all. The State of XEW YORK has placed 10,000 copies of -Webster's Unabridged in as many of . Lcr Public Schools. " ' ; The State of WISCOXSl about 5,000 neisrly every echool. The State of XEW JERSEY 1,500 uemrf every school. J ; ' t The State of MICHIGAN made provision for all her schools. ;. The State of MASSACHCTETT8 has sup pi ied her echools nearly all. The State of IOWA has supplied bet schools. - ' i - The Sute of COXXECTICUT has mad provision for her schools. Over 3,000 echoob in INDIAJfA were supplied during the year 1S72, and many moreen 1 S73 and 1874. , J" ' ' . In othtr States tnany copies bar beeapr chased for supph ing schKi!f of citiea, on-, : ties and towna, . ,. ,t I What better investment can be made for. j ichoola? - - ' - ! More than tex times as in any are told 'of, Webster's Dictionaries as of any other scries I in this country. i At least FGCR-mTas of all the school-books i published in this countrj own Webster u tbeir standard, and or tbe remainder few'ae knowledge a t standard. . PtMhh, d by G. i C. MERRI A U. -dec . - . . SDringfield Maa. , Tbe following specific p-ir.ti? t.f 53. . ri'Tifr: ; l oreat nimpiic-ity m Construr-tion. . ZSSSSMi. 18600 PIANOS FOE C2T0; 4 Still Ranninsr. Noiseless. ! 5 Performs all Varieties of Work. 6 Beaut j of Finish and Workman- snip 7 GREAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines sent on trial before payment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines, in order for five rears given with t :tb' na chine. Wht Par Old Prices ? For circulars and particular. Address, THE WniTXEY MF'G CO., dee 20 ' PaUrson, X. J. Washington Wois, OOT AND SHOE MAKER AND B Reeairer. Second strett, two doors from Mar ket. Prices Uderateand Best References, jaa S And all other styles in the same proportion, including Grand, 'Square and Upright all 1 last-Cuss sold direct to tbe ' Pxonm at Faerotir Peices. So agents; no commis sions ; no discounts. These Planoe made one of ttie finest displays at tbe Centennial Exbl bition, and were unanimously recoeuDesdedf for the HIGHEST UOXORS. Xew Manu factory one of tbe largert and. finest in the world. The Square Grands contain Hath-' ujbek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improreotent in tbtf history of piano making. Tbe Uprights are the Fimr, ix America. Dont fail to write for Hlustra ted and Descriptive Catalogne, mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIAKOtCO.t , I apL 14 No. 66 Broadway, y.,Y- , rjOSCIRBJi TO TnB ' - DAILY REVIEW" r -!! - I ' i, ! ! ! I i ( ! i ! i j I ; I ! i 1 .